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Use Regularly Now

Face to face Lao students- They

require explicitness about why
we do what we do and show
their thinking which stimulates
me to further explore the
mystery, complexity and
questions in learning/teaching.
Leon- He has consistently
modeled being a reflective
practitioner over our twenty
years of working together. He
has given constant support and
encouragement to never stop

AAS colleagues- They expose

me to new ideas as we develop
curriculum, plan lessons and
compare approaches and foci
from classes.
Online participants- They
provide windows into teaching
contexts across the world and
help me realize the sameness
of issues teachers deal with (as
well as the differences).
Feedly (RSS Feed)- It collects
my favourite educational blogs
- ELearning Certificate
- Lexicon
- Ideas- The Learners Way
- Niks Learning Technology
- The Intentional Workplace
Facebook Education Groups- It
puts in my newsfeed a constant
flow of article links. I currently
read but would like to
comment/discuss some of
them more:
- Mindshift

Currently Exploring
MOOCs- These free courses
allow me to explore areas of
interest including leadership in
education without the amount
of pressure a fee-paying course

Need to Add/Find/Learn
Twitter- This provides for bitesize interactions in many
education-related topics. I
have made an account but
dont really know how to use. I
want to connect and interact
more with those working
The Teaching Channel- It allows online.
me to observe videos of other
classrooms and reflect on my These regular updates
own classes as well as join in
from the Elearning Program
the comment discussions; I
(Dennis OConner) are received
need to remember to use it
but I am not always able to
more often.
navigate to the article posted
EFL Online Journals These
allow me to stay connected to
the EFL world. I read various
publications for work, share
favourite articles with
colleagues, and sometimes
comment or submit readers
say pieces online:
- English Teaching Professional
- English Teaching Journal
- Educational Leadership
- IATEFL Publications & SIG

Online Courses- These provide

formal and ongoing
professional development. I
participate in at least one (paid)
online course a year. Besides
the ELearning Certificate
program courses Ive recently
- Mindfulness Foundations
- Teaching Habits of Mind
Knowledge Source Institute- It
organizes professional
development workshops in
Thailand; I went to one in April
which was very stimulating; I
am considering another.

and I have never tried to use

this tool myself.
Linked in Groups- These are
easy to join but I dont yet go to
the site and interact in
discussions even though some
sound interesting:
- ETL Professional
- ESL International
- Teacher Training & Education
- Educational Leadership
- Education Management
I want to explore other
technology related groups to
widen my interactions.
Blogging- This would provide a
great forum for continuing
reflective thought and possible
interactions with other
educators. I have thought of
creating a blog for many years
but have not yet found a
specific focus. Once I finish my
formal study I will prioritize this

- Mindful Practitioner
- Culture of Thinking
- Teaching Tolerance
- Rethinking Schools
- Institute for Humane
- Education Week Teacher
- Edutopia
- TED-Ed
- Foundation for Critical
- ELearning and Online
- November Learning
- Project Zero
TfU online coach team- They
provide support and advice in
our online coach discussion
ASCD Smartbrief- It provides
daily emails of articles snippets
which often tease my interest
to read further.
Mary- She supports and helps
me to think through online
coaching moves as an online
course instructor.

Diigo- I bookmark articles of

interest to return to later
regularly but need to be more
consistent at tagging them; I
also facilitate a Diigo group for
my teaching team.
Webinars- These provide
involvement in live
presentations and interactions,
especially IATEFL ones;
however, time zones and
internet connections make this
at times difficult.
Understanding by Design
(Authentic Education)- This selfpaced course with participant
comments allows me to deepen
understanding about
backwards design. I have
started it and need to get back
to soon.

Josephine- Shes a like-minded

teaching friend in Mexico who I
met in an online course and
continue to connect with about
educational ponderings
through emails.

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