Reflection Paper On Dancing

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Dancing- is the reason why I did not enroll this subject last semester. For me, the said term
would be suitable title for horror flicks, par with those thriller movies with gory scenes that bring
trauma and misadventures in my college life. Dancing is very intimidating to me because of the
fact that Im a horrible dancer and I often think of ballerinas or somewhat sexy moves that only
women can perform. And I feel shy and embarrassed at the same time with that idea. Well,
thats what I thought and expected before, Hindi ko alam enjoy at masaya pala
Maam De Guzman, our current P.E teacher. Shes an epitome of a great choreographer. She
demystify dancing for those who have trouble dealing with it, and that includes myself. She
boosts our confidence every meeting with her welcoming smile, always give encouragement to
improve our stances and synchronization to the music until we will be able to access it from a
point of view where we can be more comfortable. Shes an authoritarian when needed, but still,
you can sense the warmth of a loving and approachable mother from her. Hence, she regarded
us not mere students, but Mga Anak. I actually enjoyed all the meetings and dance lessons
on her guidance.
Like those typical, rom-com scene, wherein the guy acts like an idiot in front of the girl, I was
caught up with the same premise. I remember during the first week of the class session, I dont
know how to put up words and ask anyone for a dance nor to be a partner with till the short
term ends. What did I do? Nothing. I was hopeless at that time and silently prayed Lord kahit
sino diyan basta may partner ako.
Good thing the wheel of fortune turned in favor of me and was blessed with a gorgeous partner.
The ordinary SLU P.E uniform looks elegant on her, in which its appropriateness to her body,
makes the word perfect and beautiful an understatement. Perhaps the feeling was far too good
for semantics to define. Along with her medium straight hair, which sways each time we dance.
She timidly smile the moment I committed mistake. She always whisper at me if I forgot what
step I have to do next. Her voice, it was so soft, calm and smooth, as if she gargles every night
using 3 sachets of Downy. I want to give my full gratitude to her for helping me build my selfesteem and confidence on this subject and for giving me her trust when theres a fall-and-catch
step on Samba and Rumba despite my thin/slender physique. Up until now, her name remains
unknown and a mystery for me. Maybe its Jane? Janiele? Or Janiela? Oh, forgive me.
The sudden burst of laughter from my classmates when somebody made a silly step is not a
sign/form of bullying for me. It is a sign that those person already created a strong connection
with everyone in the class and just expressing their full confidence on them. The harmony of
screeching shoes during dance routine. The outdoor practices. The countless high-fives after
practicums. These are the moments that Ill surely miss when this academic term ends. All was
fun, indeed.
P.E-2 Rhythmic activities taught me how to deal with random people. How to conquer your
weakness in terms of dancing. It was a great training platform for my course B.S Architecture. It





further improved my emotional strengths, social skills, which are needed to communicate and
convince my clients later on my professional career. Dancing is liken to our course Architecture.
In dancing, we express our emotions through measured movements and music. In architecture,
we express and create our ideas and concepts through swaying pencils/TEKPENS and the
scribbling tone that it makes- is the music coming deep within our creative soul.

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