6 Ekstrusipangan

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TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Extrusion is a process that converts raw material into a
product with desired shape and form by forcing the material
through a small open-ing using pressure.


The process involves a series of unit operations such as

mixing, kneading, shearing, heating, cooling, shaping and
Many food products are manufactured by extrusion cooking
a process that uses both thermal energy and pressure to
convert raw food ingredients into popular products such as
breakfast cereals, pastas, pet foods, snacks and meat

Usman Ahmad
Departemen Teknik Mesin dan Biosistem
Institut Pertanian Bogor

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

The origins of the extrusion process are associated with

polymer science and technology. In the mid-1850s,
extrusion was used to produce the rst seamless lead pipe.
The rst man-made thermoplastic, celluloid, was
manufactured in the 1860s based on a reaction between
cellulose and nitric acid. The manufacturing of Bakelite in
1907, and the protective coating resin, glyptal, in 1912, was
dependent on extrusion processing.
Formal applications of extrusion processes to foods began
in the 1930s and evolved over the following 50 years, as
equipment for extrusion processing increased in capabilities
and complexity.
Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Early examples of extrusion processing include pasta

products (macaroni, spaghetti, etc.) and pellets for conversion
into ready-to-eat cereals.

In general, all extrusion systems contain ve key components,

they are:
Primary feed system consisting of a container and delivery
system for the primary ingredients involved in the process
Pump to move all ingredients through the steps associated with
the extrusion process
Reaction vessel where key actions such as mixing, kneading,
shearing, heating, and cooling occur
Secondary feed system for adding secondary ingredients or
energy as needed to achieve the desired product characteristics
Exit assembly designed to restrict ow and contribute to the
shaping and forming of the nal product (usually referred to as
the die)
Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Current applications include commercial production of cerealbased products (cornakes, puffed rice, crispy breads,
snacks), fruit-based products (fruit gums, licorices, hard
candies), protein-based products (textured vegetable
proteins), animal feeds (pet foods), and spice-based products

Basic Principles of Extrusion

Extrusion involves a combination of transport processes;
ow of materials, thermal energy transfer to and within the
material, and mass transfer to and within the material.
Food ingredients of various types may be processed by
extrusion and are referred to as extrudates. All ingredients
involved in the extrusion process ow through a channel with
a dened geometry.
The power requirements for the process are directly
dependent on the ow characteristics through the channel
and properties of the uid used. In general, these properties
are part of extrudate rheology.

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

The relationships used in extrudate rheology include many of

the basic expressions, beginning with basic relationships
presented to dene viscosity. The relationship between shear
stress () and rate of shear () was presented as follows:

When applied to extrudates, this three-parameter model is

usually reduced to the following two-parameter model:

where the consistency coefcient (K) and the ow behavior index (n, is normally less
than 1.0) are parameters describing the rheological properties of the extrudate.

The primary property of the extrudate in this relationship is

viscosity (). Since most food extrudates are highly nonNewtonian, the apparent viscosity decreases with increasing
rate of shear, described by the Herschel-Bulkley model:

Two additional parameters on ow of food extrudates are MC

and temperature, and the following relationship has been

This relationship contains two additional parameters: an activation energy constant

(A) to account for the inuence of temperature (T), and a similar exponential constant
(B) to account for the inuence of dry basis moisture content (M).

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan


Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

In many situations, the ow geometry may be described as a

rectangular cross-section within the barrel of the extruder and is
assumed as an innite plate sliding across the channel.

In the case of a Newtonian uid this expression is:

Based on these assumptions, for an axial ow in rectangular Cartesian

coordinates, the differential equation for the momentum ux is:
The uid velocity distribution within the channel can be obtained by
integration of the previous expression in the following manner,



where L represents the length of the channel (distance in the

downstream direction), and y is the element distance from the barrel
surface to the surface of the screw (distance in the vertical direction)
and C is a constant of integration.
It must be noted that the preceding equation holds for both Newtonian
and non-Newtonian uids.
Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


where the constants of integration (C1 and C2) are determined by

considering that the uid velocity distribution ranges from zero (at the
barrel surface, y=0) to uwall at the surface of the screw (y=H)
Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

The following expression for volumetric ow rate of the Newtonian uid

in the channel cross-section is obtained.

where P is the absolute value of the pressure drop across the

channel length (L).

Corn meal with a moisture content of 18% (wb) is being extruded through
the following dimensions of the channel: width 5 cm, height 2 cm, length
50 cm. The wall velocity is estimated to be 0.3 m/s. The rheological
properties of the extrudate can be estimated by a viscosity of 66,700 Pa.s
and a density of 1200 kg/m3.
If the pressure drop is maintained at 3000 kPa, estimate the mass flow
rate of extrudate through the die.
Moisture content 18% wet basis
Channel cross-section 5 cm x 2 cm
Channel length 50 cm
Viscosity 66,700 Pa.s
Density 1200 kg/m3
Pressure drop 3000 kPa

The mean velocity through the channel may be calculated from the
following equation

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem

Example: Newtonian


TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan


Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

For non-Newtonian flow appropriate relationships to describe the ow

characteristics are required.

Obtain the volumetric flow rate and convert it into mass flow rate using the
given density.

In an extrusion system, the ow would most likely occur in a

rectangular cross-section channel (generally assumed to be a plane
narrow slit) and the expression for shear stress is given by:

In the case of a power-law uid the shear stress

Using the density of extrudate of 1200 kg/m3, the mass flow rate may be
computed as follows:

is given by


Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

By assuming that du/dy is positive inside the channel (where the

velocity increases from zero at y=0 to uwall at y=H), the previous
equation can be arranged as,

However, unlike the case of a Newtonian uid, the explicit

expressions for C1 and C2 can not be obtained. Instead, the
following relationships are obtained.

The previous equation is integrated in the following manner, and the

following expression is obtained.

The analytical solutions of this system of equations are

usually not possible and numerical or approximate solutions
are generally pursued.
Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Example: non-Newtonian

Rauwendaal (1986) approximated the volumetric ow rate at the

extruder outlet for non-Newtonian uids by using the following

A non-Newtonian (power-law) soy flour extrudate with 25% moisture

content (wb) is being pumped through an extruder. The channel has
the following dimensions: width 5 cm, height 2 cm, length 50 cm.
The properties of the extrudate are described by a consistency
coefficient of 1210 Pa.sn, flow behavior index of 0.49, and density of
1100 kg/m3. Estimate the pressure drop if the mass flow rate of 600
kg/hr is to be maintained.

This approximation is valid for screw pitch angles between 15 and 25

degrees and ow indices between 0.2 and 1.0.

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem

Moisture content 25% wet basis
Channel cross-section 5 cm x 2 cm
Channel length 50 cm
Consistency coefficient 1210 Pa.sn

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem

Flow behavior index 0.49

Density 1100 kg/m3
Mass flow rate 600 kg/hr


TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan


Extrusion Systems

We will first obtain volumetric flow rate and then use:

Extrusion systems can be divided into four different categories. These

four categories include two different methods of operations cold
extrusion or extrusion cooking and two different barrel congurations
single or twin screw.

For a mass flow rate of 600 kg/hr, the volumetric flow rate is

Both barrel congurations may be used for either method of operation.

Using the above Equation:

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Cold Extrusion
Cold extrusion is used most often to form specic shapes of
extrudate at locations downstream from the die. In this process,
the extrudate is pumped through a die without the addition of
external thermal energy.

A cold extrusion operation.

In general, cold extrusion is used to mix, knead, disperse,

texturize, dissolve, and form a food product or product ingredient.
Typical food products include pastry dough, individual pieces of
candy or confections, pasta pieces, hot dogs, and selected pet
These types of extruders would be considered low-shear systems
and would create relatively low pressures upstream from the die.
Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


Filled products using co-extrusion.

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

The combinations of temperature, pressure, and moisture content may

be used to create an unlimited range of product characteristics, even
from the same ingredients.

Extrusion Cooking
When thermal energy becomes a part of the extrusion process, the
process is referred to as extrusion cooking. Thermal energy may be
from an external source or generated by friction.

Single-screw ex
truder components.

The cooking process during extrusion is unique from most other

thermal processes. As the ingredients are introduced to form the
extrudate, they are exposed to elevated pressure and temperature.
The exit from the barrel is the die an opening with much smaller
cross-sectional area than that of the barrel. A portion of the cooking
process occurs downstream from the die due to the rapid change in
The pressure change results in a rapid reduction in temperature and a
release of moisture from the extrudate.
Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Single Screw Extruders

In a single-screw extrusion system, the barrel of the extruder contains
a single screw or auger that moves the extrudate through the barrel.
A single-screw extrusion system has three components or sections
1. Feed section, where the various ingredients are introduced and
initial mixing occurs. The rotating action of the screw moves the
ingredients to the transition or compression section.
2. Compression or transition section, where the ingredients begin
the transition to the extrudate as pressure and temperature begin
to increase. This section may be referred to as a kneading section,
with signicant changes in the physical and chemical
characteristics of the ingredients.
3. Metering or cooking section, where additional compression of the
extrudate occurs as a result of additional reductions in the
dimensions of the ow channel and increased shearing action.
Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Sections within the barrel of a single screw extruder.

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

TwinTwin-Screw Extruders
Twin-screw extrusion systems incorporate two parallel screws into
the extruder barrel. The screws may be co-rotating or counterrotating.
Various congurations of the screw or auger have been
developed, including the fully intermeshing, self-wiping, corotating twin-screw system.
This particular system has been used in many food applications
due to the self-cleaning, better mixing, moderate shear force and
higher capacity characteristics.
Twin-screw extrusion systems have numerous advantages. The
throughput of these systems can be independent of feed rate and
screw speed.
Finally, twin-screw extruders will accommodate a wider range of
particle sizes in the ingredients.
Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


TMB324: Teknik Pengolahan Pangan

Screw rotation in a twin-screw extruder.

Usman Ahmad - Teknik Biosistem


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