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Cheese Sandwich

1. Locate both CO2-ZnO Patches.

These will be the Bread of your sandwich:
(the off-white Patch with little suns on the label)
Note : the CO2-ZnO patch has many uses and beneficial effects. And can
certainly be used alone for many benefits. This GaNS is known for its effect on
emotional balance, assisting Lymph flow, and is excellent agent for Pain and
Infections. In its GaNS state it is connected to the origin of all life on this planet

2. Now locate the CH3-FeO patch in your kit:



Cheese: CH3-FeO GaNs : ( the Orange Patch) The most

commonly used middle layer between two CO2 pads. Adds
Energy/power to the healing process. Associated with the
Hemoglobin and sugar of our blood. Also good for skin
issues/sores and Muscle recovery during or after exercise.

3. Make The Sandwich:

Place the Cheese ( Orange

CH3 patch) between your
breads and bring them
together to make the
sandwich. Place this
sandwich in another small
bag to keep them together
and ligned up. Secure them in place on the body with clothing, ace wrap,
Cloth or sports sleeve. They can be used under or over clothing.

Remember that these are not just flat
2 dimensional patches.
-Each carries a very active toriodal field
around them.
-The field has tested at about 1 ft
-These 3 fields interact in a way to allow
efficient moving of energies in and out of
the body and the field.

In order to restore balance:
-Whatever is tied up and not moving= will be allowed to release/ let go.
-Whatever is required to be received to restore balance/ homeostasis/ health = will be received.
-This is a Hi Vib Benevolent technology biased only toward unconditional love and balance.
-Like Unconditional Love; It Provides a coherent access point to all that is.

HBPT 8-12-16 pg 1 0f 2

Suggested Experiments:

Muscle Fatigue


Post exercise
soreness or
Achy Muscles
1.25 ft Torus
Plasma Field


Hold in place with

sports sleeve, ace wrap,
clothing etc


Duration of Use: It is suggested

to leave the patches on for about
20-30 minutes then remove them.
This gives the surrounding area
and the rest of the body time to
adjust to the new level of balanced

These patches were created by HBPT and LC based on the
free & open source teachings of MTKeshe of the Keshe
There are many facebook pages with people

experimenting, asking questions and talking about all this:

Golden Age of Gans, Nano Plasma Healing & Beyond and
many many others.
Disclaimer: No claims are being made or implied by the
creator of this document or the patches with regard to
efficacy or safety with use. This is for personal research
use only at this time. Use your own discernment and
thoroughly research for yourself. Know that you can
balance your own system without any of these permission
Know (remember) that you are the owner a GaNs /
Plasma filled body with 2 hands that can be used as
patches with a benevolent heart full of Unconditional
Love. This is just a bridge.

Power Up

HBPT 8-12-16 pg 2 0f 2

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