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Contact Information

Liza LaBossiere
Director of Marketing
Girl Scouts of America
(978) 846-4714


100th Anniversary of the Girl Scouts Means Change

Girl Scouts of the USA is Introducing an Ad Campaign that Aims to
Enlist Adults to Help Girls Become Leaders
Boston, Ma. January 29, 2013
Girl Scouts of America, an organization dedicated to building girls of courage, confidence, and
character, who make the world a better place, announced that they are releasing an ad
campaign to help promote leadership in girls, so they can go on to become powerful women
They are spearheading ads that stress the importance of parental and adult guidance in a
young girls life, and direct their attention to a website designed for the campaign.

Only 3.2 percent of C.E.O.s of publicly traded companies are women (ad quote)
Television, print, outdoor and online ad components ($76 million)
Advertising supporters include Time Inc., Time Warner Cable, and USA Today
There are 3.2 million Girl Scouts - 2.3 million girl members and 890,000 adult members
(working primarily as volunteers)
A study of girls ages 8 to 17 found that 59 percent agreed with the statement, Women
can rise up in a company or organization, but they will only rarely be put at the very top.
(created by GfK Roper)

People generally associate Girl Scouts with cookies, camping and doing crafts, but the reality
of what our brand stands for is were the nations largest leadership development organization
for girls. What were asserting is that the country would be in a much better position if the
women were represented in leadership all across the country. - Timothy Higdon, Chief of
External Affairs for Girl Scouts

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