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Install RHEL/CentOS on to a 20GB LVM.

Set 500MB for Boot, 2048 for Swap, and the

rest for /
Create three users John, Peter, and Paul. John has the User ID of 4000 and Pete
r has the User ID of 5000. Paul can't have an interactive shell.
Create two groups Management and Staff. Add Peter and Paul to Staff and John to
Management. Peter and Paul should have Staff as their own group and John should
have Management as his secondary group
Using /dev/vdb create a Logical Volume called Data on vg_data. Data should b
e 200 MB and the Extent size should be 4MB.
Mount Logical Volume to /data and create two folders inside called Managemen
t and Staff. Each folder should be owned by the group of the same name. Manageme
nt can access Staff and read and write. Staff can only read Management and Paul
has no access at all to Management. Make sure the group is the owner on all file
s created inside these folders and only owners should be able to delete their fi
Install HTTPD and move the default directory to /wwwdata. Make sure this wor
ks properly with SELinux enforcing
Configure FirewallD to allow http traffic on the public zone; make sure it s
urvives reboots
Mount persistently to /share
Configure LDAP to authenticate to hosted on
Configure AutoFS to mount the NFS mount HomeDirs hosted on whe
n ldapuser logs in.
Configure a cron task to write the uptime at 11:59 PM every other day.
Configure the machine as a virtual host and install RHEL using a kickstart f
ile. Configure virtual machine to autostart
Find all files larger than 100MB and output the result to /root/100MB.txt

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