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-B-/1,-v-0-9,--& a+-<$<-{<-,-+$-+e9-0+-<
pa jetsn lama rinpoch khy sangye kn dang yermep
Father lord, precious guru, you who are indivisible with all buddhas,

+$-0<-7-/-:-*#<-/I-/< 7n:-{:-r<-0&#-#-2:-/6$-,<

deng mp bula tuk tsew tral gyals choggi tsl zung n

Yet out of compassion for your devoted children again took birth intentionally

:9-/<0-5$--/-/5<-03+-7 B-{:-/7-+/$--t$-&,-

lar sam shying kyewa shy dzep j gyalw wangpo longchenpa

In the form of a supreme bodhisattva Lord of Victors, Longchenpa.

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pa khy kyi jinlab mi men yang gy nynmong dragp yong zung n

Father, though your blessings are not inferior we are beset by fierce afflictions
Song of Yearning to Longchenpa

:<-,#-7-+--+9-/7-2 <-X#<-0-M-/+7-<0<-%,-F0<

l nagp chpa darw ts d nyigma nga d semchen nam

And so indulge in evil deeds. In the next life, we sentient beings of these degenerate times

7#-$,-<$-#8$-<9-"-,9-T$- .-*#<-B<-#6#<-;#-t$-&,-

g ngen song yang sar konar lhung pa tukj zig shik longchenpa
Will fall helplessly into the chasm of the lower realms. Father Longchenpa, look upon us with compassion!

:<-W9-e<-F0<-:-+,-0-0&< &<-W9-e<-F0<-:-&<-/{+-7l<

l ngar ch nam la dn ma chi ch ngar ch nam la ch gy dr

All my past actions have been futile, all my dharma practice mixed with the eight concerns.

:0-F:-0-//--#%#-0-l, +-a+-9$-0,--9-<-0+

lam nalma drubpa chik ma dren da khyerang minpa resa m

I dont have a single thought of practicing the genuine path, so now I have no other hope than you.
Song of Yearning to Longchenpa

.-*#<-B<-#6#<-;#-t$-&,- :9-#;,-B7-<-/7-{/-,<-++

pa tukj zig shik longchenpa lar shinj kyeb gyab ned

Father Longchenpa, look upon us with compassion! Messengers of Yama chase me from behind,

<-:-w-5#-#<-0,-,<-/<< 7n:-F0-#8$-e-/<-/9-,<-o+

d loda shyag gi dn n s tral namyeng jaw barn dri

And the passing years, months, and days greet me in front. In the meantime I am led onwards, seduced by

+-0-29-/y<-;#-e$-(,-#+7 .-*#<-B<-#6#<-;#-t$-&,-

de ma tsor lshik jung nyen da pa tukj zig shik longchenpa

Not realising this, I am deceived. Father Longchenpa, look upon us with compassion!

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shyn wangpo sal ts chip sem l darla bab ts drelw yeng

When young and sharp, I was immature. When I came of age, I was lost in distraction.
Song of Yearning to Longchenpa

+-@<-;$-"#-9-b9-7-2 &<-#;7-0-l,-`$-d-,<-<$-

dag shing khogpa gyurp ts ch shama dren kyang chin song

Now that I am old and infirm I want to practice properly, but it is too late.

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pa tukj zig shik longchenpa rang dpa dkyang dwang m

Father Longchenpa, look upon us with compassion! Though I want to stay, I have no choice.

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nor khyerwa dkyang khyer mitub drok drokpa dkyang rang chikpu
Though I want to take my wealth with me, I cannot. Though I want to remain with my friends, I must go alone.

<$-7'#-D,-.-9:-7i-/9-$< .-*#<-B<-#6#<-;#-t$-&,-

sang jigten parol drowar ng pa tukj zig shik longchenpa

It is certain that soon I must pass from this world. Father Longchenpa, look upon us with compassion!
Song of Yearning to Longchenpa

2-7+-8-/#-&#<-7.,-7-0*< :0-/9-+7-7n$-:-%-7l->$-
ts diyi bagchak penp t lam bard trang la chidra ang
Propelled by the habits of this life, who knows what will happen in the bardo?

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pedang sum nyalw milam shyin lar rang wang tobpa shintu ka
Like last nights dreams, it will be so hard to regain control.

.-*#<-B<-#6#<-t$-&,- 9-7"9-/7-&<-:-X$--0+

pa tukj zig shik longchenpa chir khorw chla nyingpo m

Father Longchenpa, look upon us with compassion! In general, all of sasra is hollow.

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g mitag lla nyingpo m di namkhar sharw jatsn dra

In particular, this impermanent body is hollow. Like a rainbow appearing in the sky,
Song of Yearning to Longchenpa

+-/+,-9-/6$-8$-8:-,<-7i .-*#<-B<-#6#<-;#-t$-&,-

d denpar zung yang yaln dro pa tukj zig shik longchenpa

Though you grasp at it as real, it vanishes into space. Father Longchenpa, look upon us with compassion!

89-<$<-{<-F0<-:-++--0+ 09-<0<-%,-F0<-:-X$-B-&$-

yar sangye nam la depa m mar semchen nam la nyingj chung

With no faith in the buddhas and little compassion for mother beings

#<-$9-#-b,-`$-#6#<-/C,-10 -\-i<-/59-8$-+,-V-&$-

g ngur mig gyn kyang zugnyen tsam tra pudri shyar yang dn go chung
My wearing these dharma robes is mere show. Though I shave my head, it carries little meaning.

.-*#<-B<-#6#<-;#-t$-&,- &<-*<--0$-8$-#,+-0-h:

pa tukj zig shik longchenpa ch tpa mang yang n madrol

Father Longchenpa, look upon us with compassion! Though I have received many teachings, Ive not
yet got the crucial point.
Song of Yearning to Longchenpa

"-/;+--2-8$-{+-0-: #,<-9-h+-7i0<-`$-a0-:-r+

kha shepa tsoyang gy madl n ritr drim kyang khyim la s

Though I give grand explanations, my own mind remains untamed. Though I keep to mountain retreats,
I am attached to my home.

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mig tatang chekyang nyam nyong m pa tukj zig shik longchenpa

Though I take up the gaze, I lack experience. Father Longchenpa, look upon us with compassion!

0-#5,-b-,-02$-&$-$-9# 9$-"$-,<-9:-/-8-0-29

mishyen gyi kyn tsang chung ngu rig rang khong n rulwa yema tsor
I notice even the small faults in others but never see the rot in myself.

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mi shyen gyi gowo kor kor n dug rang gi nypa malag sam
Fooling other people like this, am I not buying my own suffering?
Song of Yearning to Longchenpa


pa tukj zig shik longchenpa khong gyalw sung rab mal kn

Father Longchenpa, look upon us with compassion! I study and reflect on all the past buddhas teachings

sem gy la ipen mi sempar kh dragpa drub chir tsam ch

Without a single thought to benefit my own mind, but for the sake of gain and fame.

detarp lamdu idro ang pa tukj zig shik longchenpa

How can this become the path to liberation? Father Longchenpa, look upon us with compassion!

nga chp tsul gyi jigten drub mar kyewo kn gyi chpa len
In the guise of a practitioner, I engage in worldly deeds, taking offerings from others.
Song of Yearning to Longchenpa

ts yang yeng jaw ngang du tang g droger dro d chidra ang

I have spent my life lost in distraction. When my breath finally ceases, what will happen then?

pa tukj zig shik longchenpa dag del kyowa ting n ky

Father Longchenpa, look upon us with compassion! Thinking of this, I feel deeply weary.

yar sangye namla solwa deb chir nyigm dkyi semchen dang
I supplicate the enlightened ones. In general, to all sentient beings of these degenerate times,

g chzug tsulchen dag sogla pa tukj zig shik longchenpa

But especially those hypocrites like me, Father Longchenpa, look upon us with compassion!
Song of Yearning to Longchenpa

bu ngala resa shyen na m jadral kyi kyidug khyrang sh

I, your child, have no other hope but you. You know the joys and sorrows of this renunciant.

ying zagm dechen podrang n gn khy dang yerm rochik shok

In the great bliss palace of undefiled space, may I become indivisible with you, protector!

If you recite this song slowly and devotedly while reflecting on its meaning, the gurus blessings will enter you without
doubt. This was extracted from Khenpo Ngakchung Rinpoches Direct Heart Advice.

Copyright 2012 by Chokgyur Lingpa Foundation. Translated and published by Lhasey Lotsawa Translations & Publications.
This text may be freely reproduced when not for commercial purposes.
Song of Yearning to Longchenpa


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