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File On Information
Submitted to: Ms Priyanka Sharma

List of topics to
Ms Word
Ms Excel
Ms Power Point



processing are application software,

which are used for word processing is the
most widely used technique for typing,
editing, storing, formatting , manipulating
and printing documents with the
assistance of computer and printer . It is
the most efficient means of generating
documents electronically

Functionalities of MS Word
mode of
text editing.
Facility of
Cut, Copy,

Search and

ort Text.
preview of

Offers a
variety of
front style
and font

The File menu has been replaced

with the Microsoft Office Button

Opening the word application

on windows 7

1. click on
task bar

menu on the

2.from all programs,go to

Microsoft Office and click
Microsoft Office Word 2007

The Microsoft Word window starts

with a new document opened.

To create a document

Click on
Click on new as shown

The New document dialog box

appears as shown
3. Click the Blank Document
icon if it is not selected by
4. Click Create, the new,
blank appears as shown

Save an Office Word 2007

file in anther file format
You can save Office Word 2007 documents to
any of several file formats.

Click the Microsoft Office Button

and then click Save As.


In the Save As dialog box, in the Save

as type list, click the file type that you


In the File name box, type a name for

the file.


Click Save.

Types of extensions that word 2007

XML file type






Components of the
Ms-word window
Title or


1. Title Bar: - Title bar shows the name of

the document and situated in the top of
window application.
2. Menu bar:-Menu bar contains the
various commands under the various topics
to perform some special tasks. Menu bar is
located below the title bar.
3. Cursor: - cursor is MS-word pointer,
which tells where on the document the action
will appear or effect. The cursor can be
moved and placed anywhere on the
document with the help of a pointer device
like mouse.
4. status Bar:- This bar displays the
position of the cursor; status of some
important keys of keyboard; the messages for
the toolbar button when a mouse pointer to
it, messages for menu option, when a menu
option is selected or pointed out by a user
and/or many other relevant information. It is
located at the bottom of the window.

5. Scroll Bar :-Scroll bars are sliders that

can be moved using mouse. As the scroll bar
is moved, the window panes through the
document, exposing different regions of the

6. Document Navigation: - Document

Navigation allows navigating the document
In different types of objects and is activated
when clicked on the ball type button on the
vertical scroll bar.

6. Task Bar: - Task bar show in the end of

document screen. We can hide the task bar.
We can change any properties of task bar in
task manager dialog box.






The File menu has been replaced with

the Microsoft Office Button .
Click here to open, save or print, and to
see everything else you can do with your
document. Its called office button. Its right

side show the recent document

box. This box shows the recent
files of word.

Quick Access Toolbar

The quick access toolbar is a customizable

toolbar that contains commands that you
may want to use. You can place the quick
access toolbar above or below the ribbon. To
change the location of the quick
access toolbar, click on the arrow at the end
of the toolbar and click on Show below the

Typing and inserting Text :-To

enter text just start typing! The text will
appear where the blinking cursor is located.
Move the cursor by using the arrow buttons
on the keyboard or positioning the mouse
and clicking the left button. The keyboard
shortcuts listed below are also helpful when
moving through the text of a document:

Home: - In which we can change

the text style, size, change the paragraph
style; find the word in the paragraph etc. In
this button have many options like clipboard,
font, paragraph, styles and editing.

Clipboard: - In clipboard has shortcuts

of cut, copy, paste, format painter icon.
o Cut: - cut the selection from the
document and put it on clipboard.
Its shortcut keys (ctrl+X).
o Copy: - Copy the selection and put
it on the clipboard. Its shortcut keys
o Paste: - paste the content of
clipboard. Its shortcut keys (ctrl+V).
o Format painter: - copy formatting
from one place and apply to another
place. Its shortcut keys
Font: - In font, we can change the text
font color, size, format etc.
o Change the font face, size, increase
and decrease the font size, clear
format, bold the text, italic the
selected text and under line it. We
can change the lower and upper

case of the selected text. Change

the text highlighting color also.

Paragraph: - In this we can set the
paragraph according to the
requirements. We can insert the bullets
in the text file. There has different types
of bullets we can insert it according to its
own choice. Sort the alphabets in
ascending or descending order. Set the
alignments and line spacing of the
paragraph. There has three alignments
left, right and center alignment.

Style: - In style we can change the style
of the text. Here we given the different
different styles of text and we can apply
this format on the text according to own

Editing: - In editing, we can find the any

text in the whole document. When we
have a long data we cannot able to find
the single text in the whole file. Then
click on find button. By the help of find
button we can easily find the text and
replace it any text in the file. Select the
text or object in the document.

Insert: - In the document we

can insert the pages anywhere, insert the
table, illustrations, links, header &footer,
text, symbols.

Pages: - Here we can insert the fullformatted cover page. Insert the blank
page anywhere in the document and
break the page.

Tables: - Insert the table and edit in the

table field.
Store the
record in
o o

Illustrations: - In illustration
insert the picture in the file,
clip art, shapes, smart arts,
chart according to

Links: - insert the Hyperlink,

bookmarks and cross reference.
Cross reference is automatically
updated if the content moved to
another location. Create a bookmark to
assign a name to a specific point in a
document. Create a link to a web page, a
picture, e-mail address, or a program.
Header & Footer: - Insert the header
&footer in the document and write the
any text in the header &footer. Insert
the page number in the document.

Text: - Insert the text box, word art, quick

parts, drop cap, signature line, date &
time and object.

Symbol: - we can insert any

symbol in the document.

Page Layout: - In page layout

we can setting the page themes, page setup,
page background, and paragraph and

Themes: - change the overall design of

the entire document, including color and

Page setup: - In page

setup select the page

margins, page orientation, choose the

paper size, split the two or more columns,
add page, break columns, add line

Page background: - Set the

watermark page, page color and page
Insert ghosted text behind the content
on the page. Choose the background
color and border.
Paragraph: - Move the paragraph left
and right hand side with the help of
indent and change the spacing in the
paragraph with the help of spacing.

Arrange: - Arrange the position of

selected object, send the selected object
behind the all other object and bring to
front the object. Align the edges of
multiple selected objects. Grouped the
object, rotate the selected object.

References: - It gives the

reference of table contents, footnotes,
citation &bibliography, caption, index and
table of authorities.

Table of contents: - It includes table of

contents, add text and update table.
o Add the table contents in the
document and update to it.

Footnotes: - Insert the footnote to the
document. Its footnote adds an endnote
to the document; navigate to the next
footnote in the document.
22 Citations &bibliography: - Insert the
citation according to the style you have
selected, view the list of all sources in
the document, choose the style, add the
bibliography, which lists the entire source
cited in the document.

Captions: - insert the caption to a

picture or other image and insert the
text. Insert the table of figure in the
Index: - Mark entry includes the
selected text in the index of the
document. Insert and update the index.
Table of authorities: - In mark citation
add the selected text as an entry in the
table of authorities. Insert and update
the table of authorities.

Mailing: - In mailing we
can create and print the envelopes
and labels. Its including envelopes,
labels, start mail merge, write and
insert field, preview result and finish.

Create: - In create, we can create and

print the envelopes and labels. You can
select from number of popular paper
label styles and shapes.

Start mail merge:- In this we can start

a mail merge to create a form letter
which you intend to print
or e-mail multiple times,
sending each copy to
different recipient.
Select and Edit recipients list: Choose the list of people you intend to
send the letter to. We can type your own
list, contacts or connect to a database
and send to may recipients. Edit
recipients list make changes to the list
Write & Insert field:- it contains the
Highlight Merge Field, Address Field,
Greeting Line, Insert Merge Field, Rules,
Match Fields and Updates Labels.
Highlight the fields you have inserted in
to the document. Add an address to your
letter. Add a greeting line such as Dear
<<First Name>>, to your document.
Add any field from your recipient list to
the document, such as First Name,
Home Phone or any other field. Rules
and match the field and update field
from the recipients list.
Preview Results: - Here we can preview
the results of the document. In view
merge data replace the merge fields in
your document with actual data from

your recipient list so you can see what it

looks like. Find and preview the specific
record in the recipients list by searching
for text. It can auto check the errors.
Finish: - Finish means complete the mail

Review: - In review field we can

add the comments, proofing, tracking,
changes, compare and protect the document.

Proofing: - In proofing we can check the

spelling and grammar of text in
document. Search through reference
materials, such as dictionaries. Translate
the selected text in to another language.
Set the language and word count to the

Comments: - Here we can add & delete

the comments in the document. Navigate
to the previews and next comment in the
Tracking: - We
can change the
track made to the
insertion, deletion and formatting
changes. Add the balloons in the
document. Choose how to view the
proposed, what kind of markup to show
changes to the document. Show revisions
in a separate window.
Changes: - Here accept and
move to in the document.
Changing in the current
document. Navigate to the
previews and next revision in
the documents.

Compare: - Compare & combine the
multiple versions of the document. You
can show the original document.
Protect:-Restrict how the people can
access the document.

View: - In view field see the view of

document. See the document views, show
and hide rulers, gridlines etc, zoom the text
or picture, window and micro.

Document views: - In Document views,

view the print layout, /full screen
reading, see the web layout, show the
outline tool and view the draft to quickly
edit the text.

Show/Hide: - Show and Hide the Ruler,
Gridlines, Document Map, Thumbnails
and Message Bar.
Zoom: - Zoom the one page,
two pages and zoom the page
width according to own

Window: - Here we can open the new

Window, arrange the all windows side by
side; split the current window into two
parts. Side by side see the view of all
windows. Switch to a different currently
open window.
Macro: - We can create the macro in the
document. First records the macro in the
starting & at the end stop the macro in
the document field. We can record and
stop the macro and pause the macro in
the document.


workbooks, not
worksheets, are the basic file in Excel--even if
you are using only single worksheet, its still
contained in a workbook. Workbooks, in
essence, are the containers for worksheets.
Think of workbooks as the ledger book that
contains the pages on which you enter
information. Worksheets are grids or cells
arranged in rows and columns. When you first
start Excel, or anytime you create a new
workbook, youll notice that you have three
worksheets in your workbook.

workbooks:- Excel starts with a
blank workbook titled BOOK1. If you see
starting a new project, simply use the blank
default workbook and save it under a new

Starting of MS-EXCEL:Microsoft Excel is a windows based

Excel processing application. It can be started
on a computer, where it is already installed
as follow:

Click on
start button on the
Then click on the All program
option in start menu.
Click on Microsoft office and then
click on Microsoft office Excel.

The Microsoft Excel

window starts with a new
document opened.

The Quick Access

The Quick Access Toolbar gives you
with access to commands you frequently use.
By default , save,undo ,redo appear on the
Quick Access Toolbar.

Create a new worksheet

within a document
When you create a new worksheet within a
document, the worksheet is inserted in the
document as an embedded object.

Place the insertion point where you

want to create the worksheet.


On the Insert tab, in the Tables

group, click Table, and then click Excel


Fill in the worksheet with the

information that you want.

Open a file

Do the following in these 2007

Microsoft EXCEL Office system

Click the Microsoft Office Button

, and then click Open.
Keyboard shortcut To display the
Open dialog box, press CTRL+O.
InfoPath, OneNote, Project,
Publisher, or Visio
On the File menu, click Open.
Keyboard shortcut To display the
Open dialog box, press CTRL+O.

In the Look in list, click the folder,

drive, or Internet location that contains
the file that you want to open.


In the folder list, locate and open the

folder that contains the file.
By default, the files that you see in the
Open dialog box are only those files
that are created by the program that
you are using. For example, if you are
using Microsoft Office Excel, you do not
see files that are created by using
Microsoft Office Word unless you click
All Files in the Files of type box.


Click the file, and then click Open.

Save a file

Do the following in these 2007 Microsoft

EXCEL Office system programs:
Click the Microsoft Office Button
then click Save.

, and

Keyboard shortcut To save the file, press

InfoPath, OneNote, Project, Publisher, or
On the File menu, click Save.
Keyboard shortcut To save the file,
press CTRL+S.
If you are saving the file for the first time,
you are asked to give it a


Microsoft Excel consists of Worksheets. Each

worksheet contains columns and rows. The
columns are lettered A to Z then continuing
with AA,AB,AC and so on; the rows are
numbered 1 to 1,048,576.


If the Formula bar is turned on, the cell

address of the cell you are in displays, in the
Name box which is located on the left side of
the Formula bar. Cell entries display on the
right side of the Formula bar.

Enter Data
First, place the cursor in the cell in which you
want to start entering data. Type some data,
and then press Enter. If you need to delete,
press the Backspace key to delete one
character at a time.

1. Place the cursor in cell A1.

2. Type Johan Jorden. Do not press Enter at a time.

Delete Data
The Backspace key erase one character at a
time. the Backspace key until Jorden is
2. press enter . the name John appears in
cell A1.
Edit a cell After you ebter data into a cell, you
can edit the data by pressing F2 while you
are in the cell you wish to edit.

Edit a Cell
Change John to Jones.
1. Move to cell A1.
2. Press F2.
3. Use the Backspace key to delete the n and the
4. Type anything in the cell.
5. Press enter.

Wrap Text
When you type text that is
too long to fit in the cell,
the text overlaps the next
cell. If you do not want it to
overlap the next cell, you
can wrap the text.

Delete a Cell Entry

To delete an entry in a cell or a group of cells,
you place the cursor in the cell or select the
group of cells and press Delete.

Worksheet Basics
Learn what Excel is used for, parts of Excel's
window, Ribbon user interface, shortcut
menus, dialog boxes and how to navigate
Excel worksheets.

Formulas and Functions

Formulas and worksheet functions are
essential to manipulating data and obtaining
useful information from the Excel workbooks.
This tutorial present a wide variety of formula
examples that uses many of Excel's

Charts and Graphics

Learn how to use Excel's graphics capabilities
to display your data in a chart and how to use
Excel's other drawing tools to enhance a

Data Sharing
Learn how to protect workbooks and

worksheets and how to extract data from a

database or xml file and analyze it with Excel
2007, and save excel worksheets or
workbook for the web so people can browse

Analyze Data
Learn how to obtain and analyze data with
powerful and easy to use Excel capabilities.

VBA and Macros

Learn how to: automate routine operations
with macros and VBA, use the macro
recorder, how macros work, and where Excel
stores them. Learn how to use Visual Basic
editor, important code techniques, and few
useful macros.

Home: - In which we can change

the text style, size, change the paragraph
style; find the word in the paragraph etc. In
this button have many options like clipboard,
font, paragraph, styles, cells and editing.

Clipboard: - In clipboard has shortcuts

of cut, copy, paste, format painter icon.
Cut: - cut the selection from the
document and put it on clipboard. Its
shortcut keys (ctrl+X).
Copy: - Copy the selection and put it on
the clipboard. Its shortcut keys (ctrl+C).
Paste: - paste the content of clipboard.
Its shortcut keys (ctrl+V).
Format painter: - copy formatting from
one place and apply to another place. Its
shortcut keys (ctrl+shift+C).
Font: - In font, we can change the text
font color, size, format etc.
Change the font face, size, increase and
decrease the font size, clear format, bold
the text, italic the selected text and
under line it. We can change the lower
and upper case of the selected text.
Change the text highlighting color also.

Alignment: - In this we can set the

paragraph according to the
requirements. We can insert the bullets
in the text file. There has different types
of bullets we can insert it according to its
own choice. Sort the alphabets in
ascending or descending order. Set the
alignments and line spacing of the
paragraph. There has three alignments
left, right and center alignment.
Style: - In style we can change the
style of the text. Here we given the
different different styles of text and we
can apply this format on the text
according to own choice.
Cell: - we can insert and delete any cell.
And change height and width of cell.

Insert: - In the document we can

insert the pages anywhere, insert the table,
illustrations, links, charts, text, links.

Tables: - Insert the table and edit in the

table field. Store the record in table.
Illustrations: - In illustration insert
the picture in the file, clip art, shapes,
smart arts, chart according to
Links: - insert the Hyperlink,
bookmarks and cross reference. Cross
reference is automatically updated if the
content moved to another location.
Create a bookmark to assign a name to a
specific point in a document. Create a
link to a web page, a picture, e-mail
address, or a program.
Text: - Insert the text box, word art,
quick parts, drop cap, signature line,
date & time and object.
Chart: - there are many types of charts
like columns, line, pie, Bar, Area, Scatter,
Other chart.

Page Layout: - In page layout

we can setting the page themes, page setup,

scale to fit, sheet option and arrange.

Themes: - change the overall design of

the entire document, including color and
Page setup: - In page setup select the
page margins, page orientation, choose
the paper size, split the two or more
columns, add page, break columns, add
line number.
Sheet option:- setting the file, view
the grid lines or not when we read the
Arrange: - Arrange the position of
selected object, send the selected object
behind the all other object and bring to
front the object. Align the edges of
multiple selected objects. Grouped the
object, rotate the selected object.

Formula bar:-

includes many type formulas like
function library, Defined names, formula
auditing, calculation.

Function library:- It includes insert

function, auto sum, recently used,
financial, logical, text, date & time and
more function. In auto sum , directly sum
any rows and columns. Set the date &
time according to own choice.
Defined name:- In this option we can
defined the name of manager and use
the formula. Here we can create the
defined name etc.
Formula auditing:- Here we can
trace precedents, trace dependents,
remove arrows, shows formulas, error
check in formulas, evaluate the formals.
Calculation:- we can calculate the
values, when we change any values then
calculate the result very fast with the
help of calculation.

Data:- its include many data

tools, get external data, connections, sort &
filter and outline etc. create any database
and create any connection in the database.

Get general data:- Access the data

from various fields like from access,
from web, from text, and from other
Sort & search:- we can search any
file and sort it according to its
Outline:- here tie the range of cell.
Expand the cells (rows & columns).

Review: - In review field we can add the

comments, proofing, tracking, changes,
compare and protect the document.

Proofing: - In proofing we can check

the spelling and grammar of text in
document. Search through reference
materials, such as dictionaries. Translate
the selected text in to another language.

Set the language and word count to the


Comments: - Here we can add &

delete the comments in the document.
Navigate to the previews and next
comment in the document.
Tracking: - We can change the track
made to the document, including
insertion, deletion and formatting
changes. Add the balloons in the
document. Choose how to view the
proposed, what kind of markup to show
changes to the document. Show revisions
in a separate window.
Changes: - Here accept and move to
in the document. Changing in the current
document. Navigate to the previews and
next revision in the documents.
Compare: - Compare & combine the
multiple versions of the document. You
can show the original document.
Protect:-Restrict how the people can
access the document.

View: - In view field see the view

of document. See the document views, show
and hide rulers, gridlines etc, zoom the text
or picture, window and micro.

Document views: - In Document

views, view the print layout, full screen
reading, see the web layout, show the
outline tool and view the draft to quickly
edit the text.

Show/Hide: - Show and Hide the

Ruler, Gridlines, Document Map,
Thumbnails and Message Bar.
Zoom: - Zoom the one page, two pages
and zoom the page width according to
own requirements.
Window: - Here we can open the new
Window, arrange the all windows side by
side; split the current window into two
parts. Side by side see the view of all
windows. Switch to a different currently
open window.
Macro: - We can create the macro in
the document. First records the macro in
the starting & at the end stop the macro
in the document field. We can record and
stop the macro and pause the macro in
the document.

Introduction:-PowerPoint 2007 is the

presentation graphics software in the
Microsoft 2007 Office Suite. With PowerPoint,
you can use its easy-to-use predefined
layouts, themes, or templates to create
dynamic and professional presentations.
PowerPoint is a presentation software
package. With PowerPoint, you can easily
create slide shows. Trainers and other
presenters use slide shows to illustrate their
presentations. This tutorial teaches
PowerPoint basics. This lesson introduces you
to the PowerPoint window. You use the
window to interact with PowerPoint.

Creating Your First PowerPoint

You create your PowerPoint presentation on
slides. You use layouts to organize the
content on each slide. PowerPoint has several
slide layouts from which to choose. Themes
are sets of colors, fonts, and special effects.
Backgrounds add a colored background to
your slides. You can add themes and
backgrounds to your slides. After you
complete your slides, you can run your
presentation. In this lesson you learn how to
create slides, makes changes to slides, apply
a theme and run a slide show.

Animations, Transitions, Spell

Check, Outline Tab, Slides Tabs,
Sorter View, and Printing
Animations control how objects move onto, off of,
and around your slides. Transitions control how your
presentation moves from one slide to the next. In
this lesson you learn how to create animations and
transitions. You also learn how to spell-check your
document, how to use the Outline and Slides tabs,
how to use Sorter view, and how to print.

Many of the steps you are about to read are
for both PC and Mac computers. Some of the
steps have very similar descriptions. For your
benefit, this tutorial has combined the
information but will offer different screen
shots for each system when necessary.
A PC To launch Microsoft PowerPoint, go to
Start > Programs > Microsoft Office >
Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 .A blank
presentation will open.

Navigate to Microsoft PowerPoint on a



:- Microsoft PowerPoint

uses several toolbars to allow you to

modify your document. When you first
open PowerPoint, usually the toolbars
discussed below will open.


The Home bar: (Figure 5). This
toolbar has features that allow you to

edit Slides, Fonts, Paragraph,

Drawing and Editing. This is the only
toolbar that you can edit these options

The Insert bar: This toolbar has features th

Illustrations, Links, Text, and Media Clips.

The Design bar: This toolbar

has features that allow you to edit how
your presentation will look. It includes
features such as Page Setup, Themes,
and Background.

Design Tab Selected.

The Animations bar: . This

toolbar has features that allow you to
add custom animations to your
presentation. You can select from

Preview, Animations, and

Transitions. By selecting Custom
Animation in the Animations box, you
can apply effects to individual elements
in your presentation.

Animations Tab Selected.

The Slide Show bar: This

toolbar has features that allow you to
select how your presentation will be
displayed. From here, you can Start
your Slide Show, Set Up your Slide
Show, and Adjust Monitor Settings

Slide Show Tab Selected.

The Review bar: This toolbar

has features that allow you to
Proofread, Comment Slides, and
Protect (Lock) your Presentation

Review Tab Selected.

The View bar: This toolbar

has features that allow you to set the
View of your Presentation,
Show/Hide Features, Zoom, Switch
from Color to Grayscale, Adjust
Windows, and Add Macros.

View Tab Selected.

slide design for a Microsoft
PowerPoint document is a blank slide.
If you want your slides to have a design,
you must add one. To do this, go to Tool
Ribbon > Design Tab and select the
design that you like. The design is
instantly applied when you click on it.

Applying Slide Themes (PC).


LAYOUT From the Home tab, select

Layout from the Slide box and select

your preferred layout. From here, you
can specify how the content on your
slide is displayed. To apply a layout to
your slide, click on the preferred style.

Adjusting Slide Layout (PC).



When trying to enhance your word

document you may want to include Clip Art
and/or Word Art. Microsoft PowerPoint comes with a
Clip Gallery that contains a large variety of images
including pictures, borders, and backgrounds. To find
a desired.


Go to the Insert Tab >

WordArt Select the desired style and click OK. Type the

desired text and click OK. To select your WordArt, click

on it, and small boxes will appear in the corners (Figure
14). Moving the yellow box on a selected WordArt allows
the user to change the slant of the WordArt. WordArt
can be resized and deleted similarly to Clip Art.

Inserting Pictures. To insert a picture select the

Insert Tab > Picture. Locate the image that you want to
put into your document and click Insert.

Inserting Pictures.


To insert a slide from another presentation go to the
Home tab > New Slide > Reuse Slides.(Figure 16.),
select the slide that you wish to insert into your


Inserting a Slide from Another


To create a table within your document,
go to the Insert Tab > Table. Choose
the desired table size by dragging your
mouse over the squares, and click. The
table will be inserted at the cursor's
location within your document. To
navigate within your table, use the
arrow keys.

FLOWCHARTS:-Flowcharts are
used to create diagrams in Microsoft
PowerPoint. To draw a Flowchart go to
the Home Tab and click the Down
Arrow to access Flowchart (Figure
17.). Once the Drawing toolbar is open,
click and hold on the AutoShapes

button until a side menu appears.

Continue holding down the mouse while
you drag the cursor over to Flowchart,
and then to the desired shape (Figure
17). The cursor will appear as crosshairs.
Position these crosshairs where you
want to place the flowchart in your
document and click and drag to the
desired size. You can then use the
Drawing toolbar to fill this shape with
words and/or pictures/color. To draw
connecting lines between the shapes:
Click and hold on the Lines button on
the Drawing toolbar until the side menu
appears. Continue holding down the
mouse and select the desired line style.
Click and drag your line from the first
shape to the connecting shape.

Inserting Flowcharts into Your



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