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The Permian Period:

The End of An Era

The Permian Period is the final
period of the Paleozoic Era. It
began about 290 million years ago
and lasted until 248 million years
ago. The greatest mass extinction
that has ever occurred on earth
took place at the end of this 42million-year period. Its name comes
from a region of west-central
Russia called Perm Oblast. This is
where rocks from this time were
first found.

Pangea Is Now Complete

For most of the Permian, life on
Earth was much like it had been in
the Carboniferous. Temperatures
were cooler because the continent
of Pangea was moving northward.
Mountains were forming as the
supercontinent Pangea moved.
When the continent of Siberia

collided into the northern part of

Euramerica, Pangea was complete.
The Ural Mountains were pushed
up by this collision.
Conditions Become Dry On
Pangea was shaped like a large
C. It surrounded the Tethys
Sea. The rest of the Earth was
covered by a huge ocean
named Panthalassa. Even though
the ocean covered much of the
earth, Pangea was so large that the
interior did not benefit from the
ocean waters. Deserts were places
in the center of Pangea where the
temperatures changed from very
cold to very hot. In some places
there was rarely or never any rain.

Over all the earth was dry during

the Permian Period.
Plants Adapt To Dry Climate
The swamp land dried up and
many of the plants that needed the
water died out. New plants
developed that were adapted to
the dryer conditions. They were
called gymnosperms. These plants
had seeds. One of the earliest of
these plants still exists today. It is
called the Ginkgo. Most of the
trees living during this time period
were conifers. Conifers are trees
with seeds in cones.

The Dry Climate Favors The

The changing climate affected how
animals were evolving also.
Amphibians that had depended on
the swamps for a moist habitat
began to die out. They were
replaced by the reptiles whose
bodies could live in the very dry air
and the wide changes in
temperature. Pelycosaurs evolved
from their beginnings in the
Carboniferous. These animals look
like a reptile, but have skull
characteristics that make them
more like a mammal. The most
famous of the pelycosaurs is
the Dimetrodon. Like many other
pelycosaurs, Dimetrodon had a
large sail on its back. The sail could

have been used to help keep the

body temperature stable.

Therapsids developed during the

Permian Period also. These animals
are the ancestors of mammals and
share some bone structure
characteristics. Some of the
therapsids from the Permian period
may have had fur to help them
adapt to the temperature changes.
Coral Reef Building
The corals began to produce again
in the Permian Period. After nearextinction at the end of the
Devonian period, corals were now

making huge reefs. Many corals did

not survive the mass extinction
that came with the end of the
Permian. The horn corals and
tabulate corals that had built many
reefs in the Devonian period were
all gone after the Permian.
The End of The Permian Period
The corals were not the only
species to become extinct.
The Permian Extinction was
largest mass extinction that had
ever occurred. No extinction since
has killed so much of the life on the
planet. In the seas, 90 to 95
percent of the species went extinct
or were severely harmed. On land
the damage was less severe, but
some species, like the pelycosuars,
died out completely.

Mass Extinction Theories

Volcanic Activity
There are many theories about the
cause of this great extinction. It
could have been caused by huge
amounts of volcanic activity, more
than any that has been
experienced since written history.
We know from recent volcano
eruptions that large eruptions can
cause the temperature to drop all
around the globe.

Comets and Meteors

Another theory is that a comet or
meteor could have hit the planet,
setting off a series of events that
would have caused changes to
temperature and sea levels,
including the formation of glaciers.
Others think that the formation of a
land mass as huge as Pangea upset
the balance of climate that
happens when the ocean waters
can affect more of the land surface.
No matter what the cause, the
extinction event that took place at
the end of the Permian Period was
so important that it brought the
end to the Paleozoic Era. Life on
Earth would never again look as it
had during the Paleozoic Era.
Permian Period

248-286 Million Years

Highlights of the Permian

A great mass extinction took

place at the end of the Permian.
90% to 95% of all marine species
and 70% of all terrestrial
vertebrates went extinct. This was
the largest mass extinction in all of
Earths history

Pangea is now complete

Very dry temperatures in the

interior of Pangea

Plants with seeds developed,

replacing the swamp plants

Time of coral reef building

Development of the first large

herbivores and carnivores

Permian Animals (Click

to jump to Dinosaur)

Dimetrodon, Two Measure


Keichousaurus hui

Captorhinus agui Capture


Mesosaurus Brazilensis
Middle Lizard

Discosauriscus austriacus
Dimetrodon, Two Measure

Order: Synapsids,
mammal-like reptiles. Not a member
of the dinosaur family
Length: 3 meters
When did I live? The Permian
Period, 270 million years ago
Where? North America

What family did I belong to?

Pelycosaurs, which means basin

What food did I eat? I preyed

on small reptiles

What special feature did I

have? My elongated webbed spine

served as air-conditioning for my

Keichousaurus hui



Length: 15-30 cm
When did I live? Triassic, about
250-200 million years ago
Where? China

What family did I belong to?

Pachypleurosauria, Keichosaurus

What food did I eat? I had very

sharp teeth, which indicates that I
ate fish

What special feature did I

have? I had a mobile pelvis so I
gave birth to live young rather than
laying eggs
Captorhinus agui Capture Nose

Order: Captorhinida
Length: 40 cm
When did I live? Early Permian
286 to 245 million years ago
Where? North America

What family did I belong to?

Captorhinidae captorhindus

What food did I eat? Insects,

snails, other reptiles and amphibians

What special feature did I

have? I am called a stem reptile,
which means that it is believed that
I am the ancestral link to all modern
reptiles, the dinosaurs, mammals
and birds.
Mesosaurus Brazilensis Middle

Order: Mesosauria
Length: 1 meter
When did I live? Cisuralian,
299-280 million years ago

Where? Southern Africa and

eastern Southern America (evidence
of continental drift)

What family did I belong to?

Mesosaurudae Mesosaurus

What food did I eat? It is

believed that I used to filter
plankton from the water

What special feature did I

have? I was also one of the first
reptiles to live in the water again
after the Devonian. My head is
triangular, unlike those of other early
reptiles which had diamond-shaped
Discosauriscus austriacus



Length: roughly 20cm

When did I live? Permian, 285
million years ago
Where? Letovice, Czech Republic
What family did I belong to?
Discosaurus austriacus

What food did I eat? Unclear

What special feature did I

have? I had a wide jaw, with sharp
teeth, short limbs and a long tail

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