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Answer 10 of the following questions:

1 Name and explain one instrument of navigation used during

the Age of Exploration.
2 What was decided by The Treaty of Tordesillas (1494)?
3 During the Age of Exploration who were the Conquistadores?
4 Give two reasons why sea travel was thought to be
dangerous in the Middle Ages.
5 Name the civilisation conquered by Francisco Pizarro?
6 Name the religious order founded by Ignatius Loyola.
7 Give two consequences of the Reformation in Europe during
the period 1517-1648.
8 Mention one way in which protestant teaching was different
from that of Catholic Church.
9 Give one reason why the Revolution in America or France or
Ireland succeeded or failed during the period 1770-1815.
10 Name one plantation which you have studied and the ruler
who was responsible for it.
11 Give one reason why there was an Industrial Revolution in
Britain in the nineteenth century.
12 In Britain during the Agricultural Revolution, what is meant
by the term enclosure?
13 Name two important inventions during the Industrial
14 During the Transport Revolution what were turnpike trusts?
15 Give two consequences for Ireland of the Great Famine of
the 1840s.

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