Confusing Pairs 2016

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AP Psychology-Confusing Pairs (revised)

Achievement test (what youve learned) vs Aptitude test (what you can do)
Afferent Neurons (sensory, body to the brain) vs Efferent Neurons (motor, brain to the body) S.A.M.E.
Algorithms (step-by-step) vs Heuristics (rule-of-thumb; short-cut)
Alien hand syndrome (due to split consciousness) vs Phantom limb phenomenon (body part missing, still feel it)
Antagonist (inhibits neurotransmitter) vs Agonist (mimics neurotransmitter)
Approach (something favorable/appetitive) vs Avoidance (aversive/unattractive)
Asch (conformity; line exp) vs Milgram (obedience to authority, shock exp)
Assimilation (all four-legged animals are doggies) vs Accommodation (doggies are different than kitties)
Attachment style (Ainsworth, quality of parent bond) vs Parenting Style (Baumrind, parent child-rearing practices)
Authoritarian (follow rules; I say so) vs Authoritative (discussion; Lets talk about rules)
Brocas Area (makes words) vs Wernickes Area (comprehends words)
Central Route to persuasion (main idea/fact) vs Peripheral route to persuasion (superficial/ glitz)
Cerebrum (largest & developed part of brain) vs Cerebellum (specific brain structure= smooth movement/ balance)
Classical Conditioning (involuntary) vs Operant Conditioning (voluntary)
Concrete Operations (logical thinking) vs Formal Operations (philosophical thinking)
Conduction deafness (damage to ossicles) vs Nerve deafness (damage to hairs on basilar membrane).
Conduction (vibrations to ossicles) vs Transduction (conversion of energy ie sound wave/light, into neural signal)
Convergent thinking (think similar to others) vs Divergent thinking (thinking differently from others; creative)
Corpus Callosum (divides the brain) vs Cerebral Cortex (covers the brain)
Experiment (cause & effect; DV & IV) vs Correlation (how relationships may vary; rho-values)
Experimental Group (group that is tested) vs Control Group (compared to the experimental; receives no treatment)
Figure (whats perceived at the forefront of an image) vs Ground (part of image in background)
Fluid Intelligence (brain power) vs Crystallized Intelligence (acquired knowledge)
Generalization (Watson; little Albert) vs Overgeneralization (rules of language extended; I runned yesterday)
Hierarchy of Needs (Humanistic, Self-actualization)vs Hierarchy of Fears (Behaviorism, systematic desensitiz.)
James-Lange (physiology leads to emotion)vs Cannon-Bard (simultaneous physiological react. & emotional exper.)
Identical Twins (MZ; same fertilized egg) vs Fraternal Twins (DZ: two separate eggs)
Implicit memory (nondeclarative; skills) vs Explicit Memory (declarative, facts)
Independent Variable (what is tested) vs Dependent Variable (what is measured)
Insight Learning (Kohler, A-Ha moment, sudden solution) vs Latent Learning (Tolman, cognitive map)
Internal Locus (controlling the environment) vs External Locus (the environment controls you)
Intrinsic Motivation (for personal satisfaction) vs Extrinsic Motivation (for rewards or to avoid punishment)
Lateral Hypothalamus (stimulates hunger) vs Ventromedial Hypothalamus (suppresses hunger)
Left Brain (language and logic) vs Right Brain (creative and spatial)
Lithium (treats bi-polar) vs Librium (treats anxiety)
Neurotransmitters (in the nervous system; moves fast) vs Hormones (in the endocrine system; moves slowly)
Phonemes (basic sound units) vs Morphemes (basic units of meaning)
Post Conventional (Kohlberg; highest moral level) vs Concrete Operational (Piaget; stage 3 cognitive dvlpt.)
Primacy Effect (first items remembered) vs Recency Effect (last items remembered)
Proactive Interference (loss of the new info) vs Retroactive Interference (loss of the old info)
Random Assignment (how members are assigned to groups) vs Random Sample (how members selected from pop)
Recall Memory (no cues; fill-in-the-blank) vs Recognition Memory (some hints; multiple-choice)
Representative Heuristics (Stereotypes) vs Availability Heuristics (based on available info, planes safer than cars)
Rods (black/white; night vision) vs Cones (color vision; fovea=greatest concentration)
Sensation (bottom-up processing) vs Perception (top-down processing)
Structuralism (parts of introspection/consciousness; Wundt) vs Functionalism (purpose of behavior; James)
Sympathetic Nervous System (flight-or-fight) vs Parasympathetic (calming)
Top-Down (processing from large idea down to specific details) vs Bottom-Up (Using clues that lead to big idea)
Type I error (incorrect rejection of a true HO) vs Type II error (failure to reject a false HO)
Type A (high stress) vs Type B (low stress)
Validity (test measure what it should) vs Reliability (same scores on a retest; consistent)

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