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Test-Paper in XI th Form

Subjunctive Mood and Conditional Sentences

Test N 1

Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets:

1. We (to be) disappointed if there is no snow for winter holidays. 2. If I (to know)
.his language, I would speak to him. 3. It (to rain) .. if there
had been a high wind. 4. If you ( not to learn) it so well, you would not have
had a good mark. 5. If it rains this afternoon, I (to take) . my coat. 6. I (to return)
if you want me to. 7. Your flowers would grow better if you (to water)
them more frequently. 8. Would you mind if I (to come) .. a
little later? 9. If he (not to break) his leg, he would have been able to take part
in competition. 10. If you (to make) a mistake, the teacher would correct it.


Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets:

1. I (to touch) if I (to be) .you. 2. We (to have) .
dinner at home if we (not to miss) . the bus. 3. If he (to be able)
to swim, he (to drown) . 4. If she (to answer)
.. the telephone, she (to hear) .... the good news. 5. You (to
find) the book if you (to open) .. the bag. 6. We (not to
know) . anything about their plans for the summer holidays if Mario (not to
send ) .us a letter. 7. If he (to be) in town yesterday he (to
call) ... on us. 8. If I (to know) of your arrival I (to meet)
you. 9. If you (to know) .. what it is all about, you
(not to keep on ) .. smiling. 10. If you (to leave) .
earlier you (to catch) the tram.


Complete the following sentences.

1. Flowers will not grow well if ......
2. We would have gone to the cinema with you if .....
3. You would be ill, if .....
4. If you dont visit me soon, I
5. If I were you
6. We should go to the country if ...
7. If it were not so late ....
8. They would play tennis now if
9. If you had waited a little .....
10. If you invited him .


Paraphrase the following into complex sentences with subordinate clauses of condition.
1. Come and stay with us for a week or there about. We should be only too glad!

2. I recognised you at once, for your brother described you to me. __________________________
3. I forgot to wind up my watch. It has stopped. ________________________________________
4. I will not invite them so they will not come. ________________________________________
5. The garden doesnt look beautiful because the trees are bare. ___________________________
6. The river was not frozen. We could not go skating. ___________________________________
7. They had planned to visit us, but Mary fell ill. _______________________________________
8. Open the door or I wont be able to come in. ________________________________________
9. Mr. Smith modernised his factory years ago, and now he is rich. _________________________
10. He doesnt know her address or he will write to her, Im sure. __________________________

Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets:

1. Dora wished she (to get) her book out of the suitcase before the train
started. 2. I wish I (can). play tennis as well as you do. 3. He wished he (to
stay) ... in bed the whole morning. 4. I wish I (to know)
he was your friend. 5. You are looking wonderful, I wish I (to have) .. your
health and vitality. 6. She wishes we (can) .understand her. 7. She wished
they (not to notice) . her embarrassment. 8. I wish I (to buy ) .
the car when it was cheaper. 9. I wish I (not to lie) . to Mary. She is so
upset now. 10. My father wished he (to see) . the football match but he
didnt have time.

VI . Paraphrase the following so as to use subjunctive mood in object clauses after the verb "wish":
1.What a pity you are leaving us so soon! ____________________________________________
2. Unfortunately, you will not receive an answer before the New Year. _____________________
3. The patient was sorry he had not pulled himself together and had spoken to the doctor so rudely.
4. I am sorry I have bothered you about such trifles. _____________________________________
5. It's a pity you can't keep us company. ______________________________________________
6. What a pity I don't know German! ________________________________________________
7. I regret that I can't swim. ________________________________________________________
8. I should have told her the truth. I'm sorry I didn't. _____________________________________
9. I took her book. It was a mistake. _________________________________________________
10. Anne is sorry she didn't take her umbrella with her. __________________________________

Test-Paper in XI th Form
Subjunctive Mood and Conditional Sentences
Test N 2

Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets:

1. I would help him If I (to think) .it is necessary. 2. If John (to work) .
. he might succeed in math. 3. What . we (to do) if it rains this
afternoon? 4. I (to take) .. a rest in the shade if I had not had work to
do. 5. If I had seen him, I (to tell) .him the news. 6. If he (to break)
.. his promise, we should be very sorry. 7. The milk (to boil)
over if you don't keep an eye on it. 8. If he (to speak) .. all
those languages, he would be a very clever man. 9. They would have gone at once if it (not to be)
too cold. 10. If anything (to do) . , come and tell me.


Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets:

1. If you (to wear) . thicker clothes, you (not to feel) .
the cold so much. 2. I (to accept) .. their offer if I (to be)
.. in your place. 3. He (to fail) if he (to work)
.. carelessly. 4. You (to catch ).. cold if you (to
stay) .. out any longer. 5. You (to laugh) . if you (to
see) us. 6. He (to act) . differently if he (to realise)
... . the situation. 7. Nobody told me about your trouble. I (to help)
you if I (to know) about it. 8. I (to come)
.. sooner if I (to know) you were here. 9. If I (to be)
you I (to have) .. a long walk in the park. 10. If I
(can) help I readily (to do) so, but you know
I can't.


Complete the following sentences.

1. She will play the piano for you if ......
2. My friend would have helped you if .......
3. You will get into trouble if ......
4. If your message had not come
5. If it were Sunday today .
6. I should have come yesterday if ......
7. If she lived in Paris .....
8. If she comes in time
9. It would be very nice if ......
10. If it hadn't been raining..


Paraphrase the following into complex sentences with subordinate clauses of condition.

1.I feel terrible because I broke her new mirror last night. ________________________________
2. He didn't study for the test so he failed. _____________________________________________
3. I was able to find my way only because I asked a passer-by for directions. _________________
4.You have blisters on your feet because you walked too much yesterday. ___________________
5. You don't work here that's why you can't enter without a pass. __________________________
6.Remind me of her birthday on time, or I will not send her a birthday card. __________________
7. It isn't summer now and we don't go to the country. ___________________________________
8.I cant knit another sweater as I have no more wool. __________________________________
9.I didnt give it to you because you were out. _________________________________________
10.The boy is shivering. He isnt quite well. ___________________________________________

Supply the correct mood of the verbs in brackets:

1. I wish I (to think) of it before. Its a good idea.
2. I wish she (not to look) so pale.
3. I wish I (to know) what is happening.
4. I wished she (to stay) at home yesterday.
5. I wish we never (to see) that odious film.
6. They wish you (to read) more than you are
7. She wished he (not to buy) this dress, she doesnt like it.
8. You wish you (not to write) that letter, it was a mistake.
9. Marry wishes she (to revise) more for exam.
10. They wish they (to visit) more museums when they were in London.

VI . Paraphrase the following so as to use subjunctive mood in object clauses after the verb "wish":
1. I didnt take your advice. It was a mistake.__________________________________________
2. It was a mistake to follow your advice. _____________________________________________
3. I dont keep in touch with my old friends.___________________________________________
4. You didnt understand your son well enough. _____________________________________
5. I live so far away from my parents. ______________________________________________
6. Mary is sorry she didnt come to the meeting yesterday.________________________________
7. Jane is sorry she didnt invite Steve to her birthday party. ______________________________
8. Philip is sorry he refused Johns invitation. __________________________________________
9. Thomas is sorry he didnt send that letter. ___________________________________________
10. Annabel is sorry she didnt take part in the competition. ______________________________

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