Kannu and The Raven

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Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

Kannu and the Raven

It was a normal day. The lightning soldiers of the sun started
cutting the black wings of darkness. The dew drops present
on the blades of grass began to shine. The light of the sun
overshadowed the light of the morning star. The orangecoloured light of the sun increased the beauty of the
meadows. The sun started walking on the sky on slightly
different foot-steps from the yesterday. The sleeping birds on
the trees were looking as if somebody had accidently thrown
few black drops of ink on a big tree painting. Some birds
woke up and few were still lost on the twisted course of the
The sound of the vehicle can be heard far away and it was
coming right towards the nests of the birds.
Suddenly, the engine of the vehicle stopped. A man came out
with his gun and after getting a closer look and bending on
one knee; he took aim at the birds and said to himself in a
low voice:
Well, a sleeping bird and a
resting animal is a blessing
for the hunter. Ah! Dont
fly, dont fly. You are just
where I want you to be!

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

His index finger pulled the trigger, and the bullet was fired;
murdering an innocent bird. The sound of the gunshot was a
whistle of death for the birds and they all flew hysterically for
their life.
You want to try, son? the man asked. His son nodded.
The hunter placed the gun in the right hand of his son. As all
the birds were flying for their life so it became easy for his
son to shoot wherever he wanted. The bullet separated the
soul from the body of the bird.
Wow, that was just amazing! the man said. Smile
conquered the faces of the father and his son. Both the
father and his son left the place as their enjoyment was over.
Afterwards, all the birds gather around a giant nest. The giant
nest served them as a round table for the future plans and
they all agreed to leave for some safe place otherwise they
would also become the victim of someones enjoyment. The
crow community suggested settling around Pyramids.
Skylarks suggested settling under the half-built pull. Eagles
suggested settling in the ruined factory. But the Raven
community came up with the better idea. They put forward a
plan to settle in the abandoned castle of the King Zeyonadas,
where only a crippled guard lives and he does not come on
the last floor of the castle that is where they would all live. To

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

win the trust of others, the leader also assures them that as
the castle belongs to the King so no hunter would come to
shoot them. This idea was well accepted by all the leaders of
the Birds community and they decided to leave on the day
when strong breeze will blow in the direction of the castle.
About four miles away from the nests of the birds, a six-year
old boy named, Kannu, lived. He had the innocence of a
young sparrow and his heart, soul and body were as clean as
rose is after rain. He was the only fruit of the tree of his
parents love. The name of his village was Umaza. His father,
Santino, used to catch fish from the river and sold it in the
market. This was his source of earning.
One day, Kannu was sailing in a boat with his father. The river
was as calm as a tree on a windless desert. The blue sky was
looking like a blue blank painting and the setting sun was
looking as if somebody had thrown honey on the blue
Papa, whats there on the other side of the river? Kannu
asked as his father threw nets into the river.
Why are you asking?
Papa, take me to that side. I want to see what is there on
that side of the river, Kannu said.

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

Do not think of going to that side again, Kannu. There is only

a dense forest with fierce creatures, and those creatures
have burning eyes. Their nails and teeth are as sharp as knife.
And, if a little boy like you go to that side; they will make you
a ball and will play just like you play with your friends in the
ground. Santiano said.
But Papa, Jannu says: he and his father often go to that
side. Those creatures dont make them a ball, Kannu said.
I knew it, that stupid boy Jannu, he always tells you
concocted stories. I havent seen them going to that side.
And, by the way, if Jannu says to you, They have gone to the
Mountain of Witches, will you again ask me to take you to
that mountain, huh? Santiano asked while pulling nets from
the river.
But Papa
Do not insist Kannu, come here and grab this bucket. Lets
see how many fish will shake their slippery body for the last
time, Santino said.
Then the night comes, stars hidden during the day now begin
to shine. Moon borrows light from the sun. Beauty starts to
lose its beauty. Sky had undressed a blue cloak and now it
was a time to wear a black cloak. Lakes, rivers and oceans
began to shine in the moonlight. And, it was the new day for

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

the creatures of night. Kannu was lying on the bed and his
mother, Solavia, was fondling his head.
Mummy, are all the creatures present in the forest are
dangerous? Kannu asked.
Who told you this? Did you read this in your book today?
No mummy. Just answer me, Kannu insisted.
Under this blue sky, there are no dangerous creatures. All
the creatures are created by God Almighty. God Almighty is
kind and benevolent so how HE would make dangerous
creatures. It is another matter that the words of God
Almighty are not properly understood or reached every
creature of this world, Kannus mother replied.
Uh-huh! It means the animals of the forest are harmless?
Kannu asked.
Yes, but not all of them, Solavia answered.
Mummy, whenever I close my eyes for sleep; I seem to lose
my way; I do not feel any pain in the sleep, and then I watch a
dream; sometimes about school, sometimes about friends,
sometimes about you and papa. So, how dreams are made?
Kannu asked.
Solavia replied:

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

There is a river flowing in our heart that we cannot see. A

big boat is sailing on that river. That boat carries all our
wishes, desires and fears in the form of dreams. Whenever
we think about something for a whole day, the boat throws
the dream of that thing on the bank of the river, and when
we close our eyes for sleep; our eyes pick that dream from
the bank and thats how we see that dream.
Whew, mummy, that mean I will see a dream about the
other side of the river because I thought about it for a whole
day, Kannu said.
Yes, my son. Now, close your eyes and go to sleep, Kannus
mother said.
Mummy, sing for me. I cant sleep without your song,
Kannu requested.
Alright! his mother smiled and then sang a lullaby:
Close your Eyes; Close your Eyes,
There is no trouble on the other side.
Close your Eyes; Close your Eyes,
There are no ghosts on the other side.
Close your Eyes; Close your Eyes,
Birds are sleeping on the other side
Close your Eyes; Close your Eyes,

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

Little Lamb is napping on the other side.

Close your Eyes; Close your Eyes,
Lions are harmless on the other side.
Under the paws, the mouse resides.
When Kannu heard that mouse lives under the paws of a lion,
he remembered the story that his teacher has taught him in
the class today, where a lion caught a mouse and then tossed
the mouse in the air and it landed in the mouth of a lion.
Kannu opened his eyes and asked: Mummy, mouse really
lives under the paws of the lion on the other side of the river.
Today we read in the book: Lion eats mouse.
Lion eats mouse only in stories but not in real world, son. So,
just close your eyes and imagine yourself to be on the other
side of the river playing with mouse and lion, Solavia said.
Solavia said these words with a heavy heart. She was aware
that she was hiding the truth from her son. Mothers love
often and always conceals the truth of the bitter world from
her children. A growing tree should be admired at every
single leaf that grows on its branch rather than telling about
the storms. But, Solavia had no idea that she was showing
her son that fire is only a pleasing light that burns in the
darkness to show us direction but the worst thing is about to
come, when her son would go to that fire and would touch
that fire.

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

The lullaby of Solavia

Kannus dream and
he saw that he was
riding on the lions
back and the lions
cubs were standing and waiting for their turn. After riding,
Kannu decided to play hide and seek with mouse, monkeys
and lions cubs. Monkey had difficulty in finding Kannu. A
small bird knew that where Kannu was hiding but the bird
kept informing Kannu to change his place when the monkey
was near him.
Then the fox came in his dream. Kannu told fox that his
teacher once taught him the story in which fox had cunningly
snatched piece of bread from a crow. Fox said to Kannu that
this is an untrue story. The real story is somewhat different:
One day, three sparrows were flying in the air. They were
finding something to eat. They found a piece of bread in a
crowded street. They took that piece of bread to their nest
but before eating it, it was snatched by a crow. The sparrows
flew toward me and they were asking me to get that piece of
bread back. I admit that I get that piece of bread cunningly
but I returned it to the sparrows, because it belonged to
them. The writer who wrote that story only saw how I was
snatching that piece of bread but he never saw that I
returned it to the sparrows.

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

Now I will tell you another story. One day, the king of the
jungle lost his crown
Hardly had the fox said these words, when the light of the
sun struck the window of Kannus room and he woke up. His
dream remained incomplete. The incomplete desire and
incomplete dream can become a devastation of anyones life.
When Kannu went to his school that day, his mind was
diverting toward the dream. He was constantly asking and
compiling the second story of the fox. It seemed as if Kannu
had lost his heart and mind in his dream. He did not want to
play with his friends; he wanted to play with those whom he
met in his dream. Kannu had seen the trees of the forest
from one of the holes in the school wall. When he returned
home, he heard that his father would go to market today. He
decided to go to the other side of the river all alone. He
wanted to hear the second story of the fox. He wanted to
ride on the lions back not in a dream but in real life.
When his father went to market later in the day, Kannu found
the boat of his father all alone but unluckily for him, two
friends of Santiano were standing twenty-feet away from the
boat. Kannu walks secretly towards the boat just like a cat
walks secretly through the kingdom of dogs. Kannu finally sat
in the boat and started rowing toward the forest. Kannu saw
his father many times
rowing the boat so he was
aware that how to row a

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

boat. When Kannu reached the middle of the river, he lost

control of the boat just like an amateur rider loses control of
the horse. There was no difference between the rowing of
Kannu and the first flight of a young bird. The boat collided
with the bank so hard that the oars fell into the river, but
Kannu quickly jumped out of the boat. Kannus happiness
reached the top of the Heaven, and he even forgot that how
he would return without oars.
Kannu stepped in the dark forest. He was entering forest just
like a soldier enters a battlefield without any weapon. Kannu
saw two lions cubs. He did not have to wait long to meet
those whom he had seen in his dream last night. Somebody
should have told little Kannu that this is not a dream. This is
the real world. Dreams do not come to reality every day. As
he took his first step towards them, the lions cubs roared
and ran after Kannu. Kannu ran, ran for his life. Every grain of
sand and every leaf of tree that has fallen on the ground
must have prayed for the little boys safety as they have
probably not felt the light weight of the childs feet. Kannu
hid behind the berry tree not because of chance and luck but
because of his association with a berry tree. Kannu had a
berry tree in his home and that berry tree was the only
familiar thing in that unfamiliar land.
Just then the birds find perfect wind and they all decided to
fly toward the castle. A wise eagle gently flying in the air gets

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

the attention of other birds and asks them to flutter; turning

their heads toward the sky. This was their way of praying.
They all prayed:
The Mighty Lord of the universe. Listen to us. Air does not
want any feather to lose its grip from the wings of a bird.
Earth does not want to drink the blood of the birds. Our nests
do not want to become a bunch of sticks. Protect us. Protect
us just like you protect an ant
that comes under the feet of
a running horse. May we
never experience black-wing
wind, may no bird experience
the heat and pain of the
burning piece of iron, Amen.
Every bird should remain with the flock. You may go back
and forward in the flock but dont leave your flock, the wise
eagle ordered.
One by one every flock started flying and left their nests on
the trees. After flying for few minutes, a Raven felt the pang
of hunger and left the flock and went toward the berry tree
in the Umarian forest. When the Raven was eating berries; he
found a boy crying under the same berry tree. The Raven
Hey, you sweet boy, why are you weeping so high? This is a
forest and your crying might attract some animal.

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

Kannu looked around and couldnt understand from where

the voice came.
Hey, Here I am. Up on the tree, Raven said.
Black bird, how do you speak our words, Kannu said.
Who are you, little boy?
Black bird, come here.
Raven stopped eating berries. He was looking like a black
crescent moon and the berries were looking like red stars.
When Raven saw the wet eyes of Kannu, he flew down.
Whats your name, black bird? Kannu asked.
I am called Raven.
Raven, how do you speak our words? Kannu asked.
I belong to the ancient sacred race of Ravens, which was
worshipped once. My ancestors helped a noble prophet and
the prophet awarded us the ability to speak and understand
the human words. One of the Ravens was sent to find the dry
land when water had consumed the ground. We speak and
understand your words and but our words can only be
understood if the heart of the listener is not darkened with


Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

But why are you here? Where are your parents? This is a
thick forest filled with beasts, Raven asked.
My parents dont know I am here. I was such a fool. I must
have obeyed my fathers advice.
Kannu told the Raven everything that why and how he came
to jungle.
In the village, when Kannu did not return home, depression
started stabbing Solavias mind. She went to the ground to
find Kannu, but she only saw dust settling down to the
ground. She went to Jannus home and Jannu told her that
Kannu did not come to play today. In the meantime, Santino
returned from the market.
Kannu, Solavia, where are you? Santino said.
Solavia entered home, she was out of breath and hardly
Kannu, Kannu!
Hold your horses, Solavia. What happened to Kannu?
He is not in the village.
He must be playing with Jannu and his friends in the
ground, Santino said.

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

I have searched everywhere. He is not in the village.

Santino rushed outside and met his neighbour, Fergus.
Santino, are you here. I have seen your boat standing on the
other side of the river, Fergus said.
Oh God, Kannu must be in the forest. Santino said, placing
his hands on his head.
Without wasting any time, Kannus father and his neighbor,
Fergus, left for the jungle. After reaching the bank on the
other side of the river, Kannus father noticed that the oars
were missing.
Kannu, where are you. Kannu, do you hear me? Santino
and Fergus shouted.
Only the leaves and animals of the forest heard their voice.
Darkness was spreading and the colour of the trees began to
We have to return now, Fergus said.
What are you talking about? My son is lost in this forest and
you are asking me to return! Santino said angrily.
Listen Santino, I can understand your situation but we do
not have anything to counter the paws and jaws of the
animals. And we are not certain whether Kannu is lost in this
forest or not. You might have forgot to anchor the boat and

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

waves took your boat here. It is getting dark. We have to

return now. We have to find Kannu in the village first,
neighbour said.
Santino returned; returned like a man whose house is burnt
and he arrived late. Having only flood of tears in the eyes but
the flood of tears can only extinguish the fire of emotions;
they cannot build a new house. He took his boat back. Now
Kannu was stranded in the forest. Trouble and Anxiety visited
the home of Solavia and Santino and they did not bother to
knock at the front door. And, as the Wise Man says, Do not
show your home to Trouble and Anxiety because they will
come on the fleas back and will return on the snails back.
In the forest, Silence was singing a song and the sound of the
wind was serving as background music. And the darkness was
dancing by spreading its wings.
Where do you live, Raven? Kannu asked.
I live in the nest, up on the tree, Raven replied.
Up on the tree? Dont you fall from there? I once climbed on
the tree and my mother asked me to come down otherwise I
might fall.


Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

Nest is my home. I was born in the nest. I live in the nest. I

sleep in the nest. I want to die in the nest, but I am afraid I
will never die in the nest.
But why, Kannu said.
Bird hunters, they are after us. We were leaving our nests
and heading towards the Kings castle. And, then I came
across you.
Raven, there is no roof of a nest, so how you sleep in the
nest, when rain comes at night? Kannu asked.
Well, I dont know, I never found rain to be my sleeps foe. I
always remained under the wing-roof, Raven answered.
And, who made that wing-roof? Kannu asked.
The wing-roof was always made by my mother, Raven
Mother, my mother, She must be waiting for me. Raven, will
you help me?
How I can help you? Raven asked.
You speak our words, Raven. Go to my village. Tell my
mother: I am hungry. Tell my parents: I would not do this
again. They can give me any punishment they want. Tell
them: I am afraid. Ask them to take me out of here. Kannu

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

But, how I will find your home? Raven asked.

There is only one berry tree in the whole village. And that
tree is my home. My village is on the other side of this river,
Kannu answered.
Little boy, my friends must be searching for me, but I will
inform your parents first. You just sit here and do not go
anywhere, Raven said and flew in the darkness.
When light had touched his body; his shadow began to
appear on the wall. But when he flew in the darkness, his
shadow began to disappear because shadow does not remain
a shadow in the darkness.
Raven sat on the tallest tree and found a
berry tree. The red berries were shinning
like red pearls.
It is my fault. If I had taken him to the
forest, we would not have lost him. I did
not know Kannu would do this. It was a simple desire, it
would have taken me only few minutes to take him to that
side, but! Santino said. His face indicates his anxiety.
Little children are the angels of God Almighty. God will
protect our son. Dont blame yourself. It is a test. In the book
of someones life, there always comes a blank page or a page
that cannot be easily understood but we have to go through
it by any mean, Solavia tried to console her husband. She

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

was holding a volcano of emotions in her heart, she would

like to explode. But if somebody had given them a cup of
water from the river Leathe, she would have given it to
Santino. Santino was drowning in the river of guilt.
At the same time, Raven
reached the home of
Kannu. Raven found the
hole in the wall of the
room. He flew through it
and sat on the cupboard.
How this black bird has come? Has its mind gone mad?
Santino said angrily.
The bird must have lost its way. Wait. I open the door and
window. It will fly out, Solavia said.
Raven opened his beak and told about their son but the
unfortunate thing occurred when the parents only heard cah
cah cah cah. Solavia tried to lift the feet of the Raven with
gestures, but the Raven did not move an inch. Then she
picked up a stick but the bird was not frightened. At last,
when all of their efforts dashed to the ground, Santino picked
up a gun. Kannus parents did not know that they were
turning their heads away from a light in the darkness that can
take them to their son. When Raven saw the gun in Santinos
hand, he flew away.

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

Raven decided to move toward his friends rather than

helping a boy whose parents were ready to kill him. As this
thought was running in his mind; he heard the crying of a
little boy. When he went there, he noticed that the little boy
was crying and asking his mother to take stars from the sky;
his mother consoled him by saying that his father is present
on the sky and he is watching them through the light of the
stars, and if she would take stars from the sky then his father
would never watch them. After listening to these words of
the boys mother; Raven remembered his own mother and
how his mother would go to the end of world to get what
Raven asked. Mothers love cannot be bought in the market.
There is no factory in the world that claims to make a
product: Mothers Love. Mothers love is unique. Mothers
love is like a fragrance of a flower. If it is lost; it cannot be
restored. Raven thought that if he left the boy in the forest,
he would lose his mother. So he decided to help the boy,
come what may. Raven changed his direction and flew
toward Kannu.
Kannu was anxiously waiting for the return of Raven. When
he saw him; he stood up and said:
Raven, have you told my parents? Are they coming for me?
Little boy, sin has made its home on your parents heart.
They have to break it with a hammer of virtue in order to
understand my words. But you dont worry; I will stay with
you tonight. I will go again tomorrow.

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

How were my mother and father? Kannu asked.

I will tell you tomorrow, now you must try to sleep; I will fan
at your head,
When Kannu entered the harmless world of dreams, Raven
put his head under his wings for sleep.
That night, the spirit of sleep forgot to cast a spell on Santino
and Solavias eyes and they remained awake throughout the
night. And, if Trouble and Anxiety do not allow you to sleep
then this is the biggest torture. Santino and Solavia were
waiting for the sun to rise, to shine, and to end their agony. If
they had the power, they would have forward the time of the
Next day, when the sun rises between two mountains,
Santino was sitting in his boat and was sailing toward the
forest again. His hope of finding Kannu was vanishing like a
dust cloud. Silence and solitude of the forest is good for the
lonely person but not for a father who is finding his lost son.
The words of Santino again became the echo of the jungle.
He decided to return to the village for calling all his friends
for help.
On the other hand, Raven went to the river for bath and then
after wetting his wings; he fluttered onto the face of Kannu.
He asks Kannu to wait for him as he again turns the direction
of his wings toward the Kannus home.

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

Solavia was sitting under the berry tree; she was lost in the
thoughts of her son. She saw lizard running behind another
lizard with his tail in the air. She saw some ants moving in a
line on the wall. She saw a bird feeding her young ones. The
need and importance of the lost thing increases when the
same thing is being enjoyed by somebody else. Raven sat on
the wall and tried to soothe her agony. But again his caw
caw caw caw came like a sharp sound; banging the walls of
Solavias ear as if somebody had been beating iron with iron.
When happiness fails, sorrow smiles. The voice of Raven did
not get the attention of Kannus mother but it did get the
attention of a bird hunter.
The voice, sound and song
of the birds are like the
footprints on the ground
for the bird hunters. He
picked up his bow; placed
the arrow; and aimed at the bird. T-chi sound is produced
when the arrow left the bow. God Almighty did not want to
cut the string of life of Raven as the arrow passed over his left
wing. Raven flew; flew once again for his life and reached
Kannu in the jungle.
Raven, have you told my parents: where I am. Are they
coming for me? Whom you met? Tell me Raven! Tell me!
Raven did not answer instantly. He looked around; lowered
his beak; fluttered his wings and said: I have told your

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

parents, they are coming for you, Raven lied. He did not
want to break that little boys heart.
Back in the village, Santino called all his friends with their
boats. A single piece of wood burns for a short time but many
pieces of wood keep the fire burning for many hours.
In the Jungle, Kannu was waiting for
the arrival of his parents. Raven was
searching for another excuse to
return to Kannus home. The
wavering branches of trees were
not allowing the shadow of leaves
to settle on one place.
Raven, how does it feel like to fly in the air? Kannu asked.
I dont know.
Oh, come on Raven; tell me how it feels to fly in the air?
Raven did not want to answer but when Kannu insisted, he
Well, I have never judged it minutely, but when you are
tired by flying constantly for hours, the air seems to push you
down. And, when the wind blew after the rain and when we
saw rainbow on the sky, my mother used to say: Fly, Fly
wherever you want. She believed that angels have turned

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

the direction of the fans of Heaven toward us and the angels

themselves have come in this world. She used to say that the
rainbow is a swing of the angels. And we flew in the air by
setting our wings freely as if we were riding on the wings of
During the winter season, my mother did not allow me to fly
outside. She used to say that death was dancing in the wood
and on the trees and her dance is not worth seeing. We could
only hear Owls conversing with each other by rolling their
eyes: Tu-whit, tu-whoo, tu-whoo, whoo, whoo,
When I fly in the sky, so many times this thought came to
my mind that I have to touch the sky. But every time I
returned mid-way. One day, my spirits were high, so I
decided to touch the sky. I flew and flew and flew toward the
sky. I was lost in the clouds. But when I heard the cracking
sound of thunder, I became frightened and after touching the
clouds with my feathers, I returned.
I once asked my mother, where the earth and the sky
meet? and she replied, where the sun rises and the sun
sets. So, one day I flew to see the meeting place of earth and
the sky. Strong wind was blowing that day, and I couldnt fly
against the wind. So I decided to fly with the wind. I had no
idea that the wind was changing its direction throughout the
day. After flying for many hours; wind brought me to my nest
and I couldnt see where the earth and sky meets.

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

I wish; God would have made me a bird, Kannu exclaimed.

Do not wish to become a bird little boy, when somebody is
aiming at you with a gun. Your life hung like a dry leaf,
Raven said.
In the village, Jannu and his parents came to the house of
Kannu. Jannu and Kannu were born on the same day. As their
parents were friends, they gave similar name to their kids.
Jannu and Kannu were like two white pigeons having the
same number of feathers on their wings. As it is quite difficult
to find a difference between two white pigeons flying in the
sky, it was equally difficult to find a difference between
Kannu and Jannu, when they were coming against the
background of a setting sun. When Raven came for the third
time, Jannu was all alone in the courtyard and his parents
were in the room.
Jannu instantly understood Ravens word as his heart was as
clean as crystal. Jannu ran toward his parents,
Father, Mother! The black bird! The black bird, Jannu said.
Jannu was out of breath.
What is it son? What have you seen? What you want to
say? his father asked.


Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

Father, the black bird knows: Where Kannu is, hardly had
Jannu spoken these words, when everyone rushed outside.
Father, Mother! He says, he knows where Kannu is! Jannu
Raven flapped his wings, caw caw caw caw, his voice raised
with excitement. At last, somebody has understood his
Raven flew and everyone followed the path of his wings.
Santino took his friends and left for the jungle. The return of
Raven to Kannu was like that soldier who returns to his King
carrying the news of victory in the battle. It seemed as if the
wind and the waves were working together in helping
Santino. When they reached the other side of the river,
Raven showed them the way by turning his head; pointing
with his beak. Leaves, trees, branches and grains of sand,
blade of flowers and the rocks in the river were delighted to
see the closing distance between Kannus parents and Kannu.
Kannu, Solavia shouted.
Mummy, Kannu shouted.
Just stay there, Kannu. We are coming. Do not move,
Santino said in a loud voice. Santino could not control his
excitement. His excitement reached the seventh heaven of
delight. The people get a slight glimpse of Kannu. The eyes of
Solavia and Santino were wet with tears. Solavia and Santino

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

were like those pilgrims who travelled day and night to pay
homage to their saints. Solavia and Santino were reaching
Kannu just like a thirsty man reached a well. They both
embraced their child.
Mummy, Papa, I am sorry. I would not do this again!
Dont say that, Kannu. We have found you. Now, everything
is alright, Solavia said
But, how did you spend a night in this forest? Santino
My friend, Raven, kept me safe. I had sent Raven to inform
you about this place, Kannu replied.
But, this is a bird. How can he speak and understand our
language, Santino asked.
He does speak and understand our language, Kannu and
Jannu said in one voice.
Santino and Solavia were surprised to hear that Raven
understands their language. They remembered the arrival of
Raven and they were deeply embarrassed with what they
had done with Raven.
Kannu, tell your friend: we are sorry. We apologize. We
didnt know that we were extinguishing the fire of happiness
with the water of ignorance, Santino said.

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

Tell your friend: All the gold, jewels, and gems of the world
will become short in rewarding him, Solavia said.
Kannu moved toward Raven but before he speaks; Raven
said, I know what they have said. Now, I must leave.
A silver ring was given as a gift to Raven from Solavia, and it
was worn in the right foot of the Raven. Kannu told Raven
that he would make a nest on their berry tree. If Raven does
not find his friend, he can come to live with us, and then he
kissed Raven. Raven flew away. Everyone returned to the
village. It was happiness that knocks at the door of Kannus
home. Joy and Happiness defeated Trouble and Anxiety.
Hardly had the Raven passed over the village of Kannu, when
the hunter, who had missed his target first time, saw him.
The hunter was hiding behind a wall. After looking at the
Raven, he said to himself:
I guess air and sky want to see some action. If they dont
then why they bring this bird for the second time in my
Callousness of the Heart can create any logic at any time. An
arrow left the bow and at first it stabbed the wind and then it
pierced through the body of Raven. And the Raven fell dead
on the spot. If the arrow had the human emotions, it would
have changed its direction after knowing what the Raven had
done for Kannu. If you remove the emotions from the human

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

heart, then there will be no difference between animals and

humans. Human heart is like a juicy fruit. If you remove juice
from the fruit and emotions from the heart, then they will
become the same in the end. Ravens dead boy fell twenty
feet below in the pit.
Kannu with the help of Santino made a nest on the berry
tree. And he started waiting for the Raven every day.
After five days, when Kannu was playing in the ground with
his friends, the ball had gone toward the direction where the
Ravens dead body fell. Kannu saw something and then he
ran toward his home.
Mummy, Mummy! Come with me. I want to show you
something. Come with me, Kannu said while pulling the
hand of his mother.
What is it, son? Where are you taking me? Solavia asked.
Kannu showed him the dead body of the Raven laying twenty
feet below in the pit. His mother could not speak and
returned home. She knew that Raven had died. She had seen
the same silver ring in the right foot of the dead Raven that
was given as a gift to him. She was concocting a bunch of
stories that she would tell her son about the Raven. Losing a
friend is like losing a heart in the body. Then the night came,
Mother, has my friend, Raven, died? Has my friendship
died? Kannu asked.

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

No, my son, you are a moon and the Raven is the night sky.
As the friendship between the moon and the night sky does
not die. Kannu and Ravens friendship will never die as well,
Solavia answered.
But, why Raven does not return?
He must be flying somewhere in the world with his friends;
talking about you. He must be telling about you to the singing
birds, and asking them to tell the story of Kannu and Raven to
the stars through their songs. He will return one day because
he has such a beautiful friend, Solavia said.
Smile glows the face of Kannu, and he slept hoping to see
Raven in his dream. Kannus mother lied again. She knew that
clouds would come again. Flowers would blossom again.
Many birds would come to their home but Kannus friend,
Raven, would never return.
Above the sky, God Almighty calls three angels and ordered
them to make nest on the trees in the Heaven.
Give these nests to those birds that cared more for the
human life than their own life. Give these nests to those birds
that expressed the joys and sorrows of Human Beings in their
songs. Give these nests to those birds that flew under the sun
light to see the human suffering and then prayed under the
moonlight to eradicate those sufferings. Give these nests to

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

those birds that proved loyal to their masters, God Almighty

ordered. The angels left bowing before God Almighty. After
making the nests, the souls of all the dead birds were
summoned. The souls of the dead birds came down just like
yellow leaves fell down from the trees in the autumn season.
First angel took the duty of striking the gong. Second angel
was having a giant tablet made of stone and on that tablet;
the names of the birds were written that will fly in the
Heaven forever. Third angel was carrying a big bulky book. All
the deeds of the birds were jotted down in that book.
Parrots, Skylarks, Eagles, Owls, Falcons, Sparrows and so
many other birds were remembering in their heart one good
deed that will allow them to live in Heaven forever. When
everything was ready, second angel raised the giant tablet in
front of him and read Pigeon of Singolia.
Once during the mid-night, when the people of Singolia
were sleeping outside their houses, Pigeon saw that the river
had changed its course and was heading toward Singolia in
the shape of flood. Pigeon informed his friends and then after
picking up stones. They threw it on the people and made
them aware about the impending flood, third angel read it
loud. First angel strikes the gong three times and the gate of
the Heaven was opened and the Pigeon entered the Heaven.
The other birds were astonished and delighted to see the
splendor of Heaven.


Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

Second angel raised the tablet for the second time and read
Falcon of King Ammediya.
When King Ammediya lost his battle and saved his life by
hiding in a cave. His enemies were searching for him. His pet,
Falcon, flew and informed his soldiers about his hideout and
saved the life of his master, Third angel read. First angel
strikes the gong and the gate of Heaven was opened and the
Falcon entered.
Second angel raised the tablet for the third time and read
Nightingale of Warlenden City.
The song of Nightingale became the anthem of peace for the
people of Warlenden. When Nightingale sang, People
stopped fighting. Infants stopped crying. Poets started
writing poetry. When two tribes of Warlenden rebelled, and
they were about to fight, Nightingale intentionally sang her
song to end their fight and saved the lives of so many people.
The two tribes ended their animosity because they were lost
in the melodious voice of the Nightingale, Third angel read.
First angel strikes the gong and the gate of Heaven was
opened and the Nightingale entered.
Second angel raised the tablet for the fourth time and read
Owl of Burha Desert.
When five travellers were lost in the wilderness of Burha
desert, they took refuge under a tree. They ran short of water

Kannu and the Raven

by Atif Ali

and food. They were on the edge of losing their lives. An Owl
used to live on the tree. Owl went to the rescuers and guided
them to the lost travellers by rolling his eyes and indicating
the direction where the travellers were present. His eyes
served as the needles of the compass, Third angel read. First
angel strikes the gong and the gate of Heaven was opened
and the Owl entered.
Second angel raised the tablet for the fifth time and read
Raven of Umarian forest.
Raven saved the life of a six-year old boy, Kannu. Kannu was
lost in the Umarian forest. Because of Raven, Kannu was able
to meet his parents. For his noble deed, Raven is rewarded a
nest on the top of the berry tree, Third angel read and said.
First angel strikes the gong and the gate of Heaven was
opened and Kannus friend, Raven, entered the Heaven.
Although Raven did not return to Kannus nest, yet his new
nest is far better than all the nests of the world.


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