To What Extent Was The Lenin's Leadership An Important Part of The Revolution of 1917 Part 2 Final

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To What extent was Lenins leadership an important part of the

revolution of 1917?
The pragmatic Lenin had an enormous effect on the revolution on 1917. He
spearheaded the revolution, providing the revolution of 1917 its ideological basis
there would have been no revolution in 1917 without Lenin. Lenin faced many
unique problems because of Russias lack of capitalistic development which he
had to adapt his views to. It is true to say, Trotsky, the Bolshevik party and the
Provisional government held an important role towards the succession of the
Bolsheviks but these factors was exaggerated by the shrewdness of Lenin.
Lenins charisma, opportunism, adaptions to Marxism and ability to culminate
external factors led to a revolution which would have been impossible without
Lenins charisma gave him the ability to architect a revolution. Lenin gave the
people hope his slogan Peace, Bread, Land resonated with the Russian, the party
had been steadily gaining popularity due to their commitment to Peace, Bread,
Land these three words highlighted the needs of the Russian people, the word
peace accentuated the need to end world war 1, the word bread accentuated the
need to feed an angry populace and land highlighted the word Land meant the
abolition of private property and a redistribution of land to the peasants who
worked the land. Bread meant an end to widespread food shortages. Evidently
the Bolsheviks (or rather Lenin) were successful in uniting the diverse
revolutionary movements and focusing them towards one universal goal as
evident from John reeds quote When Lenin rose to address the congress he was
greeted with an indescribable ovation, these were the halcyon days of the
revolution1. Divergently in Constituent Assembly elections held in November
1917 in the elections for the, the Bolsheviks won 23.5% of the popular vote
whereas victor Chernov and the socialist revolutionaries received 41% nearly
double that of the Bolshevik party even though the Socialist Revolutionaries
received a higher percentage of the vote the Bolsheviks and their allies cunningly
argued that this mandate was not valid and that the Soviets more accurately
reflected the public will. The April theses was important because it expressed
simple thoughts in simple words, 2 which gave it the ability to affect almost all
Russians. Lenins ability to unite people was a major key to his success his
charismatic ability allowed the revolution to develop.
Lenin was very exploitative he didnt create the discontent in Russian society but
he devised ways to manipulate the situation. Many historians argue that he was
simply opportunistic. There were numerous additional factors which led Russia
towards a Revolutionary mindset which were out of Lenins control the weakness
of the provisional government as a result of their weakness and their inherited
problems, the assassination of Rasputin was arguable an important and fortunate
event for Vladimir Lenin because it resulted in a political void. The resulting
weakness of the provisional Government is encapsulated by Alexander Gurchov
It is possible to say that the Provisional government exists only as long as it is
allowed to by the soviets Alexander Guchov the minister of war for the
1 A quote from John reed
2History of the revolution by leon Trotsky

Provisional Government. Even without any interference by the Bolsheviks the

position of the Provisional Government was tenuous especially from the
perspective of the peasants as they were seizing land for themselves. Lenin used
the phrase all power to the soviets because at the time most Russian workers
supported the soviets but not necessarily the Bolsheviks party itself. The PG
inherited many problems a lack of food, high unemployment rate and prices that
enraged the proletariats all were rampant in Russian society and all gave Lenin
leverage over the Provisional Government. Lenin ability to detach himself from
the Provisional Government, the Bolsheviks opposed the war. Lenin and a small
group of anti-war socialist leaders, including Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht,
denounced established socialist leaders of having betrayed the socialist ideal via
their support of the war. The Pg would have fallen regardless of Lenin but Lenin
manipulated the situation to benefit him and the Bolshevik party which gave him
to ability to manifest a revolution.
Lenins unique ability to interpret and change Marxism so it could be useful to
Russia made him extraordinary because he provided the ideological basis for the
revolution .There would be no revolution without the ideas behind the revolution.
A pure Marxist would have wanted to a society to develop through capitalism
before entering socialism or communism. In the early 20 th century Russia was
still a semi feudal nation a faithful Marxist wouldnt have even considered a
revolution in Russia for three main reasons, the lack of capitalist development
the bourgeoisie seemed incapable of carrying out their own revolution,
Industrialism wasnt established to the extent it was in other European countries
and because of this the industrial workforce was not at a size sufficient for a
Marxist revolution and lastly the small industrial workforce that did exist lacked
the elements that Marx thought were necessary for a revolution like the ability to
educate themselves and as a result high literacy rates (at least comparatively to
what they had). Not once did Lenin mention Marxism in his various speeches of
of 25th-27th of October3 because he didnt believe it was suitable for Russia .For
all these reasons Lenin had to abandon regular Marxism this made him isolated
from the Mensheviks and other political parties a soldier describes there political
situation,the insane attempts from the Bolsheviks is on the eve of collapse... the
Bolsheviks are alone4. Lenin overcome these problems by adapting Marxism and
creating an amalgamation of Marxism and his own ideology. He introduced
several ideas the foremost of which was the idea of the Vanguard Party. This was
the elite party that would consist of full time revolutionaries dedicated to
organizing the proletariat and the Soviets The only way a party could survive
was if it was a party of professional revolutionaries 5 this is the foremost reason
the Bolshevik party succeeded because it was made up of professional
revolutionaries who could unanimously lead the party. The original Marxist idea
was that a violent and bloody revolution consisting solely of the proletariat must
occur. Lenin's Russia was led by a dictatorship of the Communist Party, whose
leaders enacted on behalf of the working classes this gave Lenin the ability to
3 Lenin a biography by Robert Service
4 Soldier section from the SR party, October 1917
5 Quote from Vladimir Lenin

control a small and concise group which would have been impossible under
faithful Marxism. Marx also predicted that the government will dissolve and a
dictatorship of the proletariat will arise. Lenin believed that the Government
could be usurped and controlled by the elite Vanguard Party. In this case, it was
the Communist Party. His ability to amalgamate ideas gave him the ability to
adapt Marxism and create Leninism which was best suited to be enacted in
As a result of Russias unique circumstances Lenins changes to Marxism had a
profound impact on the Russian revolution and the effect of the Russian
Revolution. Lenin ideas laid the premises for the Bolshevik party. Vanguardism
was deemed to be a necessary step for Lenin. A vanguard party is an ideological
party that could lead the working class until they developed "class
consciousness". Lenin thought the only way a party could survive was if it was a
party of professional revolutionaries. Lenin laid the foundation for vanguaridism
in his book What is to be Done? .This idea had a profound impact on the
construction of the Bolshevik party as the party unlike other political parties in
Russia and at the time, most noticeable the Socialist revolutionaries who had an
enormous amount of political seats because of this the members often disagreed
on many crucial details. Lenins adaptations were crucial for the success of the
Bolshevik party. The decisive nature to which Lenin and Trotsky regarded there
ideology laid the basis for the Bolshevik partys ideals .Because Lenin and Trotsky
so firmly believed in their ideals they continuously pushed towards a revolution.
Trotsky displays his faith for communism, My faith in the communist future of
mankind is not less ardent; indeed, it is firmer today than it was in the days of
my youth6. Lenins changes to Marxism enabled the revolution and the
subsequent success of the Revolution.
Lenin needed other factors to exploit or contributed towards the revolution. Leon
Trotsky played an important part in collaborating his ideas with Lenins and
leading the Red guards. The Red Guards were volunteer workers militia formed
by industrial workers in the cities. Throughout the revolutionary period and
beyond, Trotsky remained an intellectual with clear views about the way that
revolution should occur and develop. During the October revolution Trotsky
played an important part in organizing the red guards. The red guards played an
important role in protecting the cities for counter revolutionaries and therefore
protecting the revolution. Trotsky transformed a mob of workers into a disciplined
fighting force. Trotsky took a ruthless approach towards instilling the men with
discipline. I issue this warning. If any detachment retreats without orders, the
first to be shot will be the commissar, the second the commander 7.Although
Lenin relied on extraneous factors he managed to culminate them into a huge
national and political upheaval.
Lenin had a profound impact on the Russian revolution of 1917 he was almost
certainly the most important factor contributing to the revolution. Lenin was a
dedicated, determined and pragmatic leader. Lenins success brought rapid social and
political upheaval to Russia. Lenins provided the Russian people with many adaptation to
Marxism which would make the revolution a possibility. Without Lenin the Russian

6 A quote from eon Trotsky reflecting on his life

7 Trotsky issuing orders to frontline troops.

revolution wouldnt have happened or would have developed into a completely different

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