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The five Kings

After the War of a Thousand Days and separation of Panama, the Colombian elite
concluded that to avoid the disintegration of the country and achieve channel it by way of
progress, it was necessary to put aside political differences and seek reconciliation the

In 1904 the conservative Rafael Reyes, with the support of much of liberalism, assumed
the presidency of the Republic. His promise was to carry out reconciliation between
liberals and conservatives, and initiate a process of economic progress and
modernization in the country. For Reyes, the causes of economic backwardness in
Colombia were in the precarious transport infrastructure and disruption of the tax system
and fiscal state. Therefore, he introduced a bill that gave power to hire infrastructure,
overhauling the tax system without legislative authorization and award contracts for the
construction of railways to Congress. These proposals did not please members of both
parties, which were not approved. Given this failure, in 1905 Reyes decided to close the
Congress and convene a National Assembly to reform the Constitution of 1886. This
assembly changed the territorial organization of the nation and created new departments
at the expense of existing ones. In addition, the Assembly gave the president powers to
make decisions on economic matters and approved the extension of the mandate, six to
ten years.

Kings fall of government

With its power to decide on economic, Reyes took some tax departments with which they
benefited. This type of action was not to the liking of regional elites of the country,
especially the Antiochian, who became strong government opposition. In response, the
government cracked down on the opposition, which increased disrepute against Reyes.
Among the facts that led the opposition against Reyes is negotiating this signed with the
United States in which the American country was recognized Colombia compensation for
Panama and preferential treatment in the use of the canal future, while Colombia formally
recognized Panama's independence. Although the government achieved significant
accomplishments as the founding of the Military School and the strengthening of the
industry, he faced many problems, which made Reyes resigned the post in 1909 and was
replaced by Jorge Holguin, who exercised power as designated. Holguin received power
on June 9 and delivered on 4 August of the same year Ramn Gonzlez Valencia.

Reyes government achievements

Although the government had serious setbacks Reyes was quite constructive. Between
their achievements are:
Increased rail network 565-901 km between 1904 and 1909, and built cars suitable for
motor vehicles and roads.
revalued the Colombian peso and established agreements with foreign creditors
for the resumption of payments on foreign debt.
Incentive on commercial and tourist navigation along the Magdalena River.

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