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Presented to Head Industrial Engineering Department


69th EC
Department of Aerospace Engineering



1 Product life cycle management 6

2 Introduction 9

3 Salient features SMARTEAM of ENOVIA 16

4 CATIA integration 19

I. Problems 19

II. Solution provided by SMARTEAM 19

III. Installation guide 21

5 Editorial option 22

I. Problems 22

II. Solution provided by SMARTEAM 22

III. Security 23

IV. User interface 27

6 Program management 32

I. Problems 32

II. Solution provided by SMARTEAM 32

III. User interface 35

7 BOM management 37

I. Problems 37

II. Solution provided by SMARTEAM 37



III. User interface 42

8 Multi Site 45

I. Problems 45

II. Solution provided by SMARTEAM 46

III. User interface 48

9 Community Workspace 50

I. Problems 50

II. Solution provided by SMARTEAM 50

III. User interface 53

10 Work Flow 55

I. Problems 55

II. Solution provided by SMARTEAM 55

III. User interface 59

11 PLM in Aerospace industry and use of ENOVIA SMMARTEAM 63

12 Use of ENOVIA in PAF 67

13 System Requirement 67

14 Conclusion 68





The scope of our Industrial Engineering project was to “Understand and Implement
ENOVIA SMARTEAM”. This report includes an in-depth discussion on SMARTEAM
while at the same time it provides a cursory view of the user interface of this
revolutionary PLM solution software.

In order to improve the understanding of the readers this report has been written in a
step wise manner, with an industrial problem specified followed by the solution provided

SMARTEAM is futuristic software and its understanding will help us in improving the
production and management processes both within and outside PAF.



ENOVIA SMARTEAM is PLM (product lifecycle management) solution software.
Therefore in order to understand ENOVIA SMARTEAM and its full potentials we first
need to understand what PLM really is.

With the improvement in technology and increased usage of modern and innovative
production techniques the market has become increasingly competitive. Hence, if a
company fails to follow the latest trends of the production system its chances of survival
in the competitive market are grim. With ttime
ime there has been an increased demand for
latest production development techniques this is shown in the following figure

Product lifecycle management (PLM)) is the process of managing the entire lifecycle of a
product from its conception, through design and manufacture, to service and
disposal.PLM integrates people, data, processes and business systems and provides a
product information
rmation backbone for companies and their extended enterprise.

Product lifecycle management (PLM) is more to do with managing descriptions and

properties of a product through its development and useful life, mainly from a
business/engineering point of view
view; whereas product life cycle management (PLCM) is
to do with the life of a product in the market with respect to business/commercial costs
and sales measures.



Product lifecycle management is one of the four cornerstones of a corporation's

information technology structure. All companies need to manage communications
communic and
information with their customers (CRM(CRM-Customer
Customer Relationship Management),
Management their
suppliers (SCM-Supply
Supply Chain Management
Management), ), their resources within the enterprise (ERP-
Enterprise Resource Planning
anning) and their planning (SDLC-Systems
Systems Development Life
). In addition, manufacturing engineering companies must also develop, describe,
nage and communicate information about their products.

A product development environment involves a number of actors and for a successful

and economically viable product it is of extreme importance that there should be
extremely good interaction and commun
ication between all these actors. This is where
PLM comes in. The following figure gives an idea about the complexity of product

Fig.1 Complexity of product management.



Some of the most common problems associated with a unmanned product information
and process are:

1) Higher Costs
• Can’t find information
• Rework related to incorrect product data
• Incorrect decisions based upon wrong information

2) Sub-optimal Quality
• Unforeseen change impacts
• Limited manufacturing visibility to changes

3) Less Speed and Agility

• Limited visibility into project status and decreased likelihood of on-time
• Serial process management versus concurrent process management

4) Reduced Customer Satisfaction

• Missed deadlines, higher costs, quality & warranty issues

According to statistics:

• 47% of ISO certification failures are attributed to poor document control

• Between 3-7% of technical assets are lost each year due to the loss of misfiled
engineering documents

• 20% of engineering/manufacturing time is spent looking for the right revision of

product information

After considering all these problems Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) is the
solution all companies should look for. PLM is basically a solution / philosophy that
happen when every piece of information about a product is organized and correlated. It
Spans from product ideation, to design, manufacturing, servicing, and retirement. Larger
companies such as Raytheon, Airbus, Toyota, Audi, HP, Motorola, Caterpillar, Ingersoll
Rand, Nike, have turned to PLM for competitive differentiation

PLM basically allows us to gain control over product information and processes and
improve collaboration with customers, suppliers, partners, etc. by



1. Creating a single source (vault) for both workgroup and company-wide

information like Engineering models, drawings, marketing documents,
specifications, manuals, pubs, BOMs, analyses, L

2. Make information securely searchable and accessible by anyone from anywhere

3. Automate key processes such as design reviews, change management,

configuration management, quality, New Product Introduction, etc.

4. Make it easier for internal and external resources to work together through
secure online collaboration projects

5. Doesn’t require specialized IT people to manage – only requires Internet access

and a Web-browser

ENOVIA SMARTEAM V 19 is complete PLM solution software. (Product life cycle
management). In modern world as products become increasingly complex with costly
mechanical, electrical, and software capabilities, customers are demanding products
that fulfill their unique needs at the lowest possible cost. To stay ahead of the latest
innovations and market trends, companies must transition from traditional design
processes to an approach that supports the definition of conceptual product
architectures for highly variable configurations.
However, many companies today have no simple mechanism for designing products
that provide high market variation with technical modularity and cost control. With
ENOVIA® SMARTEAM™, companies can define conceptual product definitions that are
capable of re-use across a multiple series of products, satisfy market specifications, and
provide many possible optional capabilities. These conceptual product definitions are
used as a framework for defining variant products that are configurable and drive the
generation of design bills of materials. As a result, SMARTEAM helps companies
expedite the design process and lower costs while still meeting customer demands.

ENOVIA SMARTEAM basically enables companies to manage the conceptual and

commercial aspects of their products. System engineers and product planners are able
to define a portfolio of products and features with configuration options based on
specific customer and market requirements. Moreover, companies can improve their
product introduction process and increase reuse as ENOVIA SMARTEAM:



1. Bridges the gap between marketing requirements and engineering

2. Utilizes common modules across multiple product lines.

3. Delivers the right products to market as quickly and efficiently as possible

4. Effectively implements system engineering standards throughout the product

development process.

5. Connects product marketing, system engineering, design engineering and


6. Manages products that meet market, customer, and product launch criteria

7. Defines product features based on customer needs, market shifts, and

technology innovation.

8. Improves part reuse and minimize feature proliferation with modular product

9. Improves profit by managing variant products as bundled offerings.



Fig. 2 Improvements in product life cycle by introduction of SMARTEAM

A brief overview of ENOVIA SMARTEAM is presented below. This will be followed by a

detailed explanation of all the different features and benefits of ENOVIA SMARTEAM
later in the report.

Product Portfolio Definition

ENOVIA organizes and manages a company’s portfolio of products. Product lines and
model hierarchies organize a company’s family of products. Product lines manage a
library of mandatory features and rules without compromising organization security.
Models and products inherit mandatory features and rules defined and managed by
product marketing at the product line level.



Product Planning

Before development starts, product managers plan product releases (“product

revisions”) that meet market demands and introduce new technologies that provide
competitive advantages. With ENOVIA SMARTEAM, product managers innovate during
the product planning activities by indentifying the list of candidate features that need to
be committed, planned, and developed in a product release. A logical product structure
for each product release is defined containing all possible variations. A product release
is used as a platform to introduce new variant products with specific capabilities that
downstream product sales can configure using marketing options (e.g., color, country of
sale, etc.).

Product Architecture/Product Decomposition

Using ENOVIA SMARTEAM the company can decide weather to adopt a modular or
integral product architecture. System Engineering can define a logical product structure
based on a hierarchical (skeleton) structure used to combine solutions that derive a
family of variant products. By applying marketing variation and rule-based conditions to
the logical features, system engineers can increase the usage of common parts
between products. At the same time, system engineers are given advanced productivity
tools to help minimize feature proliferation. Conceptual design activities allow system
engineers to relate physical parts that fulfill each feature’s technical and marketing
requirements. Companies can now streamline the design process, maximize part reuse,
and minimize feature proliferation.

Mandatory Feature Compatibility Rules (Global Rules)

Marketing and system engineering can define and manage feature compatibility rules at
any level of the product structure. System engineers can define a single compatibility
rule at the product line level and force it to be used by lower level products. This
capability is known as a mandatory compatibility rule. Product line mandatory rules are
visible by lower level products. This new information allows system engineers to make
informed decisions when defining compatibility rules within their products. ENOVIA
SMARTEAM enables the producers to use BOM Management and BOM comparison
utilities to analyze compatibility issues.



Fig 3 Mandatory feature compatibility analysis

Product Variants

In ENOVIA SMARTEAM the logical product structure is used as a framework to

introduce a family of related variant products with specific technical and marketing
options. Product sales can then further configure the variant product with customers.
Product variants allow companies to reduce diversity by controlling the variations of
products that are available for configuration. System engineering controls product
variant content and options by selecting the specific technical and marketing features
available for configuration that meet specific requirements( e.g., target sales price,
target region, or targeted consumers). During the product variant definition, system
engineers use the Product Compatibility Matrix to select features and define their usage
criteria as “Mandatory (M),” “Standard (S),” or “Optional.”



Product Configurator

ENOVIA SMARTEAM helps companies with highly configurable products meet market
diversity requirements. Sales engineers can meet the unique needs of their business
customers using the configurator to define new products. For a build-to-market business
model, system engineers can pre-define product configurations that are published in a
company’s product catalog. In addition, system engineers can create partial
configurations for the products they are responsible for that are available to cross
functional groups to further define. In order to maximize the re-use of configured
accessories and service parts, engineers can create product configurations at any level
of the feature hierarchy. When product configurations are created at the sub-feature
level, a bill of materials can be generated and submitted to engineering for verification
and release. The newly generated top level part assigned to the feature’s configuration
is back-annotated and re-used with the feature’s part table.

BOM Generation

ENOVIA Variant Configuration Central enables system engineers to define a feature

architecture that is used as a framework for generating an engineering bill of material
(EBOM) for engineering to order (ETO) business models or a precise bill of material
(PBOM) for build-to-order business models. A BOM Preview dialog provides users the
ability to preview selected parts based on the selected marketing features and
evaluated part inclusion rules.

Build Management

As product configurations are ordered, product planners and manufacturing planners

need the ability to plan, manage and structure the builds, also known as units, which are
to be delivered to specific customers. The product planner can assign serial numbers,
unit numbers and manufacturing sequence numbers to each build that needs to be
manufactured for each product configuration. The manufacturing planner can then
define the composition of the manufactured serialized units that are installed on the unit.

Issue Resolution and Change Management

As products enter into the development phase of their project, changes are inevitable
but too many changes are cost prohibitive. A cross-functional change process helps
system engineers systematically manage and respond to feature changes. ENOVIA
Variant Configuration Central provides a choice of change management processes that
provide immediate visibility to change requests while maintaining integrity of the original
reported problem to the internal resolution.



Global approach

ENOVIA SMARTEAM not only provides PLM solution on local basis but also enables
global interaction and management it is an online software that easily allows data
transfer and comparison between overseas companies, in short it allows: global
collaboration innovation, single PLM platform for intellectual property (IP) management,
online creation and collaboration, ready to use PLM business processes, and lower cost
of ownership.

According to a survey ENOVIA SMARTEAM improves the product development

process as shown in the table below

Table 1 improvements brought by the use of SMARTEAM




The main features available in ENOVIA SMARTEAM are:

• CATIA Integration
• Editorial options
• Program management
• Work flow
• Multi site options
• Community workspace
• Bill of material (BOM) management

All these features would be explained one by one along with the problems faced by
producers, how ENOVIA SMARTEAM solves these problems and in the end there
would be a small overview of how to use these options.

But before starting the explanations some key words that would be used often are

1. Editor: Manages, links, and releases technical documents in the context of the
product structure. Usually the product management head.

2. Designer: Manages designs in a multi-CAD, multi-data environment. Includes

the entire designing section for e.g. in an aerospace industry we have structural
designers, aerodynamic designer, conceptual designer etc.


Community Designer

Navigator Engineer

Fig. 4 the cycle of different actors involved in production process



3. Engineer:

Manages E-BOM, M-BOM, item lifecycle, engineering release and change

processes. This person not only considers the relative cost but also ensures that the
design is manufacture-able given the resources available.

4. Navigator:

Browses, views, prints, shares, participates in processes. This includes the company
partners, advertising group, marketing group etc

5. Community:

Strict access to certain data only, for external partners. This usually includes the

6. New:

The file is NEW in the database.

7. Checked-out :

The file has been moved from the vault to local area

8. Checked-in :

The file has been moved to a secure vault

9. Released :

The file has been released

10. Obsolete :

The file has been obsolete

11. Not latest revision :

A newer revision is available in the vault



12. Modified document :

A document has been modified in CATIA without being Check-out out by the

13. Program Management:

The process of managing multiple projects simultaneously

14. Project management

The process of planning, organizing, and managing tasks and resources to

accomplish a defined objective, usually within constraints on time, resources, or

17. Project Collaboration

Provides dispersed users throughout the extended Enterprise and across the value
chain with a single, unified environment to easily, efficiently, and securely manage
and share all these elements in real-time through intuitive, role-based user interface,
eliminating error-prone manual data entries, and decreasing costs and time-to-

18. Multi-level workflow support:

Enables administrators (of the OEM company) to embed one or more flowcharts into
a container node. This capability simplifies the representation of complex flowcharts,
by showing parts of the overall process inside container nodes.



One of the major problems faced by producers nowadays is that certain PLM solution
softwares are not integrate able with engineering softwares for example CATIA, SOLID
EDGE etc. this creates great problems as it means that different CAD softwares might
be in use in different departments leading to problems for example the delay of A-380
airbus was caused by the use of different engineering software by the French and the
British as both the softwares were using different measurement standards. These kinds
of errors that would cost million of dollars to the company can now be easily avoided.
Moreover, there is always a problem that different versions of the same software might
be in use that might have compatibility issues.

Another problem faced by the industry is the high cost of product development
management (PDM).


Keeping the as mentioned problems in mind ENOVIA has provided us the perfect
solution. SMARTEAM is always synchronized with the latest CATIA level allowing
customers to use the most advanced CATIA functionality and explore its full potential.
SMARTEAM allows multiple CATIA releases data to be saved into a given SMARTEAM
release (CATIA V5R15 to V5R17 documents can be saved into SMARTEAM V5R19),
allowing suppliers to deal with multiple OEMs.

It enables concurrent engineering, as it minimizes the amount of documents to be

checked-out by each designer. Several Designers can work with the same data on the
screen and checked-out only a subset of the parts which improves CONCURRENT

Moreover SMARTEAM allows Direct Lifecycle operations from CATIA (Release, check-
in, check-out) with automatic attribute mapping, automatic object creation (for new
parts) and automatic link creation with link typing (design link, downstream application
etc). Furthermore, it also manages formats and links of the different CATIA applications.

With CATIA, designers can efficiently determine the implications of changes to

documents, thus enhancing decision making, improving product quality and reducing
modification costs. With the “Impact Anaysis” tool, users can immediately access the
dependant, linked documents, and for example, analyze the impacts of a 3D part



modifications as related to referenced assemblies, drawings, analysis, documents, and


SMARTEAM significantly reduces PDM costs as it provides simple PDM functionality

and easy usability which requires lesser training costs. CATIA Parts are automatically
created in SMARTEAM. Furthermore there are automatic links created between objects,
there is Automatic lifecycle (save, C/I, C/O, release, obsolete) management, Automatic
revision control i.e. When any document is checked-out (ownership taken by user) a
new revision (new object+copy of latest revision) is created in SMARTEAM and finally
there is the option of Global Refresh (automatic CATIA session refresh on latest
document versions).

SMARTEAM is also also relatively easier to use then other PLM softwares as it provides
Immersive display (Unique display of the lifecycle status of the product documents
directly on the CATIA feature tree designer are used to working with.), Contextuel Menu
(Access to major CAI functionality directly from 3D or 2D tree (Check-Out, Show, Profile
CardL), Silent Life Cycle operations (on setting activation) i.e. Ability to display only
warnings and errors during Life Cycle operations and finally it allows CATIA session
compare with easy comparaison of CATIA & SMARTEAM sessions related to links &

Once integrated with CATIA we can use the advanced support tools available in
ENOVIA SMARTEAM to help us in decision making. SMARTEAM fully captures the
CATIA V5, other CAD and product lifecycle knowledge and shares it throughout the
enterprise. Moreover SMARTEAM has the ability manipulate very large and complex
assemblies that is the reason it is used in the aerospace industry.

Furthermore ENOVIA SMARTEAM is very easily embedded in CATIA. SMARTEAM

Toolbar & Menu integrated in CATIA, SMARTEAM application is launched directly from
CATIA and there is also a contextual menu from 3D and from Product tree. Moreover
Lifecycle Operations are operated directly from CATIA




 New release

 Undo Checkout



SMARTEAM also has the same 3D manipulators as in CATIA Thus, making our job
easier. In SMARTEAM V5R19 - Project-based authorization is applicable to the “Design
Copy” option as well. The “Design Copy” capability enables users to leverage corporate
IP, save time, and avoid errors, by reusing existing projects and modifying them
accordingly. In order to impose security measures, duplicated designs can be secured
by defined projects.

SMARTEAM helps the designers by automatically managing the visualization files

required for opening a Product in Visualization mode. This is also known as "cache
management. A Part opened in visualization mode can be easily switched to design
mode by a simple double click SMARTEAM guarantees the consistency of the CATPart
files saved in SMARTEAM even if there are not loaded in CATIA (attributes, links and
preview is consistent)

Installation guide is available with every licensed CD of ENOVIA SMARTEAM.
However, being network software it can not be installed only in a single PC and requires
Microsoft Windows server (SQL Server) for installation.



One of the major problems faced by producers is that during the entire production
process the product manager or the editor has little control over the security of database
and the level of access given to different actors. Hence, this means that sometimes
under qualified personnel might make crucial changes in the design that would later
damage the product’s success and reliability. Hence, it is of extreme importance that
access to certain documents should be limited to only few qualified personnel. Besides
this system would also ensure that each design is checked and counter checked before
being released and this would then surely improve the product quality and reduce the


SMARTEAM is an Open Customizable System meaning it can be tailored to fit
Customer business scenario and rules

There are 2 main options to configure the SMARTEAM system:

• By writing additional scripts (programming)

• By using SMARTEAM’s Administration Tools

Various editorial options available in SMARTEAM are:

• Flow Chart Desinger: Design of own Process Charts including automatic

actions, e-mail notification and responsibilities

• Data model designer – Defines business templates and classes. Data model
designer provides all the tools to rapidly build a data model that is fully
customized, highly visual, and well structured

• Form Designer: Adapt and customize the Profile Card in SMARTEAM to

individual look and feel

• Lifecycle Rules Setup: Configuration of the set of rules for Link Relations

• Menu Editor: For customizing menus and toolbars. The editor can tailor
the SMARTEAM – Editor Menu or toolbar profiles by adding and removing
menus, sub-menus, commands or (image) buttons.



• SmartBasic Script Maintenance: Add new functionality, extension of

existing functions

• User maintenance – For defining users and authorization. The editor can:

I. Define new user details

II. Assign a user to a group

III. Assign authorizations and access permissions for users and groups

• Sequence designer Define a mask and formula by which SMARTEAM

automatically increments a field in the Profile card Define revision number

• Default Values Define default values for specified attributes in a SMARTEAM


• Multi-Language Editor - For multiple language support. This tool enables users
to change the displayed language for all windows in the interface. SMARTEAM –
Editor currently runs in 10 languages at customer sites: English, French,
German, Spanish, Dutch, Hebrew, Italian, Chinese, Japanese, and Korean.

• SMARTEAM Data Model Designer : Design the Datamodel

• NLS - Translation utility: Adapt or create new language profiles for Menus and
Icons toolbar

SMARTEAM Secured lifecycle management is supported by an electronic vault -
SMARTEAM – Editor interacts with the electronic vault, embedded within the
SMARTEAM-Foundation mandatory service, to securely manage revisions throughout
the product lifecycle. The administrator selects the vault security level.

The editor can also distinctly manage Checked-in status for collaboration information
and Released status for approved documentation he can also classify documents i.e. he
can define specific SMARTEAM – Editor classes for different documents and/or
different file types. SMARTEAM editor can also create links between documents, such
as a link between a CAD drawing and the dependent model (part) that are automatically



detected and fully maintained

maintained.. A view of the Life cycle setup chosen by an editor is
given below.

Fig. 5 life cycle setup

The editor also has the control over the status of the design his approval is necessary
for release any document. Furthermore, no document can be made obsolete without his
approval. Hence, this ensures that no incorrect or flawed design is released for
ufacturing at the same time no relevant data is made obsolete. The following figure
shows the three important processes.

Fig.6 the three important processes available to the editor



SMARTEAM also provides greater flexibility in link definition as it enables the editor to
define his own lifecycle operation rules
rules. It also enables greater
reater compatibility with the
CAD, by more accurately exposing the relationships behind CAD entities. entities Hence the
tor is at ease to define his own lifecycle and is not bound by the software.

SMARTEAM's "Product-centric"
centric" approach provides users with different top-down
perspectives for viewing, managing and working with the Product structure and
assemblies, including the e entire Product BOM. These predefined, yet totally
customizable, Product Views filter the Product structure to particular lifecycle stages,
such as “As designed,” “As manufactured,” and “As maintained”, improving user
productivity and decision-making,
making, ena
enabling businesses to better manage and reuse
existing product knowledge, and accelerate their response to market needs. Users can
then filter product structures by Date and Unit Effectivity values and ranges, managing
the diversity of product configurations throughout the product lifecycle. The editor can
customize these features to his liking. Once the editor defines the product structure,
structure it
can be filtered by any parameter (Data or Unit Effectivity, Revision or, in future, Variant
criteria) according to any user
user-predefined requirements.

Fig. 7 flow chart showing the customizable links for the editor

SMARTEAM provides both Global and Project Project-based authorizations.. Project-based

authorization allows users to create different set of permissions for each user according
to his/her Role in the project. User can have different role in different project, therefore
users permissions will vary from project to project (which can not be implemented with
global authorization mechanism).
chanism). Roles should be used to define the enterprise's policy
regarding what different types of users should be able to do with the system in relation



with their job functions, while groups should be used to arbitrarily aggregate users for
some need. The following diagram would clear this concept

Role in
project Role in
Role in Engineer
Engineer Tester Tester project project
Role in
Project 1 Project 3 Project 4
Project 2
Secured By








Document A Document B Document C Document D Document E

In the figure above the administrator defines the following using the user maintenance

Joe has global role of Designer and belongs to the external users group.

Role Designer is allowed to c.i. and c.o a document

Role Engineer is allowed to c.o. and delete a document, etc.

Group external users is not allowed to delete documents

The manager of project 1 gave Joe role engineer

The manager of project 2 gave Joe role tester, etc.

Project 1 is a regular project. Project 3 is a restricted project, etc.



Some of the editorial options are mentioned in this report


Fig. 8 editorial options

Hence some of the ‘Administrative Utilities’ can be executed from both SMARTEAM and

Defining new users

Using this tool we can:

• Manage Users

• Manage Groups



• Manage Roles (R12 and up)

• Manage Passwords

• Manage Authorizations

Fig. 9 view of administration dialogue box

Fig 10. Project authorization



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