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rrti LEI 11 I

No. I
1 Timetable, list of participants, evaluation of the...course
2 The duties of the inspector
NS 476, PrENV 12837
Quality assurance standards - iSO 9000 - 9004
air-face preparation
--_-.... 5
Ultra high pressure water jetting (UHF .0/..1)
Standards related to surface preparation
9 Osmotic. blistering
10 1V1easuring the environmental conditions before surface
preparation and painting, Methods of dehumidification
7/11' Materials selection
12 Corrosion and corrosion types
13 Corrosion of reinforcements bars in concrete '
14 Stress corrosion cracking (SCC)'under insulation
15 Cathodic protection -16 Paints and paint systems
17 Anti-foulings
18 Glossary - english paint-technology
19 Application of paint 20 Coating calculations
21 Paint defects
22 ISO 4628 - Evaluation Of degradation of paint coatings
'23 Inspection / surveys for maintenance
24 Standards and guidelines.- ISO 12944
25 Standards and guidelines - DnV and NORSOK M -501
26- NORSOK Standard Nit- 501 ---- - 2.7 Specifications and procedures
2.8 Daily logs'and reports
29 Standards related to surface preparation and paints
30 Quality control
Practical use of standards anti inspection equipment
3 2 Dry film-thickness measurerrient
33 Instruction manuals for inspection instruments

34 Thermal spraying
35 Hot dip galvanising
36 Other coatings than paint
37 Passive fire protectinn
\ 38 Health and safety

* T= Text, 0= Overheads

for W1
T&0 .
T & :3
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Inspection of protec ye coatings

According to NS 476 as a coating in, pector you are a pa of a quality assurance system. Your
responsibilities will be extensive. i
Thi inspector's duty is to ascertain t
are used

arp edges, grin n of surface defects, removal of
. preparation of steel surfaces, e.g. rotindin o
weld spatter etc. is in accordance with the specification
base materials, paints/coating, thinnets being used are in accordance with the specifications, and
I are being used correctly
4 the .specified paints/coatings are being applied to the correct basis material
i equipment for preparation and application is in good operating order
paints/coatings and thinners are stored correctly
le preparation, ambient conditions, coating thickness, time intervals between coats are checked and
are in accordance with requirements
safety and environmental regulations are followed
- 1. operators. are qualified in accordance with requirements
Is testing and analyses are carried out in accordance with requirements by qualified personnel, and
le that equipment is in good order and calibrated
work, inspection and testing are documented and reported in an acceptable manner
1 Addit i onally

the inspectors shall


plan his/her work .1a_a.caordafice with requirements of specifications and procedures, or refer to
Stan ards which, according to agreement, are made applicable as part of the field of inspection
deal with non-conform_ance
produce reports based on documentation of inspection work, tests, non-conformance's and
corrective actions
point out and register surfaces which can not, because of their form and position, be coated in
accordance with the specifleati,-,n

The inspector is often a "lonesome wolf, he is very often on his own, has few people within the
company present to discuss things with.
people are key words for the inspector. I is should be frank and
Both respect and confidence of
straightforward and try to establish good communication with the people he will be working with. His
main line of duty will entail his presence when the work is being carried out. This will enable him to
draw the correct conclusions thus avoiding many delays.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n Velleslcurs'fros;o-kurs Vrosio eng,.C1-00

The duties of the inspector

Inspection of protective coatings

As an inspector it it; important at all times to take notes of what is happening. Not necessarily when
Present on the worksite - this can effect the working relationship with the operators. Everything
should be recorded in logs e.g. daily or weekly in reports on progress.
It is also important that the inspector is capable of understanding., what is actually possibic to
achieve and what is not. During painting operations you will always measure varia i ions in DFT
over a construction - tlie variations may be caused by several things, not only the operators. Ali
instruments we use hcve uncertainties - this should be kept in mind during inspection.
Common sense is a key wt-..rd


O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nAtelles1kurs1frosio-kurs Nfrosio.eng

The dukes of the inspector

The inspectors behaviour and. duties



Always prepare yourself
Bring up relei.arl issues 4kan.afitsiQ ,t1OW
skip minor subjects
don't brina up repeats
Pursue pending issues
- Accept a decision - end of case
Take notes for file
Ask for MOM I./ rmento.asi.ii"- LL-"(17

Setting up your office

- Ftrst

- Company Rep IC cb,,Cs- v"

Correa presentation
Prepare yourself, rend ano unoersrand applicaLie

$. .L1firsgBonS
Obtain she work pocedures
Do a round trip on site-hello-farniUnmsation
Make a Short-list of personnel who are most important in ycur
Get phone mummers and location
Establish a proper filing system


Proceedings on site
Make use of your personal logbook and condense
. information in report as required
Make a priority list 11111, Effectiveness
Make up progress plan and monitor activities
Establish weekly inspection plan with the -ontractor
- Fonnalise "Mutual agreements"
Responsibility, Company and rnntractual


The Inspectors Prerequisites C

Basic training / kilovitedge ! experience
Straight 8 Honest apo.udcn seli?Reliability
- StAngent irmi> Humble
- Moderator.
(Duality conscious
Use common sense OM* Comfortable work situation

A professional inspector will

perform his duties in such a
way that he contributes to
csaastsjctive measures to be
taken insteadulTitr1 an
indifferent approach.

The Norwegian Professional



4 k Rid














nverflatebehandlingsfaget,rface Treatment
t y


.5..; V-,

: rt.t Yfr.0 -e fit raj; rp -f- pc0
cs 11-re 44/ 4+1

Paints and coatings

NS 476 Rules for the approval of surface

treatments inspectors
- This standard gives rules for the professional qualification a
surface treatment inspectors and snail thereby ensure
inspection to professional standard prior to, during and
subsequent to surface treatment of metallic materials
- The standard establishes two levels of inspectors,
requirements shall be met to become qualified and
requirements for maintenance of the qualificatiuli
Inspectors approved according to this standard, are intended
, De a part of quality assurance systems based on e g ISO
I 9001 to 9003.

4.1.1 Candidate having completed ertucatiun and
apprenticeship in the following trades: building.
machine and industrial painting, hot dip galvanizing,
thermal spray metallizing. electrolytical coating
application, or automobile finishing.
4.1.2 C;atididates having college eduoattOn or equivalent in
the fields of mechan-..7.! engineering. ship construction,
metallurgy. chemistry. Chemical engineering, physics
or civil engineering.
4.1.3. Candidates not inving the
Clauses 4.1.1. or 4.1.2.

mentioned in


Experience - Assistant inspector

Candidates lot ace-eclarzz

clause 4.1.1 shall have
completed thelr
"- ..c..
--arad..s.caLtaLtta raeaji5

Candicatax in accordance welt clause 4.11 shall have at

new Wade inclusive of apprenticeship.

least 2 va aelevarrt.
ealleisersce torn the huilding or
shruairotrile-steets-ccartlalsore plierca;ia, theeFIgIneenng.
Pt:Sling tne pant .d

Candidates in ACGOrl.?..
Velii clause 4.1.3 shall have at
:east 7 years of relevant expenestse in one or several of ne
fields protective at:sating,. olasictearce^ or the matnieriance
of ships. buildings, power stations, bWge, `artOltr
installations, offsecre or industnal plants.

Validity, renewal or withdrawal

- The approval is valid for 5 years
- For renewal 2 years of documented active experience as
an inspector in the 5 year period
- withdrawal may occur if the FROSIO board receive
documented proof of negligence by the inspector

The examination consists of two seperate exams.
A theoretical exam - lasting 4 1/2 hours
- A practical exam - lasting 4 112 hours
The maximum score on ach xam is 150 pts. - you must
have minimum 100 Ms.
, Cc examination.


IfisOecter-for surfacefintrnept_
2 years experience as an assistant inspector

. .41,1
CQ t,



[ Examination in inspection ::ark ; theoretical 8 practical) 1--

80 hours course ,r Inspection of protective coatings

At leas. 2;m: s! reieverot r ATeaStyrs of
At least 5 yrs of
relevant eht......anss
experience. see 4 2.12
relevant experience,
j see 4.2.1 -see clause 4.2 1.1.
Education from university
r.'""Pi enPrenticeShhr ., ....4 tech. Sclecsis




Responsibilities typical for inspectors

The inspectors shall ascertain the:.
only valid specifications are used an that ems. are adheres! to
Preparation of steel surfaces e g roods-to of sharp edges. grinding of
surface defects, removal of weld sparser
- base materials. paMt5JC030,195 and other consumables (e g
degreasers and thinners) are being used correctly
the specified aerate/coatings are bang applied to the correct basis
equipment for preparation and application is in good operating ardor

paints/coatings sent other consurnebles are stored cannily

Responsibilities typical for inspectors


The inspectors shall ascmcsin that:

preparation, ambient conditions. coming archness leer and Cry), time
crusts. are cheCked and the results documented in
accordance with &eater-erne=
- safety ana enveortmentai regulations are adhered to
- aparators are qualified in accordance wig requirements
- testing or analysis are carried ott in accordaihe with recurememts ty
oualifieo personnel, and that equipment user; is in good clef and
- work. inspectron and :eseng are cuuserientea and reported in an
......eptabrie manner


Respons:bilities typical for inspectors


Testing / inspections may include:

non destructive testing e g him
pin hole detection



visual inspection e.g cleanliness, surface rougnness ns subsirate,

coating delectS ;in accordance with recpareinents in e.g ISO 4 25)

- destructive testing e.g adhesion teau.y according m reauutrernents in

ISO 2409 or ISO 4624

othei Waiiwg e.g contamination of blasted surface or between coats

Responsibilities typical for inspectors

Additionally the inspectors shall:
- plan his work in accordance wilh this requirements of Tie
specifications and procedures. or refer to standards wreck according
to agreement are made applicable as pan of the Said of inspection
- deal with non-conformances
pft.iuce reports based on documentation at inspection wodc, tests.

nOn-COnforrnance and corrective actions

point out and nifester surfaces which cannot, because of nee fni-rn
and position, be coated in accordance with the specification

2 Final Draft for prENV 12837 - 1999-October

nualiocation of inspectors for corrosion
protection of steel structures by protective
paint systems


inspector shall have good knowledge

LA. The

typical location probisms (stop, site)

methods of preparing and cleaning substrates
characteristics of paints
- methods of application of paints
- the promnies.of corrosion protection by paint coatings
relevant codes, nattonal regulations and standards

The inspector shall have general knowledge

typical design reouirernents pertinent to corrosion pruiection of
stcci structures
:sz iryslerns:
at-trim:Inst. !Isom technology;
corrosion theory;


equipment tar suilace Preparation and


thermally splayed "lac, aiumtni-irm snd their alloys and application
of paints on swat trsrrns
ry sprayed coatings:

4 The inspector shall have general

knowledgE: of:
protection of welds on steel sruaures by paint systems;
degrartnnon taint system7
:Sok factors pertaining to :=amt, safety and environment
approve:: methods of waste disposal


The inspector shall be able to:

read and understand specifications and technical drawings;
plan and carry out .ot.. in accordance with specifications;
adjust and use all inspection equipment: use tables and standards;
confirm proper application on reference areas and prepare reports
related to such areas;
- prepare inspection repass and ensure proper distribution of such

resolve coning:, within t :!d of competence

understand and advise -n itiyeries related to the following[

- -


The inspector shall be able to understand

and advise on queries related to the
r761,t following:

surface prepariviiv.. oi steel surfaces;

proper use of Paint systems;
compatibility of paints.
design (including connections, galvanic coupies,
accessibility, box members and other hollow constructions);
asseMbIv i.^..4 production methods;
classification of onvironmentc as defined in EN ISO '12S+:-.7



The inspector shall be able to understand

and advise on queries related to the
surface conditions (e.g. v. Habrication primers, metallic
ot.:bstrates, existing pan it systems);
location (e.g. shop or !:0 general conditions);
workmanship (e.g. skill of operators);
riom specifications,
specified rie.:!:!., a.7,t and environmental protection;

colour and colour shades;

documentation and reports;


The fields of education suggested as being beneficial as

educational background for paint Inspector are:

Apprenticeship and / or vocational schooling in:

heavy industrial or marine painting;
maintenance painting;
- machine painting:

But only related to protection of

steel structures by paint coatings

industrial painting;
house painting;
maintenance engineering;
supervisory work:
quality management:

The field&ui v..;.,...1*)o suggested as being beneficial as

educa,ivoisi baclground for Paint Inspectors are:
Forr.-.a; qualification in:

paint tectirtstP;,,-,
mecItanical engineer's,.


But only related to protection of

..UreS by
steel Nble.

cPemistry / ctiernical eyrie tnng,

technical I...easement of sating studs-,

civil engineenngt


=21 constn...Pon,
corrosion sciedde:



Inspection of protective coatings


All kinds of industries that deliver products or services have to ensure that their products live up to the
demands oc the customers. This is what usually is defined as quality.
Quality assurance actually in-iply all efforts necessary in order to achieve the quality level required for
the product.
The manufacturer of a product must assure that every product has correct quality. In order to do so, the
production and the production routines must be studied. A quality system is a system where
requirements are specified and are aimed for primarily to prevent nonconformity at all stages of .
The standards ISO 9001, 9002 and 9003 can be regarded as different levels of quality assurance in different kinds of production.

1 ISO 9001

Quality systems - Model for quality assurance in design/development, production,

installation and servicing.
For use when conformance to specified requirements is to be assured by the supplier
during several stages which may include design/development, production, installation
and servicing.

SO 9002

Quality systems - Model for quality assurance in production and installation

For use when conformance to specified requirements is to be assured by the supplier

during production and installation.

IISO 9003

Quality systems - Model for quality assurance in final inspection and test
For use whericonformarice to specified req
solely ai final inspection and test.

-mentt is to be assured by the supplier

The three standards specify qualitisystemrequirements for usewhereasontiaa between two parties
requires cifii-ionstretic:n r7:-:_z=plier's_capability_tasitsign_and supply products. The standards are

primarib., aimed at preiy.e!., ing..nonconformiryatall stages.

Teknolugisk !nstitutt
National InstiZI.:to of Technology, Norway
Department Carri:,sion Protection and Analysis

Quality assurance standards

Inspection of protective coatings

For a production plant dealing with contracts concerning surface preparation and painting the correct
model for assuring quality would be ISO 9002. A larger shipyard or engineering workshop where the
constructions are both designed, constructed and the surface is prepared and pili;;:ed, would have to use
ISO 9001.
In the next pages, we won't deal with all the paragraphs in these standards, but only refer
and testing.

to Inspection

The customer will always want to be notified of how the productinn is getting along. Ts the work croing
as planned or has some non-conforming procedures occurred. The customer can demand "proof' of the
quality of the product he has ordered. Therefore it is of great importance that the supplier can document
correct quality of a product.
It is also of vital importance to establish procedures in order ensure the customer at which stage his
product is at any time during production.
Non conformance procedures
The supplier shall establish and maintain procedures to ensure that products that do not conform to
specified requirements is prevented from inadvertent use or installation.
Non-conformance (NC) concerns all types of defects etc. at a certain stage in production or at
the final tests_ T_h_e_purpose of this is-to ensure that the product(s) is/are in accordance to the
specification-when it is/ they arefmished.
Corrective actions
Corrective actions should be taken in order to prevent the occurrence of nen-conformance.
In a example we will try to illustrate this with a practical case from industry: Some years ago a number
of pipelines where ordered outside Norway by one of the Norwegian oil companies. In the specification
from the oil company the following text was given:




surface prep.

Blast-cleaning Sa 2 1/2
Roughness Grade- medium, G
Coal tan epoxy in 300 p.m

ISO 8501-1
ISO 8503-1
ISO 2808

paint system

No inspection from the Oil Company was carried out during production, and the pipelines were
finally delivered to the yard in Norway. During assembly the paint suddenly flaked in large areas,
inspection showed that the pipelines had not been blast-cleaned prior to painting. Consequence - all
the work had to be carried out once more at a high cost for the foreign yard.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Noraay
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n: Welles 1kurs \frosio-kurslfrosio eng \ 02-00

Quality assurance stall:'irds

Qua!ity aLsurance ISO Germ - 9004

Quality assurance ISO 9000 - 9004

ISO 9000
Duality management and quality assufeii.a
standards; Guidelines for selection and use

ISO 9001, 9002,9003

Duality systems; model for quality assurance at
different stages of production or inspection

ISO 9004
Quality management




quality system elements -


Cluz!ity .s-czterns
Model for quality assurance t^ r.Z.sig,1
ISO 9001

K, i'

development. production, installation and


ISO 9002

Model for ut.;etity assurance in production and


190 9003

Mode! for quality assuranc

and test



Quality assurance sy:-.tems

Most organizations- indust;;al, commercial
or governmental produce a product or
service int rt

A) Marketing and market

F) Inspection, testing and


B) Desierespeaficanon
engineering and product

H) Sales and Castntoulion

C) Procurement
0) Process planning and

oackaging and storage

Installanor. and operation
.1) Technical assistance and
K) Disposal alter use


ISO 9001 Modei for quality assurance in design/

development, production, installation and servicing
0 Introductin

Scope and field of application

2 References
3 Definitions
4 Quality

system requirements

ISO 9001 Model for quality assurance in design/

develO7m.snt production, Instaiiation and serviciii
This standard specifies quality
sysieni requirements for use
where a contract between two
parties requires demonstration
of a supplier's capability to
dcoign :Ind supply a product

odel for quality assurance in design/

!SO 9001 Mi
dnvi;ippmer)eproduction, installation and servicing


The suppliers management

shall define aria document its
policy and objectives for, and
commitment to, quality

4.1 .Management

Managemen1 review

ISO 9001 Model for quality assuri.iioe in design/
- development, production, installation and servicing
.4.9 Process control

Special processes

The supplier shall tdentii, anz:

plan the production and
Instal:I- ten process whion
directly affect quality
..Controlled conditions inr.i
documented instructions
monitonng criteria for
workmanship apprzvz



lb() IT: 00 I Model for quality assurance in design/

devc:.-.;ment, production, installation and servicing
4.1n incr.action and

The supplier shalt

test and idenury



establish product conformance

hold rroe,uct until inspection

Finn: :nspection

identity nonr.n-:'r'7rntrig product ,

inspection and test



ISO 9001 Model for quality assurance in design/

development, production, installation and servicing
.4,12 Inspection and test
.4.11 Control of nonconforming product
1.14 Corrective action

- 4.17 Internal quality audits

4.18 Training
.4.19 Serv:cing
- 4.20 Statistical techniques

4.15 Handling, storage,

packaging and delivery
4.16 Quality records



The ISO 9001, 9002 and 93 ctandards


I t
OA in

eSion I

;"1.1.90 303
OA in
- prcifiuction

final inspection

inspection of protective coatings

The objective of designing a structure is- to ensure that the structure is suitable for its function, has
the necessary stability, strength and by durability after corrosion protection
Sharp edges and corners should R--= 2mm). Hard layers
ing. Foreign
bixioureld also be removed,bygrinding. prior
uettlidngfi u
rn.g.rtreersouri,.titniige fsruoi.m
. e
sidues, oil, grease, salt shall he remove nor t..
most likely be
preparation: Areas where these things have not been removed prior to painting,
ire first to suffer corrosion.

Good wetting

Poor wetting
(no degreasing of the surface)
Water droplet



verybody has Seen -how water "pearls" on a waxed or fatty surface. Water on a badly cleaned
windshield on a new car and o., -;iIcd steeisheets is good examples of this. if we clean these
surfaces well, i.e. we remove all wax And fat, and then apply water we will see that the water makes
a continuous film. This is rlui- to the surface tension and can be explained as follows: between all
solids, liquids and gasses in contact with each other, there are pulling forces. These forces are also
present when we apply water on a waxed sulfuLt. However the forces between the. molecules in the
water are greater than.-betueenter and thewa,vd_surface The surface tension of the water
pulls the waterfilm apart and the water has a higher surface tension than the waxed surface.
When the wax has been removed from the surface the water "wets" the surface better. The surface
tension increases when we clean surfaces. This implics that the greater surface tension we have, the
better adhesion will he achieved for the coating.

Tettnoluyisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Surface preparaticn

Inspection of protective coatings

Means of degreasing surfaces

Solvent cleaning
Surface preparation specification no. 1 from the Steel StrUctures Painting Council (SSPC) in the
USA covers solvent cleaning. ssi---c-sr
is a method fbr removing all visible
oil, grease, soil, drawing and cutting compounds, and other soluble contaminants from steel
surfaces. It is intended that solvent cleaning be used prior to the application of paint and in
coniunction with surface preparation methods specified for the removal of rust, mill scale or paint.
In workshops, during dry-docking etc. it is common practice to use rags saturated with solvents
used to wipe surfaces clean from oil and grease. If this is not done properly all you achieve is a
smearing of the oil and grease onto the surface. And the new paint system that might be applied has
little or no adhesion to the steel or - previous coat.Prior to solvent cleaning foreign matter (other than grease and oil) should be removed by one or a
combination of the following; brush with stiff fibers or wire brushes, abrade, scrape, or clean with
solutions or appropriate cleaners, provided such cleaners are followed by a fresh water rinse. After
solvent cleaning, remove dirt, dust and other contaminants from the surface prior to paint
application. Acceptable methods include brushing, blow off with clean, dry air or vacuum cleaning.
if there are heavy oil and grease on the surface remove these using a scraper. Then use.-olie
following methods:

Wipe or scrub with rags or brushes wetted with solvent. Use clean solvent and clean rags or
brushes for the final wiping.
the solvent onto the surface. Use clean solvent for the final spraying.
Vapour degre e-traiRg--stabilised chlorinated hydrocarbons.
Immerse completely in a tank of solvent.
ER44,1-1-5.i.e44-Qr_al ine cleaners may be used in place of the methods described. After treatment,.
freshwater rinse or steam to remove residues.
sinsz detergents or cleaners and followed by steam or fresh water wash to remove

Solvent vapour cleaning or degreasing is for workshop use only. The items to be degreased are
lowered into a specially designed cabinet with solvent. In the bottom of the solvent cabinets or
tanks heating coils are used to make the solvent boil. In the top are cooling coils. When "cold"
goods are lowered into the steam zone, the steam condenses on the surface, and both the fat and the
solvents will run off. The surface then dries and "clear," products can after a while be removed from
the cabinet.
Chlorinated products such as tri-chlorethylene, per- chlorethyiene, also known under names such as
chlorotenes are used for vapour degreasing.
C. C--(
m Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n Ve!les \kurs1frosio-kursfrosto eng\ 03-00



Inspection of protective coatings

Emulgators, emulsifiers
As mentioned above there are other ways of degreasing a surface, that does not involve solvent
cleaning. The most common one is to use emulgated solvents -. these are concentrated mixes of
organic fat-dissolvers, emulgators and water. Th.:se kinds of emulgators usually smell of paraffin or
the surface for some minutes they should be
white spirit. After the emulgators have been left
removed using fresh water. Best results will be obtained using hot water, or in combination with
steam. Reasonable good results will also be achieved using cold fresh water.

(Alkaline ,-waningC

ot t.

When using alkaline cleaning, not only will oils and fats be removed from the surface, but also
some contamination in the surface of the steel. Water-soluble salts and paints will also be removed.
This method is "water based".
The method is often used in factories where the steels are did into an alkaline bath. The most
common types of baths contain sodiurnhydroxide (caustic soda) and are very alkaline with a pH
around 13-14. When a fatty surface is lowered into the bath, the fat reacts with the alkaline and
form soaps that dissolve in the water. The baths are often warm and agitated.

Water cleaning


The cleaning of constructions prior to painting has been done using water at high pi essure.
Normally this involves pressures from 300 - 700 bars and up to several hundred litres of water pr.
minute. Nowadays, as environmental issues are continually in focus several new surface preparation
processes have appeared. One is using water at very high pressures as the only media for removal of
mill-scale, rust and paint.

Tek.nologisk Institutt
Nat:cnal Institute of Technology, Norway
De;artment Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Surface preparation


inspection of protective coatings

Mechanical surface preparation
Prior to further surface preparation it is recommended that welds, edges, laminations are inspected
and if necessary rounded u: smoothened by grinding (rain R = 2 mm). Most of us have to some
extent been involved in removal of rust and oil paint by 'Efferent means. Equipment such as wire
brushes, scrapers, needle pickers and rotating equipment are used. The equip
- ment is quite heavy
and the operation might become boring after a while.
Hand tool and power tool cleaning are methods of preparing steel surfaces by the use of non-power
hand tools and bower assisted hand tools. These methods removes all loose millscale, loose rust,
--lerose-paint n-nd-o-ttrei louse detrimental foreign matter.
it is not intended that adherent mill scale,
rust and point be removed by this process. Mill scale, rust and paint are considered adherent if they
--cannot be removed by lifting with a dull putty knife.

Using the steel wire brush will never remove all the rust, at the most maybe 10 %. For larger work
pneumatic equipment will most likely be required. All these types must be smeared with oil before
use. Use of too much oil can cause transference onto the steel surface during the cleaning operation.
There is a large range of equipment available; disk erinders, rotating wire brushes - these tools will
normally not damage the surface. However using rotating wire brushes for too long can polish or
bumish a surface so that it becomes too smooth for the paint to adhere to. Nowadays special pads
can be used.which have abrasives baked into them so that a certain roughness can be achieved, for
example using clean and strip wheels.
The cleaning rate when using hand or power tool operated equipment is lower than for blastcleaning.


tool cleaning:

Chipping hammers
Hand scrapers

Hand wire brushes

Abrasive papers
Plastic fleece with embedded abrasives

Power tool cleaning

Rotary de-scalers
Chipping hammers
Needle guns

Sanding machines.
Sanding discs
Rotary wire brushes
Abrasive coated paper wheels (flap wheels)
Rotary finishing brushes with abrasive grit
Power grinders
O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and AnalySiS
aVelles1kurs'irosior kurstfrosio.eng107,00

for removal of slag,

laminated rust scale,
old paint, rust
for final hand preparation
including feathering edges
of any firmly adhering
coating system
for removal of rough scale
and laminated scale
for welds, recessed work
and fasteners
for removal of rust,
rust scale and paint

to siiK-Jut.h welds,edgE:s etc

prior to general finishing

Su i-face preparation


Inspection nf protective coatings

Rotati ,-, cleanina tools

Rotary power iuols are rapid cleaning equipment using different kinds of cleaning media for
removal of rust and paint. The most common types are wire brushes, non-woven and woven
Using wire brushes and the non-woven abrasives, old paint. rust scale, weld slags and dirt deposits
can be removed. Both the wire brushes and non-woven-abrefivc are available in cup, radial (wheel)
and disc form. Coated abrasives are used as discs or flap wheels to remove loose mill-scale, old
paint and can also remove base metal.

Impact cleaning tc...ols

_Impact cleaning tools are those often referred to as chipping and scaling hammers. The. chisel
(either for scraping/chipping), is operated by an internal piston which strikes the surface. These
tools are useful when there are heavy deposits of rust-scale, welding slag or thick old paint.
A needle scaler or needle hammer operates as mentioned above, but with bundle of steel needles
housed in front of the piston so that they work into the surface.
Cleaning surfaces by means of scaling and chipping hammers is very slow, but for areas with heavy
rust scale or paint formation it can still be the best and most economical method.

Flame cleaning
Some years back it was quite common in many countries to use flamc-cleaning for cleaning of
steel. However the use of this process for cleaning steel has decreased. This is mainly due to the
great amount Of steel that is centrifugal blast-cleaned and shOpPrimed in plants.
Previously the method was quite useful for cleaning larger 5,-aface areas outdoors for shipnulls
made from unprimed steel. However the cleaning rate is quite low ccnii!iared to blast-cleaning and
the blast-cleaned surface is much cleaner. So as time pas:sed by the blast-cleaning process has taken
over most of the flame cleaning.
The flame cleaning process was a so called thcainal process - the flame and the heating of the
surface did the "cleaning" of thc.. surface.
fhe method had the following tasks:

Remove most of the mill-scale and the rust

Burn off fat and oils from the.surface
Dry the surface
Ability to paint on a heated surface

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

5wface preparation

Inspection of protective coatings

The thermal cleaning process was carried out using a "burner" operating at a certain speed over the
surface. During the process the mill-scale and the rust-scale expands more than the steel. The
tension that is created cracks the scale and loosens it to some extent. Also smaller amounts of wafer
trapped under the mill- and rust scale contribute to this when heated.
The heating process by it self will not be able to remove very much mill-scale or rust-scale and the
process always has to be gn;shed using power tool wire brushing. Thick layers of rust have to be
chipped away.
On steel with intact millsc:iie, the process was supposed to be able to remove approximately. 20 %
and the percentage of mill-scale and rust removed increases as the corrosion of the steel increases.
The equipment is quite similar to that used for gas welding - acetylene gas and oxygen is used
together with a special designed burner, ___

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

S.1:rfaco. preparation

Inspection of protective coatings

Blast-cleaning is the common term for all the methods used where abrasives of different kinds are
propelled onto a surface.
The different methods of blast-cleaning are:
Compressed air abrasive blast-cleaning
Moisture-injection abrasive blast-cleaning
Wet abrasive blast -cleaning
Centrifugal abrasive blast-cleaning
Water blasting - water jetting
Compressed air abrasive blast-cleaning
By this method the abrasive is propelled by means of compressed air. Normally when this type of
blast-cleaning is done in the open air, cheap abrasives are used which are not recovered. Using
more expensive abrasives such as aluminium-oxide or steel grit / shot, the abrasives will re-used..
They are recycled in a system where dust and contamination is removed. The abrasive may be
injected into the air stream from a pressurised container or may be drawn into the air stream by
suction from an un-pressurised container.

Moisture-injection abrasive blast-cleaning

This method is similar to compresSed-air abrasive bia_st cleaning, but with addition of a very small
amount of liquid (usually clean fresh water) to the air/abrasive steam before the nozzle, resulting
less dust. The water consumption of water can be controlled and is usually 15 1/h to 25 I/h.
The use of water, to reduce the dust, will create flash-rusting of the surface. This might be accepted
for certain types of paints. If not a suitable rust-inhibitor may be added to the water.
In many cases the use of water makes the abrasive stick on to the steel, making it difficult to
remove. In most cases removal of the abrasive is done by fresh water-cleaning.
Wet abrasive blast-cleaning
The method is similar to compressed air abrasive blast-cleaning, but with thc addition of a liquid
(generally clean fresh water) before or after the nozzle to produce a stream comprising air, water
and abrasive. The use of water to reduce the dust, will create flash-rusting of the surface. If this is
not acceptable, a suitable rust-inhibitor may be added to the water.
Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Sur:. re


Inspection of protective coatings

Much of the equipment available today used in shipyards or in plants operates on this principle.
The main parts are:

Compressor of suitable size

Pressure tank or pot (contains the abrasive)

Air hoses
Abrasive hoses nozzles
Moisture and oil separators
Dead-mans handle

In many cases the pressure tank or pot is portable. Prior to blast-cleaning the.
operator must be
equipped with suitable safety equir,,nent. When he closes the dead-mans valve the pressure builds
up inside the tank causing the
n valv to close. The.p
hose is e ualised. The abrasive falls dowh into the abrasive valve and is transported throuvii the
hose to the nozzle. In the nozzle, the abrasive-air mixture is accelerated and propelled onto the steel
The pressure tanks or pots can be of various sizes from approximately 50 litres up to 200 litres. In
order to use the equipment a sufficiently large compressor is needed. The size of the compressor

will depend on several factors such as the required pressure during the operation and how many
outlets will be used at the same time.

The abrasive valve

There are different types of abrasive valves available, but the most common one used is the Miser
valve. Here two plates fitted with holes lie on top of each other and the opening can be regulated as
required. Often, but not always, an assistant will assist the operator during the blasting i.e. adjusting
the abrasive valve and filling of the abrasive.

Hoses and connections

The transportation of the abrasive / air mixture from the abrasive valve to t e
. ?yzzle takes place
through the blasting hose. On its way there is a certain pressure loss - increase
knA- with the length of
the hose. How large the pressure loss is can be measured12
-ieedie manometer
into the abrasive hose when the abrasive valve is closed.
The hoses are normally made from rubber tubing_with !4,-inch.thick walls rubber tube with carbon
black compounding to earth the static electricity generated by the abrasive flow in the hose. The
hoses are also equipped with additional earthening wire between the rubber and the outside ply.
Teknologisk Institutt
National institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
sfros:c en9103-00

Surface preparation


Inspection of protective coatings

The hoses will often be of a length of 30 m, and therefore couplings must be used in order to
achieve longer lengths. The couplings used nowadays are always of the exterior type and secured
with screws to the hose.
Tlic nozzles are continually exposed to abrasives. Nowadays they are made from ..CF
carbide with a life ofaround_2_00,-300-ho-ar-s. The carbides are very brittle, and in order to absorb
some of the shock. the nozzle is fitted with a lead lining and then covered with plastic.
e used. They are cr,hical inside and this increases the speed of the
Today mainly n n r^zz
abrasive out of the nozzle from approximately 300 i.o 700 km/hour at a pressure of 7 bars. No771es
arc available in various sizes, lengths and shapes depending on the cbject that are to be cleaned.
The blasting pattern fr_oniNenturitio721e5_.c=ers_a_larger_prea with
. a more even pattern than a
straight bore nozzle of the same size



Straight bore nozzle

Venturi shaped nozzle

Dead mans handle

This handle will ensure the operator that he at all times has control of immediately stopping the
blasting operation if something unexpected should happen. By releasing the dead mans handle, the
pressure in the tank decreases to zero. The response tine can by quite long depending on whether
the mechanisms used are pneumatic or electro-pneumatic.

0 Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Surface preparation

Inspcction of protective co :,ti nts

Centrifugal abrasive biast-cleaning
Centrifugal abrasive blast-cleaning carried out in enclosed plants in which the abrasive is fed to
rotating wheels or impellers positioned to throw the abrasiv:: only and at high Velocity on to the
surfaces to be cleaned. Kaat...43*FitriF...atabrasive...hlast,clear-inz.urits arestationaky and the-abfasiv
iscirculatedin.a.elosed-sysIm. The workpieces are either fed throilgh or rotated with the
equipment. In certain cases, the equiprne:ii_ may be mobile, and therefore useful for cleaning large
uninterunted surfaces, such as ships' hulls arid oil storagc tanks.
The method is suitable for continuous operation on workpieces with accessible surfaces, such as
plates, plate girders, castings or rolling-mill products. Tt is also applicable to workpieces having
different rust grades.
Ultra high pressure water (UHP INJ)
A joint standard from SSPC and NACE in the USA deals with surface preparation using high and
ultra-high pressure water jetting. This standard is referred to as NACE NO.5 / SSPC-SP 12
"Surface preparation and cleaning of steel and other hard materials by high- and ultra-h ighpress ure water jetting prior to recoating"
In the standard NACE No. 51 SSPC-SP 12 the foliowing definitions are given:

Low-pressure water cleart\ng (LP WC)

High-pressureater cleaning (HP WC)
High-pressure water jetting (i-i WJ)

Ultrahigh-pressure water jet.ting,(Ul

Cleaning performed at pressures Tess than

34 MPa (340 bar) (5000 Psi)
Cleaning performed at pressures from
34 to 70 MPa (340 700 bar) (5000 - 10000 Psi)
Cleaning performed at pressures from
70 to 170 MPa(700 1700 bar) (10000-50000Psi)


Cleaning performed at pressures above

170 MPa(1700 bar) (25000 Psi)

The use of low-pressure and high-pressure water cleaning at pressures less than 70 IVIPa. loose rust,
debris and material in depressions and pits will be removed, but black oxide (magnetite) remains.
High-pressure water jetting at pressures of 70 MPa (10000 Psi) will produce a uniform matte finish
which quickly flashrusts unless inhibitors or environmental
control is carried out. Black oxides
(magnetite) are slowly removed.
At pressures of 140 MPa (20000 Psi), a uniform matte finish is obtained that quickly flashrusts
unless inhibitors or environmental control is carried out. Black oxides (magnetite), paint,
elastomeric coatings, enamel, red oxide and polypropylene sheet linin2 are removed. Generally
chemical contaminants will be removed with varying degrees of offectiveness.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n.lfelles1kursVroso-kurS Tosio.eng \03.00

Surface preparation


Inspection of protective coatings

At pressures of 235 to 250 MPa (34000 to 36000 Psi), a uniform matte finish is obtained that
quickly flashrusts unless inhibitors or environmental control is carried out. Surface material,
including most mill scale, is removed from the *mice metal. v..
Extremely well bonded mill scale may require additional time spent in localised jetting. When an
operator carries out this process the amounts of water must be quite low. C.ilienvise the recoil will
be too high for the operator to withstand over a longer period of time.
:,, -,...f:.'-,f; -,,., .-i 1 ;...o: -: L.e.,:.i 4-0
,.Ii-,, :P 04/A ett....."1y': 1.::::z: -, ,-1... -,,,aLICalgi
5j01e..tile- 4gfci.g174gbalig the_
The process will nt r-su .
desired roughness in advance and so far the process has been in use more,, 21: l$ss cnly in connection
---paintitigin Norwaye....1e MI of the- oil companies have started to use this
t echnique.,,, --';. ,,,,... ,E,


- .. P Pr.,... 4 tti,v'71

41 4: .=%.; ''''-

r.,.. ".i- -"C".- .'
';'-'' ' ":.
/ .riel.."
This results in a minimum of problems in connection with the job, due to the fact that no dust is
created. At high pressures very small amounts of water are used, maybe only up to 15 -20 litres pr.
o :L_T_h. loiter removes all - sails and the
minute. However .the cleanlinss s of thesteel isys,gz_daoj
energy created uslagwater_prOvia:g, a fernpebt_Ure rise of the steel_sothat dries it quiLkly.

1" "


The operating distance from the object using ultra-high pressure water jetting is small, preferably
the nozzle is held 6 13 mm from the surface/At distances further apart the cleaning rate will be
much lower. The cleaning rate pr. hour is dependent on the original condition of the coating. Some
literature indicates that the cleaning rates is higher than those achieved using abrasive blastcleaning, while others state that the cleaning rate is lower.

Teknologisk Institut
National Institute of Technology, Norway

Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Surface preparation

Inspection of protective coatings


A wide variety of both natural and s:yntheiic solid materials and several ::::ids are used for abrasive
The most common abrasives used in connection with abrasive bla,-, t-cleaning are divided into two
groups, e.g. metallic and non-metallic (mineral) abrasives.
Table 1 - Common! used blast-cleaniri- abr.=

Metallic (M)

Cast iron


- I
Abbreviation I Initital

Cornparator 1)

M/CI '


S or G







Cast iron
Cut steel




Silica sand
Olivine sand


Iron furnace stag


Copper refinery slag

Nickel refinery slag.



Mainly for
air blastcleaning
Mainly for
Mainly for
air blastcleaning


Mainly for
air blastcleaning

Coal fursilicate
nace slag
Fused aluminium oxide
Comparator to be used when assessing the resultant surface profile. The method for evaluating the surface profile
by comparator is described in ISO 8503-2.
Certain types of abrasives rapidly change their shape when used. As soon as this happens, the appearai
ice of the
surface profile changes and becomes closer to that of thm "chnt" ,,,,,..,...

Metallic abrasives
These abrasives have a long service life because their particles c;n-, resist many b ndredi ;mbacts
before their size is reduced and the abrasive must be discarded. Thcse abrasives are expensive and
are more or less used only in installations where they c'n be recovered and reused.
Metallic abrasives generally clean more effectively than non-metallic abrasives, particularly on new
steel covered by hard, tight millscale... There are several kinds of metallic abrasives available, the
most common ones are listed in table 1.

O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n Velles1kursVrosio-kurs1frosio ,Ing Q3-00

Surface preparation

Si. 7

Inspection of protective coatings

Chilled ;Lon grit is the hardest, but also breaks down faster, due to its own brittleness. Steel shot cr
grit are the most common ones. there is limited use of wire cut.
The metallic abrasives may have throe different shapes.
I Grit
* Shot

- angular, irregular (G)

- round
- shurp edged -


In installations where the abrasive is re-used the abrasive is often steel grit or shot. SpeCial hardness
of the steel can be ordered prolonging the usability. As the abrasives are used they will be rounded
and become spherical.
Non-metallic (mineral) abrasives (slag, sand)
In general, non-metallic abrasives are commonly used for open air-blast-cleaning of steel Most of
these abrasives are inexpensive. Their shape is angular with some exceptions (e.g. glassbeads).
Most of them have a short life i.e. they are usually only used once.
Due to health hazards law in many countries forbids i.e. risk of silicosis, the use of silica containing
abrasives (especially silica sand).
As shown in Table 1, currently 9 different non-metallic abrasives are standardised in the
International Standard ISO 11126.
Lots of the abrasives used are slags from metal production e.g. nickel refinery slag, copper refinery
slag, iron furnace slag and coal furnace slag. There must be no free metal particles in the slags that can act as sources for corrosion on the blast-cleaned surface. Neither should they contain heavy
Also in certain cases where removal of oxides from aluminium or stainless steels, or where little or
no roughness is recommended prior to painting, other types of abrasives other than sand or slags
may be used, such as crushed nut shells, glass beads, plastics, sodium bicarbonate.
When selecting an abrasive, it is essential that the following considerations are taken ilk account. _

The influence of a Particular sizon the resulting surface profile is normally. greater for
metallic abrasives Than for non-metallic abrasives. This is because the shatter characteristics
differ and because differences in density affect the kinetic energy of the abrasive particles.
will produce the optimum level of cleanliness, cleaning
rate and surface profile.
In blest-clearing plants the abrasive is recycled, it is necessary to remove dust and
contaminants before the abrasive is re-used and make up for the abrasive which is lost by
wear and adherence to the workpieces. This is done by controlled additions of new abrasive
so that the abrasive mixture is maintained within prescribed particle size limits or particle
size distribution.

O Teknulogisk Institut
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Surface preparation

inspection of protective coat:rigs

Different Non metallic abrasives
Silica sand
Silica sand is a hard and low cost abrasive, which is available more or less everywhere in We world.
It might not be available in a wide range of particle sizes and there is also a health risk for workers.
Silicosis is a chronic lung disease caused by breathing silica dust, which is created upon ;;sing the
sand for blast-cleaning.
In many countries world-wide the use of silica sand is prohibited due to the health reasons
mentioned. The use of water will reduce the amounts of dust created, but not below the maximum
exposure limit set by the authorities in many countries.
Olivine and Staurolite
Both these abrasives are natural occurring abrasives.
(I Olivine sand is a pale ctreem

ca free abras_
. . Norway. It is a silicate of iron
and magnesium. It has a hardness of approximately 7 Mohs and creates light coloured dust upon
Staurolite is a dark coloured mineral, the free silica content is lower than the limit set by the
Garnet is a hard silicate mineral found several places; Australia, India. USA and South Africa.
The abrasive has high cleaning efficiency, which results in less abrasive being used. Garnet can also
be recycled several times, and is a less expensive alternative to aluminium oxide. The mineral has a
hardness of 7-8 Mohs and can be used both for ferrous and non-ferrous substrates.
Iron furnace slag
Iron furnace slag is a by-product of iron melting. Finer grades of this slag leave the substrate with a
light colour.
Copper refinery slag
This abrasive is also referred to as iron-silicate and is a widely used synthetic alit asive. Copper
refinery slag is available in many countries as a by-product from melting of copper. The abrasive is
available as a dark coloured slag, more or less black in colour. Upon blast-cleaning the abrasive
leaves the substrate with a dark colour. The amount of free copper in the abrasive should be nearly

O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n.Veiles\kur sfrosio-


Surface preparation

inspection of protective coatiiigs

Nickel refinery slag
This abrasive is also an iron-silicatc and is a widely used synthetic Abru:;:ve. The abrasive is more
or less black in colour. After use the substrate has a dark colour.
Coal. furnace slag
This abrasive is often referred to as aluminium silicate, which is a by-produci r coal burning power
stations. The colour of the abrasive is fairly light brown and the abrasive is -widely used on steel
Fused aluminium oxide
There are several types available, ranging from brown to pink or white in colours.1
expensive and is often recycled and used
hardness of 9.0 - 9.2 Mohs. The blasting pressure is often lowered to 3 - 4 Kp/cm2 when using this
Checking abrasives and compressed air

Abrasives and equipment should be checked for cleanliness before blasting. The abrasives should
be free of oil, dirt and salts.


The check can be done using the following:


clear jars
distilled water
chemical test paper

Test papers and portable meters will indicate the presence of some luble salts h_etest.papers
involve colour change. The portable meters measure the conductivity of the v""aterIabrasivP


1 V ..C ' \v:/--- t,
Checking contamination's in the abrasive:
A small amount of the abrasive is placed in the jars, and covered with distilled h=ater, and
shaken. If the water appears cloudy or an oily film appears after the abrasive settles,
abrasive is contaminated and should not be used.

7) 0

Checking contamination's in compressed air:

sed during_ the test. A white rag is placed in front of the nozzle
The abrasive valve must b
mien te. If the rag is wet, then moisture is escaping- If the rag is
and the air is turned on f
the air and the oil separator should be checked.
dirty or oily, then there is

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:Veiles \kurVirosio-kursVrosio eng',03-00

Surface prepatat;or,

Surface preparation

Surface preparation
Th3 surface preparation starts with me
preparation of the steel
Rounding of sham edges (min. 2 mm)
Removal of weld spatter
Grinding of tee
Grinding of 4arlecut edges

The surface preparation starts with the

preparation of the steel

- Rounding of sharp edges

(min. 2 -..71)
Removal of weld spatter
Grinding of welds ark:
Grinding of flameout



' 1 '

Removal-of contaminations on the steel

Old coatings
Oil and grease
Soluble iron corrosion products (salts)
- Humidity

Removal of millscale, rust and old coatings

Hand and power tool cleaning (St 2 1St .1)
Wirebrushing (Manual)
VVirebrushing (Power:obi/machine)

Removal of millscale, rust and old coatings

blast cleaning,
blast cleaning

;.4": j" .

entrifugal blast cleaning

Vacuum blast cleaning
Ultra High Pressure Water Jetting (UHP WJ)

Removal &welding smoke from the surface

on the
The residues are water
soluble and can cause
osirtic blistering
Residues shall be removed
b f





Removal of oil and grease


Clearii69 w:th solvents (SSPC SP1)

11/4 (


Cleaning with emulgating solvents

Cleaning with alkaline detergents
Cleaning with steam

Wetting properties of substrates


wetting (no degreasing)


Wetting (degreasing)



Removal of dust from the surface

Blasting with compressed air
Vacuum cleaning
High Pressure fresh water cleaning


Removal of soluble salts on the surface

Fresh water clazminn
Hot water will result in a shorter wet-time and
reduce the amount of flashrust






Paintfilms over sharp edges

Near ad
iCentral plane
(High film build) (Average film build)

Edge (very

film build)

f rr

Paintfilms on rounded edges




IiF:..".'`. .,:cirp*.n...,
.. i.i.

Ed9 xven itimbuild)

Compressed air

-.1. -Method to determine the presence of oil or water

in compressed air for abrasive blast-cleaning and
coating application
Use an absorbent or non-absorbent paper or cloth in a
Adjust me air discharge so that tt,tlaba not desthay the
paper or cloth - let the air flow td 1 Vault Visually examine the paper or cloth fir the presence of oil
or water

Abrasive bast-cleaning
et Air corriprassor
Abrasive blast machine
Operator remote control
Air and sandblast hose
Complete equipment (air-fed helmet, gloves etc.)
Grounding C E.P-


Air pressure / production rates

i he pressure during abi sive blast-cleaning
depends uporr--

- 9oc11pressor size (7')

--- Hose lenoth
Nozzle siz
-'1'stongisal blasting pressure varies from 6 - 7 bar to 10

Corroded area that has been blast-cleaned

and the edges feathered
Cracks due to direct
sand particle impact

3 coat system
reernered edge 1


Area of reduked ea/lesion
due to cracking of coating
on sand impact

Corroded and
blastcleaned steel

fie Star cracks caused by heavy sand particles

Impact of large sand

Coal system
Star .jack




Ultra high pressure water jetting

(Ui-iP WJ)

Standards for waterjetting


Hydrobfasting standards

Sturryblasting standards
Juiun Guidelines on flashrusting
Hempel's Photo Reference
STG Guide No. 2222
SSPC - 12 / NACE 5



Definitions according to NACE no. 51 SSPC SP 12

z-- ------,
- L :.-..r-pre s su re water cleaning (LP WC) (less than

- Hi;h -.',...1c6bule vjs;.:.: duping (HP WC) (trer*-:1

pl.- g i
I v
11.days 01 b


'6;1 .....,,,11. ::,-,, : 1,....,

High-pressure weiefL5.iIT:
.. P WJ) (from 70 fo170 MPa)
Ultra high pressure irgigerlettin .(UNP WJ) (above .70 MPa) i.s...



'.-' "


'4;7 ,1

L ,... i

ik .., .i `1 -.

,yj Environment friendly

- Poor sight

Goo::: cleaning effect

Flasii ruct

Low salts

No surface profile

- Temperature :Ise

Many standords - no ISO



International - Hydroblastirig siandaras

Initially two rustarades of steel where millscale has
been removed by abrasive t;iasting and allowed to
rust to Rustgrade C and
The surfoces are hydroblasted
Two surface cleanlinesses H82 and HS 1 1/2
HS 2

Thorough hydroblast cleaning

- HB 2 1/2

Very thorough hydroblast cleaning

Nrekf- At.,,-4./.egtv,

Degrees of flash rusting


Light flash rusting

- Small quantities of light tetobrown rust that obscures the onginal
metallic surface 'nanny adherent and Mb nor be heai.7 onough to
easily mark objects brushed against it

M Moderate flashrusting
A layer or itohl tan-brown rbst boa: ::owes g.r oriomat metallic
It will be heavy enough to easily mark Objects brushed

against it.

H. Hea r Nash rusting

.4 heavy layer of dark tan-brown rust that obscures the anginal
Metallic surfaco The layer will t-v loosely adherent and will easily
mark nqiects brushed against it.




Hem pel's Photo Reference

Semi -Auto system
Manual system
6: Rustgrade
Up to 85:
Up 10 850 bar.
Rusli.'ade C
35 Wren, 70 kW

190 Vrnin. 350 kW

2 20 rn7s,

300 tn,oh

Rustgrade C

Up to 1400 bar.

Up to 1400 Par


25 Proin. 80 kW

196 Wein, 550 kW

8-12 mirth


Rustgrade C

Up to 2500 bar.

Up to 266-0 tsr

WJ 1

20 gran, 90 k17:

100 Men, 460 kW

6 10 m7 fh

150 mr7l'h



g"1- MtPS


Decrees of flash rusting

FR 1.
to form a yellow-brown layer. b= tb a small amoont (nal the Inaba,
euneres well and will not
Surface condaton can just tainlly be seen. do:
come off and leave marks on a dry hand swept over the surface.


Fr 2.
form a red-Drown layer. and a, amount that lodes the initial surface
condttron The rust adheres reasonably well and only minor amounts will
come off and tears manes on a dry hand Swap( over roe SurfaCe

Rusted to

Fr 3.
Rusted to form a heiwy tvd-hrsntm layer that hides the Metal surface
condition The WV is loosely adnenng and vat easily come Off and leave
significant marks on a dry had swept over the surface.


- Tape


test for Hempel

Tape of a length of 5 cm is pressed onto the surface

The tape is removed and a new rape is placed in the
same place - this is repeated 9 times
The appearance of the 10. pie= ol" tape is
with Fr 1, Fr 2 or Fr 3.

Jotun's Photo Reference

4 threes of flashrusting

No flash rusting


Slight flash rusting


Mor.f,:rate flash rusting


Considerable flash rusting


Degrees -sf flash rusting


No flash rusrulg
the Steel surface Shows no yrsCole hash




under n rr,,=I noon


The fleet surface ShOvrS a deady pemerethe mange rn colour, out ire
anginal metal surface M. dearly s.T..=levinclef normal seen. The surface
MIMEOS a dearly metal Shine when wowed al different angles.

Moderate hasp rusting

The sleet surface snows a clearly peCephOle change el Chem. Out the
ordinal metal surface Is clearly ylde unoer sanest risen. The surface
extufeS a moderate metal shne when weaved at ddereni angles.


Considerable flash rusang

The Sleet surface Shows pronounced change of Melo and me anginal
metal SorfaCe G cOmpetely covered by Mesa rust ea] net rdeble
mensal weem The surfaCe rs charardended lay a man firlde



STG Gu:dc 2222

Rustgrade C
Rustgrade C
OW 2

Mari:Jai system Semi-Auto system

t7. !SO bar.
35 Umin, 70 kW
9 - 2ti


Up to 850 bar.
190 ::min, 7.5;.; kW
300 m2/h

Rustgrade C

Up to 1400 bar,

Up to 1400 bar

DW 3

25 Irrnin, 80
8-12 re71tt

196 Umsin. 550 kW


300 m7"1


The nozzle for UHP WJ










- (APT




(.. 14) )



11 ,,..4 /
..-- . (i7 aka,/,4 "'Is 2--



UPDATE: EVAL A N tn-UHP W.A. . E.7Ri7 7 G

By P.131colm iviorris, W&J Leigh & Co., Bolton. UK
nw well does ultra high-Fe- r
waterjetting prepare ship
bitist tanks for coating maintenance?
A test prng:amme was devlsee by W&J Leigh & Co. to
evaluate the enectiveness of UHP waterjetting compared w
her methods nf surface preparation. It also evaluated the
-rformance of a range of heavy-duty tank coatings on sur:aces treated with these methods and subjected to ballast
tank i",,,-.ersion conditions.
This article presents the results of three years of cyclic
testing. It updates the one-year test results published in the
October 1997 issue of PCF. (pp.. 38-40 and 62-64).

I leavily corroded and pined steel salvaged from the ballast

tanks of a scrapped submarine was cut into panels approximately 400 x 250 min. The panels were 6-S mm thick.

Seven grades of surface preparation were

use;.I on the panels:
1. hand wire brushing (HWB) to St 3 (very thorough hand
tool or power tool cleaning);
2. needlegunning (NG) to St 3;
3. UHP waterjetting to Dw 2;
4. UHP waterjetting to Dw 2 followed by medium/heavy
flash rust formation (Dw 2 FR);
5. UHP waterjetting to Dw 3;
6. UHP waterjetting to Dw 3 followed by medium/heavy
formation (Dw 3 FR); and
7. dry abrasive blasting to Sa 2Y (near-white blast cleaning).
St 3 and Sa 271 are grades of surface preparation defined
in ISO 8501, Preparation of Steel Substrates Before Application of Paints and Related ProductsVisual Assessment of
Surface Cleanliness.
Dw 2 and Dw 3 are grades of UHP waterjetting defined in

. - - -- ----- M

" b-b.tb-tebP,
-4 -






17,,c 1.57 un atter Inquiry Card.

- the leading provider 4:,f global surface protection iervices

hamburg - Tel ++49 40 752 71 0 - Fax ++49 40 752 71 123
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- -r

~cclin o1ogy
STG Guide No. 2222, Definition of

,..._ ,-y- 4.t.774
5'" A
Vii",;-*P t . '...-N14.Z:11.%1
-- "-'=ifr
1:,kpl O.,gy, -I
Preparation Grades of High-Pressure
1,w 0 ,,,,,


1 1 R2e4sistianc3e5*


Puil-oli Adhesion -

1Preparation 12 1 24 1 36 1
Months Months i
3 1 400 1 5 , Zi;:i,:i;S 400 / S
0 mm 0 mm 1 0 mm 1 2 1 2
400 / S1 8u0 / S 750 / S
1 2
0 mm 0 mm 0 mm 1 1
1000 / 111100 /I 1200 / G
0mm 1 0 rnm I u nirn
I Dw 2

Waterjetting Without Addition of Solid

Abrasiveb Corroded and Coated Steel
Substrates at Different initial Conditions, developed by Schiffbautechnische Gesellschait e.V. in Germany.
The definitions of these cleaning graces
are in the box (in p. 58.
After surface preparation, the following coating systems were applied to the

500 i 1 Isoo i I 1250 / I

0 mm 1 0 mm .0 7:il
500 / I I 1600 /1 1550 / G
1 0 rnm 0 mm 0 mm ' t
600 /I 1200 i 1 1600 / I
0 ! 1 1
0mm 0mm
Dw 3 FR
/ a I panels:
2 2 1 800 / I 1800/I 1500 AeAt
1 0 nim 0mm 1
tGa 2 %
a. modified epoxy,
i 0 mm......
F,T-i-v i .. : r.: : :14' t
b. low temperature cure glass flake.
Pull-off Adhesion
1 Impact Resistance' I
24 1 36 i 12
c. glass flake epoxy,
rrsparation 12
Mnnihs monthsIMonths1Months Months Months Months Months
1 Mathad
d. solventless epoxy,
3 1 600/S ' 600/S 300 / S
e. coal tar epoxy, and
350/S1 800/S 1300 /S
1. pure epoxy.
0 min 0 mm 2 mm 1 2
0 mm 0 mm 0 mm
Dw 2
0 = no cracking. no detachment;
500 i G 2200 / G >2500 /
0 mm mm 0mm
Dw 2 FR
1 = very slight cracking, no detachment;
1 11100/6 1500/I 1400 11
2 = slight cracking. no detachment;
0 mm 0 COM I o mm
Dw 3
10001G , 2450 / 1 .:2;n0 /
31 =Aerate cracking, no detachment
0 mm 0 mm
Dw 3 FR


I failure mode: S = substrate; 1 = intercoat; G = glue
/G 1900 /G
0 mm Omm I U MM. 1
Sa 2 1/2
Ow 2 f^
Dv; 3

',:,,: 7, ..,,, k-.,,,,c0.=,









Write 2:0

an cudrr:7 Car d,


Preparation Method I Beibre Preparation

. 15.70
Ow 2
1 ilw 3
Blasting-Sa 2%

1 11.69

Atter Preparation





I 21.16


Following airless spray application of a zinc phosphate

epoxy blast primer at a dry film thickness (DTT) of 25 pm,
the coatings were applied to the panels in two layers of
125 pm each. The six coating systems were tested with
c;:ch of the seven surface preparation methods. (The original article referred to coating systems of 250 pm DFT (2
x 125 pm] and 350 pm DFT (2 x 175 pm) being applied
after the primer, but since the test results were essentially identical for both systems, only those for the lower
thickness are reported here.)
The chloride ion (salt) concentration of each panel was:
measured before and after surface preparation. The results are shown in Tal;lc 1.

Following an initial salt water soak for seven days to allow the coatings to reach an equilibrium state of water
absorption, each system was subjected to a cycle of 12
hours salt water immersion.followed by 12 hours non-im
mersion in an atmosphere of 80-90% relative humidity...
This cycle was iihievedbyPiimping; bUitwaterPrnitely between two vertically mounted immersion tanks at 12hour intervals.
Every 12 months, czch coating system was removed
from cyclic testing. visually inspected for blistering and
corrosion, and subjectec to tile
accordance with B3 EN ISO
cross-cut adhesion
impact rrtsistance (falling ball test, in accordance with
BS 3900-E2:1992): snd
pull-off adhesion. (The 12-month pull-riff adhesion
with the Elcometer 106 pull-off gauge
readings were
in accordance with ES 3900-E10. The 24- and 36-month
pull-off readings were pc:lc:tiled with a PAT gsuge ffom
OFD Instruments Ltd. in accordance with LIS EN 24624.)
The results of ell three tests after 12, 24, and 3G months
for each of the six coating systems are shown in the tables
on pages 55, 57, and 59.
Followit.e, each annual inspection, the panels were subzuntinuous water soak for three months prior to
Write 167 on Render Inquiry Ccrd

PCE SEP7'EmetR 2000

reci-111 .01 c> cty


Implrd Resistance'

Pull-oil Adhesion *

24 F312
24 I 36 1 12 1 24
400/S 660:7, lili05 IS
0mm 0mm 10 mrn 1 1 1 1
600/S 500/5 11750/S
0 mm 0 mm 12 mm I 1 I 1
/ G 2500 i 612400 / G
' 2
:2 1
0 mm 0 rnm 0 1 um 7
1)w 2
9 ' 750/G 2100 /111700 LGI
u nun 1 0 atm 0mm 1 2 1 2
Dv., 2 FR
500 / G E00 / 01 11500 / GI
0 r1101 10 mm 0 mm 1 0 Il 0
Dw 3
1 1800 ! G 2450 /1 12000 / G
Dw 3 FR I0mm 0 mm 0 mm
1000 /P, 2000/G
Omni' 1
0 mm
Sa 2 '4


Pull oil Adhesion 1

Impact Resistance'

1 24 I 36 1 12
r reparation 12
Marlins Months Months
700 / S 6'00 ! S 400 / S
0 mm I 0 mm 0 rian 1 1 1 1
400/S 600 /S
Ornm:Omm 0 mm
1000/1 1660/1 1500/1

1550/1 1600/1 1250/I

1000/I 1560/I 1400/1
1 11

resumption of the:cyclic test. The water soak period was extended beyond
seven days because- it was decided
thdr was not long enough for the coatings to achieve equilibrium.

In all cases, regardless of the generic

coating system -used, paint adhesion
was found to ha far superior on steel
prepared by UP.P.vaterjetting and dry
1.1..:.ting"than on surfaces
prepaied with. a hand wire brush or
There was no significud difference
in perforraznc.. between substrates
prepared by abrasive blasting and
U HP waterjetting (regardless of
whether flash rusting occurred).
.0 = no cracking, no detachment:
-1 = very slight cracking. no detachment:
r 2 = slight cracking, no detachment:
3 = rhaEraie cracking. no detachment
mode: S substrate. I = intercoat; G = glue " psi /

Set new standv3rds with 3 semiautomulics up to 3000 bar!



The ML 3000 turns a manlift

The SPIDER..1E7 attaches to the
work surface by vacuum force. I ne a surface preparation unit. The
multidirectional twin blasting tina
remote control unit eriabi= either
is deployed by a gas damped

automatic straight line or flexible

muitidirectionEd opera tor..
d waste and water to prot=.c.t the environment.
Al! 3 units are eco friendly, continuously retrieving strippe

The DOCKMASTER is a remoieiy

controlled surface preparation
vehicle designed for tilos=
dockyards capable of handling
major refurbishment contracts.


Visit us at:

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r t.
p Ugq21c; on Raab, ;,,,,air-y Card


..- 17.V. r--''

" ".. 1,...ii,


vz-L.7 nt.)p.ri 1:i

IL [su

:7 -P - -



This is attributed to the effectiveness of these surface

preparation methods in reducing salt contamination levels, and it suggests that the salt level
of paramount importance in determining the performance of any given
paint system.
After 36 months of cyclic testing, the glass flake epoxies, coal tar epoxy, and pure epoxy systems displayed
some detachment on cross-cut adhesion testing over rn
chanically prepared steel. The solventiess epoxy and modified epoxy systems both showed no detachment on crosscut adhesion.
Falling bail impact testing gave variable results. In general, slightly more detachment was noted for the mechanically prepared steel substrates. However, the performance
appears to be more a function of the physical properties of
the coating rather than the surface preparation. For example, pure epoviPs are generally more brittle than modified
epoxies and tend to suffer more damage on impact testing,
whatever the standard of surface preparation.

Ceacit-Kote .54, the flexib!s ceramic:

`The toughen: cot.--Sing ever seen".

-r \
1,-- ''-,..s.- , '11b.
.-;, I\..
_7, :-;
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1 u






' '=t1
.- ........

MI 1



- ...........m - ,

q %-'s.
IF,-'!1 , p h g.:.....;.

. 31'9
,/ 12....f.t...7....

1..4....,;,.....,ge/ .."T.,";. grg..;..





North Sea oil fields are a tough test for any coating system. When
Norsk Hydro needed a system to protect their deck and equipmenton-their :1-10,000 tonne. Nord 13 floating storage unit, they
chose CeRam-Kote 54.
One'coat of CeRam-Kote 54 is usually applied directly to a substratelay spraying two wet-on-wet thin film passes of 100-125
microns OFT each, eliminating the need for an-additi6nal holding
primer and topcoat. However, two proses need not be applied
wet-on-wet, allowing the first pass to serve as a tough, durable
holding primer during the construction process and the last pass
applied as a topcoat several months Icier:
Savitios are reflected in reducing the number of coats required,
high performance and low maintenance costs. - .
Unique CeRam-Kote 54 protects by binding sub-micron ceramic
particles to the resin system, creating an encapsulating
ceramic sheii mat exhibits sur-ior chemical and dynamic
mechanical performance properties including:
Extremely high adhesion: >4000 psi (27.98 MP2).
Compare that to typical epoxies!
High surface lubricity with toughness not found in typicai
PTFE teflon-type coatings
Extraordinary sliding abrasion resistance that protects
against erosion/corrosion and abrasion
For tough protection in harsh environments, ask for Ceirlam-Kote
54 today.

- -7a- 7
2 171t.:9:41e.',7.4
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The Flexible Ceramic


Ctec..oette $41: tee ine eePon le;t toe rtgrettrea eaternamos eo goer:tom. Let

cetRani.r;c,. sty Europcan distribution:

Ddirnierrinz 9 rr2289 P.C.dinghausen rindustriegebiet Ost'Olven Grrnany
ll: .49 (0) 5223 ;0275-9 !Lx: 4.49 (0) 5223 9E276-1;

e-.'nail: CerarnKc:erl.rrope4t-on web: WWW.ceram-kote.corn


170 on Reader Inquiry Card




Dw 2: Poorly adhering mill scale, poorly adhering rust,

and poorly adhering-pails of coatings are removed. Firmly
adhering mill scale is still present. From firmly adhering
old coatings, various spots and, in part, also larger areas
of the old system or individual coats are present. Thin
coatings on previously blast-cleaned surfaces are predominantly removed. Generally, at least a weak sheen arising
from the metal is perceptible outside firmly adhering
residues before drying-. However, this disappears withthe
beginning of flash rust formation.
Dw 3: Poorly adhering mill scale, poorly adhering rust,

and poorly adhering parts of coatings are removed. Firmly

adhering mill scale is still present. From nrmly adhering
rust, most thin dark oxide 'aye's and/or slight residues
in the roughness valleys are present. From firmly adhering
old -coatings. residual areas having spots with damage,
various scattered small spots, and residues in roughness
valleys may he present:These then lead to a slight cloudy
shade of the same colour as the old coatings. Thin coatings on previously blast-cleaned surfaces are predominantly removed. Generally, a distinct sheen arising from
the metal is perceptible outside firmly adhering residues
before drying. This disappears rapidly with the formation
of flash rust.
In both cases, visible water-insoluble foreign matter
such as oil and crease shall have been removed prior to
high-pressure waterjetting.
STG Guide No. 2222




RITT etUtce.kil

24 t 35
Months Months I
300 / S 400/S 250 / S

750/I 650/I 850/1


1000/I 1400/1 1600 /ii

1000 /I 1150/I 1350/6'
1000/1 1000/! 1400/6

0 mm 0 mm

Ow 3

10 mm 0 mm 0 rnm

Sa 2




0 !TIM i 0 mill 0

350/S 500/S 450 /S

Dv: 2
0 m2 FR
Ow 3 FR

36 i


36 I 12
- Preparation 12 1 24
!Months. Months
0 mm ; 9 mm
0 mm 0 mm 6 rnm

Ptill-oft Adhesion *

Impact Resistance'

0 mm 0 mm inm

250/I 1100/1 1236i i

P.,:11-olf Adhesion
36 i 12 I 24
Preparation I 12 I 24
(Months Months Mi....;nthsITAnnths
300 /S 700 /S 400/ S
10 mm 0 mm ; C mm I 0
I 400 /S 850/S 250/ S
5 mm ; 0



Dw 2

0 mm


D.v 2 FR

0 mm

0 mm

D.v 3
Dw 3 FR
I Sa 2 A

0 mm


Impact Resistance'

0 mm 1 0
0 mm I 0 I 1

1000/6 1200/G 1100 / G

800/G 1500/I 1350 /

750/G 1400/1 1500 /6

ion / G 1650 /G 1806/ G

1 mm I 0 I

0 mm 0 mm 1 rim-.
0 mm I 0 mm O mm


800/G 1600/G 1900/G

The pull-off adhesion results generally displayed a trend of lower values

on the mechanically prepare,-; steel.
Since these methods are less efficient
than .the others at removing corrosion
products, the substrate/coating interface tends to be weak. In these cases,
detachment tended to occur at this interface.
In corirlusion, it would appear that
the use of UHP xvaterjetting offers
shipowners a highly effective method
of preparing ballast tanks for coating
maintenance, largely because of its efficient removal of corrosion products
and its ability to reduce the level of soluble salts on the substrate.

' 0 = no cracking, no detachment,

1 = very Slight cracking, no detachment.
ao detachment:
3 = moderate cracking. no detachment
intercoat: 0 = Vue
psi / failure mode: 0 = substrate:

HiThner Spray Systems

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Present not just on the webpresent in person.


Irr''re 108 on iZraair




=.. t75
17:4h4 kX";
- fag,

7 Pi . 11r
Pr Tr El Li

This is utirrouted to-ihe effectiveness of these surface

preparation methods. in reducing salt - con' -irhination levels, and it ;,uggests that the salt level is of paramount importance in deteL mining the performane.- of any given
paint system.
After 36 months of cyclic testing, the glass flake epoxCoRnm---Y:_nte. Mar the= flexible ceramic:
ies, coal tar epoxy, and pure epoxy systems displayed
LTne tougheet coaling cars' seen'
some detachment on cross-cut adhesion testing over mechanically prepared steel. The solventless epoxy and modified epr'xy systems both showed no detachment on crossJar I
11it adhesion.
Falling ball impact testing gave variable results. In gen. .
eral, slightly more detachment was noted for the mechan;,'\ ,...r-jf ',_rx,sE
ically prepared steel substrates. However, the performance
appears to be more a function of the physical properties of

the coating rather than the surface preparation. For example, pure epoxies are generally wore brittle than mod:fie-a
epoxies situ Lend to suffer more damage on impact testing,
whatever the standard of surface preparation.



North Sea oil fields are a ton in, test for any coating system. When
Norsk Hydro needed a system to protect their deck and equip'.4n4ent cni'lheirl-t0,0013 tdnn Mord- BilOating storage unit, they
. Chase CeRam-Kote 54.
OnecOat of QdRarn-Kote54 is usually applied directly to a sub:Strafe .bY.SPraying tWo wet on-wet thin f8m passes of 100-125
Micfone DFT each. e imrria.v; the need for an additierKal holding
;er,lwo passes need not be applied
pritqr and topcoat Howe
AA*-wet, allowing the first pass to:serve as a tough, durable
h-N"-frig primer during the construction process and the last pass
. - '6;das a towel several
. . months later.:,
SavingS are reflected in reducing the number of coats required,
high performance and low maintenance -costs.
Unique CeRam-Kote 54/3 protects by binding sub-micron ceramic
particles to the resin system, creating an encapsulating
ceramic shell that exhibits superior chemical and dynamic
mechanical performance properties including:
Extremely high adhesion: >4000 psi (27.98 MPa).
Compare that to typical epoxies!
High surface lubricity wittttoughriess not found in typlcal
FTFE teflon-type coatings

Extraordinary sliding abrasion resistance that protects

against erosion/corrosion and abrasion
For tough protection in harsh environments, ask for CeRam-Kote
54 today.


- , .. :.;:i.-.1-.-g!i,
The Flexible Ceramic

".eRasnigete 5=T and Pie design 1.,,C. are registered Iredemares Cl Fieecons. Inc.

CeRam-Kole 540 European distribution:


Dairnlerring 9 32289 FiGoinghausen (Influshiegat;e: Ostkilver) Germany

teh +49 (0) 5223 96276-0 fax: +49 (Cl 5223 96276-17
. e-mail: CeramKoteEurcps-oraine.cle web: www.cerarn-xote.00m


Wricr 170 on Rzu.d..-- Inouiry Card


Ow 2: Poorly adhering mill scale, poorly adhering rust,
and poorly adhering-parts of coatings are removed. Firmly
adhering mill scale is still present. From firmly adhering
old coatings, various spots and, in part, also larger areas
of the old system or individual coats are present. Thin
coatings on previously blast-cleaned surfaces are predominantly removed. Generally. at least a weak sheen arising
from the metal is perceptible outside firmly adhering
residues before drying. However, this disappears with the
beginning of flash rust formation. -- - - - Ow 3: Poorly adh-Lring mill scale:, poorly adhering rust,
and poorly adhering parts Cl couti.lgs are removed. Firmly
adhering mil! scale is still present. From firmly adhering
rust, at must iitin dark oxide layers and/or siignt
in the roughncss valleys are present. From firmly adhering
oicrcoatings, residua! areas having spots with damage,
various scattered small spots, and residues in toughness
vallevs may be present. These then lead to a slight cloudy
shade of the same colour as the old
. coatings. Thin coatpreviously blast-cleaned surfaces are predomiings
nantly removed. Generally, a distinct sheen arising from
the metal is perceptible outside firmly adhering residues
before drying. This disappears rapidly with the formation
of flash rust.
In both cases, %risible water-insoluble foreign matter
such as oil and grease shall have been removed prior to
high-pressure waterietting.
STG Guide No. 2222


1.31S-4F-4FlattfilgArfilita tit MVO.

Inta..r.irtg the World t Corrosion Contra!

Item No. 21078

joint Surlace Prepai-aqon

5/SSPC-SP 1 7,
steel and Other
Sg_gri'ace PrepPration and Cieaning
Hard Materia!s be High- and Ultrahigh-Pi-essure
NIVF-Aer Ji=,-;:tir,,3 Prior to Recoatinq
This NACE International (NACE)iSteel Structures Painting Council (SSPC) standard represents a
consensus of those individual members who have reviewed this document, its scope, and
provisions: it is intended to aid the manufacturer, the consumer, and the general public. Its
acceptance does not in any respect preclude anyone, whether hehas adopted the standard or
not, from manufacturing, Marketing, purchasing, cr tt=ir 0 products, processes, or procedures not
addressed in this standard. Nothing contained in this NACE/SSPC standard is to be construed as
granting any right, by implication or otherwise, to manufacture, sell, or use in connection with any
method, apparatus, or product covered by Leiters Patent, or as indemnifying or protecting anyone
against liability for infringement of Letters Patent. This standard represents current technology
and should in no way be interpreted as a restriction on the use of better procedures or materials.
Neither is this standard intended to apply in all cases relating to the subject. Unpredictable
circumstances may negate the usefulness of this standard in specific instances. NACE and
SSPC assume no responsibility for the interpretation or use of this standard by other parties and
accept responsibility for only those official interpretations issued by NACE or SSPC in accordance
with their governing procedures and policies which preclude the issuance of interpretations by
individual volunteers.

Users of this NACE/SSPC standard are responsible fir,r reviewing appropriate health, safety,
environmental, and regulatory documents and for determining their applicability in relation to this
standard prior to its use. This NACE/SSPC standard may not necessarily address all potential
health and safety prebierns or environmental hazards associated with the use of materials,
equipment and/or operations detailed or referred to within ,,this - standard. Users of -this
NACE/SSPC standard are also responsible for establishing appropriate health, safety, and
environmental protection practices, in consultation with appropriate regulatory authorities if
necessary, to achieve compliance with any existino applicable regulatory requirements. for to the
use of this standard-.
CAUTIONARY NOTICE: NACE/SSPC standards are subject to periodic review, and may be
revised or withdrawn at any time without prior notice. The user is cautioned to obtain the latzzi
edition. NACE and SSPC require that action be taken tn reaffirm, revise, or t.viihti-at.-: this
standard no later than five years from the date of initial publication.
i995, NACE International
Steel Structures Painting Council
40 24th St.
Pittsburgn, Pennsylvania 15222
+1 412/281-2331

NACE International
F.O. Box 218340
Houston, Texas 77218-8340
+1 713/492-0535


Since publication of NACE Standard RF0172, "Surface Preparation of Steel and Oilier Hera
Materials by Water Blasting Prior to Coating or Recoating," surie,..e preparation using water jetting
equipment has found acceptance as a viable method. The coatings industry, under the influence
of government regulations, is working to find environmentally sensitive and user-friendly methods
cf surface preparation. The use of a high-energy water stream to strip existing coatings and for
surface cleanirr, has advantages oVer dry abrasive blasting with respect to worker respiratory
exposure and work area air quality. Respiratory requirements for water jetting may be less
strinaent than for other methods of surface preparation.
Abrasive blasting, one of the most common surface preparation techniques, is sometimes not
feasible or ciesiral:ie because the resultant flying abrasive particles and drifting dust may damage
highly sensitive rotary ervipment and filters, cause contamination of nearby mechanical
equipment and structures, or cause contamination of the --environment. -Abrasive blasting may
also trap contaminants within the topography. This standard describes the surface preparation
technique known as water jetting, which provides an alternative method of removing coating
systems, including lead-based paint systems.. Water jetting ,.is effective in removing (1)
deleterious amounts of water-soluble surface contaminants that may nui be removed
by dry abrasive blasting alone, specifically in the bottom of pits and craters of severely corroded
metallic substrates; (2) surface grease an nil; (3) rust; (4) shot-creting spatter; and (5) existing
coatings and linings. Cold working of the topography of the surface does not occur in water
jetting. Because water jetting does not provide the priffialy anchor pattern known to the coatings
industry, this standard recommends its use primarily for recoating or relining projects where there
is an adequate preexisting profile.
This standard addresses degrees of cleanliness, types of equipment, operating procedures, ana
safety factors associated with water jetting. Although this standard discusses jetting pressures up
to 250 MPat " (36,000 psi), riigher pressures may be used as technology and equipment evolve.
High-pressure water jetting has application in a broad spectrum of industry; however, its use as
described in this standard is particularly suited to the process industry, power plants, and other
industrial plants where the use of high-performance coatings requires extensive surface
preparation and/or surface decontamination:
This standard was prepared by NACE/SSPC Joint Task Group D on Surface Preparation by High_ Pressure Water Jetting and is..issued by NACE International under the auspices of NACE Group __
Committee T-6 on protective Coatings and Linines and by the Steel Structures Painting Council.
This standard leplaces NACE Standard R.P0172, "Surface Preparation of Steel and Otincr Hard
Materials by Water Blasting Prior to Coating or Recuatina," and addresses current technology :rind
equipment for high-pressure water cleaning, including water jetting.

1 MPa = 10 bar

NACE International




Joint Surface Preparation Starard

NAC No. 5/SSPC-SP 1 2
Surface -Preparation and Cleaning of Steel and Other
Hard fvlateriais by High- and Ultrahigh-Pressure
Water Jetting Prior to Recoating

. 'General
2. Definitions
3. Surface Cleanliness Conditions
4. Safety
5. Cautionary Notes
Appendix ACommentary on Production Rates
Appendix BProceciures for Extracting and Analyzing Soluble Salts
Appendix CWater Jetting Equipment
Appendix DOperating Procedures
Appendix EEfficiency of Water Jetting at Various Praaaure Ratings
Appendix FPrinciples uf Water Jetting
- APP-erhdii. C.iRifiorted Case 1-listcrie5 On Production Rates


NACE Internationa!



Section 1: General
1.1 This standard proVides rcc,-..:irernents for the use of
high- and ultrahigh-pressure water jetting to achieve
various degrees of surface cleanliness This standard is
limited in scope to. the use of water only without the
addition of solid particles in the stream.

1.2 Information on water jetting equipment, production

rates, procedufas: and principles is available in the
appendices. Appendices A, B, C, D, E, F, and G do not
provide requirements but give additional informetisn on
water jetting that will be useful to the owner, user, or

Section 2: Definitions
2.1 This section provides oesic :-.:ter jer:ing definitions.
Additional definitions reievant to mater jetting are
contained in "Recommended Practices for the Use of
Manualiy Operated High-Pressure Water Jetting Equip.(21
2.1.1 Water Jetting (WJ): Water jetting is the use
of standard jetting water at . high or ultrahigh pressure
to prepare a surface fcr recoating using pressures
above 70 MPa (10,000 psi). Water jetting will not
produce an etch or profile of the magnitude currently
recognized by the surface preparation industry;
rather, it exposes the original abrasive-blasted
surface profile.
2.1.2 Standard Jetting Water: Standard jetting
water is water of sufficient purity and quality that it
does not impose additional contaminants on the
surface being cleaned and, of critical importance to
water jetting operations, does not contain sediments
or other impurities that arc destructive to the proper
functioning of the water jetting equipment being

2.1.3 Low-Pressure Water Cleaning (LP WC): LP

WC is cleaning performed at pressures less than 34
MPa (5,000 psi).
2.1.4 High-Pressbre Water Cleaning (HP WC): HP
WC is cleaning penormed at pressures from 34- to 70
MPa (5.000 to 10.000 psi)
2.1.5 High-Pressure Water Jetting (HP WJ): HP
WJ is cleaning performed at pressures from 70 to
170 MPa (10,000 to 25,000 psi).
2.1.6 Ultrahigh-Pressure Water Jetting (UHP WJ):
UHP WJ is cleaning performed at pressures above
170 MPa (25,000 psi).
2.1.7 Surface Cleanliness (SC): Surface cleahliness is the condition of the substrate after water jetting has removed partial or total residues of chloride,
soluble ferrous salts, and sulfate contaminants.


Section 3: Surface Cleanliness Conditions

3.1 Table 1 lists four conditions of surface cleanliness in.
A surface shell be
terms of visible contaminants.
prepared to one of these four visual conditions prier to
recoating. As part of the surface preparation, deposits of
oil, grease, and foreign matter must be removed by
ultrahigh-pressure water jetting, by steam cleaning with
detergent, by methods in accordance with SSPC-SP 1(3)
or by another method agreed upon by all parties to the
contract. NOTE: Direct correlation to existing dry media

k!astinc standards is inaccurate or inappropriate when

describing the capabilities of water jetting and the results
achieved by water jetting.
3.2 Table 2 lists three surface prep,aration conditions in
terms of onvi.sible chemical contaminants. In addition
to the requirement giver. in Paragraph 3.1, a surface shall
be prepared to one of these three ncnvisual conaitions
prior to recoating, when deemed necessary.

U.S. Water Jet Teohnolooy Assodation, "Seczmrnencied Practices for the Use of Manually Opere.,; High-Pressure Water
(St. Louis. MO: U.S. Waver Jet Technology Association, 1987).
3; SSPC-SP 1 (latest revision), "Solvent Cleaning" (Fittsturoh, PA: SSPC).

NACE International

Jenn; Licuip,rent"

. NACE No. 5/SSPC-SP 12

3.3 The specifier shall use one of the visual surface
pr-naraiorierelinitui lb (4i to -W,J4) end. one of the
'isual surface preparation deTinitions-.4SC-1 to SC-3)
to specify the degree of visible and nonvisible- surface
matter to be removed, when deemed necessary. An
example of a specification statement would
surfaces to be recoated shaii be - cleaned in accordance
with NACEJSSPC WJ-2/SC-1; the method of HP WJ or
UHF WJ ultimately selected by the contractor will be

- tdence----in Hhe --eirrp-atifttles of _the
equipment and its cornperiente._" _ The speciner and
contractor shall agree on the test method to be used for
determining the amount of nonvisible cuntaminants.
3 A The specifier shall consult with the coatino
manufacturer to -ascertain the tolerance of the candidate
coating(s) to surface conditions ey.isting after water
jetting, commensurate with the in-service application.

Visual Surface Preparation Definitions




Description of surface {when viewed without magnification)

A WJ-1 surface shall be free of all previously existing vrsibie rust, coatings, mill
scale, and foreign matter and have a matte metal finish.(A-5i`i
A WJ-2 surface shall be eicanad to a matte finish with at least 95% of the surface
area free of all previously existing visible residue= 0" the remaining 5% conraininy
only randomly dispersed stains or rust, coatings, and foreign rnatter.(Ae-c)
A WJ-3 surface shaii be cleaned to a matte finish with at least two-thirds of the
surface free of all visible residues (except mil: scale), and the remaining one-third
containing only randomly dispersed stains of previously existing rust, coatings, and
foreign matter.lAic)
A WJ-4 surface shall have all loose rust, loose

uniformly removed.(c)

scale, and loose coatings

NOTE: HP WJ and UHP WJ surfaces do not exhibit the hue of a dry abrasive-blasted steel eurface. The matte finish color of clean steel
immediately after WJ will turn to a golden hue unless an inhibitor is used or environmental controls are employed. On older steel surfaces that have
areas of paint or are paint-tree, the matte finish color will vary even though at visible surface material has been removed.
UHP WJ at pressures in excess of 240 MPa (35,000 psi) are capable of removing mill scale, tJt production rates may cr may not be cost

effective in the effort to remove mill scale.

The experience of the contractor and, in many cases, the preparation of a sample area, determine the success of a specific level of HP WJ cr
rust nodules or tubercles, mill scale, or ether tichey adhered matter from
UHP WJ in removing an existing coating or sheet lining material, rust scale,
a substrate.

Nonvisual Surface Preparation Definitions(a)

Description of Surface


An SC-1 surface shall be free of all detectable levels of contaminants as determined

using available field test equipment with sensitivity approximating laboratory test
equipment. For purposes of this standard, contaminants are water-solubie chlorides,
iron-soluble salts, and sulfates.



) Additional information on

An SC-2 surface shall have less than 7 pg/cm2 chloride contaminants, less than 10
pg/cm2 of soluble ferrous ion levels, and less than 17 pg/cm2 of sultale conterninem=
as verified by field or laboratory analysis using yeti:tie, reproducible test equipment.
An SC-3 surface shall have less Merl 50 pn/cm2 chloride and sulfate contaminants
as verified by field or laboratory analysis using reliable, reproducible test equipment.

suitable procedures fer eztractr,c, art ana:yzing soluble said, is available in koberdix E.


Section 4: Safety
4.1 At the prejob conference, all personnel directly and.
indirectly involved in the water jetting, washing, and
cleaning operation shall obtain, thoroughly study, and
observe all safety precautions and procedures of the
latest issue of "Recommended Practices for the Use of
Manually Operated High-Pressure Water Jetting
4.2 Safety procedures shall be observed which prevent
injury to the operator and other personnel who are in
close proximity to the work area.
4.2.1 A pressure control valve or other', suitable
design shall be used to protect the operator and
anyone else within close proximity of the work site.
When the operator releases the trigger, the system
must immediately interrupt the high- or ultrahighpressure water flow. Automatic safety devices must
be incorporated into the design of the pump unit.
4.2.2 Safety considerations require the use of welltrained, experienced operators for the safe execution
of any high- or ultrahigh-pressure water jetting operation.

4.2.3 Operators shall wear ear plugs, a face shield,

a rain suit, and gloves and must have firm footing

i ne piatform shall be
when using the water jet.
stalsiilLed when using swinging scaffolds, bosun
chairs, and similar riggings. Other seileiti devices
shail always be considered to prevent possible
accidents in special applications.
4.2.4 While the water jet unit is in operation, an
attendant shall be present to monitor functional end
safety conditions.
4.3 Injuries caused by water cleaning or water jetti.-.
equipment can be life threatening. Every operator she!!
be given a medical alert card and must present this card
to medical personnel prior to treatment. The card shall
have the following information on it:
"This person has been water jetting at pressures up
to 345 MPa (50,000 psi) Andior a water jet velocity
up to 670 m/s (2,550 ft/s). People injured by direct
contact- with high- or ultrahigh-pressure water typi
cally experience unusual infections with microaerophilic organisms. These may be gram-negative
pathogens, such as those found in sewage. Before
administering treatment, the attending physician
shall immediately contact a local poison control center for appropriate treatment information."

Section 5: Cautionary Notes

5.1 Water jetting can be destructive to nonmetallic
surfaces. Set wood, insulation, electric installations, and
instrumentation must be protected from direct and
indirect water streams.
5.2 Water used in water jetting units must be clean and
free of erosive silts or other contaminants that damage
pump valves and/or leave deposits on the surface being
cleaned. For example, for 240-MPa (35,000-psi) water
jetting equipment, drinking-quality water is filtered
through 5-gm (or smaller) filters. The cleaner the water,
the longer is the service life of the water jetting equipment.

NACE International

5.3 Any detergents or other types of cleaners used in

conjunction with water jetting shall be removed from
surfaces prior to applying a coating. Compatibility
detergents with the special seals and high-alloy metals of
the water jetting equipment must be carefully investigated
to ensure that-UHP WJ machines are 'not damaged. The
manufacturer of the water jetting equipment shall be
consulted to ensure compatibility of inhibitors with - the
equipment if inhibitors will be used with the standard
jetting water. The manufacturer of the coatings shall be
consulted to ensure compatibility of inhibitors with the

- NACE No. 5!SSPC-SP 12

"Painting. over Soluble Salts:
Applernan, B.R.
Linings 4, 6 (1987): pp. 68-82.
Calabrese, C., and J.R. Allen. "Surface Characterization
of Atmospherically Corroded and Blast Cleaned
Steel." Corrosion 34, 10 (1978): pp. 331-338.
Cathcart, W.P. "Non-Visible Contaminants in Railcar
Interiors: Their Significance and Removal." Journal
of Protective Coatings and Linings 4, 12 (1987): pp.
6, 8-10.
Ferry, K.W. "Cleaning Lined Tank Cars and Unlined
Tank Cars for Lining Application."
Performance 30, 5 (1991): pp. 34-37.
PL"VA-RD-91-011. "Effect of Surface Contaminants on
coating Life." McLean, VA: U.S. Department of
Transportation, Fcderal Highway Administration.
November 1991. Also available as SSPC Publication
91-07, Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC, 1991.

Flores, S., J. Simancas, and M. Morcillo. "Methods for

Sampling and Analyzing Soluble Salts on Steel Surfaces: A Comparative Study." Journal of Protective
Coatings and Lininos 11, 3 (1994): pp. 76-83.
Frenzel, L.M., M. Ginn, and G. Spires. "Application of
High-Pressure Water Jetting in Corrosion Control."
In Surface Preparation: The State of the Art. Eds.
B.R. Appleman and H.S. Hower. Pittsburgh, PA:
SSPC, 1985.
Frenzel, L.fvt., and J. Nixon. "Surface Preparation Using
High-Pressure Water Blasting." CORROSION/89,
paper no. 397. Houston, TX: NACE International,
-distou-Yannas, S. "Effectiveness of Nonabrasive
Cleaning Methods for _Steel. Surfaces.".. _Materials _
Performance 25. 7 (1985). pp. 53-56.

McKe!vio, A.N. "Can. Coatings Successfully Protect Steel.

What Are the Ingredients of Success?" Materials
Performance 19, 5 (1980): p. 13.
McKelvie, A.N. "Steel Cleaning StandardsA Case for
Their Reappraisal." Journal of the Oil and Colour
Chemists' Association 60 (1977): pp. 227-237.
NACE Publication 6G)60 (latest revision). "Surface
Preparation of Contaminated Steel Surfaces."
Houston, TX: NACE international.
NACE Standard TM0170. "Visual Standard for Surfaces
of New Steel Airbiast Cleaned with Sand Abrasive."
Houston, TX: NACE International, 1970. (Available
from NACE InternPtional as a historical document
Rex, J. "A Review of Recent Developments in Surface
Preparation Methods." Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings7, 10 (1990): pp. 50-58.
Systems and Specifications: Volume 2 of Steel Structures
Painting Manual. 7th ed. Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC,
Trimber, K.A. "An Investigation into the Removal of
Soluble Salts Using Power Tools and Steam
Cleaning." In The Economics of Protective Coatings: .
Proceedings of the Steel Structures Paintinq Council
Seventh Annual Symposium. Pittsburgh, PA: SSPC,
Trimber, K.A. "Detection and Removal of Chemical Contaminants in Pulp and Paper Mills." Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings 5, 11 (1988): pp. 30-37.
Weldon, D.G., A. Bochan, and M. Schleiden. "The Effect
of Oil, Grease, and Salts on Coating Performance"
Journal of Protective Coatings and Linings 4, 6
_ ..(1987): pp. 46-58.

ASTM Special Publication 841.

Johnson, W.C.
f'niladelphia, PA: Amorican Society for Testing and
Materials, 1984.



Appendix A--Commentary on Production Rates

A1.1 Water jetting production rates are affected by
operator skill and the condition of the steel surfece.15)
Regardless of the surface conditions, production rates are
usually improved when:
(a) The experienced operator gains additional
experience with high- and ultrahigh-pressure water

jetting; older, more corroded or previously coated

surfaces require an average level of skill and concentration for desired results. This is the opposite of
abrasive blasting, where poor surface conditions
require the highest levels of operator skill and

jetting: or

A1.2 As a general rule. production and ease of removal

increase as the water jetting pressure increases.

Mechanized, automated water jetting equip(b)

ment is used

A1.3 Cleanup time t0 remove waste material should be

considered as part of the overall production rate.

A1.1.1 New metal with tightly adhering mill scale

level of operator skill and
requires the
concentration to produce a clean surface by water

A1.4 Appendix G provides rennrted case histories relative to production rates.

Analyzing Soluble Salts

Appendix B Procedures for Extracting and.
B1.1 The specifier and contractor she agree on the test
method or procedure to be used for determining the level
of nonvisible contaminants. Section 3 contains additional
information on surface cleanliness conditions.
e1.2 Procedure for Extracting Soluble Salts by Swabbing
The following procedures may be used to extract the
soluble salts from the surface:


Nonrigid Extraction Cell Method'


Cell Retrieval Procedure'

B1.4 Procedure for Field Analysis of Chloride Ions

The extract retrieved under Procedures B1.2 or 81.3 may
be analyzed by one of the following methods:

Chloride Chemical Test Strips'


Chloride Chemical Titration Kit'


Ion Detection Tube Method2

(a) SSPC Swabbing Method'

(5) ISOm Swabbing Method'
5.1, 'Washing of the


ISO/DIS 8502-5, SccLi

Test Area"2


Any suitable controlled washing procedures

available may be used if desired. During the
washing _procedure,. clean plastic or rubber
gloves should be worn to ensure that the wash
water is not accidentally contaminated.

The following laboratory method is available as a refei ee


B1.3 Procedure for Extracting Soluble Salts by Surfac-i


(a) Specific Chloride Ion Electrode'

B1.5 Procedure for Field Analysis of Suifate Ions
- The extract retrieved under Procedures B1.2 or 81.3 may
be analyzed by one of the following methods:
(a) Turbidity Feld Comparator Methods'


Limpet Cell Method'


Surface Ccriductivity Coil Method'

(t) Turbidity Method'

c Water Jeruna (UHF' W.;t: A Useful Tool tar Deposit Removal and Surface Preparation,"
How= Jr., R. Dupuy, -ultrahigh-Pressu.
International, 1992').
Frenzel. R. DeA.--geiis, J. Bates, 'E'latZ.Val. rit 20.000-psi Weter Jetting for Surface Preparation of Steel Prior tc Coating or Fecoatinc'
'5) L.M.
(198:4. P.eprints available from Butterworth Jecino, Houston, TX. Also available in I .M. Frenzel, The Cleaner (Three Lakes, WI: Cole Publishing


Inc., 1992).

Organization for Standardization (ISO), 1 rue de Varemte, Case Postale 56, CH-1121 Geneve 20, Switzerland.

NP.CE International



(c) Field Comparator Method' .

; Procedure for Field Analysis of Soluble Iron Salts

The extrest retrieved under Procedures B1.2 or B1.3 may

be analyzed by one of the following meilluds:

Ferrous Chemical Test Strips'


Field Test for Soluble Ion Corrosion Products2


Sem.iouantitative Test for Ferrous !ons3

B1.7 References
1. FHWA-RD-91-011, - "Effect of Surface Contaminants

U.S. Department of
on Coating Life" (McLean, VA:
Transportation, Federal Highway Administration, 1991).
Also available as SSPC Publication 91-07 (Pittsburgh,
PA: SSPC, 1991).
2. ISO/DIS 8502-5, "Preparation of Steel Substrates
Before Application of Fuint and Related Products - Test
for Assessment of Surface Cleanliness - Part 5. Measurement of Chloride on Steel Surfaces Prepared for
Painting (Ion Detection Tube Method)" (Geneva. Switzerland: International Organization for Standardization,
3. NACE Pu'ulication 6G186 (latest revision), 'Surface
Preparation of Ccniaminated Steel Surfaces" (Houston,
TX: NACE International).

Appendix C-Water Jetting Equipment

Cl 1 The commercial water jet unit can be skid, trailer, or
mounted; can be equipped with various _prime
-- movers (diesel, electric motor, etc.); and usually consists
of a pump, hoses, and various tools. The tools can be
hand-held or mounted on a. robot (or traversing
machatii>iri). Water is propelled through a single jet, a
fan jet, or multiple rotating jets. Rotation is provided by
small electric, air, or hydraulic motors or by slightly
inclined orifices in a multiple-orifice nozzle.
C1.2 The units operate at pressures up tc 240 MPa
(35,000 psi) or higher, usinc a hydraulic hose with a
bursting strength two and one-half times the capability of
its maximum-rated operating strength.
C1.3 A water flow rate of 4 to 53 L/min (1 to 14 gal/min)
is typical.

C1.4 Pressure loss is a function of the flow rate of the

water through the hose and the inside diameter e the
hose. Consult the manufacturer for specific information
on potential pressure loss for each type of equipment.
C1.5 Water jets are produced by orifices, or tips, which
can have different forms. The higher the pressure, the
more limited is the choice of forms. At 240 MPa (35,000
psi), the round jet can be produced reliably.
orifices, such as fan jets, are available, but service may
be limited. Tips can be designed to produce multiple jets
of water that are normally rotated to achieve higher
In genera!, rcund jets are
material removal rates.
"cutters" while fan jets are "scrapers" and/or "pushers."
Interchangeable nozzle tips should be used to produce
Consult the manufacturer for
the desired streams.
specific recommendations.

Appendix D-0 perating Procedures

L...., Although a water. jetting machine will_ produce _a
concentraterf stream of water through a hose and nozzle
at pressures of 70 to 345 MPa (10.000 to 50,000 psi),
with current technology the most practical pressures for
,surface preparation cleaning are between 70 to 240 MPa
(10,000 to 35,000 psi). Under certain conditions, lower
water pressures may be used. The use of ultrahigh pressure witli reduced water volume produces less thrust with
'less operator tatigue. The results obtained by HP WJ
and UHF' WJ are not necessarily similar. For example,
surface grease and oil may not be removed by HP WJ at
70 MPa (10;000 psi); surface *oil and grease are removed
durinc the water jet process with UHF at 207 MPa
(30,000 psi).
D1.2 Typically, the water jet nozzle should be held 5 to
25 cm (2 to 10 in.) from the surface that is being cleaned;

_ in some cases a distance of-0.6 m to 1 m (2 to 3 ft) may

achieve the desired cleaning. When ultrahigh-pressure
water jetting, the nozzle will be held 6 to 13 rm.!,(0:75 to
0.5 in.) from the substrate in SCIiie instances. Ccnsult
the manufacturer for specific recommendations.
D1.3 To remove heavy rust scale, the water jet nozzle
should be held 5 cm (2 in.) from the eartace being
cleaned. Tin's. distance provides oreat impact, so the
work is performed quickly. Ultrahigh pressure equipment
should be held 8 to 13 mm (0.25 to 0.5 in.) from the
U1.-; The angle of the nuzzle and distance from the
surface shot,ld 'oe determined by the 7;7:r of matter tc be
removed and the type of equipment (e.g., HP WJ or UHF
Mr, being used.

NACE international


D1.4.1 To remove brittle substances such as aged

paint or rust scale, the nozzle should be held virtually
perpeni.:iuular to the surface.
D1.4.2 To remove heavy mastics, Ihi= nnzzi= should
be heid at angles up to 45' to peel the mastic away

D1.5 Rust inhibitors, if specified to prevent oxidation of

bare steel, may be injected at the nozzle or at the water
supply. Coating manufacturers should be consulted to
determine the compatibility of the coating to be applied
with the type of inhibitor used.

from th 6',:rface.

Appendix E-Efficiency of Water Jetting at Various Pressure Ratings

E1.1 Current published data on the levels of highpreRlire water jetting required to remove rust, paint, mill
scale, and other contaminants are incomplete due to the
recent introduction of pressures of 250 MPa (36,C00 psi).
However, descriptions of the results of the 1983 study,
"Evaluation of 20,000-psi Water Jetting for Surface
Preparation of Steel Prior to Coating or Recoating," are
given in Paragraphs E1.1.1, E1.1.2, and E1.1.3.161
Further research is being to validate preliminary data. As
additional data become available, this information will be
nserted in .the appendices to update the information
contained within this standard.
E1.1.1 At pressures less than 70 MPa (10,000 psi),
loose rust, debris. and material in depressions and
pits %yin be removed, but black oxide (magnetite)
remains. A uniform matte finish cannot be achieved.
E1.1.2 At pressures of 70 MPa (10,000 psi), a
uniform matte finish is obtained that quickly turns to
a golden hue unless inhibitors or environmental
controls are employed. Black oxide products (magnetite) will be slowly removed, but not fast enough to
be a practical industry application.
E1.1.3 At pressures of 140 MPa (20,000 psi), a
uniform matte finish is obtained that quickly turns to
a golden hue unless inhibitors or environmental

controls are employed. Black oxide products (magnetite), paint, elastomeric coatings, enamel, red
oxide, and polypropylene sheet lining al e
Generally, chemical contaminants will be removed
with varying degrees of effectiveness.
E1.1.4 At pressures of 235 to 250 MPa (34,000 to
35,000 psi), a uniform matte finish is obtained that
quickly turns to a golden hue unless inhibitors or
environmental controls are employed. Surface
material, including most mill scale, is removed from
the base material. Extremely well-bonded mill scale
may require additional time spent in localized jetting. Nonvisible chemical contaminants (i.e., chlorides,
sulfates, ..etc.) 'will be removed along with most
radioactive materials. Removal of base material
may occur with prolonged application at these
E1.2 Test results from Howlett and Dupuyt51 clearly
demonstrate that UHP WJ is superior to dry abrasive
blasting in removing chlorides to safe levels. Their work
consisted of determining the amount of chlorides, sulfate,
phosphates, and nitrates after employing various methods of surface preparation, including dry abrasive blast=
ing and inhibited and uninhibited ultrahigh-pressure water

Appendix FPrinciples of Water-Jetting

used when energy is
utilized in the removal of existing coatings and/or surface
preparation for the subsequent application of a coating.
To understand how much energy is in the stream of
water, the following dimensionless mathematical
expression cielines the relationship between power,
pressure, and flow rate:

t-1.1 Water jetting is the term

K is a constant whose value is determined by the units of

measure being used (i.e., metric [MPa, LJmin, kW] or
English [psi, gal/min, ho]).
For example:

Power (P)(Q)





Pres ure (P) x Flow Rate (Q)



with F in MPa (6' C in Umin, and power in 'hydraulic" kW:


P in bar, K = 600.

NACE International

No. 5ISSPC-SP 12

Power = I-1(Q)


(a) Erosion at pressures lower than the threshold pressure, and


with P in psi, 0 in gal/min, and power in "hydraulic" hp.

F1.1.1 The above formulas cannot be used without
exercising applicniun judgment. For example:
240 MPa (35,000 psi) x 19 Umin (5 gal/min)
60 (1714) = 7A kW (102 hp)
35 MPa (5;000 psi) x 132 Umin (35 gal/min) 60 (1714) = 76 kW (102 hp)
Putting 76 kW (102 hp) to work in the form of 19
Umin (5 gal/min) at 240 MPa (35,000 psi) and
successfully removing a tough coating does NOT
mean 132 L/min (35 gal/min) at 35 MPa (5,000 psi)
will produce the same results.
F1.1.2 Application judgment is employed by operators or users who make the decisions concerning
which type of energized water to use:
(a) HP WC (the water's flow rate is the predominant energy characteristic);
(0) HP WJ (pressure arid flow rate play an equal

(b) Water jet cutting plus erosion at pressures

greater than the inreshold pressure.
F1.1.3 Another way to look at energized water is to
determine its energy density, or the amount of
hydraulic energy per unit area (the amount of kW
[hp) per orifice area). With regard to the examples in
Paragraph F1.1.1, consider the following:
UHF* WJ. 19 Umin (5 gal/min) at 240 ii.i1Pa (35,000
psi) requires a 0.9-mm (0.036-in.) diameter orifice
that has an area of 0.65 mm2 (0.0010 in?).
76 k.I.P.70.55 mm2 = 117 kW/mm2
102 hp/0.0010 in.2 = 102,000 hp/in.2
HP WC: 132 L/min (35 gaiimin) at 35 MPa (5,000
psi) requires a 3.8-mm (0.15-in ) diameter orifice that
has an area of 11.6 mm2 (0.018 in.2)
76 kW/12 mm2 = 6.55 kW/mm2
102 hp/0.018 in.2 = 5,700 hpfin.2
Compare the energy density of UHP WJ and HP WC.
UHP jets have 18 times the energy density of HP WC

role); or
(c) UHP WJ (the pressure [i.e., the velocity of the
water) is the dominant energy characteristic).
The threshold pressure) of a coating must also be
determinea.-in general, the tougher or harder the
coating (i.e., the more resistant to the pocketknife
test), the higher the threshold pressure will be; the
softer and more jelly-like the coating, tho lower the
threshold pressure will be.

F1.1.2.1 Once the threshold pressure is

achieved or exceeded, the production rate
increases dramatically. Therefore, water jetting
production rates are affected by two conditions:

As water passes through the orifice, the orifice

converts potential energy (pressure) to kinetic energy
(1/2 mv2 ). The energy increases linearly with the
mass flow, but increases with the square of the

Kinetic Energy =



where m = mass and v = velocity. (Velocity is

derived from pressure; mass is derived from water

Appendix G-Reported Case Histories on Production Rates

NOTE: I ms appendix consists of case histories that have
not beer. vended by int=peiidont isiACZISSPC studio's..
G1.1 In the 1033 case of removal of heavy rust from new
steel with some intact mill scale, dry abrasive blasting
was Approximately twice es fast as 140-MPa (20,000-psi)
water jetting. In the case of heavy rust 6 to 10 mm (0.25'

to 0.38 in.) thick on old steel with no mill scale or paint,

water jetting was three to four times faster than the dry
blast. In the case of blasted steel that was rusted by salt
water and chemical contaminants, dry abrasive blasting
was simply not able tc ciean the corrosion cells. Water
jetting not only removed the rust in the second and third
cases, but it also a:caned the corrosion cells.()

PI Threshold pressure is defined as the applied water jetting pressure at which the coating to be removed begins to lose its adhesion.

NACE International

G1.2 When 140-MPa (20,000 psi) water jetting was used

in 1983 to clear. a coal scrubber plate Coated with
slastornaric polyurethane, the production rate to
commercial finish was approximately six times that of dry
abiAsive blasting. Water jetting also removed the sulfur
contaminants that had migrated tr, the metal wall. The
adhesion of polyurethane to the steel was above 5 MPa
(700 psi) when measured with Et7 .cincsion tester. The
surface profile on this steel, which had initially been sand
i ,:actad to 130 gm (5 mils), remained the same. The
contour looked like a sand-blasted pattern except that
lttnse material in the valleys hid been removed. The
same Phenomenon was observed when steel panels
(t_INS(161 31 0200) that had been ruoted in Belt chambers
were cleaned with 140-MPa (20,000-psi) water jetting.
The anchor pattern was unchanged from the oriainai
-and-blast pattern; the top view looked like a sand-blast
pattern except ioose material was absent.(6)
31.3 The. i983 cleaning rate for water jetting at 140 MPa

(20,000 psi) for the removal of 1,000-gm (40-mil)

urethane coatings on flue gas scrubbers is 0.7 rri'fh (7.5
G1.4 The 1983 cleaning rate for water jetting at 140 MPa
(0.000 psi) for the removal of nonskid urethane coatings
is 2.9 e/h (31 ft2/h).(61
G1.5 The 1983 cleaning rate for water jetting at 140 MPa
(20,000 psi) for the removal of thick rust and 50% paint
coverage on pitted barge steel to a near-white condition is
5.6 rn2ih (60 ft2/h).'s)
G1.6 Table G-1 provides 1991 cleaning rates for water
jetting. at 240 MPa (35,000 psi). At 240 MPa (35,000 psi)
water jetting is two to three times faster than at 70 MPa
(10,000 psi) in achieving the same degree of cleanliness.
G1.7 Table G-2 provides 1994 cleaning rates for water
jetting at 207 MPa (30,000 psi).

TABLE G-11111
UHP Water Jetting Cleaning Rotes at 240 MPa (35,000 psi)
21 Limin (5.6 gal/min) Water Usage Cleaning Rates m2/h (ft2/h)

Oricinal Condition


urethane coating on flue oas scrubbers

1.4 to 1.9 (15 to 20)

Nonskid urethane coatings

2.8 (30)

Thick, rust-pitted steel on barge; flat surface; 50% paint coverage;

water jet to WJ-2

5.6 (60)

TABLE G-2(121
UHP Water Jetting Cleaning Rates at 207 MPa (30,000 psi)
10 Limin (2.8 gal/min) Water Usage
Original Condition

Cteanina Rates m 2/h (ft2 /h)

Multiple-layer ship hull coatings

7.0 to 9.5 (75 to 100)

Nonskid urethane coatings

19 (200)

tt ''' Metals and Alloys in the Unified Numbi,nno Sy;tem (! revision), a joint publication of the American Society for Testing and Materlais (ASTM)' the Society of Automotive Enoinee,z, (SAE). 400 Commonwealth Or., Warrendale, PA 1509e.
1991 data.
!'2) 1554 data.

NACE International



Shape of abrasives
Three main types of abrasives
Grit (angular)


Shot (round)
Wire cut (cylindrical)


Two main groups of abrasives

Metallic abrasives
Crate ten gra iansula0
oreen uv steOsr ana sror 19,1a, <I Iowa I
Lar-cast awn saw own.
Cut sienna. leYaaani.ial
Mineral and slag abrasives
Mineral abrasives Gone
oa.r cAnery
cased inannarn rime

4 - 44

Metallic / mineral abrasives

Metalliske abrasives:
Metallic abuisba.i.afasedaiurn101100,1Alde_
ebra,siv_es and are
more than once.
Mineral and slag abrasives: \
Generally used only once

Important things to check


Silica free

( < 1 % free silica)

Paritcle size

( up to 3 mm )

Water soluble enntlg-T



Minimum 6 MO

Oil free -

Check abr. with water

Checking the abrasive

According to ASTM. 0 4940

mix 300 ml av abrasive w;:n 300 ml vwzter

Stir for 1 min, let stand for 8 min., stir again for 1 min

I. Conductivity
Filter liquid for test and
co Etivity, 1000
u /cm



Oil content (AB-1)

No presence of oil,
either on top or as an
emulsion after 30 min. )


49111'o p,


Standarized non-metallic abrasives


- ISO 1112k

- 15011126
Part 1 General introduction and

Pail 6 Iron furnace slag

Pan 2 Silica send

Part 8 Firma sand

Pan 3 Copper refinery slag

Pan 9

Pan 4 Coal furnace slag

Part 10Garner

Part 7 Fused aluminium oiide


Part 5 Nickel refinery slag

Alternatives to silica sand

'OF Olivine
`Slaw uiiie

natural mineral - silica Ire..

natural mine: al - may contain some

Fused al. oxide natural mineral (only diamond is

Refinery slags non-metallic abrasives from
smelting processes

Moh's Scale of Hardness

The hardness of minerals relative to a spectrum
of mineral standards.
The scale is defined with values from 1 - 10, with
the softest mineral, talc, definina 1 and the
The system is named after its inventor, Mob.


Moh's Scale of Hardness

1 Talc
i--f- 2 Gypsum
3 Cal,llte

A Fluorite



-...- --g'E lds par

7 Quartz
1 ii TO.ozz.
9 Corundum
10 Cuninnd

Fingernail scratches it easily

Fingernail snitches it .
Copper penny scratches It
steel knife scratches it easily
Steel knife scratcross
Steel knife does nut scratch it easily, sc.-:ohes glass
Hardest common minzi Ji. scratches glass
Harder than any common ',linen!
Scratches topaz
Hardest of all minerals


Hardness of various types of abrasives

Chilled iron grit
Steel grit
- Wire cin
Non 'nestle

!Rockwell Cl
.15 -550


Iron furnace slag

Copper furnace slag
Coal furnace slag
- Fused aluminium sole
Glass beads



Silica sand




Calsium ClIrOarite
onion shells

Centrifuct=4 b!ast-cleaning units

Fat:16...f inn plants
Motcr4riven Harter u..hcch;
hurl the abrasive at the
surt2ne by certitiFugal ihrCe
lvicidiiiC abrasives
Steel shot
Steel shot steel gift

Standards related to surface preparation




ISO R501-1 Visual assessment of surface

Photoqraptsc references
Four levels of mill scale and rust Crustgradosl
Visual cleanliness arter surface preparation ( preparation grades");
SOC 1)
Surface pref./aeon graze
C 'err
Hand a/ulna/wet root Paarung St 2 and SI 3
2A5 Sa3
Su 1.Sa

Flarno dearang




?! 4 7) 1.:4

surface lardwy covered twits adhenng nut scale 11 C/0

bui Stile if any. rust
Steel surtaua whtu-. 77.: ()noun (Crust and from which It ' l''
the mil( sc(ate has begun to flake.

C - Stvn ,Furtace on which Me mil scale has rusren away

pc--,, ta.i.Eont Odung n

or front .4.7/1 it can
under normal vision
Sleet surface on which the mill isle has 77.:71. away 1 it i.( ' D
'M =Ls.
':-; :- ;str.:(. nr/or norrn,
and on ,stuon crt=zy.,


ISO 8501-1 Determination cfrustgradcs and

preparation grades
Be aware of factors that can influence the visual
Colotz eine steel
Different roughness due to corrosion artami
Irregularities m Ole steel
Shadowing caused oy angled protection of abrasive
- Embedded abrasive

Comparison of blasting grades according to

we different standards
cc: SSPC

;SO 8501 BS 4232

White metal (SP5)

Near white metal (SP 10)

I Sa J

1 Sa 2 1/2
- Commercial finish (SP 6)
Se 2
Lrght blast and brush off (SP 7) I Sa 1

1 st Quality
2 r.4 Quality
3 id Quality

SSPC = Steel Structures Paintmg Council (USA)

BS = Bntish Standard

ISO 8501-1 Determination ofrustgrades and

preparation grades
Procedures for use:
Place the appropriate photograph close to and in plane of
the steel surface and compare
Examine the steel surface and compare it with each of the
xt photograph: using normal vision
For rustg:ddes record the :asessmeiit as r.h. Z/73/271
Mat is evident

For preparation grades, reccact-tIce-assessmeoLacrhaL

grade neappxt ,r1..ggpsalrLcedo.that.aitgesteelsgagrre


BLazt-cleaning Sa
Sa '1 Light blast-cleaning


The Surfsh.e shat La free from visible oil crease and dirt, and
!rorn-rsoodsagBennazasdale_ rn! mint coatings and
weichno debris).See
matter (water-soluble sails
Phalogr.nhs B Sa 1, C Sa 1 and C Sa

S.:: 2 Thorough blast-cleaning

ese shall be free from ..,h," nn grease and din, and
The so.
from Elul of the mill scan rust, paint coatings and foreign
matter. Air; residual cdmsmination shall be firmly adhering.
See photographs B Sa 2. C Sa 2 and D Sa 2

Blast-c!eaning Sa
Sa 2 1/2 Very thorough blast-cleaning
hall be free tram MS2t.::. CA, grease and chrtanu
The surf
fro .,fne scale, rust, paint coatings
and toieign mane. Any
remaining traces of
of spot? or stnoes
mans in me
2%. C Sa 2% and C Sa 27,
See uholovatgrfsta Sa 2!zi.

Sa 3

Blast-cleaning to' ' ally clean steel

The surtagd shall be free from tavola oil, ,ease and (brand
tust oamt coatings and foretgn
tm metallic tuner
matter. 114J:tall nave a ttt
See photoglaphsa Sa 3. El Sa 3. C Sa 3 and 0 Sa 3



Hand tool and power i.:;c! cleaning, St

Thorough hand and power tool cleaning

The surface shat be free Luna vnibte od rease and ttr.r
70, aonenng mut scale, Nit paint
is...he. Noose so= rd welding ce=c .aeetatt.,tuu.-4,hs P St 2.
2 and C Si 2

St 3

Very thorough hand and pottier toe! cleaning

As for St 2, but the sr.:::

Seated much more thort:4..gfusets give

phrdo2raprz .B St 3. C St 3 and C S: 3



2r ,




The s urface shall be free fror(nill scale rust.

t:patings and foreign matter. Any residues
shall shne,only as discoloration of the surface
(shades af .:;:ferent colors). See photceraph: .".
1-1, 8 R, C Fl an 0 Fl




ISO 8501-1:1923 lr..:;ppl: 1994 Appearance of

biast-c!er.ned steel with different abrasives
The colour of the
abrasive affects the appearance of
the surface
dark coloured abrasives: darker , duller than sand
hard metallic abrasaves: darker due to shadows in pas
The photographic examples of blast-cleaned surfaces
in !SO 8501-1 have been blasted will, silica sand

;so 8501-1:1988 !Suppl: 1994 Appearance of
blast-cleaned steel with different abrasives
The photo.oaphic
examples in the
supplement havebeen
prepared by blastcleaning mild steel of rust
grade C to prepordtior:
grade Sa 3 with six
cl:rforent abrasives

glxi graNC
/theta, ow wad ord

11.*G0713 (=Hi to SONO)
a: pi
0-a.GMt Xe.
rods* 997 /V)
Oua.m gr


Lmece stag


ISO 8501-2 PrepAration grades of previously

coated substrates after localized removabf
previous coat:.0
Identifies cerIL:n rieorees ofvisual cleaniiness
Localized removel is indicated by the letter P
before Sa. St and Ma.
The following number, if any, indicete-F. the
decree cf cleaning from !nil; scale, rust and .
urevIc.uo coatings.

e rr

Localized blast-cleaning or previously-------

coated surfaces, P Sa
Designated as P Sa 2, P Sa 2 112 or P Sa
Heavy layers of rust shall be removed by
Visible oil, grease and dirt shall also be
Loose dust and debris shall beremoved after


=:Ti W-1 rtr

Localized machine abr!, , P
Designated ac P Ma and the cleaning is
done using discs, rotatino wire brushes
Prior to abradino, any layers of :usl eh_!! be
removed by chipping
Visible oil, grease and dirt shot: olso be
Loose dust and debris shall beremoved after
machine abrading


Localized hand - and power-toocleanin of

previously coated surfaces, P
Designated as eR St 2 or P St
- Prior to cleaning, layei ; of rust shail be removed by
Visible uil, grease and dirt shalt also be removed
Loose dust and deth2 :hall be remnved after haftd2nd power-ipol cie=614.
This rnc:hab'

12v ISO 8501-2 Using the stindard
The area that has been localized surface
prepared is compared with the appropriate
The standard indicates what appearance
that can be expected after localized
surface preparation of painted steel

ISO F502-1 Field test for soluble iron

corrosion product:

, J fa ill
At ..4.

12. Soak an absorbent cotton pad in distilled water (50 r

swab the area (250 s tu0 mm)
Avoid water running freely from the pad

lace the cotton pea in a 40C 7rt: contain

Do this ve--ral tirr3

es until all the


.2:has been used

Mix the water and the cotton pads and dip the iosicaler-te.4
strip in the water and assess the colour against the
reference indicator strip

Express the results in mg/m=



ISO 850:1-1 Field test for soluble iron

corrosion products
Other and simpler methods
- Conductivity measurements

- (High conclucrivi:, - soluble sans present)

- Potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) test paper

-(Prsesi:s. ;Aire soluble iran corrosion PrOC;04:1] present)

Corrosion products indicators ern9ision-tyne
Visual inspection using an illunlinated magnifier


, Potassium hexacyanoferrate


Potassium hexacyanoferretc (01) test for soluble iron salts
prepare a parts by weight of PP:ossium tkesairyano-lerrate
(Ill) In 96 parts of distilled water
soaha fiber paper (no 1 Scar) in the solution and hang tc dry
in air
apply a thin film of distilled water on the steel and let the
water nearly evaporate
- apply the rertp- per to the slightly damp surface and press for
15 seconds with thumb to assure good contact
presence of blue spots indicate remaining Soluble ferrous
salts - freshwater cleantog.and reblastmg may be necessary

ISO 8502-2 Laboratory determination of
chloride on cleaned surfaces
Soak an absorbent cotton pap n distilled water (45 ml) and swap
the area (250 x 100 mm)
Avorcl water hainv-ig freakii imin the pad
- Place the cotton pad in a 400 ml container
Do this several Imes

ell the water has been used

Mix Mc -.water and the cotton pads

Filtrate the water anc wash die ccrse pads using 5 nu of disc Iles
20 ml of the water to 5l2tedexpressed in mCam'




!SO 8502-3 Assessment of dust on steel

st:-faces prepared for paintina
Requirements in specifications
The >ui
dces st,=!! be free from sumace
contamirzns including oil. grease, dirt, dust and
watelsoluble salts.

- The dust on the surface may.

- reduce tne

adhesion of coatings

2hsort moisture
promote corrosi.:n on :nr: surface


ISO 8502-3 Assessment of dust on steel

surfaces prepared for pa,-*; a

Procedure tor use:
Press 150 mm of freshly d;:pused tape on the surface
Rub the tape with your thumb at a rnm wassuro
- Remove the lape from the surface and place d on a board or a
piece of pastor
Compare the tape with the photographk ittlet ence
Assess the quantity of the dust and the predominating panzls
- larer (cas of thn:

rrr.:2! tO)

- r auti.(5) rs41111

ISO 8502-4 Guidance oil the



estimation of the
paint application

of condensation odor to

Procedure rnt Ine thormarneters
Saturate wAk with water
Whirl the sling hyrucinuuar for 30 seconds
Note l 1 Rii.ESVUR

ku the dry bulb tanotreture

VVhirl the sling riygrometer rcT r--'her 30 seconds

It the values are the same as the lath reath.7 STOP, it not whid again
until there is not dillenryte (Ann -- lastreading
Determine the relative hunitiqdy ! dew point



ISO 8502-4 C.:LI:dance on the estimation of the

probability of c,:ndensation prior topaint
Sling hygrometer or electronic hygrometer
Dew point calculatc:
Steel thermometer (analog or electronic)
Hygrometer charts

Common demands prior to painting

Surface preparation in accordance with the specification
in generally should x at !east
Steel tempest

3 0C above.the dew point temperature

Often max. amount of relative humidity set to be 85 %

ISO 8502-6 Sampling of soluble impurities
on surfaces to be painted
Inexpensive method using flexile cells produced tddl
adhesive patches and capable of being filled with
For :measuring saltcontamination. distilled water is used.
The patches can te attached to any surface regard'ess
of its shape (flat or curved).

:7t. The Brest Sampler Detecticn of water soluble


- Procedure for use:

010 mmemve peva and "Mee Me patch en Me steel surface

amde tem 000 cena-med;.rdamment a be beam- nee 11111346
WL--.. .7., w Meech. nandrandl..0d.te-n deIer
/ - Press Tee needle aped. Me am- el She palm and wess nle ...=-,, ..... 1


FE Ida beak.. ma 15 ne a/ &sailed rya


- C.... as water a and out el be syringe. renc==.- ; ..0es

nett and resew an mail as measedle elm. .....'; dem Ine
Menpenn00110 de beaker x comaMay nlada

500000 0014
Sallconlen1 mg/

ream teen 0.e feryl owe and mead., 0


Erli, ISO 8503 Surface roughness characteristics

of blast cleaned substrates

Type: Comparator;
ISO 8503 - 1 Grit
ISO 8503 - 1 Shot

K; ISO 85'13 Surface roughness characteristics

ve Liast cleaned substrates
Type: Comparazo:3
ISO 8503 1 Grit
ISO 8503 - 1 Shot



t SO 8503 Surface roughne.,-, characteristics

of blast craned substrates
Procedures for use:

Place the G or S comparator onto the blaskiiew let;

Compare. the test surface with the four seoments of the
comparator, using the hand lens if necessary
Assess the profiles on the comparator that are nearest
to the profile un tne test surface
Fine !Medium Coarse

r FP,

ISO 8503 Surface roughness

of blast cleaned substrates




Profiles equal to segment 1 and up

to but excluding segment 2
Shot ( 25 - 3.5aen1
- Orin 25 5C1.1m I -

Medium Profiles equal to segment 2 and up

to but excluding segment 3
Dlroi 135. 64m1
- f rn ( 5C .Vitm ;
Coarse Profiles equal to segment 3 and up
to but excluding segment 4
- Gra ( 65 - 130 6.1, 1

Sher I 60 550m I

a1557,0S ma
roughness characteristics
of blast cleaned substrates


If any profile is assessed as below the lower

iimit for the "fine" grading, report the grading as
"finer than fine"
If any profile is assessed as abovahe upper
limit for the "coarse" grading report the grading
as "coarser than coarse"

The most severe problems regarding coatings arises if the adhesion between the coating and the
substrate is lost. Flaking oldie whole system will result in the.need ft:ir a total surface preparation and
is very costly. If peeling of the top coat occurs, such problems can be repaired quite easily.

Adhesion is the key requirement for a successf..t.y
properti-f..s, eoating with strong adhesion to the surface will show better durability on
weathering than one with poor adhesion.
By surface preparation, contamination's on the substrate such as metal oxides, mill scale, old coatings,
dust, rust, chemicals are remi;ved. The removal of these foreign matters ensures the primer has..close
contact to the substrate and that maximum adhesion is developed. Also the surface area is increas4 by
blast-cleaning which ensures the effective adhesion surface.
The amount of contamination on a surface makes.a substantial difference in the adhesive characteristics
of high performance coatings.
Early oil paint systems, which were applied by brush and which had highly penetrating, low molecular
weight vehicles (binders), were able to accommodate much more contamination on the surface than the
high molecular weight coatings. But because of their greater molecular size, there is much less of an
opportunity for high molecular weight materials to be worked into any contamination, even by
mechanical means, such as brushing. This emphasizes the need for proper surface preparation.
Problems with the wetting of a substrate with paints, may also occur when steels are contaminated with
oils or grease. Areas with contamination will not be properly wetted by the paint. The paint in these
areas will not have the adequate adhesicr to the substrate and will fail.
...ices_aadh.esion of rrltiq.g.$-is-th-e-alasoflation of water.-apd_t1=
One of the strongest innuer
water vapour...Both these deuisivelroIe-in-the-behaviOr.of_thg fil tit
and its adhesion to the su rats
The small @atomolecules are the main factor in the loss of adhesion. The mechanisms of this
influence proceeds according to:
Absorption of water molecules in the film
Inclusion of watet in the interface between the film and the substrate
Corrosion of the substrate
Flaking or peeling of the film

E. V. Schmid- Exterior durability olorganic coatings. FIVI.1 International Publications Ltd., 1988

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institut. of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nArelles1kursfrosio-kurs',fros;,:, eng:04-OU

Osmotic blistering

Inspection of protective coatings

Moisture vapor

rvloistura vapor

The amount of water vapour absorbed by a paint can be determined by the use of permeability
measurements. Drying oils, alkyds will have a high water permeability compared to 2 pack systems
like epoxies and polyurethanes..
One of the most common types of adhesion failures is that of blistering._Blisterina of coatings is
regarded Lat= in the loss of adhesion.
By using organic coatings a se
e membrane is formed.Asieng as the membrane is dense
and free of pores, matters such s sal s
n. - forted threffigh the coating
falitifeis due to.smallamat
er-so ubte.preducts.on the surface beneath thecoating.
Osmosis is the passage of water through a semi-permeable membrane from a solution of lower
concentration to one of greater concentration. It is an important phenomenon wherever coatings are
subjected to immersions in water, dew formation and storage in high humidities. In all cases the outer
layer forms the area of lower concentration and salt solution at the interface is the concentrated area.
The importance of_azfacepreparation to paint systems has demonstrated
by institutions in many countries.


Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosicn Protection and Analysis

numerous tests carried

........ out


3 coat coating
Water molep-Gles2VI





3 coat coating
Moisture vapor

Moisture vapor penetrating

into void (poor adhesion)

Moisture vapor pressure lifting

coatingin area of poor adhesion

Teknologisk Institutt
Nation& Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Osmotic blistering

Osmosis - osmotic blistering

Osmotic blistering
3 coat coating

Moisture vapor

Moisture vapor penetrating_d

Into void (poor adhesion)


Moisture vapor pressure lifting

coating in avva of poor adhesion

Osmotic blistering

3 coat coating
Moisture vapor

Moisture vapor


03111;:tic biistering
3 coat coaling
Wts+ moiecules



\vapoor R3

Water -absorption
Water molecules

Moistw e --. 0
as vapour

, Absorbed water
./,/ molecules

lai,\ 0

0 --
Water molecules

',......._._._._..2C' Resin molecules


7 Moisture
absorbed by

Moisture yap

Humid air

Water or saltwater
Direction of water by osmosis

Salt solution
formed by
moisture vapor
on soluble salt




Post tubercle

Organic coating


Fresh water

drawn through
1..7'7 Water
the coating in order

to dilute the salts



os mosis
Sea water

More or less equal

concentration of salts

Salts j



or mechanical damage, aucutionat protection-In tne corm or catnoaic protection-is onen proviaea.

itor Effect

led inhibit . These are

thieved by using primers containing so
A corrosion inhibitive effec
soluble or basic pigments designed to suppress the corrosion process; examples are:


Zinc Chromate 1
Zinc Phosphate 2 -----Z)
Zinc Metaborate3
Red Lead
Calcium plumbate


f 1

' -Iv yit i. $ L'

1-Zro pre 1,'?..mrt--,--1

To prevent them from being washed out of the

inhibitors are, and must be, somewhat6Z.atersoh .1&_
p: inter coats, topcoats without inhibitors are applied to provide the barrier necessary for the inhibitive
primer to last.
Due to the water solubility of the pigments used, inhibitive primers are not suited for prolonged
immersion; such an exposure would result in blistering and early breakdown of the coatings system.
----- When damaged, a reasonable protection against rust-creeping !underrating) is afforded, but the
damaged area itself is not protected.

Gallnic effect
Protection cf steel through the galvanic effect (cathodic protection) can be achieved with paints
containing large amounts of metallic zinc. A condition for effective protection is that the paint is
formulated to give metallic contact between the individual zinc particles and between zinc particles

and steel.
f ypical binders for zinc dust paints are:


Ethyl silicate
Alkali silicate

The very nature cf these paints requires an absolutely clean steel surfice and , especially for the zinc
silicates, a rather well defined surface profile, if a good and lasting result is to be obtained.
Zinc silicates. whzn applied, are initially rather porous. After a while, however, the porosites are
filled with corrosion products from the zinc, and a barrier is formed.
When damaged, the galvanic effect is re-established at the damage and protecte effectively against
rust-creeping (underrusting).

:in__ the corrosion products of zinc (zinc salts) are slightly water soluble, zinc dust paints are not
nolmaiiy suited for permanent water immersion service, but e.g. zinc silicate, because of its superior
is ihe factored protection in solvent tanks.


t/ 'cat iy 4


,These pigments do nor contain metallic zinc partfrles

>: As Above

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It is of great importance that the environmental conditions are determined or checked prior to surface
preparation or /or painting on site or in the workshop.
The relative humidity of the air and the dew point tempeiattu:e are important requirements for
satisfactory surface prepration and painting. In the event that the conditions are over the limits given
in a specification - condensation on the steel can result in severe problems.


During application of the paint

. eel.
this can result in..=.i.r.g-ef--the-s-t
this can .resi It_in_adhesion problerns.-andlorpaintklefeet&_,
clue jo c9nclenoilon

Problems concerning the relative humidity and condensation are dealt with daily:
taking a shower or a hot bath (condensation occurs on the bathroom mirror)

using the cold water faucet (condensation occurs, but disappears when you use hot water)

removing of a bottle or a cold object from the refrigerator (condensation occurs on the object) '
Air is a mixture of several gasses and water vapour, and hot air is capable of holding more water
vapour than cold air.
It is natural that hot air with a content of water vapour will cause condensation on colder objects at a
certain temperature. The temperature that co
temperature. Here the air has a relative humidity of 100 %.
Often, if there is no fog or if it is not raining, the humidity expressed as the relative humidity is below
100 %.


The quality of paint work depends, amongst other things, on the humidify of the air during application.
When the humidity is high, there is a risk of water condensing on the surfaces to be painted.
Any moisture left on the surface can :

initiate corrosion of the steel

reduce the adhesion of coatings to the steel
influence the properties of the paint when drying

The humidity of the air is usually expressed in terms of the relative humidity (RH).
Envir^~Pntai conditions
Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Anaiy,is


Re..k..:ive humidity
This is the ratio of the amount of water vapour presentin a crivei ,olL__
ot-air at a aiverktelap_erature
and the maximum amount of water vapot
ean hold at that temperature.

The relative humidity is often expressed as a percentage. Normally the relative humidity outdoors
varies from 50 - 90 %, but it may be even higher. When the relative humidity is 100 %, the air is

The temperature at which the air becomes saturated (RH = 100 %) and the amount of moisture vapour
that is present as a soluble gas which will condense as a liquid on any surface exposed to that air, is
called the dew point.
It is easy to understand that as the relative humidity decreases the water vapour in the air will
evaporate faster since the now Wanner air can absorb more of it. Conversely, as the. relative
humidity increases, water will evaporate at a slower rate. This is an important concept because
solubility of a liquid phase (water) in a gas phase (air) is a MAXIMUM. That is why, in coating
application that the upper limit for application of coatings is at a relative humidity of 85 %. At
e humidities. solvent ev
ses. It ac
100 % relative humidity.. This will_resultiasalmenternenttugly_appcoaeliet-zer-e4e.vapozadon at
aPpliedcoatingfilin, and
subsequent catastrophic coating failure - either in osmotic blisteringor
'vs:Tater, which condenses by cooling of the air, is deposited on all surfaces, including those that have
been painted.
Condensation outdoors is particular likely to occur on calm and clear evenings, when there is a large
decrease in air temperature. The deposited condense may persist for a long time, depending on the
season and weather conditions.
Condensation can also take place on cold surfaces (e.g. steel) surrounded by hot humid air. For
example a ships hull or peak if the tanks contains cool liquid. The chance of condensation is high
when the weather is changeable.

Do you have the proper conditions for painting if

Cold water pipes with a surface temperature of 10 C are to be painted inside a room where the air
a relative humidity of '17 %
and a dew point of 11.5 C ?

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

n:Ifelleslkurs;:msio-kurs Vrosio.eng105-00

Environme.rital conditions

e mperaturi-..., condensation will

Since the surface temperature of the steel is below the dew point t
occur on the steel surface. In order to avoid condensation moisture must be removed from the air.

Before painting
The existing weather conditions should be assessed for the risk of condensation.
lithe temperature of the steel is likely to fall below the dew point, condensation is certain to occur.
For large jobs, it is recommended that the humidity / dew point is checked often.

For successful painting it is essential that during, and several hours after the paint application, the
substrate temperature should remain above the dew point of the surrounding air.

To ensure a good coating

painting should not be started when the relative humidity exceeds 85 % (unless


manufacturer considers it safe)

painting should be undertaken only when the substrate temperature is at least 3 C above the
dew point

Altering the dew point

In order to affect the dew point of the air the amount of moisture vapour must be reduced. This can be
done in two ways, by the use of refrigeration or desiccants.
Using refrigeration to remove moisture from the air is a common method of dehumidification. In this
process air at its initial temperature and moisture content is chilled by refricteration.
- In this way the air is cooled sufficiently to bring its condition to the m:.i.sture vapour condensation., it is
cooled to its moisture vapour saturation point.
Further cooling will cause condensation, which can be channelled away using internal drains. After
drainage, the cooled air is introduced e.g. into a room, and as it warms up, its total nokture vapour
solubility increases. As a result, a greater amount of moisture can be absorbed into the air, thus
reducing the overall RH of the room.
It should be noted, that drying by simple heating procedures will not be effective ',A.:hcri the steel
Although the heating of the steel loners the relative humidity,
temperature is low (ships in cold water).
Using diesel
of the air, its dewpoint does not change unicv: the water content in the air is not removed:
operated heaters one should make sure that the exhaust gases are removed. This is important in order to
avoid an increase in the relative humidity inside e.g. a tank.
Environment:2.i cond:t;ons
O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

_ r ,... ,,,.
ill ilLeciive coatings
Desiccates, are substances that have a high affinity fur water. In the coating industry, the rotating
bed silica gel adsorbent dehumidifiers are the most prevalent. Such a unit
....ill consist of a large
diameter drum, the process air is passed through. Process air is defined
as that air which is
being dried cf moisture and introduced into the area where blasting or coating is taking place. The
moisture present in this process air is adsorbed on the surface of the silica gel desiccant. To prevent
moisture saturation of the silica gel, a portion_of_iLis.cJorainuously.stripped of
the hot air
. reverse
the moisturg.Tiising--.


\ !The
i l typical solvents used in coatings today are heavier than air. In tanks for example they will tend to
ettle in the bottom :Ind gaturatie the air. When this hanbens the evaporation of solvents from _the coating
I is.ris_i,b,..4
' wed down
,. or stops. Solvents will then remain it die
se Of E6-1-Sf;
during curing. The only way to prevent
""dventilatio-.n..-6filier L'nk. o
that the so-lirentladerrait-ISTeirio '''''
Due to problems listed above it is of great importance that the -environmental conditions are checked
and are in order prior to starting the work.

What equipment is required?

In order to determine the environmental conditions on site you will need the following equipment.

a whirling sling psychrometer or a digital sling psychrometer

a digital steel thermometer
a dew point calculator
a psychrometric chart or IX diagra m

Use of the IX diagram

On the left side of the diagram you will find the horizontal lines for the dry bulb temperature
(horizontally). The lines coming up at -a 45
annle is the wet bulb tcmpPrature. At the point of
intersection you will find the relative humidity.. By cooling the air from 80 % to 100 % relative
humidity you will find the dew point temperature.

The dew
ce. point is be read by drawing a horizOntal line to the dry bulb temperature, and reading



National Institute of Technology, Norway

Department Corrosion Protection and

Environmental conditiuns

r.... 16
1 5 I.,
14 k
= 12,5

I N90-/--.
1 00 ,-'
. %<>,
1 !
`.)-( ( - 4. 1..c.

Dry bulb temp

I \Wet bulb temp

Environmentai conditions
(c) Teknologisk Institut!.
National Institute of Technology, riorway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Environmental conditions

Quality of paint work

Often depends on the relative humidity during
application and curing.
High humidity, risk of condensation
Moisture left on the surface can:
- initiate corrosion of the steel
.reduce the adhesion of coatincis

influence the properties


j, try

Relative humidity
Relative humidity (RH):
The ratio of the amount of watci vapour present in a
ghten volume of air at a given temperature and the
maximum amount of water vapour which this
volume of air can hold at that temperature.

RH is expressed ao z percentage.
The RH ouidoors

Dew point temperature

Dew point:
The temperature at which the air becomes saturated
with water vapour
At this temperature the RH = 100 % and water
ajc.,1-is-legri =fen me
weatha. ;.; changeable.

Before painting is undertaken

The existing weather conditions should be
assessed for the risk of condensation. '
If the temperature of the steel is likely to fall below
the dew point, ccndensation is certain to cox%
For large painting jobs;
Check the humirld,Iduw point often
Good results can be achieved if the substrate
temperature remains above the dew point



To ensure a good result

Painting should not be started when:
t the relative humidity exceeds 85 % (unless
the paint manufacturer considers it safe)
the substrate temperature is less than 3
above the dew point

%.- r--",



Measuring the relative humidity

r. is the slittuhygrometer for approx. 1 T.:F-1We
Not first yLet-laultalren-460-ui
Repeat the whirling for another minute
Repeat both temperaturesmeasurements
. The procedure is nontInued until thereadings on
each thernometeris constant
Determine RH anddew point from tatts:


The Marintek Dewpoint Calculator (MDC)

Measure ambient temperature(psychrometer)
Measure the relative humidity (psychrometer)
On the outer scale of the MDC find the ambient
temperature and set it on top of the relative
In the small windows you will find the dew point
temperature and the minimum steel temperature
for painting at these conditions

Marintek dew point calculator

Air temperature


Relative humidity

point term.

I 29 CI ---) :. Min. steel temp.

------ r-M-


The Elcometer Dewpcint Caiculator (EDC.'.)

Measure ambient temperature (psychrometer)
Dete=inc the dew ooint
- 36: the wetbigb temperature (scale 1) over
temperature (scam 2)

tie dry bulb

Dererrnine the deupoint on the intersection of wet 6u:a

temperature (scale 4) on cow point scale (scale 2)
Determine the relative humidity
Turn the calculator in such a way that you get values on scale 5
and 6
Set the dry bulb ternpersaire Over the
new point temperature
Read the relative tamudri intne small window

Relative humidity in Norway


7. :0 14 00


19 00







74 00 1000












Psychrometric difference
(difference Latneen ary bulb and wet bulb)

n r.









, ,

. .


ITS_"* The amount of Water vapour at different


5:r tematrature

Waft: :=7.nuesPf.


02.36 g
n1.41 a


04.55 g






1].31 9


Using the IX diagram


Draw a horizoiti.: :me at the appropriate dry blab

Draw a 45 line at the apurepriate wet bulb
At the intersection you will determine the RH
Draw a vertical line from the intersection point all the
way to the 100 % line
This is the dew point

How to use the IX diagram

Dry Temp


N Wet Temp



ff s of improving the environmental
conditions during blasting





By heating the steel (Increases the steel

temperature, lowe..1111he RH, but not the water
vapour content of the air or the Dew point)

By heating of theaintilation (Will change

By use of deh.umidiiierz.,(Thewater yaogur is
by cpoling),
_ .... .....--


Heating of steel during painting

-Use of exhaust gases
from diesel engines-.-----,
Letha4-exlaaust fumes
,,1arge amounts of wa ter

_ ,41ed

Methods of dehumidification

Methods of dehumidification

Absorbent desiccants
Adsorbent desiccants





The air is =led

By lowering the temperature, eater is drained from
the air
Dry cool air is blown bad.: in
Dry air will abscrb more humidity


Rotating bed silica gel adsorbent dehumidifier



Heating the air in a tank

By heating
No change of the water content in the air
No change of the dew point
The RH is lowered due to the fact that hot air can
absorb more moisture than cold air.
When the hot air is cooled to 'normal"
temperature again - RH is the same as before the

Absorbent desiccants



Molecular change takes place - by absorbing the

water they undergo a chemical chanee.

Expensive material's, very corrosive and hard to

work with

.. Once saturated - regeneration is necessary
Litium chloride is a typical adsorbent desiccant


Adsorbent desiccants
No chemical change takes place

Moisture is adsorbed onto the surface of a granular

.., This material is capable of holding large quantities of
The material is easily dried of the adsorbed moisture


The main types are

Liquid adsorbent, packed tower adsorbent and
rotary silica gel adsorbent

A large variety of materialiare used by engineers in the construction of bridges, cars, pipelines,
ships, power plants, process plant equipment etc. To some extent the inspector should also have
some knowledge of the different materials.

Carbon steel and !ow allotted steel

Pure iron is seldom used commercially. But iron alloyed with carbon and small amounts of other.
elements such as manganese and silica is our most common construction material known as carbon
*steel. In carbon steel and low alloyed stoct the mechanical properties are determined by the carbon
The carbon content in carbon steel is up to 1.3 %, for cast iron it can be as high as 2 4 %.
By alloying iron with small amounts of other elements such as chromium, nickel, phosphor,
molybdenum, and vanadium we will achieve a wide variety of steels, called low alloyed steels. The
_ total percentage of other elements than iron is seldom higher than a few percent.
The corrosion resistance of carbon steels and low alloyed steels are more or icss the same.
The mechanical properties of carbon steels are good, but without protection they corrode under
atmospheric conditions when the relative humidity rises above approximately 60 70 %. The
corrosion rates of steel depend upon time of exposure in the atmosphere, humidity,- pH-value and
air pollution.
During production of the steel in the hot rolling mill, millscale is created on the steel surface. The
millscale usually has a blue-black colour. Actually the millscale is More noble than the steel itself.
As long as it is intact on the steel surface_ it protects the steel. But due to the fact that the millscale is
brittle the millscale flakes off unevenly after some time. The large noble areas that are still covered
will millscale can cause pitting of the steel.
After the coarse rolling process, the steel can either be warm or cold rolled. Usually steel rolled at
temperatures above 600 C is hot rolled and those below 600 C. are cold rolled. When cold rolling
the rolling provides the steel with 2reatcr hardness and strength as well as a smooth surface.

Weathering steels

The weathering steels are special loW alloyed steels that during atmospheric exposure provide better
corrosion resistance-than ordinary low alloyed steels. The improvement is due to small amounts of
alloying elements of chromium, phosphor and copper.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology. Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Material selection


01 protective coatings

When exposed in the atmosphere weathering steel will corrode at approximately the same rate as
low alloyed steel for the first 1 V2 to 4 years.
During the exposure a dark brown / violet patina is created, which slows down the corro.-_,:on rate
Considerably. The nistlayer is left for decora.i.;.: purposes and is not blast-cleaned or painted.
Stainless steels

Unlike the low alloyed steels, the amount of alloying elements in the stainless steels is high and
often in the range of 15 - 30 %. There are Quite a variety of stainless steels. Sometimes you will
hear terms like }t
errific stainless steels, austenitic stainless steels, martensitic stainless steels.
terms refer to the crystalline structure of the steels.
Duplex stainless steels have greater strength,
toughness and corrosion resistance and austenitic + ferritic. crystalline structure.
The main alloying element in stainless steels is chromium. When iron is alloyed with c
hromium a
very thin film of chromiumoxide is created on the metals surface. In order to achieve this
protecting film the steel must have a chromium content of minimum 11 %.
The corrosion protection of stainless steels is very dependent on the content of chromium, nickel
and molybdenum. Ici-o-ly-13.cie4u.Fflaffued-s-tai-nless-stee-ls-ar4-sden_r_eferred to as
Typical stainless steels that you might have experienced could have be listed as AISI 304 or AISI
316. AISI is the abbreviation for The American Iron and Steel institute).
AISI 304 has the following compoSition; 18 % Chromium, 8 % Nickel
AISI 31.6 ha:s-ttfe foITOT;iin,o composition; IS % Chromium, 8 % Nickel and 3 % Molybdenum
-An increase in the molybdenum to 6_.%.

betters the corrosion resistance dramatically.

Stainless steels will corrode in environments containing chlorides, e.g seawater.

Titanium can be used in those cases where stainleSs steels are not sufficiently re:iLtant to corrosion.
I Jnalloyed titanium is very resistant to corrosion in damp chlorine gas, chlorine compounds etc. In
media's titanium is superior to most metals. In dry chlorine gas, however, titanium is severely
Copper and copperbase-alloys

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Nonlvay
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
ti:SfelleslkursVrosiokurs1frosio.eng \06-00


ateriat selection

Copper is a quite noble, but soft metal. There are a large number of copperbase-alloys available for
di ffeient areas of use. The beSt known ones are brass (copper + zinc), bronze (copper + tin), coppernickel (copper+ilickel).
0.5 2.5 um year during atmospheric
The corrosion rate of copper is low and seldom more than .
eiposures. Copper has been used for many purposes roofing, statues, piping etc.
For freshwater piping normal copper can be used, but for seawater piping systems, the piping is
usually made from more corrosion resistant alloys of aluminium brass or copper .nickel.
velocity of the seawater. Plain copper alloys will suffer from
The main reason for this is the internal \
at velocities above approximately 1 mis. Copper-nickel alloys can
turbulence corrosion (Erosion)
be used up to a velocity of 4 mis. The tendency of fouling is less on copper-alloys than on other
metals, one of the reasons to the widely used copper-piping systems world-wide.

As a construction material, zinc is seldom used. But hot dip galvanising of steel is widely used for
corrosion protection of steel. The application is usually done in plants where old paint, grease etc.
has been removed by alkaline cleaning, and rust and mill scale is removed by pickling. Several
water rinsing baths are available and the steel is also fluxed prior to dipping in the molten zinc
having a temperature of 460 470 c..C.
the corrosion rate of zinc under atmospheric conditions is low and usually not more than 1 10
ltmiyearIn connection with cathodic protection zinc is widely used a sacrificial aiiodes for protection of ship
hulls and the submerged areas of offshore platforms.

As a construction metal aluminium is also widely used. When aluminium is exposed in the
v I 0 1 urn thick, but it
atmosphere an oxidefilm is created. he oxidefilm is very thin
Due to the thin oxidefilm aluminium corrodes very slowly in the atmosphere. The average
corrosion rate in industrial atmosphere will seldom be higher than 1 I.:in/year. In severe marine
atmosphere the maximum depth in pits have been measured to be 85 265 um after 20 years of
exposure. In other environments the corrosion rate is much lower.
Aluminium is considered to be an ignoble metal. In contact with noble metals such as steel or
copper it will sacrifice itself to protect the metal(s) in contact. Due to this it is of course important

' O Teknoiogisk Institutt

National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

that aluminium and other metF,ls in contact are insulated from each other to avoid unnecessary
corrosion problems.

he construction industry uses large quantities of steel reinforcement bars (re-bars) to strengthen
concrete structures. The alkaline environment that exists in the concrete protects the steel from
corrosion, by maintaining a passive film on the surface of the steel.
The concrete is produced from:

fine aggregate e.g. sand
coarse aggregate gravel or.crushed rock

The cement is the binder in the concrete The cement reacts with the water and a hydratisation
process occurs. The most common cement types are Portland cement and modified Portland
The water-cement ratio is connected to the mechanical strength of the concrete. Approximately 0.4
. kg of water is needed to bind 1 kg of cement. but to get a workable, free flowing past we must
higher w/c ratios, in the range of 0.5 or higher.
There are different kinds of concrete, depending on where the concrete is used. The curing time of
the concrete prior to painting is generally thought to be minimum 28 days.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

r.: fe!le
s\kurs\frosic-kurs\frosio eng \06-00

Material selection

Material selection

Material selection
Low-alloy steel (constructional steel)
Weathering steels
Stainless steels
Copper alloys
Aluminium alloys

Different lz,:oes of steel

., Pure iron

Not used

Plain carbon steel -

Iron with max. u,2 % cal bun

Low alloyed steel -

Carbon steel added max. 2 - 3 %

the elernents:Cr, Ni. Mo etc.

High alloyed steel -

Carbon taai added 15 - 30 % of

the elements; Cr, Ni. Mo etc.

Milled steels
Hot rolled steel

at,: lit
ITV.? C)
The steel is rolled at elevated temperature

Cold rolled steel (

The steel is rolled (cold), this gives the steel
increased strength, hardness and a smooth

Weathering steels
Steel alloyed with small amounts of elements such
as chromium, phosphor and copper.
The rust creates a very decorative, blue/brown
The corrosion rate is reduced after approx. 5 years
Used for metal faades, bridges, chimneys

Stainless steel
Stainless steel - alloys with Cr, Ni and Mo
AISI 304 /AISI 304 L ( 18 Cr / 8 Ni, U Mo)
AISI 316 /AISI 316 L ( 18 Cr / 12 Ni / 3 Mo)
Avesta 254 SMO
( 20 Cr/ 18 Ni / 6 Mo)


Copper and its alloys

Considered a "noble" metal, soft
- Good corrosion resistance in many environments
Used both as pure copper and as an alloy
Copper + Zinc
Copper + Till

Copper +
Copper e Nickel

Copper and its aHoys


of use
roofing, statues, domestic piping

Pure hopper
Cupronickels -

condenser tubes, seawater piping


tutcsheets, condenser tubing (Al-brass)


pumps, valves, propellers

- At-bronzes

pumps, valves, fittings, ship propellers


Pump and valve bodies, water boxes

Hot dip galvanised steel

Good corrosion resistance under aftssispnenc
7--rovicles art alloy with the steel
Thickness of 75 microns or more
Low corrosion rate
Galvanic corrosion,

Aluminium and its alloys

Good construction metal for atmospheric use
Low corrosion rate in many environments
Submitted to galvanic corrosion
Special afinys - sea water resistant aluminium

Aluminium and its alloys

Ignoble metals in seawater
Oxidefilm of 0.01 pm
General corrosion rate often less than 1 pm per year
Pitting corrosion in the atmosphere is limited
Inland ann.

10. 55 pm

City ann.

100- 190 pm
Marine arm. 85 .250 pm


Very corrosion resistant material
Much used !n aggressive chemical indusities


What is corrosion ?
To many people the word corrosion is synonymous to rust. But to others, working with corrosion
and corrosion protection,4"m---r7:siol\is a general deterioration pincess, taking place on many metals.
ci_cust is the corro-,inn product, which occurs on iron.and_steel. But as you might know, most metals
ec7Rusting occurs on steel, but you might have seen the green patina forming on copper
and copper alloys and the white ploduets forming on zinc alloys. All three are corrosion products.
Metals Handbook, Volume 13, Corrosion has listed the following definition.
Corrosion =

The chemical or electrochemical reaction

_.._between a material usually ez_meiat; and
its eiii;ironmen't thatsroduces a deterioration of the metal and its properties.

Other sources might give other definitions like; Unintentional attack on a material through
reaction with a surrounding medium.
Why does corrosion occur?
If we consider metals, supplying large amounts of energy to the raw material, ore, forms most of
them. As ores, the metals are combined with e.g. oxygen, carbon, sulphur, the metals are in their
most stable state. When the ore is melted the pure metal is separated from the slags, this stable state
is no longer present, the metal reacts with oxygen and humidity and corrosion starts. In order to
prevent corrosion from taking place, either the metal could be coated or the environment changed.
Fo-outdoor do-rr
o-Sion or "wet" corros-i-mrtR occur, there are three things that must be present;
%.1 metal, humidity (etectrolyte) and agenAf by some means we can eliminate the Presence of one
5-sropy.or more o t ese, Corr sign

Corrosion theory

Corrosion is a natural occurring process that will take place under certain conditions. Not all metals
corrode. Metals such a:, platinum and gold will not corroded in air or seawater. Bui most of the
other metals will corrode to some extent under these conditions.
Metals such as platinum and gold have very little tendency to emit electrically charged particles
(ions) in contact with wafer - the metals are often refened to as noble metals. Whilst other metals
such as aluminium, zinc and magnesium have a high tendency to emit ions in water - these metals
are often referred to as ignoble metals.

Vreknologisk institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Corrosion ano: corrosion types

If two metals are submerged in a liquid that conducts electricity (an electrolyte), both metals will
coifode at a certain corrosion rate. If we connect these two metals with each other, the corrosion
rate will increase on the most ig.noble metal and decrease on the most noble metal
The different types of environment or corrosivity classes are listed in ISO 12944 Part 2;
Classificution of environments.
The corrosion rate e.g. in air, fresh water and seawater will vary for the different metals. The
corrosion rate will amongst other things depend on the following:
type of metal
corrosion environment
contact with other metals
surface films on the metal
Often the corrosion rate is measured in m/year - in the table below the metals steel, aluminium,
copper and zinc were exposed at a testrig on close to the sea on the west coast of Sweden. The
corrosion rate has been determined after 2, 5 and 10 years. There is a great difference in the
corrosion rates of the four metals. Some of the corrosion products offer good longterm protection.
I nc

2 years
51.1 pm
0.48 pm
1.6 pm
3.6 pm

5 years
32.8 pm
0.76 ,um
1.1 pm
2.6 Ab,i

20.7 pm
0.35 pm
0.71 pm
I./ pm

Tablel Corrosion rates in gm/year for different metals after exposure for 2, 5 and 10 years to marine
atmosphere on the West Coast of Sweden.

Ancefes and cathodes

If we place steel with zinc in an electrolyte, the zinc will corrode and send of energy to
the steel. The zinc ending of the energy is referred to as the
anode and the steel receiving the
energy is referred to as the cathode.
The corrosion always takes place on the anode
In order for corrosion to take place it is not necessary to have to different metals present in an
electrolyte. Blast cleaned steel corrodes when you leave it outdoors. The reason for this is that the
steel contains micro grains not only of iron but.others metals as well. If the steel is left uncoated in
humid environment, small micro-cells will form, having small anodic and cathodic areas. Here the
anodic areas will corrode creating rustformation. Although it may not seem so, only the anodic
areas are corroding around the cathode the solution becomes alkaline.

d Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Corrosion and corrosion types

-.11.1. V 4, 46..1/N. 1111801

.111.1.101-0..atill 4.11-

The galvanic stlriss

The corrosion resistance of a metal is an expression for the metals ability to withstand corrosion in
a given environment. The resistance depends on the type of metal and the environment. In all
metals or alloys there is a certain amount of energy stored. This can be measured in volts using a
voltmeter. These measurements are usually refeiTed to as potential measurements.
By using. the vollm,ter we can easily measure the potential difference of two metals in an
electrolyte. However if we want to determine the potential of a metal alone or in contact with .
a ther metal, we must use a reference electrode. The reference electrode acts in a way as
The most commonly used reference electrodes used are:

Type of reference electrode

Silver / silver chloride (SSC)
Copper / copper sulphate (CSE)
Calomel (SCE)

Electrolyte I Potential in volts

1- 0.78

l+ 0.25


+ 0.32


+. 0245

Table 2 Potentials of different reference electrodes

The potential (in volts) of many kinds of metals / alloys have been measured and arranged in a
table. This table is called the Galvanic series in seawater.

Teknologlsk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Corrosion a;4 corrosion types


ittspectton in

protective coatings

Aiilt iiiliUM alloys
Miid steel, cast iron
Low alloy steels
Austenitic nickel cast iron
18Cr 8ivi stainless steel (active)
18Cr 8Ni 3Mo stainless steel (active)
Lead soldering
Nickel (active)
Inconel (active)
Hastelloy B(60 Ni 30 Mo b Fe 1 Mn)
Chlorimet 2 (66 NI 32 Mo I re
Admirality 6-ias-S, aluminium brass
Copper (.0-4'.
Mangane. e bronze)._
Monel (70Ni 30cu)


Silver solder
Nickel (passive)
Inconel (80Ni 13Cr 7Fe)
18Cr 8Ni stainless steel (passive)
18Cr 8Ni 3Mo stainless steel (passive)
Hastelloy C(62Ni 17Cr 15 Mo)
Chlorimet 3 (62Ni 18Cr 18 Mo)



Table 3 .The galvanic series in seawater

Metals and allnyq tiit are grouped in the table may be used together without.significant risks of
galvanic corrosion,


Corrosive eriviron,-.-:t end


pH values

In dry

therz-isttle risk ef.eoRcLsion.

occuring. - fhais..c.
is created ori the surface. Out doors
rate will be very dependant on the surrounding environment. The IiikHEr the content
of sulphur pollution and salts (chlorides) in the air, the higher the corrosion rate. Some of the gasses
in the air will form either alkaline or acidic solutions.

Olsen, A: Korro;,ion 1 - Korrosjongfornier og

(g) Teknologisk Intitutt.
National institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis -- __

korrosjenstester, Universitetsfolaget, 1983

Corrosion and corrosion types

.1.1A01l...A..1.1k/1.1 vi F11


Whether or not a solution is allcrliiic or acidic can be measured. Doing this we determine the pH
value of the solution. A pH value is normally determined on a scale from 0 to 14. On the pH scale,
solutions with values less than 7 are considered as acidic, a value of 7 is neutral and solutions aboVe
7 av: considered to be alkaline.
The pH scale issilogarithmic scale--irrearring-thicNase-er._decreasefrana_e.,2 7 to 6, indicates
es mire acidic tha-t-at-pi-i=7. If the value had been 9, the value will he lb x
is 10
times more alkaline than at pH = 7.
10 =



0 1234 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

hydrochloric acid (HC1), sulphuric acid (H )SO4)
Acidic solutions;
Alkaline solutions ; sodium hydroxide, caustic soda (NaOH)
Corrosion attacks of some metals will increase in both acidic and alkaline solutions (zinc and
aluminium), whilst others e.g steel will be passivated in alkaline solutions. This is the case when
steel reinforcement bars are used in concrete.
To some extent corrosion types like general corrosion, galvanic corrosion and stress corrosion
cracking can be reduced or avoided by the use of pain.,: and coatings. While other types of
corrosion occurring inside pipes or on propellers, e.g. due to water velocities are somewhat more
difficult to protect.

O Teknologisk tristitutt
Natiuilal institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Corrosion and corrosion types

Genera; corrosion;
A general attack over large areas of meiai surfacesis one of the most common types of corrosion. It is
characteris.-.d by a shcrilical or electrochemical reaction, which_pracec4;,--imiforrn17-,,
--""-e surface pr over a large
'TIT metal becomes thinner and finally fails.
With this type of attack on a surfaces, lq.,111 the anodic and the cathodic processes are evenly distributed
over the metal suriat.e.
A general corrosion attack leads to a reduction of the materials thickness linear with time. The rate of
penetration can be calculated i.e. from corrosion data.
For example a corrosion rate of 0.13 mm/y (5 mpy) would result in a metal loss of 1.52 mm (0.060 ') in
a twelve-year period. A corrosion allowance of 1.59 mm (1/16 ') is often adequate to provide .112 years
of service in process exposures, perhaps 25 years in storage tanks.
On the other hand heat exchanger tubes with a wall thickness of 2.11 mm (0.083') can probably
tolerate no more than a 50 % loss of thicl.mEss (e.g. 1.02 mm (0.040 ') in 8 years at a rate of 0.13 mmly

General corrosion nzay be reduced/ prevented hi :

change of materials
use of paints or coatings
use of inhibitors (in systems with liquids)

Galvanic (bimetallic) corrosion....-- .

Galvanic corrosion_occurs when a metal or alloy fteleciricaliv coupled to another, or to a conducting
non-metal (e.g. caro
n or mill scale), iii iiic same corrosive environment (electrolyte;.
The rate of attack of one metal or alloy is usually accelerated, while the cot losiOn rate of the other
decreases. I.e. the metal with the most negative corrosion potential in the uncoupled state (the at:tive
member of the couple) will show enhanced corrosion.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
rr Velles\kurs\frosio-kursafrosio eng07-00

Corrosion and corrosion types

Inspection of protective coatings

Generally the following factors will influence the galvanic corrosion process:

111edirfe-r -7-e-i-,rtkv.aii_The corrosion potential of the uncoupled metals or alloys

the surface areas ut the cathodic and anodic zones
tne distance beteen the cathode and the anode
-die electrical resistance of the galvanic circuit (use of paint films)

1 The most common method of predicting galvanic corrosion is by immersion testing of the galvanic
coupled in the environment of interest. In most cases however-the galvanic corrosion is predicted by
the use of a galvanic series. In the galvanic series metals and alloys arc arranged according to their
potentials, measured e.g. in seawater.
Factors like area, distance and geometric effects also affect the galvanic corrosion behaviour.
When the surface atea of the more noble metal or alloy (the cathode) is large compared to the more
active member (the anode), an unfavourable ratio exists producing an accelerated galvanic effect.
The opposite area ratio (large active member and a smaller noble member surface) produces only
slightivTa-eTet7s-itREgalvanic effect,_

Serious problems have occurred on welded pipes where the welding electrodes used were more ignoble
than the pipes. This caused the welds in becoming more atiudie than the surrounding steel pipes and the
welds were severely attacked due to galvanic corrosion. The area effect accelerated the galvanic effect.
Problems have also occurred on the Statue of Liberty in New York City that Was erected in 1886: The
steel skeleton was originally insulated from the copper skin using asbestos and shellacs. This of course
has broken down during more than 100 years of exposure, causing great damage on the steel skeleton.
The asbestos absorbed water and no ioc-%!.,- insulated the two metals. During rehabilitation in 1981 1986 large amounts of the steel was changed with stainless steel and Teflon was used for insulating the
Galvanic corrosion may be reduced / prevented by:
avoiding combinations of metals / alloys widely separated in the galvanic series
change of the environment (inhibitors)
use of paints or coatings
use of proper weiging electrodes (more noble)
insulating metals from each other
avoiding deposits from more noble metals on the metal
Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Anal
n: Velies'skurs\frosio-kurs Urosio.eng107-00

Corrosion and corrosion types

Inspection of protective coatings

Pitting corrosion
Pitting corrosion is a form of localised attack that results in holes in the metal. These holes may be
small or large in t:iiarneter, but in most cases they are relatively small. They may result in perforation of
a metal or alloy. Fns are sometimes isolated 'r so close together that they look like a rouz!, surface.
Generally a pit may be described as a cavity or hole with the surface diameter about the same as, or leSs
than, the depth. Pitting is one of the most insidious forms of corrosion.It causes equipment to fail
because of p7rforation with only a small percent weight loss of the entire structure.

Seen from above

Seen from the side

Pitting corrosion occurs frequently at the pores or damaged parts in:

non conductive layers on a metal surface (e.g. oxide films)

metallic surface layers which are more noble to the base metal. This may lend to pitting of the base

Pitting corrosion often occurs onstainless steal alloys. Factors such as temperature and flow conditions
will influence the pitting mechanisii.
Pitting corrosion may be reduced/ prevented by:
change of materials
reduction in the temperature of the electrolyte (e.g. seawater)
avoiding stagnant conditions in electrolytes

Crevice corrosion
Crevice corrosion is a type of intense localised corrosion frequently occurring within crevices and other
shielded areas on metal surfaces exposed to corrosive liquids. The type of attack is usually associated
with small volumes of stagnant solution caused by holes, gasket surfaces, lap joints, and crevices under
bolt and rivet heads. AS a result, this form of corrosion is called
crevice corrosion or, sometimes,
deposits corrosion.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nAfelleskkurs\frcsio-kurs Vrosic.enVI07-00

Corrosion and corrosion types

imveciion ot protective coatings

For crevice corrosion to occur the crevice must be wide enough to permit entry of the solution, but
sufficiently narrow to maintain a stagnant zone of solution within the crevice, limiting the transport
processes of diffusion and migration of ions. Solutions containing chloride ions .are most conductive to
Crevice corrosion.
The mechanisms that occurs during crevice corrosion are complicated - but can.te illustrated as a too
low access of oxygen needed in order to maintain the oxide film on, e.g:tainless steettijand aluminium
it is not always necessary to have crevices - this type of corrosion attack may also occur on a metal
surface covered with cand, mud or dirt. This also results in a low oxygen contents underneath- the sand.
mud e.g.

Sand, mud etc.

Metal surfacees


Crevice corrosion attack

Crevice corrosion may be reduced /prevented by:

change of materials
- change of environment
use of paints or coatings
welding instead of using flanges and bolting
avoiding areas with stagnant water
cathodic protection

Erosion corrosion

Erosion corros;:WI 15 a form of corrosion, which results when a metal is attacked, be-Gause7-ef-g-celotiv,
1)etween wiTFre,7:,tii
-0 -,,,,= an d a metal surface. Metal is removed from the surface or its corrosion
._ ._____._________
1 -products arc i-ornovea y t e e ectro.ytenetais
are particularly vulnerable to his form of attack,
for example, cci.-per, brass, pure aluminium and lead, but most metal_ are susceptible to erosion
corrosion in particular flow situations.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Ana:sis

Corrosion and corrosion types

iiisoecuun tit protective coatings

Some factors, which are likely to cause this form of corrosion attack, are:

:;udden chanae in the bore diameter or direction of a pipe

a badly fitting gasket or ioint which introduces a discontinuity in the otherwise smooth metal
a crevice which allows liquid to flow outside the main body of fluid
the presence of a corrosion product or other deposits which may disturb the laminar flow

Erosion corrosion is characterised in appearance by grooves, gullies, waves, rounded holes.

Often a very specific pattern is created called horseshoe attack.

Seen from above

- )

Seen from the side

Erosion or turbulence corrosion may be reduced /prevented by:
change of materials
change of environment (reduction in the water flow)
avoiding angular bends

Dealloying corrosion
This kind of corrosion form is also called selective leaching or pang, one element, generally the most
active one, is selectively removed from a solid alloy. As a result file components of the alloy react in
proportions which differ from a solid alloy. Apart from the gene it term the process is often named
after the removed element in ihe specific cases, e.g. *ezincifica
f brims, dealuminification of
certain aluminium-bronzes. 1-19:Lkasc-,-F4,irr_tbz:ar.z4.5ilf:Wp
rntive11;clerffot Afort),

A well-known example of dealloying is dezincification of(bras Dezincification is readily recognised

as the alloy assumes a red copper colour, i.e. in contrast to t to original yellow.
There are tow general types of dezincification. One is uniform, or layer type. and the other is localised,
or plug-type dezincification.

O Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and.Analysis
niVelles \kur.,frc,sio-kurs \frosio.engl07,00

Corroz:cn and corrosion types

- - VA L111g

No attack

Local attack, red spots

Uniform attack in the

surface, red

Uniform ack through the

metal, rittl , red

Selective corrosion may be reduced /prevented by:

change of materials
change of environment
cathodic protection

Stress-corrosion-cracking (SCC)
Cracks may he formed in many construction materials when they are exposed to a corrosive
environment, v..hile a mechanical tensile stress is also present at a level in which itself should not be
harmful. The cracks which are formed by this combined action arc cf.= difficult to detect and :hen
allowed to grow may lead to sudden catasiroph::: failure.

Well known materials. whiclualay-silow suscepa4itu-to-SCCir rhioride environroreas..are austeriLu'L

alloys. Generally the
stainless Steels contairtiag chromium and_nickeLand-a--iambet/ envircrmient
susceptibility to SCC increases with increasing temperature. r or a number of
combinations a safe temperature can be indicated, below which the susceptibility SCC is practically

O Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Col ropion Protection and Analysis

Corrosion and corrosion types


c coal-111gs

In the off-shore industry a lot of the hot stainless stceis tubes are blast-cleaned with a fine non-metallic
abrasive and then applied an epoxy coating. This is done to minimise the tendency of SCC, especially
on insulated stainh:is steels with an operating temperature of 60 C or higher.
Elimination of tensile stresses, in order to rt-_-.1ucc the risk of stress corrosion cracking (SCC), can be
accomplished by stress relief annealing. The annealing conditions (tempciature, time) should be such
that a satisfactory stress relief is obtained without substantially reducing the strength of the material.

Stress corrosion cracking

- Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) may be reduced /prevented by:


change of materials
use of barrier paints or coatings
annealing to reduce stresses within the metal
cathodic protection using sacrificial anodes

Microbiological (Bacteria) corrosion

Although in deaerated water steel does not corrode too much, the corrosion rate in some natural
environments is found to be abnormally high. The high corrosion rates have been due to presence of
sulphate-reducing bacteria (S.RB). They thrive only under conditions of poorot no aeration in water
and soils and in the pl-I range of about 5.5 to 8.5. .
hate reducing bacteria easily reduce .sulphides in presence of
hydrocren or organR riiater, arid-afe. iided in this process by the presence of an iron surface. The
anaerobic corrosion of iron and steel has been identified in bottom muds of riveis, lakes, marshes,
under marine foulings and in various offshore industrial environments.
Efforts to reduce the corrosion problem include the following:
use noncorrodible materials e.g fiberglass, PVC, polyethylene, concrete
create a non-aggressive environment around the steel by backfilling with gravel or clay free
sand or using biocides
cathodic protection of-0.95 V versus CopperiCoppersulphate
using various barrier coatings, with biocides.
eknoIogisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

nAtellesMturs\frosio-kurs1frosio eng \07-00

Corrosion and corrosion types


Corrosion costs society

- It is extremely expensive financially
It is extremely wasteful of natural resources
It causes considerable inconvenience to
humans and sometimes loss of lives



Why do metals corrode ?

Do all metals corrode ?

Does the rate of corrosion differ ?

is corrosion the same as rust ?


Why do rnetais corrode ?

Pure meta!


Stable s!te



The corrosion rates of different metals, based on 10 years
of exposure. The corrosion rates are given in pm/year.


apcp : ...


Kung gaar



. .


To the great majority of people. corrosion is the some
as rust.
Rust is the corrosion product occuring on iron and
Corrosion is the destructive phenomenon which viracts
a lot of metals.


Anodic and

cathodic, areas in steel

_ 11A7

+ sr:



rviiiiscale on carbon steel
More noble than steel

Cracks In bottle rrallscale


;.' 4.47.Z ;1_2,



....,,,--,..4 *.,:j


The Corrosion process

A dry cell consists of two
dissimilar metais
- zinc and graphite
an electrolyte

Galvanic cells
Two metals in eiectr:::
- An electrolyte (water
A multtmeter (DC
instrument: lightbu!b, or
a small rcztz:

Corrosion current


What reactions take place when

metals corrode ?
At the anode

At the cathode

the metal corrodes and

electric energy is

the energy released from

the anode is consumed
The cathode is an area
where direct current leaves
an electrolyte
Below pH 7 (H,,.)

the anode is an area

wl)ere direct current
e?ters an electrolyte

Above pH 7 (OH-)

3j, f.)


Generai corrosion
Even regular :ass of metal
from the corroding surface
Ocr.:,ars on all metals




Galvanic corrosion
(Bimetal corrosion)
--- Electric contact between
dissimilar metals in an
The intensity of the attack


potential difference

area/size of the


the anode

Galvanic corrosion
Brass bolt

Corroded zone

NEP tg14:::71111G"


Galvanic corrosion


[Corroded zonel


Galvanic corrosion can be reduced by:

.iion notallic washers
barrier coatings
Avoid combinations of
metals far apart the
galvanic series


- greL

Area effect on galvanic corrosion

A small cathode ...Wit hardly
affeC a large anode

- minor general corrosion

A large cathode will have
great affect on a small anode
- pitting comoc:on

The galvanic series

A table where metals and alloys are listed
according to their corrosion protection abilities in
sea water
Can be used to predict which of two metals will
corrode it coupled together
Of two metals in the galvanic series we can use a
metal (more negative) to protect another metal

Arrange the following metals

with the most ignoble on top
Carbon steel

Stainless steel

The galvanic series in seawater





What happens if steel and zinc are in

electrical contact in seawater ?

Zinc corrodes and protects steel



What happens if steel and copper are

in electrical crintact in seawater ?


Ste& corrodes and protects copper

Metallic coating less noble than steel

rtz.:,; Metallic coatina more nobl.) than steel


What promotes corrosion ?

Electrolyte (elektrical conductive mass or fluid),


cplonees, sulphates e.g.

Oxygen content
Contact between metals of different kinds

What metal will corrode in seawater ?

Lo) Metal 1
Metal 2











Crevice corrosioricleposit corrosion
Localized attack within
crevices ! shielded areas
Small volumes of stagnant
Oxygen content within Uia
Dangerous to passive

Crevice corrosion can be reduced by:

- Welding instead of
flanges! gaskets
- No sharp ed;;3
Good drainage
Washers of rubber or
Avoiding sancits!udg2
causing deposits


corrosion (turbulence corrosion)

Attack where the surface is

/by higit

=ad panicles in:
grooves. gullies. waves.
rounded holes and valleys

Dealloying corrosion / selective leaching

The most active eiprnprst is
removed from a solid alloy
Dezincification of brass
Graphitization of cast iron
Appearance of
red (yellow): brass
black (grey): cast iron


Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC)

- Causes premature cracking of
metals in certain environments
Combined action of corrosion
and surface tensive stress
(applied or residual)
stainless steel (sea water)
copper alloys (ammonia)
carbon steel (niteta sot.)

Pitting corrosion
Localized attack
can cerise perforation of
can occur on any metal
Appeat ance
small or large h_,!es (mcz.4


can be tilled with corrosion

often on alloys of stainless

Pitt.lng corrosion, of stainless steel

Certain alloys in the galvanic

series - onen stainless steels
will appear at two different
levels, Pi.r:zi., and active
this is due to
pores tr. tie oxide film
shielded areas where the
oxygen content is low

rvlicrobiological (Bacteria) corrosion

as a

Deterioration of a metal Cy cc:rosion processes which occur

result of living organisms.
Anaerobic (little or no oxygen)
Sulphate reduong bacteria in sewage, oil wells. soils e.g

Aerobic (require oxygen) in soil composts, soils e.g

Sulphur oxidizing bacteria


++ nee
rt .... .
at two melalLwasts'....


... ..1

I emu e.

z,L "rt ,
S t11441111 elaan.....
voce} al.C.



,. ,s


en arais
elaa da* to arcs
I pasta)

rtL s1;:ls

q&i Atmospheric-corrosivity


II, CI Very Low
C2 Low
CS Mediaan

CS High
CS-I limy Foal.


Healed Imaldr:as with dean atmospheres

+ 9 offices. ShOPS.
Ftrmscheres MT low Wel unheated Isoildnv Schools
where con dens__.-.
olpoPution Mostly noel
may Decor e.9. PSpots. sport halls
IMMO and mriusoial
Production rooms with high hurridrey and
atmospheres, moos-. se.
some ar pol:oran sa nod processing
seriph', donde p000non.
part, honor:Is. breweries, danies
Coastal areas tots tow.
Industrial areas and coastal
cpentiral manh, areirnmehit pools. cries'',
3IcoS oath
ship-and Doenratds


Inopt.S'at areas troth Pah

Buildrigs or areas oath asmmt
Isinaduy and awed..e
condensation and tods Non pollution
r.-) la Very NO Coastal and cryhtme alas
or enss wih almost permanent
tech high saintly
a..:sensation and hen Inch pollution

How to prevent corrosion ?


What factors must be present to initiate corrosion ?

in order to prevent corrosion we must remove one

or more of the factors needed rx the corrosion
process to place or use means like cathodic
protection. Most of ttc.. corrosion types can be
prevented by use of corrosion protective paints.

What promotes corrosion ?


Electrolyte (conductor of electricity), p1-1
chlorides, sulphates e.g.

Oxygen content
Contact between metals of different kinds

The Statue of Liberty

Auguste Baril.o(oll 8 (3::slaw:, Eiffel
Rea5trnbled in 188S on Badloa's bland, NY
Structural iron members (inside the statue)
blasted with alurniniuinoxide lo Co 2'A and
applied waterbome inorganic zinc
Areas that could not be blastod were soaped and
applied organic 7inh epoxy
All areas top coaled with a water borne .wup.-..+.
epoxy pely::::;lde.


Corrosion of reinforcement bars in concrete

In building construction two of the most commonly used material arc. concrete and steel. The steel
years the industry has
used is commonly known as reinforcement bars or re,bars. The last 1
become more aware of corrosion problems in concrete.
In alkaline solutions the steel is passivated by a protective film, which covers the steel. Provided
that the passive film on the steel is intact, there is little or no corrosion of the steel. As time passes
by, the acidic gases in the air such as carbon dioxide and sulphur dioxide react
components nn t e concrete reoiicirie,or,i4cutrailsing.tha.alkalinity_liaisptoress_is oftera,fp-rcrlio_
When the carLonated layer, consisting of calcium carbonate / calcium sulphate
as carbonation.
reccowri to the steel, the environment surrounding the steel is no longer alkaline.



pH 9
Passive film

The speed of this reaction depends on the porosity of the concrete, the humidity in the concrete, the
water/cement ratio and the partial pressure of carbondioxide in the air. Chloride, in the concrete
estroy_ thepassation of the steel surface even before the pH reaches the value of 9. Chlorides
aadl d
ttingof the reoars.
also cause corrosion (pi
The corrosion products of steel (rust), which is more tottgninael" that the steel, will expand causing
cracking, delamination and spalling of the concrete. When the corrosion process start., on the steel
- rcbars. The carbonation in most sound concrete is generally
depends on the concrete cover over th,

low, usually lower than 1/4 mm per year. So when the cover is maybe 50 70 mm no problems will .
arise for a long period of time.

@ Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Corrosion in concrete

t tck-ti

Ingress of chlorides causes local breakdown of the passivity. In order to reduce this danger several
things can be done;
Coating-ofeb'ar----:.-`' Hot dip galvanising .\
3>. nO:Vder epoxy coatinj2
Cathodic protection
The carbonation process is a natural occurring process that takes place when carbon dioxide is
present in the air. When the concrete is carbonated the steel re-bars are no longer protected against

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Teuhnolvgy, Norway
Department Corrosion Pro:option and Analysis
_ Ofeses\kurs1trosio-kurswosio.engur-oc

Corrosion in concrete

Concrete - rebar corrosic,_n

Concrete - rebar corrosion

Concrete is produced from the following:

Portland cement
Fine aggregate e.g sand
Coarse aggregate - oravel -or crushed rock

Admixtures (modifiers)

Corrosion of Rebar in Concrete

Passive film formation
In alkaline solutions (c.g concrete) steel
becomes passive.
Breakdown of the passive film is caused by:
Chlorides__ -----.,:-PreJtralisation of the alkalinity tcarboriatic.a)

Coatinc concrete
Difficulties when choosing the coating
Moisture content
Tensile strength
Surface defects

Carbonation of concrete
Caused by:
Slow ingress of acidic gases
Reaction with the.aft:aline Components
Form&_c-arConates Wrid sulphates '
Reducing the alkalinity of the concrete
pH values lower than 9, the concrete no longer
provides the passivity to the rebar


wea thi
a e's surface
when cement paste and fine
aggregate are carried to the sunac,
12---curt_o_f the trrirr
If not removed befote
coating application, the
ll most likellairoo

Surface preparation of concrete

Abrasive blasting (using silica sand or other
Water blasting
Acid etching (with hydrochloric acid)

sZ, t

pH 12 -14




Carbonateri concrete

Rust I a

pH 9

Reber --

Passive film

Painting concrete

,.. -----.
The selected paint must be atkali
Painting cf concrete shall not 6
Mthe concrete has cured for aoprdx. 4 weeks.
.ir Paints for use (to preven
- acp/rLcsatats
- Silicate paints
- Avoid .'epoxy and oelyo.netr1::!-I el- absomz.n of



_g n9104

Stress Corrosion Craci:ing

(SCC) under insulation


Austenitic stainless steels under

thermal insulation
Operating temperatures ( - 45 to 60 C)

Solvent wipe-SSPC-SP lii.Ient wiping

Brush-blast, SSPC-SP 7, to provide a clean surface
with an anchor pattern (some users simply solvent I
wipe to remove contaminants, then coat directly and
report satisfactorily results)
Apply 1 x 130 ion of epoxy HB finish


Austenitic stainless steels under

thermal insulation
Operating temperatures ( - 45 u 120 C)
Solvent wipe-SSPC-SP
Blast cleaning to provide an anchor patti-ii cif
2.5mm (sormx users simply solvent wipe to remove
and report
contaminats, then coe,
satisfactorily resuit4
Apply 2 x 150 m of ern" phenolic or 2 x 150 iirn of
an amine cured epoxy


Austenitic stainless steels under

thermal insulation
Operatirn: temperatures ( 18 .0 to 370C)
Solvent wipe-SSPC-SP laSolvent wipe),

SSPC-SP 7, 10 provide a clear..:urface

with an anchor pattern (some users simply solvent
wipe to remove contaminants, then coat directly and
report satisfactorily results)

Apply 2 x 50 um or a modified silicone

Tape coating practices guide New and old

Carbon Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel
-0; Operating at ( - 35 to 85 C)
Clean surface per SSPC-SP 2 or 3, if required, for
impregnated tape coatings, SSPC-SP 6 for
prefabricated coatings
Apply primer, when required
Apply petrolatum, thermosetting or prefabricated tape
coating by spiral wrapping, using appropriate overlap

Tape coating practices guide New and old

Carbon Steel and Austenitic Stainless Steel
Operating at (85 to 540C)

Clean surface per SSPC-SP 2 or 3, if required.

Apply primer, when required
Apply thermczetting tape coating by spiral


wrapping with a 50 %overlap


Reports of Chloride Stress Corrosion

Cracking of austenitic stainless steels
AISI 304


- AISI 316


Accepted criteria for coatings to mitioate

CSCC and liquid metal embrittlement
Excellent adhesion tociean SS
Deterioration resistance in temperature range
Absence of free chlorides aftercuring
Absence of zinc, lead, copper and their
compounds in formulation - they can cause
lignid metal embrittlement difficulties with the
welding of stainless steels


Cathodic protection is a way of protecting steels by making the steel we wish to protect the cathode in a
galvanic cell. As we have seen previously in connection with the galvanic corrosion - the cathode will
not corrode. The attack takes place at the anode. This method of protection has been known for more
than 160 years and is widely used for protection of ship hulls, oilrigs, pipelines.
How does this kind of protection work?

The corrosion rate is very dependent on both the metal itself and the surrounding electrolyte. As we
have seen all metals have a certain electrical potential when immersed in an electrolyte solution
e.g. seawater. The potential is measured against a reference electrode.
ode in acids, but not in alkali solutions. This tells us that
As you might be aware of - steel will corrode
the corrosion of steel i.e. the energy level of the steel depends on the environment around it. A
Belgian, Mr. Poirbaix studied this carefully and was able to make potential i pH didgrams showing
where corrosion would occur.. He also found that below a certain potential, corrosion could not
occur at all.

The purpose of cathodic protection is to place the steel (or another metal) in a position where
it will not be able to corrode in the given environment.

When steel is put into seawater the steel corrodes. When zinc is put into seawater, the zinc corrodes.
When the steel is electrically connected to zinc, zinc will corrode and send off energy. The steel
will consume this energy. Since steel is given energy at all times, it is impossible for the steel to
send off energy, and the steel is protected by the zinc. In this case, zinc will be the anode and steel the cathode.

ed into seawater the potential of the steel will be of a value of -0.60 to -0.65
When steel is subnier:_,
). Without
volts when measured against a reference electrode of copper/coppersulphate (Cu/CuSO4
protection steel will corrode in seawater. Steel will only be partially protected at a potential
between -0.60 to -0.85 volts. At -0.85 volts the steel completely protected. Lowering the potential
other can cause overprotection. When over-protection occurs an excess of alkali is formed and
ftalso hydrogen gas may be produced which can cause blistering of paint.
Cathodic protection can be achieved in two ways:

Sacrificial anode systems

Impressed current systems

Cathodic protection
Teknologisk Institutt
National institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

01.CCLi VC Ctiatin


Sacrificial anode systems

In this system the protecti.,'e current is suppliellk externaLaniz_
(i.e. more anodic) than the steel we want to protect. When the dcLof a metal which are ignoble
stcci is in contact with the alma; the
anode will suiTp-ITIFE-sreerWith sufficient eler.
tri c energy and pr,..,2t the steel.





uraulium allo s. Both these can be used for

protection of steel in seawater The anodes i.e. rods, strips, relatively slender ingots contain inserts
of a less electronegative material (e.g. steel) to maintain continuity and mechanical strength towards
the endlife of the anode life. Inserts should be so shaped and treated that a mechanical key is
provided to the surrounding steel. They will often be welded to the steel.

O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nmelles\kursyrosio-kurevrosio eng108-00 ......-

Cathodic protection

Steel insert

Typical hull anode
MagnesiUm anodes arenot used for protection of steel in seawater, but magnesium strips or coils
can be used for stripping tanks_

'Magnesium stripping of tanks

Magnesium strips in straight lengths or coils are clamped or welded to the tank walls. The tank is
then filled with seawater. Magnesium is the most ignoble metal in the galvanic series and it will
overprotect the steel. The overprotection causes hydrogen gas evolution on the steel surface, which
makes rust and scale come off. Due to the creation of hydrogen gas it is very important that the
tanks are left open to avoid risks of explosions. After approximately 1 to 2 weeks the seawater is
Pumped out. If the tank is to he painted the white, calcareous deposit on the tank walls must be
removed by high pressure water cleaning at 200,to 400 bar. If the tanks are to be protected using
anodes, the calcareous layer can be left on the steel surface.

Cathodic protection
Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis



protective coatinas

Impressed current systems

In this system t e rotective current is supplierLi
ernatin2 current .t.ysiem of the ship or a
offshore structure an
.e current is transformed to direct current througfar
used are more or less chemically resistant. They can be made of platinized titanium, graphite.ics
will not be attacked or consumed and are inert anodes.

DC rectifier

Ref. electrode ...--FrjaqTnized titanium

When impressed current systems are used, automatic coltr2

1 is usually required. This control will at
all times check the potential of the steel against a reference electrode. When uhanges occur the
current will be altered.
The number of anodes are much fewer when.using impressed current systems, because they are
desi2ned for high current outputs. This will result in overprotection of areas close to the anodes. To
anodes. damag.e of the coating in these areas, a thick coating (an anodeshield) is applied around the
The thickness may be up to Ito 1.5 mm. It is common to apply the shield in a diameter of 2 to 3
meters around the anodes.
The impressed current systems can be used both on permanent constructions such as oil-rigs, or on
ships. The use of sacrificial anodes will result in an increased drag in the sea. Howevei, using
impressed current systems, the anodes are
usually flush mounted and drag is negligible.

Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Cathodic protection

Cathodic protection and paints

Prior to the Oseberg B platform, which started oil production in the Norwegian sector in the North
submerged steel platforms were only protected by cathodic protection
7acriliciat anodes. Later most of the steel platforms have been coated with tar epoxy coatings /
coatin2s below sealevel. The use of paint or coatings lowers the amount of anodes required:
ipoky the object of the anodes are to protect the steel from corrosion if the paint or coating fails.
Paints that are used in connection with cathodic protection have to be resistant to alkalis, so the use
of oil based or alkyd based p3ints that will saponify can not be used. The use of coaltar, epoxy,
epoxymastics, vin-yltar are preferred with cathodic protection. It is also important that the paints are
cathodic disbonding disbonding ,loss of
resistant to some degree of ,_,verprotection so that
adhesion) down to the steel does not occur.

Cathodic proi,r,rtioa
Teknoloaisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

cathodic protection

Cathodic protection
Corrosion occurs at the anodic areas
No corrosion occurs at the cathodic areas
- Metallic stnichires we want to protect against corrosion
must be changed from a mixture of areas of anodes
and cathodes to cathodes
Steel will become the cathode by the use cif
Sacrificial anode systems
impressed current systems (ICCP)

Corrosion of steel
C...-arosion of steel
40,.*H2O*2 el +2 Ciri_




Cathodic protection by sacrificial anodes

\ /

\T Cathodic protection by impressed current

+e -

14 %+H20+2e=20H


Rectifier 1

C;ilhodic protection
By using a more negative material on the steel,
the steel is prc;:entedfiC-:! 68ving
the surface.
The potentiai requitenientto avoid corrosion on
steel in seawater is:

- BOO :TA; (SSC)

- Copper/coppersu!ph ate

- 850 mV (CuS0,)
+ 250 rnV (Z:nc)

Use of sacrificial anodes on steel

Less noble than steel
zinc anodco
aluminium anodes
Task t'or sacrificial anodes
The less noble metal sacrifices itself for the steel.
- he

The zinc or aluminium

l-willtr,,e with the neoeSSani_energy_so-that-the-stee


Use of impressed current anodes


Impressed current systemusing a rectifierand

noble anodes.
- Impressed current anodes are uslially made from
"noble" metals such as platinum, platinized titanium.

Task for impressed current system

The corrosinn process takes place at the anodes. but
rate per year
since they are noble. at a


Cathodic. disbanding
Using impressed current systems large amount
of gas and hydroxylic ions are created.
This will promote adhesion failure of the coating
from the steel - this phenomenon is called
cathodic disbonding

Areas of use
Offsnore constructions

(buried or in


- Ships
Inter-:2! protection of water
and oil-tanks (impressed
current in not used in tanks)

The sacrificial anodes reduce the corrosion

process of steel, but increase the consumption
of fuel
- The corrosion attack is greatest at the stern of
the ship

Large current or low potenfia!s may destroy the

paint system


i ti ,

Choice of anodes (seawater)

Zinc - widely used on ships. Se!:':o:ri fete= in 1
the paint system due to sacrifi ciai ar;,--!,--..
Aluminium - the deterioration alt
-iese anodes
is more uneven. Seldom detects in the paint


Magnesium - not used in seawater.Sometimes I

used for stripping tanks

_ Tp



Impressed current anodes

Platinum coated


Offshore pipelines
Pipeline (Gas)

Ekofisk - Emden


440 km


0.91 in
3247 a 454 kg
6 mm coaltarw/glassfibe:-z

Zinc anodes

+ 48 mm reinforced concrete


Offshore pipeline=
Pipeline (Oil)

Frigg -St.Fergus


364 km


0.81 m

Zinc anodes

2200 a 610 kg
6 mm t:oaltarw/glassfibers
+ 48 mm reinforced concrete



Descaiina using magnesium

Method for removal of large quanties of rust and scale in
About 0.6 m Mg strip or. m2 tacit: surface
Seawater of min. 10C / Operation time 8 -14 days
Hydrogen is generated, good air circulation required
White surface (calciumcarbonate/
magnesiumhydroxide) must be removed by high
pressure water blasting (100 - 150

Corrosion of steel

impressed current

aqfrom anodetn
rtittloot to the



No protection added


i . , . -_.

1 Tita ni um

- , Stec





i-iigh aunty
zinc of zinc -1050 to -1100.
-1000 to -135C
. alloys


atxxcie eii.



on rate



- 95 %


2 9 - 4.7

55 - 65 %

1200 - 1400



Corrosion preventing paints - will protect steel in differmt ways:

Inhibitive protection - they can passivate the steei surface

Barrier protection - they can prevent water and oxygen from reaching the surface
Cathodic proteri ion - they sacrifice themselves to protect the steel

Usually nowadays it common to apply more than one coat ilr order to achieve the necessary
protection for a long period of time. So the paint system is usually built up in different layers
starting with tne primer.
r for the steel shall provide good adhesion to the substrate, and very often will have anticorrosive pigments and wil Corm a good basis for the next coat-the intermediate coat.
Os -

eli to the primer and shar2.4-,-.-)vide the necessary "body" for the
..7z The intermediate-nn
system. When laminar pigments are used they will increase water impermeability of the system.
ekrt-and-gloss. This is
erthe pa nit sys em
The to
the coat that is exposed to the environment, radiation from the sun, rain and chemicals.

The paints in the intermediate - and

top coat al'P.CPrPMOnly..riamed_after.the-type-ofbinder in paint,
....... _____
e.g. vinyl paint or epoxy paint.

Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Parts and paint systems

Inspection et protective coatings

Cor;r_losition of paints
The main components of a paint are:


The main object of the binder- is tOibmc ti
r'.iel:51mlent together and provide.adhesion to th6
a_a_high degree the binder v.7iIrdetermine the abilities of the paint. In most paints the
binder is a plastic based organic material. However some binders are inorganic e.g. silicates and
The binder determines how the-paint dries or cures:
Physical drying paints
(evaporation of the solvents)
Chlorinated rubber
Coal tar

Oxidative drying paints

(a reaction between the binder and the oxygen in the air)
Alkyd paints
Linseed oil paints
Ept )..ty esters

Chemical curing paints

Epoxy paints
Epoxy tar

(two or more components react with each other)

It is important to note that a physical drying paint will dissolve in the same solvents as those used in
the paint. These kinds of paints usually provide good adhesion between the coats. The_solvent;
-- "mel"t tng:--thPr.
The resistance of this type of paint to solvents, gasoline and oils is poor.
However the chemical
curing paints are more resistant to these types of chemicals.
Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

nAfelles \kurs \frosto-

kursUrcisio.eng 409-00

Paints and paint systems

Paints on the basis of plastic dispersions such as latex paints are physical drying paints. However
the driedpaint will not be soluble in water.

The pigments provide the colour, the opacity of the paint and the gloss. Often they will also provi, L-some protection against ultra-violet radiation from the sun. Somc pigments are active corrosion
inhibiting which are often used in the prime's.
Opaque pigments:
Titanium dioxide
Compounds of calcium
Compounds of iron

- white
- red, yellow
- red, yellow

Corrosion inhibiting pigments:

Zinc chromate (rarely used nowadays)
Zinc phosphate
Red lead (rarely used nowadays)

Laminar pigments

Micaceous Iron Oxide (qc)

Aluminium flakes
Glass flakes

kafing'";-17\t, when the paint dries the flakes he parallel to the surface and
Laminar flakes have a (-77-17
. overlap,. forming. an excellent coating reducing water passage through the coating..
Usually the pigments will appear in the paint as a finely grained powder with a size somewhere
around I um. It is important that the pigments are cveniy distributed in the binder and that the
binder surrounds the pigments.
Not all pigments are corrosion inhibiting pigmcnts, some of them shall provide colon' iv the paint
and these are inorganic types.

O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Paints and paint sysicrns

Inspection of protective coatings


Extenders et.
fillers, are minerals used as finely grained powders in the paint. They shall provide the
paint with more body" without breaking down the rorierties_aLthe rim. They are ottn white or
gray, but will usually not provide any hiding power.
The appearance of a paint will oftt-abe ,ete *n.
1 and extenders. If the
concentration of these by volume high - the surface of the paint will be matt.
Oxides, mainly silicas
Calcium carbonates (chalk)
= Aluminium silicates (china clay, mica)
Magnesium silicates .,z11
Solvents in the paints is something that shall be avoided, but the binders often have certain
properties that makes it necessary to use solvents. The solvents dissolve the binder so that the paint
gets the correct application properties.
- Some of the binders are solids and others can be very viscose; in both instances solvents will be

white sp;;;;
methyl-ethyl-ketone (MEK)

The solvent must match the binder. Not all solvents will dissolve every binder. There are many
thins that have
considered from the_naan-ufarAujut_of vi
e_w_Arhen.-cliQ.Q.,sirlg. thesolvents
- laint. For example the solvents ability to dissolve the binder and the evaporation speed of ihe
solvents. It is important that the applicator uses the correct thinner for the paint. The tiiiimer is
. often, but not always a mixture of solvents.
visi..:outy91the paint.

thr hinder

The-thinner.n.Feaigetl-to-reduce the

Some of the solvents are true solvents, meaning they will dissolve the binder completely while a
latent solvent (diluent) will not fully dissolve the binder alone.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
roreiles \kursltrosio-kurs frosio.eng%09-00

Paints and paint systems

Definitions according to ISO 4618 ; Vocabulary - Part 1: General terms




A liquid, single or blended, volatile under normal drying conditions, and in

which the binder is completely soluble
A volatile liquid, single or blended, which, while not a solvent for the nonvolatile constituents of a paint or varnish, ma_ybe used in conjuction with the
solvent withoutsausing .artysieletericals--affe.cts
A volatile liquid. single or blended, added to a product to lower the. viscosity

Armit;ves can be of different kinds and types and meant for different purposes.
Siccatives or driers are used in oxidative drying paints like alkyds or oil paint to accelerate the
drying process. These are combinations of cobalt, manganese, calcium, zirconium and Catty acids.
They influence the absorption of oxygen in the paint film.
Other catalysts influence the curing speed and are used in other types of paints e.g. polyesters.

O Teknologisk Institutt
National institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Paints and paint systems

Paints can be divided into three groups according to their drying or curing mechanism; e.g.
physical drying paints
oxidative drying paints
chemical curing paints.

Physical drying paints

The drying process of this type of paint consists exclusively of the evaporation of solvents / diluents
and thinners. Most of the solvents are very volatile making the
process quick.
Typical for-the physical drying paints is that the dry coat will redissolve in the original solvent.
Whstapplylg itseciand-cuarthEris-t coat will soften -a-rid-to:Sointexterzidiss.olyeand the two
-.coats will be mixed. A too thick second coat can cause sags. The mixing of the coats m-ik-clt
difficult if not impossible to measure the wet film thickness of the second coat.
Physical drying paints can be appiiedat_Lnlyteraper.aturg_s_belnwzeisk The substrate must be dry
and free from ice. At lower temperatures the evaporation of the solvents will proceed at a slower
Physical drying paints
Evaporation of solvents

0 0
00 0 0 00 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 Qt
0 0 0 0 000 0 0
0 00
0 (-0 0 0 0 00 0 0
No 0 0 0

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n.lielles\kurslfrosi o-kurs\frosio.eng\09-00

Paints and paint sysEerns


-VU 1111 ,

Oxidative drying paints

The drying of these paints involves a chemical reaction involving oxygen from the atmosphere.
Again the solvents need to evaporate after application, but the final drying is a result of a reaction
between the binder and the omen in the_ar.
Oxidative drying paints
Evaporation of.solvents

Oxygen:: .1
1 Er-1-1

Typical for the oxidatived rin.g paint_s_ase...that_the_y_are. _componenqaints. When these paints have dried they will not be dissolved by the original solvent. However stronger solvents can cause
problems such as lifting of the oxidative drying paint. New and older oxidative drying paints such
as alkyds may lift when physical drying or chemical curing paints with strong solvents are applied.
The underlying coat will not be dissolved but the adhesion to the substrate or previous coats will
The drying process of oxidatively drying paints will proceed at a slower rate at lower temperatures.
Some of these paints may be applied down to +5 C or maybe down to 0 C.

Chemical cuting paints

The drying of those paints involves a chemical reaction between the binder (base) and a hardener
curing agent). Before use, the.base and the curing agent must he mixed and a chemical reaction
takes place. It is of great importance that the two components are mixed in the correct ratio :lipplicd
of the components should take place shortly before application
by tile inanufacturer. The
starts. The curing mi_int involving both the chomical reaction between the components and_
solvent starts immediately after mixing. Due to this the paint ,-4111 be used only
evaporation Ttg
for a cortain penodrA'timeTcsfre-nigateaTO as potlife. When the temperature increases the potlife
Paints and paint systems
c Tekuutogisk Institut?.
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion: Protection and Analysis

Inspection of protective coatings

Typical for the chemical curing. paints are that they are two component (2-pack) paints, or even
three pack paints. Whcn these paints have cured they form a netv.-ork so dense that they will not be
dissolved by the original solvent.
The drying process of chemical curing paints will proceed at a slower rate at lower temperatures.
Without any special formulations epoxy paints can be applied down to + 10 r' and polvurethancs
down to 0 SC. When using special curing agents these paints may be applied below 0 C.
C hem ical curing paints

B ,

Evaporation of soIvents

Different types of paint

Prefabrication primers
Prefabrication primers or shop primers are primers applied at the plant which are intended to protect
the steel against corrosion during the assembly of the construction.
The prefabrication primers are applied immediately after heating and blast-cleaning of the surface.
The thickness of these coatings shall be low, preferably between 15 - 18 um. The thickness is
LIT4' UP-t-sclas.nat-to reduce-the-siaeed olgutting.-anddin_during_42Loduction.
The prefabrication primers are intended to provide the steel with sufficient protection outdoors
during construction - depending on the type and the environment the shop primers will last for
maybe 6 - 12 months before rust appears.
Depending on the areas of use, the prefabrication primer may or may not be removed prior to
application of the paint system. In the building business, the shop primer is commonly not removed
prior to application of the paint system. In the slii21.w1
1doffictrebbsinesand to .a,c..e.r_tairl extend in
tanks and submersed areas, the steel,w,ill befeblastectansi_pyimed before applieation.. with the paint
Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis,
nlelleaurs \frosio4curs\frosio.eng \09-00

Paints arid paint systeris

JLl 1V 11V V a1V AS

VA S., -

r rb,

Iron oxide shop primers

The most common types of iron-oxide shop primers are based on ps-Avviall/14.aa.2....Vla) jaLepox.y.
The colours are often yellow or red.
Areas of us.c.'
These types of shop primers will normally offer protection to steel for about 6 months. The
application is done automatically in the plant and the steel can be handled within minutes after the

Zinc-rich shop primers

The zinc-rich shopprimers are based onepoxyj or ethylsilicate binders. The colour of these types of
paint is grayish.
These shop primers are also applied in low thickness of about 15 - 20 p.m. These types of shop
primers are preferred to iron-oxide primers because thnlastigager-and-tolerate_areater_meehanical
sizengt.h_However some of them may cause problems when welding and the welders may get zinc
_fever with SYnaptorns_ similar to intlumz:Land is caused by the inhalation of zinc- clamps.

Teknoiogisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Paints and paint system s


Inspection of protective coatings

Etching primers

Etching primers are somewhat related to shop primers but are intended for special purposes. Earlier
they were used directly on steel, but nowadays they are commonly used on degreased surfaces or
zinc and aluminium.
Etching primers are two pack primers. Th
II ms the binde butyralardt
-i Ile.
cur- 'gent is an alcohol solution_with_phosnhoric_aricl_The maximum film thickness is very low.
and should not exceed 10 Jim and is impossible to measure on site. If a thicker film than 10 p.m is
applied, not all of the ptosphoric acid will be used, and this thin layer will create adhesion
problems later on:


Teknolonisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Paints and paint systems

i1lJ~l~.V 11V 11




Zinc-rich paints

Organic zinc rich paints

The most commonly used types nowadays are based on epoxy binders. However other types of
binder have been or are used such as polyurethane, vinyl and chlorinated rubber. In order to avoid
the creation of zinc soaps it is important that the paints are alkali resistant.
achieve some kind of cathodic
The e oxv lo
protection using zincepp_x,y:paints. the 1.-notint. km zinc in the paints have to be high. There ha:: to be
direct contact -between the zinc dust particles and the steel substrate to achieve this effect. ,
yards are using 7inr ep4x-y-ppimers, beGause_ol.hcurina elated
In the off-s
problems of zinc ethylsilicate primers. The curing of the zinc epoxy primers is simpler and the
syuezt.6f.Pioduction increases.

Zinc ethylsilicate primers

The zinc ethylsilicate primers are also two pack primers. One container containing the zinc dust is
mixed with the binder before use. Unlike the zinc epoxy paints, the binder (ethylsilicate) is
onductive,and the paint will provide the steel with sufficient cathodic protectiortfor a long time..
l abrasive resistance. It is still common to use ethylsilicate paints
esel:raints also providegooc
with or without topcoats.
Unlike most other paints the curing mechanism is very special for the zinc ethylsilicate paints. 1jqt
should be
need both a certain temperature t_o_cur_e_cplickLyrld hig_h relative humidly. The
supplied within a few hours after application of the primer. The absolute best way of curing the
primer is using steam - hot humid air. Tests that have been carried out worldwide have shown
problems related to the curing of zinc ethylsilicate primers. You will maybe be familiar with
problems like splittin2 of the zinc ethylsilicate_primers atlow_tensile strennths,.This.cari.h,improper curing_7the.primer.

The situation today has become better, now we have different methods for measuring, the curig-6r
these primers. The common way is to use the standardised American test ASTN1D 4752 -the MEK
real. This test method will be thoroughly described later on, but uses the solvent methyl ethyl ----ketone to determine the degree of cure for the paint.
If damages occur down to the steel the zinc will provide sufficient cathodic protection to the steel.
Common paint systems applied onto zinc ethylsilicate primers are epoxy and vinyl.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Faints and paint systems

itispeutiun 01 protective coatings

This type of paint must not be mixed up with epoxy paints. The epoxyesters are related to the
alkyds and dry by a reaction with the oxygen in the air. They are one component paints.
Areas of use

They are quick drying paints and somewhat harder than alkyds. The application can be done using
airless spraying, roller or brush.

Chlorinated rubber

Chlorinated rubber is a whitish powder produced either synthetically, or as a reaction between

natural rubber and chlorine. Chlorinated rubbers are used as binders in paints and are dissolved in
aromatic hydrocarbons such as ketones and chlorinated hydrocarbons.
The chlorinated rubbers dry by evaporation of the solvents, no chemical reactions take place during
the drying process. The paint redissolves when a new coat is applied.
The paints may be pigmented .s.,ith aluminium flakes, these flakes form bricks in the paint and
makes the paint more resistant.
Areas of use

7. )fi

f N. k




Chlorinated rubber Onts are widely used in chemical, marine and other environments. The paints .
resistance toward solvents is poor, so is its resistance to vegetable and animal oils, while its
resistance to acid's and alkalis is better. The chlorinated rubber paints are so-called thermoplastics,.
i.e. they beconr soft at higher temperatures and get harder at Iowa temperatures: The paints will ,..Teinp
t eratures up too approximately + 60 C, at higher temperatures there is a risi that the .
pairilldsc(,i]apese--andsreate hydrochloric acid.
The gloss retention is poor and they have a tendency to yellow in sunlight. To inprove the outdoor
durability they final coat will often he a vinyl acryl.

The vinyl paints are closely related to the chlorinated rubber paints and dry only by evaporation of
the solvents. The binder p;,.;duced synthetically and is dissolved in aromatic hydrocarbons such
as ketones. The vinyl paints will redissolve and are somewhat more resistant towards solvents than
chlorinated rubber paints, but will be attacked by stronger solvents such as xylene and ketones. The
percentage of solids in these paints is low and commonly not higher than 30 - 35 %. This causes the
need for more than one application to build the film in the correct film thickness. Due to the `IOC
(volatile organic compound) content reduction in many countries, both the chlorinated rubber paints
and the vinyl paints will be banned from the marked in the year 2000.
Areas of use
Teknologisk :nstiturt
Naticnat Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Paints and paint systems

ut pi Mel:LIVC


The vinyl paints are widely used for many industrial operations. Their resistance towards organic
acids and alkalis is good. They also have good resistance tuwards water oil, alcohol etc. Previously
the Vinyls were much in use on the platforms over zincsilicate primers, but nowadays epoxy /
polyurethane dominates.
The paints will withstand temperatures up too approximately + 60 C, at higher temperatures there
is a risk that the paint will decompose and create hydrochloric acid.
The gloss retention is poor and they have a tendency to yellow in sunlir.tht. To improve the outdoor
durability they final coat will often be acylics or vinyl acrylics.
The paint.s high contents of solvents can cause problems in windy weather, the result of this may be
solvent retention and pinholes in the paint.
For use underwater it is still common to use vinyl tar paints. The addition of the tar to the vinyl
paints will better the water resistance and the paint can be applied on a poorer prepared surface.

The acrylic paints are closely rel d to the previous mentioned physical drying paints. The binder
is produced synthi...tically and is eliss
anicsoLvertts-suchasketones. Their major
drawback , high VOCs
Areas of use
The acrylic paints are widely used for many industrial operations. The durable films have good
water ands general chemical reistance (especially to acids and alkalis). However being
thermoplastic, the paint has poor solvent and heat resistance. They have a low film thickness, and
must be applied in multiple coats.
- are easy to top coat and repair and have good gloss retention:

Bitumen paints
Bitumen paints also dry solely by evaporation of the solvents. These pai los are normally brown or
black, and due to the colour they are commonly used tor application of underwater parts. The paints
are not very suitable for outdoor exposure and will chalk.
Areas of use
Bitumen paints are well known paints and are still widely used for underwater parts. They have
been extensively used in ballast tanks for many years, but arc now on their way out.

Teknologisk Institut;
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Paints and paint systems


Inspection ot protective coatings

The paint stay relatively soft and problems related to recoating using a harder paint will he
- ,. -t 7-ri'cracking, and also depending on the colour, bleadin.
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Epoxy paints



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Epoxy paints create a very hard and tough paint film, and these paints are resistant to many
envirorunents. Pufc epoxy paints are commonly divided into solvent free (coatings), solventborne
or waterborne paints. The base component in thc epoxy coating consists of epoxy molecules with
1 p
,i ,
varying length.
ck,-(. L., -,..J-,,,
) 1,,i, 4.,.)...4 .1, it
1 0
The solventfree types are often low molecular epoxies with a short molecular length. These types
can cause eczema.
._______ .... ..........._____7--The solventborne epoxies are often Ig--h m
-Ths;and have longer molecular lengths.
These types of ePoxies will contain strong sorvents.".
Many different kinds of hardeners or curing agents can be used in epoxy paints. The most common
ones are:

Polyamines , 0..?;

The different curing agents will provide the paint with different properties.
Polyamines will givc the coating allard and tough filrn that have high acid and alkali resistance.
They are very volatile 2 71d reactive i.e. they have a short pot life and cure time. They react with
in the air to form an amine carbamatc. commonly referred to as
"amine blushing". These whitish products musthe removed before recoating as well as certain
biproducts on the surface that might be a little "tacky", often referred to as "amine sweating'.
They should be removed tising either solvents or luke warm fresh water. To some extend this can
be dealt with usinz a polyamine;ct curing agent.
Polyamides are somewhat easier to work with than il:e polyarnines. They have a reasonable potlife
and a mix ratio tolerance. The base and the curing agent need some inalctie-n-ti4-14-e prior to use.
Also these coatings have a higher viscosity-.

poiyurAtine. coatings. They react' fairly fast,

Polyisocyanates are used in both the epoxy
resulting in
pm ttle-5.rTZfraTt ctiring.)The cured film has good flexibility and barrier
protection properties. The isocyanate reacts with water, so paint using these curing agents are
sensible to water.
Areas of use
TeknoIQT;lsk Institutt
Notional institute of Technology, Norway
Depanment Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:i.enesUturs\ilusio-kursUrosio eng'109-GO

Paints and paint systems

ill c uui1of

protective coatings

Epoxy paints are widely in use both off-shore, onshore and at chemical plants - they will give good
protection in aggressive environments for a long time. Epoxy paints will withstand most solvents as
well as acids and alkain.:.
Outdoor exposure will cause chalking and it is often common to apply a final coat of a paint that
will withstand sunlight for a long time e.g.
The paint is usually applied either by airless spraying, roller or brush. It is important that the paints
pot-life is kept in mind if more than one coat is to be applied (there is n maximum recoating
interval). If the recoating interval is exceeded [lie surface needs to be roughened prior to application
of the next coat. The equipment used for this will of course vary and depend on the construction. it
can be done using SCOTCH-BRITE pads or blast-cleaning at low pressures.
When the paint is applied by airless spraying it is very important that all equipment is cleaned
before the work is c;-;shed. If this is not done there is always the danger that the paint might cure
within the hoses and the pump.

Coaltar epoxy and/or epoxytar coatinas

Coaltar epoxy or epoxytar paints are two pack paints modified with coaltar. The use of tar gives the
paint certain benefits:
. Good flexibility
Good water resistance
This kind of paint will also benefit from the epoxy which provides the paint with a good resistance
against chemicals and solvents. The epoxytar paints do not contain any corrosion preventing
pigments and will protect the steel only by barrier protection.

Areas of use
Coaltar epoxy paints are often used on submerged details at.sea and also for the protection of
ballasttanks. The paints are highly resistant to both acids and alkalis. The curing agents used in the
coaltar epoxy paints will vary, and are more or less the same .as for pure epoxies.

Coaltar epoxy paints are sensible to sunlight and will chalk and become brittle. The most common
colours are brown and black although certain bleached types are available in lighter colours.
Recoating epoxytar paints with lighter colours will cause bleeding. The tar component in the paint
will diffuse into the next coats and cause discolouration to some extend.
Application is usually done using airless spraying. There is a maximum recoating interval.
Recoating should be done within the timelimit given in the data sheets. if.1111-ecoating, interval is
exceeded the surface should be roughened before recoating.

O Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:Velles Nkurs\frosio-kurs \frosio.eng109-00

Faints and


z!.-.-.t; (IV c coatings

Epoxy- and pc!yurethanemastic paints

Fpoxymatic and.p.i.y.urethanemastics_are two pacl: paints with a high_Rercentago.ralsolids. The

. The products are "fairly" new and many of
percentage of solids will often be as high as 85 - 01570`
the products are mastics with alurnini,"-n pigments or micaceous iron oxidt.. Both these are laminar
pigments reducing the transportation of oxygen and moisture through the coming.
Areas of use
The mastics were previously called "rust tolerani paints". indicaring_shat
not require
r ma tter It should however be noted that mastics should not be
removal of all rust and other foreigi
applied onto surfaces with thick rustl:Iyers or grease and fat. The paints will give the best
Performance over steels that to some extzrid have beet: cleaned and are free form water soluble
contaminants such as chlorides.

Solvent free epoxy paint

Using a solventfree epoxy paint it is possible to apply the paints in higher dry film thickness. Also
certain recoating intervals must be kept.
Areas of use
The solventfrcc epoxy paints are used for many purposes. Some are used in freshwater tanks.
Special types have been used in tanks as tank coatings. In general they contain little or no
flammable solvents, thus reducing the fire and health hazards.
Also special products fn.:: used for underwater repair. These coatings must have very good abilities
inAisplacing water.

Polyester glassflake paints

. -\
Unsaturated polyester will dissolve in stone solvents likc(ler.ei)c. When an accelerator is added
(peroxide) the coating cures quickly. These types of paints or coatingsare often reinforced using
These types of coatines will usually have smallei amounts of wax added to reduce oxygen curine of

the surface and reduce evaporation of thc solvent from thepsit.
Usually coatings like this one are applied in 1 x 1000 - 1500 jam, but kionietimes more coats are
applied. Adhesion related problems have occuired betweej,"..ts_that might be caused by
f wax on the surface. 1 he recoating interval is very short for this type of paint, min. 3 hours and
max. 12 tours at a temperature of 23 C. If the recoating interval is exceeded the surface must be
washed with thinner.
TeknologIsk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrcsion Protection and Analysis
nnfelles \kurs:frosio-kurs Nfrosio.engk.09-00

Paints and paint systems

Inspection of p;. c;tective coatings

Areas of use
The use of reinforced polyesters is often connected with the production :A smaller vessels. But in
connection to corrosion protection these coatings are often used under very tough conditions. The
protection offered by polyesters reinforced with glassflakes is purely barrier protection.

The solvents in this type of paint are strong and a chemical process takes place -c/hen the 3
components are mixed. An exothermic reaction starts, which creates much heat. The reaction can
become so violent that the paint tin will catch fire.
Application is done using special designed pumps with larae hoses and nozzles. It common to use
nozzles with an opening of 0.040 -0.050 inches.

Silicone paints
Silicon paints can often be regarded as paints with a combination of silica (glass) and organic
binders. The binder is often quite expensive and these paints arc often modified with other types of
The silicone-alkyd paints are usually highly resistant to weather, better than normal alkyds and
modified types. The heat resistance f&Aome of the silicone paints are uniape. Some of the paints
will withstand temperatures of 500 - 600 C for shorter periods of time. Other types of binders used
are silicone-acrylics and aluminium-silicone. The latter is often used for sealing thermal sprayed
aluminium coatings on steel.

Waterborne coatinos
There are a lot of corrosion protective coatings available using different types of binders. The
greatest group is the ....tei
)orne -dispersions of acrylic or a combination of acrylics and others.
The binders are dispersions, meaning that small droplets or spheres finely dispersed in the 17.-oter.
The spheres are
The use of waterborne coatings will increase due to
different environmental issues all over the world. The amounts of solvent must be reduced. The
VOC demands are met by higher percentage of solids in the paints or by using waterborne coatings.
The use of waterborne coatings is not completely, free from prohjerns There are still sorne._salvents
in rnai
unng spraying a lot of dust will be_created and the need forprotection_is
still rev-rtSome the waterborne coatings are based on epoxy resins and will still cause eczema to many

Teknologisk institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Paints and paint systems

Inspection o/ pfotective coatings

Areas of use
On blast-cleaned steel these kinds of paints can be used with a good result both indoors and
outdoors in mild to aggressive environment in the atmosphere. These pcsolib are not recommended
for use in submerged areas or in areas with a high risk of condensation.
The paint will normally be applied with a primer containing corrosion preventing pigments ,snd one
or more topcoats. The final coat can be acrylics depending on areas of use.
The important aspect when waterborne coatings are used is the.cill7
la /e humidity of the air At
higher relative humidities the evaporation rate of the solvoni ;water) will be reduced and this can
cause problems such as flashrustiog, which will lead to staining of the paint. Small red or brown
spots appear in the film. Due to the fact that the solvent is water there is also a lower temperature
limit for application, but usually not less than +5 C.

Coatings for concrete

Coating concrete
Although concrete may be a strong and hard substrate, it will also deteriorate. This will happen
since it is a porous substrate. Chemicals and water can penetrate through the pores and attack the
concrete. Water can freeze and will expand when the temperature drops, causing delamination.
In some cases it might be justifiable to paint the concrete. When coated the concrete will be
protected from chemicals, and the Paint might also improve its appearance and ease maintenance.
Unlike the paints, used on steel, protective coatings for concrete do not in most cases contain
inhibitive or sacrificial pigments to provide protection. Typical paints for concrete those providing
Paints for concrete should have a high barrier effect against permeation of carbon dioxid.; other
acidic gases and against chlorides. Since the concrete contains bonded water some of this is also
released. If the water is trapped between the paint and the concrete it will form blisters. So under
some conditions it might be wise to select paint with a higher permeability, for the intended use of
the coated concrete.
There arc many different barrier paints that can be used, including epoxies, vinyls, polyesters and
polyurethanes. One important property of barrier paints is rerineac:tztv. ll he ro-mnnbility of paints
offering barrier protection depends on its moisture vapour transmission (NWT) rate. The lower the
permeability of the paint, the more protective the paint is.

O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:Velles \kursVrosio-kurs\frosio.eng\09-00

Paints and paint sysierns

inspection of protective coatings

It is also important, due to the fact that concrete has a high alkalinity, that the paint is alkali
resistant. If alkyds are used on concrcte the binder alkyd binder will saponify.

Teknoloyisk Institute
National Institute of Technoiogy, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Paints and paint systems

Paints and paint systems

Requirements for paints

can be appiiea under specific conditions
dry within a specified time limit
provide a dryfilrn with suitable properties
provide the necessary decorative requirements
wets the surface so that the dry film adheres to
the substrate

The dry film must have properties

which include

durability in particular service environment

F. viection of steel from corrosion for a suitable period of

formation of a film that adheres to the surface

physical properties capable of resisting impact and

mechanical damage

low permeability to moisture. oxyaen and corrosive ions

e.g. sulphur dioxide. sea Felts


What docs a paint consist of ?



Composition of a paint

Forms the film

B in der types:

Contributes mainly to the

durability of the palct
Provides4alhesion and
Determines the adhe
qualities of the film

Chlorinated rubber


Pigment types:

Provides the color and

opacity to the dry film

Iron-oxides (yellow/red)
Titaniumdioxide (white)

harenevs and abrasion
Retiu,ds permeability
in general inert to UVlight

:Zrri6dOvt (greip

Corrosion preventing pigments

Micaceous iTs.n oxide (MI0)
Aluminium flakes
iron oxides
- Zinc dust
ed leid"

The gloss of a paint depends on tho Pigment

Volume Concentration (PVC)


%.* A A
'3 14



ila \L

A-'t 5:4 .!

Anti corrosive pigments

- Micaceous iron oxide (MI0)
Lamellar formed pigment (overlapping)
increased durability to vie paint
reduced permeability
increased tensile strength




Anti corrosive pigments

Aluminium flakes
Lamellar formed pigment (overlapping)
leafing pigments flow to the surface
non - leafing pigments are evenly distributed in the film

Leafing aluminum pigments

Non leafing aluminum pigment


Anti corrosive pigments


- Zinc dust

Spherical pigments
binder may be zinc-epoxy (gfcle to particle contact)
- binder may be ethylsilicate (cnndlc_i





Anti corrosive pigments

Zinc. phosphate
white pigment
increased durability to the paint
ohohhatr: plinth

- siktalJagments.
Insoluble in the binder
Little c; no opacity or
colorinijunVion.- Oft-en added as a form of',
cheap pigment, but
generally used to mogity
e paint properties

Extender types:
Silicas (SiO2)
- quartz
- aluminium silicates (clona,
clay. bentonite)

- balam and calsive sulphate

- calcium carbonate


Solvent is used to reduce

viscosity to a level of
u:table application

Solvents :

It evaporates con pletely

and plays no part in the
dry film


Viscosity modifiers
Arta f---am agents
Anti-skin agents
Thickening agents

The paint films protect in three ways:

barrier protection
alkyds, chlorinated rubber, vinyls, epoxy,
polyurethane etc.
inhibitive or passivation protection
zinc-phosphate, red lead
cathodic protection
zinc-ethylsilicate, zinc-epoxy

Llarrier protection
AlKYZIS, bitumen, epoxy, chlorinated rubber,

r Low water ;err:mobilityea

Wocd adhesion between primer and steel

n surfer, frTe----4
4 is
Midr -t

Inhibitive protection
.ncphosphate paints, red leze. paints.
Moistuce absorption in Inc paint wets the primer)


the surrac

Primer with inhibitor


Cathodic protection
Zinc-ethylsilicate paints

Damage in

the point down to steel

Zinc sacrifices instead of steel

Lithe spreading of rust

beneath the paint

inapanic zinc primer


The duties of a paint system ?

Primer cr.,:
- SilririiY good adhesion to the stcei surface
Intzrmediate- increase the filmthickness and assure good

adhesion of the topcoat

Top coat- with and weather And give the &a:red coior

and gloss

Methods of drying/curing

Evaporation of the solvent, physical drying

(e.g. chlorinated ronhe.r, vinyl copolyitm.., acrylics

Convemnn vt the binder by chemical ;".capes mainly
involving oxidation
(e.g. oil, alkyd)
Conversion by A chemically reaction brought about by
using a cunng agent
(e.g. twol,ack epoxies and polyurethanes )

physical drying paints
Evaporation of solvents



Oxidative drying paints

Evaporation of solvents



Chemical curing paints

Evapuiation of solvents


I Epoxyj

A and B read with each oths.c.

Classification of paints
Osidutive drying

t PnySiCal drying

trl. "^- d rubbery

E N'iny!




Drying method of paint=



Oil based

Cillcrinated rubbe:
Vinyl copolymers

Chemical curing


iron oxide



- Epoxy


- 15 - microns

- 10 - 15 micron
- Low zinc 20 microns


Zinc-epoxy paints.

Short drying tirrie,

- Good adhesion
- High mech. strength

- Temperature dependant
(410 2C)
- DFT (10-20 am) as
- OFT 50 pm as primers
- Not resistant to acids or

Organic zinc-rich paint

To provide
05,-tide to particle
....c.c.iL. it act is necessa




No contact between
cit..s. (Zinc)

Particle to particle
contact (Zinc)

Zinc-ethylsilicate paints
- Disadvantages

Good solvent

Minisurtace prep Sa 21/2

Good heat resistance

Tamperature dependant

Good meth. strength

Above appos. 100 pm


Good paintability

Cures at high RH

Min. surface profile


- Inorganic zincrich paint



- .;72:L


- Air drying paint
- Easy to apply
- 1-pack paint


- Wets surface well

- Good weathcr

- Fair add resistance

- Poor alkali resistance
- Mod. water resistance
- Poor solvent
- Difficult to recoat
aikyds with other
coatings (lifting)

Chlorinated rubber paints

- Physical drying

- Disadvantages
-_Poor solvent
- Temperature independent
. resistance
- Good water resistance
- Low % solids
- Easy to recoat
- majy.
-1 _coats-

,7=-Thermoplastic paint
;,. (sohens/hardens) -

-Out of produciiun from

the year 2000 due to
VOC demands -1,..\ 1:"1

Acrylic paints
- Physical drying
- Temperature independent
- Good water resistance
- Good chemical resistance
- Good weather resistance
- Easy to recoat

- High in VOCs
- Poor solvent resistapie
Low film buiL4

7 The
plastic paint

- Replaces CR + Vinyls


Vinyl paints

Physical drying

Low volume of solids

^rd chemical resistance

Good weather resistance

Temperature independent
Good water resistance

Low resistance to
strong solvents
- Out of production from
ti year 2000 due to
VOC demands

Vinyl tar paints (Modified)

- Disadvantages


Bleeds if recoated

Cood water resistance

Good waning
Rapid drying

Epoxy paints

- Advantages


Temperature dependant

Good adhesive properties

Min.surtace prep Sa 2

Good water resistance

Min.and max. iet-oating


metiit. strength

Difficult to recoat


Epoxy-tar paints
- Advantages


- 1-;axible

- Dark color

- Good water resistance

- Better waffin tan
pure epoxy

- Temperature
dependant (+10
- Difficult to reccat
- Carcinogenic

r P.

Epoxy mastic paints



- Good water resistance

- Good chemical resistance

dependant (+ 10 C)

- High content of solids

- Good solvent resistance
- .47,:crcuring types

Min./ max. curing time

Tendency to chalk
Amine swe

Epoxymastic with flaked pigments

Aiuminiumpigments, glassflakes, MIO
Flaked pigments


TT:ALamellar and non-lamellar pigments and the

diffusion of moisture through paint films
Bird r

Water Ivaociuil


Metal surf..o


Round, angular.

Curing agents for epoxies

Common epoxy coatings
Polyamines and amineadducts
Solventfree coatings
Tank coatings
- f cyanate
Low temperature curing

Epoxy - polyamides
Similar volume of
--(mix less critical). '
- Longer .pOtae than
More flexible
Excellent alkali resistance

Slow curing at low
temperature (
below 5 C)
Poorer acid resistance
than polyamines

Lusa tendency to blushing



WI Epoxy - polyamines
- Excellent chemical and
corrosion resistance
- Good solvent resistance
- Excellent alkali resistance
- Good water resistance

- Chalks badly in sunlight
- Amine sweating in high
- Skin irritating


- More critical mixing

ratios than with

Epoxy -isocyanata.
- Low temperature
curing (down to 0 C
and below )

- - Short potlife (1.5 -2 h)
- Tendency to
erribrittlement upon

Important when using epoxy coatings

Mix the pant concc: ! use mechanical equipment to stir the paint
- or reaction time (induction time)
Correct surface preparation

- Correct filmihickness
Good ynntlation
Coring dependent of temperature
Avoid high re; diive humidity gunny curing

og max. overcoating
4.-uring time
Workmanship /eczema /




/I LC,/ 4

7. t)




Polyurethane paints
- 2-pack paint
- Difficult to menat
- Good chemical resistance
- Avoid skincontact
- Excellent weather resistance

- Chemical curing (to 0 C.)

- Good sclvcnt resistance

- lso-cyanate

Glassflake polyester coatings

- Cures quickly
Curing time can he variated
- Application by airless
- Good abrasive resistance
- Good water resistance
- Single coal (500 - 700 pin)

- Temperature
Elaltotlake 10 C
- Short potlife
- Recoating interval!
(max. 12 hours)

Aluminiumsilicone paints
- High temperature
resistance 600 C
-Mod. al.siiicone 400 C

- Low OFT ( 20 microns)



Waterborne acrylic paints



Physical drying paint

Poor solvent

Good weather

Dependant on RH
during drying and

- /7an be recreated with

irkle range of colours

Latex paints

The drying of latex paints involve only evaporation of


The solvent, KEP--e waier evaporates and the droplets 'melt'
together to a film.

e pain is no soluble in water. bkc is very sensitive to

water in the beginning.

4 n

-1t fJ C-1

ciLt- (1,






Permeability of a typical coating film

(100 pm to water vapour at 23 - 25C
mg/cm2 /day
Chlorinated rubber ;clea,film)
Chlorinated rubber (pigmented)
Epoxy resin
Polyurethane (clear film)
Polyester (clear film)
Epoxy/coal tar


Alkyd resin (pigmented)


1 8"

Opacity (hiding power)


Anti Fouling paints

If submerged parts or constructions are painted they will foul by micro- and microorganisms in the
fhei r are lots of different types of fouling, but they are often divided into major groups such as:

Grass or weeds
Shells and barnacles

The degree of fouling is dependent on the temperature of the water. In tropical waters fouling will
occur throughout the year, but in colder regions only during the summer period. The temperature of
the water and sunlight as well as salinity of the water affects the fouling.
In Order to prevent fouling on painted submerged steel it. is common to apply anti-fouling on top of
the final coat. The anti-fouling paints will release poisons so that the organisms will not adhere to
the surfr.ce.
The main toxics in the anti-foulings today are cuprous oxides and organometallic compounds such
as tributyl tin oxide (TBTO). However there are strict regulations in many countries whose aim is
to remove or ban use of TBTO containing foulings. Today these are banned for use on vessels less
than 25 meters in length.

. Teknoioaisk institutt
National Institute of Technolcgy, Norway
Department Corrosion Prdtczt:Ln and Analysis

Anti-fouling paints

Jospection of protective cc,atirigs

Conventional or soluble matrix anti-foulin2s
In the conventional anti-fouling paints, based on rosin (a naiural resin).
The binder. aFwell
w as the
poison is gradually dissolved in the water. These types of anti-fnuling are usually Called
conventional or classic anti-fouling paints.
After application there is a great risk of cracking of these anti-fouling so they should applied sh..
- rtly
before the ship is launched allowing for sufficient time to dry.
Conventional anti-fouling will often have a service life of 6 -12 months.
Long-life or contact anti-fouling
The binder in these types of anti-fouling is based on insoluble and semi-soluble binders. The insoluble part of the binder is often a resin of4.
11Thrinated - rubber or vinv.f. In seawater the toxic
part of the binder and the solublepart of the binder leaches out from the Piiint film leaving behind
skeleton of the insoluble part of the binder. The diffusion will finally be too low to achieve the antifouling properties and the paint will foul.
The service life of a 150 gm coat of this type of anti-fouling is about 16 -24 months.
Some years back special formulations were made called reactivable anti-foulings. These were
brushed under water so as to reactivate and expose fresh anti-fouling. The process had to be
repeated frequently, maybe once a year.

Self-polishing:, anti-fouling
This type of anti-fduling paint consists of high-build coatings based on o g metallic_paymers,
very often tributyltin acrylate copolymers. In seawater the organotin is released. The anti-fouling
paint gradually erodes giving protection against fouling and keeping the underwater hull smooth.
There is no matrix so the fresh toxic material is available at all times.
The release of toxic by this type of anti-fouling is quite linear and it is possible to achieve service
lives of maybe 3 - 5 years using a dry film thickness of 150 um.

Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:IfelleslIcurstfrosio-kurs frosio.eng11 0-00

Anti-fouling paints



pi ("tut-lays

cu lLtttf;3

The accumulation of paint every time a new coat i applied will give many layers and can give rise
to detachment. We often call.this kind of coating a'sandwich coating". Due to local removal of
paint in areas this causes a very uneven surface and increased roughness.

Extra drag in the sea due to roughness of the coatings system will increase fuel consumption of the

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection ano Analysis
nAfelles kurs'ircsio-kursTosio.eng1.1 0-00

Anti-fouling paints

Anti fou!!ng paints

ain types of antifoulings (AF


Conventional antifouling : , 7 t'l, P

err,. 0:1

r:t. `,(.

Longlife antifouling
Selfpolishing antifouling

Conventional antifouling



Cuprous uzicle

Binder aissolves in %eater and biocide is released.

May aiso contain small arnnunts of organotin
the time:


Also known as:

siblub!e matrj4 Tropic

flakng. tsi-e-b7NTaN
NOTE Dangerpf-erat;
be put quickr; M waier appro.. 5 hours)

: rf

Conventional antifouling
the binder and the biocid: are water soluble
is sensiiive to alkali ano should preferably not be
used in combinatiut% with "=thodic protection
they skould be applied shortly before launching of
1e shirt :irks of cracking


\r V


Conventional antifouling 2)

After several recuaih.u>

(t.rtu hula


Lc.,;-gilfe antifouling
Binder: .

+ small amount of

life time:

Cupiuus oxide up iv
12 - 24 months

Also known as:


cable ma fix),

+ forganotin)



protecuve coatings

In corrosion protection it is not recommended to roil on the primer coat directly onto the steel
construction. Generally quick drying paints like vinyls and chlorinated rubbers are not
recommended for rolling. Also heavy-duty coatings might be too viscose to apply by the use of a

Paint is applied 'by spraying in two ways:
Conventional spraying (low pressure)
Airless spraying

A. brief desci:ption of the two methods follows

Conventional spraying
When the paint is applied by the conventional method, compressed air is used to atomise and
transfer the paint onto, the steel substrate. This method is most corru-non y used when the surface
finish is very important, for instance on cars.
The paint is forced from a container (on top or under the gun) by compressed ai7. As the
passes through the nozzle, the paint is mixed with the air and atomised at pressures of abeittly _
The normal working distance will be 40 - 60 cm from and perpendicular to the.surface to be coated.
When spraying, it is not uncommon that the overlaps are about 50 %. During the application it is
important that the operator measures the wet film thickness and adjusts his speed accordingly.
Airless spraying
Using airless spraying equipment we also use compressed. air from a comeressor_This_air is
-through hoses to tEFair motor in the pump.


Inside the pump the air actuates the larger of two cylinders and applies pressure to thc smaller
cylinder which the pumps the paint under higher pressures. The pumps ratio is often defined as the
ratio of the square of the two cylinders.
These ratios vary from around 8:1 up to 60:1: The desired pressure just beyond the nozzle can be
calculated by multiplying the inlet air pressure with the ratio of the pump.
Using a 45: 1 pump and art
ssure of 4 bar, the approximately pressurejustbeyond the
nozzle will be 4X 45 =480 bars,.)

Teknologisk institutt
National institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Apl:cation of paints

Inspection Bt protective coatings

Paints are commonly delivered as barrels or tins from the paint manufacturer and can be regarded as
half-fabricates. The paint has to he applied by some method onto the substrate. To achieve this
several ways of application are possible:

Paintglove or paintmitt

Paintglove or-mitt
The use of paintgloves or paintmitts is sometimes necessary and should be used only in areas with
very difficult access. The paintglove is of made of lambskin and is then dipped in the paint and
applied on to the surfaCe.


Brushes are a good choice when the application is to be _done_on_areas that are_cliffie_ult_trizeach_b_y
other means of application and.over.weids,sdae_, corners ratholes etc.
The method is very time-consuming and therefore is expensive. The paint layers obtained by the _
use of brushing will vary greatly in thickness depending on the painter and the accessibility. The
normal thickness achieved by the use of brush will be in the order of 40 - 50 [mi. Some of the
corrosion protective paints can be applied by the use of brush, but some are very viscose and rapid
drying making the application difficult.
It is a generally believed that using a brush the paint can be worked into.pores,weldsetc_llow-eAier
app station of' the second coat of a physical drying paint will dissolve the first coat and the two
coats will be mixed.

Application by the use of rollers is possible on larger fiat surfaces that are impossible to spray for
some reason or other. Using the roller enables the operator to work faster and cover a larger area
during a period of time.
The appearance of the paint after it has been applied using a roller, will differ and depend upon the
"fur" of the roller and the length of the hairs. It_is_possible using a roller to cct small air bubbles
into the paint film.
Teknologisk Institutt .

Application cf paints

National Institute of Technology, Norway

Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


V1 111 Vtom. 1. 11 -
V a {.111g



Tie Coat
Top Coat
Touch Up
Wet Film Thickness

Teknologisk Institutt
Natinr=! Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Englisl: Terminology

inspection of protective coating_s.



Practical Spreading Rate
Priming Coat
Relative Humidity
Shelf Life
Sink-Rich Primer
Spark Test
Specific Gravity
Spray Angle
Spreading Rate
Siripe Coat
Surface Preparation

O Teknoiogisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nAfellesIkurarosio-kurs \frosio.eng111-00

Eng;;;i Terminolegy



Flash Point


Full Coat
Fully Cured
Hiding Power
High Build
Intermediate Coat Microns
Mist Coat
Mixing Ratio
Multi-Pack Product
Non-Skid / Non-Slip
Non-Volatile Matter
Physical Curing
Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

English Terminoiogy

inspection cm protective coatings



Cross Cut Test
Curing Agent ._
Dew Point
Dry Film Thickness
Dry To Handle
Dry To Recoat
Dry To Touch

Finishing Coat

Teknotogisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

English TerminOlogy




Airless Spray Pump
Anchor Pattern

Barrier Coat
Binder / Vehicle
Blast Cleaning
Chlorinated Rubber
Coal Tar

Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection ano Analysis
nMelles\kurs,frosio-kurs\frosio eng11I-CO

English Terminology

Development of antifoulicig


. Before 1650 Conventiuilai Rosin

1950-1960 Longlife AF



End of -60 Longlife A.F



Mid of-70 Selfpolishing TOT-copolym. Cu20 I wnal next ??
2000 ?


Biocide (Cul0) release rate comparison for AF

Conventional ..F

7Selfpolishing AF
Lonelife AF



- (VA

SelfpolishEng antifoulings
Restrictions in many ..:zunt:ies concerning the use of
TBT antifoulings
TBT mriifoulings muct not be acclicd tc vessels less than 25
rrietw s in length
TBT antifc.:f1ogs must have a biocide release rate of:
.1elS% than 4 uo TET/crn2IdayfUS. ELI, Austral1a,SAfrica)
f Bless than 4U isg cooper icaMday Canada



Selfpolishing antifouling
the organotin compounds dissolve in the water
the polymer is slightly soluble in seawater
slow erosion of the anti-fouling
always new biocide present
erosion of approximately 75 - 100 pm / yr i.e in a
thickness of 2-3 x 150 pm the anti-fouling will last
3 -5 years.

Selfeo!ishing antifou!ing


After several recoatings

(old hu 11

Selfpolishino antifouling

Longlife antifouling
ii.,:;.,;rider (CR or vinyl) is more or less insoluble
in water
the biocide and some rosin dizsolves in water and
loaves behind a porous layer
rnmate- the longlife antifoulings


Selfpolishing .7.11tifouVing
Copolymer of Or9a9imin
Biocide: ,im-butyltin4 cUiVOus biocides


ill...vs...sin addition biocides like Cu is used

the rest of the copoiymer is water solubic and is umm
di by friction
1.,117 F


Generally it is better to have a pump with a higher ratio tharyfequired, this will provide the required
liquid for the application.
However it is not necessary to have a higher pressuire than that sufficient to form a uniform pattern
A higher pressure will give no advantage. Insufficient pressure causer uneven paint thic,Isr_iiS..
(stripes, fingers). Correct pressure will give an even spray pattern
Since the paint is not mixed with air, there is little possibility that the paint can become
contaminated with oils or water. The production rates are high, maybe up to 250 - 300 m2 pr hour.
In order to achieve the correct spray pa'ttern, it is also important that the equipment is able to supply
the correct amount of paint, and if necessary, the nozzles must be changed and the viscosity
adjusted, either by heating or the use of thinners. If heating is used, it is important to note that the
pot-life of two pack paints will he shorter.
Problems related to airless spraying

Many of the paints used will_mquire-automaticalLv_stitting or agitation duringuplication. This is

primarily due to heavy pigments in the paint e.g....,zinc_pigruents. The speed of agitationis important
-se-as-notAL-cartse entrapmentoiair in the paint. Incorrect agitation speed can cause porosity in the

Nomograms for determination of paint output pr. minute

Using the diagram requires the atomising pressure just beyond the nozzle and the size of the nozzle.

the atomising pressure is determined by multiplying the inlet pressure on the pump by the pump
ratio ( e.g. inlet pressure 5 bar x pump ratio of 60: 1 = 300 bar)
the nozzle size can he read on the nozzle, e.g. 0.021"


enter the diagram at the bottom at 300 bar

drv a line along the 300 bar line
circle the intersection of the 300 bar line and the curve for the 0.021" nozzle
draw a line from the point of intersection and to the left in the diagram
the amount of paint out of the 0.021" nozzle is 2.6 litres pr. minute

Later on we will deal with the calculation of paint consumption. But here are some simple rules:

1 :1 : 1000
1: 10 : 100
1: 100: 10

1 liter of paint covers an area of 1m2 with a wet film thickness of 1000 urn.
1 liter of paint covers an area of 10m2 with a wet film thickness of 100 um.
1 liter of paint covers an area of 100m2 with a wet film thickness of 10 p.m.

Teknologisk institutt
National institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Application of paints

..E.2,prt:. Lion tit protective coatings

Nozzle size
-0,18 r 0,007


- 0,008

7- 0,10





1 0,15

EF 0,20


0,28 - 0,011

EE 0-,30

S o ..

0,012 '



0,36 4- 0,014

g2 0,50

.... 30


-....,..: 40


=4: 150
1, 0

-4-- 200

0,38 -0,015
E- 30C

0,41 - 0,016
0,43 - 0,017

--h 2,0

0,46 - 0,018

= 40(
'#z 50C

0,48 - 0,019

EE 3,0

0,51 --0,020
0,53 F 0,021
0,58 L 0,023
0,61 - 0,024
0,64 --0,025
0,71 r 0,028

A nozzle size of 0.013" will

0.44 litres/min atra
gm 5 ,
pressure of 60 bars



LT 20,0

Place the ruler at the correct nozzle size and

pressure. Read the capacity at the Iiioint of

1,02 --0,040

Teknoloaisk !nstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Application of paints

Inspection I protective coatings

'31k7 JANOMASTIC 39 Aluminium

Data sheet

Janonzastic 39 aluminium is a two-pack, rust-preventingi\

modified eparyPaint which can be used both as a primer
and as a top coat of steel. The paint is recommended for us-e7n
con. ctions onshore, off-shore and aboi-e and
under water on ships.
Physical data
Solids (volume)
Flashpoint (setaflash)
Viscosity, A+B unthinned

approx. 650 - 800 cP

Recommendation for use

Filmthickness / coat wet
Filmthickness / coat dry (max. pr.coat)
Theo. spreading rate for 100 pm DFT
Theo. spreading rate for 200 m DFT

115 - 300 pm
100 - 200 pm (400 pm)"
8.8 m= /liter
4.4 m= /liter

for drying at 23 C
Dry to touch
Dry to recoat
Fully cured
Application methods:

Guiding data for airless spraying equipment

Ilydraulic pressure:
Nozzle tip
Spray and;
Mixing of the paint
Mixing by volume
Mixing by weight
Potlife (23 C unthinned)
Potlite (23 C thinned)
Surface treatment



. 4C

Approx. 6 hours
Min. 20 h, max. 48 h
7 days
Brush, roller or airless spray; the paint must be thinned 10 % for
use in airless spray.

150 - 200 kg/cm =

0.023" - 0.030"
60 - 80
Thinner No. 600

5 parts A : 1 part B
100 parts A: 15 part B
Curing agent must be mixed well, use of agitator for 10 min.
approx. 1 1/2 hours
approx. 2 hours
Janomastic 39 aluminium will provide the best result a surface
blast-cleaned to Sa 2 V2. The product can also be applied onto
handtool or power-tool surfaces prepared to min. St 2
Applied onto a "rusty" surface it is recommended to apply a
"mist-coat". i.e. a coat thi n ned approx. 50 %. This will provide
good penetration .
Steel temp. min. 3 C abovee dewpoint and max. 85 % RH.
No application at ambient temp. less than +10 C

Teknologisk Institutt

National Institute of Technology, Norway

Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nAfell es1kurslfrosio-kurslfrosio.eng \ 1 2-00

Application of paints

Paint application


Methods of application

- Manual application
Glove / mit
- Spray application
Air spraying (Conventional)

Advantages I disadvantages Of brush application

- ReiaiivEyclean
Use in restricted areas
- Paint ran be worked into difficult areas
un poorly), p, pn red surfa____
- Time cvnsuming

7-L-1 Advntages I disadvantages o roller application

Good on large fiat surfaces

4 - 5 times quicker than the usP of brush
/Not tc. be used as methdd -fOf
Not to ba used for stripe-coating edges, corners;

Differences in spraying method

Air spraying
The paint is suction
or gravity fed to the
nozzle and atomized
by air.

Airless spraying
The paint has a high
pressure (up to 300
Is atomized by
forcing it through the
nozzle (tip)
No air is involved for
atomizing the paint

Pressure ratio

What is the outlet pressure when:

The inlet pressure on the pump is 5 bar
and the pump has a ratio of 63:1 ?
The inlet pressure on the pump is 4 bar
and the pump has a ratio of 45:1 ?


The pumps pressurc ratio
The pressure ratio of the pump indicates the
ratio ^f air piston area to the paint piston at ea.
Air piston area : paint piston area
Crteho 63-1

Ratio 45:7


126 cm2

2 cm2


Advantages I disadvantages of air spraying

Faster than roiier
and brush
Uniform thickness



High loss
coating corners,
hollows etc.


Advantages I disadvantages of airless spraying

High prod. raies
High intcosity
paints can be
LoWer loss of paint

Ovempra7 I Cry
- Rebounce coating
turners, hollows
Wornout nozzias
Skilled operators


Airless spraying
11 meter




Airless spraying

I Nozzle
0 ,l 03 meter


Inside corner

--C&) 5t



, e.g Ford Cup, LIN cup



of paints


Two components

Mixing of paint

Mixing of paint (two pack paints)

The mechanism of pinhole formation


Original onshore In first coat

Second spray coat

Pinhole reaction



Technical specifications
o c.
. -s' en
:ensure ra to
very cyc
ay. as very r min
,0 r
Free delivery lirmn
ON le
24 Its13 tv In
In In
DIN 24374
II ax. wor pressure
4-.v oar
v s ar
air pressure
: .
5 .ar
: a 2.5-1:1 oar ,.....s on.
Max air consumption

P .!p size
0.53(0.025) 1.09043) 1,07041) 0F1',0.025)
1 gun
0,74029) 0,74(D29)
2 guns
3 guns

t Technical specifications
Bulldog Bulldog King
1b corn 95 corn 25.5 con 195 ......
b., U Rr 12.b5 lir
1T, Ai itr
Max. Lamy eC; ... . i iia
49 Rr
Free ueiwery Iirr.... .:.1 49 Itr I 18. 5 lir
1 ;111=5.113=11 0 oe7"1
x. w 1:.
ne air pressure
ba r
, rna........ consumption
Max. tip size 1.4 (.060)
124(.049) 1.14(045)
r 1 gun
,13 guns
:rrery I cycle

10 21


Typical mistakes with airless painting





You might in your line of work as a "FROSIO inspector" r.,7ed to order a paint for a specific job. In
order to do this correctly there is certain information that is required.
The dry film thickness (DFT) of an applied coating can be determined by -calculation, if the percentage
by volume of solids (% solids) and the wet film thickness (WFT) are known. 'fhis information can be
obtained from the Manufacturers Published Product Data Sheets.
When calculating there will nff course be many different ways of doing this. Use the methods that you
are most familiar with and accept the formulas h&ow more as guidance.
.Many paint comp2nis might be using the "theoretical" and "practical" spreading rates in their
calculations. The spreading role is often defined as the coverage of paint onto a surface in a given dry
film thickness.
On a steel structure a WFT of 200 m is applied. The percentage by volume of solids for this paint is
60. Determine the DFT.
A percentage by volume of solids of 60, indicates that the other 40 % is solvents that are meant to
evaporate. If a NUT of 200 p.m is applied, 40 % of the WFT will evaporate and what is left is the DFT.
The DFT is equal to 120 p.m.
Formula 1:

DFT = WFTx % solids

106' ".1,

On a steel structure a DFT of 100 p.m is to be applied. The volume of solids for the paint
is 50. Determine the WFT.
The paint must be applied in a WITT of 200 p.m siace 50 % of the paint is soivc.-nts that will evaporate.

Formula 2:

WFI" = DF7'..x 100

% solids

Often the paint operator will have to adjust the viscosity of the paint by t'linning the paint. This of
course will affect both the necessary WFT and DFT of the paint.
O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Coating calculations

inspection of protective coatings

On a steel structure a DFT of 75 pm is to be applied. The percentage, by volume of solids for the paint
is 50 and tile paint has been thinned 20 OA. Determine the WFT.
1 f;'"V
The paint tusi applied in a WFT of 180 urn.
Formula 3:

WFT =DFT ( 100 + % thinning)

% solids

1 17
You could also have determined the percentage by volume of solids
after thinning the paint 20 %. To
do so the simplest way is to regard 1 1 of paint.
If 1 litre of paint is thinned 20 %, the volume of the paint
increase to 1.2 litres. The ratio of the old
percentage by volume of solids to the new volume of the paint, will give us the new percentage by
volume of solids.
New percentage by volume of solids =

Old percentage by volume of solids

New volume of paint
50 % =




DFT x 100 %
% solids

41.7 %

75 x 100

= 180 p.m

" What other information do we need in order to calculate the amount of paint that should be
- ordered for a job ?
In order to calculate the approximately amount of paint the following must be known or estimated.

the surface area of the construction

the appearance of the construction
the surface roughness of the structure
either the WFT or DFT
number of coats for each paint
the percentage by volume of solids for each paint

cAsr. 4:
The outside of s tank, a total area of 500 m 2
is to be painted. The following paint system is to be
applied hy airlcss:


Zinc epoxy
25 um
Epoxy High Build 100 p.m
Polyurethane topcoat
75 um

O Teknoiegisk !netitutl.
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
rElfelles1kurs frosio-kurs1frosio.eng113-00

% Solids
70 %
50 %
50 %

Coating calculations

Assuming there is no loss of paint during application, calculate the amount or paint that must be
Formula 4:

Quantity ofpaint in litres

Zinc epoxy

Epoxy High Build

Polyurethane topcoat

= Area (m2) x DFT

10 x % solids

500 m2 x 25 jim
10 x 70 %
500 rn2 x 100 um
10 x 50%
500 m2 x 75 p.m
10 x 50 %


18 litres

100 litres

75 litres

As in case 4 the outside of a tank, a total area..Sf 500 m2 is to be painted. The following paint system is
to be applied by airless spraying.


% Solids

Zinc epoxy
Epoxy High Build
Polyurethane topcoat .

25 p.m
100 um
75 pm

70 %
50 %
50 %

There is a loss of paint of 40 % during application. What amount of paint is to be ordered

When calculating with loss of paint during application it is important that this is calculated the correct way. If you have calculated the amount of paint needed to be i.e. 100 litres and the loss is 40 %, only
60 % of the paint actually is left on the construction after painting. The usage factor is 0.6. If the 30 %
loss is 30 % only 70 % of the paint stays on the steel and the usage factor is Q.7.
The correct amount of paint to be ordered must be:
167 litres
100 litres
100 litres x 100
Area (nr2) x DFT
Formula 5:
Litres of paint =
10 x % solids x usage. factor
The amount of paint to be ordered:
Zinc epoxy

Epoxy High Build

Polyurethane topcoat

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nAfelleskkurs1frosio-kuisVmsio.eng \13-00

500 m2 x 25 um
10 x 70 % x 0.6
500 m2 x 100 um
10 x 50 %x 0.6
500 m2 x 75 um
10 x 50 % x 0.6

.40 litres

167 litres

125 litres

Coating calculations



pi mcce..ive f..:oarings

Usually the coatings are applied onto a blast-cleaned surface. A surface roughness has been introduced
to the steel surface. The surface area of the
has steel now has increased and additional primer has
to be ordered. How much more paint depends on the surface roughness. The "dead volume" affects
only the primer coat of paint system.
Some of the paint manufacturers use certain formulas depending on the surface roughness.
Roughness determined
as a mean of TN', (pm)

"Dead volume"
(The amount of paint nccded to till up for the roughness (Um)



Formula 6:
"Total dead volume" =

Area (m) x "dead volume (1 /m2 ) x 100 %

% solids

As in case 4 the outside of a tank, a total area of 500 rir is to be painted. The f
ollowing primer is to be
applied by airless spraying.


Zinc epoxy

25 p.m

% Solids


Dead volume 1/m2(cc)

70 %

75 pm

0.05 (50 cc)

The extra amount of paint to be ordered:

Zinc epoxy

500 m 2 x 0.05 x 100 %


. 35.7 litres

The outside of a tank with a total area of 500 m 2
is to be painted. The fnllowing paint system is to be .
applied by airless spraying.


% Solids

Zinc epoxy
Epoxy High Build
Polyurethane topcoat

25 gm
100 pm

75 %

Calculate the theoretical spreading rate for each paint.

Teknotcgisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Coating calculations

lospection of protective coatnig

Formula 7: Theoretical spreading rate = % solids x .10
Zinc epoxy:

= 30 m2 pr. liter

75 x 10

50 x 10

= 5 m2 pr. liter

Polyurethane topcoat: 50 x 10

= 10 m2 pr. liter

Epoxy high


DFT = WFT x % solids

100 %
WFT = DFT x 100 4)/0
% solids


WFT =DFT x ( 100 + % thinning)

% solids


Litres of paint =


Litres of paint


Total dead volume" =


Theoretical spreading rate = '',/o solids x 10


; --'
\ \_..------....../-Area (m2) x DFT
10 x % solids x usage factor
Area (m2) x DFT
10 x % solids

Area (m2).x "dead volume (I /m= ) x 100 %

% solids

_ -r"'

, 1, L_I
^. L

P '

0 Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n: fellesUcurs1frosio-kurs1frosio.eng \ 1 3-00

Coating calculations

Coating calculations


wet film iiiickness in pm

dry film thickness in pm

Solids= percentage by volume of solids


= usage factor


= "Dead volume" in liters

= Quantity in liters

SP.R = Spreading rate

Formulas 1-3
Formula 1:

OFT = WFT r. % solids

00 %

Formula 2:


OFT x 100 %
% solids 3:

WFT = OFT x (100 % thinning)

% alids

Formula 4:


= Area x OFT

(no loss)

10 x % snlids

Formula 5:

0 = Area x OFT
10 x % solids x UF

Formula 6: 'Total dead volume= Area x DV x 100 %

Formula 7 - 9
Formula 7:

SP R = % solids x 10

Formula 8:

SP.R = 11000

Formula 9:



CASE 1: Determine the DFT

WFT is 200 urn

The %solids by volume is 60 %.


= WFT x % solids
100 %


= 200 x 60 % = 120 pm
100 %

;. 47 V

CASE 2: Determine the WFT

DFT is 100 pm.
The % solids by volume is 50 %.

DFT x 100

% solids

100 x 100 % = 200 pm

50 %

CASE 3 Determine the WFT

DFT is 75 pm, the %solids by volume is 50
The paint is thinned 20 %.
WFT = DFT x (100 + % thinning)
% solids
WFT = 75 x (100 + 20) = 180 prr.

PT --r

1. GF. 0

11:1 -r4t:

4 V. "v4: -)



CASE 3 Determine the WFT

New percentage of solids by volume
Old volume:

1.0 bier


0.2 liter

New velum:

1 212m

New % snlide:

= 41.7 %

'ArF7 f:FT 100% a 100 urn

V* solids

Information needed to determine the

amount of paint for a job ?
the surface area of the construction
the shape of the construction
the surface roughness of the structure
either the WFT or DFT / % solids
number of coats for each paint

CASE 4 Determine the amountof

paint for each coat (no loss)
Tank area of 500 rn2.

% &Aids

Zinc epoxy

25 pm

70 %

Epoxy High Boil:

100 um


Polyurethane topcoat

75 um

50 %

Liters of paint pr. coat

Area x OFT
10 x =lids



Amount of paint for each


Liters of zinc

500 x 25 =
10 x 70

18 liters

Liters of HB

500 x-100 =
10 X Ou

100 liters

SOO x 75 =
10 x 50

75 liters

Liters of IC

Determine the amountof

paint for each coat (4V/doss)
Tank area of 500 m2.
% solids

Zinc epoxy

25 pm

70 %

Epoxy High Build

100 pm

50 %

Polyurethane topcoat 75 pril

50 %

Calculating loss correctly

A ioss of 4C % during painting-means that 40% of 619 paint is
lost from the pt=7.pigun to the object.
The amount of paint onto the steel is then only 60 % of what you
II you need 100 liters of paint onto the steel assuming a loss of


You actually need to have 100 x 100 or 100 = 167 I


0.6 (usage factor)

Nut ICC liters 40 % extra ( 140 liters)

tr f




5 Amount of paint for each

coat including 40 T. loss

I wrs of paint

Area x OFT
10x % sows x La.

Zinc epoxy =

5C0 m2 x 25 um = 30 liters
10 x 70 %x 0.6

Epoxy HB =

500 rn2 x 100 arn = 167 liters

Polyurethane TC =

500 rn x 75 tam = 125 liters

10x b0 x 0.6

10x % x 0.6


Assuming 40 % loss

The correct amount of paint to be oraered must

be: 100 liters x 100 or 100 liters = 167


0.6 is the usage factor, abr. OF


Influence of surface area

Blast-cleaning results in an increase of the
surface area.
Some of the paint manufacturers use certain
formulas depending on the surface roughness.
"Dead volume" = The amount of paint needed to
fill up fur the surface roughness.


Roughness increases the amount of

Rougnness tietermi0e0
a: 2 mean of Ri(1.1M)

"Dead volume"



CASE 6 Amount of paint assuming a

loss of 50 %
Tank, a total area of 500 m2.
% solids

Zinc epoxy

25 pm

75 %

Epoxy High Build

100 pm

50 %

75 1811

en %

Polyurethane topcoat

Surface roughness = 75 pm

CASE 6 Amount of paint including

paint loss of 50 %
'Total dead volume' = 500 a 0.05 x 100:

67 liters

75 x 0.5
Zinc epoxy

= 500 mr x 25 gm =

33 liters

11(5 017xxt).3

100 leers

500 m'5. 100 lam=

200 liters

Zinc epoxy (total)

Epoxy MB =

1U x

x 0.3

Polyurelnane TC = 500 mr It 75 prn =

150 liters







Wet film thickness

%Solids by vottarte

_ 300






Not relevant applied

500 _. wet film thickness





90% 1 100%
:Oa i 250
310_)._540 ..
b00 ....f



eii\s The dead volume is the amount of paint

needed to fill up for the roughness on a
tolastcleangici surface
-4-7..,. :A.-:!:.:4I4;-..::11-;.,
. .-..$.; .;...;e,' - '':"C.'7.- 111 .:-7..h le'...:44,1F-a-.7a7f..4 : t'F. - c.t .-1,PAITQP.-.4* ---'" Z-s
0 r-'1C.


E r. :,!-EliXr..1-7,1'%7:t.--,4,-71-;;;;41
...-71'.7M-i'r7:. :V, .; '
rj g ;..f.5...,,i%f,.,:,i,;!. i.,A-.i:2,:t_:::,.-.;,
73.F.,,,-.,;4!;,-.;-,-,..1.-;:::,;:!;:::2.!=2-,- ;:


Wct film thickness

Dry film thickness

leo V. solids by volume



.100. {MI

75 V. solids by volume

45 4/. solids by volume


Wet film calculations

iliter will cover 1 m2 in 1000 microns wet.

1 liter will cover 10 m2 in IGO microns weL

Spreading rate (m2/1)

Spreading rate = 5 , means that for every litre of paint
being used covers 5 sq. meters.
Spreading rate = 10, every litre of paint covers 10 sq.

Inspe('.tion of protective coatings

Even the most skilled painter Will make mistakes now and then. Some of the common types of
deficiencies occur during application and are easily corrected while work is being carried out.
While others might appear later on and sometimes involve removal of one or more layers of paint.
Common types of paint defects:
;.-elated failures -Definitions bf the liszed defects below are in accordance with
ISO 4612 part 1, 2 and 3 'Terms and definitions for coating materials"
Defects that are related to application or appear instantly for other reasons:
Local irregularities in the film thickness caused by the downward
movement of a coating material during drying i a vertical or inclined
large sags
position. Small sags may be called runs, tears or droplets,
may be called curtains.
4 . :
' .
'' ' "

'(.. ----;
;' : . I Ai\ .
1-.4 '
--?\ 4--
; / . .
oating material that does not ImrLiLig,e on the surface to
Overspray, dry spray v The sprayed'
be coated.

Sags, curtains, runs'v

Orange peel -61_
174-7--;J -4)


Checking'(r )
Mudcracking ,/.
Pinhoiing- v

An effect resembling the texture of an orange.

' GAP*" . .
16-4' o'- 17:4-.; c...,-0, ^v^o
in the film of a coating material during drying.
Development ot
f /
+A. 6 , 5.-a-C-13
The 4(
of a coloured substance into and through the
film from beneath, thus producing an undesirable staining or colo-r
. _s,- -,,,.._.) m,., i,
over a
distributed ov
A form of cracking characterised by--ri
surface of the dry film in amore or less regular pattern.
The formation of deep cracks during drying, occurring primarily with
highly pigmented paints applied in thick layers on porous substrates.
ise2,5; `t , .7
., '
----0 74.--
The presence in the film of small holes resembling those made by a ,
ItFThe presence of.. craters in a coat each having a \small particle of

Az 1., )

Fish eyes ._


--iniPurity in the ce f e -)
-'- - T).7,341
of a film.
Blooming, blushing ) A millfy o alescence that sometimes develops as a film clacque
rpki-z-4 L;

Paint. cf
0 Teknoiogisk It-1st:Rat
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Prciection and Analysis
nAtelies\kursVrosio-i:ursUrosio.t-nc2.14-0 0

Inspection of prot-eqive coatings


m re

dries, and
oistu from the air and/or
le deposiLion of moisture
Itia) precipitation of one or more of the solid constituents of the lacquer.
(1c-4410 (-----,,
AkK4r-kV 4-k;vv-C) .. 1.41)S1A,
Cratering, popping*
The fOrmation m_l.he_fLIth of small circular depressions that persist
;:fier drying. (-', .,- -.,'... ; ? l'A
:7 4;1;ji!G
CL-4 .4!j)
Water spatting
Condensation ur other means of water on the surface during curing of
the paint will result in spotting of the surface.
Uneven appearance

Skips, misses, holidays or residues such as abrasives, welding spatter

etc. where the coating has been applied. Can also be caused by one or
more of the mentioned paint defects.


The softening, swelling, or separation from the substrate of a dry film

resulting from the application of a subsequent coat or chemicals used
as solvents.

Defects that develop as a function of tinu.::

6; ro1t2on'61:9 )
The spontaneous detachment from the substrate of areas of the film
due to loss of adhesion.

The appearance of a loosely adherent fine powder on the surface of a

film arising from the degradation of one or more of its constituents.


The convex deformation in the film, arising from local detachment of

one or more constituent coats.

Examples of the different types of paint deficiencies will be given in the overheads.

O TettnologiSk Institutt
National Institute of Technoloay, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nAfelles \kurs frosio-kurskfrosio.eng \1 4-00

Paint defects

Inspection of protective coatings

Defects occurring during application
Sags, curtains, runs
Sags, curtains, runs are the result of excess of paint a_p_pLecl_anyertical surfaces. This type of defect
paint has oecn applied in one....cs
often occurs ,
All paints have a certain limit as to how much paint can be applied in one coat. Application beyond
this limit, sags will occur. iThinning loWers the viscosity of the paint and the sag point. Sags,
curtains, runs will often occur around supports, nuts and bolts and other areas that sho,.,1.1 have been
stripe coated before paint application with airless equipment.
Over application of paint in areas_milverlapping occurs or difficult areas to be painted.
Excesstve thinningwill lower the sag point. High substrate temperature can also effect this type of
defect. Formulation of the paint. Application onto old, but glossy surfaces
When the- paint is still wet, use a brush to brush out the sags. If the paint is already dry. in many
cases it can be left as it is. In areas where sagging of the paint forms small pools on horizontal
surfaces, the paint may crack to the substrate. In such cases it might -be wise to scrape the paint or
sand down and reapply the topcoat.

Overspray, dry spray


ail l-.4


are used.
Overspray or dry spray is a common paint defect, particularly wherest-r_Trvicr. at
When the a major part of the solvent evaporation takes place during application, the paint particles
that settle on the surface are more or less dry. They stick in the wet paint. When overspray is
allowed to remain on the coating, the next fresh paint will have trouble in penetrating tTne overspray
particles. This leaves imperfections in the coating and often you will find areas with pin point
The most common reasons for dry spray, overspray is poor application icchniques. The problem is
Is - it 01-7Cou rall111411111141sliTeral
often related to either poor gun ad
app icatiok. The normal procedure is application of paint at a distance of 2:0 - 50 cm perpendicular
to the object. Angling the gun increased the distance to the object. Overspray can also be related to
both high ambient temperature during application or ventilation.
O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection ..nd Analysis

Paint defects

Inspection of protective coatings

Correct distance and angling of the gun. If the paint applied is a physical drying paint an additional
coat will do the job. If the paint is oxidative drying or chemical curing, overspray has to be
removed by sanding.

Orange peel ,

1..i ?AA

Surface defect provides the film with a dimpled appe

resembling the skiof an . orange.
This type of defect can occur when the gun is hel
to the surface or wilt-1576'6"r- n.tomilion.
Type of effeols.a.nheri.ate.. typica. r_"hieh-so IQ; paints. The defect is an appe.arance problem
and should not cause coating failure.
The reason for this type of surface defect can be.a mixture of many. The most common ones being;
application reasons; like poor atomisation pressure,..gun too close to thesurface or solvent
evaporating too quickly.
It might be necessary to adjust the atomisation pressure slightly. It is important that not too high a
pressure is used too avoid orange peel. As with sags and runs, orange peel can be brushed out while
the paint is still wet or sanded down if it has dried. If adjustments don't correct the problem,
assistance from the paint manufacturer is needed.

',7 \
P \\-


Wrinkling hao an appearancefof wrinkled skin. This type of ciPf.,-,.* is sometimes encountered with
ts11 bated pa in that have been applied too thick. The outer layer dries/cures, but the inner layer of
the paint stays Sccft. Even though the paint is left to cure, the underlying paint takes a long time to
dry or never dries\
The most c


Also temperature plays an

important part during wrinkling. Application of paints in sunshine, mays,ause_sLusi
ci r.ingo-f-the
Aint-leaving the paint underneath soft.
The looks of a wrinkled surface may not be pleasant, but it may not reduce the corrosion resistance
Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Paint defects

Incoection of protective coatings

of the coating severely. Scraping off or sanding the surface and application of a new topcoat might
be the proper corrective action.
Bleeding of a coloured topcoat due to mieratonlpf bituminous material fromegoxy_tar, bitumen or
asphalt. Tar products are often brown or black in colour. If a lighter colour e.g. white, grey etc. is
applied onto a tar containing paint; the topcoat will appear stained. The "bleeding" process appears
immediately as stains of yellow, orange or brown.
Staining or "bleeding" of a topcoat is due to migration of bituminous material from the primcr or
the substrate.
-CL? ttzini


If the coating system is described to include a tar-containing product as a primer, this type of defect
is very difficult to avoid using light colours. The best way is to use"high solids" aluminium flake
paint e.g. epoxymastic paint. This might prevent the phenomena completely or at least minimise it.
Also residues of dust from removal of tar containing paints might cause bleeding in overcoated
- areas.

This type of defe consists of fine superficial cracks, which are distributed over the s-..rface in a
more or less regula pattern. Checking is often a surface phenomenon, since these cracks seldom
penetrate all the wa through the paint film.
Often this is a
become brittle.

ation proble . The stresses in the film cause the surface of the paint to

When checking occurs, sanding down and


of a new topcoat is often the solution_

This type of paint defect has been given its name sine it resembles the cracking in dried mud. This
type of defect occurs with highly tilled coatings that have been apc.lied in excessive thickness.
O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Paint defects


Inspection of protective coatings

Mudcracking can be encountered with zinc-ethylsilicate paints applied too thick. Usually you will
find a fine network of cracks through the paint to the substrate.

The most common reasons for muderacking is excessive filmthickness. Sometimes combined with
improper application conditions e.g. hot weather, fast evaporating solvents.

When applying zinc-ethylsilicate paints, be sure to have an extra look in the Data sheet to obtain the
correct DFT. For many zinc-ethylsilicate paints the upper limit will often he around 75 - 100 um.
Since the solvents are very volatile, the use of a wet film gauge can be difficult. If application is
carried out in hot seasons, a change of thinners might be suitable. Areas with mudcracking must be
reblasted and painted. .

Pinholes are small holes formed in the coating during application and drying. They are commonly
caused by air or gas bubbles which burst forming small craters
which fail to flow
out before the paint sets. This is a quite common problem.

There might be several reasons for the pjphient
es pinholes are related to air/ cC)s
a or
solventporating_duringcurina of iiirpaint. Application of paint too close to the steel with

Also the surface itself might cause pinholes. You might have experienced
this dnringqpplicaiion of
zinc-ethylsilicate primers. As the second coat is applied it forges entrapped air in
the porous zinc coating to surface. This will sometimes take place at a stage in the curing process
where the coating fails to flow out befoi e the paint sets. The result is generally popping and

Having pinholes in a coating can be a serious problem. In cases where the pinholes are going all
thiough the coating to the steel, this will cause pin point rusting. Areas with pinholes should be
repaired by proper mean, The normal procedure is often disc-sanding and touch-up by brush o
roller with the proper repair system. In areas
With only few pinholes. using a brush to mechanically
force paint into the pinholes might work. But on larger areas, this is lou time consuming and the
area must be disc-sanding and spraying.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute cf Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

nAtelles \kurs VrosiokursUrosio.eng 114-00

Paint defects

Inspection of protective coatings

Fish eyes
Fish eyes are a separation or pulling apart of a wet film, exposing the underlying substrate or paint.
This type of defect might occur when areas of the surface won't be 100 % wetted by the paint. This
confused with cratering, popping, but this is a different type of defect.
9 kJ"s. The oil might come from the compressed air use during
Fine dro lets of of s en cause
blast-cleaning or for removal of dust from the surface. Fish eyes are also caused by impurities of
silicone on the surface e.g. from grease or waxes.

This type of defect often has a minor area in the centre of the defect, which contains the
contamination, as well as some of the paint. The surrounding areas will not be wetted by the paint,
so here you will find the colour of the underlying paint or the substrate.
This type of paint defect will appear instantly during application. It must be removed by proper
means, e.g. with a solvent wetted cloth. Sometimes it is wise in advance of the project to test the
compressed air in a blotter test. The compressed air is blown through a white cloth for a minute or
--so. Oil or humidity will wet the cloth. If oil appears filters and oil / water traps must be checked.
There is also a possibility of adding Anti-fish eyes to the paint.
If the defect is observed after curing of the paint, the area should be sanded down or blast-cleaned. Even small dust particles embedded with silicone could cause trouble for the next coat if is not

Blooming, blushing
Lr., dulling of the colour of the paint. This tve of
Blooming or blushing will au
e cured a

can occur if amine-,-nrc
ic, he confused with chalking. The difference between the two being that
or bit .1Lg
Blooming ____I.1
appears the curing I drying process at high relative humidities and chalking is a
phenomenon caused by UV radiation from the sun.
The reason for blushing of paints can he many. In some cases the solvent might be evaporating too
quickly. Evaporation of solvents from the paint results in a lowering of the temperature and could
result in coiidensation on the surface.

TeKnologisk Institut:
National Institute of Tachno:ogy, NcrAray
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
roteiles:-.urs'dtosio-kurs'irosio.engvi 4 -00

Faint defects

Inspection of protective coatings

Very often this type of defect in encountered when paint has been applied outdoors late in the
afternoon or at night when temperature drops. Water condensing on the surface of the wet or semidried paint results in blooming. In certain cases where water settles as droplets on horisontal
surfaces also water spotting will be encountered.
The application of paint should be done at more advisable hours. For most paints there is an upppe
limit as to the temperatures and relative humidities at which the wet paint should cure. In cases
where there is a lack of gloss on large areas, it might be necessary to sand down and reapply the

Cratering or popping occurs -v,..11
e-evaporation of the solvents goes very quick or if the paint is
applied over porous coatings. Small v lcanoes appear. Sometimes
the defect will have a small Mass





. This defect is oftert'confused with fish eyes, butgatedn.gorpoppiLdig is mainly due to air forcing its
way out oft
et paint. It does not involve oil contamination of the surface. As the air isolTeTit
_bubbles,,EMerge the surface, the paint has already dried/cured to an extent where it no longer
flows ou
e air bubbles burst the small crater is formed. Cratering is in some cases caused by
application onto hot surfaces. Also quick cvaporthion of the solvents due to ventilation or wind can
cause cratering.
It might be necessary to do a slight sanding in areas and apply a new coat. This is_a very_common
problem_vvhen overcoati o I -1C. - aints. The zinc-ethylsilicate paint being very porous
will caused popping. The remedy for this is to apply a very thin coat of paint, a tie-coat to force
excessive air out of the cured paint prior to application of further coats. If the popping is caused by
too warm a surface, shading the area from direct sunlight might solve the problem.

Water spotting
Condensation or other means of water on the surface during curing of the paint will result in
spotting of the surface.

O Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway.
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Paint defects

o it

Inspection of protective coatings

This paint defect is often encountered with blooming or blushing of paints. Water condensing on
the surface might settle on the horizontal surfaces as droplets of water. The pressure of the water
droplets will result in a crater like finish on the surface. This surface defect will also become chill.((:irs
Depending on the finishing demands, this defect is more or less considered to be. a cosmetic one.
But sanding and reapplication of the topcoat will improve the appearance.
Uneven appearancc
Uneven appearances includes defects such as; holidaystineven drytilmthickness
rough surfaces, application over abrasives, welding spatters .

even gloss or

Holidays and misses, too high or low DFT are usually caused by poor application techniques.
Improper cleaning leaving residues such as abrasives, welding spatter etc. might be covered by wet
paint, but will appear as the coating dries.
Areas where an uneven appearance is encountered ought to be dealt with. Such areas will act as
weak areas in the coating system and often the first sighs of corrosion will be encountered here.

Lifitne describes the attack of a coating on an old or new paint. usually due to solvent action, often
resulting in blisters and/or the formation of a wrinkled film. Among films on which this failure
occurs are long oil alkyd types, they are sensitive to solvents durinr, thesizing=igd and a while_
after:. Weak solvents such as71-Ce si 1,s:re the least harmful, aromatics (e.g. xylene) are more
active whilst strong solvents such asiketones and esters attack the film rapidly. Ageing of the film
reduces the sensitivity to solvents rd a si 'sr effect is produced by stoving.




In most , aces lifting will he seen after overcoatino of oxidative drying paints. This is veryeldo
type of coating, although it might occur. he
encountered when overcoating with the san-i
d systems with systems containing strong
more common source of lifting is maintenance of
of the alkyd.
solvents. The strops.; solvents of the topcoat calls

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department aarosion Protection and Analysis
n: Velles .c: a'drosie

rsIrosio.engil 4-00

Faint defects


Inspection of protective coatings

Precautions should always be taken when re-coating new or old alkyd systems with other coatines
than alkyds. Carrying out a test, where the new paint system is applied over a small area, will
usually be sufficient to determine if furthcr application is safe or not. Usinz enoxymastics wit a
Itent of solids prior to the topcoat. will also diminish the risks of lifting.

O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nMellesUcurs1frosio-kurslfrosio.eng \ 1 4-00

Fat defects

Inspection of protective coatings

Defects occurring after exposure to the environment

Peeling, delamination
Peeling happens when one or more coats of the paintsystem can be removed from each other or
from the surface. This of course means that the p'.;nt does not stick to the surface.

pfteia_peeling will occur when the surfer:LE:s rationhas been improper. Application of paint onto
rust, may in some cases not provide sufficient dhesion to the steel. Often this is due to the amount
of rust present before application of the paint. Other types of contamination such as grease, oil, dust
errtr irri al
etc. are also likely to cause peeling.
as eaoxies orpolLurethanes..
-nlf-r-ial. This could be the case for

If delamination occurs, the paint has to be strip d of and the surface cleaned before a new coat is
applied. Cleaning can be either solvent Cleanin g alkaline cleaning followed by fresh water cleaning.
When long intervals occur prior to application of additional coats adhesion can be improved by
sanding or sweeping the surface.

When paints are left outdoms they will become weathered. Some paints will have a remarkable way
of being glossy, while others will become dull after some time. Chalking is a phenomenon that
appears over time. On certain types of paints, a chalk like powder is formed on the surface, of the
film. The paint has lost some of its gloss and if you rub a finger over the surface, a whitish powder
- appears.
CAP od1P1


C` A c"

This type of defect is encountered with most paints used outdoors. The binder is broken down by
raliatian.- The white powder appearing when you touch the surface is caused by
the break down of the binder. This might happen iv most coatings, and is often experienced with
epoxy paints. Acrylics and polyurethanes can remain unchanged for many years.
After years of exposure most paints will have chalked to some extend. In case of overcoating the
cvcrem it will in most cases be sufficient to high pressure water wash the surface in order to remove
loose dust etc. from the surface. In cases with polyurethane paints the surface will in most cases
Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion. Protection and Analysis

Paint defects

Inspection of protective coatings

need to rubbed or sanded before reapplication.
\Blistering; voids
There is a difference between blisters and voids. Blisters_.cotU
ereu after exposure for a
period of time, while the voids filled with air /solvent gas, could be present in the paint immediately
scarron.. 1 e vot s may in most cases nofts1V6 -Elhe naked eye, but if you use a k
in the coating and'a.microscope, they are clearly visible as small spherical holes.
Voids in the paintfilm might contain solvents or gases that will absorb water. This could later on
cause blisters in the paintfilm. The size of voids within the paintfilni will -vary greatly from tiny to
large. We haye encountered voids being very large in size, more or less identical to the thickness of
the coat itself. In the end having areas with voids provides insufficient protection of the steel and
corrosion starts.
Voids in the paint after application

Voids often occur in paints that have been applied in excessive filnithickness A s the paint dries on
the surface, the remaining solvents can be entrapped within the film. Another_passi
ag.itateapaint where large amounts of air is incorporated_ has
been applied. The solvents within the
voids may in some cases be water mixable. At a later stage e.g. dunng service voids with solvents
may actually cause development of blisters.
Blisters in the paint during service
Blistering is one of the most conmion types of failure and is often related to improper surface
preparation or excessive filmthickness. The blisters are generally round, spherical areas in the
coating, and they can he either dry or filled with liquid.
Surface preparation carried out in coastal areas or near indust
s Lieing semi-permeable membranes allows
water vapour and oxygen to penetrate the coating. Tit'ts_results in dissolitr
oluble salts
r-the--surface--agd_corrosion beneath the
The amount of blistering that develops depends on the what media the paint is exposed to. Due to
the equilibrium trying to establish, there will be a greater tendency to develop blisters in fresh water
than in saline water. Improper surface preparation carried will in most
In some cases the blistering can be caused by cathodic protection. This is frequently encountered
with impressed current systems (ICCP). At voltages below + 0.250 mVzinc, excess of hydrogen and
hydroxylic ions are created, sometimes causing blistering of the paint.


Teknologisk institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Paint defects

inspection of protective coatings

When blistering occurs will depend on many factt-;:s. As mentioned previously, voids might be
present within the paint immediately after application. As time passes hydrophilic (water loving)
constituents in the solvents will absorb water and create blisters.
In other cases the reason for blistering might be the presence of water soluble contamination's - e.g.
salts, beneath the paint film.
When voids are encountered during application, the application procedure, used solvents,
temperature, relative humidity e.g. have to be checked. If the operator is unable to solve the
problem, then the paint manufacturer should be contacted.
Blistering encountered during service might be very local in certain areas. Blistered areas should be
throughly cleaned and then re-painted.

O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:Velles'JcursUrosio-kursVrosio.ena11 4-00

Paint cefacts

Orange peel
rm- i
1. _Z..

Finaly pebbled or dimpled surface texture w

similar to the skin of an orange.

an appearance

Improper atomization due t' low air pres
un too close to the surface
Rapid solvent evaporation

Correct technique and air pressure i use proper thinner
Cosmetic defect ; sand down to smooth surface and repaint if



Orange peel
Seen from above


rr .yam

Bla-sted steel

I: 1010LO N VelIk-nlarra.res em,v1.-leslw

7 -A


Irregular cracking that occurs as the coating dries,

resembling the mud that has cracked in a dry lake bed.
Cracking often down to the steel. Generally a defect
associated with inorganic zinc


Inorganic zinc rich coatings applied in an excessive film


Blast-cleaning to Sa 2 1/2 and reapplication of the inorganic
zinc rich coating in correct film thickness


Blasted steel

12/.10.3000 !lAtencal,


Rough, crinckied surface


Surface skinning over uncured paint hi-.aatich

thickness and / or weather too warm or too cold
Excessive softening of base coat by top coat


Adjust temperature

Cosmetic defect: Sand down to smooth surface and repaint if


Top coat

-..^-,./.'--'-`, ,

ZV.Ti .ii7f--- -


Blasted steel


Top coat


\ Lifting
Raising of the undercoat


Solvents in the topcoat attacks the previously applied film

Distortion, blistering or formation of a wrinkled finish .


Blast-cleaning to Sa 2 1/2 and reapplication of the paint


12.10.2000 N:Ifelleastrgtrosie...,;:ltrevsFy

Top coat
Blasted steel

A. hesion failure

Top coat

12.10 MOO 1.1:1(clIcs11.11rNlimie.cneAlerm1w;

A pp :a nce
Tiny, deep holes, through olie coat, or occationally penetrating to
the foetal substriite.
, r''.,1.1\
Ik ,,
A "Thsji INN,I.Aii

1 tV
( ,
--..) \i .r. til '' ' . .Solver,: e-ritraprrierrt (.,..4,-
PorQsity in the previous coating :11r in the metal substrate

Incorrect spray viscosity

Sand down to smooth surface and repaint


Dry topcoat


v .(

Bilsted steel

`61-4.1lesarram OtrIdeMIPI.
12 ID :00.


The mechanism of pinhole formation

Original pinhole in first coat




Second spray coat

Pinhole reaction

, W44.LIZIVW.tAgt

t"-rd,, ,,s ,t
End result

,a511 ryr

II 10.20D0 NAttlles%kurdresiesneWerselsAst


Delamination / peeling
'7 "4' A


Loss of adhesion to the substrate or between coats of paint.

Unsatisfactory surface preparation

Incompatible pr4ner or undercoat
Substrate or intercoat contamination

Excessive cure time between coats

Remove paint down to sound paint coat or to the substrate and


11.10.3000 NAtettravrar...engweenwr.,

Oxygen Humidity Contaminations

Top coat

Blasted steel
Adhesive fa'

Top coat

- 4-',T. r

'7= -

Blast:I-Li steel

e Srtr
1210=0 11-V4kilunfra...0.14.11mp.

/ %

Fish eyes
Formation of separations of the film that resemble holes or
deep depressions in the paint film; separation of the wet
film; cratering; crawling.
Application over oil, moisture, dirt, silicone, other
contamination or incompatible coating
Solvent wash and sand down to smooth surface and repaint

Fish eyes
Evaporation of solvents,



Wet topcoat


Blasted steel




-1!,- . 7,-7-0

O ,::;,

Dry topcoat
Blasted steel



Si I TV .r

Pinpoint rusting
Rusting at pinholes
Voids in Iiirn due to pinholes, voids, holidays, metals
defects (shyers, sharp edges, weld spatter)
Surface profile too high
Re-blast and repaint

I) tr. ---;,..::::VeitemlanGsi......0defecbw

Pinpoint rusting



Dry topcoat




Blasted steel


Finish with a fiat, milky apiearanc.e. Most often encountered with
the 4:-;mine
gpoY/fas and coal tor epoxierduringthe-curing

Moisture condensation

hich humidity atmosphe'

Fast thinners in a high humidityatrrini) ere
Condensation on a cold surface


Cosmetic defect; Sand down to smooth surface and repaint if


".ie algSlcrevisag

High humidity

.- Wet paint
Blasted steel



D paint
P rimer
Blasted steel

j":1 /0(6ite.11.s.fre.,.ent4iepethypt



Format) In on the finish caused by pigment powder which
can no longer be held by the binder. Loss of gloss.

Weathering of the paint film

Insufficient paint agitation

Use of poorly balanced thinning solvents

Sand down surface in affected area and repaint

-,...1wiect pis

1110 =0 :7 Vet





,w,4 ,


Blasted steel

s,. J.,,
1 -,=,,7
:" 43

` v-7
,. nffi
-- r:
. '*



Chalk; rig
J Chalking of an epoxy tar

coating in a. tank

1.frailio0 NARIleskunfr o$,...,..reet

Cratering / popping
Solvents trapped in coat breaking through the surface to escape.
Dry surface film - little or no flow of the paint.

Entrapment of solvents in the paint film (due to Mick films)

Insufficient atomization of the pail ti

Too high ambient temperature di iri!-q_drving or cunng

Do not apply paints too heavily / use recommended thinners
Sand down to smooth the surface and repaiiii


Cratering / Popping
Evaporation of solvepts,

Thick wet paint


Blasted steel

1.r; ...16atzeo

. o

Dry paint


11.10. 2000 1+Sfeilestlwarn eny140.1001,001


Blasted steel



B!isters voids
Small swellecl\bub es or blisters in the paint film

Rust, oil or grecce or moisture on me sui ;;;;;-.:
Solvents trapped under the skin of Lite dried paint
Repair / prevention
Degrease the surface properly prior to painting
Dry surface - check the tererature before paint3i"i-4
Use a slower evap.orziting solvent during hot weather
Sand down to smooth the surface and repaint

Blisters, voids
Oxygen and huni10.4 voids
f 0

fop coat
Blastcd steel

Oxyzen and humidity i



1110.2000 NAfelleAloadrovin.avUleiectsmi


Small breaks in the paint surface, formed as the coating ages

and becomes harder and more brittle. Checking = a surface
phenomenon, no penetration in the full depth of a oaintfilm.

Applied i cured at too high a temperature
insufficient drying time prior to recoating
Often a formulation problem - the combination of the resins aiid
pigments are not properly combined


If the coating is Hut maintained, it will eventually break down to a

point where it cracks, sand down or sweep and maintain

12.10.2000 NAfillesttursfrogie.en.Mcfccu,..r.


Dry topcoat

Blasted steel

12.10.2000 N,VelliesrnrsileVe AleViercaVI


Checking (crocociiiina)

Coating system for steel

. rails on a balcony.

Primer : Red CR
Topcoat: Blue CR

Checking and chalking

Water spotting
A AppearPnne
Small or large craters/marks in the shape of large raindrops
in the film
Small holes (pinholes) in the film
Water or rain falling on an incompletely cured film
Water between the coats can cause small holes

Cosmetic defect; Sand down to smooth the surface and

repaint if necessary


12.102000 t.lArellesIllastrosio

Water spots
-rf :-:ate;
"Wet" "npcoat
Blasted steel
Blasted steel

12.10.2000 NAA:11eAkunirenio cnpal.reavla

Pigments from a primer or an intermediate coat dissolves in the
solvents of the next coat.

Diffusion of a coloured substance through the coating

Gives an undesired colour change

Common on epoxy coatings applied onto coal tar epoxy

Repair I prevention

Sealing of the prima or intermediatt with a coat of bleeding

inhibiting sealer (epoxymastic with Ialurninib or PVA)

White paint
Primer w / tai
Blasted steel

12 969/
02110 96 / 6:16116.0p6wer:-


Inspection of protective coatings

When determining paint defects like blistering, rusting, cracking, flaking and chalking the standard

ISO 4628 can be used.
1ISO 4628

Evaluation ofVegradation (paint coatings - Designation of intensity, quantity and

size of common types of defect.

This standard consists of 6 parts.

ISO 4628 part 1 General principles and rating schemes
ISO 4628 pari 2 Designation of degree of blistering
ISO 4628 part 3 Designation of degree of rusting
ISO 4628 part 4 Designation of degree of cracking
ISO 4628 part 5 Designation of degree of flaking
ISO 4628 part 6 Designation of degree of chalking
- ISO 4628 part 1
This part of the standard establishes a general system for designating the intensity, quantity and size
of common types of defects of paint coatings and outlines the basic principles of the system in
respect of designation of the intensity, quantity and size of defects.
A uniform convention has been adopted for designating the intensity and quantity of defects by
means of ratings on a numerical scale ranging from 0 to 5. "0" denoting no defects, and "5"
denoting defects so severe that further discrimination has no practical meaning. A general
description of each rating is given in the tables below:
Rating scheme fur designating the intensity of deterioration
Table 1; Uniform deterioration
consisting of a uniform change in the visual appearance of the paint coating.
intensity of change


Unchanged, i.e. nc perceptible change

Very slight, i.e. just perceptible change
Slight, i.e. c...learly perceptible change
Moderate, i.e. very clearly perceptible change
Considerable, i.e. pronounced change
Severe, i.e. intense change

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:Velleskkurs \frosicrkurs Vrosio.eng114-02

ISO 4623

inspection of protective coatings

Table 2; Scattered defects Rating scheme for designating the quantity of defects consisting of
discontinuities or other local imperfections of the paint coating

Quantity of defects

(relative to a test surface area of 1 to 2 dm2)


none, i.e. no detectable defects

very few, i.e. some just significant defects
few, i.e. small but significant amountof defects
moderate, i.e. medium amount of defects
considerable, i.e. serious amount of defects
dense, i.e. dense pattern of dpfpcts '.



Table 3; Rating scheme for designating the size (order of magnitude) of defects

Size of defect
not visible under X:10 magnification I
only visible under m nification up to X 10
just visible with normal
clearly visible with normal corrected vision (up to 0.5 mm)
range 0.5 to 5 mm
larger than 5 mm

--4,, '

Rate the intensity or quantity of the observed defects on the basis of the schemes given i table I or
2, depending on the phenomenon in question.
The most commonly used parts are part 2 and 3.
ISO 4628 part 2

This part deals with the evaluatioriof blistering on Plinted surfaces. The standard has photographs
showing different blisters sizes and blister quantities. This j shown in the figure on the next page.
This can be useful when you are evaluating the densities of tht,blisters.
The blister,: are denoted as follows;1 2 S3 ; meaning


listers of a

ISO 4628 - Blist6ring




e 0

. . ....

e ee .
..... %.

O Tekiplugisk :nsttutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


ISO 4628


Inspection of protective coatin,gs

ISO 4628 part 3
This part deals with the evaluation of nisiing. The degree of rust formation is done using the
photographs in the standard.. The rusting is given both as a percentage and as Ri 0 - Ri 5.


Area rusted

P.: 0
Ri 3
Ri 4
P.: 5


The standard can be used in connection with maintenance coating. According to DnV Guidelines
no. 8 "Corrosion protection
maintenance coating should be carried out before
breakthrough of rust reache
the surface are-3 This-Geffespends -to-a-condition-worse.than Ri
3, lottss taanici 4.
ISO 4628 part 4
This part deals with cracking of the paints and will indicate the size and depth of the cracks. The
three main types of failure are:

Surface cracks, which do not fully penetrate the top coat (Checking)
Cracks which penetrate the top coat, the underlying coat(s) being substantially unaffected
Cracks which penetrate the whole coating system

The cracking on steel will mostly be without preferential direction

ISO 4628 part S
This part deals with flaking of the paints and will indicate the quantity and size of the 11.1, ng.. It is
also possible to indicate where the flaking c.icurs in the coating system.
The two main kinds of failure by flaking arc to be distinguished:

Topcoat(s) flaking from underlying coat

Whole coating system flaking from substrate

ISO 4628 part 6

This part deals with the degree of chalking by the tape method. The 25 min tape is rubbed onto the
zurface and examined against a contrasting background. The degree of chalking is rated from 0 -5
against a photographic reference in the standard.
Teknologisk lnatitutt
National Institute of Technolp-,y, Norway
Department Corrosion Proter-finn and Analysis
riAtazsVcursVrosio-kurs \ frostn en7.14-02

ISC 4628

ISO 4628 Evaluation of degradation of
paint coatings

Evaluation of degradation of paint coatings Designation of intensity, quantity and size of

common types of defect

ISO 4528 part *I:

General principles and rating schemes

ISO 4628 part 2:

Designation of degree of blistering

ISO 4628 part 3:

Designation of degree c' rusting

ISO 4628 part 4:

Designation of degree of cracking

ISO 4628 part 5:

Designation of degree of flaking

ISO 4628 part 6:

Designation of degree of chalking


ISO 4628 part 1

This is the general part of ISO 4628
Provides a system for describing, in a standard manner, test
areas showing:
common types of defects in coatings, in particular the
defects caused by ageing and weathering.

Establishes a genera: ::,stem for designating the intensity,

quantity and size of common ty;zec of defects of paint
coatings and outlines ;iie basic princi;:es of the system in
respect of designation of the intensity, quantity and size of

Rating according io iSO

A uniform convention has been adopted for designating the
:tensity of detects
quantity of defects

by means of ratings on a numerical scale from 0 to 5.

"0- denoting no defects
"5- denoting detacts so severe that no further
discrimination has any practical meaning

Tablel Uniform deterioration -rating scheme for

designating the intensity of deterioration consisting for a
tr;*, uniform change in the visual appearance of the paint coating

Intensity of change
Unchanged. i.e. no perceptible enange

Very slight. i.e. just perceptible change

Slight, i.e. clearly perceptible change

Moderate, i.e. very clearly perceptible charge

Considerable, i.e. pronounced change

Severe, i.e. intense change



Table 2 SL:Atered defects -rating ochame for designating the quantity of defects consisting of discontinuities 7
local imperfections of the paint rnating

A atiil Quantity of defect's iterative in a surface arilol 1-2 drn:1

none, i.e. no detectable defects


very few, i.e. come just significant defects

few, i.e. small but significant amount of defects

moderate, i.e. medium amount of defects

considerable, i.e. serious amount of defects

dense, i.e. dense pattern of defects


ating scheme for designating the

rder of magnitude) of defects

Size of defect


', 1

visible under x 10 maysification

only visible ender magnification up to x 10

just visible with nom-..:1: .....trrected vision

pto il
clearly visible with normal corrected visionw

. range 0.5 to 5 mm


larger than 5 rim

Part 2 Designation of degree of blistering

(smaaer than a)
(less than few)
medium dense 4



Test report
the type and identification of the product tested
reference to the correct part of ISO 4628
the type of defect

the intensity of the defect (table 1) or

the ispanmy a a.: defect (table 2)

the rating, if any, of the size of the defect in parentheses

preceded by the letter "5"
2 (S3)
Examples: Cra fenny rif top coat
3 (S 2)
me sieie of the examination

Part 3 Designation of degree of rusting


Are a


Ri 1
Ft: 2


Ri d
Ri 5



Correlation between lS0 and European

rust scales
ISO rust scale
Ri 0
Ri 1
Ri 2

European rust scale

Re 0

RI 4

Ri 5

Re 1
Re 7
Rc 3
Rc 5
Re 7


Part 4 Designation ofclegrec of cracking

Size of cracks
not visible under x 10 magnification.
only just visible undei magnification x 10.
just visible with corrected vision
dearly visibly with normal correcied vision
large crac:.. generally up to 1 mm wide
very idige cracks genetztily more than 171M

Three main types offailure by cracking arc

to be distinguished



surface crack: svhich do no! fully pellet. a the !op coat


cracks wnich penetrate the top coat, the undertying

coat(s) being substantially unaffected


cracks which penetrate the whole coating system



Part 5 Designation of degree of flaking

Table 1 - Scale for designatiu of the quantity of

Flaked area %




Part 5 Designation of degree of flaking

Taote 2- Scale for the designation of the
approximate average size of areas exposed by


Size of flaking
not visible unoer a 10 rnagraficatton
up to1Ornrn
Lq, to 30 mm
larger than, minrr.


Two main types of .)

failure by tlzking rite
to be distinauished


Inspection of protective coatings

inspection / surveys for maintenance
All structures, no matter how good the protective system, eventually need maintenance treatment.
When the maintenance is to be carried out varies, and depends among other things on the owner
and the degree of deterioration.
The need for maintenance can become evident in different ways:

Dcfccts in or of the coating, noticed during "casual" inspection

Mechanical breakdown of the structure
niscovery of advanced coating failures during "planned" inspection

When evaluating the coating one might consider using the ISO 4628. This standard covers different
dcfccts in the coating; such as blistering, rusting, cracking etc.
The best way of doing things is of course iu p h.+: :he maintenance for the structure. In many cases
where the structure is "stationary or fixed" this is not too difficult. But problems may arise e.g. for
_ ships and other types of vessels who do the maintenance work when drydocking.
Inspection and testing
Several things should be carried out on site prior to starting the maintenance work. Determining the
amount of coating breakdown should be carried out by visual assessment. This assessment will
provide you with information about the performance of the coating. Using the standard ISO 4628
"Deterioration of coatings" is a good aid. The standard contains photographs / diagrams with
numbered ratings which can be used to provide a fairly rapid and accurate assessment of a coated
What test should be carried out when doing the evaluation
It is important to note the condition c.-f the coating / substrate. If the coating seems to be intact z- you
should check the adhesion properties of the coating. This can be done by use of several destructive
methods. A very simple rnctliod is to use a Stanley knife cutting through the coating in one stroke
new cut is made so that the angle of intersection is approximately 30 degrees and then placing

Tekric:logisk Institutt
National Institute of Tc.stinclogy, Norway
Department Corrcsicr: rreitection and Analysis
nAfel:es%kurstircsic :.,:rs'irosio


Inspection / sunfeys for maintenance

Inspection of protective coat-ings

a transparent adhesive tape is placed over the cut and after rubbing it, is pulled off. If the adhesion
is poor between the to coat and the intermediate coat or the primer, the greater the length of
detachment the poorer the adhesion. Further on also the end of a shall; knife will reveal inforrnati:n
regarding the adiiesiie properties.
Samling of paint flakes can be examined through a microscope and might provide vital infonitation
regarding the number of coats and their thickness.
Using either th4aint flakes r Q-tip (cottonvv-ool tip) dipped in solvents like xylene or MEK., can
within a few mintesgive-intormation as to what generic type of paint has been used.

,....,_d "v the solvent
The paint is4s

The paintt " from the surface by the solvent

The paint is naffe43d by the solvent

Physical drying paint

Oxidative drying paint
Chemical curing paint

Surface preparation prior to maintenance painting

As mentioned previously, maintenance should be carried out when the coating system is damaged,
but before there is any serious damage on the steel construction.
Areas where the coating is jirmlyladhering
of blistering og breakdown, the
In areas where the coating firmly to the steel, with no si
water clean e areas
coating should not be removed. Usually it will be necessary tr_Chigh.
before recoating takes place. This is done in order to remove grease and oil as we as water-soluble
contaminants like chlorides etc.
s I . Z. I ox the cua_tiag_mar..1.e_so hard that it.h_azip-b.G.-ralighened
......byabrasion i_n_o_rder to provide a goo. a. esion. This operation might also be needed if
poky-urethanes-or-alky_ds_with..high_glo-shave -beerk used.
Areas where some deterioration occurs in areas
is firmly adhering
. .. ._. where the rest....of the coating
01stcleaning. In
In these areas, the loose paint should he removed eitheryp
b o et
cases like this it is very important that edges are feathered, so that lifting of the paint near the edges
is avoided after application of the new coat.
Often it will be very difficult to blast-clean an area without damaging the sound coating
surrounding the damaged areas. It those cases the use of smaller units e.g. vacuurnblasters might be
useful, or the use of water sand is also a possibility.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:\fellestkurstfrosio-kurstfrosio.eng \ 15-00

Inspection I surveys for maintenz.nce

\NSTi ru t,

Inspection of protective coatings

For all types of naechanical surface preparation it might be a good solution to mask off adjacent
areas to the damaged ones to avoid problems.
In case of smaller areas that lie close to each other, there will be an increase in damages areas. In
eases like this it preferred to blast-clean 1?rger areas instead of smaller ones. In order to feather
the edges it is wise to increase both angle and distance when blasting.
In connection with "early" coating breal<down, this is often related to sharp edges and porous
welding seams. it may therefore be necessary to grind both edges and welding seams in order to
better the conditions for the new coating system.
Several thing effect the effectiveness of the inaoltensnce work be carried out. The main ones are;.
surface preparation and filmthicluiess. Although the necessity to provide a sound base for
maintenance coatings is very important, this might be difficult in many cases due to accessibility.
Areas where it is not possible to carry out any surface preparation at all will most likely contain
contaminants such as chlorides or sulphates. If such areas are overcoated the result will most likely
be blistering and flaking. Painting previously painted are might also result in thick and brittle
films that flake of.

Galvanised steel
Galvanised surfaces that have been coated, while usually not severely corroded, in the end will
require some repair because the coating has started flake off the galvanised slm-face.
i' s on the original
One of the main reasons for this is often choice oZalky,4iOr othergb;.secig2atiLg
galvanised surface without zinc-c,-,mpatible primers. If this is the case the best thing is to remove all
the coating from the surface. This can be done by scraping (time consuming) or by blast-cleaning
using fine, non-metallic abratives at low pressure e.g. 2 3 bar. High pressure water jetting could
also be a good alternative.
When recoating the correct choice afpaintior galvanised steel would
acrylics or solvent borne,p-nysical drying pairifsi


Teknologisk Institut
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:Uelles \ursVrosio-kurs \tresio.eng 1 5-CO

inspection t surveys for maintenance



Inspection / surveys for maintenance


The two main reasons for repainting are

1. Preservation of the structure's integrity;
The structure shall function satisfactorily over its
designed life time

2. Preservation of the structures appearance;

A legal requirement in certain situations, but often less
important that 1.

These elements affect the maintenance
The initial protective system
The history of the painting over the life time
The design; access for surface preparation and
The coating breakdown and rusting

iok..zi, l '..i...4.-


-vategy for the maintenance based on

understanding the reasons for r:-..dainling

-- Maintenauce should be planned. not

Inspections and sui-yeys for maintenance


The purpose of a survey

To assess the coatings condition and the
overall rusting of the structure
To determine the critical areas for maintenance
and the overall methods to be used for the recoating
To provide a basis for a sound specification and
tender prices for the maintenance work

Surface preparation- Coating firmly adherent


A sound basis for maintenanca coats.I u:ther

coats may be applied after washing On e
On two pack epoxy coatings some abrasion
may be necessary



- Minor deteroriation
r,,x; Surface preparatio
of the coating, no rusting

Remove all loose paint. power operated tools,

blast-cleaning, ultra high pressyre water jetting
or slurry washing
/-11.1warVs washing of the existing coating before

Surface preparation- The coating has failed,

the steel is rusting
Blast-cleaning, ultra high pressure water jetting
or slurry washing
In special cases: power tools (select a surface
tolerant coating)

Choice of coating
Apply the same types of coatings, providing
they have given sound protection.
Compatibility betaeen the ccatings is essential.
Will the solvents of the new coating (paint)
soften or make the old paint swell ?

Maintenance philosophy
C7*7 Selective maintenance
A rnixt e4c.orrective-preymilag.andno maintenance.

..Functir.tnalsoecificationfinstead of technical spec)


. rtraciors-setedi

describes the owners needs ana limitations

d...t... the coatings functions and its life

Long time fixed price contracts based on LCC

New guarantee concept_

Functional requirement
2 categories:
visual function
corrosion protection function
Describes the lowest acceptable conditions of the
surface by reference to photographs in ISO 4628


., ...f.`121t-..- waur. estiNg



C..Dreo:3tibility of prefabrication primers with

v-,ai--', systems
L iso 1294a
rera ncabon 1..Orrpahl,!ry V
,e.,c.... type olpfewbrication pnmenvin
primer of paint system
lype .,...... 41.ya ICR ._.,. ......e oaoxy I Polyur co.. Sate/ bitumen
NA 0


.P.7 '-,..,


i iii







; e ernpat Cie (e)chetststeitn paint manolacau er i

not COmpalible,,t.


.. 411,..








It!! iiiiil l!li


- .

a a
112111:11 EN : oz


00 a 0300.00

".." .gii
o eir



Inspection of protective coatings

Standards and guidelines

1S0 12944
The new International Standard. ISO 12944 - Corrosion Proiertion of steel structures by protective
paint systems.
The stcuidard consists of 8 parts.
Part I General introduction
Parr 2 Classification of environments
Puri 3 Design considerations
Part 4 Types of surface and surface preparations
Part 5 Protective paint systems
Part 6 Laboratory performance test methods
Part 7 Executive and supervision ofpaint work
Part 8 Development of specifications for new work and maintenance

ISO 12944 Part 1; General information

Unprotected steel in the atmosphere, in water and in soil is subject to corrosion that may lead to
damage. Therefore, o avoid con-osion damage, steel structures are normally protected to withstand
the corrosion stresses during the service life required of the structure.
There are different ways of protecting steel structures from corrosion. The ISO 12944 deals with
protection by paint systems and covers, all features that are important in achieving adequate
corrosion protection.
In order to ensure effective corrosion protection of steel structures, ii is nectsmry for owners of
such structures, planners, consultants, companies carrying out corroza;11 protection work ; inspectors
of protective coatings and manufacturers of coating materials iO have at their disposal state-of-the art information in concise form on'orrosion protection by paint systems. The standard ISO 1?944
is intended to give this information in the form of a series of instructions.

0 Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technoioyy, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:Velles \kurs\frosio-kursVrosio.eng \16-00

Standards and guidelines ISO 12544

Inspection of protective coatings

ISO 12944 Part 2; Classification of environments
ISO 12944-2 describes the corrosion stresses produced by the atmosphere, by different types of
water and by soil. It defines atmospheric-corrosivity categories and indicates the corrosion stresses
to be expected in situations where steel structures are immersed in water or buried in soil. The
corrosion stresses to which a steel structure is exposed represent one essential parameter governing
the selection of appropriate protective paint systems in accordance with ISO 12944-5.
Table Atmospheric-corrosivity categories and examples of typical environments
Corrosivity I
category I

Very low


Mass loss per unit surface thickness loss

(after first year of exposure)
Low-carbon steel
Mass loss
Mass loss
g/m2 .
5_ 10
5 1.3
< 0.7
< 0.1

> 10 to 200

> 1.3 to 25

> 0.7 to 5

> 0.1 to 0.7

>200 to 400

>25 to 50

> 5 to 15

> 0.7 to 2.1


>400 to 650

>50 to 80

> 15 to 30

> 2.1 to 4.2

C 5-I
very high

>650 to 1500

>80 to 200

> 30 to 60

> 4.2 to 8.4

C 5-.1
v e ry r;j1-1

>650 to 1500

> 80 to 200

> 30 to 60

> 4.2 to 8.4

Medium /

Examples of typical environments in a

temperate climate (informative only)

Heated buildings with

clean atmospheres,
e.g. offices, shops,
schools, hotels
Atmospheres with
Unheated buildings
low level of po.11ution. where condensation
Mostly rural areas.
may occur, e.g.
_ .
depots, sports halls
Urban and industrial Production rooms with
high humidity and
moderate sulphur
some air pollution, e.g.
dioxide pollution.
food processing
plants, laundries,
loilkrsalinity.breweries, dairies
Industrial areas and
Chemical plants,
coastal areas with
swimming pools,
moderate salinity.
coastal ship- and
Industrial areas with Buildings or areas with
high humidity and
almost permanent
condensation and with
high pollution
Coastal and offshore Buildings or areas with
areas with high
almost permanent
condensation and with
high pollution

Table categories for water and soil



Sea or brackish water

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Examples of environments and structures

River installations, hydro electric power plants
Harbour areas with structures like sluice gates, locks, jetties; offshore
structures ...,.._.
--Burie-d-ta-rika;-steel piles, steel pipes

Standards and guidelines ISO 12944

Inspection of protective coatings

ISO 12944 Part 3; Design considerations
ISO 12944-3 gives information on basic design criteria for steel structures for
purpose of
improving their resistance to corrosion. It gives examples of suitable and unsuitcble designs,
indicating, with the help of diagrams, which structural elements and combinations of elements are
likely to cause accessibility problems during surface preparation work and when applying',
inspecting and maintaining paint systems. in addition. design features, which facilitate the handling
and transport of steel structures, are discussed.
In general the overall design shall be planned to facilitate surface preparation. painting, inspection
and maintenance. All surfaces of the structure which have to be coated should be viso:ile and within
reach of the operator by a safe method. Narrow spaces between elements and gaps should be
avoided whenever possible or sealed. Coiwonents which are at risk to corrosion and inaccessible
after erection should either be made of corrosion resistant material or have a protective coating
system which shall be effective throughout the service life of the structure. Alternatively, an
allowance for corrosion (thicker steel) should be considered

- ISO 12944 Part 4; Types of surface and surface protection

ISO 12944-4 describes different types of surface to be protected and gives information on
mechanical, chemical and thermal surface preparation methods. It deals with surface preparation
grades, surface profile (roughness), assessment of prepared surfaces, temporary protection of
prepared surfaces, preparation of temporarily protected surfaces for further coatings, preparation ofexisting metal coatings, and environmental aspects. As far as possible, reference is made to basic
International Standards on the surface preparation of steel substrates ..-ifore application of paints
and related products. ISO 12944-4'is intended to be read in conjunction with ISO 12944-5 and ISO
ISO 12944 Part 5; Protective paint systems
ISO 12944-5 describes different generic types of paint on the basis of their chemical composition
and the type of film formation process. It gives examples of various protective paint systems thAt
have proved suitable for structures exposed to corrosive stresses and corrosivity categories
described in ISO 12944-2, reflecting current knowledge on the world-wide scale. ISO 12944-5 is
intended to be read in conjunction with ISO 12944-6.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Standards and guidelines ISO 12944


inspection of protective c,-atings

The durability of a protective paint system depends o n several parameters such as" z."

type of paint system

the design of the structure
the condition of the substrate before preparation
the effectiveness of the surface preparation
the standard of the application work
the conditions during application
the exposure conditions after application

The conditions of the paint system applied can assessed by means of IS074628 1-6. It has been
assumed in compiling with the tables in the ainfiex A of this standard, that tICe first major
maintenance painting would normally
u/tio be carried out for reasons of corrosion. protection
once the coating has reached the 1ev Ri
- defined in ISO 4628-3.
) s
Based on this precondition, durability has been indicated in this part of ISO 12944 in terms of three
Low (L)
Medium (M)
High (H)

2 to 5 years
5 to 15 years
more than 15 years

This part of ISO 12944 has annexes where examples of paint systems for the corrosivity categories
C I to C 5 are listed.
ISO 12944 Ptrt 6; Laboratory performance test methods
ISO 12944-6 specifies laboratory test methods that are to be used when the performance of
protective paint systems is to be assessed. It is particularly intended for paint systems for which
sufficient practical experience is not vet available and covers testing of paint systems designed for
application to steel prepared by blast-cleaning, to hot-dip galvanised steel and to thermally sprayed
metallic coatings. Atmospheric environments and immersion in water (fresh, brackish or sea-water)
are also covered.


12944 Part 7; Execution and supervision of paint work

ISO 12944-7 describes how paintwork is to be carried out in

workshop or on site. It describes
methods for the application of coating materials. Handling and storage of coating materials before
application, inspection of the work and follow-up of the resulting paint system, as well as reference
areas, are also covered. It does not cover surface prcparation work (See ISO 12944-4).

Teknologisk Institut:
National Institute cf Technology, Norway
- Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n: feNes \

Standards and guidelines ISO 12944


Inspection of protective coatings

ISO 12944 Part R; Development of specifications for ncw work and maintenance
ISO 12944- 8 gives guidance for developing specifications for corrosion protection work,
describing everything that has to be taken into account when a steel structure is to be protected
against con-osion. For the convenience of the used, ISO 12944-8 distinguilies between project
specification, paint system specification, paint work specification, and inspection and testing
specification. Various annexes deal with particular aspects such as planning of the work, reference
and inspection, and offer models of forms intended to facilitate the work.

: Teknoiooisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nVelles\kurs\frosio-kurs'Irosia.engvi 6-00

Standards and guidelines ISO 12944



ISO 12944
Paint and varnishes - Corrosion
protection of steel structure by protective
paint systems

ISO 12944: Paint and varnishes Corrosion

protection of steel structures by protective
paint systems
Part 1: General introduction
Part 2: Classification of environments
Part 3: Design considerations
Part 4: Types of surface and surface preparation


ISO 12944: Paint and varnishes Corrosion

protection of steel structures by protective
_ paint systems
Part 5:

Protective paint systems

Part 6:

Laboratory performance test methods

Part 7:

Execution and supervision of paint work

Part 8:

Developlyient of specifications for new

work and maintenance


.1,,_,, ,-_*:?_z

ISO 12944 1

Pali 1 gives a general introduction to the other pails
of the standard
ISO 12944 deals with the corrosion protection of steel
structures by protective paint systems

Types of structure
ISO 12944 concerns '
not less thickness an 3 mm.

carbon lay.,alloy steel of

ISO 12944 1 8
Types of surface and surface preparation
uncoated surfaces
surfaces thermal sprayed with zinc, aluminium or their
hot dip galvanized surfaces
zinc electroplated surfaces
sheradized surfaces
surfaces painted with prefabrication primer
other painted surfaces --""

ISO 12944 1 8
In this standard, durability is expressed in terms of three

2 to 5 years

medium 5 to 15 years

more than 15 years

The durability range is not a "guarantee time'. Durability is a

technical consideration that can help the owner to set up a
maintenance program.

. )

ISO 12944 - 2
Classification of environments
..ralaost3c ennronments are classified into six
corroz:vity categories:
very Idtx


C3 medium
C4 high
C5-i %rely Ind:rat:31)

C 5M van; high (marine)



.SC Very Lem
C2 Low


Healed boachngs met dean atmospheres

e Wares. shops. schools
ttcd.c.c.vdcers vett low level Unheated Widnes, corder...Ion
may occur e 00006. seed hieer
of pollulton Mosey heal
Urban and rod metal
atmospheres races/ ate
Sulphur pokreor
Coastal are. wrir, law
Inauselal areas bon coastal
areas voret moderate

CS Medium

CA High

drodurebon rooms me, high hvmdn..00

lonre pormson e food
plants, laundries Wa-weaata lone.

Chen-m)1 Mans. svarentong cools coastal

andr.and boaryared


Ca., war, high

CS to1 Very her

Induerrial areas met hygn

hurrycley and aggresrve
almospher e
Coastal and tehlrltsymareas
With high a

ZveStes Cl wen ntre: almost permanent

conoensaltor ante drat Molt potivaon
thdrangs or are. vv. almost permareni
coodenstmon and .+111 !ugh ppayton

ISO 12944 - 2
Classificzztion of environments
Three corrosivity categories for water and soil:
*; im 1:

Immersion in trash wate-

, Im 2:

Immersion in sea or brackish watcr

Urn 3:



ISO 12944 - 3
Design considerations
ISO 12944-3 gives information on basic design aiteria for
steel structures for the purpose of improving their resis tance
to corrosion.
It gives examples of suitable and unsuitable designs,
indicating elements that are likely to cause accessibility
problems during preparation. paint application and inspecting

ISO 12944 - 4
o Types of surface and surface preparation
ISO 12944-4 describes the different types of surface io
be proteoted
and gives information on mechanical, chemical and
thermal surface preparation methods.
Preparation grades, surface profile, assessment of prepared
surfaces, temporary protection, preparation of existing metal
coatings ...

2.7 "4

ISO 12944 - 5
Protective paint systems
describes types of paint and paint system for
corrosion protection
provides guidance for the selection of paint systems
for different environment, surface preparation grades
and durability

ISO 12944 - 5
Protective paint systems
2 Normative references


4 Types of paints
5 Paint systems


ISO 12944 - 5
Protective paint systems
of expressions used in this part of the standard
Tie coat - a coat designed to improve intercoat adhesion
anWor avoid certain defects during applicabon
Pre-fabrication primer - a fastorying paint that is applied to
the blast-cleaned steel to protect the steel during fabrication
ernhe still allowing the steel to be welded

ISO 12944 - 5
Protective paint systems

Paint systems for corrosivity categories C2 to C5

Im2 and Im3 for steel (St 2, Sa 2112),
(M,I) and
hot dip galvanized and thermal spray
3 levels of expected durability

2 - 5 years


5 -.15 years


more than 15 years

iSO 12944 - 5
Protective paint systems
Types of paint
- gertcric types of paint mentioned in the groups:
Air drying paints
Physically drying paints (solvent borne, water
Chemically curing paints (epoxy, polyurethane,
moisture curino)


ISO 12944 - 5
Protective paint systems
Paint systems
Tables of paint systems, Annex A, gives
examples of paint systems for several
The specifier shall have access to documentation or
statement from the paint manufacturer, confirming
the suitability or the durability of a paint system in a
given corrosivity or immersion category.


ISO 12944 - 6
Laboratory performance test methods
ISO 12944-6 specifies laboratory test methods that are to
be used when th perf..,rmz.nce of the paint systems is to
be assessed
It covers the testing of paint systems desigr,
! for
applI.:Zion to steci prepared by blastclezning, to hotdip-galvanized steel and to th,......;:y sprayed metallic


ST I T4, J,


ISO 12944 - 7

Execution and supervision of work

Normative references
Preconditions for the execution of the paint work
Condition of the substrate
Health,safety and environmental protection

. 7.--_,

ISO 12944 -

Execution and supervision of work

- Coating material
- The coating iviateriai shall be supplied in such
condition that they are ready for use by the
application method specified at the time of ordering
Paint manufacturers technical data sheet Shall
comprise all details which arc necessary for their

ISO 12944 - 7
Execution and supervision of work
- Execution of paint work
Application conditions
Application methods
Fwalualk.,b before work commences


ISO 12944 - 7
Execution and supervision of work
- Supervision of the paint work
The-execution,dLthx-esorl,shelt-be-auoaseeetei at all stages
- ..,fision
oe by stir:este quattfles:...; esue,;enml pespie

Measurement a.Fidt.-tzt
Checking the paint coaling
- Fer Ort Me pates shalt aoree on the method is
measurvnenl. the sampltng an anti how me results are
reponed and compared with the acceptance rtt;:x

ISO 12944 - 7
Execution and supervision of work
Reference areas
Previously coated surfaces
Reference area records
Assessment of coating
Annex A Number of reference areas

ISO 12944 - 8
Development of specifications
Normative references
How to develop a specification
Contents of a coating specification



!SO 12944 - 8
Development of specifications
Contents of a coating specification
Project specification
Protective paint system specification
Paint work specification
- Inspection and assessment specification



Content of a project specification

1 General information
2 Type of project
3 Types of structure and constituent element
4 Description of each element
5 Environment of each constituent element
6 Durability

Content of a project specification


Protective paint system

particular i-nristainis with respo= to rtinace prepareni,p

8 Protectivc paint system

- particular ronslraints with respect to paint mateitals

9 Protective paint system

- particular constraints with respect to paint work

10 Properties of protective paint system

Content of z project specification


11 Quality management
12 inspection and assessment
13 Reference areas
14 Health and safety, environmental protection
16 Special requirements
16 Meetings
17 Documentatich

Quality assurance - standards- specifications

International I National standards for paint systems
- ISO 12944. (Formerly; NS 5415. BS 5493)
Guidelines and standards
Orb/. By, NORSOK

kir a certain pn,
:rwo, written by the client / owner

the answer of the paint contractor to the specification

Inspection of protective coatings

Standards and cu deli es

Guidelines from DM/ and BV
Some of companies who are dealing with the classification of vessels, off-shore constructions will
have made their evil., "Guidelines for corrosion protection".
The Norwegian Classification Company, Det norske Vcritas (DnV) have made "Guidelines no. 8
Corrosion Pruieciion of Ships".
The French Classification Company, Bureau Veritas (BV) have made "Guidelines for Corrosion
Protection of Seawater Ballast Tanks and Hold Spaces".
Both of these guidelines deal with the protection of newbuildings and ships in service. The
guidelines contain both detailed information regarding the surface preparation prior to coating and
specifications for ballast tanks, oil cargo tanks.
Bureau Veritas Guidelines for Corrosion Protection of Seawater Ballast Tanks and Hold
Spaces NI 4009 DNC RO0E Sept. 1995
This guide is intended to provide shipyards and shipowners with information and recommendations.
concerningyEfous systernsiof protection against corrosion, so that they can make the proper choice.
and draw up a contractual specification. The guide applies mainly to -newbuildings of ships, and
also to ships in service.
The guide is concerned mainly with protection of seawater ballast tanks of all types of ships and
hold spaces on bulk and ore carriers. It concerns only the protection of such structures made from
carbon steel.
Det norske Veritas (DnV) Cuidelines no. 8 Corrosion Protection of Ships July 1996.
Det norske Veritas has been engaged in the classification of ships for more than 130 years. Due to
the aaeing of the world fleet, corrosion and maintenance problems of the ships have received more and more atteni
The aim of the guidelines is to indicate different, recognised methods for corrosion protection of
ships. Corrosion protection systems of different c-,;ated average useful life span rangles,
respectively 3, 10 and 15 years called Specification 1, II and III. are indicated for tanks and holds.
The guide is concerned with protection of common carbon steel hull structures against sea water
and marine environment. Ballast tanks, oil cargo tanks and holds of bulk carriers or OBOs are
known to be most susceptible to corrosion an thus of prime concern.
Teknologisk Institutt
National lristitute of Technology, Ncrway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

and tju:dalines
and NOR30i-c

Inspection of protective coatings

1\10,'-;SOK standard M 501

NORSOK (The competitive standing for the Norwegian offshore sector) is the industry initiative to
add value, reduce cost and lead-time and remove unnecessary activities in the offshore filed
developments and operations.
The purpose of this industry standard is to replace the individual oil company specifications for use
in existing and future petroleum industry developmcnts, subject to the individual company's review
and application.
The NORSOK standard makes extensive references to international standa:ds.
The NORSOK standard also demands certain qualification requirements for both products and
personnel. All products that are used have to go through an intensive set of tests consisting of
-1. col-wen-sat:ton chamber (
and a cyclic test (4200 h)

1.,,, ,,,,-,Q,,,..

.6 .



0 h)

---" .


i c)
, ,,.-k

I i_A:\\'/- -



Acceptance criteria's are determined according to ISO 428 and only the rating 0 (0) is accepted.
Maximum disbonding from a scribe on the panels is 3.5mm. Passing the test the products are
approved according to the NORSOK standard.
Also the personnel are qualified according to the NORSOK standard.
The paint operators shall be qualified to ti
-----'s blast-cleaners, painters, applicators etc..
str i iD:Fas
/ They shall have relevant knowledge of health and safety hazard, use of protective equipment,
coating materials, mixing and thinning of coatings, pot-life, surface requirements etc.
i If not qualified to tradesman level, personnel shall carry out a test in accordance with the coating
procedure specifi -.'' '
vq- Is is i he NORSOK standard.
Although not so detailed, similar demands are required for metal spray operators and passive fire
protection operators.
Personnel carrying out inspection or verification shall be qualified in accordance with NS 476
(inspector level), NACE (inspector certificate level III) or equivalent.
Assistant inspectors according to NS 476 may carry out the inspection work under the supervision
of an inspector.

National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
Ofelle.s \Ruts \frosio-kurslfrosio.eng117-00

Standards and guidelines DnV .
and NORSOK 501

,4$1. 110 t..

Inspection of protective coatings

SuperVlsors and foremen shail be qi.n4iiied to tradesman level and should be qualified as inspector
in accordance with NS 476, NACE or eqt:valent.

Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Sia, ,dards end g'14ce!iner r.V



DnV Guideline.: no. 8

rr .

DnV - Guidelines no.

Durability ranges (based on experience and info.)
Useful life of a coating (10 % breakthrough of rust)
Ri 4
ISO 4628/3
Maintenance required before 2A


Specification I for ballast tanks

us'eful life sPan-rangz: 3 yo.a=
Surface preparation!
Steel plates shoppnmed on blast-cleaned. or equivalent
surface to Sa 2 - Sa 2 'A.
Welds and bums cleaned to minimf.rn St 3
One stricecoat on edges etc, to obtain min. 200 pm is
ret.ui mends.: tort coatings duraL iy '5 years.


Specification II for ballast tanks

Esth iated "seftil

range- 10T5 years-- )

Surface preparation :
Sharp edges broken / rounded.
- Steel plates
Zn mit snotapriruf on blast-.leaned surface
of Sa 2 %.
Damaged prima,-1-u.ot.d.a and bun is - Sa 2 i4
Stripecoatiny .ipnttad .: on additional coat where rewired to
obtain OFT = 400 pm

Specification HI for ballast tonics

E.stimated useful life scan range: 15 3year_
s .)
Surface preparatin Sharp edges broken / rounded.
Steel plates with
on ahopprimer on blast-cleaned surface
of Se 2 Y
- fL aged primer 4- we an urn, s2 2 'Al
'salts, weld smoke, dust, oll, hand mark= to he removed.
One - two stripecoats on edges etc. to obtain DFT = 4-500 pm

Coating specifications I,
for water ballast tanks, oil
cargo tanks and holds in bulk carriers or OBOs

,..u.",..9 syelern

- oxy s -
c0 our
-Epoxy coal tar
-Other rocounisad rxaatIng

Spec. 1
(513 years)
Prep. I

spec. a
$peCnrilOSI years) (1511 years)
Pr.p 11
Prep, iii

1 x 200


2 x 200
- a ve
2 x 200 or
3 x 130

Coatings specification for miscellaneous

pip areas
!;W Allocation Surfa.a Coating.
Fresh water


Sa 2 Y.

OFT (Wn)

NO. ouetS


Product tanks Sa 3

300 - 350
phenolic epoxy

Accornoclation/ 513 / Sat

Arsyr: etc.



En0ine rooms

Coatings specification for miscellaneous

No. Of
Surface nocting
OFT (pm)
Reeler undermath N insLa On
tanktoo or inner
boom plate

Gs 214 Epoxy


Voids in spherical
tanks. LNG

Sa 2 33 Epoxy or


Voids spaces
rweence seaieo

Sa 2 Si I St3 Epoxy eased 200 - 300

1- 2

oil comparanents)

Specification I for oil cargo tanks

(1.Estirriatiiii 'useful

pate itare2.e: 5 t3 yezi- -

Surface ;reparation:
Steel plates shopprimed on blast-cleaned or equivalent
surface to Sa 2 - Se 2 'A.
Welds and bums cleaned to min4ac St 3
One stripeooat on edges etc. to obtain min. 200 pm is
recommended for a coatings durability > 5 years.
r .


Specif:zation II for oil cargo


Estiii-ateduseful life span ranoe: 10
Surface preparation:
Sharp edges broken I rounded.
Steel plates with Zn rich shopprimer on blast-cleaned surface
of Sa 2 %.
- Damaged primer + welds and bums - Sa 2 'A
Stripecoafing appiied Sc an additioi la; ,:aa: w;:rd required to
obtain OFf = 400 pill (2 x 200 pml

Specification III for oil cargo tanks

Estimated useful

Iitp, span

range: 15 3 years.

Surface preparation:
Sharp edges broken / rounded.
Steel plates with Zn rich shopprimer on blast-cleaned surface
of Sa 2 'A or preferably all shopprimer rmodd to Sa 2 %.
uamaged primer + welds and burns - Sa 2 'A.
Salts, weld smoke, dust, oil, hand marks to be iemoved.
One - two stripecoats on edges etc, to obtain OFT =4-500 WTI



Specification I for holds in bulk carriers or


fill life spairrange,,s

3 oars

Surface preparation:
Steel plates shqprimed on blast-cleecied or equhmlent
surface to Sa 2 - Se 2 'A.
Welds and bums cleaned to minimum St 3
One stnpecoat on edges etc. to obtain min. 200 pm is
recommended for a coating:: durability > Syears.



II for

in bulk carriers or


iEarface preparation:
sharp edgza trcken / rounded.
- Steel platcs with Zn rich shapprimer on la's7-*-cleaned surface
.. or Sa 2 Yk.
Damaged primer + welds and bums - Sa 2 'A
Stripecbating applied as an additional scat where rewired to
obtain DFT = 400 um t2 x ...,.,,...,.
200 ;06)

(rf .,

Specification III for holds in bulk carriers or


rw axpr5

Surface preparation:
Sharp edges broken I rounded.
Steel plates with Zn rich shopprirner on blast-cleaned surface

of Sa 2 % or preferably all shopprimer rrnoved to Sa 2 'A .

Damaged primer + welds and burns - Sa 2 Y..
Salts, weld smoke, dust, oil, hand marks to be removed.
One - two stripecoats on edges etc. to obtain OFT = 4-500 urn

Coating specification for externalhull under

water incl. Boot-top area:
Epoxy or epoxy coal tar 300 -350 prn (2 -3 coats)
+ antifouling 250 - 350 ern t2 -2 coats)
.....-.1 .
Vinyl tar :-350:41
''W4ifIIng240 350 firel.:l(2-3 coats). .:
, v orS'ef..(2,at ,..,:,
, Oe4
=vduw 4,
i .



Coating specification fc=7 7.xternalhull above


In Ice:

Epoxy, hot applied, solvent free 600 - 150( p.m (1- 2 coats)
Above water, and deck, deckhouse superstruct=e:


Surface preparation and protective coating

:'' i-TritY 7

A s.

Surface preparation and protective coating

NORSOK - the competitive standing of the

Norwegian offshore sector
The NORSOK standards are developed by the
Norwegian petroleum industry.




Surface preparation and protective coating
The aim of the standard:
To obtain a system which ensures:
- Optimal protection and minimum need for maintenance
That the coating system is maintenance friendly
That the coating system is application friendly
Ths: ;sealth, safety ana envircnmental impacts are
evaluated and dosLimented


cturface preparation and protective coatinia



covers both paints, thermally sprayed
metallic coatings and application of passive fire
proofing coatings
Requirements for prequalitication or products,
personnel and procedures

Surface preparation and protective coating
General requirement
Health, safety and environment Surface preparation
Paint application
Thermal sprayed metallic coatings
Sprayed on passive fire protection
Qualification requirements
Inspection and testing

Surface preparation and protective coating

r__ 6,

inspection and testing
thsll be carried out in accordance with the table 11.1
SUI races
shalt he accessible oritil final inspection is carried out
Test type


Sat test


1 rrequencyl Ac
1 criteria
Spot meet

or equiv.


I Consequence

taat-condudiviiy 11 Recleaning
sneeze 25 tht,..el





Surface preparation and protective coating
Pre-qualification of products:
The coating products shall be tested in salt spray
chamber, condensation chamber, cyclic test,
immersion test and / or other methods.
Acceptance criteria are defined in the standard

Surface preparation and protective coating
Qualification of personnel
Operators shall be qualified to tradesman level as
blastcleaner, painter, etc.
If not qualified to tradesman level: They shall carry
t1.17,, Coatinw
out a supervised test in acSordance
procedure specification )17--- t, cJ



Surface preparation and protective coating
Qualification of procedures:
Coating Procedure Specification (CPS):
Documentation of equipment and matenols
Coating Procedure Test (CPT):
Shall be carried ant on a test panel or on a suitable
location on the component under realistic conditions. To
be verified by a FROM certified inspector.

. (Tr

Surface preparation and protective coating

Annex A: (Informative)
Coating system Nd Zincrich i4rtny epoxy
Coating system No t SA sealc

200 um

Coating system No 3: Lining materials

Coating system len 47 Non skid epoxy screed

3030 pm
i.ystem No Sir: Zinc epoxy or epoxy priciamdie coat
85 gin
Coining system No 58: Zinc epoxy epoxy
260 um
Loafing system No 6. epoxy
225 - 300 pm
Coating system No I: epoxy
450 prn
Coating system No 8: epoxy
150 c.-.1

3 Ursi

IN.l 1

/L. 3 11N ..J

Rev. 4, December 1999
This NOR SOK standard is developed by NTS with broad industry participation. Please note that
whilst every effort has been made io cusure the accuracy of this standard, neither OLF nor TBL
or any of their members will assume liability for any use thereef. NTS is responsible for the
administration and publication of this standard. '
Norwegian Technology Standards Institution
Oscarsgt. 20, Postbox 7072 Majorstua
N-0306 Oslo, NORWAY
Telephone: + 47 22 59 01 00 Fax: + 47 22 59 01 29
Email: inail to:. Website: Copyrights reserved

3.1 Definitions
3.2 Abbreviations
4.1 General
4.2 Planning
4.3 Equipment protection and clean up
4.4 Ambient conditions
4.5 Coating materials
4.6 Steel materials
4.7 Shop primer
4.8 Unpainted surfaces
4.9 Handling and shipping of coated items
4.10 Pre=qualification of products, personnel and procedures
4.11 Metal coating
6.1 Pre-blasting preparations
6.2 Blast cleaning
6.3 Final surface condition
7.1 General.
7.2 Application equipment
7.3 Application


8.1 General
8.2 Coating materials
8.3 Application of thermally sprayed coating
8.4 Repair, field coating of pipes and coating of in-fill steel
9.1 General
9.2 Materials
9.3 Application
9.4 Repairs
10.1 Pre-qualification of products
10.2 Qualification of personnel
10.3 Qualification of procedures

NORSOK (The competitive standing of the Norwegian offshore sector) is the industry initiative
to add value, reduce cost and lead-time and remove unnecessary activities in offshore field
developments and oi.Hrations.
The NORSOK standards are developed by the Norwegian petroleum industry as a part of the
NORSOK initiative and are jointly issued by OLF (The Norwegian Oil industry Association)
and TBL (Federation of Norwegian Engineering industries). NORSOK standards are
administered by NTS (Norwegian Technology Standards Institution).
The purpose of this industry standard is to replace the individual oil company specifications for
use in future petroleum industry developments and operations, subject to the individual
company's review and application.
The NOR SOK standards make extensive references to international standards. Where relevant,
the contents of this standard will be used to provide input to the international standardisation
process. Subject to implementation into international standards, this NORSOK standard will be
Annex A specifies coating systems. For those coating sySiems which are subject to prequalification, i.e. coating systems 1, 3B, 4, 5 and 7, the specified coating system is informative.
The remaining coating systems are normative

(n 6,4 0., ,v

Annex B is informative.

The main changes included in this revised issue of NORSOK M-501 are:

The coating system for ballast water has been moved from coating system no. 7 to
coating system no. 3B. The requirement that the coating system shall be pre-qualified is
Modification of the criteria for use of shop primers.
Modification of the requirements for pre-qualification of cc:-._ting systems-using shop
primers as an integrated part of the final coating system.
-c;f passi3pe_fire protection coatinzs.
Modification of the requirements for pre-o
&L-Ljualification of topcoats.-'
Modification of the requirements forre
The salt spray test in the coating system pre-qua.r.acation has been deie d.
The condensation chamber test in the coating system pre-qualification is maintained for
coating system no. 3B only.
Modification of method for measuring scribe creep during pre-qualification testing of
coating systems. ivlodifiction of acceptance criteria for scribe creep.
The requirements for tank coating systems, coating system no. 3, have been made more

Other smaller changes and modefications are also made. All changes are higlighted with revision

This standard gives the requirements for the selection of coating materials, surface preparation,
application procedures and inspection for protective coatings to be applied during the
construction and installation of offshore installations and associated facilities.
This standard cover both paints, thermally swayed metallic coatings and application of passive
fire protective coatings.
The aim of this standard is to obtain a coating system, which ensures:
Optimal protection of the installation with a minimum need for maintenance.
That the coating system is maintenance friendly.
That the coating system is application friendly.
That health, safety and environn:antal impacts are evaluated and documented.
This standard is not applicable to pipelines and pipeline risers.

The following standards include provisions, which, through reference in this text, constitutc
provisions of this NORSOK standard. Latest issue of the references shall be used unless
otherwise agreed. Other recognised standards may be used provided it can be shown that they
meet or exceed the requirements of the standards referenced below.
ASTM D1141
ASTM D1650
ASTivi G 53

BS 5493
DIN 8566
DIN 32521
ISO 1461
ISO 1513
ISO 1514
ISO 2811
ISO 2812
ISO 2814
ISO 3251
ISO 4624

Method of producing films of uniform thickness of paint, varnish,

lacquer and related products on test panels.
Specification for substitute ocean water.
Method of sampling and testing shellac varnish.
Test method for cathodic disboncling of pipeline; coatings.
Recommended practice for operating light- and water-exposure
apparatus (fluorescent UV-condensation type) for exposure of nonmetallic materials.
Code of practice for protection of iron and steel structures against
Zusatze fiir das termische Spritzen.
Acceptance test and quality control for thermal spraying equipment.
Metallic coatings - Hot-dip galvanised coatin2 on fabricated ferrous
products - Requirements.

Paints and varnishes - Examination and preparation samples for

Paints and varnishes - Standard panels for testing.
Paints and varnishes - Determination of density.
Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to liquids.
Paints and varnishes - Comparison of contrast ratio (hiding power) of
paint of the same type and colour.
Paints and varnishes - Determination of non-volatile matters of paints,
varnishes and binders for paint and varnishes.
Paints and varnishes - Pull-off test for adhesion.

ISO 6270
ISO 7253

Paints and varnishes - Deterininatinn of resistance to humidity

(continuous condensation).
Paints and varnishes - Determination of resistance to neutral salt

Preparation of steel substrates b.r.fore application of paints and related

products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness.
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 8502-3
products - Test for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Assessment
of dust on steel surfaces prepared for painting, pressure sensitive tape
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 8502-6
products -.Test for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Sampling of
soluble impurities on =faces to be painted - The Bresle method.
ISO 8502-9
Preparation of steel athstrates before application of paints and related
products - Test for the assessment of surface cleanliness - Field
Method for the Conductometric Determination of Water-Soluble
Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 8503
products - Surface roughness characteristics of blast cleaned
''.;_ Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints and related
ISO 8504-2
products - Surface preparation methods - Abrasive blast cleaning.
Discontinuity (holiday) testing of protective coatings.
NACE RP0188:
Material selection
NORSOK M-001 \ '
NORSOK S-002 ; / Working environment
;:' Rules for the approval of surface treatment inspectors.
NS 476
r T`
AnticorrosiVe painting, surface preparation methods of blast cleaned
and shop primer coated steel substrates and preparation grades for

respective treatments. .
Steel structures painting manual. SP-1 and PA-2
SSPC Vol.2

ISO 8501-1


3.1 Definitions
Can-requirements are conditional and indicate possibility open to
the user of the standard.
A gradual taper in thickness from a coated surface to an uncoated
Generic type Coatings with the same type of binder and active filler (e.g. zinc).
Used in this document for shop primers.
A discontinuity in a coating, which exhibits electrical conductivity,
when exposed to a specific voltage. Shall mean informative in the application of NORSOK standards.
Informative references
May indicate a course of action that is permissible within the limits
of the standard (a permission).

Jlia I

order to conform to the standard_

A thin protective coating normally applied for protection during
transport and storage.
Shisld is a recommendation. Alternative solutions having the same
functionality and quality arc acceptable.
A supplementary coat applied to ensure adequate protective of
critical areas like edges; welds etc.

Shop primer
Stripe Coat

3.2 Abbreviations

Minimum dry film thickness

Nominal dry film thickness.
Colour definitions issued by PAL, Deutsches Institut fur Giitesicherung and
Kennzeichnung e.V.
Steel Structures Painting Council.

4.1 General
.teffisand application procedures shall be made with due consideration to
Selection of ma_firjg,,.,_,
conditions during fabrication, installation and service of the installation.
4.2 Planning
All activities shall be fully incorporated in the fabrication plan.
Details of management, inspectors, operators, facilities, equipment and qualified procedures
shall be established and documented before commencing work.
Steel surfaces shall be blast cleaned and coated, i.e. metal sprayed or coated with primer and the
succeeding coat of the applicable system, prior to installation.
4.3 Equipment protection and iean up
All equipment and structures shall be fully protected from mechanical damages, ingress of
abrasives and dust from blast cleaning. Sags, droplets and paint over-spray (incl. dry-spray) shall
be avoided. Adjacent areas not to be painted or already fi=1-ied shall be protected_ On
completion of the work in any area, all masking materials, spent abrasives, equipment etc. shall
be removed.
4.4 Ambient conditions
No final blast-cleaning or coating application shall be done if the relative humidity is more than
85% and when the steel temperature is less than VC abovethe dew point. Coating shall only be

applied or cured at ambient and steel temperatures above 0 C.1



v ant t1tiiiiauV113 iCtsay-L111

1 VC..1 1

app1ik;d11011 aL10 Cl11.111.6'

conumolis tor eacn

product in any coating system.

4.5 Coating materials

The selected coating materials shall be suitable for the intended use and shall be selected after an
evaluation of all relevant aspects such as:
Corrosion protective. properties.
Requirements to health, safety and environment.
Properties related to application conditions, equipment and personnel.
Availability and economics of coating materials.
All coating materials and solvents shall be stored in the original container bearing the

manufacturer's label and instructions. Each product shall have a batch number showing year\and
month of manufacture and giving full traceability of production. Shelf life shall be included
the technical data sheet.
Applicable coating systems are tabulated in Annex A. Forttiose coating systems which are
subject to pre-qualification, i.e. coating systems 1, 3B, 4, 5 and 7, the specified coating systems
are examples, and alternative coating systems may be used if the requirements of this document \
are fulfilled. All systems shall be compatible with respect to over-coating and maintenance.

;' , j, '
,...opcoay colours should be in accordahce with Annex B. Light colours shall be used in ballast
and fresh water tanks.
4.6 Steel materials
Steel subject to surface preparation on site shall as a minimum requirement be in accordance
with rust-grade B according to ISO 8501-1. Shop primers shall be regarded as temporary
corrosion protection and shall be removed prior to the application of the coatis, systems herein ft ';L
unless the requirements in clause 4.7 are futfilled.


4.7 Shop primer

11 ,

sw z.:1


.0', tit


1. 1r
If a liopprimer is considered left on the surface to form an integrated part of the final coating
system, it hall lie, applied in accordance with the following requirements:
Bl st cleaning shall corripl9withJS. 8501-1 Sa ?' and the surface shall remain at Sa
21/2\until application of thepEtr_oe-r-.- A tie primer shall consist of 1 coat zinc ethyl silicate
primer with 15mm thickness. Measui-ed on a plane polished steel or glass test plate, the
dry film thickness shall be maximum 25rnm.'
9 ...(_I 1


i.-- ---------- -.-,..%



\ Use of shop primer as an integrated part of tjie final'coating system, can only be considered for
coating system no. 1, 3B, 4, 5, 7 and 8 For oatinq systems 1, 3B, 4, 5 and 7, the pre- qualificatio'n requirements in clause 1 .1 "P e-qualifications of .roducts" shall apply.
inimum lig,htl .1 in accordance with the
system All other areas shall be treated
SFS 8145, table 1 prior to application of the
: ,. i t "
in accordance with the requirements for bar steel.
t 1

f f/*


1-vt 0 N J



The following items shall not be coated unless otherwise specified:

Alu'-'um, titanium, uninsuiated stainless steel, chrome plated, nickel plated, copper,
brass, lead, plastic or similar.
Jacketing materials on insulated surfaces.

If stainless steel is connected to carbon steel, the stainless steel part shall be coated 50 nun
beyond the weld zone onto the stainless steel. For piping and pressure vessels, the coating for the
stainless steel part shall not contain metallic zinc.
k Ai+ 1.4
4.9 Handling and shipping of coated items .


Coated items shall be carefully handled to avoid damage to coated surfaces. No handling shall be
performed before the coating system is cured to an acceptable level_ Packing, handling and
storage facilities shall be of ncn-rnetallie type.
4.10 Pre-qualification of products, personnel and procedures
Pre-qualification requirements as described in clause 10 of this document shall be fulfilled and
documented prior to commencement of any work in accordance with this document.
4.11 Metal coating
Hot-dip galvanising shall be in accordance with ISO 1461. Hot-dip galvanised items, except
bolts/nuts and gratings, shall normally be painted (ref. coating system 6).
Metal spraying shall be in accordance with the requirements in this document.


The following documentation shall be provided and used when evaluating coating systems:

Chemical name of organic solvent, OAR number (Occupational Air Requirements)

according to Norwegian regulations and VOC content (Volatile Organic Components
Percentage of low molecular epoxy (molecular weight < 700).
Content of hazardous substances. Ref. NORSOK S-002.
Specification of hazardous thermal degradation Components.
Combustibility. .
Special handling precautions and personal protection.

All coating products shall as a minimum he in accorda-F

ice with relevant Norwegian regulatory
requirements regardless of where the coating operation takes place.
Content of quartz and heavy metals in blast cleaning media (ISO 8504-2) shall .be given_


6.1 Pre-blasting preparations


Sharp edges, fillet for newand ids hall be rounded or smoothened by/grinding
(min R = 2 rrun
resulting from flame cutting, shall be removed by grindin2 prior to blast
Hard surface layers, .g. resulting
surfaces shall be free from any foreign Matter such as we flux, residue, slivers, oil, grease,
etc. prior to blast cleaning. All surfaces Should be washed with clean fresh water prior to
fr ;
bast clean


contamination shall be removed prior to blasting opeintions, in accordance

Any oil an
with SSPC-SP-1.
Any major surface defects, particularly surface laminations or scabs detrimental to the protective
coating system shall be removed-by suitable dressing. Where such defects have been revealed
during blast cleaning, and dressing has been performed, the dressed area shall be reblasted to the
specified standard. All welds shall be inspected and if necessary repaired prior to final blast
cleaning of the area. Surface pores, cavities etc. shall be removed by suitable dressing or weid .,:;,1)
i I.UvLIJ s3A
-' . t yl,_
- ="1,1
1 :.i $.,4;.k..,. - 1,ir.. ,
, ,. J.A 'Ak - .,,..). .0"....1'..
. ''"-:.

6.2 Blast cleaning


,____.-7 )

----'.....ti eAMI:

n4 ' ''."

Blasting abrasives shall be dry, clean and !Fred from contaminants, which will be detrimental to
the performance of the coating.
Size of abrasive particles for blast cleaning shall be such that the prepared surface profile height
(anchor pattern profile) is in accordance with the requirements for the applicable coating system.
The surface profile shall be graded in accordance with ISO 8503.
The cleanliness of the blast cleaned surface shall be as referred to for each coating system in
accordance with ISO 8501-1.
6.3 Final surface condition
The surface to be coated shall be clean, dry, free from oil/grease, and have the specified
roughness and cleanliness until the first coat is applied.
Dust, blast abrasives etc. shall be removed from the surface after blast cleaning such that the
particle quantity and particle size do not exceed rating 2 of ISO 8502-3.
The maximum content of soluble impurities on the blasted surface as sampled using, ISO 8502-6
and distilled water, shall not exceed a conductivity measured in accordance with ISO 8502-9
corresponding to a NaCi content of 20 mg/m2.
I 1,,



7.1 General
Contrasting colours shall be used for each coat of paint
Hiding power of topcoat for specified colours shall be tested in accordance with ..r.z0 2814.
Contrast ratio shall not be less than 94% at the specified topcoat thickness.
The coating manufacturer shall provide a Coating System Data Sheet (CSDS) for each coatim.
system to be used, containing at least the following information for each product:

Surface pre-treatment requirerncnts.

Film thickness (max,,min. and s neeified).
Maximum and minimum re-coating intervals at
t temperatures.
Information on thinners to be used (quantities and type).
Coating repair system (qualified in accordance with table 10.1).

7.2 Application equipment

The method of application shall be governed by the coating manufacturer's recommendation for
the particular coating being applied.
it,(1e,?- ''="f4,7_ 11,2
Roller application of the first primer coat is not acceptable. Whenainf:"; are
applied by brush,
the brush shall be of a style a\ nd quality acceptable to the coati manufacturer. Brush
application shall be done s that a smooth coat, as uniform in ickness as possible, is obiained.
7.3 Application

For each coat, a stripe coat shall be applied bylbrus to 11 weld , corners, behi angles,clg*
,.of beam etc_ and areas not fully reachable by spray in order to obtain the s ecified covera e and
Edges of existing coating shall be feathered towards the substrate prior to oVercoating.
Each coat shall be applied uniformly over the entire surface. Skips, runs, sags and drips shall be
avoided. Each coat shall be free from pinholes, blisters and holidays.
Contamination of painted surfaces between coats shall be avoided. Any contamination shall be


8.1 General
Relevant requirements provided in this standard are applicable for thermally sprayed metallic
coatings. Specific requirements valid for thermally sprayed metallic coatings are provided below.


The materials for metal spraying shall be in accordance with the following standards:
. Type Al 99.5 of DIN 8566/2 or equivalent.
Aluminium alloy: Aluminium alloy with 5% Mg, DIN 8566/2 AIM g5 ;)I- equivalent.
All coating metals shall be supplied with product data sheets and quality control certificates, and
be marked with coating metal manufacturer's name,manufacturing standard, metal composition,
weight and manufacture date.
The materials for sealing the metal coating shall be in accordance with BS 5493 (1977), chapter
11, table 4C. Type CP4, CP5 or CP6 shall be used for operating temperatures below 120C and
iv pe CP7 above 120C operating temperature.
8.1 Application of thermally sprayed coating
Each coat shall be applied uniformly over the entire surface. The coat shall be applied in multiple
layers and shall overlap on each pass of the gun.
Equipment for application should follow guidelines given in DIN 32521.
For items that will be welded after spraying, 5-10 cm measured from the bevel area shall be left
The coating shall be firmly adherent. The surface after spraying shall be uniform and free of
lumps, loosely adherent spattered metal, bubbles, ash fonnation, defects and uncoated spots_
Before application of any further coat, any damage to the previous coat shall be repaired.
8.4 Repair, field coating of pipes and coating of in-fill steel

All requirements, including adhesion, applicable to metal spraying, shall apply.

The treating and handling of the substrate shall be done in such a manner that the product in its
final condition will have a continuous and uniform coating.
Before the metal spraying operation starts, the area 30-40 cm in distance from the weld zone
shall-be sweep-blasted to ensure - that all containination is remoVed. The uncoated welding zone
shall be blast cleaned as snccificd for coating system no 2. The metal coating shall be performed
according to the requirement,: above, ref. 8 .3.


9.1 General
Relevant requirements provided in this standard are applicable for sprayed on passive fire
protection. Specific requirement valid for sprayed on passive fire protection are provided below_
Information regarding selection of materials, thicknesses and areas to be protected is not covered
by this document, but the passive fire protective material shall follow applicable requirements to
fire retardent properties.


The sprayed on fire protection shall be applied with wire mesh reinforcement. The wire mesh
shall be mechanically fixed to the steel substrate by studs and be properly embedded into the
passive fire protection material. The wire mesh shall be plastic coated for all types of fire
protection, with the exception of epoxy based materials for which hot din galvanised or stainless
steel wire mesh shall be used. Alternative reinforcement and anchoring of the sprayed on fire
protection may be used for piping, tubulars, rectangulars, and minor supports Or similar.
Cement based fire protection shall be externally protected with a material which retards/stops the
migration of carbon dioxide and humidity. The coating shall be accepted by the manufacturer.
Coating system no. 5 shall be used for sprayed on passive fire protection. Topcoats used on
passive fire protection shall be pre-qualified for coating system 1. The sprayed on passive fire
protection coating system without topcoat shall be pre-qualified in accordance with clause 10.
During construction, other primers/substrates than the ones used in the pre-qualificati-on test for
the passive fire protection system may be used, provided the products are already pre-qualified in
coating system 1. Under all conditions, surface preparation, primers/substrates and topcoats are
subject to acceptance by the manufacturer of sprayed on passive tire protective coating.
The supplier of the sprayed on passive fire protection material shall document that the passive
fire protection system as applied has good properties concerning relevant rapid temperature
changes during construction and operation.
9.3 Application
Application of the sprayed on passive fire protective coating shall be in accordance with the
recernmendations given by the manufacturer of the material.
Studs shall be welded to the structural members, firewalls and fire rated decks with a maximum
of 300 rum centres. Attention shall be paid to areas where mesh ends on the substrate. In these
areas the maximum distance shall be 200 mm between welded studs. On highly stressed
structural steel, stud welding may not be allowed. In these areas, the studs may be glued to the
If several layers of passive fire protective coating are necessary, the material shall normally be
sprayed wet to wet.
After the passive fire protective coating material has cured, and before application of topcoat, the
thickness of the coating shall be checked. Cores shall be drilled on a spot check basis to ensure
that the thickness is correct. The holes shall be marked and filled with fresh material
immediately after the readings.
Topcoating shall be carried out in accordance with manufacturer's specification.
The surface finish shall conform to the reference sample prepared during the CPT (ref. section
10.3) and manufacturers application guide. On horizontal surfaces and cavities, adequate water
drainage shall be ensured. Areas, which are difficult to access for spraying of passive fire
protective coating, shall to the extent possible, be boxed in before the passive fire protective
coating is applied. Adequate water shedding shall be arranged for.

The damaged area shall be removed and the edge around the area shall be cut back to solid
materials. Adequate overlap with existing reinforcement shall be ensured. If the area is greater
, the mesh shall be replaced and secured to the substrate. If the corrosion protection
than 0.025 m2
is damaged, the area shall be blast cleaned to Sa 21/4 and new corrosion protection applied.


10.1 Pre-qualification of products

11:1I'l ::
.4: : -:::
0 C4.11:
J1eA 1
,t;,''' \ 0.

71 \

The requirements for pre-qualification prior to use is applicable to coati ng system no.1 (applied
on carbon steel) and to coating

systems no. 3B, 4 and 7. In addition, any sprayed on fire

protective coating to be used for outdoor or naturally ventilated areas shall be subject to pre-

qualification testing. Tests shall be carried out on 5 mm thick carbon steel panels of a type in
accordance with ISO 1514. Reference shall also be made to ASTM D 823 and ISO 1513.

The tests shall be carried out on complete coating systems and in accordance with table 10.1. If a
qualified coating system no.1 is used under cement based sprayed on passive fire protection,
preonly the immersion/freeze/dry test shall be performed on the complete system.

Each coating product to be qualified shall be identified by the following:

--) 1.. An infrared scan (fingerprint)

Specific gravity of base and curing agent (ref. ISO 2811).

Ash content (ASTM D1650), volatile and non-volatile matters (ISO 3251) of each ,

t p ..u.., \



' .
4-.. '.. '4A-i\t`k- 1' 71

4 t 1 . .,,l- - 7 !' kl.


out on the batch, which is used for the pre-qualification ,

The identification shall be can'
testing. Pre-qualification of products shall be carried out at an independent laboiatory.
In a pre-qualified coating system, the approved topcoat may substitute another pre-qualified
the' f6pcaats
topcoat, provided the intermediate coating is the same and




When a shop primer is an integrated part of coating system no.1,3B or 7, the following shall
apply: _

._._ .

- and without the shop-primer.

One coating system, system no. I or 7, shall belestedoia
Both systems must pass the test in table


The shop primer may then be used as an integrated part f a compatible coating system
which has been pre-qualified in accordance with table I .1 with or without shop primer.

form an integrated part of system 4 and 5. the complete coat ing system:it::

7p primer shall


be pre-qualified according to table 10.1.

1. ,\,

Iv k 'k

t.. If-;


-v tsf".1

b 't%

;:.(;:.- ..0



Test Method
2-Condensation chamber (System
1 B only)
ISO 6270
'Salt spray: 72h
rying in air: 16h
v-A 340nm
eatherometer 80h

ISO 7253

Ovine cyc.e: I68h

ry test
Applicabie to sprayed on passive
Are protection only)
Waterimmersion : 648h
reezing, -15+2C: 24h
rying in air
erative humidity: 168h
ne cycle:
..._ 840h

ISO 2812-2

Cathodic disbonding


1. Corrosion
from scribe:
than 3.0 mm (not appliL-ble for thc
ISO 6270 test)
25 cycles a
2. Blistering (ISO 4628-2): Rating 0
3. Chalking (ISO 4628-6): Max.
= 4200h
rating 2
4. Rusting (ISO 4628-3): Rating 0
5. Cracking (ISO 4628-4): Rating 0
6. Adhesi^^ (ISO 4624):
5.01VIty, and max. 50%
reduction from original value.
without mechanical
5 cycles a 840h
treatment obtaining minimum
adhesion, of 51
4Pa. (Applicable for
= 4200h
the cyclic and immersion tests
or the sprayed on passive fire protection
system, water absorption after complete
mmersion/freeze/dry test shall be reported

30 days
ax. disbonding 10mm
System 3B and 7 only).
1. Adhesion: Adhesion testing shill be performed by using equipment with an automatic centred pulling force. For

coating system 4, adhesion testing may be conducted on coating without non-skid aggregates on test panels not
exposed to the above test environments. Forst yed on passive fire protection, adhesion shall be read as cohesion. Min
MPa for cement based products and min( .0 .MPa for epoxy based products. For both product types, max. 50 % _
reduction from original value, is acceptable.
2. For all tests, 3 parallel test specimens shall be kised. Minimum 2 parallels shall fulfil the requirements.
3. In the cyclic test, the electrolyte shall be synthktic seawt.f..
-i in accordance with ASTM D i 141.
4. For the cyclic and immersion/freeze/dry. tests, the scratch line shall be horizontal and have the following dimensions:
minimum 50 mm long, minimum 2 mm wide and down to bare metal. Corrosion creep shall be calculated from the
average of 9 measurements of the maximurn/width of the corrosion across the scribe. The maximum width is measured
in the middle of the scribe, mid in four points on each side of the middle, 5mm between each point.Corrosion creep M
= (C-W)/2, where C is the average of the 9 maximum widths of corrosion across the scribe, and W is the original width
ct scribe.
For coating system 7, corrosion creep, as measured in accordance with note 4, shall be less than 8 mm in the Cyclic test
for areas below splash zone.
6. For coating system3B, 4,5 and 7, the critkria for chalking is not applicable.
7. All coating film thickness readings on die test platei shall be within + 20% of specified dry film thickness.
8. The thickness of the passive tire protec ion system to be tested shall be 6 mm. Tests shall be performed on material
without reinforcement.
9. Use of UV-B light in the weatherome er test is acceptable as an option to___U_V
10. Testing of system 5 shall be carried o t without topcoat
I i. For coating systems for the splash z e area the requirements both for, system I and 7 shall be fulfilled





10.2.1 Qualification of paint operators

Operators shall be qualified to tradesman level as blast-cleaner, painter, applicator etc: The
person=1 shall have relevant knowledge of health and safety hazard, use of protection
equipment, coating materials, mixing and thinning of coatings, coating pot-life, surface
requirements etc.

If not qualified to tradesman level, personnel shall carry out a test in accordance with the Coating
procedure specification for coating system no 1. The test shall be supervised by a qualified \
supervisor and inspected and accepted by qualified QC personnel. A tc::t certificate shall be \:

The test shall be carried out on a test panel (minimum 1 x 1 m) containing at lea...-1-01Pe-end, 2
pipes, 1 angle and 1 fiat bar. Alternatively a location providing similar geometrical complexity
on the component to be coated may be used.
The acceptance criteria are the requirements to the coating system described in this standard.
Variation in the film thickness shall be within the limits described in the Coating system data
sheet as supplied by the coating manufacturer. Operators failing to meet the requirements shall
not be allowed to carry out work in accordance with this standard.
10.2.2 Qualification of metal spray operators
Prior to commencement of work in accordance with this document, the operator shall pass the
pre-qualification test described in table 10.2. The results from the qualification test specified
below are valid for maximum 12 months without regular coating work.

Table 10.2 Qualification of metal spraying.

cceptance criteria
Visual examination of coating All test panels shall be examined without
r e
magnification and with 10X magnification.
Film thickness and shape test (Note 2)
t linimum 20011m on all specimen surfaces
1 o single measurement less than 9.OMPa.
Adhesion (Note 3)
V e-testing is required if the failure occurred at
ISO 4624. All test panels shall be tested.
he adhesivefcoating interface.
xamination of the test specimens shall be
onducted after rupture to determine the cause Test equipment with an automatic centred
pulling force shall be used.
f failure.
1 General: Test materials shall be of a comparable grade to be used in production. The coating
shall be applied in accordance with this document and the proposed procedure.
2. Specimens for shape test: One specimen shall be cut from a 1500 mm long "T", "1" or "H"
shaped profile with approximate dimensions 750 by 750 by 13 ram. Another specimen shall
be cut from a 1500 mm lon.q. 50 mm diameter pipe.
3. Specimens for adhesion test: Five specimens for the adhesion test shall be prepared
according to the requirements of ISO 4624 using minimum 5 mm thick plates.



1U.G.3 Luai iiicauuii or IJUSJIVC MC pitnet; twit


Operators, including pump machine operator, shall be qualified, trained and certified according
to the manufacturer's procedures.
Before any stud welding, the welders and the procedures to be used shall be qualified in
accordance with the coating manufacturer's procedures.
If the operators or stud welders have not been working with the type of application or material
within a period of 12 months, the applicator shall document that necessary supplementary
training have been given before start of any work.
10.2.4 Qualification of supervisors, foremen and QC personnel
Personnel carrying out inspection or verification shall be qualified in accordance with NS 476
(inspector level), Certified NACE Coating Inspector or equivalent.
Assistant Inspectors according to NS 476 may carry out the inspection work under the
supervision of an inspector.
Supervisors and foremen shall be qualified to tradesman level and should be qualified as
inspector in accordance with NS 476, NACE or equivalent.
Supervisors, foremen or QC personnel involved in application of passive fire protection shall in
addition, be trained and certified according to the procedures of the manufacturer of the passive
fire protective material. 10.3 Qualification of procedures
Coating Procedure Specification (CPS)
A detailed CPS based on the requirements of this standard shall be established. The CPS shall
contain the following:

Identification of equipment for surface preparation and application.

Information given on Coating System Data Sheet.
Personal protective equipment to be used.
Safety data sheets for each product.
Product data sheets.

For the sprayed on passive fire protection, the CPS shall, in addition, contain information
regarding maximum allowable time between application of the different layers, method and
frequency of measuring thicknesses, location of the reinforcement related to the different
thicknesses and restrictions for use of solvents.
The qualified CPS shall be followed during all coating work.


The following changes in the coating application parameters requires the CPS to be re-qualified:

Any change of coating material.

Change of method and equipment for surface preparation and coating application.

Coating Procedure Test (CPT)

A CPT shall be used to qualify all coating procedures. A test panel (ref. 10.2.1 or I0.2.2 as
applicable), alternatively a suitable location on the component to be coated, may be selected on
which the CPT shall be carried out.
The coating procedures shall be qualified under realistic conditions likely to be present during

coating application.
I v:4 2

If the shop primer is intended to form an integrated part of the final coating system, and the
requirements of clause 4.7 and 10.1 are fulfilled, the CPT shall be conducted on shop primed
.,.. accordance with SF S2145 and on steel blast
st0..sweep blasted to grade lightly orEE
cleaned to the agreed standard for steel without shop primer.
Inspection and testing requirements for the CPT, including acceptance criteria, shall be as given
in clause 11. For metal spray, additional acceptance criteria provided in table 10.2 shall also
Curing time prior to carry out the adhesion test shall be according to time for fully cured in
coating supplier's data sheet.
For sprayed on passive fire protection, the CPT shall be performed on an area accepted by the
parties involved. The area shall be clearly marked, and will serve as a reference area throughout the project. The application of the fire protection shall comply with the applicable procedures,
and be subject to approval by the parties involved. The surface finish on the CPT area, and
quality of the work, shall be used as a reference with respect to the quality of the work to be done
during farther production work.


Testing and inspection shall be catTieri out in accordance with table 11.1. Surfaces shall be
accessible until final inspection is carried out.
Table 11.1 Inspection and testing.
crest type
--I equency
!Acceptance criteria Consequence
before tart of .
lAmbient and steel
Lrio blastina or
ach shift
In accordance with
temperature. Relative
iniri:nin twice
specified requirements !coating
Dew point

!per z:".:.


'Visual for sharp edges

100% of all
veld spatter slivers,
jru;tgrade, etc.

1 W;,)-1.: :r tr''k.'11-11

r I
`-' '"r.fe-ts
"' ref.

6efects to be


- ispecified requirements ;repaired

) In accordance with ,) Reblasting,

) 100% visual of r .
specified requirements lb) Recleaning and
all r:,,rfaces
El) Max. quantity and iretesting until
b) Spot checks
size rating 2 -\
_ . -eaning and
!Max conductivity .. !Recl
-----ISO 8502-6 and
Salt test .
-etesting until
Spot checks
'corresponding to6
ISO 8502-9
a, A., .ti. k",-- ,,,. -,..
'Comparator or Stylus 'Each component,
As specified. I
Instrument (ISO 8503) jor once per 10m`
. t : r. -i,
Visual to determine:
curing; contamination,
100% of surface According to specified
Examination of solvent reteniion,
epair of defects
fter each coat.
sagging, surface defects
lAs per system
Vepair and retesting.
'Voltage, ref. table 1
epair, additional
ISSPC-PA 2 and
- 'Film thickness SSPC-PA 2 calibration SSPC-PA
oats or recoating as
on smooth surface
ISO 4624 using
, -',11 - '-t
'equipment with an
ri l\ . &z Arytt."1:
' -3
automatic centred
. ,1:4-7r-3-: 1Cbatin2 to h e
Spot checks
Ref: notes below
pulling force, and
_. / -,carried out when
r., A.
,system are fully cured
1,1 o
n :'
I. For-system no 2, adhesion during qualification shall be ;minimum 9.OMPa. Adhesion measured ,
during production shall be minimum 7.0MPa for any single measurement.
2. For system 3A, 3C, 3D, 3E, 3F and 3G, max. 30% reduction from the CPT is acceptable. Absolute
minimum value is 5 MPa.
3. For sprayed on passive fire protection, max. `0 % reduction from CPT value read as cohesion is
acceptable. Absolute minimum values are 2.0 MPa for cement based products and 5.0 MPa for
epoxy based products.

4. For the remaining coating systems, 50% reduction of average adhesion value from the CPT is
acceptable as minimum adhesion during production coating. Absolute minimum value is 5 MPa.


ISO 8501-1
) ISO 8502-3


pplication (if not

Coating qsystem (example) 3.

Surface preparation


arbon steel with

!Cleanliness: ISO 8501 Sa
1 coat ziitc rich epoxy:
perating temperature
1 coat twb component
'A2.oughness: ISO 8503
Structural steel
Grade Fine to Medium G
1 coa op coat;
-Exteriors of equipment, (30-85 rm, _
vessels, piping & valves
(not insulated)
4.,, 1;:.
I. If the epoxy is not applied immediately after the primer has cured, or if the primer is exposed to
humid or outdoor conditions prior to application of the epoxy, a tie-coat shall be applied on top
the zinc rich epoxy primer immediately after the primer has. cured..
2. A non-skid aggregate shall be added to the intermediate coat when this coating system is used f
deck areas.
/. 11 ..-entilital and heaterl_moms...thetopcoat_mn,_be_omitte_d_i
4. The 200 pm epoxy may be applied as 2x100 p.m.
5. Chalking rating 1 (table 10.1) or better should be preferred for externally exposed surfaces.
6. For the splash zone area, the system shall also fulfill the pre-qualification requirements for systc
pplication (if not
Ispecified under others)
Thermally sprayed
Carbon steel:
aluminium or alloys
SO 8501 Sa 2Y2
Operating temperature >
of aluminium.

All insulated surfaces of
SO 8503
anks, vessels, piping.
00 um
Flare booms. .
- (-)
hiders:de of bottom deck, (50 - 85 p.m, Ry_5_)..>
ef. notes
- ncluded piping, jacket
- '
bove splash zone, crane
looms, lifeboat stations arc
eptional areas (to be decided
'iu each project).
I. Aii metallised surfact, shall be sealed by an adequate sealer in accordance with British Standard
BS 5493 (1977), chapter 11, table 4C. CP4, CP 5 or CP6 below 120C and CP7 above 120C
operating temperature.
2. For items that will be welded after coating, 30-40 cm measured from the bevel area shall be left
without sealer coat.
3. For insulated surfaces of tanks, vessels, piping and equipment operating at temperatures -120C
2 coats of immersion grade epoxy phenolic; each 150 p.m NDFT may be applied as an
alternative_ ivIbFT shall be 300 urn. Surface preparation shall he as defined above.



k4) \



ppiication if nut specified under

lIntemal surface of carbon steel vessels
A Potable water tanks
B Ballast water tanks/internal seawater
tiled compartments
C Tanks for stabilised crude. diesel
nd condensate
D Process vessels < 3 berg, < 75C
E Process vessels < 70 Barg , < 80C
I F Process vessels <30 Barg ; < 130C
G Vessels for storage of Methanol,
G etc.



'System 3A:
Cleanliness: ISO 8501 Sa
'/:Roughness: ISO 2503
Grade Medium G (50 - 85 um, Ry5)
System 3B:
ccording to pre-qualification
ther systems.
s for system 3A or ( --P5174111
ccording to coating manufacturers

outing system (example)

ining materials for carbon steel
essels are subject to special
valuation, and shall always be
pproved by the purchaser.
s a minimum the foilc..'ing shall he

Operating temperatun.:
Operating pressure
Experience with product
Properties w.r.t explosive
decomprec ion

100% holiday inspection in accordance with NACE RP010 (table 1) is required for all tanks,
except for system 3B and 3C where the tank tops and upper 1 m of walls shall be inspected.
System 3G shall not be holiday tested
ii s, t L,,..I.,q? 4.c ci2.
Adhesion test shall be carried out on separate test plates, minimum adhesion values in accordance
,:. with ISO 4624 shall be 5.0IvIPa when using automatically; centred test equipment.
When solvent based coating is used, the maximum coating thickness given on the paint
( manufacturer's technical data sheet shall not be exceeded.
1 4. External f ill n4yesti
.,.: all be marked dearly in black ?eters: LINED VESSEL, NC HOT
System 3A: 1
internallyin potable water tanks an fresh water tanks shall be approved for
1. Aii products used inteally
such use by the Norwegian health authorities
nternal lining to be applied in minimum three (3) Oats each 100 tun when solvent based epoxy is
\ 'used
T i Internal lining to be applied in minimum two (2) coats each 300 p.m when solvent free epoxy is
Internal lining to be applied in minimum two (2) coats _

System to be applied to the fiat bottoms and lower 1m of walls, and to the roofs and upper 1 m of
stem 3D:
1. 2-component solvent free or solvent based epoxy is recommended
2. The coating should be cured as close to operating temperature as possible
System 3E:
-component solvent based or solvent free epoxy or modified novolac epoxy is recommended.
System 3F:
2-component solvent free iiovoracePo4
S .stern 3G:
Zinc ethyl silicate to be used NFDT 50
- 90 p.m, or in accordance with manufacturers technical
data sheet



iA.pplIcation (if not specified Ir
-rfacee preparation
1;,,---iler others)
fiWalkways, escape routes and I(T Cleanliness:
1,S0 8501 Sa 21/2
ay down. areas.
oating system 1 may be used oughness:
SO 8503
on other deck areas.
1Grade Medium G
1(50 - 85 pm, Ry5)

Coating system

NDFT (p.m)

N on skid epoxy




Light colour nun-skid aggregates shall be used.

Particle size of non-skid aggregate to be 1 - 5 mm.
Aggregates shall have a uniform spread
Coating systems for escape route and lay down areas shall have adequate properties related
to water absorption, impact resistance, coefficient of friction, hardness and flexibility.





Jr- f

) c




Coating system
DFT (p
) 1 coat epoxy primer: i50

tAppliefiiion (if not "\

Ispec-fled under others)

Surface preparation

nder epoxy based fire


SO 8501 Sa 21/2
I) 1 coat zinc rich epoxy: - 5
ll x epoxy tie coat:
SO 8503
me to Medium G itVIDFT (p.m):
m, Ry5)

1. Stud welding shall be done before final blast cleaning.
If the passive fire protection material is not applied immediately after the primer has
cured, or if the primer is exposed to humid or outdoor conditions prior to application of
the passive fire protection material, coating alternative II) shall be used.
Coating system no 2 may be used as substrate for epoxy based passive tire protection,
provided this is approved by the manufacturer of the passive fire protection coating.
The coating system and products shall be approved by the manufacturer of the passive

fire_protection coating.
_with the passivei
fire protection shall be in accordance
, Il
rop5 ('
. 1 ,- :,N... . .)
\\ fi re


lApplination.(if not
lqoPc;fied under others)

.. ._
tJnd,fir cement based fire

Surface preparation

Coating system (example) 1NDFT (p.m)


1 coat zinc rich epoxy:
I SO 8501 Sa 2Y2
1 coat two
w component
Roughness: ISO 8503 .
Grade Fine to Medium
G r.1DFT (um):
1(30 - 85 um, R3,5)



1. Stud welding shall be done before final blast cleaning.
2. If the epoxy is not applied immediately after the primer has cured, or if the primer is

exposed to humid or outdoor conditions prior to application of the epoxy, a tie-coat shall
be applied on top of the zinc rich epoxy primer immediately after the primer has cured.
3. The 200 um epoxy may be applied as 2x100 um.
4. The coating system and products shall be approved by the manufacturer of the passive fire
protection coating.
5. Top-coating on top of the passive fire protection shall be in accordance with the passive
fire prdtection manufacturer's recommendation.

pplication (if not

Surface preparation
pecified under others)
ininsulated stainless steel Sweep blasting with nonhen painting is required.
etallic and chloride free
luminium when painting is brasive to obtain anchor
of approximately


iCoating system
11 coat epoxy primer:

1 coat two component epoxy: 100

hl coat top coat:

DFT (urn):


5-45 gm

Galvanised steel.

nsulated stainless steel

piping and vessels at
emperatures < 120C

leaning with alkaline

etergent followed by hosing
rwith fresh water
Sweep blasting with noncoats immersion grade
!metallic and chloride free
epoxy phenolic:
brasive to obtain anchor
MDFT (urn):
rofile of approximately
5-45 um

x 125

! 1. Coatings not to contain zinc.

oivio and 25Cr duplex stainless steel valves may be left uncoated. When such valves are welded
into the piping system, the coating shall cover the weld zone and an additional 40 mm of the

3. When coating stainless steel with operating temperatures above 120C, 30 urn (NDFT) of a high
temperature modified silicone paint suitable for the ope- '
emperatures shall be used.
_ _.. ,.._ handrails located in living quarter shall b anodise


pplicationl(ii not specified }Surface

Coating system (example)
'under other 4)
i preparation
coat two component epoxy:
Submerge;-1 ,41.1;)on steel and
1 coat two component epoxy :
arbon steel in the splash zone. SO 8501 Sa 21/4
IDFT (um):
Submerged stdi nless steel and.
0 8503
tainless steel \ the splash
Medium G
50 - 85 pm, Ry5)
1. The system shall always be used in combination with cathodic p.v.,Iiibli7
2. The system is aimed at ambient operating temperatures and maximum 50
in accordance with applicable regulatory 1!* 1V
,k-- J
( r
3. For the splash zone,curom used it addition to the coating system (ref. M-001) '. ,
requirements shallElwal
. '7::-..
OW''''. C. J
, ,.?
.- . ,....t.....,
c... i ., ...

4. Anti-fouling may be required.
5. Piping embedded in concrete shall be corrosion coated at least 300 mm to concrete.
tsses is acceptable
6. Application using an additional number of coats with lower film thickne
provided each coat is applied and cured in accordance with the coating manufacturers
recommendation and provided all other requirements in this document are fulfilled.
the spin;': zone area, the system shall also fulfill the pre-qualification requirements for
system 1.
pplication (if not
I DFT (p.m)
Surface preparation Coating system (examples)
pecified under others)
1. 1 coat two component epoxy
Structural carbon steel with Cleanliness:
+epoxy tie coat
perating temperature < 80 SO 8501 Sa 2V2 11(
60 + 25
C in internal and fully dry

, ,
s A.
Iand ventilated areas.
1. This coating system shall only be used if the areas are only exposed to fully dry indoor
conditions during fabrication, intermediate storaste, installation and operation. The system shall
not be used on surfaces where water condensation may occur.
2. Reduced requirements (max 50 mg/m2) to salt on surface prior to coating,. is acceptable
3. Surface preparation to minimum St 2 may be used for touch-up.
4. Topcoat may be applied if specific colours are specified.
5. Equipment to be installed in non-corrosive areas as defined in the first note above, for example
electrical rooms, control rooms, living quarters, etc., may normally be coated with suppliers
standard coating system and colour. All such coating systems shall be subjf_et to written
acceptance from the Purchaser.

- -3-.7:1;L

...,K) -X (-* '44

71 4.-0

----; . .;-2"----,1
( "11 '-'

s ct' \' Il


pplication (if not specified

i nder others)
!Bulk supplied carbon steel
. -alves with operating
'temperature up to 200C.



SO 8501 Sa 2V2
Grade Medium C
- 85 1.1m, Ry 5)

Coating system-


coats immersion grade epoxy x 150

DFT (um):

1. When it is possible to identify the operating conditions (temperature, insulation, exposure
conditions, etc.) at the time the order is placed, the bulk ordered valves shall be supplied coated
with one of the relevant coating systems in Annex A.
Tagged items shall always he supplied coated with one of the relevant coating systems in
Annex A.


The below topcoat colours should be selected:

' L,... - 1K designation
.... .
IIAL 9002
5015 (1-linunelblau)
lue _ .. ....._ _ ,rAL
, - 111.L
-_ 7038 (Achalgrau)
- AL 6002
FAL 3uuv (Feuerrot)
i eilow -- RAL 1004
L 2004 (Reinorange)
.AL 9017 (Verkehrsschwarz)

? 5"


The external atmospheric environment shall be considered wet with the condensed
liquid saturated with chloride salts. Material selection and surface protection shall
be sticTh that general corrosion is cost effectively prevented and chloride stress
corrosion cracking, pitting and crevice corrosion are prevented.
Carbon steel shall always" hove surface protection to the external environment.
Additional corrosion allowance or other means of protection arc required for
installations in the splash zone.
Corrosion resistant alloys should not be coated, except under insulation or pipe
clamps or when submerged in seawater. Submerged small bore stainless steel
piping need not be coated.
Corrosion allowance sizing for carbon steel in the splash zone should follow the
below guidelines:


v v
Structures with thin film coating: Min. 5 mm.
0,- t ) v 0 ,r -- /.'1''''
For design lives > 17.5 years:
corrosion allowance = (Design life - 5 years) x 0.4 mm/year.
; Risers: Min. 2 mm in combination with min. 12 mm vulcanised chloroprene :.
rubber. At elevated temperature the corrosion allowance should be increased ..
by 1 mm pr. 10t1 increase in operating temperature above 20 11.
Coating system selections for pipelines, structures and topside equipment shall
make due consideration to structural design, operating conditions and conditions
during storage and installation. The coating systems selection and requirements to
application are covered by NORSOK Standard M-501 for structures and topside
The hollowing areas/conditions shall be subject to special evaluation:
Coatings for areas in the splash zone.
Use of thermally sprayed aluminium coating for elimination of maintenance
Coatings for passive fire' protection.
Coatings for bolts and nuts, flanges, machined surfaces of valves, etc. For
such applications wax coatings should be.considered.
Coating and/or insulation .ivl:cci connecting aluminium, stainless steel, carbon
steel and other materials where galvanic corrosion may occur.
Cathodic protection shall be used for all submerged, metallic materials, except for
materials which are immune to seawater corrosion. Surface coating shall in
addition be used for components with complex geometry and where found to give
cost effective deion.

httn' //vInn nic nriinnrcnkirn /MOM 02/m00102.htm



Specialised diving contractors are employed !:iy the installation owners to carry out a planned
inspection programme of the underwater structure and pipelines designed to detect any potential defects
before they develop into major problems.
the UK sector of the North Sea; the scope of the planned inspection programme
Up until 1998, irt
and its frequency were traditionally agreed with the Certifying Authority who issued the Certificate of
Fitness for the inAtallation. Under Verification, the role of the Certifying Authority has disappeared
having been replaced by the Independent. Competent Person (ICP), and it is the ICP who will now
agree the InspecEion programme. As before it is likely to include the following- activities.


That part of the structure between the crest level of the SO year (average) wave
superimposed on the highest astronomical tide, and 3 metres below the lowest astronomical tide.

zone can loosely be defined as that area of the jacket between the high and low
water lines. It is a region which is particularly prone to corrosion and erosion because wave action
makes maintenance of the protective paint coatings particularly difficult. It is also the area most likely
to sustain damage from impact with supply boats.
Large installations with design life spans in excess of 25 years are occasionally clad with
copper-nickel in the vicinity of the splash zone to reduce corrosion and marine growth.
The splash zone survey will include an inspection of spider decks, boat moorings and landings,
caisson clamps and risers.



,rns of damage
The object of the underwater swimaround examination is to detect any . obvious si
or distress such as missing structural members, failed joints, impact damage, loose or missing riser and
:aisson clamps.
The sea bed will also be examined for 'debris' which may have fallen from the rig. This frequently
includes gratings, scaffold poles and an aasornuent of objects dropped during construction projects.



An installation jacket consists of a considerable number of tubular members welded Engether.

The pout at which one nibular is welded to another is referred to as a joint or node.
The planned inspection programme will identify those joints which due to their design are
considered to be particularly highly stressed or to have low fatigue lives. A representative number of
these joints will be thoroughly examined throughout the life of the jacket.




What is a specification?

*nting woilc that is to be

A specification is the .f _'__o locumcntrfor.tb_e siir ace pre _
done. A specification concerning the surface preparation of steel to an oil platform, is a document that
tells the supplier how the customer wants the final product to be.
it is very important that the specification covers all-important aspects. Therefore dernands must be
given concerning,
cleanliness, roughness, dry film thickness. adhesion, appearari-_-c.ikti;) . .
i' \
ISO 12944 -3 "Development of specifications for new work and maintenance" is intended as an aid
when a technical specification is to be drawn up. The standard has many definitions concerning surface
preparation and painting as well as flow charts for planning of new work and maintenance work.

The expected life of a protective paint system to first major maintenance



Anyone responsible for ensuring conformity with one or more of the individual


A technical document describing all the requirements that are to be

. observed when a steel structure is to be protected against corrosion by
using protective paint systems. Such a document consists of several parts project specification, protective paint system specification,* paint work
specification, inspection and assessment specification

Project specification

The part of the document that describes the project and the requirements
relating specifically to it.

The part of the document that describes the surface preparation and the
Protective paint
system specification protective paint system(s) to be applied to a structure in conformity wth
r r N+\
the project specification
Paint work

Inspection and

--The part of the document that describes the way the paint work is to be
carried out, in conformity with the project specification and the protective
paint system specification, as well as with the inspection and assessment
The part of the document thai descrfhes how inspection and assessment
are to be carr ied out.


O Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway xr1
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nNellesucursUrosio-kurskfrosio.eng \ 8-00

Spzcifirt;Aions end procedures

.A procedure is normally the su

,_tplje5 answer to the demands in the specification. In the procedure for
the work the supplier describes how the work will be carried out and how the demands are met.

Both during quality assurance and - control there is a certain requirement to verify the quality of the
product. This is part of the "FROSIO- inspectors" daily work.
This has to be done in a proper manner. By means of test equipment a verification can be given as to
whether or not the product is according to a specification. It is of vital importance that the inspector has
knowledge of:

the actual specification

datasheets for the paints used ---drawings
keypeople in the organisation

It is quite common that both the blast-cleaning and painting operator in some ways check the work they
have carried out before inspection. If everything is found to be in order, an inspector is called for. The
inspector reports his findings in a daily log.
if for example an operator continuous ski .s thelacksicl91 anglesinagaLith importaiat...that the
. He is the correct person to explgiTiThe importance of having paint all
over a structure and not only in places where it is easy for the operator to paint.

Control of surface preparation can be divided into four main groups:

control of the steel substrate prior to surface preparation

control of surface preparation
control of the paint application
final control

A lot of actual facts during the work rrin.ct he logged daily.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
rlfdlesNkursVrosiokurslfrosio.engll 8-00

Specifications and procedures

Specifications and procedures

Who makes the specification

and for what purpose ?
The client
- ship-owner

The specification provides a contractual

document for all the technical aspects of
the operation in order to
to a minimum

What should a surface treatment

specification contain ?
Surface preparation
Paint application
Quality control / equipment
Safety aspects
Qualification of material and personal]
Documentation / reports



be checked ?

Visual and chemical cleanliness

Surface roughness


Environmental conditions
Curing of zinc-ethylsificate
Adhesion properties


hoiiday detection


A571T,j 7,

Inspection of protective coatings

DAILY 1_0.-"S a n(1 MEP ORTS
Daily logs
the_:-Ihject to he painted at all stages
. Os
I 11111
A daily logis a clocw-nentqtiort, which
dutjaggle-pr-eegss. The daily logs should be used daily by the company doing the blast-cleaning and
paint application.
The daily log shotOd not be a "halleitriah paper", where everything listed is exactly acoording to the
specification, although the people involved know different.
Therefore it is worthless to carry out observations and take the measurements one day and write it
down the next day.
The exact observations must be written daily in the daily log.
In a daily log you should find information regarding when things are done:

the steels appearance before and after surface preparation

environmental conditions during blast-cleaning and painting

abrasive used and grainsize
roughness of the steel

the production number and type(s) of paints used

DFT per coat and the total DEr
all tests and the results that have been carried out
date for surface preparation

There are numerous ways of writing and presenting reports. The simplest kind of report is often the
daily log. Sometimes also weekly reports are used, these summarise what has taken place during the
week. Both the things that took place and remedies in case something had to be changed during
As an inspector you will sooner or later also be involved with surface preparation and coating related
problems. You will have to write detailed reports to clients concerning the condition of the coating and
the possible causes of the coating failure..Or provide suggestions as to surface preparation and painting
systems for the steel structure.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technolcoy, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection atld Analysis

Daily logs and repoiis

Inspection of protective coatings

This type of report or survey will



cause of failure
date and signature

O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n: \ felleslkurs'sfrosio-kurs frosio.enall 9-00

Daily Ions and reports

inspection of protective coatings

Proposal for a form fora report on reference areas (Annex F ISO 12944 - 8) .

Report on reference areas for corrosion protection work

Constituent of project:
I Company
Contractor for
Paint work by:
Supplier of paint materials
Reference area
location and marking
Original condition of the surface:

I Person responsible
I Size in m2

Uncoated surface (according to ISO 8501-I) _

2) Rust grade .
Supplementary information
Zinc coated surface
4) 5)
Zinc corrosion
Supplementary information



Coated surface
Type of coat ( including filmthickness, age, metallic coatings)
Degree of blistering (ISO 4628 / 2)
Degree of rusting (ISO 4628 / 3)
Degree of cracking (ISO 4628 / 4)
Degree of flaking (ISO 4628 / 5)
Supplementary information
Surface preparation
Preparation grade (ISO 8501-1 / ISO 8501-2)
Sa 3
Sa 2 1/2
Sa 2
Sa 1
St 2
P Sa..3
P Sa 2'h
P Sa 2
P Ma
P St 3

St 3

P St 2

Other remarks
1) Fill in new sheet for each reference area
2) Tick as appropriate
2 and St 3, degreasing, subsequent
3) Whether manual or mechanical for preparation grades St
4) Hot dip galvanised surface
5) Electroplated surface
O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Daily logs and reports

inspection of protective coatings

Proposal- for a form for a report on reference a7eas (Annex F ISO 12944 - 8) cont.
Stage in work

primer coat

Batch no of paint


top coat

second top

Colour 5)
Application method 6)
Air temperature C
Relative humidity in % 7)
Surface temperature
Dew point nC
Weather conditions
Thinner (type and amount) 9)
Dry film thickness
'fist, ument used / calibration:
Work shop / on site 10)

Adhesion tests Full oil test ISO 4624

Closs cut test ISO 2409
Companies and signatures
4) Fossiblefitriher operations, e.g edge protec:ion
51 e.g. as defined by 1?AL or other approved colour designation
6) brushing, spraying, roller
7) for possible calculation of the dew point
8) brief description
9) of paint material
I 1.3) location of paint work for refere.nrp nrpo ,i,,,,-ili,,,,, ;.,,r,-,.........,,..._ .1.__ ,7

different coats

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Nbrway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:\fellesllc;:rs frosio-kurs Vrosio.eng \ 19-00

Daily logs and reports

O t/ry

_Daily logs and reports

Daily Log
What shall the daily log contain'.
Who writes / is responsible for the daily log ?
Why is the use of a daily log important ?
What can the daily log be used for ?

Daily Log
The Daily log should contain :
Headlines with information regarding:
dient and czternal company
purchase number
drawing or part number
size of the object
procedures. ref ei antes



Dai!v Log

- The Daily log should contain:

All infotmation regarding the surface prep.
Ctimatic contlitions, surface temperature.
rouin.iiiig or edges. removal of welding spatter. sat:
tr..r.ntaminaticn fats

cleanliners (ISO 85fti-1) arw rough.tass (130 8503-1)

type of ara>i.=
and grainsize
date and time ot surface rferierallOn

Daily Log
The Daily log should contain:
AU information
rgarding the application of
type of paint, atch no colour
demands for D
r each coat
appfication method for each coat
date and time for start
i finish for each coat

Daily Log
The Daily log aho:;;.,


AU information regarding the application of paints:

condition for all paints
temperature and 7cictive humidity
climatic COnditfccos
air temperature, surface temperature and dew I

vaST I Tort

Daily Log
The Daily log should contain:
All information regarding the application of paints
and coatings:
tilinthichness measurements
!owed measured value, highest measured value, mean value,
type of DFT gauge
adhesion tests
hoe of equipment and results
curingteal for zinc ethylsilicate paint (ASTM D 4752)

Daily Log
The Daily log should contain:
Signatures of approval from:
Client or customer

Surface preparation and application of paint

might be approved separately.


The inspector shall be able to prepare

inspection reports and ensure proper
distribution of such reports
Different types of reports:
Inspection reports
Daily logs, Weekly report
Consultant reports (3. party report)

Consultant report
Inv estigations
Discussion :::::;:.-.cssment
Proposal for repair procedure
Conclusion, date and signature

Inspection of protective coatings

Surface cleanliness

ISO 8501-1

Preparation of steel substratcbefor) applicationof paints

and related products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness

Part 1

Rust grades and preparation grades of uncoated steel substrates and of

steel substrates after overall removal of previous coatings.
identifies four levels (designated as "rust grades'') of mill scale
and rust that are commonly found on surfaces of uncoated erected steel and
steel helm stock. It also identifies degrees of visuarcTear-iliness (designated
as "preparation grades") aEr surface preparation of uncoat
and steel surfaces after overa removal of anyprevious coating- The various
grades are defined by written descriptions together with photographs that are
representative examples within the tolerance for each grade as described in
words. It is applicable to hot-rolled steel surfaces for painting by methods'
such as blast-cleaning, hand and power tool cleaning, and flame cleaning.

, ..\ l_

Preparation grades


I A Sa

( .
1 V - -/

2% I

A Sa

B Sa 1

B Sa 2%

1 I

B Sa 2

B Sa -it

C Sa 1

LCSa 2

Sa 1

I C Sa 2%



D Sa

Sa 3

I D Sa 2

Hand tool and power tool cleaning

B St 2

C St 2

0 St 2


I r.s.3

[7.) St 3

Flame cleaning



D Fl

Teknologisk Institute
National institute of technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n: \ fe;iesVrturslfrosio-kurs \frosio.eng \2C-00

Standards r=qated to surface preparation

inspection of protective coating::


ISO 8501-1

Informative supplement to part 1; Representative photographic examples

of the change of appearance imparted to steel when blast-cleaned with
different abrasives.
The standard provides representative photographic examples of the colour
changes imparted to steel that is dry blast-cleaned to ISO 8503-1, preparation
grade Sa 3 with different metallic and non-metallic abrasives. Ii. should be
read in conjunction with ISO 8501-1.
The photographic samples of steel surfaces that have been blast-cleaned in
ISO 8501-1, show steel steel surfaces that have been subjected to dry blast- cleaning with abrasives containing quartz sand.
Original steel plate, rustgrade C
High carbon cast-steel shot,
Grade S 100,
Vickers hardness 390 HV to 530 HV
Steel grit,
Grade G 070,
Vickers hardness 390 HV to 530 HV
Steel grit,
Grade G 070,
Vickers hardness 700 HV to 950 HV
Chilled-iron grit,
Grade G 070

Copper refinery slag

Coal furnace slag

LSO 8501-2

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints

and related products - Visual assessment of surface cleanliness
Preparation grades of previously coated steel substrates after
localised removal of previous coatings
This standard specifies a series of preparation grades for steel surfaces after j
localised removal of previous coatings. TheVarious preparation grades are
defined by written descriptions, together with the representative photographic examples given in ISO 8501-1. In addition photographs showing examples of _
preparation grades P Sa 2 V2 and P Ma are given. The standard is applicable to
surfaces prepared by methods such as blast-cleaning, hand-and power tool
cleaning, and machine abrading.

Cv TekneJlogisk lmstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
rOfelles \kurs Vrosio-kursVrosio.eng126-00

Standards related to surface prepai-Aon

Inspection of protective coatings


ISO 8502

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints

and related products - Tests for assessment of surface

1"-ert 1

Field test fur soluble iron corrosion products

In the field, it is difficult to determine accurately the concentration of soluble
surface present after blast-cleaning. Nevertheless, because a
salts on
procedure is required for detecting and estimating-soluble iron salts, one is
detected in thiS type 2 Technical Report. It is given as an aid and is not, at this
stage, to be considered as an international Standard, as further experience
needs to be gained with the method.
In the standard the amount of iron corrosion products can be obtained by
- carrying out a "swab test" for sampling and using test strips that are specific
to Fe. ions.
Potassium hexacyanoferrate (11I) test papers
This test method uses test papers impregnated with potassium
hexacyanoferrate (III) to indicate the presence of soluble iron salts. A fine
mist of water droplets are sprayed onto the surface using a hand-spray bOttle.
When some of the water has evaporated from the surface the impregnated test
paper is pressed onto the surface. If soluble salts remain, these will be drawn
by capillary action into the test paper and react with potassium
hexacyanoferrate (III) and in areas with soluble iron corrosion products
change the colour of the paper to blue.

Part 2

Laboratory determination of chloride on cleaned surfaces

The standard describes a method for assessment of chloride containing salts
that are readily soluble in water and are present on a steel .,.!r-fne. The method
is also applicable to previously coated surfaces. It is normally used in a
laboratory using washings sampled form surfaces on site.

Part 3

Assessment of dust on steel surfaces prepared for painting (pressure

sensitive tape method)
This part of ISO 8502 detcribes a procedure for the assessment, using a
pressure-sensii;,e tape method, of the quantity and the particle-size of dust on
steel surfaces prepared for painting.

O Teknologisk Institute
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Sianciards re!ated to surface preparation

Inspection of protective coating.,

Part 4

Guidance on the estimation of the probability of contlensation prior to

paint application
The standard gives guidance on the z-z:Ration of the probability of
condensation on a surface to be painted. It may be used to establish whether
conditions at thejob site area are suitable for painting or not.

Part 6

Sampling of soluble impurities on surfaces to be painted - The Bresle

The standard describes a method of extracting, for analysis, soluble
contaminants from a surfiv.,- by use of flexible cells in the form of adhesive
patches which can be attached to any surface, regardless of its shape (flat or
curved) and its orientation (facing in any direction, including downwards).
The method is suitable for use in the field to determine the presence of
soluble contaminants before painting or a similar treatment.

Part 9

Field method for the conductometric determination of water-soluble suits

This standard describes a field method for the assessment of the total surface- density of various water-soluble. salts (mostly chlorides and sulphates) on
steel surfaces before and/or after surface preparation.

Surface roughness

ISO 8503

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints

and related products - Surface roughness characteristics of
blast-cleaned steel substrates

Part 1

SpecificationN and definitions for ISO surface profile comparators for the
assessment of abrasive blast-cleaned surfaces
This part of the ISO 8503 specifies requirements for ISO surface profile
comparators which are intended for visual and tactile comparison of steel
surfaces that have been blast-cleaned with either shot or grit abrasives. ISO
surface profile comparators are for use in assessing, on site, the roughness of
surfaces before the application of paints and related products or other
protective treatments.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Standards related to surface preparation

Inspection of protective coatings

Part 2

Method for the grading of surface profile of blast-cleaned steel Comparator procedure
This part of the ISO 8503 describes a visual and tacziic inethod for assessing
the grade of the profile that has been produced by one of the abrasive blastcleaning procedures describes in ISO 8504-2. The method uses ISO surface
profile comparators for i.iscssment, on site, the roughness of surfaces before
the application of paint or other protective treatments.

Part 3

Method for the calibration of ISO sl!rface profile comparators and for
the determination of surface profile - c6cusing microscope method
The standard specifies the focusing microscope and describes the procedure
for calibrating ISO surface profile comparators complying with the
requirements of ISO 8503-1.

Part 4

Method for the calibration of ISO surface profile conipal aters and for
the determination of surface profile - Stylus instrument method
The standard specifies the stylus instrument and describes the procedure for
calibrating ISO surface profile comparators complying with the requirements
of ISO 8503-1.

,NAGE-H-8-7 Field measurement of a surface profile of blast-cleaned steel

surface using a replica tape

(K) Teknologisk Institutt

National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nAfelles*urs Vrosio-kurs1frosio.eng126-00

Standards related to surface preparation

Inspection of protective coating.,

Preparation methods

ISO 8504

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints

and related products - Surface preparation methods


General principles

This part of ISO 8504 describes the general principles for the election of
methods for the preparation of steel surfaces before coating with paints and
related products. It also contains infor=tion on features that must be taken
into account before certain surface prcpAr:ttion methods and preparation
grades are selected and specified.
Part 2

Abrasive blast-cleaning
The standard describes abrasive blast-cleaning methods. It also contains
information on the effectiveness of the individual methods and their fields of

Part 3

Hand- and power tool cleaning

The standard describes methods for hand-tool and power-tool cleaning of
steel substrates. It applies both to new steelwork and to steel surfaces that
have been coated previously and that show areas of breakdown requiring
Maintenance painting. It describes the equipment to be used and the procedure
to be followed.


ISO 11124

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints

and related products - Specifications for metallic blastcleaning abrasives

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5

General introduction and classification

ClUlled-iron grit
High-carbon cast-steel shot and grit
Low-carbon cast-steel shot
Cut steel wire.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Standards related to surface preparation

Inspection of protective coatings

ISO 11125

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints

and related products - Specifications for metallic ':)IF,stcleaning abrasives

Part I
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7

Determination of Particle size distribution
Determination of hardness
Determination of apparent density
Determination of percentage defective particles and of microstructure
Determination of foreign matter
Determination of moisture

ISO 11126

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints

and related products - Specifications for non-metallic blastcleaning abrasives

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10

General introduction and classification

Silica sand
Copper refinery slag
Coal furnace slag
Nickel refinery slag
Iron furnace slag
Fused aluminium oxide
Olivine sand

ISO 11127

Preparation of steel substrates before application of paints

and related products - Test methods for non-metallic blastcleaning abrasives

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8

Determination of particle size distribution
Determination of apparent density
Assessment of hardness by a glass slide test
Determination of moisture
Determination of water-soluble contaminants by conductivity measurement
Determination of water-soluble chlorides
Determination of abrasive mechanical properties

Teknologizi: Institute
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nAtelles1kurs Vrosio-kursVrosio.eng

Standards related to surface preparation

Inspection of protective coating

Film thickness

ISO 2808

Paints and varnishes - Determination of film thickness

The standard reviews and specif1:7s a number of methods that are applicable to
the measurement of 11;;.: il-iTicness of organic coatings. The standard covers
both measurement of wet and dry film thickness.


ISO 2409

Paints and varnishes - Cross cut test

The standard specifies a test method for assessing resistance of paint coatings
to separation from substrates when a right-angle lattice pattern is cut into the
coating penetrating to the substrate. The tc.;t mat be carried out on finished
obiecis and / on specially prepared test speciments.

ASTM D 3359 Standard test methods for: Measuring adhesion by tape test
These test methods cover procedures for assessing the adhesion of coating
films to metallic substrates by applying and removing pressure-sensitive tape
over cuts made in the film.
Test method A; An X-cut is made in the film to the substrate, pressure
sensitive tape is applied over the cut and then removed and adhesion is
assessed qualitatively on 0 to 5 scale.
Test method B; A lattice pattern with either six or eleven cts in each direction
is made in the film to the substrate, pressure sensitive tape is applied vcr the'
lattice and then removed, and adhesion is evaluated by comparison with
deScriptions and illustrations.

ISO 4624

Paints and varnishes 7 Pull off Lest for adhesion

This standard specifies methods for carrying out a pull-off tat on a single
coating or multi-coat system of paint, varnish or related product. The test
result is the minimum tensile stress necessary to break the weakest interface
(adhesive failure) or the vvedKest component (cohesive failure) of the test
assembly. Mixed adhesive/cohesive failures may also occur..

O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Standards rciated

tt., surface



Inspection of protective coatings

Holiday detection

ASTivi D 5162 Standard recommended practice - Discontinuity (Holiday)

testing of non-conductive protective coating on metallic
This standard covers procedures for determining discontinuities using two
types of test equipment.
Test method A - I.ow voltage wet sponge
Test method B - High voltage spark tester

NACE RP 0188 Standard recommended practice Discontinuity (Holiday)

testing of protective coatings

MEK tests of inorganic zinc-rich paints

ASTM D 4751, Standard test method for: Measuring MEK resistance of ethyl
silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich primers by solvent rub
This test method describes a solvent rub technique for assessing the MEK
resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich primers. The MEK resistance
of some two-component ethyl silicate primers has been shown to con-olate
well with the cure of the primer as determined by diffuse reflectance infrared
spectroscopy. The technique can be used in the laboratory, field or in the
fabricating shop.

Evalua tion of degradation of paint coatings

ISO 4628

Part 1

Paints and varnishes - Evaluation of degradation of paint

coatings- designation of intensity, quantity and size of
common type of defects
General principles and rating schemes
This part of the standard is intended to establish a general system for
designating the intensity, quantity and size of common types of defects of
paint coatings and outlines the basic principles of the system in respect of
designation of the intensity, quantity and size of defects, in particular the
defects caused by ageing and weathering.

O Teknoit.igisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

s'?.ndards related to surface preparation

Inspection of protective coatinL

Part 2

Designation of degree of blistering

This part of ISO 4628 provides pictorial standards for designating the degree
of blistering of paint coatings.

Part 3

Designation of degree of rusting

This part of ISO 4628 provides pictorial standards for designating the degree
of rusting of paint coatings.

Part a

Designation of degree of cracking

This part of ISO 4628 provides pictorial standards for designating the degre
of cracking of paint coatings.

Part 5

Part 6

- Designation of degree of flaking

This part of ISO 4628 provides pictorial standards for designating the degree
of flaking of paint coatings.
Designation of degree of chalking
This part of ISO 4628 provides pictorial standards for designating the degree
of chalking of paint coatings.

Corrosion protection of steel


ISO 12944

Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part n

structures by protective paint systems

Paints and varnishes - Corrosion protection of steel structures

by protective paints systems
General introduction
Classification of environments
Design considerations
Types of surface and surface preparation
Protective paint systems
Laboratory performance test methods
Execution and supervision of paint work
Development of specifications for new work and maintenance

O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
_rclfellesNkurs1frosio-kurs \frosio.eng126.00

Standards related to surt..,:e preparation

Inspection of protective coatings

Quality control is carried out in all industrial processes today and is of course of great importance to
ensure that the product is correct. The companies buying a surface prepared and painted
construction are very concerned that the coating system will last for a long time. One way of
achieving this is make sure that everybody does their work correct and according to agreements.

Surface preparation

When the steel comes from the mill it is covered with millscale. The millscale is often brittle and
will crack as time goeshy. It will crack in some places and others not. Therefore it is very common
that all millscale is removed prior to painting. When the corrosion process beneath the paint has
gone so far that the steel is completely rusted, the surface has to be repainted.
When the steel is to be inspected the steel surface must be free of paint, we will often be using the
standard ISO 8501-1. The standard is a small book with both a text and pictures showing the
surface of the steel at different stages in the corrosion process. According to this standard there are
4 stages, denoted rustgrade A, B, C and D.
Rustgrade A Steel surface largely covered with adhering mill scale, but little, if any rust
Rustgrade B Steel surf: Ice whickhas begun to rust and from which the mill scale has begun to
Rustgrade C Steel surface on which the mill scale has rusted away or from which it can be
scraped, but with slight pitting
Rustgrade D

Steel surface on which the mill scale has rusted away and from which general
pitting is visible under normal vision

Preparation grades
When we want to inspect the surface preparation of steel, we will also be using the ISO 8501-1 or
similar standards e.g. VIS 1 or VIS 3 from the USA.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Ndri,ray
Department e.rosion Protection and Analysis
nAtelles \kurs frosio-kursUrosio.eng \ 20-00

Quality contro;

Inspection of protective coatings in the ISO 8501-1 you will find not only the fou.r___pisti.r.e.s of the rustarades, but also 21 pictures
showing different preparation grades of the steel after blast-cleaning , hand- or..Wier tool cleaning
or flf-ne-cleaning.
Rustgra de

Hand or power.
tool cleaning
Flame cleaning

Sa 3
Sa 2 l/2/
, ./,:. ; I
-}:.,----7, 31-;"
\ -i
pi:2,- s\
Fl A

Sa 2 !.
Sa 2

Sa 3 / -1-,'
. -'` Sa 3
Sa 2 (2.1\".
S a 2 V2
Sa 2 \-Sa 2
Sa 1

St 3
St 2

- St 3
St 2

St 3
St 2

Fl B

Fl C

Fl D

When using the standard the text and the pictures in the standard are compared with the original
surface to determine the rusts rade or the prepared surface/ preparation grade to determine the
surface cleanliness.
A problem of great importance connected to surface cleanliness, is that the evaluation is based on
the pictures and text in the ISO 8501-1 and the opinion of the person evaluating. Most of the
problems are connected to the preparation grade of Sa
The appearance of the steel after blast-cleaning is very dependent on the abrasive being used. Often
the colour after blast-cleaning will look different than the pictures in ISO 8501-1. This is mainly
due to the fact that all the surfaces in ISO 8501-1 were blast-cleaned using silica sand. In many
countries this is a prohibited abrasive for outdoor use, so other and often darker abrasives are used.
This can lead to disaiv eement. Blasting an area and agreeing upon the preparation grade and
leaving the area as a reference area can solve problems like these.
Surface contaminants

According to different standards the surfaces should be free of more or less all kinds of
contaminants prior to painting. In the following contents we have a closer look at different methods
for detecting contaminants like oil, soluble iron corrosion products, moisture, dust, salts.

Often one of the easiest tests is the water break method, where we observe a drop of water on the
prepared surface.
O Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis .

Quality control

Inspection of protective coatings

No oil

The drop of water spreads out rapidly on the surface


The drop of water does not spread out, but stays as it is.

Also chemicals such as Fettrot BB can he used. One drop of 0.1 % of Fettrot BB dye in ethanol is
. applied onto the surface.

Soluble iron corrosion products

If a very corroded surface is blast-cleaned to a cleanliness of Sa 3, one would assume that with a
metallic shine the surface is 100 % clean. Visually it is 100 % clean, but in the "pits" there will
always be remainders of soluble iron corrosion products. Very often these are ferrous sulphate
(FeSO4 ) and ferrous chloride (FeC12).
These iron corrosion products are water-soluble and will cause blistering underneath paintfilrns. It
is therefore important that they are detected by some means and removed prior to painting.
The simplest method is the use of the Potassium ferricyanide test, the method is mentioned in the
standard ISO 8502-1 "Determination of soluble iron corrosion products".
Preparation of testpapers:
The test method is based on potassium ferricyanidc papers prepared by placing a filter paper of
suitable size in a 5 % potassium ferricyanide solution and then alloni to dry.
Doing the test
An area on the blast-cleaned steel is moistened with distilled water by spraying. If you use too
much water the test is spoiled. When the water has just about evaporated the filterpaper is pressed
onto the damp surface for 10 - 15 seconds. Using plastic gloves gently press the paper onto the steel
with your fingers.
The filterpaper is examined for blue spots, which indicate the presence of soluble iron salts on the
The test is qualitative and there are no standards available indicating various degrees of
contamination. But many blue spots will of course indicate a greater amount of soluble iron
corrosion products than just a few spots.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:Uelleslkurs Vrosio-kurs frosio engQ0-00

Quality contrc,1

Inspection of protective coatings

Depending on the specification you are working with the presence of soluble iron corrosion
products on the potassium ferricyanide papers could indicate the need for high pressure washing of
the surface and rcblasting.
is laboratory-rnethod.forletermination of chloride on surfaces exists, ISO 8.502-2 r
blit the method
a laboratory test method.

Work is still being done4et a method for use on site.

Conductivity measurements
The Bresle sampler
One of the problems with tests method on site is the sampling,. A test method for use on site, must
be easy to use, otherwise it is of little use. Today you will find The Bresle sampler available, which
is a small case consisting of different equipment for sampling. It contains some flexible cells
(patches) made of latex with a punched hole in the centre that are selfadhesive. Distilled water in
injected into the cell and withdrawn after a given time. The water is transferred from the syringe to
a small beaker and aprobe of the conductivity-meter-isplacedin the waterReadings must be done twice first before the test is carried out to determine a start value of the
distilled water and the after the test. The difference is multiplied with a factor of 6 to give the
results as salts in mg/ m 2.
SCM 400
This is also a small portable conductivity meter. The sampling is easy using a filter paper wetted
with distilled water. The paper is applied onto the steel surface and placed in the portable unit and
the conductivity is measuicd.
Usually you will detcrmine the presence of moisture by using electronic hygrometers or sling
h.-yRrometers and dew point calculators. But also other methods are used.

Talcum powder -

Sprinkle a little powder on the surface. If the surface is dry you chould be
able to blow it away.

Teknologisk institutt
National Institute of Trchnolociy, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Quality control

Inspection of protective coatings

Cobalt papers

A filterpaper impregnated with 15 % solution of cobaltous chloride and then 1

dried. When placed on a damp surface the paper will change from blue to
pink. These papers are also commercially available.

This test consists of pressing a pressure-sensitive tape onto the surface. The tape is rubbed into the
surface of the steel, removed and placed on a white background and compared with pictorial ratings
for the assessment of both quantity and size of the dust.
The ratings go from 0 to 5. "0" meaning that the particles are not visible under 10 x magnification
and "5" meaning that the particles are larger than 2.5 mm in diameter. The pictorial references
show the dust quantity ratings of I to 5.
The acceptance value of dust will vary. In Norway we have seen specifications indicating 2 (2).
Welding fumes
where the first point of failures in the paint will occur. The
Welds are likely to be the area .
pretreatment of these areas is often overseen. The use of welding sticks will leave alkaline deposits
on the steel and since these are water soluble they will cause trouble.
Water-soluble deposits on the steel should be removed using fresh water prior to final blastcleaning. Tests can be done using pH strips to see the deuce of cleanliness. If the steel is free of
alkaline deposits the pH strips should show values of around 7.
Another important thing is the grinding of welds to eliminate sharp and uneven welds. Also
grinding of sharp edges. Both these things are important before painting the structure.

Surface profile

There is no direct relationship between the surface profile and the surface cleanliness after blastcleaning. So although a surface has been blast-cleaned to Sa 3, this gives no indication of the
roughness of the stccl.
In order to determine the surface roughness we need different equipment and the roughness is
measured in microns.

Quality control
5 Teknologisk Institutt
Nations: MstituLe of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Inspection of protective coatings

Corn parators
Special steel coupons provided with different surface roughness have been available for many
years, e.g. the Rligotest no. 3 comparator.
In the USA both Clem.tex and Keane-Tator surface profile comparators have been L-....ailable. Both
the American comparators give the readings in mils ( 1 mil = 0.001 inch) which is uncommon in
Europe and elsewhere in the world.
The International Standardization Organization (ISO) has approved two comparators for use on
blast-cleaned steel:The comparator is called ISO 8503-1.
The comparator is a small square with a centre hole and four segments. Segment 1 is the finest and
segment 4 is the coarsest.
The comparator is placed on the steel surface and the steel surface is compared with the segments
on the comparator. There are three different roughnesses determined by the comparator from ISO. Fine

The roughness is between segment I and segment 2

The roughness is between segment 2 and segment 3
The roughness is between segment 3 and segment 4

The two comparators available, one fj:Ir

grit blasted surfaces and one for shot blasted surfaces. The
roughness in microns for the two comparators differ, the one for shot blasted steel being a little less
than the one for grit.

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National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Quality control

Inspection of protective coatings

!SO 8503 -1

Dial gauge (Elcometer 121)

This instrument relies on measuring the difference in height between the instrument placed on the
blasted steel (on top of the peaks) and the probe (a needle inside the probe) going down into the valley. The needle is too large to drop into thesmalltsLanickepg_st_valley.,..ha the ingtrument_gia_.
quite reliable readings.


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National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
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Inspection of protective coatings.

Replica tip:.

Another method that has been standardised in USA is the replica tape method. A special tape is
pressed onto the steel surface to produce a replica of the surface profile. The surface profile of the
replica is then measured using a micrometer.
The replica tape is commercially available under the name Testex Press-o-filin tape. The tare is
made of two layers. The outer layer is compressible material and the backing is incompressible. The
tape is placed onto the steel and rubbed with a blunt instrument over the backing.



You will often be working with paint systems in accordance with the paint manufacturers datasheet.
the datasheet
system. you will find the recommended wet film thickness and dry film thickness for each

The paint applicator will be using a simple instrument, a wet film gauge, this to check the thickness
during application. Later on he might also check the dry film thickness. The inspector will be using
an electronic instrument to check the dry film thickness.

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National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

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Inspection of protective coatings

Wet film thickness

Comb gauge
The wet film gauge consists of a stainless steel comb, the outer teeth of which form a baseline. The
inner teeth are progressively shorter so as to present a range of gaps between the teeth and the
baseline. The size of each gap can be read from a scale on the gauge in microns.

The wet film thickness has to be measured immediately after application. The comb is placed
firmly onto the substrate in the wet film. Remove the gauge, and examine the teeth to determine
which is the shortest one to touch the wet paint film. Record the film thickness as lying between the
last "touchinz" tooth and the first "non-touching" tooth. Take at least two or three further readings
to obtain a representative result over the painted surface. Aftei use the comb should be cleaned
Iheyis.111.1m-szaw_can be. used_forthe_.all kirlds.of paints,.however it can be difficult to measure to
zinc-ethvIsilicatepaints whe13. tl-ic.5plyents evaporate very quickly. Also problems will wise when
the wet film gauge is used on the second coat of physical drying paints (they redissolve). The
combs arc usually made of stainless steel, but some paint manufacturers will also supply them in
V lastic.

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National Institute of Ted-tncloay, Norway
Depziment Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Quaiity control

Inspection of protective coatings

Wheel gauge
The wet film thickness can also be determined using a wheel gauge.

The gauge consists of a wheel

of which the perimeter has three equally spaced rims, the central one of which is smaller than and
eccentric to the outer ones. When the wheeigauge is rolled over a wet film the eccentric central rim
shows a position at which it just touches the wet paint surface, and a calibrated scale engraved on
the outer wheel enables the wet paint thickness at this point to be noted. Several readings are taken
in a similar manner to obtain representative results over the painted area.

Dry film thickness

The dry film thickness can be measured using dry film thickness gauges that are available on the
Often the types of instruments can be divided into two:
\ Magnetic pull-off instruments (permanent magnet principle)
I Electromagnetic instruments (magnetic inductive principle)

0 :1

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National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Quality control

inspection of protective coatings

The magnetic pull off instruments

These instruments are usually quite simple and very easy to sc. They are often referred to as the
"banana" gauge and they can only operate on magnetic substrates. On the tip they have a small
round permanent placed magnet which is placed onto the paintfiim on the steel. A small wheel on
the "banana gauge" is then turned towards the operator until the magnetic forces are overcome and
the magnet lifts from the paint film. At this point we have reached the DFT of the paint. The
accuracy of the instrument is approximately 5 %.
When calibrating the instrument you can only use a one-tint calibration. Meaning, the instrument
must he calibrated used a foil, close to the paint thickness on the smooth steel, and not by using the
smooth steel for the zero calibration. The easiest way of calibrating the instrument is by holding the
wheel and adjusting (by sliding) the scale so that it shows the correct DFT.

Electromagnetic instruments
These instruments have been available for a long time and are equipped with either a twin fixed
probe or a single fixed probe and an accuracy of 1- 3 %. The instrument measures the magnetic
flux between the probe and the steel substrate.
Twin fixed probes:
These rely on permanent magnetic forces in the probe. Due to the possibility of tilting the probe, it
is recommended to turn the probe clockwise (90, 180 and 270 degrees) and regard the DFT as the mean of the 4 values.
Single fixed probes:
Many of the instruments available today are digital instruments, but there are also analogue
instruments available that are preferred by many inspectors. Here the display of the results is not as
"bastant" as other digital ones. It is not possible on a analogue instrument to distinguish between 10
- 20 microns of accuracy. We could say the instruinent makes the inspector somewhat more
-- tolerant" in his readings.
Never the less a rcading on a digital instrument may be as erroneous as a reading on a logical
instrument. The important thing is to calibrate the .ns.1 ument correctly, if this is not done the
readings are of no use. When using these instruments this requires skill and common sense to
interpret the results. In many countries micrometers is used instead of mils. The readings on the
instruments are therefor:: very accurate when they can give you the rcTtilt in 0.1 microns. As a good
inspector you should know what limits ti ou can get when painting. Unfortunately we have heard c,f
rumours of inspectors rejecting areas with a lack of 6 microns from the specified DFT.
Use common sense when you are doi'tg thc inspection.
? Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis



Inspection of protective coatings

Acceptance criteria
lithe specified DFT is 325 p.m can you accept individual values of 300 pm? How many
measurements should be taken? These are common questions for the inspector.
Many inspectors have used the 80 / 20 rule for a number of years. This rule presents that the lowest
accepted DFT is 80 % of the specified DFT and thatmaxi
ar-----m j1----1
m o --2G7t-o areTTCallowed to be
under the specified DFT.

So in the above mentioned example;

The specified DF1 was 325 pm, the lowest DFT accepted according to the 80 / 20 rule would be
260 p.m..
In ISO 12944 part 5you will find similar information:

"Unless agreed otherwise, individual dry film

thicknesses of less than 80 % of the nominal dry film thickness are not acceptable. Unless agreed
otherwise individual values between 80 % and 100 % of the nominal dry film thickness are
acceptable provided that the qtrercui average (media) is equal to or greater than the nominal dry
film thickness".
Also a note has been made of excessive thickness. it
is recommended that the maximum dry film
thickness is not greater than 3 times the nominal dry film thickness.
Regarding the number of readings at a test site. For many years the SS
pc PA2 has defined in its
standard that for every 10 m2
, five determinations shouldhezna&-o-f-three-servarate-gage readings
withina_12parn diarnefr.r CiTC1C.
2) t

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National institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


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Inspection of protective coatings

In case of dispute it is very important that the instruments are calibrated the same way. Problems
are likely to occur if one instrument is calibrated over smooth steel and the other on blast cleaned
steel. The difference in roughness when calibrating on a blast-cleaned surface, will result in an
increase of the DFT.
In many specifications today you will find a reference to the SSPC standard SP-2. This standard
does not take into acnount the blast-cleaned steel for calibration, only smooth steel. In the offshore
industry or shipping industry we will often be inspecting DFT's of 250 - 500 microns, so the
influence of the surface roughness actually plays a very little part..
There are many errors that will influence the results when you are taking measurements on painted
steel. These are things that the inspector should be aware of.
Soft films
z Distance to edges (approx. 15 mm)
Distance to shoulders (approx. 30 mm)
Surface roughness
Curved surfaces
Residual magnetism
Position and pressure of the probe
Magnetic leaking fields
A new standard from CEN will soon be available in connection with measurements of dry
filmthickness. In the new standard the influence of surface roughness is taken into consideration
when measuring.
The roughness of the- steel is unknown:
Calibt- ation is carried out on a smooth piece of steel and from each DFT a value of 25 um is
subtracte:1 e.g. the DFT gauge shows 360 um, the actual DFT is 335 pm.
The roughness of the sieci is /mown:
Calibration is carried out on a smooth piece of steel. The measurements are taken. If the roughness
is determined to be fine a value of 10 urn is subtracted, for medium a value of 25 i.un is subtracted
and for coarse a value of 40 gm is subtracted-from the measured DFT.

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Nations! Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Guality central


Inspection of protective coatings

How to adjust .yrILr DFT gauge

You need a piece of smooth ; polished steel and calibration foils to adjust your DFT gauge.
I. Place the probe onto the smooth / polished steel and adjust to zero.
2. ''re-i--dte to the thickness you planTo m.sure
3. Place the foil onto the smooth polished steel and adjust the instrument so that the DFT of the
foil is read on the instrument.
4. Recheck step l and 3.

Measuring dry film thickness by destructive means

The method is based on measurement of the dry film thickness by observation of angular cuts in the
coating through a microscope having a built-in reticule with a scale. The methods employ different
instruments to make the cuts in the paint.
Test Method A:

Groove cutting (incision) instruments e.g. P.I.G or Tooke Inspection Gauge

Test Method B

Drillings instruments e.g. Saberg Drill

Test Method A

Cutting groove instruments

The cutting groove (incision) instruments can be used to determine both the total dry film thickness
as well as each coat (providing contrasting colours have been used).
This is a destructive test method, so we must use the test carefully. Areas tested must be repaired by
use of the proper repair methods and paint system.
The primary function of the instruments are usually determination of DFT, but some instruments
may also Ire equipped with multi -blade knives for the cross cut test:
Using the instrumr:rIts
Start by using an appropriate surface marker (permanent marker) of a contrasting colour to mark a
approximately 5 cm long line on the surface. where the measurements are to be made. The
instrument is handheld and placed firmly on the painted surface. Pull the instrument towards you
and just before you cross the marked line, increase pressure on the Cutting tip so that it cuts through
the paintsysiern and down to the substrate.

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National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


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Inspection of protective coatings

a I bi

The readings should be taken at the intersection of the marked line and the groove, (incision).

As indicated
sure that you measure the smooth surface - the other side is often rough, jagged.
above providing that contrasting colours have been used, each individual coat can be read. The
actual coating thickness will be the number of gradations for each coat or for the total system
, -
cs Gt.
multiplied by the scale factor or conversion factor.

The conversion factor may vary between the instruments.

Using the F.I.G. instrument the conversion factors are:
Knife or tip - no. 1 Knife or tip no. 2
Knife or tip no. 3

Each gradation is 20 um
Each gradation is

You are using knite or tip no. 2 and your 1. coat measures 15 gradations, 2. coat measures
8 gradations, 3.coat measures 5 gradations. What is the DFT of each coat ?
Using knife or tip no. 2,

is 10;

1.coat is equal to 15 x = 150 ;.:.m

2:Co-at is equal to 8 x 10um = 80 .1.m
3.coat is equal to 5 x 10 i_trn = 50 im
Using the Tooke Inspection Gauge, what is viewed in the m

icroscope is part of a scale of 2 rnm.

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Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Inspection of protective coatings

The conversion factors are:
Knife IX
K.:1; ?X
Knife 10X


You are using knife or tip no. lX and your 1. coat measures 0.42 mm and 2. coal measures
0.20 mm. What is the DFT of each coat ?
Using knife or tip no. IX, the conversion factor is 1.0;
1.coat is equal to 0,42 x 1.0 = 0.42 mm = 420 p.m
2.coat is equal to 0.20 x 1.0 = 0.20 mm = 200 urn
Test Method :B

Drilling instruments - S5berg Drill

The Saberg Drill instrument can be used io determine both the total dry film thickness as well as
each coat (providing contrasting colours have been used).
This is a destructive test method, so we must use the test carefully. Areas tested must be repaired by
use of the proper repair methods and paint system.
Using the instrument

Start by using an appropriate surface marker (permanent marker) of a contrasting colour to mark an
area of approximately 5 mm by 5 mm on the surface where the measurements are to eco
instrument is equipped with two sets of handwheels. Use the heavy wheel on hard or thicka . The
above 250 um. Insert the cutting unit in the handwheel and tighten the socket head screw. Place
drill body, with the hole directly above the measurement area. Rotate the handwheel and drill a hole
through the coating to the substrate. View the hole with the microscope, focusing on the side of the
20. on the painted surface. The coating thickness is calculated by multin
plyi g
...----Exposed substrate

1. coat
2. coat

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National institute of

Typical view through the microscope


Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


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Inspection of protective coatings


The term "holiday" is widely used to describe discontinuities in the coating such as pinholes and
pores. From time to time such defects can occur in a coating. In many cases where the coating is
exposed to atmospheric conditions, these are of minor importance and will have little or no effect
on the lifetime of the coating. However in r.1.:bmerged areas it is of vital importance that a coating is
free of pinholes and pores.
To check whether or no here are pinholes in a coating there are two common used instruments
available. One is based on a wet sponge and the other on a high voltage spark.

Wet sponge holiday detector...



This instrument is fairly easy to use in the field. A sponge fitted tTia--ThetalPle. :nd moistened With
tap water and connected by a cable to a small low voltage battery source (often 2 -3 1.5 volt
batteries) and to the steel. The voltage out of the instrument varies from 9 to 90 V. The sensitivity
of the instrument is increased when the instrument is adjusted to 90 V instead of 9 V. The instrument is grounded to the steel surface. The sponge is drawn or moved over the coating at a
speed not exceeding 30 cm per second (preferably less) and if a discontinuity is detected a sharp
"bleep" will be heard. In order to locate the discontinuity exactly the edge or corner of the sponge.
should be used. The instrument can only be used on non-conductive coatings, not on metallic and
conductive coatings such as zincethylsilicate. The instrument can off course be used over a non. conductive coating applied over zincethylsilicate.
r Igor or to holiday detection using the wet sponge - the DFT of the coating should be
In order to use the wet sponge holiday detector the DFT should be less than 500 p.m.
The sponge should be sufficiently wet, but not so wet that it leaves a "path" of water on the
coating. This can lead to "telegraphing or tracking" of defects.
If used between coats nothing should be added to the water, but if the final inspection is being
carried out a wcakened detergent SOilltiOn can be added to the water to reduce the surface

I -r .


High voltage holiday



The principle is more or less the same as for the low voltage holiday tester, but instead of the wet
sponge, an electrode with a wire brush or conductive rubber is used. The high voltage holiday tester
operates on DC voltage up to approx. 7,f)();.;0 V or 30 kV. The voltage is set according to the DFT of
the coating. This type of holiday tester is used mainly for DFT's above 500 1.un. It is of vital
importance, so as not to damage the coating, that the DFT is measured before starting a high
voltage test.
O Teknologisk Institutt
Insiitute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Quality control

Inspection of protective coatings

As of today there is one standard, ASTM D 51C.2 available for determination of holidays in
coatings. Also the NACE organisation have a r1;.
rTn7mended practice for high voltage holiday
detection, NACE RP 0177.
In situations where no voltage setting is specified, a thumb rule is to increase the voltage by 100 V
for every 25 jim of DFT.
The instrument is grounded to the steel surface. The wire brush electrode is moved over the coating
at a speed n3t exceeding 30 cm per second (preferably less) and if a discontinuity is detected a
spark jumps and also a sharp "bleep" will be heard.
The inslf.iment can cniy be used on non-conductive coatings, not on metallic and conductive
coatings such as zincethylsilicate. The instrument can off course be used over a non conductive
coating applied over zincethylsilicate.

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National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
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Quality control

InTection of protective coatings

In the standard you will find information of how to use the instruments:

The instrument should be grounded

DFT should be measured
The voltage should be zie:
Max. holiday detection speed is 30 cm /s
Defects should be marked and repaired.

In case holidays are detected the repair method will involve sanding down until the defects are no
longer present. It is impossible to repair pinholes solemnly by applying paint by airless on top of
the holiday.
The high voltage is somewhat more destructive than the low voltage holiday tester. If the voltage is
set too high the holiday tester will burn holes in the coating, that might not have beer, there from

PU11 oil iesi

One of the most important things connected with paints and coatings is the adhesion. High adhesion
values between the paint and the substrate will provide a kind of guarantee that the life of the
coatings will be long.
In order to avoid early breakdown of coatings the surface preparation is important. When the
surface is properly cleaned the adhesive properties between the primer and the steel will also be
better. A simple method of checking., the adhesion is to push a knife between the paint film and the
steel substrate, then to lift of the paint_ This is an old method and very subjective, but in the hands
of an experienced inspector, it is a quick and useful test.
Checking the adhesion properties involves special equipment and instruments. The most commonly
used instruments in Norway and also in other countries in Europe today are:
PAT Model GM 01
Elcometer Hate 108
Saberg IS 90
Elcometer 106

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Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Inspection of protective coatings

The PAT GM 01
This is a fairly new instrument on the marked, but it is also one of the most used
adhesion testing in Norwa,
instru ments for
/ :Ind many other countries.
The instrument is equipped with a special probe with four hydraulic cylinders (legs) that appear
when pressure is placed on the hydraulic power unit.
The probe is equipped with a quick release coupling and for practical measurements on steel
normally two dolly sizes are used. Use of the smaller of two dollies (1.57 cm') it is possible to
measure values up to 34 MPa. Use-of the larger dollies (3.14 cm
?) it possible to measure values up
to 17 MPa.


6 --,


I V\


'Ile Decimeter HatelOS

The instrument is equipped with a manometer for readings up to 25 MP a. The doilies supplied with
the pusheA
off are ilot drawn of the substrate in the same manlier as for other instruments, but they

The probe of instrument is equipped with a quick reicase coupling, which is placed over the dolly.
By twisting the grip the centre piston is pushed onto the steel so that the dolly is pressed opposite
and the adhesion is measured.
When gluing the dollies on to tn.:: substrate it is important that a small Teflon plug is fitted in the
centre hole to avoid glue from entering. This sometimes proves to be diffiCult so all glue shall be
prior to pull off using a small drill. The drill will remove the glue and the deposits of

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

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inspection of protective coatings

The Siiberg IS 90
The instrument is a pneumatic pull off instrument operated on gas. There are three dolly
sizes for the instrument, but normally only the dollies of 1.13 cm' and 3.14 cm' are used for
measurements on steel substrates. -
The. instrument is capable of taking readings up to 21 MPa using the smallest doilies. Since the
instrument is operated on nitrogen gas, you are not allowed to bring a full gas cylinder on board
planes. So the cylinder has to br Mled with nitrogen gas on site.

The Elcometer 106

The instrument is a mechanical pull off instrument. The instrument is equipped with dollies with an
area of 3.14 cm' is used for measurements on steel substrates. The instrument is available with
various scale ranges
The instrument has a set of jaws that fit over the head of the dolly. Before use the jaws are lowered
until they can slip under the head of the dolly. The force indicator on the instrument should be set to
zero. The load is then increased until failure occurs and the applied force can be read on the force
indicator on the instrument_

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O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Inspection of protective coatings

Using the instruments

In some specifications you will meet recuirements for the pull off siiength of the coatings system.
When you carry out the tests it is important that the test is carried out according to a standard e.g.
ISO 4624.

The dollies that you are using have to be cleaned just prior to the gluing operation. The dollies
should be free of old paint ;,..d shall be rubbed gently on sanding paper to remove residues. The
1 using a clazper towel and set aside. Also_tht_
. criating_slaAd beabradedising
ndijag_aaper, the dust on the surface is thou removed by a dry paper towel.

Using a two pack epoxy glue it is irnnortant that equal amounts of the two components are mixed
thoroughly together. After mixing a small amount of glue is applied onto the dolly and the dolly is
then placed on the abraded painted surface. Jt is very important both on horizontal and vertical
surfaces that the dollies are kept in place by cross-taping the dollies. If this is not done the dollies
Will slide away. Using an epoxy two pack glue the curing time at 20 C is approximately 24 hours.
Also cyanoacrylate glue ("super glue") can be used for adhesion testing. Put the glue on the dolly
and hold the dolly onto the abraded surface for i 0 - 15 s. This glue sticks immediately to the
surface. Using this type of glue you may pull-off the dollies maybe after only half an-l-ar.
or ohours

Cutting around the dolly

In the standard it is emphasised that you shall cut through the coating around the dolly down to the
substrate. When this is done the breaking strength will ho measured over an exact area, the area of
the dolly. If you don't cut around the dolly sometimes the area of the dolly will increase due to
extra paint be pulled of. This will give erroneous results.

What kind of pull off strengths can be measured

The pull off sirength of a coating often depends on the paint itself. The cohesive properties within
the paint will be important.

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National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
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Inspection of protective coatings

On a well-prepared surface with an epoxy coating you might achieve pull off strength values of 5 10 NIPa, maybe even higher.
The breaks/will in general be of two kinds; adhesion failure or cohesion failure.
What t;,pe of break would you prefer and why?
If you could choose where would you prefer the break to occur?
Cohesive failure



1. 100% cohesive break

Lin coat (100% 8)

100% cohesive break

in 2.nd coat (100% C)

50 'to cohesive break_ in

both cent 2 nd coat
(50 %El 50 %C)

Adhesive failure



adhesive break
(t..te..1.94-atibee-trg2k----11 100 % adhesive break
I between 1. St and 2.nd j
between dolbk.and topcoat I tbetween steel and 1.51
I/,. coat ()0u% BIC)
coat (100% Al8)

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Teknologisk Institute
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
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insp,ction of protective coatings

Cross cut test
The cross cut test is also a standardised method used :a (1,
:-cm--,ine the adhesion of paints on metallic
substrates. The test is ISO 2409.
The cross-cut is made from 6 parallel cuts through the paint film to the steel substrate. The outs are
either made one at a time using a Stanley knife, a :scalpel, razor 'oiade or using a multi-blade cutting
tool making the 6 cuts in one operation.

Multi-blade-cutter tool
It may seem easier to make all six cuts at the same time through the coating, but the problem is to
have all 6 knives penetrating the paint down to the steel surface. The spacing of the cuts depends on
the thickness of the coating.
Coating thickness

Spacing between cuts

0 to 60 gm
61 to 120 gm
121 to 250 g_tm

1 mm
2 nun
3 mm

Cutting tool

The multi-

blade-cutting tool shall only be used up to coating thickness of 17n

ri trn. Above 120 and
a single blade knife shall be used and the scribes shall be made one at the time. The
singleblade-cutting tool is the preferred tool in all cases.
After the cuts have been made, brush the surface lightly using a soft brush.

tape is applied over the lattice and the tape is robbed firmly So that the colour of ihe coating can be
seen through the coating showing overall contact. Then the tape is pulled of steadily in 'A to i
seconds at an angle, which is as close to 60' as.possible.
The cut area is carefully examined with a photographic refetence

O Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Quality ccIntrol


Inspection of protective coatings

The edges of the cuts are cornp:ntely smooth: none of the '
Hass 0
squares of the lattice is detached.

Detachment of small flakes of the coating at the

Class 1
intersections of the cuts. A cross-cut area not significantly greater than 5 --i affected.
The coating has flaked along the edges and/or at the
Class 2
,e.rsections of the cuts. A cross-cut area significantly greater than 5
affected, but not significantly greater than 15%. is affected.

file coating has flaked along the edges of the cuts partly
Class 3
'hqlly in large ribbons, and/or it has flaked partly or wholly on different
area significantly greater than
parts of ihe squares. A
affected, but not significantly greater than 35 %, is affected.
The coating has flaked along the edges of the cuts ill
Class 4
large ribbons, and!or some squares have detached partly or wholly.
cross-cut area significantly greater than 35 % i affected, but not
significantly greater than 65 %, is eNected.

Class 5
classification 4.

Any degree of flaking that cannot even be classified by


An inspector might be required to determine whether or not a coating is sufficiently cured or not.
Often the inspector will be relying on the datasheets and the daily logs concerning the coating
There are graduations
Dry to touch
Dry to re-coat
Dry to handle

in the level of hardness and varying terminology is used:

Interval between application and tack-free time
Interval between application ability to receive next coat satisfactorily
Interval between application cind ability to pick up without excessivc damage

t movement of the
ill.' n
The thumbtest where the painter or inspector impresses the thumb into
underlying paint indicates that the underlying. layers are still so_ Pencil hcles,',-t-t:-1;an bc used
to the substrate and is pushed
on thinne.r coatings. A butt-ended pencil is held at an angle of 45
into the coating. Y ou start with the softest pencil first and then increase tile hardness until you find
one tllat scratches the paint film.
Another test can be the use of special hardness testers that are held to the surface and a spring
loader plunger is driven into the coating.

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National Institute of Technolocy, Norway
Department Corrosion Protect:ch and Analysis

Inspection of protective con ting,Q

Sometimes for two pack paints such as epoxy and polyurethane coatings a solvent resistance test is
used. One method is to saturate a cloib/rag with solvent. The cloth/rag is wiped across the surface
of the coating for a specified number of times. Very little if an
is cured.
at all shall come of if the paint

Curing of zineethylsilicate paints

test. for testing the curing of zincethylsilicate paints is standardised as ASTM D 4752 The surface is cleaned with freshwater prior to the test to remove all loose zincdust. A white
is saturated wilh the solvent Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone (MEK) and rubbed over an area of at
. using the thumb up to 50 double rubs across the zincethylsilicate.
If the solvent has very little .
according to the standard. 6r no effect on the surface, then the coating will be rated as 4 or 5
At this Jevel one assumes the coating to be cured.

Tests at NIT, Norway

Some years ago we did a lot of testing in connection with coating failures of polyurethane/epoxy
applied over zincethylsilicate.
The results can be summarised as follows:

The best properties of the coating will be achieved using steam for curing of the

We experienced
that adhesion problems can occur if zincethylsilicate is solemnly cured using

The time of curing seemed to have only minor effect on the adhesion properties of the coating

t' bUt later on splitting in the zinc or

Sometimes the proper results of curing are determinesl,
between zinc and the intermediate coat occurs, this can be due to improper curing. E.g. the
zincethylsilicate paint is only cured in the top, but not through the coating.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
Velleskkurslfrosiokurs\frosio.eng \20-00

Quality control

Inspection of protective coatings

!nspection insti. uments

As an inspector you will off course already have some inspection equipment in your possession.
Very often a dry film thickness gauge and a log book is all 'you need, but in general the equipment
should contain:
Carrying case (rucksack)
Surface preparation standards (e.g. ISO 8501-1 and ISO 8501-2)

Powerful flashlight (preferably halo
Inspection mirror with telescopic handie
Compaiators for surface profile (e.g. ISO 8503-1)
Magnifiers (e.g. 5 - 6 x and 30 x)
Tape for dust measurements (e.g. ISO 8502-3)
Bresle sampler (ISO 8502-6)
Beakers for determining oil in abrasives
White paper for dust measurements
pH papers for cleanliness of welds
Slinghygrometer or electronic hygrometer
Digital surface thermometer
Tables or calculators for RH and dewpoint
Dry film thickness gauge calibration foils and steel for calibration

Knife and scraping tools

Oil free chalk or marking pens
Log book
Other equipment that might be necessary:

Holiday detectors (e.g. Low voltage sponge or High voltage spark)

Pull Off test equipment

Cross Cut test equipment
Viscosity meter

Quality control
Teknologisk Institut
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis



\NAS TITu r7

Quality control methods and instruments


ISO 8501-1 Determination of rustorades and

preparation grades
Probed:ace for us
Place the appropriate photograph in the standard close to
and in plane of the steel surface and compare
Examine the steel surface and compare a with each of the
photographs using uuunal visiuo
For rustgradas record the assessment as the worst grade
that is evident
For preparation grades, record the assessment as that
grade nearest in appearance to that of the steel surfaLe


ISO 8501-1 Determination of rustgrades and

preparation grades
Be aware of factors that can influence the visual
Colour of the steel
Different roughness due to corrosion attack
irregularities in the steel
Shadowing can oed by angled projection of abrasive
Enitri....lcd abrasive

Comparist2n of blasting grades according to

different standards

"^ e5ff,1

White meta: fZeTZ:

Sa 3

Near v.t.ite metal (SP 10)

I Se 2 1i2

Commercial finish (Si

; Se 2

Lig72 Plc:: r.;:7 brusii off ;SP 71

I Sal

BS 4232
1st Oue/rty
I 2 nd Ouality
13 re OuaDy

SSPC Steel Sheey/es Parnno Counci (L0 4

C:4 Amish Standard

A Steel surface largely cave7-1 with adhering rein scale
but lane. it any.
Steel surface which has begun to rust and from which the mill scale has
Sedan to flaRe
C Steel surface on which the mil male 1120
rusted away or from which 0
an be scraped, but with slefit pr/2"g under normal vision.
0 Si ' :face on which the will scale has rusted away and on which
g is vieible tinder normal vision.

Blast-cleaning, Sa
Sa I Light blast-clear;^,7
The surface shall 52 Pee from visible oil, ease and dirt, and
from poorly irihering mill some, rust, paint coatings and
foreign matter (wale: soluble salts and welaing debrie).See
photogractts B Se 1, C Sa i and D Sa 1

Sa 2 Thorough b!ast-cleaning
The surface snail be free horn
visible oil, grease. 2nd dlit.
from moo:
mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign
matter. Any residual contamination shall be firmly adheOng.
See photographs B Sat C as 2 and D Sa



Blast-cleaning, Sa


Sa 2 'A Very thercugh blast- cleaning

Tie surface shall be free from visible ha. grease ar..2 deb and from
mill scale. rust, paint coatings and foreign mailer. Any remaining
traces of contamination shall snow only as slight Stains in the form
nr spots or :tripes.
2: 2'4 C Sa 2V, and D Sa 215
See photographs A Sa
Sa 3

Slast-cleaning to visually clean steel

The surface shalt be free from visible of. grease and dirt. and
shall be free hoe, min scale, rust paint coatings and foreign
matter. It shall have a uniform metallic calor.
See photographs A Sa 3, B Sa 3, C Sa 3 and D Sa



%-.7 Hand tool and power tool cleaning, St

; St 2 Thorough hand and power tool cleaning
roe stklace shall be free from visible od, grease and dirt,
and from poorly adhering mill scale, rust, paint coatings and
foreign matter (water soluble salts and weirlolg debris). See
photograrms 8 St 2. C St 2 and D S12
St 3 Very thorough hand and pov.-a: tool cleaning
As for St 2, but the shall be treated much more thoroughly to
give a metallic sheen arising from the metallic substrate. See
onolograpns Et St 3. C St 3 and 0 513


Flame cleaning, Fl

The surface shall be free from mill scale. rust,

paint coatings and foreign matter. My residues
shaft show only as discoloration of the surface
(shades of different colors).
See photographs A FL 8 Ft. C Ft and C F




133 8501-1:1988 / Suppl: 1994 Appearance of

blast-c!ean)d steel with different abrasives
The cclour of the abrasive affects the
appearance of the surface
dark coloured abrasives: darker duller than sand
hard metallic abrasives: darker due to shadows in
The photographic examples of blast-cleaned surfaces in
ISO 8501-1 have been blasted with silica sand

ISO 8501-1:1988 / Suppl: 1994 Appearance of

blast-cleaned steel with different abrasives
The photographic
,.....2mpiwR in the
supplement have been
prepared by blastcleaning mild steel of rust
grade C to preparation
grade Sa 3 with six
different abrasive


ISO 8501-2 Preparation grades of

previously coated substrates after localized
removal of previous coatings
Identifies certain degrees of visual cleanliness
Localized removal is indicated by the lelier P
before Sa, St and Ma.
The following number, if arty, indicates the
degree of cleaning Irom mill scale, rust and
previous coatings.

Localized blast-cicaning ofpreviously

coated surfaces, P Sa
Designated as eP Sa 2, P Sa 21i2 Of P Sr. 3::
Heavy layers of rust shall be removed by
Visible si!, grease and dirt shall also be
Loose dust and debris shall be removed after

Localized machine abrading, t

Ma i

Designated as eP Ma and the cleaning is N.

done using discs, rotating wire brushes
Prior to abrading, any layers of lust shall be
removed by chipping
Visible oil, grease and dirt shall also be
Loose dust and debris shaii be removed after
machine abrading

, ,"14i0

Localized hand - and power-tool cleaning of

previously coated surfaces, P St

Designated a: eP St 2 or P
prior to cleaning, layers of rust shalt be removed
by chipping
Visible 31i, grease and did shall also be removed
and debris shall be removed elle
hand- and power-tool cleaniny
This method does not include machine alared".



\g ISO
8501-2 Using the standard

The area that has been localized surface

prepared is compared with the appropriate
The standard indicates what appearance
that can be expected after localized
surface preparation of paintedsteel

ISO 8502-1 Field test for soluble iron

corrosion products

Soak an absorbent cvnon pad in distilled water (50 ml) and

ureti 250 x 100 mm)
Avoid water running freely from the pad
Place he cotton pad in a 400 ml container

no this several times until all he water has been used

Mix the water and the cotton pads and dip the indicator test strip in
the water and assess the
colour against the reference indcator

- Express the results in

ISO 8502-1 Field test for soluble iron

corrosion products

Other and simpler methods

- Conductivity measurements
abgh conductis ii. soluble salts present)

Potassium hexacyanofertate (lilt test pacer

(Plussiun blue -

soluble iron corrosion products p:::.cst)

Corrosion products indicators emulsion-type

Visual inspection using an illuminated magnifier



Potassium hexacyanoferrate (III) test

Potassium hexacyanoferrate (9.!) test for soluble

Iron salts
pare 4 pans by weight o1 Potassium bexacyano.terrate (III) in 96 parts
of distilled water
soak a utter paper (no.1 gem) in In. ectution and hang to dry is air.
apply a Min film of distilled water on the steel and let tne water really

aptly the lestpacter to M.. 'Aptly damp sunace and press for If. sa,und,
wen thumb to assure good contact
salts presence of blue spots indicate remaining soluble tenons
Iresnwaler cleaning and reblasling may be neces_o-..


ISO 8502-2 Laboratory determination of

chloride on cleaned surfaces

Soak an absoroenl cotton pad in distilled water 145 ml) and

swab the area idbit it 100 mm)

Avoid water running freely horn the pad

Place the Cotton pad in a 400 ml container
iro this several limes until all the water has been used
Mix Ma water and the cotton pads
Filtrate the water and wash the cotton pads using 5 ml of
dIslilled water
20 ml of the wale

essed in n4rot

ISO 8502-3 Assessment of dust on steel

surfaces prepared for painting

Requirements in specifications
The surfaces shall be free from surface
grease, dirt, dust and
contaminations includi.g
water-soluble salts .

The dust on the surface may

. reduce the adhesion ui coatings
AUsorb moisture
promote corrosion on the surface

ISO 8502-3 Assessment of dust on steel prepared for painting
Procedaz for use:
Press 150 mm of freshly erposed tape on the surface
RLth the tape with your thumb at a firm pressure
Remove the tape from the surface and
of ace it on a board or a
piece of paper
- Compare the tape with the photographic reference
- Assess the quanibty of the auk: and the geeclonfinatm
g particle
Large amounts of dust (5)- small (0)
Large dust particles of dust (5) - small (0)


ISO 8502-4 Guidance on the estimation of
the probability of condensation prior to
paint application
Procedure for use:
Check the thermometers
Saturate wick with water
Whirl the sling hygrometer for 30 seconds

Note wet bulb temperature then the pry bulb temperature

Whirl the sling hygrorneler

for another 30 seconds

if the values are the same as

the last reading STOP, it not Shirt 22:n

until Inure d not difference from the last reading

nalermine the relative

humidity / new point


ISO 8502-4 Guidance on the estimation

of the probability of condensation prior
to paint application


Sling hygrometer or electronic hygrometer

Dew point calculator
Steel therrnometer (analog or electronic)
Hygrometer charts

Common demands prior to painting


Surface preparation in accordance with the

lne steel temperature in generally should be at
least 3 C above the dew point temperature

at: eaMitie

Use of the Marintek Dewpoint Calculator

Measure the ambient temperature
Measure the relative humidity

On the outer scale of the MDC find the air temperature

and set it on top of the relative humidity
In the small windows you will find the dew point
tern-arature and the minimum steel temperature for
painting at these condidittons

Use of the Elcometer Dewpoint



Measure ambient temperature

Determine the dew point
al Set Jut ...taunt in...permute (scale l l ova she dr tut::
temperature tscale !1
3 is
bl At etc net bulb temperaiure an sold ea up en sole
determine tie dew point temperature
Detertni,-.4 :hp relative humidity

.rey tilt( you sc( vetoes an see; ad

T. au:
c) So the dry twe teepperoutre aver the
dl Mead 1It relatise humidity in etc sung

tV Mean relative humidity in Norway




0800 1190 1900






























40 04 ea

Psychrometric difference (difference between dry
bulb a nd wet bulb)


979 a 94



ISO 8502-6 Sampling of soluble impurities

on surfaces to be painted

InexpAnr.Ir: method using flexible cells

produced, from adhesive patches and capable
of being filled with solvent.
patches can be attached to any surface
regardless of its shape (flat or curved).

How to use the Bresle sampler

Latex film

Procedure for use:

Remo.; Ma protective pacer and thepunched out
material, and place the pal:Ann the steel surface
Fill Ole ot,rtgtn with solvent and insert the needle
through the outer edge of the patch andinject the
- back
After a suitable periodcf ti
into the syringe cylinde
Retrieve and transfer as much as possible of the
solvent from the sampling compartment to a suitable
vessel for analysis.
Conduct the necessary analysts e.g conductivity

Brest. patch


Extraction of soluble salts using the
Bresle sampler


3 ml

Extraction of soluble salts using the salt

contamination meter SCM 400
Procedure for use:
An absorbent test pacer is
wetted (distilled water).
Tite :est paper is placed on the
steel surface.
After a suitable period of time.
witiirie salts the absmbed by the
test paper .
The test paper is placed in the
A digital readout in Irgical.

ISO 8503 Surface roughness characteristics of

blest cleaned substrates
Type: Comparators

ISO 8503 - 1 Grit

ISO 8503 - 1 Shot Ir



ISO 8503-1 comparator

ISO 8503

Surface roughness characteristics

of blast cleaned substrates

Procedures for use:

Place the G or S comparator onto the blast-cleaned
Compare, the test surface with the four segments of the
compw-alor. using
lens if necessary
Assess the profiles oi;hand
to the profile on the test surface that are nearest
Fine/ Medi= ! Coarse



u 2.7

8503 Surface roughness characteristics

of mast cleaned substrates


Profiles equal to segment 1 and up to but

excluding segment 2
Shot (25 - .t5

Medium Profiles equal to segment 2 and up to but

excluding aegment 3

Shot t 35 -150 otri )

( 511- 8.1.

Coarse Profiles equal to segment 3 and up to but

excluding segment 4


;.uil6585am )


ISO 8503 Surface roughness characteristics

of blaGt cleaned substrates

If any profile is assessed as below the lower

limit for the "fine" grading, report the grading as
"finer than fine"
If any profile is assessed as above the upper
Mit for the "coarse" grading, report the grading
as "coarser than coarse'






ISO 8501-1 Visual assessmentof surface

Rbf cleanliness
Photographic references
Fuur levels of mill sca!e and rust Crustgrades")
Visual cleanliness after surface preparabon (preparation grades)
A : B. C D
Sulace preparatongra4es

Hand ens poen., tool

y 512 and 54 3

Sa I.Sa 2.5a
FI, C Fl

Sa 3

ISO 2808 Determination of film thickness

(wet film)

Wet film comb

The outer teeth of wirkli form a baseline.

The inner teeth are progressively shorter so as to

present a range of gaps between the teeth and the

The size of each gap can be read from a scale on

the gauge.

ISO 2808 Determination of film thickness

(wet film)
Procedures for user
. Press the gauge firmly into the fresh, wet coating.
perpendicular to the surface
Remove the gauge, and examine the teeth to
determine which is the shortest one to touch the wet
paint film
. Record the film thickns: cc trins between the last
"touching" tooth and first "non toucning" tooth

Comb gauge
il nil ELT".
50 100 150-'200 250 300

5.0.0n4 400 35.0_


Wheel gauge

!SO 2333 - Determination of filrnthickness

Instruments based on:
The permanent magnet pull-off principle
- The electromagnetic induction principle
The eddy curror:t principle

Instruments based on the permanent

magnet principle

Measure the attraction between a permanent

magnet and a magnetic metal.
The attraction force is influenced by the
presence of a non-magnetic coating on the

Instruments based on the inductive magnet


aciroiragr.etic inductive film thickness

instruments measure the magnetic flux between a
probe and a magnetic metal.
The flux is influenced by the presence of nonmagnetic coating on the surface because of ll':e
rnognv:o resistance.

Electronic DFT gauge


Single fixed and twin fixed probes


based on the eddy current


Irmt7: trntelltS

This type .7.f instnImont generates a high-frequency
electromagnetic field in the probe of the instrument,
which induces eddy currents in the metal when the
probe is piatz.z. on its surface.
The metal needs not be magnetic.
Calibration should b enarmed on me same type cf

ASTivl D 5152 -Discontinuity (Holiday)

testing. of nonconductive protective coating
on metallic substrates
Instrumc;:7& I ow vultage wet sponge tester
iiiuh u" "age spark testing

- Electrical testing to determine the presence and
rrrnber of discorilinuit:tes in a coaling film is performed
on a non-conductive coating applied to a conductive

ASTM D 5162 -Discontinuity (Holiday)

testing of nonconductive protective coating
*65 on metallic substrates
Method: Low voltage wet sponge testing

The low voltage holiday detector with voltages

ranging from 5 to 90 V DC.

- Detects holidays through coatings not exceeding

500 pm (20 mils)

ASTM D 5162 -Discontinuity (Holiday)

resting of nonconductive prete.ctive coating
on metallic substrate's

res for usegWet sponge)

Cnenii the DFT (Siihuh: riot exceed 5ut.
Crier::: ;lie instrument (wet sponge to ground)

Attach the grwund wire from the instrument to the

substrate to ensure good electrical rtttazt
Saturate the sponge
tap water
Move the sponge nv.,
ma ,aal ig (max it :s m/s)
- Wipe surface to n,,: ieiegcaphIng

3 551To rt

ASTM D 5162 -Discontinuity (Holiday)

testing of nonconductive protective cpqting
di,...) -/
on metallic substrates
Limitations: Met spOngej:
The coating must be suSluientiv wiry
- Max. OFT = 500 prn
. Speed of tlete,iian max. 30 cm/s
- Used on non- condtiva paints and coatings
Only detects holidays through the coating to the

voltageolidav detector

ASTM D 5162 -Discontinuity (Holiday)

testing of to' iconductive protective coating
on metallic substrates
Method: High voltage spark testi:G.
An electronic device usaii io
holidays in a non- conductive coating applied to a
conductive substrate
through the
Detects holidays wii;,;n the coating
coating to the substrate
- Suggested voltages it- high voltage wark
are given in ASTM 5162



ASTM D 5162 -Discontinuity (Holiday)

testing of nonconductive protective
on metallic i!bstrates
Limitations:(Spark testing)
The coating must be d.ry
Consider usinT .alow vr.ttt.;:.: wet sponge tester
when the DFT l< 500 pm
Q w..---! .:,7;,.:ieciionrralx. 30 crni
pi w:erwLzy tes,
Non-conductive it.z.:ras and coating.
Detects all types of defects/holidays


ASTM D 5162 -Discontinuity (Hoiiday)

testing of nonconductive protective coating
on metallic substrates
Procedures for use:(Spark testing)
- Check the OFT (should exceed SOO Fun)
Adjust proper voltage (see ASTM 0 5162)
Check the instrument
(electrode to ground)
Check grounding (electrode to steel)
Move the electrode over the coating

(max 0.3 m/s)

ASTM U 5162 -Disccntinuity (Holiday)

testing of i!2111.;01)LiliCtiVe
protective coating
on metallic substrates

Total On, fYT trcluless

a sa.a aa
1 04.1 Sa
1 Mono
01 MO
3 II,'"
256.3 lf
3 20.07
:00 .:2
00.5 OD
5 10433

SUggeoted Inaratchr.


--- ......("i

v4STI Tut


1. y,
4 /

'dialmoitaqe holiday detector

Discontinuities detected by a high voltage

hr.-.liday detector

. 0
. .W.


Roughness in steel

Sharp eclges.



irnatN:kr'-% it

.; '


Discontinuities detected by high voltage

holiday detector



Hairs from brushes



1 !I



2 1


ISO 4674 Pull-off test for adhesion

Pl,nmeter 105
Saberu Model IS 90
How mey work:
1). 2) and 3) Pun Oa
Push Off

k4 ISO 41:24 Puii-off tact for adhesion

Elcometer 106
Saterg Model IS 00



How they wont:

- 1). 2) and 3)Pull Off
Push Off

Sc:;-iatic of Pull Off Adhesiontester)

Detaching assembly
Cdrdra: ;tic

Loar.ff:k4 fikiu,


Annular ring


i Tr


A. 7

41 ISO 4624 Pull-off Test kir adhesion

Max. pull off strength depends on the
The putl-off strength may depend on the dolly
On curved surfaces, special dollies must be


f(- W.F.,f11

ISO 4624 Puii-off test for adhesion

Procedures for use:

Lightly abrade

Clean wily end subsaaro with

Mx adhesive / appiy to dolly
Press the

limy to the substrate

t ape the sally

Cut around the dolly

Record type of break and MPa


Cohesive failure


100 cohesive creak

h tete/sat (103%P)

IT007%coheti; Zeeek.
t ind coat (100% C)

50% ddttaive ttieek :

beet ljitand1atid
(50 %Fi.od 50%C;

/ .T+Enre--Vfi

Adhesive failure



100 % edheaistebte4
100 bre* ' 100 55?*sivItft*."
bel*eed ddltir add li': 'J bel
eaitenTteel and 1 st
tenet:tatNOW/CY/4 .J abet' (100% AIR)

:3 MPa




Blast cleaned

Aclhesivc. failure
Coating separates cleanly from
the substrate
Adhesion failure


Cohesive failure
'in:Wain-itself And
Cohesive failure




Adhesion I cohesion failure

Adhesive fzilure

Cohesive failure


ISO 24u Cross cut test

Meth e. fnr assessing the resistance of raint
coatings separation from substrates when a
right angle lattice is cut into the coating,
penetratino to the substrate
Spacing of cuts
0 to BO pro
51 to 120 pm

1 mm spacing
2 mm

171 to 250 are

3 rn77. csac-..^g


ISO 2409 Cross cut test

- Cutting tool
single blade cuttino tool (20 to 30. edge)
multiblade cutting tool with 6 cutting edges spaced 1 mm
or 2 mm apart
The single blade curling tool is the preferred tool in all
cases, i.e. with both hard and sch :T2ting5.. The multiblade cutting tool is not suitable for thick (> 120 pm) or
hard roofings

ISO 2409 Cross cut test

Procedures for cue:

Carry out me test M at least 3 different places

Use a tool with a sharp main; edge (Stanley knife, scalpel)
Cul through the coating with uniform ores tr.e

Repeat this so that a talike ie

to ;6,d (6 a 6 cos)
Blush he wim.:e lightly and apply an adhesive tape

Pull nit the tape al an anyle as close to 60 as posse::

Exaniitie =ray' zompare the cut area with photos

Cross cut test - Single I.-lade



L,NN I3.00/NNa NNW kkkkk

:IN A c.o.s.. ate* no,


NNN at 0N N.N.0.0.01 N
5".. 5%5 5 %




+bra.* rear% inart 15 .4 . s

003 I3N ION" NI Ned NNINNINN el IN [NI pw,

pan al m.
AN* It <MINNA ana NNNI, INN. Non IS.. n arININ. ON NI
-, v....* 15 "4.

CNN IN NIalIng AN pwN NN u. erNN N ,.nn INA INNIN.

New NLINN 5701740.0.01Y
anatt,ar tang. spurn
35, ...ea nu nal 03.03N0113 0Nal. Man 135.
.5,5555%,, 9 ,

Ga. 3 Mn eepree *I

. by cum
ma 555*5l+.1.,=s4..

ASTM D 4752 Curing of zincethylsilicate

Cotton cheeseclotn
aolvent Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone (Butanon


Evaluation according to standard

No effect on surface: no zinc on cloth after 50 double rubs

But. iished appearance in limbed area. siiiht amount of zinc on

cloth after 50 op... rubs
-_ Some

voelmrdbrent oeprespon of the fiim alter 50 double

manna; obvious depression in P.: rith after :3 double rubs

;:avy depression in the film
eue aq venetntrn to the
substrate atter 50 double rubs

Penetration to the substrate in SO double rubs or less


ASTM D 4752 Curing of zinc-ethylsilicate

- Measure DFT
Clean surface for loose zinc dust using water
Fold cheesecloth and saturate clofth with MEK
Rub test area with cloth - stroke 50 mm
- Rub until metal is exposed or 50 double rubs have
been completed (also do this without MEK)
Evaluate acconling to standard, 5 to 0

ASTM D 4752 MEK resistance

zinc-rich primers by solvent rub

So:vent nib tachnique for assessing the MEK
resistance of inorganic zinc-rion
The test is not suitirore tor zinc-rich epoxy


\\AST I rut/.

ASTM D 4138 - Measurement of OFT of pr.;tective

coatings by destructive means
Paint Inspection Gauge (PIG)
Tooke Inspector Gauge (TIG)
measures the total DFT
Measures the OFT of the individual vuais
of contrasting colors are used)

ASTM ID 4138 - Measurement of OFT of protective

coatings by destructive means
Procedures for use:
Mark a line on the surface
Draw the by of the gauge through the paint (lm
Use the microscope and take the readings at the intersechno of
the marked line

Organic coatings (paints)
OFT from 0 - 2000 pm
Problems may arise on hard paints

ASTM D 4138 - Measurement of DFT of protective

coatings by destructive means

Direction of pall

. s _
- Marker (2.1 "(- "
Cut down to the glee

: .41

ASTM D 4'38 Measurement of DFT of protective

coatings by destructive means
thickness of the paint d:rn will depend on the
cutting lip used
Paint Inspection Gauge Tooke Inspection gauge
man matinerme;
Tip no. 1 / x 20 for each line
Conversion factor 1.0
Tip no 2 / x 10 for each line
Conversion fact:: 0.5
Tip no. 3 / 2 for each line
Conversion :actor 0.1

What is the coating thickness

..%5 T


Inspection of protective coatings


Pre-preparation surface condition
Condition after preparation
Condition after localised removal of previous coatings

(ISO 85041
1(1S0 8501-1)
ISO 8501-2)
it SO 8502: 1-3) '
ISO 8502-4) ii
, SO R502-6)

Detection of salts and dust

Weather conditions
Sampling of impurities - The Bresle method
Surface roughness

ti(ISO 8503)

Wet and dry film thickness

(ISO 2808)

Filmthickness by destructive means

- Adhesion - Cross cut test
Adhesion - Pull-Off test

(A_STM D 4138)

Holiday detection
Curing of zinc-ethylsilicate


(ISO 4624)1
(ASTM D5162)

D 4751.2)

Teknolqgisk institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
all.eNleterefrnein.416re frnc:n onrA77 nn

Practical use of standards

Inspection of protective coatings

ISO 8501-1 Visual cleanliness of the steel before and after surface preparation
Rust grades:

Steel surface largely

Steel surface which has begun to rust and from which the mill scale has begun to flake.

covered with adhering "' scale but little, if any, rust.

Steel surface on which the mill scale has rusted away or from which it :An be scraped. but with slight pining
visible under normal vision.

Steel surface on which the null scale has rusted away and on which general pitting is visible under normal vision.

Blast-cleaning, Sa
Sa 1

Light blast-cleaning
The surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from pOody
-cale, rust,
paint coatings and foreign matter (water-soluble salts and welding debris). See photographs B Sa 1, C,
Sal and D Sa 1

Sa 2

Thorough blast-cleaning
The surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from most of.theinill scale, rust, paint
coatings and foreign matter. Any residual contamination shall be firmly adhering. See pho
ltographs B
Sa 2, C Sa 2 and D Sa 2

Sa 2

Sa 3


Very thorough blast-cleaning

The surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and fro
n coatings and
.rust, pait
foreign matter. Any remaining traces of contamination shall show only as sli
ght stains in the form of
sports or stripes. See photographs A Sa 2%, B Sa 2%, C 2% and D Sa 2%
Blast-cleaning to visually clean steel
The surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and girt and shall be free from mill scale, rust, paint
coatings and foreign matter. It shall have a uniform metallic color. See photographs A Sa 3, B Sa 3, C
Sa 3 and D Sa 3

Hand tool and power tool cleaning, St

St 2

Thorough hand and power tool cleaning

The surface shall be free from visible oil, grease and dirt, and from poorly adhering mill scalp, lust,
paint coatings and foreign matter (water soluble salts and welding debris). See photographs B St 2, C
St 2 and D St 2

St 3

Very thorough hand and power tool cleaning

As for St 2, but the shall be
treated much mcrc thoroughly-to give
metallic substrate. See photographs B St 3, C St 3 and D St 3

a mejllic

&Leon =rising from the

Flame cleaning, Fl
The surface shall be free from mill scale, rust, paint coatings and foreign matter. Any residues shell thaw
only as discoloration of the surface (shades of different colors). See photographs A Fl. B FI, C Fl and D Fl

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Practical use of standards

Inspection of protective coatings

of rustgrades and preparation grades
/SO 8501-1 Determination
The standard ISO 8501-1
Powerful flashlight


Either in good diffuse daylight or in equivalent actif
and compare it with each of the photograpbrtsing normal vision.

examine the steel surface

Place the appropriate photograph close to, and in the plane of, the steel surface to be assessed-


For rustgrades, record the assessment as the worst grade that is evident.


For preparation grades, record the assessment as that grade nearest in appearance to that of the

steel surface.

In addition to the type of cleaning method used, for example dry blast-cleaning using a particular type of abrasive,
result of the visual assessment:
the following factors can influence the


initial state of the steel surface other than any of the standard rust grades A, B, C or D


colour of the steel itself

regions of differing roughness, resulting from differential corrosion attack or uneven removal of


surface irregularities such as dents


marks from tools





shadowing of the surface profile caused by angled projection of abrasive

embedded abrasives

For previously painted surfaces that have been prepared for renewed painting, only photographs with rust grade
designation D or C (for example: D Sa 2 1/2 or C ba 2 1/2) may be used for visual assessment. the choice (for
example between I) Sa 2 1/2 and C Sa 2 1/2) depends on the degree of pitting.
The ISO 850 - proviles written specifications and representative photographic examples of a number of
rust grades and preparation grades. Fourteen of these photographiz. examples, A Sa 2 V: to D Sa 3, show
steel surfaces that have been subjected to dry blast-cleaning with abrasives containing quartz sand. The
is that many different abrasives are
his of the inforr=tive Syppiement. ISO 8501-1: 1988/Suppl: 1994
used for blast-cleaning. Since some of the abrasives are in:pact::: on a blast-cleaned surface, the colour of
the ahrasb..Ls affects the at:Teat ance f the surface.

Practical use of standards

Telcnoicgi3k Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Conosic.. Plotection and Analysis

Inspection of protective coatings

ISO 8501-2 Preparation ?:awes of previously coated substrates after
removal of previous coatirmts

The standard ISO 8501-2

Powerful fiasidisdu

1. In the standard a number of preparation grades, indicating the method of surface preparation and
degree of cleaning, are specified.
Localised blast-cleaning of previously coated surfaces, P Sa

Localised hand - and power-tool cleaning of previously coated Sul faces, P St (not machine

Localised machine abrading of previously coated surfaces, P Ma

2. The surfaceis compared with pictures in the standard that show examples within some of the
preparation grades.

The photographs show examples from blast-cleaning (P Sa 2 ) and machine abrading (P Ma)

Q Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
frosio-kprstfrosioeng127-00 _

Practical use of stnridards


Inspection of protective coatings

ISO 8502-1 Field test for determim:tion of soluble iron corrosion products
Equipment :

The standard ICU 8502-1

Distilled water
Indicator test strips for IY.-n(ID ions - 2,2' bipyridyl
Soluble iron (II) salt, e.g. ammonium iron(II) sulfate
Sulphuric acid, dilute
Three absorbent pads of ,:ol.ton
Two containers. eac_h_of 400 ml
Small glass rod
Ruler and chalk



Mark out a test area measuring approximately 25000 mm 2 (e.g. 250 mm x 100 mm) using a
ruler and chalk

Minimise contamination with iron salts by wearing clean plastic gloves or by using tweezers.


Soak an absorbent cotton pad with the water in the first container and then thoroughly swab the
test area with the soaked pad.


Place the absorbent cotton pad into the second container and repeat the swabbing procedure
with a fresh cotton pad. Dry the surface with a dry cotton pad and place the pad in the second


Dip an
reference indicator strips.

:lie test solution prepared and assess the colour against the

Using 50 ml of water and a test area of 25000 mm2 twice the iron(11) concentration in
Milligrams per litre, indicated by the indicator strip is equal to the concentration of the
dissolved iron(I1) corrosion products in milligrams per square metre.
Other methods of determining sele.ble iron corrosion products:
Conductivity measurement
Potassium hexacyanoferrate
. Corrosion-product indicators emulsion-type fomiulations
Visual inspection using an illuminated magnifier

practical use of standards

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and
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Inspection of protective coatings

'Sr) 8502-2 Laboratory determination of chloride on cleaned surfaces

The standard iSO 8502-2

Ruler and
chloride-free chalk
Absorbent cotton pads
Metal spatula or knife
Gloves of plastic
Beakers, of capacity 250 ml
Small glass rod
Filter paper
Measuring cylinder, of capacity 50 nil
Volumetric flasks, of capacity of 50, 100-and 1000 ml
Volumetric pipettes, of capacity of 1 and 20 ml
Device for titration
I. Carry out a blank titration each time on water, retaining the titrated solution for comparison of end
points. See the standard.
2. Mark out a test area measuring approximately 25000 mm2
(e.g. 250 mm x 100 mm) using a ruler
and chalk.
3. Mark two beakers A and B. Pour 45 ml of water into beaker A (corresponding to grade 3 purity in_
accordance with ISO 3696).
4. Soak an absorbent cotton pad with the water in the first container and then thoroughly swab the test
area with the soaked pad. RemoVe the water from the surface with the absorbent cotton pad and
squeeze the washings into beaker B.

Repeat the swabbing procedure with several portions of water, and if the pad is worn out, use a
fresh one. Continue the swabbing procedure until all the water has been used 'pp.

6. Filter the washings, usini; i.he filter paper and the funnel and collect the filtrate in the volumetric
flasks of capacity 50 mi. Wash the absorbent cotton pads with water and squeeze the water into the
flasks and make to the mark with water.
7. Shake the volumetric flask and using a pipette,
vas wa into
r a clean beaker.
Determine the chloride content by following the procedure given in the standard.
8. Express the chloride content in milligrams per square meter in nearest 10 mg/m

O Teknologisk Institut!
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Practical use of standards

I spection of protective coatings

ISO 8502-3 Assessment of dust on steel surfacc:s prepared for painting (pressuresE-sitive tape method


The standard ISO 8502-3

Colourless, transparent pressure-scnsitive tape of width 25 mm, having an peel
adhesion pee! strength of at least 190 N per metre measured in accordance with IEC
board e.g. of glass, cards or paper
Spring loaded roller
Hand lens, capable of magnification x 10

D play

1. Discard the first three turns of tape from the roll and then remove a piece about 200 mm long.
2. Press about 150 mm of the freshly exposed tape on to the surface under test.

Place the thumb across one end of the tape and move the thumb, while maintaining a firm pressure
three times in each direction.

4. Remove the tape from the test surface, place it on an appropriate display board and cause it to
adhere to the board by rubbing with the thumb.
5. Assess the quantity of dust on the tape by comparing it visually to an area of the tape with
equivalent areas of the pictorial references shown in the standard. Record the rating corresponding
to the reference that is closest match.
6. Assess the predominating dust particle size on the adhesive tape by reference to table 1 in the
standard which defines six dust particle size classes, designated 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. Report any
overall discoloration as size class I.

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National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
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Practical use of stan-larrl=

Inspection of protective coatings

ISO 8502-4 Guidance on the
estimation of the probability of condensation prior to
paint application

The standard ISO 8502-4

Sling psychrometer
St.-el thermometer magnetic or digital
Dew point calcuIators


Check the thermometers prior to wetting the wick on the.wet bulb thermometer.


Saturate wick with water.

Hold the sling psychrometer a little away from yolvr body and whirl it for about 30 seconds with
a rotation of approx. 2 m/s.
Observe and make notes of the wet bulb temperature and then the dry bulb temperature.
Whirl the psychrometer for another 30 seconds.
If the wet bulb and dry bulb temperature differ from your last reading, continue to whirl until
they no longer do. If they don not differ from your last reading, you have determined the dry
bulb and wet bulb temperature.



Set the wet bulb temperature opposite the dry bulb temperature and determine the relative
humidity at the arrow.
When you know the ambient temperature, the wet bulb temperature and the relative humidity
you can determine the dew point tempt:Tature by the use of dew point calculators.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nAfelles\kurslfrosiokurs:Inisio.eng \27-00

Practical use of standards



Inspection of protective coatings

ISO 8502-6 Sampling of soluble impurities on zurfaces to be painted - The Bresle



The standard ISO 8502-6

Adhesive patches (Patch size; A-0155, A-0310, A-0625, A-1250, A2500)
Reusable syringe (max. volume: 8 ml, max. needle diameter: 1 mm, max. length 50
Solvent (for water soluble impurities - distilled water)
Contact thermometer

Take an adhesive patch uf appropriate size. Remove the protective paper and the punched out material.
Press the patch with the adhesive side on to the test surface, in such a way that the minimum amount of


air is trapped in the sampling compartment.

Fill the syringe with solvent - the volume of solvent is proportional to the sampling compartment area
and normally amounts to 2.6 10-3 ml / rnm2.


Insert the needle at an angle near the outer edge of the patch, through the elastomer film and the body of
the patch into the sampling compartment between the elastomer film and the test surface. If the patch is
so positioned that access to the sampling compartment is difficult, bend the syringe needle.


inject the solvent, allowing it to wet and rinse all parts of the test surface.


If necessary to avoid any trace of entrapped air iu the sampling compartment, carry' out the injection in
two steps as follows:
Inject half of the solvent. Evacuate the air through the needle by reverse operation of the syringe.
Remove the syringe needle from the patch. Holding the syringe with the needle up, expel the air. Reinsert the syringe needle into the sampling compartment, and inject the remainder of the solvent.

After a suitable period of time to be agreed between the interested parties, suck the solvent back into the
. _
syringe cylinder


Without removing the syringe needle from the patch. re-inject the solvent into the sampling
compartment, and then suck the solvent back into the syringe cylinder. Repeat until at least four cycles of
injection and sucking back have been completed.


At the end of the last cycle, retrieve and transfer as much as possible of the solvent from the sampling
compartment to a suitable vessel tbr analysis.


It is essential that no solvent is lost from the patch or the syringe, due for instance to inferior-quality
materials or improper handling of the materials. If any solvent is lost, the sample obtained shall be


Conduct the necessary analysis e.g. conductivity analysis.

O Tekr-il^gisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology. Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Practical use of standards



protective coatings

ISO 8503-2 Method for the grading of sLirface profile

of abrasive blast-cleaned
sire! Comparator procedure

The standard ISO 8503-1 and ISO 8503-2

I he comparators ISO 8503-1 for Grit and Shot
Hand lens, magnification not exceeding x

Remove all loose dust and debris from the test surface.

Seiect the appropriate surfabe profile comparator (either ISO 8503-1 G or S depending on the
kind of abrasive used)
Place the comparator against the area of the surface.


Compare, in turn, the test surface with the four segments of the e:Dinparator, using the hand lens
is necessary.

Assess the profiles on the comparator that are nearest to the profile of the test surface and, from
these, determine its grade

Profiles equal to segment 1 and

up to but excluding segment 2
Profiles equal to segment 2 and
up to but excluding segment 3
Profiles equal to segment 3 and
up to but excluding segment 4

When a mixture of shot and grit is used to blast-clean a
substrate, the grit-abrasive reference
comparator G should be used.
If visual assessment proves difficult, tactile asses:iinent
may provide a useful guide (back of a
In case of dispute, a representative sample of the surface .;naii be provided and measured as
described in ISO 8503- 3 or ISO 8503-4.

O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Practical use of standards


\vASTITu rf



26. /

Inspection of protective coatings

Testing of abrasives

The standard ASTM D 4940 or ISO 11127- 6 and 7

Glass equipment. Erlenmeyer flask of 750 ml
Distilled water
Conductivity meter


Weigh a test portion of 100 g of the abrasive into a 250 ml flask.

2. Add 100 ml of distilled water

3. Shake for 5 minutes and allow to settle.

Shake again for 5 minutes and allow to settle. If the liquid is no completely clear, filter by a
suitable method.

_ 5. Determine the conductivity using a conductivity meter

Practical use of standards
O Teknologisk lnstitutt
Niliional Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Inspection of protective coatings


Detecting oil or water in the compressed air

A white absorbent m:tier:al, cloth or filter paper

Secure in place the white absorbent material at a distance of 60 cm from the nozzle and in the
centre of the air steam.
2. Allow the air stream to f'ow onto the material for at least one-minute.
3. Visually examine the material for the prescnce of oil or moisture. Any indication of either is
sufficient cause for not using the compressed air.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nAte!lesVcurs\frosio-kurs1frosio.eng \27 00

Practical use of standards

xx.ksT I Tut,

Inspection of protective coatings

Determining the blast-cleaning air pressure


Hypodermic needle pressure gauge (manometer)


I. Start up the blast equipment without the sand.

2. Insert the needle at a 45' angle through the blast-cleaning hose as close as possible to the nozzle
...Qv the air stream.
3. Read the blast-cleaning air pressure

() Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Ana!ysis
n:Velleslcurskfrosio-kurs frosio.eng127-00

Praticai use of standards

inspection of protective coatings

Determining the presence of non-visible grease or oil contaminaticr


Ultraviolet lamp

Water break test:
Apply a fine mist of atomised water onto the test surface.
if the water gathers into droplets with 1/2 minute, the surface is likely to be contaminated with
grease, oil or othci water-insoluble matters.
Ultraviolet light test:
Try to avoid to much light onto the surface when doing the test.
Shine an ultraviolet lamp onto the surface.
Observe for florescence. If you see a bright yellow or green florescence this indicates
contamination of grease or oil.
Chalk test:
Draw a line with a piece of chalk through, shat you suspect to be a clean area onto an unclean area. If the line through the suspect area gets thinner, this indicates that the surface is contaminated with
oil or grease.

O Teknologisk institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
- n:Velleskurs\frosio-kurslfrosio.eng\27-00

Practical use of standards

Inspection of protective coatings

ISO 2808

Determination of film thickness


Comb gauge and wheel gauge

The standard ISO 2808

Comb gauge or wheel gauge

Prot cdere:
Comb gauge

Immediately after the application of the pa;nt. pace the comb gauge firmly onto the substrate in
such a way that the teeth are normal to the plane of the surface and the gauge does not slip.


Remove the gauge, and examine the teeth to determine which is the shortest one to touch the
wet paint film.
Record the film thickness as iying between the last "touching" tooth and the first "nontouching" tooth as shown on the tooth calibrations marked on the gauge.


- 4.


Take at least two further readings in different places in a similar manner to obtain
representative results over the painted area.
If none of the teeth or all the teeth-are wetted on the comb gauge, either turn the comb or use
another comb with a different scale.

Wheel gauge

Immediately after the applkation of the paint, place the whetl gauge into the paint film so that
the two outer rims are in contact with the substrate at the point of maximum gap.


Roll the wheel throne., at least 180 in one direction along the surface and then in the other
direction, and take the mean of the two readings, at the lower scale division, as one reading.


Repeat the procedure at least twice in different places in a similar manner to obtain
representative results over the painted area.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection ana Analysis

Practical usa of standards

Inspection of protective coatings

i-r) 2808

Determination of film thickness - Magnetic pull-off principle

The standard ISO 2808
Film thickness instrument based on the
pull-off principle
Calibration standards - for example chromium plated steel

Race the instrument on the calibration standard (chromium plated steel of a known thickness)
preferably with a thickness about the same to be measured.



Using the thumb turn the wheel on the pull-off instrument away from you until the magnet
stays in conta.:t with the metal.
..old the instrument to the substrate and carefully turn the wheel against you until you either
see or hear the magnet detaches from the painted surface:
Repeat step 1 and 2 a few times
If the thickness registered on the instrument does not correspond to the actual thickness of the
chromium plated steel, step 5 -6 must be carried out.
If the instrument shows too high or too low thickness according to the standard:

tke instrument onto the surface of the chromium plated steel. Carefully turn the seale,.the
d_i_rectiu4441epends on whether the value is too high or too low compared
to thch romium -plated
stee .

Repeat step 1 - 2.

If the instrument still does not show the correct value, repeat step 5.

Teknologisk Instatutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nAfelieslcurslfrosio-kursItrosio.eng127-00 .
- -

Practical use of standards

ST I T u p).


Inspection of protective coatings

ISO 2808


Dei:ermination of film thickness - Magnetic flux principle

The standard ISO 2808

Magnetic flux principle - electromagnet instrument
Unpainted smooth steel for calibration
Non-magnetic shims




Mount the probe to the instrument and turn on the instrument.

Place the probe onto the unpainted smooth steel and hold it there.
(The instrument shall display 0 rim. if the instrument displays other values than 0, the
instrument must be adjusted. Do this while you hold the probe onto the steel)
and place it onto the smooth
Take a non-magnetic shim with a defined thickness e.g. 200 1.1111
steel surface. Place the probe onto the shim and hold it there.
(The instrument shall display 200 pm. If the instrument displays other values than 200, the
instrument must be adjusted. Do this while you hold the probe onto the steel)
You have now adjusted the instrument for measurements in the area of 0 - 200 1.1.m. But for your
own sake check that you actually get 0 rim on smooth steel and 200 p.m on the shim. If you still
do not have the correct values displayed repeat step 2 and 3 again until you do.

Practical use of standard
Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Inspection of protetive coatings

ASTivl D 4138


Determination of film thickness by --l

etruo.five ;;,tart=

Paint Inspection Gauge

Saberg Thickness Drill
Marker pen - red, blue or black

Paint Inspection Gauge
A test area is marked with a marker pen. Usea marker with a different colour than that of the
Choose the appropriate angled cutting tool for the paint film (depending on the film thickness)
Place the cutting tool a little above the mark and make a cut across the mark and through all
coats down to the steel.
_ 4.




If there is paint left in the cut, remove them by blowing or with a fine brush.
Turn the instrument, place the instrument above and perpendicular to the cut (marked area).
Use the microscope with illumination to examine the cut.
The width of the cut is examined through the graticule scale in the microscope, and each coat
can then be determined.
The distance between the lines on the graticule scale are the same - it does not make any
difference where on the scale you start your measurements.
Make notes of the number lines on the graticule scale.
The thickness of each coat depends on which of the cutting tools you have used.
Cutting tool 1 Multiply the number of lines with 20 for correct DFT in pm
Cutting tool 2 Multiply the number of lines with 10 for correct DFT in prn.
Cutting tool 3 Multiply the number of lines with 2 for correct DFT in p.m.

Saberg Thickness Drill


A small bole is drilled into the coating using the cutter.

Remove the cutter and examine to width of the cut film through the graticule microscope to
determine the thickness of each coat.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Practical use of standards


Inspection of protective coatings

Cross cut teal

ISO 2409

The standard ISO 2409

Multi-blade cutting tool
Single-blade cutting tool
Instrument with a series of spacing edges
Soft brush
Transparent pressure-sensitive adhesive tape, with an adhesion strength of 10 N or 25
mm width when tested in accordance with IEC 454-2.
Viewing lens, magnification of x 2 or x 3

The spacing of the cuts in the coating depend on the thickness of the coating. The spacing of the cuts in
each direction shall be equal and depends on the Nuhstrate. For hard substrates (steel) the spacing is as
0 i_un to 60 ).1.[TI
61 p.m to 120 p.m
121 i.tin to 250 p.m

I mm spacing
2 mm spacing
3 mm spacing

(The multi-blade tool is not suitable for thick (-> 120 um) or
hard coatings)

Coatings with a total thickness of over 250 p.m may be tested by rneariN or a single cross-cut.


Check the film thickness on the panel to be tested and choose the correct spacing of the knives.Hold the cutting tool with the blade normal to the test panel surface. With uniform pressure on
the cutting tool and using the appropriate spacing guide, make the agreed number of cuts in the
coating at a uniform cutting rate. All the cuts shall penetrate to the substrate surface.



Repeat this operation, maleing. further parallel cuts of equal number, crossing the original cuts at
90 to them so that a lattice is formed.


Bush the panel lightly with the soft brush. For hard substrates only apply additionally adhesive
length at a steady state and cut a piece approximately 75 mm long.
tape. Remove an additional :


the lattice in direction parallel to one of the cuts and smooth

PLilce the centre of the tape over
the tape over the area of the lattice and for a distance of at least 20 mm beyond with a finger.
Rub firmly with a fingertip.


Remove the tape by grasping the free end and pulling it off steadily in 0.5 - 1.0 s at an angle
. Retain the take for reference purposes. Examine the cut
which is as close as possible to 600
area and classify the test area according to table i.

Practical use of standards

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
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Inspection of protective
1,30 4624

Pull-off test
The standard ISO 4624
Pull-off test instrument
Test cylinders (dollies)
Glue / 2 pack solventfree epoxy or cyanoacrylate
Cutting device


Degrease the dollies and dry them before use.


Lightly abrade the dollies using .a sandpaper grade 240 400 and dry them in dry tissue paper


Lightly abrade the painted surface with a sandpaper grade 240 - 400.


Remove the abraded paintdust from the surface using a clean paper tissue


Mix the 2 pack solventfree epoxy glue in the correct ratio before applying it to the dollies.

Press the dollies to the surface, with a pressure so that most of the glue is squeezed out.


Use either tape or magnets to hold the dollies to the substrate.


. The 2 pack solventfree epoxy glue must cure for 24 h at room temperature. Cyanoacrylate glue
must be used according to the instructions.


Before the pull-off test is accomplished cut through the cured adhesive and the paint coating to
the substrate, round the circumference of the test cylinder using a cutting device.


Record both the breaking strength, in Megapascal (MPa) and thenature of failure for each pulloff test. Express the results as the percentage area and site of fracture in the system under test in
terms of adhesive, cohesive or adhesive/cohesive failure. Also list the type of instrument used
for the test.


For convenience, the following scheme may be used to describe the results observed.
Cohesive failure of substrate




Adhesive failure between substrate and first coat

Cohesive failure of first coat
Adhesive failure between first and second coats
Adhesive failure between final coat and adhesive
Cohesive failure of adhesive
Adhesive failure between adhesive and test cylinder

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n.1felles1kurs \frosio-kurs \frosio.engN27-00

Practical use of standards

Inspection of protective coatings

Discontinuity (holiday) testing of non-conductive protective
ASTM D 5162
substrates - Low voltage wet sponge testing
coating on metallic
The recommended practice ASTM D 5162
Low voltage holiday detector
Film thickness instrument


Measure the DFT of the paint system using a non-destructive dry film thickness gauge. If the
DFT is lower than 500 m you can use the low voltage holiday detector, if it exceeds this value


use a high voltage holiday detector.


Saturate the sponge with water. hold the sponge and

squeeze it, as to avoid dripping.

Attach the ground wire from the instrument ground output terminal to the conductive substrate


and ensure positive electrical contact.

Contact a bare spot on the conductive substrate to verify that the instrument is properly




Move the sponge over the surface of the coating at a moderate rate approximately I ft/s
(30 cm/s), perhaps only 5 - 10 cm /s.
If there are discontinuities in the coating, an audible signal will be heard, and the exact spot
shall be identified with a marker.
To prevent telegraphing (current travelling through a moisture path it a discontinuity, giving an
that the solution is wiped dry from a
erroneously indiCation), care should be taken to ensurepreviously detected discontinuity before continuing the test.


Practical use of s-tPriclarc Teknologisk Institutt

National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
frosio-kurs \frosio.enn 27-0o

Inspection of protective coatings

Discontinuity (holldzy) testing of non-conductive protective
coating on metallic substrates - High voltage spark testing



The lec.ommendcd practice ASTM D 5162

High voltage holiday detector
Film thickness instrument

Measure the DFT of the paint system using a non-destructive dry film thickness gauge. If the
DFT is higher than 500 gm you can use the high voltage holiday detector, if it below this value
use a low voltage holiday detector.
- -Adjust the test instrument to the proper voltage for the coating thicluless being testedExcessive voltage may produce a holiday in the coating film.

Attach the exploring electrode to the test instrument.

Attach the ground wire from the instrument ground output terminal to the conductive substrate
and ensure positive electrical contact.
Contact a bare spot on the conductive substrate to verify that the instrument is properly

Move the exploring electrode over the surface of the dry coating at a rate of approximately 1
ft/s (30 cm/s), perhaps only 5 - 10 cm /s.
7. Discontinuities that require repair shall be identified with a marker that is compatible with the
repair coating or one that is easily removed.
Table I
Suggested voltages fo r high voltage spark testing
Total D
Dry film thickness
Suggested inspection
0.20 - 0.31
13- 18
0.32- 0.46
19 - 30
0.47 - 0.77
31 - 40
0.78 - 1.03
41 - 60
1.04 - 1.54
61 - 80
1.55 - 2.04
81 - 100
2.05 - 2.55
2.56 - 3.19
3.20 - 4.07
4.08 - 3.09
5.10 - 6.35

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Practical use of standards


Inspection of protective coatings

Measuring MEK resistance of ethyl silicate (inorganic) zinc-rich
ASTM D 4752
primers by solvent rub

The standard ASTM D 4752 .

Test area with inorganic zinc-rich primer
Cotton cheesecloth
Metyl Ethyl Ketone (also called Bulanone)

Measure the dry film thickness of the primer in the selected areas.


Clean the surface first with fresh water to remove loose material.

Immediately fold cheesecloth into a pad containing four thicknesses of the cloth: Saturate the
cloth to a dripping wet condition with the methyl ethyl ketone (MEK).


Rub the test area with the saturated cloth, exerting a moderate stroke pressure with the thumb,
using a 2-in. (50 mm) 'long stroke that encompasses the test area.
Continue rubbing the surface with the MEK saturated pad, wetting the pad as necessary without
lifting it from the surface, until either the metal substrate is exposed or 50 double rubs have' ..
been completed. Record the number of rubs when the substrate is exposed.



Select an adjacent area to be used as a control. Repeat 1 -5 except use a dry cheesecloth to
establish the effect of burnishing without the influence of MEK


Inspect the test area and the .cheesecloth. Rate the results in accordance with table I.
Scale for resistance rating MEK Test

Table 1

No effect on surface; no zinc on cloth after 50 double rubs
Burnished appearance in rubbed area; slight amount of zinc on cloth after 50
double rubs
Some marring and apparent depression of the film after 50 double rubs
Heavy marrinz -, obvious depression in the film after 50 double rubs
Heavy depression in the film but no actuai penetration to the substrate.after50
double rubs
Penetration to the substrate in 50 double rubs or less

O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nINfelles'kyrsVrosio-kurs1frosio engt27-00

Practical use i standards

Inspection of protective coatings

Determining coatings hardness by pencil testing

A series of i---zncils
Sanding paper


Sit:it-pen the pencils light y.

Flatten the tip of the pencil on a sa nd paper placed on

flat surface.


Hold the


Repeat the test with the next softer pencil until you find the pencil that no longer scratches the .

at an angle of 45 d egrees to the paint and push it downward into the coating.

Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Practical use of standaid7,



Inspection of protective coatings

Testing for solvent resistance


Methyl-Ethyl-Ketone (MEK).


Saturate the cloth with MEK.

Rub a small area with 50 double rubs.
Visually examine the cloth. If paint from thermo-setting coatings is on the cloth after test, then


the coating is not fully cured.

Practical use of standards
O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis



Dry film thickness measure:Tient

Measurement of OFT
Several ways of doing it:
Polished steel surface
Blasted steel surface

The readings are quite different

NORSOK Standard M-501

The base here Ls. the SSPC standard SSPCPA-2 70i OFT trenurernAnts.
Other standards
Iso 2808

SS 14 i 60

PA-2 :

Caro, out 5 measurements u, pot

--_;oeasurements (average of 3 re2dings)
spaced evenly overeach 100sq.fee! (approx.
10 m2 ) of area to bemeasured.
The average of five_sj.j
ro measurements shall
!iot be less thao-thesTielcified thickness.
I ,. No simsla -...,ot rpearurementki..eny 100 so.
area shall be ,v-.FS'frlan BO-%ui Me specified

Underthicknesses shall be repaired using an
additional coat.

Proposal New EN
To make a standard that considers the
variations due to blastcleaning of the surface.



Adjusting the instrument

Proposal for a ....teal block more less of the
same qyality as the oneto be painted and in a
thickness of 2 cr 6 mm.
Adjusted on a smooth surface with the use of

a shim close to the thickness of the film

to be measured.
Subtraction of 25 Ern it the roughness is

e-rrartiffg the
AU measured values a documented as follows:
::epOrted value =,rneasured value - correction factor


What viii the new EN standard

prcvide us with ?
be measured will
Tile number. of rPedingS to
hr liven.
All inspectors will adjust and measure the
saute way.
Variations between ineinspectors will

Large areas
For pair areas and pipes it
to divide the areas into areas a 10 ni. Five
individual measurements arecarried out. If
measurements under specifiedthickness are
discuvered, additional 3measurements cre
taken within a circle of 12 mm.


Number of readings


> 3200


2( .1201-3200





91 - 150

Error sources
Thickness of the b
" 5 mm)
'1 Roughness of the steel
Thickness and hardness of the coating
Distance to edges (approx. 15 mm)

Distance to shoulders (approx. 30 nun)

Curved surfaces
" Elektromagnetic fields


Instruction manuals for some inspec6..)::


Coatest 1000
Press ON pad to switch on the Coolest 1000
Two dots will appear on the left of the display (Indicating mat the
batteries are OK)
Use a polished and uncoated 3 - 5 mm piece of steel (smooth surface) \

RO" pad until

Place the probe on an uncoated part and press the 'ZE
the display reads .0.0s)
lift the probe oft the surface, and place the choreal Sod (e g 250 um) on
to the uncoated surface.
Place the probe onto the foil and wait for me reading to register
Press either Cal - or Cal to obtain the correct reading (250

Positector 6000 - integral probe

,to steady the
Slide probe cover open fully. It acts as a second afoot
gage when required.
Press * to turn the gage on or set it on smooth steel.
Use a polished and uncoated 3 5 mm piece of steel (smooth surface)
Place the probe on smooth steel, the instrument should display ace
LA the probe oil me surface, and place the chuatri foil (e.g 250 urn) ois
to the uncoated surface.
Place the probe onto the foil and wait for me reading to register
Press ether - or 10 cotairl me correct meeting (250 pm)


Elcometer 246
Press ON co the bottom to switch the insburrient on
I Mscrew the frontlid
Use a polished and ...mooted 3- o mm piece of steel (smooth surface)
Place the probe on an uncoated part =n3 ::7255 the 'ZERO' pad until
the disptay reads .0.0.)
Lift 0 ie probe off the umlee.e and place the chosen foil (e.g 250 pm) on
to the uncoated solace
Place me probe onto the foil and wait for the reading to register
Press either Cal or Cal to obtain the correct rearing (250 pm)

1 i ST I r(,Tl


Elcorneter 256
- Press ON on the top left to switch the instrument On
Press Clear, Cancel, Enter to rerr.:::: all old data
Use a polished and uncoated 3 - 5 mm piece of steel (smooth surfacao,
Place the probe an an uncualed part and press the 'ZERO' pad until
the display reads c0.0a)
Lift the probe oil the surface, and place the chosen foil (a.g 250 pm) on
to the uncoated surface.
foilvalue into the
place the probe onto the foil. Press Cal and 'cal(
instrument (eg. 250 pm - 2. 5 and 0 end then ENTER)




Elcorriete 256
Fres BATCH Nu., for example 1 and ENTER
All readings will now be placed in Batch no.1
To view Lhe results
Press Mean

(Mean value)

Press Max
Press Luw

:Highest reading)
(Lowest reading)

Press cr

(Standard deviation)

((lumber of readings)
Press N
To change batch Press BATCH No., for example 2 and ENTER
1- ^ ^


Eicometer 345
(Either he elmlools at all or the a, x, n must flash )
Press the orange button to turn on the

1,-eice probe a polished and uncoated 3- 5 man piece of steel (smoom

r - - 0. (dottlf. SLEEP)
Place a foil on the uncoated steel and always adjust G,e vatue a little up
or down using or Press orange bution (single SLEEPY

mmediate mode

Statistics mode

Averaging mode

In this mode the 345 can be calibrated and

used to take upto 9929 individual
measurements. The number of readthz.n.
average, the standard deviation, the highest
and lowest values can be called upon by
pressing the appropnate pad.The individual
measurements are not stored and cannot be
reviewer!. Only the accumulated vatiLties of tne
measurements taken so far can be examined.
This mode offers all the facilities of the
Immediate mode, but also retains each
individual measurement in memory. hi this w.y
all the measurements which are taltan and a
scat ca! summary can be sent to the printer or
computer at the end of the session

This is a variation of the Statistics mode. where

a variable number of re.-.dings can be taken in
the same area. the average kg this number is
then stored. this is a much mule accurate
measurement of the caaliiig ihickness in that

Counting averaging mode

This is a variation of the Averagin
where the averaoe of a group is stake;
autornabcally after a fixed nurnbar of


Elcorneter 345
(No symbols at all must flash )

to turn en the instrurneut

Place probe a polished and uncoated 3- 5 nun piece of steel (smooth

Press M to zero the display.
Place the calibration foil closest to the thickness to measured on the

bare metal surface and take a reading.

to adjust the display to the foil value
- or
to accept the calibrretibg




Baccarach slingphygrometer
1,4 Check that both thermometers

Me same vede when dry

Remove end cep end immerse the tfdy in water, and the wet bulb wick
is saturated and then nil the end cep.

Ensure that the wick is dean and wet

Cody from the tube no Platt: hangs tree and can swivel
Use the tube
as a handle, whirl the body at 2 - 3 revs per second until
the temperazirtt.
stadlise (hart a matote)
- Quickly read the wet bulb temperature first. then tie dry bUb

Whirl the body at 2 - 3 revs per second for half a minute

- It the terneeratirs: Zie
the same a; previously slide the body in to the
tube. Set wet and dry b.ilb temperature opposite Read the RH in %.


, Reading the scale on the Baccarach

slin gphyororneter

Wet bulb

Dry bulb 3









Relative humidity 40 50 60 70 80 90

Baccarach slinqphygrometer

Inspection of p'

paints such as inorganic zinc,Metal coatings applied by spraying should not be confused 'WI n
ethylsilicate. A sprayed metal coating contains no binder and is either a pure metal or an alloy.
y used both on-shore and off-shore and ensures a long life for constructions
The method is wideleven in aggressive atmosphere.
Thermal sprayed coatings are sprayed directly from a gun onto the surface. The two most common
ways of applying zinc or aluminium or alloys of thzse on to steel surfaces for corrosion protection
is bylbame spraying or arc spraying.

Flame spraying

_gas and is
Metal in the form of a wire (or powder) is fed through a nozzle with a stream of air or
*pressed at or
then melted by a flame. The melted particles are then sprayed onto the steel by

Principle for flame spraying

Compressed air


GaS / Oxygen


OYA,/ ;,/zwA,VA
/27. ///

_erature 1900 - 3100 C

Capacity < 8 kolh. particle speed < 180 m/s

Thermal spraying
Teknclogisk Institut
National Institiite of Technology, Norway
Department Ccrr:ision Protection and Analysis

Inspection of protective coatin.F.-:s

o electrically charged wires are fed into an arc, melting the metal. Compressed air propels the
molten metal onto the steel surface. The molten metal particles settle immediately on the surface.

The capacity of the two different processes will differ and you will achieve a higher production rate
using the arc spraying method. (see overheads)

Principle for arc spraying

..1. A 411


144 ...t to-

f-V. 4 "

11" nrtt

e %A-C. '_.

Compressed air --

100 - 500 A

Temperature 4000 C
Capacity < 17 kg/h, particle speed < 150 m/s
Surface preparation prior to thermal spraying
The applied metal coating is actually a layer on top of the steel. It does not have any metallurgical
bonding with the steel like the zinc on hot dipped galvanised steel. In order to adhere to the steel,
the steel must be blast-cleaned with angular abrasive (grit) to provide a rough surface. Often it will
be required that the surface has a roughness of medium or coarse according to ISO 8503-1. In order
to ISO
adhesion the steel must also have a high surface cleanliness, preferably of Sa 3 according
If damages should occur through the metal coating into the steel, the metal coating will act as an
itself to protect the steel. Often thermal sprayed metal coatings are painted, r..,o as
a duplex system
that will protect the steel even longer.
Both epoxy and polyurethane paints are widely used for coating thermal sprayed steel
constructions. In case of extreme temperatures silicone paints are used.

O Teknologisk lnstitutt
tJational Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:IfellesIkurs frosiokurslfrosior eng121 -00

Therma' spraying




Thermal sp:,.-ying

k P.

Thermal Spray Metal Coatings for

Corrosion Protection
Metallizing, or Thermal Spraying as it
should be called, is a versatile process
which melts metals or alloy metals, and
then rapidly propels the molten metalalloy
particles onto a prepared surface creating
a lamellar or layered coating.

The electric arc prosesscontinually feeds
two electrically charged wires into an Kc.
melting the meiai. Compressed air then
strips pliable particles of metalfrom the
wire tips and propels the molten
the surface.

Principle for arc spraying

.ompressesi air

100 SOO A

Temperature 4000 C
Capacity < 17 kg/h, particle speed < 150 m/s

The oxy-fuel flame gun melts a single
wire which is then atomized and
deposited onto the steel surface.

Principle for flame spraying

Compressed air
Flame 114

Gas ! Oxvann

Wire /

Temperature 1900 - 3100C

Capacity < 8 kg/h, particle speed < 180 m/s
r r

Coatings Cathodic Coatings

Coatinas of met:Is which are cathodic to the base

metal are good only in heavy coatings on
machine element work. For instance, stainless
steel on pump shafts and steam turbine inlays.

Brass, bronze, nickel, stainless steel, copper etc,

are all of no use for corrosion protection in thin

Coatings-Anodic Coatings
Zinc and aluminium and their alloys, for instance
AlMg5, are by far the most widely used for
protecting iron and steel against corrosion with
coatings are normally thicker than zinc
Aluminium is usually 99,0C% pure Al.
Zinc is usually 99,9% pule Zn.


Sealing of TS Metal Coatings
There is a radical difference between sealing and
painting coats which cover the sprayed metal
suriace with a protective layer.
into the
iscosity, pono'rr

pores in the soraved metal and seals them off.

Painting of TS Metal Coatings

Painted Metal Coating = Duplex System.
The paint mating v:4
.11 protect the meta: coating
against environmenb! and chemical attack
The life of the total system is considerably


Quality Control
Inspection of steelwork before blasting.

Inspection and testing of cleanliness from penetrants,

oil, grease and soluble salts.

Blast cleaning and inspection for surface cleanliness

and profile (Sa 3 act. ISO 8501 and Coarse act. ISO

Ambient conditions during blast cleaning and coating.

Coating insoection and testing.

Thermal sprayed coating cross-section

Pores/ voids

Cohesive strength Particle

between panicles /
Adhesion to
the substrate


- tiibstrie

Inspection of protective coatings


Not dip galvanising is a process in which steel parts are dipped into molten zinc at temperatures
ranging from 440 to 465 C, or sometimes at even higher temperatures. The dipping process can do
several ways:

Continuous hot-dip galvanising of steel in coils (facade panels, cars)

General galvanising (pipes, tubes, beams)
approximately 10 million tonnes of steel are

In 1992 it was assumed, that on a world


The process
of oil, fat and old paint on the steel is removed by degreasing in an alkaline colktti..
and then rinsed in hot and cold water. The steel is then transferred into a 14 -16 % hydrochloric
acid bath where scale and rust are removed and again the steel is rinsed in water. The steel is then
dipped in aqueous flux solution containing zinc-ammonium chloride. The thin-film layers are dried
at 75 - 120 C, depending on the flux used. The flux will ensure that the surface is free from traces
of contaminants so that optimum wetting conditions are obtained during the dipping in the molten
zinc bath. The fluxing process may proceed in two ways, either as a separate bath, or forming a
layer on top of the molten zinc. After the fluxing the steel is dipped into the molten zinc bath. The
dipping time is dependent on the mass of the object and the type of steel (killed steel or unkilled steel) and will vary from around 2 to 8 minutes. The coating thickness will norrnally range from
.; )4. C.: )
+: rtwo./ cejel 4,...e,, -- ci (c1
50pm to 250m
Alkaline degreasing
t 1,0., I...,) ....,,, , tif,.: - i
. .
e VintrI rinsing
' ' ---3
Pickling. in hydrochloric acid -- ,.. 1./
.. -1 ot
.1 r'
= Water rinsing
..lx4 -I-ri +rts-f t!"."
r m, ..47 ..L ; -, Li . ).

. Fluxing in zinc-am
Drying at 70 - 120 C
Immersion in molten zinc
Cooling in air or water
Zinc performs well in neutral environments - pH between 6 - 10. If stronger acids or alkalis arc
used in contact with zinc, the zinc can corrode very fast. On top of the steel the g.alvanisaiion will
act as both a barrier against weathering and also protect the steel cathodically. If a break occurs in
the zinc down to the steel, the sacrificing of the zinc will protect the steel.

Hot dip galvan:sirig

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Inspection of protective coatings

With smaller damages the zinc may almost be selfbealing, because during the corrosion process
zinc hydroxides and carbonates are created, and these corrosion products adhere well to the surface,
are practically insoluble in water and provide protection of the zinc.
Ins:-..ection of hot dip galvanised


Once in a while you might be called to inspect hot dip galvanised steel. The task might seem easy,
but you have to know what to look for.
To get the zinc to adhere to the steel, a proper surface preparation is needed. This involves total
removal of all loose and adhering mill scale and rust and all fat and grease. Common occurring
defects on hot dipped galvanised steel are:
Bare black spots (no zinc)
Rustspots, due to entrapment of pickling acid in minor defects in the steel (welds)
Ash incluSions

To repair this :.;umetirnes grinding the surface with a small grinder and the use of zinc soldering will
be sufficient. Also epoxymastic paints with aluminium have been used.
Painting of cialvaniseci steel

Is it necessary to paint galvanised steel? Actually not, but the painting of galvanised steel will
prolong the protection of the steel. A system consisting of galvanised steel and paint is often
referred to as a "duplex system".
The main object of a duplex system *1 to maintain good adhesion
to the galvanised steel surface during its weathering periods.
Although the galvanised steel may seem "clean" and ready to paint, it is not. Surface preparation of
some kind is needed prior to the application of paint. Some years back it was quite common to
leave the galvanised steel outdoors for a year or two before the paint was applied. Today a lot of
galvanised steel will he painted in the workshops.
Often the surface preparation will be:
e alkaline washing followed by fresh water wash
;-g (
es riling primers


Alkaline washing
The alkaline washing will "etch" the surface somewhat and better the adhesion properties of the
paint. Residues must be removed 'from the surface by fresh water.

(g) Teknoloaisk institutt

National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
. _ .

Hot dip galvanising


Inspection of protective coatings

Sweeping of the galvanised surface has been carried out at some_ workshops. This must be done
very carefully so as not to deStroy to much of the zinc.

The following is recommended:

Brain size

Aluminiumoxide, aluminiumsilicate, olivine or slags

02 - 0.5 mm
2 - 3 bars

300 - 500 mm
Distance to object
20 - 25 "C and RH less than 50
Environment Maximum one hour after sweep blasting
Application of paint

Etching primers
Etching primers on aosphoric_acid basis has been used for many years on galvanised steel
the acid to etch or rouan the alvamsed
is to
surfaces. The
ias:'-e-,The etching primer should be applied in maybe 7 - 10 p.m. If it is applied in DFT beyond
not all of the acid will react with the zinc. The remainders of acid are water-soluble and '
adhesion problems between the galvanised steel surface and the coating can arise.

Problems with painting of galvanised steel

painting of hot-dip zalvanised steels. This is
Some of you will have experienced poor results in.
of paint has been applied, or a
often due to either poor surface preparation, or that the \\Tong. type
combination or lie two.
More or less all coatings can be applied onto galvanised steels after some kind u1
water vapour
alkyd based paints or other of: based paints.
preparation, with the exception of
ions are created on the surface. For both alkyds and oil
goes through the coatin
paints the creation of hydroxyl z ns will cause creation orzinc-so.arS. in the intercoat layer betl,veen
7inc and the paint. This will s n cause peeling and flaking Ot die paint.

Hot dip aaivanising

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis




dip galvanising


Pretreatment prior to hot dip galvanizing

Alkaline cleaning
Washing in clean water / .
_Aoracid w/ inhititc)
Pickling (16 %c1T-oct
Washing in clean water
Hot dip galvanizing, molten zinc at 460 C


Acid pickiing





Molten zinc


, Water rinse I



Hydrochloric acid
idla7thecentration of 101- 20 %.
Sulplttiric acid `1,1y.17).-'/'
rn-Arencentratio.nrpfl 0 %.

Rem a of mill-scale and rust

An inhibitor is added io the pickling bath to reduce
corrosion aiiric on the steel.


Types of steel
__________ _
"Et -Ur:killed steel
/ ..._ some oxygen gas and pockets of gas in the steel
___ _

- aluminium killed steel and silicon killed steel

F1..4 The appearance of hot dip galvanized


:7a-.-- Unkilled steel and aiuminium killed steel

....."- Shiny coating
Zinc roses
- Thin coating (< 100 pm, depending on dippiny iime

Silicon killed steel

//---- Grey, dull coating / Thick iron-zinc alloy (discolonnthe surface)
Easier to weld


is: Painting of hot dip galvanized steel



Sweezblasting at low pressure usinga free abrasive


0.2 - 0.3N1Pa
Olivine, Ai-silicate, Al.oxide

Grain size

0.2 - 0.5 mm

20 -25 C 150 % R.N.

Roughness Fine
Painting start no later than 1 hour atter blasting



Alternative pretreatment
High pressure washing w/ alkalies
- High pressure washing w / water
Some branches still use etchprimers before
application of paintsystems

Common pretreatments of hotdip galvanized

steel prior to painting
= Water with ammonia + thorough washing with
Steel brushing / scraping

r'aintsystems for hot dip gaivan;zed steel

Chlorinated rubbcf(CR)
Alkyd / CR
- Alkyd Note If alk-yd paints are used it is
necessary to have c tuffer (etcrprimer)
between the HDG and the alkyd

Comparison of HDG steel tupainted steel

Low price
Long lifetime

tdtionary zinc baths

Few defects
max. size of the
Good overall quality
Good cathodic protection - Heat affected
Easy to inspect
Deviation from normal
welding procedures

Anodic coatings
The zinc coating protects the steel


Zinc coatings

Zinc on steel

Paint on steel


Cathodic coatings


-,,ifmet:r arzi


Cathodic coatings

Chromium A


; Pure rirctz-,



Schematic section through a HDG Coatin

(1) Pure zinc!

l 6% imn

10% iron
Base steel

Other coatings than paint

Powder coatings
-Electrostatic-al spraying or dipping

- Primer and application. curing in an autoclave

- Petrolatum tape


Powder coatings
Areas o "se:

Surface p.reparatIon :
- Sa 2112 - Sa 3
- Electrostatic

Film tIa


. Pipelines
Industrial objects


Melting in oven. 2S0 C

\ .Repair industry
can be machined

Eiectrost2.tic spraying of powder coatings

3 9^.
Dipping .n a fluidised bed




Pipc. 2







, ,




S.,,:!=,^ rre:zzr-t:^,!:

1/2 Sa 3
Fnmer Okay()

Areas of use:




Apc:ication of whhP,
Film thickness:
Several centinkelers
C Lutist." Autoclave at 110 at 0.4 1.0 MPa


s' AL

Sunace preparation:
- Sa 2 1/2 Sa 3

Areas of use:

- Primer
- Wrapping cf tape


Buried pipelines

- Varies 1mm or more
Curing: Non

Temporary coatings
. Surface preparation:
- Varies
- By spraying
- Vanes
Curing: None: die products
penetrate very well

ax products
Areas of use:
Motors, offshore

ST I Tur7


Inspection of protective coatings

Other coatings than paint

alai there are many different kinds of coatings can be applied onto steel surfaces,
It is well known other than paint that will provide good long time projection of the steel. In the following these
coatings will be discussed in detail:
. rubber linings
pOwder coatings
thermal spraying -

Rubber linings

rsr\ ,---V

.,..,f ...- ' .
..- ',..t
' .). .
...., ._., ,
:_./ .-- .-,-7, _- - b

j \ \ -- \.
\ .\_/ --:-,---S...-_---- ......---N.,-----


r,. -.


In many areas, where a long time protection of steel is necessary, the use of rubber linings is very
The application of rubber is usually done after first coating the steel with a bonding primer
followed by the application of rubber sheets. The rubber lined steel is vutcanis0 or` cured using an
autoclave at a temperature of 110 - 160/180 C at 0.4 - 1.0 MPa. ..
After the curing of the rubber lining, the inspector should carry out a visual inspection covering
seems, imperfections, blisters, poor adhesion. The lining is often re-inspected using a high voltage
holiday detector. This instrument should be used in accordance with ASTM D 5162. All defects or
faults in the coating should be marked with chalk for repair.
Rubber linings are used for a variety of purposes e.g. inside tanks, protection around riser pipes in
the sea, flue 2as.desulphurization systems, railway tank cars.
Powder coatings
Powder coatings are the common name for several products that unlike paint do not contain any
solvents. The build up of powder coatings is just the same as a paint and they will consist of:


Usually smaller objects for domestic use are applied with powder coatings, but also larger objects
can be coated e.g. pipes. There are two main kinds of application?:

Other coatings than pain
Teknologisk Institutt
Nationalf nstitute of Technology, Norway

and 6 n=lvcic


Inspection of protective coatings

The po-aders are of often of two types:

The rmoplastic
CI.K coatings
Thermosettin coating S


I. i


0-4 ti

1 '-.





, A
are high molecular.weight products that melt and flow to form a film
without any chemical chVges taking place. They are often applied by dipping in
n5idisktd bed and
include the types polyethylene, polyvinyl cloiorirle polypropylene.
Thermoplastic cnatin


Thermosetting coatings are lOwer molecular weight polymers that will cross-Wik when the heatcuring takes place to form hic
r molecular weight products. They can bc apf`iiiied either by the
fluidiSed bed method or by
ctrostatic sprayi . Types of products will iude epoxies, acrylics,

In the industry Fusion Bonded Epoxy (FBE) coatings has been used for external application on
to be7 piping
used in hydrocarbon, liquid, water and gas service foc.irfdustry at high temperature

service. The FBE is applied by dipping in a fluidised bed after th(4feel,:,..
tem erature of approximately 200221C. In or er to achieve the propr adhesion properties the steel
must prior to coating have a roughne Mediu& in accordance Ny..h ISO 8503.
lectrostatic spraying

This method uses a spraying gun upon an object where a voltage exists between the said object and
ground (earth). The voltage difference between the powder alid the gun makes the object attract and
retain the powder. Often epoxy coatings are used.
Dipping - fluidised bed
This method initially heats the ob'ect to a tem erature

bove the melting-RW.1)19f the

zowder. The object is then dipped into the powder, which immediately melts. Often the objects are
in a water bath. The term, fluidised bed refers to the continuos stirring of the powder by the
use of air.
Tapes and linings
The use of tape coatings is also a method used e.g. on pipelines, valves, nodes. The tapes are often
wrapped directly onto the steel that initially has been primed. Usually the tape will be wrapped with
a 50 % overlap. As with paints or coatings the corrosion protection depends on the application. The
most common problem is improper overlapping. This can cause water access onto the cteel surface,
entrapment of water under the tape and corrosion of the steel.

Teknologisk lnstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Other coatings than paint



InspectioP of protective coatings

There are different types of tapes.

Petrolatum tapes

(A cotton mesh (felt) impregnated with a special fat or petrolatum wax.

The upper teruccrature limit is 45 - 70 C)

Bitumen tapes

(Used to protect pipelines in the ground)

Tar tape,,,

(This kind of tape is reinforced with plassfibers and has up iu now been
commonly used in the production of pipelines in the North Sea. The total
film thickness is often 5-6 ram.

Temporary coatings
product, will be commonly
In confined areas such as inside charaellinsJ
used. Some of these are only intended to provide temporary protection and will very often be
removed by steaming, while others are intended to provide longer protection

Otncr coat:itgs than paint

O Teknologisk Institutt
National !nptituie of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Inspection of protective coatings


Regulation concerning explosion and fire protection of installations in the
petroleum activities (unofficial translations)

The present regulations stipulate provisions concerning explosion and fire protection of installations in
the petroleum activities and provide the supervision of the activities by the Norwegian Petroleum
The regulations and guidelines are consequently intended to be Seen as a whole, to ensure the best
possible understanding of the level of safety intended to be achieved through the regulations.
Fire fighting
two seperate
The production installation shall be equipped with firefighting equipment with at least fire water pump systems. Each fire water pump system shall have capacity to supply fire water to
the area where the sprinkler system has the largest consumption, including monitors and hydrants
that can be used for fire fighting in the same area. In addition to the fixed systems for fire
extinguishing there should also be a sufficient number of strategic located monitors, hydrants, hose
stations and fire hose reels as well as portable fire extinuishers.
The content of the extinguishers shall not be less than:

9 liters for a water extinguisher

12 kg for a dry chemical extinguisher
6 kg for a CO2 extinguisher

Requirement relating to passive fire protection

The passive fire protection shall be such as to ensure that relevant structures or equipment components
have adequate tire resistance with regard to loadbearing properties, integrity and insulation properties
during a dimensioning fire, such as to contribute to reducing the consequences of fire in general.

Passive fire protection

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Inspection of protective coatinsac

Fire technicatrequirements relating to fire divisions

Class A fire divisions

A standardised fire test is described in ISO 834. This standard requires divisions to be made of noncombustible materials and insulation materials. The materials shAli be fire
test a: a rocozniser.l.
They shall be sufficiently braed and shall prevent the propagation ( /Th .. ,-----4:flames .t ncr.FloKe tor a minimum
of one hour of the standardised test.
It fiirther follows from the standard that divisions shall be insulated so that the average temperature on
the unexposed side does not exceed 140C. Furthermore the temperature at any single point shall not
exceed 180C above the initial temperature within the time limits stated below:
Class A-60
Class A-30
Class A-15
Class A-0

60 minutes
30 minutes
15 minutes
0 minutes

Class B fire divisions

It follows from the standar
di .isi
all be made of non-combustible materials and shall
prevent the propagation o flam 11.e,t1"
' .1,..
'.7 or at least 30 minutc ,
; of the standardised fire test.
It further follows from the standard that divisions shall be insulated so that the average on the
unexposed side does not exceed I40C above the initial temperature. Furthermore the temperature at
single point shall not exceed 225C above the initial temperature within the time limits stated
Class B-30
Class B-I5
Class B-0

30 minutes
15 minutes
0 minutes ,

ire divisions

The standard requires divisionsIto he made of non
combustible materials, and insulation materials. The
materials shall be fire tested at A
recognised institution.
Divisions shall be sufficiently br4ed and shall prevent the propagation
of Nm s an smoke for a
minimum of two hours of the standardised fire test for a hydrocarbon fire.
/ .
--_____---O Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Passive fire

Inspection of protective coatings

It further follows from the standard that divisions shall be insulated so that the average temperature on
the unexposed side does not exceed 140C: Furthermore the temperature at any single point shall not
exceed 180C above the initial temperature within the time smuts stated below: Nx
) 5(44.1(.
Class H-120 120 minutes .
Class H-60
0 minutes
Class H-0

Pas.sive fire protection

Special coatings that protect constructions during a fire are generally referred to as passive fire
These coatings are divided into two main groups:

Organic coatings
Inorganic coatings

The main reason for using passive fire protection of steel structures is to reduce the risk to peoples
health and lives. Especially the escape routes must be secured using passive fire protection. Also the
living quarters onboard platforms and other areas of important= should be protected.
The passive fire protection coatings used are applied in order to prohibit or delay the deteoriation of the
steel structure.
Organic coatings

Most of the organic coatings available are of the kind that will swell during a fire and thereby form an
insulating coating between the fire and the steel structure. There are a number of products available most of these are based on epoxy (Product names; Chartek VII, Pittchar, Termolag)
Prior to the application of passive fire protection the following is usually demanded ( Chartek VII and
1. Blast-cleaning of the steel to Sa 2 V?.
2. Welding of pins and blast-cleaning of these
Application of corrosive proteklive primer (zinc-ethy(silicate or zinc epoxy)
Application of an epoxy primer - for certain products the upper limit of the primer system is 110
5. rustening of wire mesh to the pins
A::-"cation of passive fire protection in adequate thickness from approximately 6 mm to 20 or 30

O Teitnoiogisk irutitutt
National Institute of Technolcv, Norway
and Analysis
Department Corrosion Protect

Inspection of protective coatings

Grinding and studweiding

Blast-cleaned steel
rimer )
Gdivanised or fibreglass/
carbon wire mesh

Epoxy fireproofing

Inorganic coatings

Most of the inorganic coatings are cement coatings of the kind where bonded wateraczystal water) is
released from the cement product during a fire. In the same manner as water in a ettl the temperature
of the kettle will not rise till all - the water has evaporated
There are a number of products available (Product names; Mandolite, Pyrocrete)
Prior to the application of passive fire protection the following is usually demanded.
I. Blast-cleaning of the steel to Sa 2 1/2
2. Welding apins and blast-cleaning of these
3. Application of cozzosico
ril minus the top coat, DEL200 - 300
4. Fastening of wire mesh to the pins
5. Applica lion of a
bonding primer to achieve better adhesion for the passive fire protection
6. Application of passive fire protection in adequate thickness from approximately 20 mm to 40 mm.

Cv TeknolocIsk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Passive fire protection

Inspection of protective coatings

Grinding + studweiding
Blast-cleaned steel

Plastic wire mesh

Cement fireproofing
Sealer + topcoat

What temperatures can arise during a fire?

During a fire in paper, wood, often called a cellulosis fire- the temperature after only 5 minutes will
have reached 556 C, and after 1 hour the temperature will have reached 945 C.
During a hydrocarbon fire, e.g. fire in oil, solvent or paint, the temperature after 5 minutes will be 926
C, and after 1 hour the temperature will have reached 1145 C.

Pasrjvc.-. fire FrotecIlon

Teknologisk Institutt
National !nstitute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


D cy).,.,.. 0 la


t 1-0



)7 0

Passiv fire protection


Fire protection
The aim of this lessen:
You shall be able to:
describe two main types of passive fire protection
coating systems
describe how the structures are classified for fire
A- and n describe what is unift.g.tood by the
describe the differences between a cellulosis fire and

a hydrocarbon fire


why fire protection?


to save lives and va!ues

to protect escape routes
to gain time until coiapsing
to divide areas

Passive fire protection

Sprayed coatings nr insulating plates which
-s;laii ensure str,;;:;_ires and equipment
adequate file iusistance with regard to!!tv, intogrity and insulation

are protection = fire extinguisher, smoke corarnt,

ventilation, %..1.:1;1.1.: system..

,-,- /..........4,.....4)

Fire resistance
-= the time in minutes in which a construction,
in a standardized test, canresist heating and
maintain the required integrity

Fire cell
= a secirepted Firt of an installation
where a fire may develop witnout
spreading to other parts within a given
period of time

1'4 7

Critical temperatures:
out; 0 C

- Structural steel:

500 0 C
Reinforcing steel, ordinary:
atie 0 C
-Reinforcing steel, pre-stressed:
- Aluminum:



Requirements relating to passive fire

protection of the structure

Ensure stability
Ensure integrity and strength
Maintain insulation requirements
Prevent penetration of flames and smoke


Passive fire protection coatings

Organic coatings
6-poxy coailngs
Thiel.4e;0 '40 min
Swell and create an
insulating tcr,er
- Chanel.: Va. Pirt6-tar.

- Cement ccalln;i:
'miliotrie:pr/o - 40 mm
Liberates water
M4ndoitte. Pyrocv

Application of organic products

Ca/lading and weldinp of pros
.=- 2, :4 the oiael fit Sa 2 1/2

Apo:kan v:ccrrosive protective primer (zinc-edvviii2,:e or

Zinc epoxy)
Agoficuitun ot an t.
griny primer- for certain Products the upper tumor
marronr >avian, is I'D Oft
- En:mining of wire mesh (fin: Mt: g.
o.4. or stainless stoc0 to the pins
implication of passive fire protection in adeco.
-..:: mvcancos from
acorommately 6 mrn to 20 or 30 mm.


Grinding and studwelding

Blast-cleaned steel

Galvanised of fibreglass/
carbon wire mesh

Epoxy fireproofing


Appiicztion of inorganic prc.ducts

- Cinnding and welding of pins
Blast-cleaning of the :Mc: to Sa 2 1.

Apolmation of corrosive protective system minus the

tOp coat
- DFT 20C - 200 micro
a soearM.:cortaitig
r Mc!caticnfireur pmtedion

tz .szbieve better adhesion lot

EaSLepirtrurwire rnrr:-.: (plastic cuated)Pcitiartrtm-----

Application of pasts, fire protection in nncquate thickness trhrn

approxintately 20 mm to 40 mm
Application of topcoat

Grinding + st=hselding
Blast-cleaned steel
Primer + midcoat
Plasticwire mesh

Cement fireproofing
Sealer topcoat

What is to be controlled?
Befcr the work starts:
Procedures according to specification
Quality plan
Order of right material and colour
Qualification of inspectors, foremen and
Data sheets

What is to be sontrolled ?
During the work.


Materials according 1 Apectification

Bend tem ot studs
covering of all :foes not to be sprzlyed
=pot:cat:cr. eswoment
Mesh attachment, Stanns ntr


'' What is to be controlled?

.22 After_
Right color
Surface structure accokring to spec. or test area
Correct area


i fir

Temperatures during a fire ?

Fire in paper, wood, a cellulosic fire :
The tewityer.tore aver 5 minutes :
The temperature after 1 hour


Fire in oil. solvent, paint, a hydrocarbon fire:

The temperature after 5 minutes :
The temper-11=e abor 1 hour:



ClasstHifire divisions
The divisions shall be made of non
-combustible materials, and
insulation materials.

The divisions Shall be sufficiently braced and shall prevent the

propagation of flames and smoke for a minimum of two(2) hours at
the standarrayed 5re test for a hyr.kocarbon fize.

The divisions shall be insulated so that the average temperature

on the unexposed side does not exceed 140'C above the initial
temperature. Furthermore Usc temperature at any single point shall
not exceed 180C above the initial temperature within the lime
limits stated below:

Class H.12.: :20 minute: Class Fl

Class H-0
0 minutes

60 minules

Class A fii-e divisions

Requires divisions made ( nnet-corr`..n.hle materials and

ins:elation materials.
Divisions shall be sufficiently biacea and sh38 prevent
propagation 01 !lames and smoke fn a mina:tuns one (1) nnor

The divisions shall be inn. dated so that the averaga iemperatc...e

the initial
on the unexposed side does not exceed 1413-C ah.rua.
temperature. Furthermore the temperature at any: single point shall
180.1: above the inid temperature wanes the
limits stated belowl
Class A-80 80 minutes Class A.30 30 pUrichn
0 mannteS
Class... 15 15 neautes Class ..0.)


Class B fire divisions

1,a made of non-combustible matenals Paul shall
- The divisions
prevent the propagation of flames for at least IC minutes of
standardized Ave test.
- The divisions she' be insulated so that the average temperature
0 above the initial
on the unexposed side does not exceed 140temperature. Furthermore tne temperaiuny al any single point shall
not exceed 225C above the mita: temperatsce wuGdn the time
Petits stated below:
30 minutes
Class 8.30
15 rtinutes
- Class u-13
0 minutes
Class 13.0

Differences between divisions A and H
=Class A - fire in paper, wood

.7ent the propagation

The time that the division shall 7.::of (lames and smufie
Divisions in class A - 1 hour
3;+isiOns in class H - 2 hours

Fire protection - Overall Ruling

Reduce Risk of.....
Human Life
Enviro,,neni Pollution
- Loss of Eyuipment and Cost
..... and in that order !!!

Fire Protective Measures

Fire fighting equipment cc,
Fire brigade
Fire alarm
Misc. detectors

C f ie.?.

en s 1,u-e s

-1. Water
- Carbon dioxide (CO2)
Powder (NafiCO3)

Ve Passive measures
Spray on
Mineral fibres I Cement
Gypsum plates
Sandwich solutions
Prefab elerrwints

General fire protection

Risk analysis
Concept studies
Design criteria

Typical passive benefits

s-- Materials will always function
Independent of sianals / remote controls
No test requirements in situ
- Durable
Well proven
Low cost

Lag shear test- ASTM 0 1002


1.-- i.,,

-Steel, blasted :=Sa 2 'A, Rx = 25 gm



;,--: .anaj

Inspection of protective coatings


The inspector shall have thorough knowledge of risk factors pertaining to health and environment that
are connected to the surface preparation and the coating application. Ile shall also be able to take the
right protective precautions and ascertain that the safety and environmental regulations are complied
When blast-cleaning surfaces with abrasives driven by air, you are dealing with several hazards to your
health and safety. Some of these hazards may be lethal, so it is of vital importance That you understand
what the hazards are and Lake the necessary safety precautions.
The hazards during abrasive blast-cleaning include the following topics:
Pressure and particle velocities

During the paint application you are working with solvent containing materials. That means bOth health
hazards and fire risks.
Solvent vapours
Fire risk

A large. amount of tins; is created when paint is removed from. steel surfaces by blast-cleaning. The dust
arises both from crushing of abrasive, and from the removal of rust, mill scale and paint.
The dust varies in size, and the smallest particles are the most dangerous ones - these particles are in
be visible and settles quickly. But
the order of 0 - 5 microns. Dust particles larger than 10 microns
particles smaller than these are "invisible" and remain suspended in the air for a longci- period of time.
The respirable particles are able to get into the alveoli of the lungs.
The amount of dust created varies with the abrasive used. The main concern is free silica (Si02) from
silica sand abrasive (quartz sand). The lung fluids cannot dissolve this dust. A fibrous tissue develops in
the lungs and creates a lung disease called "fibrosis". When the condition is sm.-cc enmigh and creates
a decrease in lung function, it is called silicosis. Only the use of an air-fed respirator can protect you
from the hazards of free silica sand.
Other dust hazards may be produced during blast-cleaning. Removing paints that contain elements like
lead, cadmium, zinc etc. can cause harm to the body. Dust may also irritate eyes, ears. nose and throats.
it is of vital importance that the blast-cleaning operator uses an air -supplied respirator.
Teknc:cgisk Institutt
Nauonal It.;tiiute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

inspection of protective coatings

The air-supplied respirator should be worn both during blast-cleaning, but also afterwards as long as
dust remains in the air. This is off course somewhat dependent of local winds or ventilation.
At sites also the pot tenders and workers engaged in clean-ups should be equipped with respiratory
protection. By no means can a bandanna tied around the head to cover the nose and mouth,

protect a worker.
Most of the types of abrasive blast cleaning create a lot of noise. The noise level may vary, depending
on the blasting conditions. Regardless of the nature, excessive amounts of noise may require hearing
protection for blaSt cleaners and other workers in the general area. The noise levels can range from 90 1 10 decibels. In Norway noise protection is obligatory when the noise level is above 85 decibels.

Pressure and particle velocities

operators using blast-cleaning equipment should take care not to be struck by the abrasive loaded
air stream. This will normally cause seriously injury on the body. Wires of hanging working platforms
should also be protected against the injury by the abrasive.
Personal protective equipment
In addition to respiratory and noise protective equipment, blasters should wear safety footwear or toe
guards, coveralls, leather or rubber capes and gloves. Pant and sleeve cuffs should be secured with tapeor other suitable fasteners.
Another very important thing is to ensure yourself that there is a continuous flow of air to your abrasive
blasting hood or helmet. The air is often supplied from a diesel-powered compressor, and shall not
contain carbon monoxide or oil. Air filtering/purifying elements are necessary to achieve this. In the
US the maximum carbon monoxide is restricted to 10 ppm. Electrically driven oil-less pumps are
available that do not produce carbon monoxide, oil vapour or oil mist.
Several filters must be present in the air supply from the compressor to the blast-cleaner hood or

Filter # 1
Filter g 2
Filter # 3

Removes particulates and water from the air stream

Removes oil from the air stream
Carbon bed to remove odour and hydrocarbons

The abrasive blasting respirator assembly is made up of a support belt, airflow control valve, breathing
tube and a loose fitting hood or helmet.
1;;:. ver take fresh air for granted on an abrasive blasting job.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
_ Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:Velles\kurs1frosio-kurslfrosio.eng \25-00

lean and safety aspects

Inspection of protectivP coatings

Solvent hazards and controls

After the abrasive blasting has bean completed, it is time to start the application of paint. The paints
widely in use for corrosive protection contain large amounts of solvents, and sometimes we forget how
dangerous they can be if used improperly.

Solvent affects the body in three ways

Solvents can enter your body in'iliree ways; skin contact, breathing and swallowing.

Skin contact
The most frequent way is by skin contact. Many workers, in spite of information of the hazards,
continuously use solvents to remove paint. This causes both reddening and swelling of the skin, and
have a tendency to dry out your skin. Many of the solvents will also enter the body this way and cause
damage to internal organs. This hazard is known as skin absorption, and is the first route of expc,sure
for solvents to enter the body.

The second and most serious route of entry of solvents into the body is by inhalation. Many solvents
give potentially hazardous vapours very easily. When the solvent vapours have entered the body they
will find their way to the lungs and passed directly into the blood. With the blood the solvent is transported to the brain causing acute drohkenness and dizziness. Solvents can damage the respiratory
system itself, but also has a tendency to irritate eyes, nose and mouth.
In tanks and other areas with limited ventilation.we must also be aware of the risk of thexotygen
content in the air getting to low. Confined spaces should be ventilated properly.
The paint operator and the inspector should wear 'air supplied masks. Death due to shortage of oxygen ,en content is under
asphyxiation - can take place within seconds in a confined space in which thei.
16 %.
Most of the solvents can act on either the central nervous system or the peripheral nervous system
(hands, iegs, arms and feet). They can cause headaches, drowsiness, behaviour chango.s, lac:: of
memory, shaking and loss of feeiing and control.
vapours for
nanent effects of solvents that happen when one is exposed to
The.S,e arelonnd p'ect
seve;'al years.ith long-t m effect of the solvents has been studied in the Nordic countries in Europe.
The third route of entry of solvents into the body is by swallowing or ingestion. Accidental drinking of
solvent is rare, with the exception of ethanol in its different forms. In some cases other types of
have be swallowed because the solvent has been kept on soda pop bottles. However, ingestion
Hea !t t anti vifety
kl Teknologisk lnstitutt

National Institute of Technology, Norway

Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n.Villies'aurVrosio-kurs frosio.eng,25-00


Inspection of protective Coatings

of solvents through contaminated food or tobacco products, due to poor hygiene- practices. is less rare
but no less harmful.
Personal hygiene and persona! protective equipment
Use always gloves, respirators with organic filter cartridges and particulate pre-filters, chemical splash
goggles and disposable clothing. Paint or solvent, which are accidentally splashed onto skin. should
immediately be washed with soap and water.
The respirator should fit.
well. How well can be determined by the use uf different vapour tests. Ensure
that both filters and gloves protect against the type of solvent that you are using. By spray application a
combined type of filter should be used; a Jnechar-ical filter for the airborne particulars and an active
coal filter against the solvent vapours.
- For better protection against the solvent vapours, use an air supplied respirator. In confined spaces it is
a necessity.
The work safety authority should usually approve safety equipment. In many European countries tIT-ce
are marked with a CE-mark.
Solvents are not to be taken lightly. Thcy can damage your skin and internal organs, and car.
even be fatal.
Threshold limit value (TLV) / Maximum Allowable Concentration


As guidelines for the assessment of the hygienic standard of working atmosphere, the authorities in
different countries have determined levels of contamination's in the air. These concentration levels
express the "acceptable" limits. The definition of these concentrations and the values may differ from
country to country. The titles for such values will also differ.
The threshold limit value (TLV) of a substance is defined as the
substance (e.g. xylene, lead) which will not cause harm to the person
contaminated air for an 8 hours workday.

n the air of a specified

ved when inhaling the

The concentrations are given in parts per million (ppm) or milligrams per cubic meter (mg/m


Volatile organic compounds (VOC)

Volatile organic
compound (VOC) is a term that expresses the content of solVents and other organic
compounds in paint. It is given in grams per litre paint. In some countries the environmental
authorities have set up restrictions of the VOC of a paint because of the polluting effects of solvents.

Teknologisk lhstitutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis


Health and saietv zzlicts

Inspection of protective coatings

Corrosive and allergy promoting materials
The use of corrosive materials is seldom connected with corrosive preventive actions on steel. Rut in
some cases sodium hydroxide (NaOH) is used to remove old alkyds or oil paints.
A lot more can he said of allergy promoting Materials. The epoxy paints can have (n epoxy resin. flow
The low molecular epoxies are the most dangerous ones - ca
or high molecular
1^s can cause allergy. It can also be caustic
reactions to sensitive people. Also the amine curing conraouLand damage the eyes. If amine is splashed into the eyes, immediately flush several times with fresh
. water. Use eye protection .vhcn mixing the components of an epoxy product.
Also in polyurethane, the curing agent - isocyanate is dangerous. It may cause sensitisation by inhaling
and skin contact.
If the proper precautions are not taken to avoid contact between skin and epoxy and the curing agents
may cause eczema, (red skin and blisters) may be caused
Always protect yourself against skin contact with epoxy, amines and isocyanatcs:

Fire and explosion hazards

Prevention of fire and explosions are two major safety factors which require some understanding of the
following characteristics:

Flash point
Lower explosive limit
Upper explosive limit
Explosive range
Self-ignition temperature

Flash point:
In gradually raising the temperature of a liquid, which is both volatile and combustible (e.g.
ble solvent or paint), there is a minimum temperature at which the air above the liquid will have
ufficient solvent vapours so that it can just be ignited by a spark or a small flame. This temperature is
ca eu tile flash point.
At temperatures below this point a mixture of vapour and air cannot be ignited by any means.
The vapour pressure of any volatile substance i.e. f.olucne in the paint, is temperature dependent. If the
temperature is high - then the vapour pressure is high. The flash point wiii providc us with infonLiation
regarding, e.g. how t i store the paint in order to be sure that no explosions can gccur. The flash point is
used to classify a substance according to the flammability.
Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norivay
Lepartment Corrosion Protection and Analysis

Health and safety a,spc-:ts

Inspection of protective coatings


Heating p!ate
Flash point apparatus

Lower explosive limit: ,7) 1\-

Ns, s.,A %,


At the flash point, the pressure of the saturatcd vapour is just high enotat
by a that
or a
flame. The vapour - air - mixture is called the lower explosive limit. Th0a7)our
vapourair-mixture is called the lower explosive limit (LEL).

Upper explosive limit:

In raising the temperature of a flammable liquid gradually over its flashpoint, the vapour content of thc
- air - mixture also increases gradually. At a certain temperature they_apolir r.
so high that
it is
called the upper explosivegeit.a.14e-by
limit (1.1EL).a spark or a flame. The corresponding v-apourpresse is
The mixtures
of air.with vapour concentrations above the upper explosive limit may become explosive by the

Explosive range

The range betwoen the lower explosive limit and the upper exploSive limit is called the explosive
Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and
Analysis .
n:IfellesIkurslfrosio-kurs Ifrosio.eng 125-00

Health and safety aspects

\14;TITu tp


Inspection of protective coatings

Self-ignition temperature
The minimum temperature by which a substance will ignite without any source of ignition is called the
self-ignition temperature.

Sources of ignition
When a source of ignition may occur in combination with solvent vapours in a concentration between
the upper and the lower explosive limits, the consequence may be an exp:17slve fire, Therefore it is
he aware of the main sources of ignition: burning cigarettes, spnrks caused by welding and
important to
flame-cutting operations, sparks from tools, sparks from electrical switches, electrostatic sparks, hot
surfaces and open flames.

Labelling and Material Safety Data Sheets

Almost all materials used by man has some degree of hazard. The ones used in industrial painting can
- be quite hazardous. But most of them can more or less be used safely if the proper precautions are
The source of information about the hazards of the materials will be found is the Material Safety Data
Sheet (MSDS), published by the material's manufacturer. Another is the labelling on the paint tin.
The working hygiene authorities in the country often regulate the process of ensuring proper labelling
and to give necessary information in the safety data sheets. The regulations may vary, but often there
are common characteristics.
In a MSDS there are 9 sections concerning the product and the hazards.
Product identification
Here you will find the name of the product, product class, the name of the manufacturer, emergency
phone number.

Hazardous ingredients
Here you will find the main hazardous ingredients in the material, and their percentage of composition
in the -, i-ture ("percentage range"). You will also find information concerning. the TLV.

Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
n:Uelles\kurs\frosio-kurs\ frosio.eng,25-00

e-fah and sz:.iety

Inspection of protective coatings

Physical data


.1.- -

Here you will find the boiling range, vapour pr sur density, evaporation
evaporatioiatp, app.earaoce and

-. Wa'l
Explosion hazard data
Here you will find information codcerningthe condiothat
- material bums or explodes. Two
important factors in determining/his are materials flashpo
an ' flammability (explosion) limits in the
Liquids with a flashpoint ofXess than 55'C: ::-!' particular dangerous.
Most of-tffi"'Sc
'elit-borne i
boatings have a flashpoint below 55nC. These products should be classified
as Wanma.ble
Codlings th

..aye a flashpoint of maximum,21C should be classified as very fia


Health hazards
Here you will find detailed information concerning the effects of over-exposure, both acute and
chronic. It may describe the effects of splashes in the eyes and what is likely to occur if the material is
inhaled or ingested.
Reactivity data
Here you will find detailed information regarding the chemical stability of the product. Stable
materials are those that do not deteriorate or degrade chemically under normal handling conditions
and that do not readily react with-air or water.
Unstable materials tend to spontaneously decompose, (break down into simpler chemicals) or
polymerise. Such reactions may be violent, resulting in fire, explosion or release of hazardous byproducts.
Spill or leak procedures
Here you will find detailed information concerning precautions for avoiding contamination. The
appropriate materials, equipment and clothing that will be needed for the spill containment are

O Teknologic% lnstitud
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nAfelles \kurs \frozio-kursVrosio.eng

Health and safety aspects

\NAS T I Tu 2.7

inspection of protective coatings

Special protection information /precautions

Here you will find detailed information concerning personal equipment needed for a material, under
what condition the equipment is used, and detailed information and considerations during handling
and storing of the product.

Warning symbols on tins

and d; urns

When you are working with paints you will often find these labels on tins and drums. The symbols
,, of this.
are used world-wide and it is important that the inspector also has some Icnowle,I

W a rn in g symbols with hazard term s



CF+V- -.

X i




4 )





Extrem ely
flam in able

flan mable

Dangerous to tItc

Waste disposal
Many of the coatings, which have been applied in the past, contain hazardous materials, e.0., lead,
cadmium, chromium. The removal of these materials, by blast-cleaning, creates toxic wastes. In
many counters the government regulations are becoming very strict to disposal of hazardous waste.
The organic solvents in a paint can be distilled by use of distillation equipment. Even for small
companies it an be valuable to have certain amounts of "thinner" for washing or washing.
osal regulations other..m.eanssA rust and paint removal
......... methods are becoming
Due to the di _ I
popular e.g. ultra-high-pressure water letting.

FLnri safety
Teknologisk Institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis

_ Pt.x.,4STITLt ti.

kityalkOZr. r,

HPalth and safety

A 12:

Health and safety

NS 476:
The inspectors shall have thorough knowledge of:
...risk factors pertaining to health and environment
The inspector shall ascertain that: and environment regulations are adhered io

lyre ,

Chemical health hazards

iv, ;02 The body takesukchemical

by inhalation

11 y3..F7c7iritact
tu swallowing


`;"v What are the most important chemical

influences by corrosion protection?

Dust from blast cleaning

Dust from metallisafion / thermal spraying
Solvent vapour
Allergic substances
Paint and solvent skin contact


The hazards of dust

Respirable dust: Particle size less than 5 pal, can get into yours lungs

Dust lung deseases:

- Silicosis caused by inhalation of silica from abrasive /
quartz sand
- Asbestosis from dust of asbest
- Siderosis from iron oxide dust

Lung cancer


Hazards ofsolvents
Sizzyness, headache, discomfort irritation of skin and eyes.
Irreversible effects on the nervous system, brain damage.
Some solvents: harmfult effects on the kidneys , liver and on
the blood.
Some solventi may cause cancer. and some have
reproductive hazards to merland women

Toxicological principles
.The higher the dose, the more serious the effect
The higher the dose, the more people affected
to (he inivids are different torn each other
(biological variations)

Can we set some limits forexposure

considered to be harmless?

-15Ccupational exposure

or ppm)
Airbom concera-aions of sobstance (in mg/m3
ncen.ation to which nearly all workers
The avera
may b ex sip without adverse effects
No intemational agreement on acceptable levels. The level
differs from country to aountry
In some countries: Go rnmentaI law
In other countries' Gu
eshold limit vaIiies'- Maximum allowable
Other terms:

\.1.\ \


The threshold limit value (TLV)

-The threshold limit value (TLV) of a substance
defined nc f!'r.nnncentration in the air of specified
substance (e.g. xylenn. incid) which will not. ccuse
diTitiCartinn,aci air for more than 8 hours a day.
-The TLV may differ in differentcountries. in Europe
the term occupational ExposureLimit


Occupational exposure lirnits(OEL)
Some example, solvents:

ppm Remark












White spirit











Occupational exposure limits(OEL)

Some examples, gases and vapours:


gore Remark



Hydrochloric acid

Oil fog



= Ozone

10 A

Occupational exposure limits(OEL)

Some examples: dust, fumes and smoke:


ppm Remark



Welding smoke

Quartz, total



Quartz, respirabel



l'-'r't-20-A':,t':.1'44 V 3
, ,

Risk fora


l- (K2)
Bi. ,:ler Coal taetler
Pigrant: Zincchromate (Ki). eadchromate (K1)
Solvents: Dichlorometbe (KKbenze<2)


Labelling of paint products

'Health hazards incl.:
Risk for cancer and allergy
Occupational air request (OAR)

Fire risk
according to the flash point


Warning symbols with hazard terms







1)arcecrolts Eh:


Safety data sheet


Identification. company

Physical and chemical prop



Stability and reactivity

Fiax4rds identification


Toxicological information

First aid measures


Ecological information
Disposal consideration

Fire fighting measures


Accidental release measures


Transport infc=ation

Handling and storage


Regulatory information

Exposixe control


Other information

Health and safety

during blast cleaning:
pressure and particle velocities
Mechanical damages
eDead man vaive,,
Extra man for operation

e Tr


Health and safety


during paint application:

solvent vapours
skin contact with paint and solvents
;.igh pressure equipinent 1
fire risk




07 '1

4. 1





-; )

I fl
Theoretical calculation o ventilation


2000 rn3
i i of pant during 10 hours

Tank :

3000 m3 pr liter
Amount of air required:

100 I x 3000

= 300000 m3

Amount of air required/ h 300000 m3/ 10 = 30000 m

30000 m3 'h / 2000 in,=.t't 5 x
Exchanges pr. hour: -


Some important characteristics

- Flash point
- Lowe' explosive limit
- Upper explosive iimit
Explosive range
- Self-ignition temperature

- The minimum tempera

. II

Should be tested on the material (pairflthiner etc)
apparatusapproved by the fireauthority



- - --,:f

-.A , F -''''A

7,--A Determination of flash point




, ..2.

Thermometers --sc---

Water bath
%-t ;:.-':i
't rt.i.r.'iszie


/ Heating -..,


Lower explosive


f F'''



4?!..&t .t4&


-Amixture of solver.: vapbui

air whic
c . ncer
hto be ignited by a s
little flame.

or a

- This vapour- air - ratio is calledthe lower explosive

limit (LEL).
The vapour- air - ratio is given in volum-%

Upper explosive limit

At a
rs sq high

pour - air - retie thevapnur content of
t will no longer be ignitablo by a spark

or a lam The corresponding vapour - air- ratio ,s

calied the upper explosive limit (UEL).

Explosive range
The range between the Inwer explosivelimit and the
upper explosive limit iscalled the explosive range.
For solvents the LEL is about T vol.% and the UEL
is about 10 vol.%

Self-ignition temperature
The minimum temperature required for thagnition
by a hot surface is called the self ignition

sbJ v'~


ro4 esial




1The 60's
The 70's

Solvents '
Filters. deposition

The SO's
Tile 90's


inspection of protective coatings

Zinc=alkali silicate
Zinc alkali silicate paints contain a-V7Efeluble silicate binder somewhat like waterglass. The zinc
silicate is created by the reaction occurring between ziu,: and the binder. During this process lye
(01n is created on the surface. This of course must be washed off prior to recoating.
is a very robust and tough coating in many environments. Outdoors they are little
affected by the sunlight and weathering. They are not affected by organic solvents like ketones,
chlorinated hydrocarbons etc. But they provide poor resistance against alkalis and acids.
In many cases these paints are used inside tanks for storage of oils; - gasoline, jet fuel etc. They are
also heat resistant up to approximately +400 C. Application is usually done by conventional

Alkyds are made by a reaction between an acid and an alcohol. The alkyds are often divided into
groups according to their "oil-length". The oil-length is an expression for the amount of oil related
to other raw materials used in the process. You may have heard the expression short. medium and
long alkyds.
Alkyds are often modified, i.e. other types of binders are added to produce special properties. Most
commonly used are biliders such as chlorinated rubber, vinyl, silicone and urethane.
Pre.'iously great amounts

inseed oil, red lead and alkyd red lead paints were used on steel
constructions. Th4:ed lead ints used 30 - 40 years ago still protect steel constructions worldwide.
Problems are related-Rae ref:I-loyal of these types of paints, because they can cause harm to the
operators and peo le close by.
Areas of use
Alkyd paints are often used as corrosion protective coatings on buildings in not too aggressive
Alkyd paints are saponifino:, the soften in water are..commonlv not-u - uncjterl
/atr. They are
not tno resistant to solvents or chemicals. Howe"Zir"
ey-----are easy to apply and show good outdoor
durability. BecTIse_thesapenify-(snap)-they-should or
steel applie.d.yithzinc,:rich-ce-atings_thai).41. e hurnid_envimarnent.

The application can be done using airless spraying, roller or brush.


Teknologisk institutt
National Institute of Technology, Norway
.. Department Corrosion Protection and Analysis
nAfelles\kursVrosio-kurs\frosio.eng \u9-00

Paints and paint systems

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