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MGMT 650 - International Business

Summer 2016

Professor: Dr. Parimal Bhagat; Dr. Framarz Byramjee

Textbook: Global Business Today, by Charles W.L. Hill, 5th edition, Mc-Graw Hill Irwin
Catalog Course description:
Provides the student with the knowledge needed for operating
effectively in a global economy. Examines the operations of firms functioning in the global
market place. Focuses on how these companies function in a globally integrated economy
through sophisticated networks of alliances, mergers and acquisitions, and integrated systems of
knowledge and product flows. The course highlights the necessity for companies to balance the
need for global integration while responding to national/cultural variations.
Course Objectives:
The course is being conducted ONLINE on the d2l system.
The course will comprise of 3 main components as follows * Cases The 8 Cases provide practical application oriented perspectives to the coursework.
Cases portray actual strategy situations being dealt with by companies in the global business
environment. Each case provides its respective scenario for diagnosis, analysis, strategy choice
and decision making. Prepare a 1-page Case Paper [worth 7 points each] for each of the 8 Cases,
and submit in its respective dropbox on d2l. Your 1-page Case Paper should identify and analyze
the key decision situations involved in the case the questions at the end of the case, if any,
should help you identify and deal with these parameters. State these key issues and their related
topics (as you connect them with the course materials) at the beginning of your report
thereupon explain the processes, elements connected, and manner in which the problems &
opportunities are being and should be dealt with, keeping the firms international business focus
as per each case. Use your own business language to express your learning & intelligence.
* Articles Prepare a 1-Page Article Report (including citations/references) [worth 6 points
each] for each of the 4 Articles, and submit in its respective dropbox on d2l. It should be a
critique of each article - provide not just a summary but pros and cons of the views presented and
your agreement/disagreement with each. Update your Report with other outside material/sources
when appropriate. Use your own business language to express your learning & intelligence.
* Exam 1 Comprehensive Exam of multiple-choice format (conducted in d2l) will be based on
coverage of the topics in the course.
Grading format:
* 8 Cases Papers (7% each)
* 4 Articles Reports (6% each)
* Exam


The grading pattern (grades cut-offs) is as follows:

90.00 to 100.00 - A; 80.00 to 89.99 - B; 70.00 to 79.99 - C; Below 70.00 - F

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