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: Wanda John

No. Matrix

: A1601489

Describe the movement of water through xylem by root pressure and the cohesion-tension theory of
transpiration. [10 marks]
Water uptake from root to leaves occurs in the transporation stream in ascending motion.
Initially, there are 3 important routes within water movement in xylem. They are apoplast pathway,
symplast pathway and vacuolar pathway. Apoplast pathyway is the water movement within cell walls.
Symplast pathway is the water movement within cytoplasm via plasmodesmata. Vacuolar pathway is
the water movement within cell wall, cytoplasm and vacuole of a plant cell.
Firstly, water from soil is absorbed by root hair cells and other epidermal cells by osmosis
through passive transport. This creates an absorption pressure gradient (concentration of dissolved
substances) between the soil solution and the cell sap in vacuoles. Therefore, water molecules move
into the cell vacuoles. From the root hair cells, water enters and pass through the cortex which
comprises of parenchyma cells. Water movement in the cortex may occur by the three routes.
Continuous discharge of water from the cells of the cortex into the xylem vessels of the root produces
an osmotic gradient, which is needed for water to be absorbed from one parenchyma cells into the next
in the root,
Transpirational pull causes water to be sucked into xylem vessels. Root pressure is responsible
for pushing water upwards along the stem. Water from root cells are drawn into the xylem and
produces a hydrostatic pressure known as root pressure. Water crosses endodermal cells which has
Casparian stip that is made of suberin. It blocks water passing along the cells walls, thus water has to
move through symplast pathway in endodermis.
Upward movement of water through the xylem vessels can be explained by the cohesiontension theory of transpiration. Capillarity is due to adhesive an cohesive force. Adhesive forces
between water molecules and hydrophilic wall surface of narrow xylem vessels. Cohesive forces hold
water molecules with each other in water column (hydrogen bond). With the adhesion and cohesion
forces, water molecules form continuous water column in xylem and theyre prevented from moving
down the xylem.

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