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The Aroma of Christ

As we prepare for our upcoming "30 on 30" National Day of

Repentance, please take a moment to read this personal
testimony from one of our members. We hope you will find it a
useful tool to utilize during your own prayer and repentance
time with the Lord.
The Joy of Daily Repentance
"When I came across The National Day of Repentance 4-5 years
ago, I had been earnestly praying and seeking that God would
direct me towards a ministry that had a shared passion for

National Repentance. During a Bible Study one day on Joel 2,

the Holy Spirit impassioned me about the dire need for
someone (a Pastor) to call a holy convocation...a unity of the
brethren to repent, fast and intercede for a their
nations...nations formerly founded on godly principles but now
floundering badly in debauchery and sin.
Blow the trumpet in Zion, sanctify a fast, call a solemn
~ Joel 2:15
One day I simply typed "National Day of Repentance" into
Google and came across this ministry. To say I was shocked to
find someone else had even thought of this yet, let alone
created a ministry and website, was deeply satisfying to me. I
was sure that this was a very strange idea as I had never heard
of anyone else who was actively promoting and speaking about
national repentance before that particular time.
When I signed up on the website, there was only a small
amount of participants (maybe about 100 or so at that time). My
spirit sank:
"Lord...that's IT? Only 100 people in the entire world care about
this?" Nevertheless, I dutifully filled in the enrollment email
form with little thought that this would actually result in
Much to my surprise, I received a personal email from Pastor
Jeff Daly. Coming from a long family history of pastors,
missionaries, worship leaders with an overload of "Churchianity" I was somewhat taken aback by this. I remember

Behold an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile!
~ John 1:47
Anyway, I have seen more than my share of Pastors who would
never respond to you personally, let alone ask you to share your
thoughts on their ministry. I was struck initially by his humility
and intrigued to follow up.
As I began to get the resources from this ministry, I followed the
guide one day to "45 Minutes to Joy through Repentance." I'm
one of those people who really shuns overly "formulaic"
religion, so I went into it with a fair amount of skepticism. I
must confess (no pun intended) that I soon began the practice
of DAILY repentance with enthusiasm based on the incredible
spiritual fruit it was bearing.
God clearly tells us that He does not hear the prayers of the
Now we know that God does not hear sinners, but if anyone
should fear God and do his will, him he will hear.
~ John 9:31
and that the prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective:
The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.
~James 5:16

Soon...I began to experience not only joy in my relationship with

God but a new sense of intimacy, faith, purity and spiritual

power. It was not a "power" like a magic power, but a sense
that I was flowing in the same direction as the Holy Spirit when I was as if we were on the same team and rowing in
the same direction. My prayers noticeably changed from selffocused prayers to "other focused" prayers and I began to see
amazing results. God began to AUTOMATICALLY answer the
types of prayers we normally tend to waste so much time on
(money, provisions, jobs, etc.).
Therefore take no thought, saying, What shall we eat? or, What
shall we drink? or, Wherewithal shall we be clothed? But seek
ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all
these things shall be added unto you.
~ Matthew 6: 31 & 33
Many Christians, if asked when was the last time they
"Repented," might be tempted to answer: "Well, I got saved in
1982." That was the last time you took a spiritual bath? I have
some news for you: If we haven't bathed spiritually in years,
WE SMELL! While we still may bodily be in the kingdom...we
are stinking up the place!
Here is the process I now follow every day with JOY!:
Step 1: Set aside time every morning to be alone with God just
as you set aside time for showering and personal hygiene. This
is essential spiritual hygiene. It's absolutely necessary or you
will begin to "smell bad" before God and in your dealings with
Step 2: Acknowledge sins. I find it is helpful to categorize sin

because many of us fail to recognize it in ourselves and tend to

gloss it over with self-justifications. Acknowledge the sins in
your life in these categories:
1) Sinful words
2) Sinful thoughts
3) Sinful desires
4) Sinful deeds
5) Sins of commission (outright rebellion)
6) Sins of omission (failure to obey)
Step 3: Confess those sins which God brings to your heart and
Step 4: Renounce those sins. Ask and permit the Holy Spirit to
rule and reign over all areas in your life. Willingly acknowledge
that you wish to no longer have these sins have mastery over
you and you instead wish the Holy Spirit to rule your heart and
Step 5: I don't want this to get ritualistic...but the first time you
begin this practice, I find it is helpful to write down your sins
and then BURN the list of sins. Ask God to give you "Beauty for
Ashes." The act of watching your sins go up in flames is deeply
satisfying on a spiritual level. Fire purifies. In the natural world
ashes and water create lye (a powerful cleansing agent).
Spiritual Ashes (repentance) mixed with Living Water (the Word)
create the "Fuller's Soap" lye of which the Bible speaks.
But who can endure the day of His coming? And who can stand
when He appears? For He is like a refiner's fire and like fullers'

~ Malachi 3:2
"Too often, the Body of Christ has an improper view of
repentance. It is viewed as "penance" or self- loathing and selfflagellation. Is this how you would describe your daily shower
or brushing your teeth? Do you hate your body because you
like to keep yourself clean? Of course not. Most people,
including me, ENJOY their daily shower. If you really want to
keep your body in tiptop shape, you will eat properly, brush
your teeth, go to the doctor, take vitamins, exercise, etc. Why
do we think we can completely ignore our spiritual life and stay
spiritually healthy? It's not possible. We will soon become
bogged down with spiritual sickness and disease.
Jesus further showed us this concept Himself when He asked to
wash the feet of His disciples. Too often, we are like Peter.
"No," said Peter, "you shall never wash my feet."
~ John 13:8(a)
Jesus' reply should SHOCK us into action:
"Unless I wash you, you have no part with me."
~ John 13:8(b)
Notice He didn't say, you have
less part in Me or only
somepart in Me...He said NO PART. That should be like a
bucket of clean water right in our faces!
Let us be like Peter...repenting of our arrogance in thinking that

we don't need a good washing from the Master:

"Then, Lord," Simon Peter replied, "not just my feet
(that bring the gospel) but my hands (that do good works) and
my head (our words, thoughts and mind)
as well!"
~John 13:9
Get cleaned up. Jesus will soon be knocking at your door. He
wants to dine with us. The Marriage Supper of the Lamb is
almost ready."

Those whom I love, I reprove and discipline; therefore be

zealous and repent. Behold, I stand at the door and knock; if
anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to
him and will dine with him, and he with Me.
~ Revelation 3:19-20

Remember to mark your calendars:

That National Day of Repentance. April 30th, 2016. Please
schedule 30 minutes to pray, fast and intercede for your nation.

God bless you,



Pastor Jeff Daly


National Day of Repentance


Prayer: Heavenly Father. We REPENT of our arrogance in
thinking that we don't need to DAILY clean up our acts before
entering your gates with thanksgiving and praise. Like Esther,
we need ritual purification to enter into the Presence of the King
and have our petitions effectively heard and granted. None of
us would ever think to meet a dignitary or a prince dirty and
smelly. How dare we think we can come into your Presence
with less care? We acknowledge that you have already
graciously provided the Living Water, the Soap AND the
Garments of Righteousness. We need to take advantage of
your gracious Provision. Help us to walk in the light of this
message so that we might enjoy sweet close communion with
you and with our brethren. We pray this in Jesus' Holy Name.
~ Amen

National Day of Repentance |

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