National Conference On NPA

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National Plan of Action 2015-17 for Countering Trafficking in Bangladesh

NPA 2015-17 for combatting Human trafficking is an essential tool for defining the responsibility
of key stakeholders in the fight against human traffickers in BANGLADESH., both internally AND
ACROSS THE BORDER. IT addressed Human Trafficking as a Global Issue, which can be
combatted through coordination of stakeholders. The NPA aims to facilitate the professional
implementations of activities and is a formal commitment by the GOB.
The entire forum was divided into the 5 goals/themes
The entire forum consisted of many stakeholders from various departments such as RAB, Ministry
of Defense, Home Ministry, Ministry of Youth & Sports , Local NGOs, INGOs, BGB, Naval and
Coastal Guards and others. They all shared and discussed their personal experiences and the Dos
and Dontss associated with the above mentioned themes. Groups were been made in order of the
goals and then they decided on the outcomes.
In Prevention the GOAL 1 : The groups talked about creating a focal person in the Home Ministry
who deals with all the governmental and Other stakeholders. Getting livelihood training initially
can stop the traffic. Teaching in schools from early age is necessary especially in the outskirts of
Bangladesh. Implement the act , the law rather than just saying it in words .Strong law and order
situation for the traffickers.
In Protection GOAL 2: Groups were mostly indulged in talks of creating a benchmark for the after
service provided to the victims. Budget for the victims to be created for the NPA. In creation of the
Counter Trafficking Committee and activate them. Having a co-chair in districts to carry forward
this progress. Psycho Social Counselling. Strengthen the border security if possible. A phone
number of 10921 exists for this victimized persons who can use, and need to promote the number.
Prosecution of Human Trafficking causes , GOAL 3 : 3500 cases were registered on the eve of year
2015, around 36 came to court out of which 6 summoned to justice. Victim and Witness program
act need to be stronger. Counter Trafficking Committees to be formed in district level. Community
Polices can be toughen to make it more powerful. Ayin o shalish Kendra , the manob pachar ayin
can have its own share of Male kidnapping law to be added. An RAB squad dedicated to anti
trafficking, creating more official foreign recruitment agencies ,

GOAL 4 was entitled to Development of partnerships : to look out for CSR funding in the NRB list,
Monitoring Evaluation desk to support all the complains and prepare any assistance required
within the secretariats of the SAARCregion. The power of Social Media strength is immense, so
we believe that I can be used in order to create a chain of message dissemination. More ATL
campaigns to be done in order to create more awareness among people.
Goal 5 featuring National Plan of action Monitoring of the NPA implemented committee to be
created. In field impact study to be created to study the human trafficking situations, National

laws, Go, Ngo to be together as coordination seems zero among them. Daily Publishes can also

Dnet can gain from: We can participate in the Human trafficking scenario by

Proposing for a unique ICT based unique solution or message dissemination regarding
the trafficking among the rural peoples of the country.
Proposal of Cross Border Rehabilitation process to the Government of Bangladesh
Getting insight on watching NBR to find out CSR funding according to their criteria of
providing rebate to companies
Getting into partnerships with any local or INGO regarding Human Trafficking and on
any aspect that we prefer to be part of can be chosen from the goals mentioned by the
Partnering with USAID / GOB on human trafficking is a probability.
Participate or organize a consortium who will do the impact study of the implementation
of the NPA successfully or not.
Infoladies can participate in the Human Trafficking awareness campaign and be the focal
to spread the messages. Consortium can also be formed.

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