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Unit Defense Paper

Before I begin this unit I am assuming that these students know about
many different explorers such as Jacques Cartier and John Cabot.
Additionally, I am assuming that these students will know about the
establishment of Quebec, the expansion of New France and the seigneurial
system that was in place in New France. The main assumption that I think
the students will bring to this inquiry is that the fur trade was only about the
act of trading and that the fur trade wasnt as much of a challenge as it
really was. Additionally, I think that the students will assume that their daily
lives arent incredibly different from the lives of people in the fur trade.
I am not aware of any family/community issues that I will have to be
prepared to address. The only thing that I can think of is addressing using
proper terms such as First Nations as opposed to politically incorrect terms
such as Indians. I believe that the grade 5 students will already know from
previous units that Indian is not a politically correct term but I think having a
conversation would be a good idea. I am aware of the fact that every student
is different and addressing these differences will be done through my
lessons. I plan to differentiate all of my lessons in order to ensure that the
different learning styles and needs will be met and that every child has an
equal opportunity of learning.
In my grade 5 classroom I only have one student who has an IPP as she
is rather low in both reading and writing. I took her into consideration when
creating the summative task as I gave them a choice for most of the journal
entries to either communicate their knowledge through writing or through a
drawing. I believe that giving these options will allow her to express to me
what she knows without having a major setback from all of the writing. Other
than this student my TA told me that the students all love videos and so I
tried to incorporate videos as much as I could but I also took into
consideration different types of learners and so I have many discussions,
individual and group work, hands on activities such as games and role

playing and also some reading and writing. The school that I have been
placed at is very teacher directed and so I did try to balance each lesson so
that there was some teacher directed and some inquiry based learning.
The big picture of the year for grade 5 is that they will learn about the
ways of life of peoples in Canada and they will examine the ways in which
the ways of life of different peoples throughout Canada is a huge part in the
Canadian culture and identity. Additionally, students will learn about how
many different stories contribute to their own sense of citizenship and
identity. This unit fits in perfectly with the big picture of the year as it is a
major part in Canadian history and it was something that helped shaped
Canada to what it is today. The unit of the fur trade is all about the ways of
life of several different groups. This unit talks about how the ways of life of
the aboriginal and the European people and it talks about the struggles and
challenges that these people faced while living in Canada throughout this
This unit addresses the core concepts of citizenship and identity as it
relates directly to learning about the Metis and their sense of identity.
Additionally, there are many opportunities throughout this unit to have the
students think about their own identity and about who they are as Canadian
citizens. The fur trade eventually led to greater exploration and settlement
which then lead to citizenship here in Canada. This unit directly reflects the
attention to the experiences and perspectives of aboriginal, francophone and
other linguistic, cultural and ethnic groups. Their ways of life are examined
and their perspectives are studied in order to have a more holistic
understanding of the fur trade and the affects that it had on the further
development of Canada and the affects it had on many different groups of
people as well.
This unit provides several opportunities for rigorous, authentic and
engaged learning as there are so many different types of activities that can
be incorporated. Some of my lessons incorporate role playing and playing

different trade games and some have more visual activities such as
establishing a trade post and creating a poster for that trade post or even
designing your own made-beaver token. Also, in this unit I have found many
different video clips and songs that could be incorporated as well. I think that
this unit provides students with several different opportunities to be engaged
learners during social studies.
I think that the most significant question that I will be asking myself as
I plan my daily lessons for this unit is whether or not all students have an
equal opportunity to learn with what I have planned. I want to ensure that
the language all throughout is grade 5 appropriate and ultimately that the
students will be engaged. When planning I need to think about the one
student that I have who is low in reading and writing and I need to ensure
that she will be included in the lessons without falling behind. I understand
that there are some students who prefer individual work and arent too keen
on group work and some students are just the opposite. Because of this I
want to ensure that I have both individual and group work throughout this
unit. Overall, I understand that sometimes some students just wont be
interested in the topic at hand no matter what you do, but I want to ensure
that they are still engaged and being productive with the time that we have
for social studies.

Unit Planning Organizer

Subject: Social Studies Grade: 5
Unit/Topic: The Fur Trade
Date and Unit Duration: March 30th April 21st
1. Unit Overview Critical Inquiry Question
Why was the Fur Trade important to New France?
2. General Learning Outcomes for Unit
5.2 Histories and Stories of Ways of Life in Canada.
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the people and the
stories of Canada and their ways of life over time, and appreciate the
diversity of Canadas heritage.
3. Focusing Questions for Unit (Related Questions)


What is trade and why do people trade?

What were some of the challenges of being a trader?
What was the life of a voyageur like?
When factors need to be considered when establishing a trading
How did competition lead to exploration in the west?
How did people trade?
What changes did the fur trade bring?
How did the fur trade change ways of life?

4. Key Concepts for Unit


Cultural Heritage

5. Specific Learning Outcomes for Unit

5.2.3 Examine, critically, ways of life in New France by exploring and
reflecting upon the following questions:
How do stories and legends of the coureurs des bois and
voyageurs inform us about Francophone history, culture and
presence throughout Canada? (I, CC, TCC).
What do stories about the habitants tell us about Francophone
history, culture and presence in Canada? (I, CC, TCC).
5.2.4 Examine, critically, ways of life of the fur traders by exploring and
reflecting upon the following questions and issues:
How are the stories of the Mtis people, their culture and
heritage rooted in the fur trade? (CC, I, TCC).
How do stories about ways of life in fur trade forts reflect the
British influence in Canada? (CC, TCC, PADM).
What were the main languages spoken by fur traders and their
families in the fur trade forts? (I, CC, TCC, ER).
5.2.1 Appreciate the complexity of identity in the Canadian context:
Recognize how an understanding of Canadian history and the
stories of its peoples contributes to their sense of identity (I,
Acknowledge oral traditions, narratives and stories as valid
sources of knowledge about the land and diverse Aboriginal
cultures and history (CC, I, TCC).
Acknowledge the roots of Francophone identity and presence in
Canada (CC, I, TCC).
Acknowledge British influence and presence in Canada (CC, I,
Acknowledge the contributions made by diverse cultural groups
to the evolution of Canada (CC, I, TCC).
Recognize how changes in society can affect identity (CC, I).

5.S.1 develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking:
Evaluate ideas, information and positions from multiple
Re-evaluate personal opinions to broaden understanding of a
topic or an issue.
Generate original ideas and strategies in situations of individual
and group activities.
5.S.2 develop skills of historical thinking:
Use photographs and interviews to make meaning of historical
Explain the historical context of key events of a given time
5.S.3 develop skills of geographic thinking:
Use historical maps to make meaning of historical events and
List, map and discuss major waterways that have been
significant in the establishment of communities in Canada (e.g.,
St. Lawrence River, Great Lakes, St. Lawrence Seaway, and Red
5.S.8 demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy:
Select appropriate forms of delivery for written and oral
information, taking particular audiences and purposes into
Respond appropriately to comments and questions, using
language respectful of human diversity.
Listen to others to understand their perspectives.

Lesson Overview

Date & Focus


Learning Activities

#1 - March 30th
What is trade and
why do people

#2 - March 31st

Trade Game, and SEE-I

on the concept of

KWL Chart on the fur

trade and a web for
brainstorming answers

Formative I will be taking in
their SEE-I to ensure that they
understand the concept of
Trade. As for the trading
game I will be using
observation, group discussions
and class discussion to get a
grasp of how well they
understand the concept of

Formative, pre-assessment &

summative assessment.
Formative assessment for the
web observation and class

What were some of

the challenges of
being a trader?

#3 - April 1st
What was the life of
a voyageur like?

to this question: What

would have been some of
the challenges of being a

Life of a voyageur
activity chart reading
& video. One side of the
chart has the students
filling out their daily
routine (what time they
wake up, what they eat
for breakfastetc.) The
other side of the column
has them filling out the
life of a voyageur.

April 6th
What factors need
to be considered
when establishing a
trading post?

Establishing a trade post

activity & mini poster.

April 7th

Graffiti wall. I will write

the question on the
board and give students
a few minutes to think of

How did
competition lead to

discussions. Pre-assessment to
see what they already know
about the fur trade/explorers.
Summative assessment at the
end of the unit as this is one of
the required journal entries
that will be taken in for marks.
This KWL chart will allow for
me to understand more clearly
the key ideas that they took
away from this unit.

Formative assessment
observation & class
discussions. Through class
discussions students will be
able to realize how tough it was
for voyageurs in the 1600s and
how different the ways of life
were then in comparison to

Formative assessment
observation (group work &
mini presentations - sharing
poster to rest of the class).
Formatively assessing the
students posters will allow for
me to see whether or not
students understand key
points about trading posts
(such as the factors that tie
into the decision in the
location of trading posts).
Formative assessment small
group discussions, class
discussion & observation. The
graffiti wall activity will allow

exploration in the

April 8th
How did people

April 13th
What changes did
the fur trade bring?

an answer and then have

them come up and write
their answer on the
board around the

for me to see which students

are understanding & which
ones are still stuck and
possibly not able to answer this
particular question.

Creating a made-beaver
token activity. Students
will design their own
made-beaver token(s)
and answer a few key
questions such as their
reasoning behind the
symbols on their tokens.

Summative assessment - The

creating a made-beaver token
activity is one of the journal
entries (culminating task) and
so it will be summatively
marked at the end of the unit if
the student chooses this entry
to be one of the 5 that is

Group & then class

discussion: How do the
Metis people and their
culture fit into the Fur
Cubing We will create
cubes with questions on
all 6 sides and students
will get into groups and
take turns rolling the
cube and answering the

April 14th
What changes did
the fur trade bring?
*Part 2*

Visit from an elder & exit


Formative assessment Group

and class discussion will have
students thinking deeper about
the effects of the fur trade and
thinking about how Metis
people fit into the fur trade as a
whole. Their
thoughts/responses to this
question will allow me to
assess whether or not the
students have understood the
material at hand and whether
or not I would need to clarify
or go over anything at all.
Formative assessment
Observation, class discussions
& exit slips. An exit slip will
allow for me to formatively
assess whether or not having a
guest speaker enhanced their
knowledge of the Metis culture
and/or Fur Trade at all by just
simply asking what they had

learned from the visit.

April 15th
How did the fur
trade change ways
of life?

Create a web for

brainstorming to answer
the question: How did
the fur trade change
ways of life?
**Fill in L column of
their KWL chart
(Journal Entry #2).

Formative assessment
observation and class
discussions. The web will help
me have a better
understanding of what these
students have learned about
the fur trade (The KWL chart
will help with that as well) and
this web will also help the
students answer one of their
journal entries as this question
is journal entry #9.

April 20th

2 stars and a wish on

students 5 chosen
journal entries.

Formative - Peer evaluation.

Presentations today and

journals are due!

Summative assessment on
their presentations rubric
used (attached to the
culminating task).

April 21st

Annotated List of Resources

1. The Red Sash
Pendziwol, J., & Debon, N. (2005). The red sash. Toronto: Groundwood Books.
This book is what I will be using in order to introduce the unit of the fur trade.
It is a part of the introduction of my second lesson and I think that the
students will love it. I think it is a good resource to use because there is so
much detail throughout this book that it has the power to give you a sense of
what life was like long ago. It introduces several terms, such as Metis and
voyageur, which the students will be learning as we go through the unit.

2. York Factory Story

Hudsons Bay Company. Hbc Heritage - York Factory. (2016). Retrieved March
02, 2016, from
This resource provides a lot of detailed information about what life was like
working at the York Factory and included in this resource are firsthand
accounts (Captain James Knight, Governor on the Bay), pictures and also
maps. This resource talks about the York Factory from when it was first built
all the way up until what it is like today. It fits in perfectly with the unit as it
ties in with talking about different jobs that people had long ago and the
ways in which it affected their ways of life.
3. The Trade Game
Foundation for Teaching Economics (2016). Lesson 1: The Basics Still Apply Domestic or Foreign, A Market Is a Market. Retrieved March 0, 2016, from
This resource is awesome as it was easily adaptable to suit my grade 5
students and the unit of the fur trade. I am using this game in order to
introduce the concept of trade and have the students begin thinking about
why people trade in the first place. This game holds a lot of value in the fur
trade unit because I think it will be a fun and hands-on way for the students
to understand the concept of trade and that is extremely important as that is
what the entire unit is basically about.
4. A Brief History of Canada Youtube Clip
Frog Feet Productions. (2008, January 15). A Brief History of Canada.
Retrieved March 01, 2016, from
I was told by my TA that the grade 5 students love to watch videos and so if
there are any good quality clips to throw them into my lessons because they
would enjoy them! So, this short clip is also being used (along with the Red
Sash) to introduce the unit of the Fur Trade. This clip is different and will
complement the book well as it touches more on the explorers and the fur
trade in general rather than focusing more on the Metis and the voyageurs.
5. Establishing a Trade Post Activity
Exploration, the Fur Trade and Hudson's Bay Company (2002). Building a
Trading Post: How to Choose a Site. Retrieved February 29, 2016, from

This resource had a lot of great ideas in terms of students establishing their
own trade posts. I cut a lot of it out and just focused on the small group work
idea that this resource presented. I changed the 3 dimensional final project
to just a poster because of time constraints. This activity has a lot of value
within this unit because it will force the students to think deeper and more
critically in terms of the factors that would come into play when trying to
establish a trade post.
6. Trade Role Play Activity
Glenbow Museum. (2016). Fur Trade: Shaping an Identity Teachers Program
Guide. Retrieved March 01, 2016, from
Trade Pre-Post revised.pdf
This resource provided me with several different ideas in terms of role play
activities. I think this activity will be useful for this unit because it directly
relates to many of the different SLOs of this unit as it touches on the
languages that were spoken throughout the fur trade and the difficulties that
several people/groups had of communicating.
7. Youppe Youppe sur la Riviere Youtube Clip
Fenicnarfabc Fenicnarfabc. (2011, May 14). Andre Bertrand: Youppe Youppe
sur la Riviere. Retrieved from
This resource will definitely be a fun and interesting addition to the unit. This
is a song that the voyageurs used to sing while on their fur trading missions
and I will be incorporating this short song into the unit when talking about
the daily lives of voyageurs. I think that its a valuable resource to
incorporate into the unit because its a more engaging way to talk about how
the voyageurs traveled and how they entertained themselves. Hearing an
actual song makes it a lot more fun rather than just talking about it.
8. Timelines, stories, artifact gallery, & information
Hudsons Bay Company. (2016). Hbc Heritage - Artifact Gallery. Retrieved
March 02, 2016, from
This resource has a wide range of things that I will be incorporating into my
lessons. There are stories, timelines, general information about the fur trade
and also an artifact gallery. I will most definitely be using the artifact gallery
because it will provide visuals for students and they will be able to actually
see what types of items were traded in the fur trade. The pictures are also
very detailed and they all have a short paragraph or two explaining the
artifact and noting the value of the items and who it was mostly traded

amongst. This resource is of a huge value for the fur trade unit as it has all
sorts of information as well as visuals.
9. Life of a Voyageur Youtube Clip
NFB. (2014, May 14). The Voyageurs. Retrieved March 02, 2016, from
This youtube clip is a great resource as it explains shows and explains the
daily life of a voyageur. This works well with an activity chart that I will be
using (resource #10). This video provides students with detailed information
in regards to the life of a voyageur and really shows the daily struggles that
these people had to go through. This video fits in perfectly with the unit as it
provides more information about voyageurs and their way of life.
Life of a Voyageur Activity Chart & Reading
Link to Learning. (2015, March 27). New France - Life of a Voyageur.
Retrieved February 28, 2016, from
The reading portion of this activity complements that video well (resource
#9) as it provides extra information for the students to read if they need
more in order to fill out their life of a voyageur activity chart. The reading
also acts as a reference and so if they missed something in the video then
the reading will provide them with the needed information. The life of a
voyageur activity chart is awesome because it has the students comparing
their daily lives to that of a voyageur and it can definitely put it into
perspective for the students as to how different the ways of life were back
then in comparison to now.

Summative Assessment

I will be providing each of you a journal to write in for this unit and throughout this unit
I will be giving you questions that will need to be answered. Some of these questions will
need to be in a written response format and some will be point form notes and/or
pictures. Only 5 of the 10 journal entries will be assigned an actual grade and you are
able to choose the 5 entries that you would like to be marked for a grade. However,
journal entry 1 and 2 will be provided as homework and will be looked at the next day
but not assigned a grade. So, you can choose any 5 journal entries starting at journal
entry 3 up until the last journal entry, number 10. Before handing in your journal put a
star on the top right corner of the 5 entries that you would like to be a part of your final
mark for this unit. If you do not put stars on any pages then I will mark the first 5
journal entries (3-7). You will be expected to share with the class 2 journal entries of
your choice on the last day of this unit (April 22nd). My expectations for each question
will be provided at the end of each class that has a journal entry question attached to it.
Presentation Expectations:
1. Choose any 2 of your own journal entries that you completed throughout the unit.
2. Think of key points that you want to tell the class about each journal entry that you
Why did you choose this particular journal entry to share to the class?
3. **If you are sharing a picture please make sure you are prepared to share your ideas
about the picture (What is the picture that you drew? What does it represent? Explain
why you decided to draw what you did).
4. Presentations are only 2 minutes maximum!
5. Smile and have fun with it!
Any Questions? Please ask!
Due Date: April 22nd, 2016

Have your journal completed (all questions answered to the best of your ability) & be prepared to share

Teachers Notes:
Journal Entries & Expectations:
1. SEE-I on the concept of Trade (more instructions to come)
This journal entry includes both written response and a drawn image. This
entry must be in your own words and a copied definition from a dictionary or
the internet will not be accepted.
2. KWL Chart on The Fur Trade (more instructions to come)
This journal entry is to be completed in point form OR complete sentences.
Remember to come back to this journal entry at the end of the unit in order to
fill in the column L.
3. When the First Nations people first met European settlers, what do you think they
thought of these new people who looked, dressed and communicated differently?
What would you have thought?
Write 5-7 sentences minimum and make sure to include what you would have
thought in your response.
4. Lets go back in time! It is the 1600s and you are a voyageur who took part in the
Fur Trade. Write a journal entry about the daily life of a voyageur. Make sure that
you embody the character of a voyageur and that you are writing from the first
person perspective. Use the outline before beginning your journal entry in order
to help organize your thoughts and ideas (outline provided to students provided
down below). **
Write 7-10 sentences minimum or draw a picture that includes 2-4 sentences
as a caption explaining your drawing.
5. You just moved to Canada from England or Scotland to work with the Hudsons
Bay Company. You have the job of building two trading posts in order to expand
the Hudsons Bay Company. Where are you going to build them and why?
Mark on this map (map provided to students provided down below**) where
you would build both of your trading posts and give a brief explanation as to
why you chose those locations (5-7 sentences minimum).
6. What examples of competition can you find in your own community? How do you
think competition affects stores, what you can buy, and how much you have to
pay for items?
Write 5-7 sentences minimum.

7. If you had been asked to create a made-beaver token, what images would you
have used and why?
For this journal entry design and draw a made-beaver token and write 3-5
sentences minimum about this token that you created explaining your
8. The Fur Trade brought about many changes to peoples lives. One change
resulting from the Fur Trade were new people, the Metis. How were the Metis
people and their culture embedded into the Fur Trade?
Write 5-7 sentences minimum. Questions to ask yourself Who are the
Metis? What was the way of life like for most Metis? What types of food(s)
were a part of the Metis culture and how did this relate to the Fur Trade?
9. How did the Fur Trade change ways of life?
For this question you can talk about First Nations, Europeans, Metis, or ways
of life in general. Things to think about: transportation, jobs/money, tools,
environmental changes, culture, relationships, economy, etc. Write 5-7
sentences minimum.
10. Why was the fur trade important to New France?
Write 7-10 sentences minimum in order to answer this question.



Outline for Journal entry #3
Location: _______________________________________________________________
How many days have you been traveling? _____________________________________
Describe some interactions between Aboriginal people and fur traders.
Describe some of the difficulties of your journey.
Describe how you are feeling or how you have reacted to an event in this part of the
What are you looking forward to?

What are the weather and surroundings like?

Is this journal entry in the

correct order & organized?

Is this journal entry neat and

easy to read?

Is this journal entry completed

to the best of my abilities?

Journal Entries

journal entry? Do I use lots of

detail and
examples (if
possible) in this

Checklist for students to use before handing in their journal **selfassessment**

(Hand out: April 14th, 2016)


1. SEE-I
2. KWL Chart
3. Life of a
4. Building
5. First
Nations &
6. Competitio
7. MadeBeaver
8. The Metis
9. Ways of

2 Detailed Lesson Plans

Lesson #1
Class: Social Studies Grade: 5
Date: March 30th, 2016

Topic: The Fur Trade (60 mins)





(3 Min)

5.2: Histories & Stories of Ways of Life in Canada.

General Outcome:
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the people
and the stories of Canada and their ways of life over time,
and appreciate the diversity of Canada's heritage.
5.S.1 develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking:
Evaluate ideas, information and positions from
multiple perspectives.
Re-evaluate personal opinions to broaden
understanding of a topic or an issue.
Generate original ideas and strategies in situations of
individual and group activities.
5.S.8 demonstrate skills of oral, written and visual literacy:
Select appropriate forms of delivery for written and
oral information, taking particular audiences and
purposes into consideration.
Respond appropriately to comments and questions,
using language respectful of human diversity.
Listen to others to understand their perspectives.
Students will:
1. Define the concept of trade.
2. Explore different examples of trade.
3. Illustrate a picture that represents the concept of
Whiteboard markers.
Journals x28.
Culminating Activity Outline x28.
Small, easy to exchange items (dollar store items) x28.
28 small brown paper bags.
Before class begins:
Place objects unequally and
randomly in brown paper bags
and seal them.
Divide and label the bags into 5
different groups (A-E).
Mix bags together in a large box.
Introduction to concept of trade:
Class discussion: What does the
concept trade mean? Why do

Class discussion:
what does the
concept trade mean?
Why do people trade?

people trade?
(35 Min)

Introduce the Trade game to

o Give each student a bag
and explain that everything
inside the bag is theirs to
keep and they are not to
open the bag until I say so.
o Tell students to look in the
bag at what they have
without removing the
object or telling anybody.
o Tell students to rate their
satisfaction using a show of
hands on 1-5 rating system
and record tally on the
board. **Explain what 1
means and what 5
o Split students up based on
their group (letter on the
front of their bags) & tell
students they can trade
their item, not trade their
item at all or trade parts of
their item but they may
only trade within their
o Repeat 1-5 satisfaction
rating (whether they traded
or not) & tally on the board.
o Next have the groups
mingle together and trade
(A and B together, C and D
together and half of E splits
and goes with A and B and
half goes with C and D).
o Allow them to trade again
but only within their

Class discussion:
Choose someone to
repeat instructions
back to myself and
the class before
allowing them to
move and begin

Observation: Watch
to see what people
are trading, if they
are trading. Listening
to conversation
amongst the groups.

o Repeat 1-5 satisfaction

rating (whether they traded
or not) & tally on the board.
o Allow them to trade again
with anybody in the room.
o Repeat 1-5 satisfaction
rating (whether they traded
or not) & tally on the board.
o Calculate satisfaction
points for each round
under each category (1-5)
and record the total.

Sponge Activity

(22 Min)

Class discussion:
1. How many people made
What did you trade and
How did you feel after
the trade?
Find the other party who
traded with that person
and ask why they traded
and how they felt.
2. Did anyone trade more than
once? Why?
3. What might we say about
trade based on how the tally
marks changed from each
round (looking at satisfaction
tallies on the board)?
4. Why do people trade?

Introduce culminating task for the

unit & go through outline with
Give the first journal entry
assignment to students (SEE-I on

Class discussion
Ask class questions
pertaining to the
activity and what
they did and didnt
do throughout this
activity and why.

Any questions about

the journal?

Ask student to repeat

instructions for the

Explain SEE-I.
Allow students to begin SEE-I if
extra time allows.

***Due March 31st*** (Formative

Lesson #2
Class: Social Studies Grade: 5
Date: March 31st, 2016


Topic: The Fur Trade (60 mins)

5.2: Histories & Stories of Ways of Life in Canada.

General Outcome:
Students will demonstrate an understanding of the people
and the stories of Canada and their ways of life over time,
and appreciate the diversity of Canada's heritage.
5.2.3 Examine, critically, ways of life in New France by
exploring and reflecting upon the following questions:
How do stories and legends of the coureurs des bois
and voyageurs inform us about Francophone history,
culture and presence throughout Canada? (I, CC, TCC).
What do stories about the habitants tell us about
Francophone history, culture and presence in Canada?
(I, CC, TCC).
5.2.1 Appreciate the complexity of identity in the Canadian
Recognize how an understanding of Canadian history
and the stories of its peoples contributes to their
sense of identity (I, TCC).
Acknowledge oral traditions, narratives and stories as
valid sources of knowledge about the land and diverse
Aboriginal cultures and history (CC, I, TCC).
Acknowledge the roots of Francophone identity and
presence in Canada (CC, I, TCC).
Acknowledge the contributions made by diverse
cultural groups to the evolution of Canada (CC, I, TCC).
Recognize how changes in society can affect identity
(CC, I).
5.S.1 develop skills of critical thinking and creative thinking:



Evaluate ideas, information and positions from

multiple perspectives.
Re-evaluate personal opinions to broaden
understanding of a topic or an issue.
Generate original ideas and strategies in situations of
individual and group activities.
5.S.2 develop skills of historical thinking:
Use photographs and interviews to make meaning of
historical information.
Explain the historical context of key events of a given
time period.
Students will:
1. Create a KWL chart about the fur trade.
2. Analyze 2 videos about the fur trade.
3. Brainstorm ideas using a web.
Laptop power point.
The Red Sash book.
Whiteboard markers.

(15 Min)


(40 Min)

Have students take out their

journals and create a KWL chart
for the fur trade.
Explain a KWL chart and how to
fill it out.
Due the next day (Friday, April 1st,
2016) Just the first 2 columns.
Introduction to the fur trade unit
read The Red Sash and have
class discussion about book
Who, what, when, where, why?
Watch video on the fur trade A
Brief History of Canada.
Continue power point slides - Talk
of the arrival of Europeans.
Video on Europeans and beaver
pelts question to think about
while watching video: Why did
the Europeans place a high value

KWL chart acts as

pre-assessment for
this unit.

Class discussion
prompting questions
while reading the
book and afterwards
asking who, what,
when, where, and
why about the fur
Class discussion
Any other thoughts
about who, what,
when, where and
why in regards to the
fur trade?
Class discussion
Why did the

Sponge Activity

on beaver pelts?
Continue power point slides Talk
of the coureurs des bois (Etienne
o How did they travel? Talk
of birch bark canoe and
concept of portage.
Continue power point slides French government take control.
Students will now create a web
and brain storm ideas answering
the following question: What
would have been some of the
challenges of being a trader?
o First individual work then
with a partner.
o Share thoughts to the class.

-Work on journal entries

(5 Min)

Students share their webs and

responses to some challenges
that would come with being a
Introduce journal entry #3 and
expectations to students.

Europeans place a
high value on beaver

Observation Ensure
students are on task
and prompt students
who are stuck or
perhaps need
help/guidance (ex:
How did the coureurs
des bois travel? Do
you think that would
have been an easy
task? What would
have made it
Class discussion on
some challenges that
would come with
being a trader.

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