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Preheater Fan Coating Problem

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Pioneer Adi


years ago

Preheater Fan Coating Problem

We are experiencing frequent Preheter fan Coating Problem since one year. Hard flaky
coating is depositing on vanes, which is unbalancing the fan and we are forced to stop due to
high bearing vibrations. Alkalies and sulfur components are in the normal range when tested
the coating sample. Major difference was observed in Alumina content, which was high in all
the fan coating samples. What will be the reason for this?
We tried to avoid by redicing the fan rpm, lowering the fan inlet temperatures etc., but not
successful. Can you please give any measures to eliminate this problem?

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Michael Clark


years ago

This is a common problem, although the link with Al2O3 content is unusual. Measures to
avoid the problem include the use of an acoustic horn sounding into the preheater fan
housing, injection of fine silica sand into the gas stream entering the fan, water injection into
the fan stream entering the fan or automatic fan balancing equipment as supplied by Lord



years ago

Re: Preheater Fan Coating Problem

Best practical way to reduce preheater fan vibration is to reduce temperature of fan inlet gas
temperature to around 200 deg cent by water spray in downcomer duct by installing water
spray nozzles of good quality.Sufficient length of straight portion of the downcomer duct is
precondition for effective water spray evaporation in downcomer duct.[2016/05/30 11:28:01 AM]

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Re: Preheater Fan Coating Problem

Raj Sahu

Subscribe to International Cement Review

Preheater Fan Coating Problem



years ago


Re: Preheater Fan Coating Problem

Have you read this article?

Solving the Problem of Build-up on

Preheater ID Fans

Greater demands for throughput and efficient use of heat in the kiln have
placed greater demands on kiln induced-draft fans. These fans have been
designed with ever-increasing volume and static pressure requirements, as
well as higher process gas requirements. The result has been larger fan rotors
operating at very high tip speeds.
One side effect has been build-up on the impeller. Typically, the build-up is
an extremely hard, brick-like substance, which can break off during
operation, causing serious imbalance. Build-up on preheater ID fans seems to
be widespread, with documented cases in Pakistan, India, Saudi Arabia,
Ecuador, Mexico, Texas, and many other areas in the United States.
A study at Robinson Industries, Zelienople, Pa., examined each of the
generally postulated causes of build-up in kiln ID fans. The object was to
determine what variables could be adjusted to control build-up. Findings from
the study were applied in the design, building, testing, and installation of a
build-up-resistant preheater fan at the Holnam Texas L.P. plant in Midlothian,
Holnam Texas case study Build-up forming on the blades of the preheater ID
fan at the Holnam Texas plant was requiring periodic shutdowns of about 24
hours - 16 hours for the fan to cool down and another eight to sandblast the
blades and remove the build-up.
The original fan at Holnam was obtained from Robinson in the 1980s.
Running at its original design capacity, the fan did well, but the problems
developed as Holnam increased production. By 1994, the fan was running
30% over its intended capacity, and Holnam was having difficulty tolerating
shutdowns, which were increasing in frequency.
Hoping for a solution to the build-up problem, Holnam turned to Robinson
Industries, which was able to design a fan that resists build-up and therefore
makes frequent cleaning unnecessary. Robinson determined that build-up can
be reduced by matching the shape of fan blades, as closely as possible, to
particle streamlines, so the impact energy of dust particles is minimized.
Blade angle must be inclined enough to prevent the "hard" buildup on the[2016/05/30 11:28:01 AM]

Preheater Fan Coating Problem

blade's front surface and yet radial enough to prevent the "soft" buildup on
the blade's back surface. Engineers determined that the best blade for the
Holnam cement plant would be the backward-curved fan.
Robinson also determined that the new fan at Holnam would have to be larger
than the old one, not only to accommodate the plant's increased production
but also to accommodate the blade's new design. To receive the same
performance for a given application, a backward-curved fan needs to be
larger than a radial blade fan.
Holnam's parent company, Holder bank, also conducted research on the
build-up problem, which corroborated Robinson's.
Robinson faced three challenges typical in the design of kiln ID fans. The fan
would have to: 1) handle a steady stream of dirty air; 2) tolerate high
temperatures; and 3) tolerate fast changes in temperature, from 450 F to 840
F. Robinson faced an additional fourth challenge specific to the Holnam
plant, namely that the fan would have to handle extreme stress because of its
The original ID fan at the Holnam facility was rated at 3,500 hp and designed
for a speed of 1,180 rpm. The new motor, while rated for 4,500 hp, would be
designed for 880 rpm.
The size of the fan and its weight (67 tons including the wheel, shaft,
housing, inlet dampers, bearings, and bearing pedestals) presented fabrication
challenges. The rotor was welded on a positioner so the tilt would be perfect
for welding at every point. In addition, the fan's size necessitated splice welds
in the shrouds and web plates. All shrouds and web plates were subjected to
X-ray testing.
The fan's plate steel was ultrasonically tested for defects. Before the welds,
destructive tests were conducted on sample plates. After construction, a dry
magnetic particle inspection was made of all final wheel welds. All bolts
were ultrasonically tested for defects. The bolts were tested again during
tightening to ensure that they were being stretched to the proper length.
Since the fan's installation in 1997, Holnam has not had to stop production
because of build-up or any other fan-related problem.
Research behind the solution prior to the building of the Holnam backwardcurved preheater fan, Robinson had conducted an extensive study into the
problem of build-up in cement factory fans. The study entailed two
approaches: 1) information gathering and 2) a laboratory simulation of
cement plant build-up conditions. In the first case, information from several
cement plants was collected to determine if a pattern of conditions leading to
build-up could be identified.
- Theories as to build-up causes can be broken down into the following four
primary groups:
1. Thermal: As process gas temperatures have increased over the years (from
350 F only a few years ago to 700 F and higher today), so too have build-up[2016/05/30 11:28:01 AM]

Preheater Fan Coating Problem

problems. Some particles carried by the gas stream have a lower melting
point than others and may become "sticky" above 500 F.
2. Chemical: There are several chemical theories. Here are two of the main
a. Some believe the presence of sulphur encourages the formation of gypsum,
which is a very hard and difficult-to-remove material, formed from calcium
carbonate in a temperature range from 700 F to 1,800 F.
b. Another chemical theory suggests that chlorine reacts with other
components in the gas stream to form lower-melting-point salts such as NaCl,
FeCl subscript 3, and KCl.
3. Electrostatic: Since the fan rotor is not grounded (due to the oil film of
sleeve-type bearings), positively charged dust particles may be attracted to a
negatively charged fan rotor (or vice-versa).
4. Mechanical: Build-up could result from fan blade geometry. Some believe
that centrifugal force holds material in place on the back side of airfoil
blades, backward-curved, and backward-inclined centrifugal fan rotor blades.
Others believe that build-up results when dust particles impact the front side
of the fan blades, melting or embedding themselves into the surface of the
steel blades.
Laboratory test work a 32 inch diameter rotor was set-up in a closed-loop
system at the Robinson Industries laboratory. The test set-up allowed
variations in dust loading, fan speed, temperature, particle velocities, fan
blade shape (rotor design), coatings, and types of steel surfaces. By
controlling most process parameters closely, it was possible to change one
variable at a time to determine its effect on the rate of build-up on the rotor.
The first priority was to see if the field type of build-up could actually be
duplicated in the laboratory. After 168 hours of continuous operation, the
rotor was stopped and the fan casing opened for inspection. A significant
build-up (to 11/42 in. thick in some areas) was observed.
The build-up occurred on the leading edge of the blades (pressure side) and at
the blade-to-center plate weld intersection. The build-up was heaviest at areas
of high impact between the dust particles and the rotor surfaces, and along
streamlines containing high concentrations of dust particles. In other words,
the location as well as the appearance of the build-up was similar to that in
field sites.
- Each of the possible variables was examined through experiments or field
observations to determine how best to reduce or eliminate build-up:
1. Temperature: The operating temperature was reduced in 50 F
increments. It was noted that the build-up was significantly reduced (but not
totally eliminated) at temperatures below 500 F.
2. Blade shape: Tests were run using radial blade rotors, backward-curved
blades, and airfoil-bladed designs. Results showed that build-up could be[2016/05/30 11:28:01 AM]

Preheater Fan Coating Problem

reduced with airfoil and backward-curved blades.

3. Fan speed: As the fan speed was reduced to 1,013 rpm, build-up was
reduced. Lower fan speeds (resulting in lower impact velocities as dust
strikes rotor surfaces) appear to reduce build-up.
4. Surface roughness: The fan rotor had four blades fitted with ground finish
316 SS blade liners. While stainless steel provides corrosion protection and
an ultra-smooth surface, build-up was virtually unaffected.
5. Coatings: Several coatings were tried including two ceramic coatings,
tungsten carbide, alonized, polished 316L SS and 410 SS and nickel boron.
None reduced the amount of build-up on the fan wheel.
6. Sandblasting: With build-up already on the fan rotor, coarse sand was
added to the recirculation loop, but to no effect. Either the build-up was too
hard or the sand was not striking the fan rotor surface in the same areas as the
smaller particle feed dust. Texas Lehigh reports that this method of cleaning
was only marginally successful in the field, with build-up being evened out
(high spots were removed) but not eliminated. Excessive use of sandblasting
during operation can lead to rotor erosion and failure.
7. Sonic horns: Reports from various plants indicate that sonic horns are not
an effective means of preventing build-up on preheater ID fans in cement
8. Electrostatic grounding: A grounding brush was attached to the rotor
shaft of a preheater ID fan at Box-Crow Cement (now Holnam Texas L.P.).
The voltage to ground was measured at 0.00 V. This compares to 31
mullivolts static charge when an ungrounded rotor was in operation with feed
dust recirculation at 700 F. There was no noticeable difference in the amount
of build-up between these grounded and ungrounded setups.
- Field observations Reports from 20 plant sites have added some interesting
insights on the causes of and possible solutions to preheater ID fan build-up:

Build-up has occurred on all types of fan blades.

Build-up has been reduced in some measure by lessening the impact

velocity of dust particles striking the fan rotor. A larger-diameter rotor
operating at a reduced speed will acquire less build-up. Reducing the
operating temperature (possible by air dilution upstream from the fan or water
spray in the down corner from the preheater section) greatly reduces build-up
on kiln ID fans. While temperatures below 500 F (260 C) are necessary to
achieve the reduced build-up, temperatures at or below 392 F (200 C)
increase particle size, causing fan rotor erosion.

In some cases, a rotor can be sized with an oversized shaft to make it less
sensitive to imbalance caused by uneven build-up. This arrangement allows
for longer operating cycles between shutdowns for cleaning.

One or two plants have tried water sprays directly onto the 700 F rotating
fan wheel. Rapid cooling (quenching) was reportedly effective in removing[2016/05/30 11:28:01 AM]

Preheater Fan Coating Problem

build-up, but thermal fatigue on the fan rotor was devastating. In at least one
case, a rotor failed catastrophically.

on preheater ID fans is definitely temperature and impact velocity

related, which would support theories about lower-melting-point alkaline

forming a sticky compound.

Sulphur may be ruled out as a cause of build-up on preheater fans since no

sulphur was found in the fuel in the lab test, though build-up still occurred.

Formation of FeCl subscript 3 resulting from a chlorine reaction with the

rotor's steel may also be ruled out. Build-up occurred even with stainless steel
and other protective (non-iron) coatings on the rotor.

recommended temperature of gas entering the kiln ID fan is 482 F

(250 C). This temperature may be achieved with water sprays in the down
comer from the preheater tower. The presence of moisture in itself may
minimize build-up.

The fan rotor should be designed for the smoothest possible flow lines.
The backward-curved and airfoil rotor designs are best for this purpose.

Fans should be selected to achieve minimum gas/dust particle velocity at

the inlet of the fan rotor. Minimum velocity means minimum impact on the
fan rotor. Consider using:
a) Double inlet fans instead of single inlet fans.
b) Larger-diameter and lower rpm fans.
c) A peripheral speed at the rotor inlet opening limited to 15,000 fpm and an
inlet velocity not to exceed 7,500 fpm.

Oversized shafting should be used to reduce sensitivity to imbalance. The

design critical speed (including effects of bearing oil-film stiffness) should be
at least 1.25 times the operating speed of the fan including the weight of 1in.-thick (2.54 cm) build-up on all leading surfaces (pressure side) of the fan
rotor blades. Careful attention is required to insure rigidity of the foundation
up to the fan-bearing pedestals.





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