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Sample Assessment

Terminal Objective: Apply accessibility features of

the iPad.
Enabling Objective: List 3 accessibility tools and
apply knowledge of accessibility features.
QUIZ Questions
1. List 3 accessibility tools you would find on the
Answer: There are many accessibility tools
on the iPad. Siri, Voiceover, Zoom, Invert
Screen Colors, Speak Selection, FaceTime,
Increase Contrast, Prevent Vertigo, Connect
Hearing Aids, Mono Audio, Subtitles and
Captioning, Assistive Touch and more.
2. Which accessibility function did you apply to
your iPad and how will it help you?
Answer: Any accessibility function applied
to the iPad would be correct. For example if
I enabled VoiceOver I would explain that
because I have low vision this accessibility
feature reads buttons, icons, links, and
gestures to navigate.
I would also include that to enable
VoiceOver the student must: Go to Settings
from the home screen, tap General, under

Vision tap VoiceOver, tap On, scroll down

with three fingers to view options.
3. Which of the following accessibility tools do think
would be most helpful to all students in a
classroom and why? (Think Universal Design
Answer: There are various opinions and
correct answers. For example I might
conclude that making buttons easier to tap
by enabling shape outlines would be the
most helpful to ALL students because it
creates outlines around text whereas the
plain style button closely resembles a web
4. Which of the following is NOT an accessibility
feature on the iPad?
a. FaceTime
b. Increase Contrast
c. Writes your essay
d. Prevent Vertigo
Answer: c. Writes your essay. You can take
dictation but the iPad will not write an essay
for you.
5. True/False. Students in middle school are too
young to need any of the accessibility features
on their iPad.
Answer: False. People of all ages have
disabilities and physical impairments that

can be accommodated by the accessibility

functions included on the iPad.

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