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ris Prior is shocked by the video released to the public at the end of the Erudite headquarters raid.

The video revealed the truth about the faction system and announced that Divergent are needed
outside the borders of the city. Factionless leader Evelyn Johnson appoints herself leader of the city.
She forces citizens to operate under her command and live as equal and factionless citizens. Tris
questions Evelyn's motives and is kidnapped by the Allegiant, a rebel group determined to reinstate
their old way of life. The Allegiant invite her to a meeting the following night.
Tris's brother, Caleb, is put on trial for assisting former Erudite leader, Jeanine Matthews. Caleb's
betrayal prevents Tris from forgiving him. Caleb is found guilty of being a traitor and is sentenced to
be executed in two weeks. The Allegiant, led by Cara and Johanna, plan to send a group outside the
city to find the truth. Tris volunteers to go on the condition that Caleb is taken with them. Tobias, Tris,
Christina, Cara, Uriah, Tori, Peter, and Caleb are ambushed after they jump off the train, which
results in Tori's death. Driving through the unknown, they meet Zoe and Amar, Four's former
instructors, who were believed to have been killed for being Divergent. Zoe and Amar take the group
to the Bureau of Genetic Welfare, where they learn the truth about their society. Many years ago, the
government believed that society's problems were caused by "bad" genes. In an attempt to create a
better society, they began to modify peoples' genes, with disastrous results. The government set up
"experiments" in an attempt to repair this mistake, establishing isolated cities across the remains of
the United States. The hope was to raise enough genetically pure Divergent individuals to fix the
"genetic damage" left in the wake of the Purity War.
Tris and Four are tested by Matthew and Nita to verify and study their Divergence. Tris is shown to
be truly Divergent, but Four's genetic structure indicates that his genes are still "damaged". Matthew
then brings Tris to the leader of the Bureau, David, to find out the truth about her mother. David gives
Tris her mother's journal. Four is secretly asked to join a rebellion led by Nita, who is also genetically
damaged. She tells him that the Bureau is lying when they say genetic damage is the cause of
society's problems. She intends to demonstrate that the genetically pure are flawed as well. Four
tells Tris about the plan, despite Nita's warning to keep it secret. Nita and her allies attack the
compound, severely injuring Uriah in one of two explosions. Tris saves David from being shot by Nita
and stops the attack. Nita is imprisoned for her crimes.
Tris confronts Four and ends their relationship. Tris is then offered a position on the Bureau's council
and is told of events taking place within the city, including Allegiant's preparations for war with Evelyn
and the factionless. David is desperate to stop the violence and maintain his life's work, even at the
expense of destroying the memories and personalities of everyone in the city. He decides to use the
memory serum to wipe the memories of people within the city, allowing the experiment to begin with
a clean slate. Tris learns the Bureau created the serums that led to the destruction of Abnegation
and the enslavement of Dauntless. Repulsed by the Bureau's actions and David's decision, Tris
reconciles with Four. With her friends, she begins to create a plan to save her city. The group
decides to break into the Weapons Lab and use the memory serum to wipe the Bureau's memories.

The Lab is guarded by a fatal dose of the death serum, rendering it a suicide mission. Caleb
volunteers for the role, tearfully asking Tris if his choice will allow her to forgive him for everything he
has done. Tris says yes. Four, Christina, Peter, and Amar plan to go into the city to inoculate their
loved ones against the serum.
Christina is able to retrieve doses of the inoculation serum and tells the group to inject themselves
with it. Christina gives an extra vial of memory serum to Four, for use against either his father,
Marcus, or mother, Evelyn, in the hope of bringing an end to the conflict. Four decides to confront
Evelyn. Four meets with his mother and gives her the option of drinking it. Evelyn can then end the
fighting and become his mother again. She embraces Four without taking the serum. They meet with
Johanna and Marcus to put an end to the conflict. Peter laments his bad behavior and violent
tendencies, which he knows will never change. Peter wants to take the memory serum and become
a new person. Four gives Peter the serum; Peter takes it and his memories are erased.
At the Bureau, Caleb is ready to sacrifice himself, but he and Tris are ambushed by Bureau guards.
Tris pulls her gun on Caleb and decides to carry out the mission herself, knowing that Caleb
volunteered out of regret for his former actions rather than out of love for her. Tris tells Caleb that if
she does not return, he should tell Four that she did not want to leave him. Tris destroys the
entrance to the Lab and is exposed to the death serum, but she survives. David shoots Tris, who
lunges for the memory serum and releases it. Tris slowly slips into darkness until she sees her
mother reach out for her. She gladly accepts her mother's embrace, succumbs to her wounds, and
Four, Peter and Christina return to the compound and are told about Tris' death by Cara. Four is
incensed that Tris died for Caleb, even after Caleb's betrayal. Before Caleb walks away, he tells Four
that Tris never wanted to leave him. Zeke and his mother take Uriah off of life support. Four cuts his
hair and is about to use the memory serum on himself so that he can forget the pain of losing Tris
and Uriah. Christina convinces him to not use it, saying Tris would want him to remember her.
Two and a half years later, Chicago is finally at peace, with former faction members, factionless,
compound members, and other outsiders moving about at will. Four spreads Tris' ashes while
ziplining from the Hancock Building, in memory of her. He accepts all that he has endured and
reflects on his belief that while life damages everyone, people can always heal over time.

On July 18, at the San Diego Comic-Con panel for the film Divergent, Roth revealed that Allegiant is
from both Tris and Fours point of view.[9] Talking about this, she said that "I tried repeatedly to write
Allegiant in just Triss voice, but it didnt work; her perspective, her way of seeing things, was a little
too limited for the story I needed to tell, I wanted to do two things with it: A. let two characters

experience different things, and B. let them react differently to the same things, so that I (and
eventually, the reader) would get a better sense of the whole story, the whole picture. [8]
She further said that "Ive said before that Ive always seen Four (increasingly, as the series goes on)
as a plot-mover alongside Tris, so he was the obvious choice for the second POV (though not the
only one I tried). Exploring him and his choices and his assumptions about the world was incredibly
interesting to me."[8]


egiant opens with our hero, Beatrice "Tris" Prior, in a prison inside a prison. See, she's
in an actual jail cell for going all traitor in the last book and revealing information that
has changed the city forever. We're so ready to bust out of this giant fenced-in
city, Shawshank-style.
After Tris lies her way out of jail, she's approached by a group called the Allegiant,
whose goal, conveniently, is to get out of the city. This plan is looking better and better
because Evelyn, Tobias's mom, is enacting stringent rules to keep the citizens of the city
under her control.
Pretty much everyone is a traitor these days, so Tobias helps bust Tris's brother, Caleb,
out of jail, and soon they're all hopping on the Allegiant express out of town. Assisted by
Johanna Reyes, who, along with Cara, is a leader of the Allegiant, they take a train to
some trucks and head outside the fence. Unfortunately, Tori is shot on the way out by a
Dauntless patrol. Good thing she got to avenge her dead brother in last book, huh?
The outside world looks pretty much the same as the inside world, just with more
advertising and more ruined buildings. The group meets a patrol consisting of
newcomer Zoe and Tobias's presumed dead Dauntless trainer Amar. They take
everyone to the Bureau of Genetic Welfare, which is housed inside what used to be
Chicago's O'Hare airport. Along the way, they're told that their city is called Chicago
(making them officially the last people to know this), and Tris is given an old photo of her
mother and some other dude.
The other dude turns out to be David, the head of the Bureau, who, like Tris's mom, is a
lot older now. (Unlike Tris's mom, he is not dead. Amar may have faked his own death,
but Tris's mom is assuredly dead as a doornail.) David explains that Chicago is a great
social experiment meant to correct genetic damage caused by government experiments

intended to rid people of unwanted characteristics like violence, greed, "cowardice,

dishonesty, [and] low intelligence" (15.15). They didn't feel like tackling body odor while
they were at it?
People whose genes have healed are known as "Divergent." People whose genes have
not healed are given the less glamorous moniker of "genetically damaged." After being
tested by Matthew the lab tech, Tobias finds out he's not Divergent and gets put into the
"genetically damaged" camp. Womp womp.
Matthew's assistant, Nita, takes Tobias into the fringes to see how people really live
around here: they pretty much get into violent fights in the alleyways between the
shacks they live in. Nita wants to put a stop to this whole genetically damaged
nonsense, being a GD herself.
Meanwhile, Tris goes through her mother's old journal, which was given to her by Zoe,
whose sole purpose in life seems to be giving Tris things her mother left behind. The
journal entries reveal that Tris's mom volunteered to go into the city to try and stop all
the violence that was happening there. Nice try, Ma.
Tobias eventually brings Tris to meet Nita, who says she wants to steal some memory
serum to keep David and the Bureau from using it to reset the memories of everyone in
Chicago. Tris doesn't believe her, and she refuses to help Tobias. But Tobias decides to
go against Tris andwith Nita. This turns out to be a bad decision, because it turns out
that Nita wants to kill everyone. They set off a bomb, which injures Uriah, and take
David hostage.
Tris is determined not to let Nita get her hands on the death serum (having learned from
Matthew that that's what her plan is), so she ends up grabbing David and using him as a
human shield so that she can escape before he can tell Nita the code for the death
serum. (Got that?) Nita and Tobias are arrested as traitors. Tobias goes free, on account
of him being genetically damaged, but Nita doesn't, even though she's genetically
damaged, too. Who knows how this justice system works?
Anyway, Tobias ends up feeling guilty about putting Uriah in a coma. When Tris finds out
that the Bureau plans to just wipe the memories of everyone in Chicago, Tobias
volunteers to go into the city and inoculate certain friends and family members, like
Uriah's and Christina's families. He also plans to apologize to Uriah's family. ("Sorry I
put your son in a coma, but the explosion was really cool!")

Meanwhile, Tris decides it would be a good idea to let out the memory serum on
everyone in the Bureau first. The problem: whoever enters the room housing the
memory serum will inhale death serum and die. Caleb is nominated because everyone
hates him, anyway. Tris and Tobias split up and get all gushy about how much they love
each other. Then Tobias heads into the city.
Tobias manages to convince Evelyn to put an end to her power hunger and give up
control of the city. She forms an alliance with the Allegiant, and they agree to let
everyone live on their own terms and be happy. Aww. Why couldn't they have done this
three books ago and spared everyone all the trouble?
Back at the Bureau, an emergency lockdown goes into effect, forcing Tris to start her
plan sooner than expected. She decides to sacrifice herself instead of Caleb, because
he's doing it to absolve himself of guilt (wrong reason) and she's killing herself in the
name of love (right reason).
Tris miraculously survives the death serum and opposite-of-miraculously dies when
David shoots her as she unleashes the memory serum.
So, the main character is dead, and the memory of everyone in the Bureau is wiped.
Tobias returns to find Tris dead. He cries and mourns a lot and almost erases his own
memory, but Christina convinces him not to.
Two and a half years later, Tobias proves that fear is not a factor for him when he ziplines from the Hancock Building in Chicago, scattering Tris's ashes all the way down. He
still misses her, but he's determined to look for the good in life with his friends.

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