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Syrian Boy!

Conversation from the other side

I am suffocating in the air of privileges that I breath !
But still complaining for all the glitter that I need !
cold blood runs through my spine !
fireworks of self-realization on my mind !
shhh silence now !
I hear a voice, its a child inside a heartache!
Sullen sounds of grim music, mother where are you?!
Sing your lullaby as loud as you can !
I must block out this noise - is this the end?!
My heart beat drops as I close my eyes!
There he stands, the boy from the other side !

He smiles, my superficial world fades away, !
Overcome by crackling, battling thunderstorm of hate. !
Where is my safe-haven of ignorance now?!
Amid the unsettling silence of war, I hear echos of the wasted crowd !

I am back now friend, with a new story to tell !
did I tell you about the time they sold my childhood to the men in black?!
Or about the lost innocence of the girls who once played !
Or the fear that keeps our parents awake!

Do you know why people don't love people anymore?!


Far away in the ruins unknown I had met a girl with a fragile heart made thicker than
gold. !
"little boy it's better you die than live in this hell." !
With a wounded limb, she whispered farewell.!

Friend on the other side you see!
Life is a series of grey clouds for children like me.!
I've forgotten all colors, with the exception of red,!
The only color that now paints my barren land.!

Ohh! Little boy. My eyes brighten, a rush of positive flare.!
To quick to say, red is passion and love.!

No you silly child, its only blood.!
Half a smile, half a heart!
What do you know of war?!
Do you even know the pain of real loss?!

Afraid to open my eyes to this cruel world. !
If only my blood was cold, !
And, emotions were so bare. !
I could turn off the pain!
I could stop to care.

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