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Dear Susan,

Thanks for your last letter, which arrived last week. Sorry for not writing to
you as soon as I wanted, but Ive been very busy revising for my exam.
Thanks God theyre all over now! I am glad to help you with this problem,
because I've been there myself.
From your letter I understood that you have school from 8 am to 2 pm. You
should try to start doing your homework at 3:30 pm at the latest. You
probably feel tired and you want to sleep, but you should know that the
most restful sleep is between 10 pm to 12 pm. After you finish writing, take
a little break, then you should begin to start learning your lessons for the
next day. Don't skip learning because lessons add up and you won't be able
to keep up with the rest. Another suggestion is not to take too long breaks
and too often. Respecting this program you will get everything done by 8
pm and you are left 2 hours for fun and relaxation.
The best advice I can give you is to give it a few hours for homework at
weekends. You should write your homework for the whole week, not just for
Monday. This way you will have an easier week.
If I were you, and even I was in your situation, I would adopt this program
because it is easy and efficient. If you do as i have suggested, you won't fall
behind with work, you will learn more easily and in addition you will have
more time for yourself.
I hope that these ideas will help. And remember that if you have a good
timetable, you will have an easier , stress-free and enjoyable life. Write and
tell me if you managed to make your life easier and more beautiful.

All the best, Oana

Sunt incantata sa te ajut cu aceasta problema fiindca am trecut si eu prin asta.

Din scrisoarea ta am inteles ca la scoala ai ore de dimineata pana pe la ora 2. Tu
trebuie sa incerci sa te apuci de teme cel tarziu pe la ora 3:30. Tu probabil te simti
obosita si vrei sa dormi,dar sa stii ca cel mai odihnitor somn este cel intre orele 22
24. Dupa ce termini de scris fa o mica pauza apoi incepe sa inveti lectiile pentru
ziua urmatoare. Nu sari peste invatat, pentru ca materia se aduna si vei ramane in
urma. O alta sugestie este sa nu faci pauze prea lungi si prea dese. Respectand
acest program termini totul pana la ora 20 si iti mai raman 2 ore in care ai timp de
distractie si de relaxare.
Cel mai bun sfat pe care pot sa ti-l dau este sa acorzi cateva ore temelor , in weekend. Ar trebui sa iti scrii temele la toate materiile din saptamana ce urmeaza, nu
doar la cele de luni. In acest mod vei avea o saptamana mai usoara.
Daca as fi tu, si chiar am fost in situatia ta, as adopta acest program pentru ca
este unul lejer si eficient. Daca faci asa cum ti-am propus nu vei ramane in urma
cu treaba, vei invata mult mai usor si in plus vei avea mai mult timp pentru tine.

Eu sper ca aceste idei te vor ajutal. Si aminteste-ti ca doar daca ai un program

ordonat, ai o viata lejera, lipsita de stres si placuta. Scrie si spune-mi daca ai reusit
sa-ti faci viata mai usoara si mai frumoasa.

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