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The effect of the temperature of the medium on the rate of

diffusion of potassium permanganate (KMnO4), was determined with the
use of three petri dishes of agar-water gel. A drop of the prepared solution
of potassium permanganate was carefully placed simultaneously into
each well of the agar-water gel with the use of a medicine dropper. The
petri dishes were covered immediately. The first petri dish was placed on
a container with water at a temperature maintained constant at 32C, the
second on a container with water at a temperature maintained at 10C,
and the third one was placed on a container with water at a temperature
maintained constant at 40C. At a regular three-minute interval for thirty
minutes, the diameter (in mm) of the substance was measured using a
12-inch commercial ruler and was recorded. The partial and average rate
of diffusion of potassium permanganate in the three setups were
computed afterwards. Potassium permanganate in the setup with water
maintained constant at 40C had the greatest measured diameter of 17
mm and diffused the farthest distance and had the highest average rate
of diffusion; In contrast, potassium permanganate in the setup with water
maintained constant at 10C had the least measured diameter of 6 mm,
diffused the shortest distance and had the lowest average rate of
diffusion. Hence, if the temperature of the medium affects the rate of
diffusion, then the higher the temperature of the medium is, the faster is
rate of diffusion of a substance and vice versa.

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. Molecules of any given element, without the presence of other forces, are likely
to move from where it is higher in concentration to an area or space where it is less in
concentration. (Reece, 2011). According to Reece, (2011), any substance will
diffuse from the area in which the chemical substances concentration tends to increase
or decrease (in the case with diffusion, decreases), also called concentration gradient.
They also mentioned that a substance is not affected by the concentration gradients of
other substances; each element disperses down on its own concentration gradient.
Diffusion is a spontaneous process; energy is not necessary for it to ensue and it may
occur in a directional manner. (Reece, 2011).

According to Starr and Taggart (2004), the result of the tendency of diffusion can
be perceived when you put a drop of coloring in water. They said that the particles of the
coloring diffuse to the area where they are less concentrated. The same goes with water;
the particles of water move to the region where they are less concentrated.

As the temperature increases, the amount of energy available for diffusion is

increased. This means that a given particle will move faster (there is more energy
pushing it) at a higher temperature. (Chang, 2011). This was observed in an experiment
involving Potassium dichromate and water in different temperatures. A drop of
Potassium dichromate was dropped in a beaker containing water below 30 degrees
Celsius and another drop of potassium dichromate was dropped on the beaker
containing water above 30 degrees Celsius. Potassium dichromate diffused and reached
the bottom of the beaker containing water above 30 degrees Celsius in a faster rate

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compared to the potassium dichromate dropped in a beaker containing water below 30

degrees Celsius. (Zubay, 2003). Another experiment was conducted using a petri dish of
agar-water gel with three wells, which were labeled as potassium permanganate,
potassium dichromate, and methylene blue. A drop of each of the prepared solution of
each selected compounds was carefully placed all at the same time into each well with
the use of a medicine dropper. The petri dish was covered immediately after placing the
prepared solutions in their respective wells. At a regular three-minute interval for thirty
minutes, the diameter (in mm) of the colored area of each substance was measured
using a 12-inch commercial ruler and was recorded. Results show that the diameter
(mm) of the colored areas increased in general with time for all the three compounds.
After 30-minute duration, potassium permanganate, having a molecular weight of 158
g/mol, had the highest measured diameter of 14 mm. Potassium dichromate, having a
molecular weight of 294 g/mol and a measured diameter of 12 mm, had the second
largest diameter compared to the diameter of potassium permanganate; whereas,
methylene blue, having a molecular weight of 374 g/mol, had the smallest measured
diameter of 8 mm. The temperature of the medium of the diffusion was controlled in this
experiment; therefore, the researcher found it necessary to have a better understanding
on the effect of the temperature of the medium on the rate of diffusion of a substance.
This study, conducted on November 13, 2015 at Room 125, Wing C of the
Institute of Biological Sciences in the University of the Philippines Los Baos aimed to
determine the effect of the temperature of the medium on the rate of diffusion of
potassium permanganate. Specifically, it will aim to:

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1. Determine the effect of the temperature of the medium on the rate of diffusion of
potassium permanganate during the process of diffusion over a specific period of
2. Determine the effect of the temperature of the medium on the partial and average
diffusion rate of potassium permanganate; and
3. Determine the factors that influence the fluctuations in the partial rates of
diffusion of a certain substance


Potassium permanganate (KMnO4) was the compound that was utilized and used
in determining the effect of the varying temperature of the medium on the rate of
diffusion. The compound was purple in color which made it easier for the researchers to
measure the diameter of the substance and observe the diffusion of the compound.

510 grams of Gelatin powder was dissolved in a beaker containing 500 mL of

distilled water. For 25 minutes, the gelatin was cooked under medium heat on a hot
plate. Afterwards, the gelatin was poured on three petri dish and was left to cool until it
solidified. After it became solid, a well was made on the three solid gelatin with the use
of a medicine dropper and a toothpick. Then, a drop of the prepared solution of
potassium permanganate was carefully placed simultaneously into each well of the agarwater gel with the use of a medicine dropper. The petri dishes was covered immediately.
The first petri dish was placed on a container with water at a temperature maintained
constant at 32 degrees Celsius. The second petri dish was placed on a container with
water at a temperature maintained constant at 10 degrees Celsius. The other petri dish
was placed on a container with water at a temperature maintained constant at 40
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degrees Celsius. At a regular three-minute interval for thirty minutes, the diameter (in
mm) of the colored area of the substance was measured using a 12-inch commercial
ruler and was recorded. The set-ups at zero minute and after thirty minutes was drawn
as figures 1 and 2 respectively.
The average rate of diffusion (in mm/min) was obtained by first computing for the
partial rate of diffusion at each interval with the following equation:

Partial rate (rp) = di - di-1

ti - ti-1
Where: di

= diameter of colored area at a given time

di-1 = diameter of colored area immediately before di


= time when di was measured

ti-1 = time immediately before ti

After computing for the partial rate of diffusion at each interval, the average rate
of diffusion was computed by getting the average of the computed partial rates of each

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Figure 1. Potassium permanganate in three different setups at zero minute

Figure 2. Potassium permanganate in three different setups after 30 minutes

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Table 1 shows the measured diameter (in mm) covered by Potassium

permanganate (KMnO4) when it was dropped in three setups of agar-water gel
submerged in water with temperatures remained constant at 10, 32, and 40 degrees
Celsius, respectively. The diameters for each setup were measured at a regular threeminute interval for 30 minutes. Results show that the diameter (mm) of the colored areas
increased in general with time in all the three setups. The initial diameters of the dropped
solution were measured before the experiment and was found to be 4, 5 and 4 mm
respectively. After the 30-minute duration, potassium permanganate in the setup with
agar-water gel submerged in water remained constant at 40 degrees Celsius had the
highest measured diameter of 17 mm. Potassium permanganate in the setup with agarwater gel submerged in water remained constant at 32 degrees Celsius with a measured
diameter of 13 mm, had the second largest diameter; whereas, Potassium
permanganate in the setup with agar-water gel submerged in water remained constant
at 10 degrees Celsius had the smallest measured diameter of 6 mm.

In diffusion, molecules or particles of a given substance are likely to move from a

region of higher concentration a region or space of lower concentration. Diffusion is the
movement in response to a concentration gradient (Starr & Taggart, 2004). According to
Exner (1995), as the temperature increases, the amount of energy available for diffusion
is increased. This means that a given particle will move faster at a higher temperature.
Potassium permanganate in the setup with the agar-water gel submerged in water at a
constant temperature of 40 degrees Celsius had the greatest measured diameter of 17
mm after a period of 30 minutes while the potassium permanganate in the setup with the
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agar-water gel submerged in water at a constant temperature of 10 degrees Celsius had

the least measured diameter of 6 mm.

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Table 1. Measured diameter (in mm.) of potassium permanganate

setups for 30 minutes at a regular three-minute interval.
Diameter (mm)
permanganate in
permanganate in
setup with water at
setup with water at
10 degrees Celsius
32 degrees Celsius

in three different

permanganate in
setup with water at
40 degrees Celsius

























Table 2 and Figure 3 shows the average rate of diffusion (mm/min) of potassium
permanganate in three setups of agar-water gel submerged in three containers with
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water at varying temperatures of 10, 32, and 40 degrees Celsius, respectively.

Potassium permanganate dropped in agar-water gel submerged in water with a
temperature maintained constant at 10 degrees Celsius had a computed average rate of
diffusion of 0.07 mm/min, the one dropped in agar-water gel submerged at water with
water maintained constant at a temperature of 32 degrees Celsius had a computed
average rate of diffusion of 0.27 mm/min, and the potassium permanganate dropped in
agar-water gel and was submerged in water maintained constant at a temperature of 40
degrees Celsius had a computed average rate of diffusion of 0.43 mm/min. Potassium
permanganate in the setup with water maintained constant at 40 degrees Celsius
exhibited the highest average rate of diffusion amongst the three potassium
permanganate in the three different setups utilized in the study. In contrast, potassium
permanganate in the setup with water maintained constant at 10 degrees Celsius
exhibited the lowest average rate of diffusion.

According to Starr and Taggart (2004), the rate of diffusion is dependent on the
energy present on the medium in which diffusion takes place. It is stated in the Kinetic
Theory that; the temperature as measured on the Kelvin (absolute) temperature scale is
directly proportional to the average kinetic energy of the molecules. (Exner, 1995;
Chang, 2011). This means that a given particle will move faster at a higher temperature.
This would explain why potassium permanganate in the setup with water maintained
constant at 40 degrees Celsius had the highest average rate of diffusion.

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Table 2. Computed partial rates of diffusion (mm/min) of potassium permanganate in the

three different setups for 30 minutes at a regular three-minute interval
Partial rates of diffusion (mm/min.)
Time elapsed
permanganate in
permanganate in
permanganate in
setup with water at
setup with water at
setup with water at
10 degrees Celsius
32 degrees Celsius
40 degrees Celsius
Average rate of

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Average Rate of Diffusion (mm/min)





Temperature of medium (Degrees Celsius)

Figure 3. A bar graph showing the comparison of the average rate of

diffusion of Potassium
permanganate in the three setups with the media at
three different temperatures

Table 2 and Figure 4 shows the partial rates of diffusion of the potassium
permanganate in the three setups that were utilized in the study. It can be observed that
the potassium permanganate in the three setups that were utilized in the study did not
exhibit a constant increase or decrease in their computed partial rates of diffusion, but it

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can also be observed that potassium permanganate in the setup where the agar-water
gel was submerged in a water maintained constant at 40 degrees Celsius have had the
most number of times it had the highest partial rate of diffusion among the three drops of
potassium permanganate in three different setups. It can also be observed that the
potassium permanganate in the setup with water maintained constant at 10 degrees
Celsius only showed an increase on the partial rate of diffusion during the 9th and the 24th
minute during the duration of the experiment

The different effects of temperature on the rate of diffusion of potassium

permanganate can be perceived through means of different explanations.

Down a

concentration gradient, a substance undergoing diffusion will eventually be in a state of

balance. This state of balance is called dynamic equilibrium which denotes a condition in
which the portions of a system are in constant motion, but they are moving in the same
pace at opposite directions so that the whole system does not undergo major alterations
in its. (McCandless, Jr., 1998). According to Howley, (2003), temperature, the size
of the molecule, or the steepness of the concentration may influence the difference in
the partial rates of diffusion. The difference in the partial rates of diffusion may also be
influenced by slopes in the electrical charge and pressure that may or may not be
present in the region along the place where diffusion of a substance is taking place.
(Starr & Taggart, 2004). Thus, the fluctuations in the partial rates of diffusion of
potassium permanganate in the three different setup in the duration of the 30-minute
experiment at a regular three-minute interval of measuring the compounds diameter.

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Medium at 40 degrees Celsius


Medium at 32 degrees Celsius

Partial Rate of Diffusion (mm/min.)


Medium at 10 degrees Celsius





TIme Elapsed (Min.)

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Figure 4. A line graph showing the partial rate of diffusion of potassium

permanganate in three different setups with medium at different temperatures for 30
minutes at a regular three-minute interval.


The effect of the temperature of the medium on the rate of diffusion of potassium
dichromate (K2Cr207) was determined. The researchers found it necessary to conduct the
study because of a previous experiment involving potassium dichromates rate of
diffusion in water; a drop of potassium dichromate diffused faster in the water with
temperature above room temperature compared to the potassium dichromate dropped in
water below normal room temperature. The researchers used a colored substance in
able to easily observe the diffusion of the compound being studied. The compound that
was utilized in this study was potassium permanganate (KMnO4).

A drop of the prepared solution of potassium permanganate was carefully placed

simultaneously into each well of the agar-water gel with the use of a medicine dropper.
The petri dishes was covered immediately. The first petri dish was placed on a container
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with water at a temperature maintained constant at 32 degrees Celsius. The second

petri dish was placed on a container with water at a temperature maintained constant at
10 degrees Celsius. The other petri dish was placed on a container with water at a
temperature maintained constant at 40 degrees Celsius. At a regular three-minute
interval for thirty minutes, the diameter (in mm) of the colored area of the substance was
measured using a 12-inch commercial ruler and was recorded. When the substances
were placed in their respective wells, some portions of the substances scattered on the
sides of the well so the researcher measured the diameters of the substances from
under the petri dish to avoid errors in the measurement of the diameters.

The partial rates and average rate of diffusion of potassium permanganate was
computed using a formula that was derived in order to determine the partial rate of
diffusion. Potassium permanganate in the setup with water maintained constant at 40
degrees Celsius had the greatest measured diameter of 17 mm and diffused the farthest
distance and had the highest average rate of diffusion; In contrast, potassium
permanganate in the setup with water maintained constant at 10 degrees Celsius had
the least measured diameter of 6 mm, diffused the shortest distance and had the lowest
average rate of diffusion.

Hence, if the temperature of the medium affects the rate of diffusion, then the
higher the temperature of the medium is, the faster is rate of diffusion of a substance;
nevertheless, some other factors influence a substance rate of diffusion and these
factors contribute to fluctuations in the partial rate of diffusion of substances over a
period of time. The researchers were not able to measure the diameters of each of the
substances simultaneously, so the researchers recommend that the future researchers
on this topic measure the diameters of the substances all at the same time to see if there
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will be any difference. Also, the researchers recommend the use of other strategies and
techniques for better result reading, thus, the manner in which the chemicals are
dropped simultaneously, the substances purity level, and the substances concentration
must be considered as factors and may contribute as sources of errors in the collection
of data in the experiment. Further experiments may also be done to see whether the
physical or chemical properties of the substance have an effect on its rate of diffusion as
well as the medium in which the substances diffuses.

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Chemistry: The Central Science. 12th ed. USA: Pearson Prentice Hall. p. 86.
Chang, R., J. Overby. 2011. General Chemistry: The Essential Concepts. 6th ed. New
York: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. p. 162.
Exner. "Annalen der Physik." 1995. 155-156.
Howley R., B.D MacCraith, K. ODwyer, P. Kirwan, P. McLoughlin. 2003. A Study of the
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Starr, C., R. Taggart. 2004. Biology: The Unity and Diversity of Life. 10th ed. Singapore:
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Zubay, G.L., W.W., Parson, D.E. Vance. 2003. Principles of Biochemistry. USA: W.C.
Brown, Inc. pp. 315-320.

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