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L1- schedule comprise key events or major milestones selected as a result of

coordination between client and contractor. It does represent in the format of list,
summary schedule or in the form of Bar chart. Example of L-1 schedule activities,
mobilization of major equipment or installation of major equipment.
L2 -Schedule comprise of Critical network activities and other senior project
management selected activities with mainly there ES and EF dates. L2 schedule
provides integral plan of the Project activities for Project management.
L3- Schedule shows lowest level of details necessary to complete the project
through Job Completion and also to finalize remaining requirements for the total
project. example if L1 shows structural steel engineering activity/task then in L3 this
particular activity likely to break up in more activities with shorter durations such as
define and collect loads, drawing specifications etc.
L4- Schedule two to six week look ahead schedule that shows resources assigned,
detailed and work activities and L4 schedule is mainly used planning and progress
reporting purposes and advance planning for near term future week work

Level 4 is an individual deliverable/document level, so for example 'Produce Test

Level 3 is a group of deliverables, for example 'Test Documentation'
Level 2 is a summary of phase, for example 'Detail Design'
Level 1 is a summary of phases which possibly could be at project level, for example
'Durham Project'
Level 0 is a summary of projects at programme level, for example 'English Cathedral
Refurbishment Programme'

The EPC Level 1 schedule summarizes the overall project for client and
management. EPC Level 1 schedules show start and finish dates for the major
project phases and key milestones (such as design, procurement, construction, and
commissioning and start-up). Significant contract milestones and project-specific
milestones or activities are included in EPC Level 1 schedules as required by the
project execution plan.

EPC Level 2 schedules contain more detailed activities for each of the summary
phases previously identified in the Level 1 schedule. This often includes a breakout
of the various trades or disciplines responsible for the activities in each phase, the

critical procurement activities, the major elements of construction, and general

commissioning and start-up requirements. Generally in the EPC Level 2, this is the
first level of scheduled detail where logical links or task relationships may be shown.

EPC Level 3 is the first level where the full use of critical path method (CPM)
techniques could be shown effectively. In addition to start and finish dates for each
grouping of deliverables or activities within each phase of the project, EPC Level 3
schedules include major review and approval dates as well. Most EPC schedule
models are not developed below Level 3 in terms of CPM activity detail, with the
intent to keep the schedule broad enough to be described for any specific project.

Since EPC schedule levels are normally limited to Levels 1 through 3, sometimes an
external schedule or set of schedules would be included for a project. These
external schedules are called Level 4.

EPC Level 4 are detailed work schedules and generally would be prepared outside of
the CPM software, with careful correlation to the CPM schedule activities and scope
of work. The theory is, that if there is too much detail within the CPM network, the
schedule would not only lose its flexibility as a value-added tool to manage the job,
but schedule maintenance would become difficult, due to the greater effort needed
to maintain the CPM logic after each progress update. A variety of software tools
can be employed to develop work schedules at Level 4 and below: spreadsheets,
databases, and word processing are all utilized.

Some additional guidlines that helped me:

Level 4: approx. One week activity durations
Level 3: around 3 weeks to one month duration
Level 2: Around 2 month- 3 mnth durations
Level 1: Miles stones or durations about 3 month- high level

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