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About June 21 and 28, 2003 initial encounters, A and B

WHATTANIGHT! Nights to Remember

Reprinted from The LISTENER Newsletter No. 13.2 (June 30, 2003)

I've been holding Enneagram sessions with E for two Saturday nights
already, after the ILM Intro Level class. This schedule gives a
relaxed, slow pace to the sessions, since E lives nearby.

The first Saturday session, June 21, while we were chatting as we

wrapped-up for the night, I was noticing warm energy in certain parts
of my body, and I asked E if he could pick it up also. He could 'read'
a person just by holding the hand, and he had also been able to 'read'
my cats just by touching them. So he held my hand, while noticing he
also could feel energy flowing through similar parts in his body, like
the soles of the feet, legs, arms, hands, etc.

He also picked up images, and was receiving messages for me. I realized
he was not only 'reading' me, as he did the first time we met-- he had
seen me as a happy little girl in a white dress- he was also
transmitting, or channeling, information from a spiritual source. He
wasn't in a trance at all. He could hear them, or see images, and then
tell me about them. I assumed it was Spirit, I didn't bother asking
about the source. At that time, it was enough that I was receiving
messages in an unexpected manner. After all, the night was just
supposed to be an Enneagram session! The messages were assuring and

Anyway, so we met again last Saturday night, after the ILM class.
Again I thought it was just going to be an Enneagram session. Once I
sat in the chair beside E, and started to feel the familiar warm energy
embracing me. Uh oh, I said to myself, and I stood up to sit across E
instead. I was figuring that maybe we were just getting caught up in
each other's energy.

I led him to a stillness meditation, during which he sweated from the

energy generated, and noting that due to lack of sleep from the night
before, he felt drowsy. As we were talking, I could feel a certain
"other-worldly" detachment, as though I was leaving my body, yet awake.
It was kinda like the "highs" I got as a kid after taking cough syrup
for my bouts with bronchitis. I even thought of what I had eaten
earlier-pizza and Coke-which were maybe triggering the weird, spaced-
out sensation. I didn't say anything to E, since I was blaming the MSG
or maybe the cheese in the pizza.

Then I could feel the familiar energy going through my body. Uh oh

again, I silently noted. I had to ask E if he could also feel it in his
body. I had to move closer so he could get my hand, and he held it, and
closed his eyes.

This time I decided to ask who it was he was talking with, as he gave
me messages and he also received some for himself. He could sense four
presences, and initially they were shy about revealing their names. I
already suspected I knew two of them, and I insisted on getting their
identities. True enough, one of them was ACIM scribe Helen Schucman,
already out of the body and in another dimension, and Jesus himself.

The third was St. Francis of Assissi-hmmm, so that's why I had cats!
The fourth was E's spirit guide, a male Chinese healer, who didn't give
a name so I said I'd call him Chow Yun Fat.

We were informed that the energies going through our bodies together
-warmth in the soles of the feet, the legs, hands, etc.-signaled their
presence. E could only channel them when he touched someone like me.
I didn't time the length of our "channeling" session, nor did I take
notes of their messages. I just wanted to record them mentally. E noted
that he felt energized by the experience, making him lose his

They were communicating with me through E because I needed assurances,

after a week that had been hectic, annoying yet unexpectedly
enlightening. Plus E also needed to experience such form of
communication for his own learning, and not just mine. There were many
messages, and highly personal. As related to my work in Soulsearch,
yes, I will be writing and publishing books, and yes, I will be putting
up a sort of school for anyone wanting to learn more about ACIM. We had
light moments when the presences were laughing, and they even said
thanks for making them laugh. We also had serious moments when the
messages seemed to be about crucial "miracle work" to be done.

The next day, Sunday, I texted E to tell him I would write about last
night, and use an initial only to identify him. I also warned him to
prepare for more work ahead. I'm aware that there will always be
skeptics and doubters. But I'm also aware that only those who are meant
to be helped by my sharing here, will be touched, and guided as to how
to respond. E and I are still in the process of discovering more about
these channeling experiences, and also E's own healing gifts.

First group encounter, apart from A & B


Reprinted from The LISTENER Newsletter No. 14.2 (July 14, 2003)

I didn't know the name of the farm would be "Agape Springs." Named
after the Greek word for unconditional love, the springs run through
the back of the farm. The fruit farm itself, when you enter the place,
has an ancient mango tree on a hilltop, called the Nardong Putik tree
after Cavite's notorious gangster who liked to rest under the tree.

Anyway, the Circle of Light, which was first held on Feb. 2, was meant
to celebrate the Light, the color of love, in us and in everything. It
was open to anyone willing to give it a try, and this time, it also
marked the 'graduation' of the Intro Level class to Inner Light
Meditation. Four of the learners showed up, along with some old and new
friends of mine. We were nine in the group, and between the delicious
lunch we had two outdoor, open-air meditations.

Again, the spirit guides were there to help us along, and pass on
comments. In fact, for our main 'channeler', E, he continued to receive
messages on the way home to Manila. I think it was kinda like when you
turn off your cellphone for a while, then when you open it again, the
messages sent during the time it was off, would come in one after the

New learnings, from my own observations, and also as to what Spirit

communicated that day: group energy is vital. We do not feel lonely in
our journey and we can talk about stuff which would have us branded
'crazy' by others. Yet the group is not about one-upmanship, proving
who's better or more special. In fact, it serves to correct our ego
mistakes when we remember, we are all the same, we are all psychics, we
are all healers. We just manifest the gifts in different ways. We are
united in our diversity. Remember the 'X-men'?

Willingness to work with Spirit is the only requirement from whoever

joins the group activity. I can soon let others do the guiding (to lead
into the meditation), and E can also let others channel. We all help
each other discern Spirit's work by confirming if others also receive a
similar vibe. Like when one saw a brown form as her spirit guide, and
two others also saw brown.

I also believe the Circle of Light serves as a healing experience for

every participant, just by merging with the group energy in meditation
and fellowship. Also, as another corrective, we do not determine who
may or may not join the group, in the Circle of Light or in any other
Soulsearch activity. It is Spirit who will send us the participants,
every time. They bring in the Light they carry within them, and we
share the Light we have in us, individually and collectively. All are
included, nobody is excluded.

This is happening now because many, many, many of our brothers and
sisters are looking for the way Home, and the Light we shine together
calls to them. In turn, the light in them, when shared with us, helps
our One Light shine brighter, better and longer, so we can help more,
do more, love more.

About July 22 first audio recording

I. Subject: Today's channeling

Date posted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 1:43 am

Bong and Teena were at my place today and because I wanted to try the
new, inexpensive tape recorder I bought, we decided to talk with our
spirit guides.

We only used the built-in mic so the sound quality wasn't really
clear. Teena suggested using headphones to hear the recording. So for
those who want to, please use headphones. And we'll record the next
session with an actual mike. Anyone with a mike stand, do bring it
along. Thanks. Teena will bring the mike.

Anyway, some stuff to share, what I can remember:

1. We meditated first then when we merged our three Lights, we

invited our spirit guides to communicate with us. Bong immediately
began with Tita Helen...his face was all smiles and his English was
impeccable. I wished we could record the session on video, because
part of the experience is really visual.

2. Just as the group here has its own lessons to learn--especially

those doing the Inner Light Meditation classes--Tita Helen's own
group also has its own lessons. Part of it is in helping our group,
including our financial needs. In fact, we are being asked to make
a "cosmic accounting" of the group's expenses and preferred income.
Plus we were to make our own individual "cosmic accounting". Seems
that there's power in writing down the actual figures we want so we
can have a happy time working in this world.

3. Their group is happy and grateful for the willingness of our group
to do the "work", as Tita Helen would call it. But we were told
to "guard the ego", constantly. Doing the Enneagram for ego-typing
was one way to "whip the ego". Bong saw an image of a circle of white
light with a small dark spot in the center, which was the ego that
could take root and grow unchecked like a cancerous tumor.

4. The Internet would be a vital part of the "work", not the usual
mass media like print, etc. As it is, the Internet is like the way
that Tita Helen et al communicate in their dimension.

5. Group healing begins when our own members become healed healers.
Then we can heal others. We were taught a certain technique, which
we'll soon apply. Please note, while group membership is fluid, with
people coming and going, I would ask that those who want to carry out
group healing to diligently do the Inner Light Meditation classes or,
on their own, the Workbook Lessons of "A Course in Miracles". Plus
take Enneagram sessions with me, and join the group in regular
sessions as healers-in-training.

But if you don't want to do group healing, but still be part of the
group, you can still meditate with us. Plus have fun along the way!

II. Subject: The message, not the messenger(s)

Date posted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 2:21 am

What's important is the message, not the messenger. That's what Tita
Helen had to impart to me in today's channeling (July 22).

This is also basically what the Author of "A Course in Miracles"

wanted, when He downplayed His identity because His teaching was more

However, for those who need to know who exactly we've been
communicating with, here's what I can share. When Bong and I stumbled
into this, we "met" St. Francis of Assissi, whom we have nicknamed
Kiko. He was the one who was willing to introduce himself right away.

But the others, whom Bong sensed to number four in total, didn't do
so right away, until I asked outrightly if Helen Schucman, the scribe
of the Course, and Jesus, were both around. Of course they said yes.
We have come to call them Tita Helen and J, respectively. The fourth
presence was Bong's own guide, a Chinese healer whom we've named
after Chow Yun-Fat as he didn't give a name (maybe it was
unpronounceable for us!).

Also, in eventual sessions, there were other entities communicating

with us. That included my future son, a dancing ball of light, who
wanted me to name him, to start with the letter U. When I said the
name Uriel, after the archangel, he stopped dancing and became a
still, Being of Light. Hmm... Also Bong communicated with a Being
whose name had to be scribbled into an indecipherable scrawl with
loops. In the July 13 Circle of Light we were communicating with a
Being whose also unpronounceable name began with the letter M.

In the July 22 session, Tita Helen said that some Beings come from a
dimension so beyond ours that their names, or energy signatures,
could not actually vibrate within our dimension, that we could not
even give them nicknames. Remember, to name something is to gain
control over it, that's why when Moses asked the burning bush to ID
Himself, He could only say, "I Am Who I Am" (Yhwh sr yhwh). Hmmm,
this is where my theological education is working! In this
case, "Yahweh" was a Being who was free to be whoever He was, beyond
naming, beyond controlling.

I'm not saying that we're actually channeling Yahweh Himself. I'm
just using this Yahweh account to explain the theology of naming.

Anyway, the reason why I have decided to give nicknames to our spirit
guides is now clear. Because what's important is their message as
formless beings, not their names when they were in their bodies. And
I thought I was just being cute when I wanted to nickname them!

This also means we just want to be comfy with J, Kiko, Tita Helen and
Chow Yun Fat, and whomever comes along to communicate with us. This
way we can talk about this in front of other people, or in public,
without worry that we'll sound crazy. Well, I think this also means
coming up with another name for the Chinese healer...any suggestions?

So at this point, I want to emphasize that we're going to be focusing

on what our spirit guides are telling us, and not on them per se.
Altho of course their personalities shine through when they

Bong finds it hard to differentiate which message is from who, as

their energy is so united, in their formless state. But sometimes
they ID themselves. Plus I have my suspicions. Helen is the
articulate, intelligent and straight-talking energy. Kiko's the one
who likes talking about harmony with all life-forms and stuff like
that. J, I think, is the one who brings up His own parables in the
Bible to cite as examples. The Chinese guy? Still have to figure that
one out...maybe he's waiting for someone Chinese to join us :-)

III. Subject: Cosmic Accounting

Date posted: Wed Jul 23, 2003 4:13 pm

The matter of finances was brought up by Tita Helen, also on July 22.
She said in order to manifest what we need, as individuals and as a
group, we had to write down exactly the amount we'd be needing. In
fact, she showed Bong something like a cosmic ledger where on one
side, is a list for Income, and on one side, a list for Expenses.
Fill in the list as you want it so, and that's it.

This cosmic accounting would help us receive what the Universe has
already given us, so we can do the work.

I spent today figuring out my own individual "cosmic account" and the
group's. I realized for me, it was better to make it like a "monthly"

Remember, list down only what you believe would make you do "the
work" in an optimum manner. It's an abundance principle that you will
only be given what you need in fulfillment of your function. If what
you list is not according to your function-basically, to Love-of
course, no matter how many times you write it down, you won't get it.
I think this pertains to, say, jewelry, if it makes you more vain, or
like money to buy couture clothes, to make you stand-out from others
and proclaim you're somebody special. Hey, I'm happy working in a
duster J but batik naman, from Indonesia pa.

In my case, I still don't know if I'd like to have my own car and
driver when I prefer to work at home, and just cab it if I must go
out. Or, as provided by the Universe, just rent a car with driver.
What I'd love to have is a state-of-the-art Apple Mac both for
desktop publishing and Internet work, complete with DSL service,
digital camera, scanner, etc.

I suggest, ask for help from Spirit when you're making your own
cosmic account. For the group, let's talk about it. Do we want a
retreat center out of Manila or within it (like a nice place in a
quiet subdivision)? Stuff like that.

IV. Subject: The Gift

Date posted: Thu Jul 24, 2003 12:11 am

Still from the July 22 channeling: on behalf of the group, Teena,

Bong and I received the gift from our spirit guides. Bong drew the
image he saw, like a Faberge egg but round-shaped, not egg-shaped. It
was golden, encrusted with brilliant yellow gems, and blue ones which
were moving lights, along with the golden girdle in the middle.

There was a crown of some sort at the top of the golden globe, which
was also moving. The blue lights, when they move fast together at a
certain speed along with the globe, become one beam of blue light.

The blue light was actually more of indigo than turquoise, and they
represent the members of the group, in particular, their individual
strengths. I suppose when we join forces and go along with the flow
of the globe, we also emit one light.

Incidentally, indigo is the color of the third eye chakra. It is also

the term that describes a certain generation, called the Indigo
Children (those with net access, you'll find lots of info about them
online!). I guess the meaning is that, we who make up the group, are
of this generation. Well, I already knew I was an indigo child, in
fact, I had a book about it, but lent it to my sister and it's
somewhere abroad with her now.

Anyway, the spirit guide wanted us three to ritually accept their

gift. Frankly I have no idea what it means, and I'm sure we will be
enlightened further about it. Bong led us into certain movements he
learned from his on-going eurhythmy class, with us three raising our
hands toward the globe as it descended (of course it couldn't be seen
actually, but with the inner eye), then like a gesture of acceptance
we bring our arms, crossed, over the chest.

Again, we were told about the importance of free will, willingness

and discernment (and "all other crap" as Bong 'heard' it from whoever
was speaking-Tita Helen?). Our acceptance of the gift symbolized our
own willingness to do "the work". So we accepted the gift for those
who are willing to join us.

Some reflections-I think the yellow gems symbolize the Light of our
spirit guides, who are more than just the "four" regulars we have
now. But they will manifest only as needed. Plus, gold symbolizes
spiritual energy, so I'm sure we were given something spiritual in
nature, after all, physicality of the ego, and reality is spiritual.
The small crown-like thing on top symbolizes that this gift is from
the "heavens", the divine.

Messages on July 26, 2003 thru B

ILM Intro Level Class, 3-5pm, with Bong, Roche, Twenty, Con, Teena (Sandra follows 5pm)
Audio-taped live. Transcribed by Amy, Sept. 26, 2003

Again, thank you for accepting the invitation.

I have laid down the groundwork for the work. [Amy asks if this is
Tita Helen—a.k.a Helen Schucman communicating, and Bong nods and says
The work starts with the self, the work starts with the inner
You are all in different states of becoming whole.
As you open up to the light, you will be guided and since it’s not
easy, every step of the way will be illuminated.
Again, the struggle is opening up to the Spirit and at the same time
recognizing where your limitations are. Your limitations, and being in
touch with your limitations, are grounding.
The temptation, when you open up, is to fly, to soar. If you give in
to that, that is just the ego asserting itself—it’s the ego ascending
to the level (of the Spirit), it’s the ego refusing to be left behind.
But again, it will always be there, for as long as you are there.
Make use of the portal (in North Fairview). You have been shown it,
make use of it. It is not a coincidence that it is near, where help is
most needed. It has been prepared for you.
Again, thank you for accepting the invitation. The invitation has
been there for a while, it has been opened to all sorts of individuals,
all sorts of beliefs, and it is this group that is ready, that has the
willingness, of yes, that has the spark of the willingness, it’s still
a work in progress, the willingness, but that’s how it is.
You are your own check and balance. What one lacks, the other will

Remember the gift? (The “golden globe” that Amy, Edwin and Teena
received on July 22 on behalf of the group.)

[Edwin—we are all being asked to sit upright, and prepare the body for
alignment.] Do not be afraid, you will feel different sensations, just
be, just trust. There will initially be a feeling of losing the self,
but no, just trust, you are being attuned and aligned individually and
as a group. You will never be _________ for the strength of the group
is dependent on the strength of the individual. There is fear in one of
you about this…rest assured, you will never lose your identity.

Inhale, exhale, sit up straight, relax. [Edwin—we are being aligned.

Whatever you feel in the next few minutes, just trust the Spirit.
Accept the gift…keep your feet flat on the floor…starting with the
right foot, push the floor away as we stand up as a group…altogether
now…breathe…just surrender…feel anything?….movement?…]

As this is happening, you will feel strength in the part of the body
that needs it most. Accept this healing energy, and gently, push your
egos. Relax, without letting go of each other’s hands, just feel the
gravity working on your hands without letting go and feel rest…you may
put your hands down slowly without letting go….just ____, and breathe,
keep your shoulders relaxed and just stay.

As you feel your body being grounded, close your eyes, if your eyes are
closed, stay so…feel the energy of the earth. As you feel very
definitely, very strongly that you are grounded, you feel your
connection to the earth, _____________ your heart ____ and whatever it
is. If you feel movement in your inner space, just go with that
movement in your inner space. As you go into your future meditation
classes, sessions, this is how you should feel. You should feel
strongly the grounding, of your energies, to the earth. And feel that
connection to the energy coming from above.

This is the sacred space. This is the holy place.

With your right foot, you may slowly, without opening your eyes, feel
your feet and slowly sink into your seat. For those who feel it, for
those who feel the changes, those who feel the soles of their feet,
remember this feeling. This will be your guide.

If you want assurance, individually, if you have questions, on your

own, you may pose those questions after meditation. And for those ___
(help?) it, there is a way of communicating the _________(attainable?).
You have different gifts, some are waiting to unfold. But since you are
all in your bodies, since some of the affirmations, some of the
perceptions pass through the body, some of you will hear, some of you
will smell, some of you will feel…but when you’re together as a group,
the assurance and the affirmation will come from the ____ (sensation?)
of your experience.

For Amy—sense of smell—you have a nose for truth, so your gift. And in
the future we will make things a little simpler for you. So you will
literally smell people who will be open to your kind of help. There is
much work, individual work for you. (Amy’s note—so true! Almost 3
months after this was given, I have smelled briefly something minty at
Joy’s, something rosy at Almond’s. Plus my work just keeps piling up!
All these message-work, typing and the Internet stuff, plus my own
books, and clients…!!!)

And now, this is for Tintin---yes, the answer is yes. Yes, it’s not
easy but the rewards are great. The path is simple, life is complicated
enough. There is much ego-work for you.

The next question is to be answered verbally. In asking the group—

individuals in the group—if you can feel strongly sensations in your
body right now, please say your name out loud …? (Amy’s note—nobody??
If I remember right!) Ok, that’s ok.

Side B-- Different thoughts…in your work you will encounter different
beings, different energies. Some will be cool, minty, some will be
pleasant, some won’t be. Just go on with it, yes, it is something you
just have to get on. Part of the work and part of the discipline is
just doing it, not waiting for affirmation, not waiting for
confirmation. There’s a different form of compensation.

You are being given a glimpse of the different reactions of the outer
circle. When I say the outer circle, that means the bigger world out
there, comprised of different minds in different bodies, in different

You have to really, really, really rein in your egos. Remember the
light (or rod) sent as a message to the group the last time? The rod is
either a rod, a whip or rein. Later on you will be given symbols of
your individual egos.

Yes, you’ll have interesting struggles within the group. Be open,

because you haven’t really sensed, felt, smelled, tasted, touched each
other’s egos.

It’s going to be fun as long as you don’t lose perspective. You have to
learn to laugh at each other’s egos because that is the weapon of the
Spirit. It’s a gift of the Spirit, the openness and the ability to
laugh. You will know that you are not in touch with the Spirit when you
have lost the ability to laugh. It’s a different kind of laughter, it’s
gentle, the laughter of the Spirit. It is a laughter that embraces, it
is a laughter that does not exclude.

Next message—for Bong—(he says he’s feeling this heat between the
shoulder blades)—this feeling, this reaction of the ego, it’s coming
from the ego. This kind of heat is the ego wanting to fly over other
egos, to assert over other egos. When you feel it, it’s a reminder to
rein in the ego. In fact, the feeling is to be brought to the soles of
the feet, let it flow into the earth.

Next message—for Sandra—watch your ego. Your ego resides in your head.
Sandra’s being cleansed… (Amy’s note—by now, Twenty and Roche depart).

Bong---ganun sinabi last time, pinapaulit lang, bago…about connecting

to the individual as part of a group. You do not invite a group because
the group’s composed of the group, no will—relationship between free
will of the individual…you cannot invite the will of the group, but the
individual. Invitation done to individuals, when individuals respond so
you have nucleus, it will be brought to the group level. Can only talk
to individuals at a time. (Amy’s note—I think I asked about HVF?)

The seed, not one unit. Parts of the seed are dispersed. Not like as if
one whole seed, or one whole plant taking root in a particular group
and blossoming forth. Different parts of the seed planted in different
groups, etc. then, always the response, if these parts respond, OK
fine. But the completion, to get the whole perspective, the balancing
of energies…?

(question raised, here’s response) The path of the Soulsearch Group has
a particular energy but within the group, you have individual
temperaments. You’re a mirror of the bigger world out there, so you’re
supposed–exactly what is happening now—to listen to each other, and to
surface different perspectives because it’s a lesson on how to deal
with energies and thoughts of the bigger world out there—a dry run of
sorts for us.

Even within the group there will be false starts. The Spirit doesn’t
work this way, like this, instant illumination, then everybody sees
things from a common perspective. No, it’s work. But understanding
comes in different forms. Some people understand better in the heart,
some in the head, some in their feet (?).)

For Bong and Sandra—have to de-glamorize the work, demystify the work.

Amy’s black slippers—Bong sees aura around them—message—being in each

other’s shoes. Empathy…eight? Completion—will make sense later, about
the group…identify the false ego types and then…

For Bong—there will be times when you will feel tired. But do not
complain. These will be rare. There are a lot of moments you will feel
affirmation. It’s a concession. (Bong says--That’s their way of
ensuring we do not dis-invite ourselves.)

(reply to another question) Yes, people will come in. You define the
services you are capable of giving right now and give it optimum
equitable exchange of energy (money), at this point people do not want
to quantify this kind of help, but you have to assert___ ?

Work---it’s about the healing portal—a lot of discoveries waiting to

unfold, a lot of lessons. The two-fold thing—as healing is happening,
it’s going to be made clear to you, how to go about it. It’s part of
the ___ (ground-breaking work?), the trail-blazing and the processes,
the how to do stuff will happen there. For now…

Next tape, Side A… the connection, the balance is…you cannot______, you
move in uneven _____. It’s us, you have different energies, pacing.
Some people would respond to other people in the group differently…
there are two “tao” in the periphery, when they come in, there will be
better balancing of energies. It’s a lesson waiting to unfold.

No sentimentality either. If someone in the original group decides to

dis-invite himself or herself, he/she has his/her own learning path. It
is not wasted time. No time is wasted or ever was wasted.

(Question?) That is one of the / part of the message of the gift (the
orb)? that is where you’re supposed to go…it’s also about listening to
each other, about words or symbols being shared, and seeing the true
meaning only upon sharing…There is no information overload in the
Spirit realm.

More info later…it’s all about Akashic records (mentioned earlier). AR—
where everything happens, it is where all the stuff – the exchange of
information—but there’s a small “sacrifice” you have to give up –
memory (?)

For Teena—the number 7 –

Bong sees the orb—There’s the orb again, the collective gift, pulsating
green and blue, Naging blue, may bulaklak, responding to these blue

For Teena—these are indications: moments will come when you will feel
like running away, going away, you just have to stay put and see it
through because that’s where your breakthrough is. That’s your
indicator, for you.

For us—the rings (?) offering of the rings will happen—wings ? – in the
eurhythmy movement

The birth of Soulsearch Z

Subject: No easy answers

Date posted: Tue Jul 29, 2003 12:02 am

Much has been happening since June.

I get the feeling that some of you are being kinda freaked out
by "channeling" stuff. Although if you are familiar with the world
of "A Course in Miracles" (ACIM), you really wouldn't be. After all,
the Course itself is channeled material, and not only that, it
teaches that communication is not limited to the usual channels.

In fact, the more in touch we become with "extra-ordinary" ways of

communicating, the more natural, more "real" we become. That's simply
because Spirit may not be limited by the ways this "world as we know
it" has defined what communication is. (If you have the ACIM book,
pls read Q. No. 25 in the Manual for Teachers, about psychic powers.)

From the start, there was this detached part in me that was doing its
best to discern what has happening. That's part of my journalistic
training I guess, no matter how rusty I've become! Also, I've been
thru the roughest patches when it comes with "psychic" stuff, rich
with up-close and personal encounters with drug-addicted tarot card
readers and outright mangkukulams.

It has helped a lot that with the messages received from them, I have
come to appreciate a lot our on-going communication with our spirit
guides J, Tita Helen, Kiko and "Tito Yin", formerly known as Chow Yun
Fat (he already gave his name which understandably was quite Chinese,
and I have no idea how to really spell it, so I'm just sticking to
his...last name, which is the first word in the Chinese naming
system, right?)

It was obvious we were not being spoon-fed, to be led to practice

an "instant way-out" kind of salvation. It seems not only do our
guides highly respect our free will, they trust in our own capacity
to think and decide for ourselves.

For example, I still have no clear answers regarding my mom's state

of health (but there've been clues), and my own book project. As I
struggled with my book, J gently explained the reason why it just
won't come easy. It seems, unlike ACIM, which J authored by inner
dictation, my book (and all other stuff I do) is a collaborative
venture with Spirit, not J's own work. In short, He apparently trusts
in my own creative capacity.

It's Tita Helen who likes to say, "There are no easy answers." Bong
himself is having the most dramatic purification as a channel, but I
leave it up to him to share his story. As an eyewitness to his
experiences, I can obviously see he's not at all being babied. In
fact, he's being forced to grow up...poor "baby Bong" (sorry, that
was an inside joke from one of his "patrons", LOL).

Finally, I suspect the third member of our fledgling "triad", Teena,


is going through her own process of maturing in the Spirit. How did I
know she would make up the "triad" along with Bong and me? Well, it
was logical, as she's a bit ahead of the journey than Bong and the
others, having been my Indigo program partner then ILM learner.
Also, I had confirmation today.

You see, Teena and I were scheduled to meet this Monday afternoon for
her Rainbow Journey session at my place. But since Sunday night, I
had been getting an inkling to include Bong in the afternoon session.
I just really didn't know why.

Then when I woke up this morning, I remembered the symbol that Bong
saw at the July 13 Circle of Light meditation under the mango tree,
the one with the triangle and the five-pointed shape. We had been
told last Saturday, July 26, that soon we would know the meaning of
the two-in-one symbol.

I figured the triangle symbol represented the 3 core members of the

Soulsearch group. (Still don't know much about the 5-pointed shape). I
logically knew it would be Teena, as she had been willingly doing both
ego-work and psycho-spiritual healing for many months now.

This morning, again, much as I had a strong feeling to invite Bong

for the afternoon, I was disinclined to do so. I had no real reason
anyway, except to share what I sensed the triangle meant, but as far
as I was concerned, that was something I could just text him about,
or share on our next meeting. I reasoned that if Spirit wanted him to
come over in the afternoon, Spirit would make a way.

Bong and I texted each other over lunch, about his sister whom I knew
since college and lived abroad, but was in town for a vacation. I
mentioned that Teena was coming over and that I wanted to do some
"cosmic accounting" with her, for the group. (The cosmic accounting is
another task I am being asked to do, I've been getting restless more
and more as each day passed.)

An hour later, Bong texted to ask if Teena was around, as he wanted

to share something about the triangle. So I invited him over. He was
getting such a strong pull to come over. In fact, he even arrived
ahead of Teena.

And of course, what he had to say about the triangle symbol jibed
with mine...although we received a clarification. As we were kidding
each other what to call our trio--triad, trinity, or, as Teena and I
had a shared interest in going to Egypt someday, pyramid--well, while
the triangle is a two-dimensional shape, the symbol is actually three-

So...a pyramid, based on Teena's amazing memory and knowledge, is

actually a square at the base! Makes it a stable structure. There are
four points at the base, then the peak. The head or peak of the
triangle/pyramid, we agreed, was J Himself.

For now, Bong, Teena and I make up a "tripod" only, but eventually,
the tacit promise is that, we would actually form a pyramid. But who
is the fourth member? Aha, abangan ang susunod na kabanata. Remember,
no easy answers...

The North Fairview Healing Portal

July 30, 2003, A, B & T with Joy, Notes by Amy typed Jan. 10, 2004

A recalls: CHS thru B said someone was sad…I suppose it was me, as it
was my dad’s second death anniversary. In a short while I was burping,
in connection with the previous message B got in Tagalog and was
repeated then: ipaubaya sa hangin, ilagak sa lupa, ipaanod sa tubig.
The burping was a way I, as “Air”, could release the energy of the
sadness I had.

From CHS via B: Connected to Joy’s health…images of layers of the

earth…healing of the earth and its beings. When we connect and let go
and give in, all these heavy energies coming from our melancholia, the
earth absorbs these energies and recycles them.

Like plants take our CO2 and gives us O2, “binubuga natin, kinukuha
nila” – so same with these heavy energies—like CO2

Balance of the tripod—symmetry of the triangle—when one feels

imbalanced, energy is coursing thru another.

B could see image: at right hand, a rod of light, at left, whip

Feeler—Doer-Thinker: when balancing is in the feeling, goes thru body,

not necessarily pleasant, releasing and touching—letting go. When
things have to be done, to move—via Teena, the doer—can’t always be
feeling -- Image of three colors swirling together

Balancing energies—need to volt in (Voltes V image and theme song!)

Including what we wear…..we have sessions, will affect because when

come from outside, energies attach to clothes. Also needed: movement
(Note—B later corrects—it’s not what we wear as clothes—but what we
“wear” etherically—means our disposition…”the white robe” image)

Honoring them…there are certain things we are asked to do, not for us
but for theirs. The rituals, etc. for them, so they can have better
access to us. Rituals in entering a sacred space.

Movement, gesture of clearing…

A way for them to see us clearly. When we’re seated as a ___ ?

Image—concentric circles---they’re on the outer circle

Oneness of healer and patient

Willingness—manifested by making time for each others

Gift—ball of light—rod of light on right hand, like a wand…connected to

the heart. To focus on the healing power within. When visualized, will
ground you. The tip (of the rod) receives energy from the other side

(Note—the four of us visualized--One foot long rod of light---held up

by four hands….golden globe on top of the four rods. Moved together in
circular, counter-clockwise four times, and then _____ our hands)

For B—cleansing and healing tears… acceptance and awareness of the

false ego…to go past the shame

Subject: A Session in McDo

Date Posted: Thu Jul 31, 2003 6:05 pm

Edwin (aka Bong) and I had an Enneagram session today, after a

delicious lunch with tuna flakes, red egg and tomatoes.

For today we had a Q&A interview in which we explored, among others,

Edwin's ego-avoidance, that of the commonplace and the ordinary.

I told him that it was precisely this avoidance that would lead to
his healing. The logic is that the ego would avoid what would be bad
for it, but good for the Spirit, so that means, as we don't want our
ego ruling us but Spirit instead, let's not follow the ego. Let's not
avoid what ego wants to avoid.

After we finished with the Q&A, we had popcorn, chatted and the usual
warning signals came that we were not alone in my sala--the warmth in
the limbs. Mine was so palpable, I could feel my left knee was
aflame. My body's entire left side was in various stages of warmth.
After a while, Edwin also had similar feelings. So we joined both
hands together and listened to whoever was tuning in.

It was a new guy. We dubbed him Prof. Ken despite his South Asian
looks, complete with collarless round-necked loose top. He had an
assistant, a more Indian-looking guy.

Anyway, he said if "Manong Porter" of the healing portal in North

Fairview was a healer of dense energies, he healed subtle energy
problems. Also, he said he, as well as our other spirit guides, were
like professors of a cosmic university, where J was the head.

Afterward, for dinner Edwin and I went to a nearby grill, where we

had a brief conversation again with Prof. Ken. By this time Edwin had
already received heart-warming insights about certain issues he had
been working on through the Enneagram, and was quite happy about it.
So the day's session was like a graduation of some sort for him, and
I clarified, he had just passed an exam.

For dessert, we were both hungry for something sweet, so we walked

over to the nearby McDo for McFlurry's. We sat across each other, and
I noted that I could still feel the warm energies in parts of my
body, and Edwin said he also had some. So, we held hands, something I
was a bit uncomfortable to do in public, especially in my own
village, but I kidded Edwin that I was glad he was a guy and not a
girl, so at least we looked like a "normal" couple.

Prof. Ken and asst. "showed up" again. It seemed that right there and
then in the McDo booth, Edwin's energies were being balanced. He felt
spaced out while warm, cool, minty and, a new one-- spicy!--
sensations went through certain spots of his body, which later spread
out. I just had to sit there holding hands with him.

The balancing was part of his "exam", I guess it was his reward for
passing it. This process took about half an hour, and I pointed out
to Edwin that as I had said earlier, his healing was taking place

right in the middle of a commonplace, ordinary fast-food joint.

OF course his ego was crushed, but we both had to sit thru the
process. We received more messages about the job, and I found out, as
I tried to do the channeling, that Prof. Ken and I had a past life
connection. It seemed like he was both my former teacher and
lover...woohoo, I have a metaphysical sweetheart! In fact, Edwin
could see him, hiding behind a curtain-like material, just to convey
his feeling that I was so near, yet so far. Mushy!

Anyway, a major learning for me is that ego-work does involving

facing one's ego-avoidance and making an about-face.

Subject: Soulsearch Work, some initial notes

Thu Aug 7, 2003 1:30 am

Well, Spirit certainly makes quite efficient use of time. Once the
question of my going abroad was settled with my mom being declared
cancer-free, there's this growing momentum for me to officially start-
up Soulsearch as a foundation, and also, to "structure" its work.

This morning, I sat in my sala for my usual meditation based on the

day's Workbook Lesson. It was a beautiful, simple idea: "Into His
Presence would I enter now", and so I just really went into it, with
eyes closed as usual. There was this shower of white light streaming
upon me, and I was told it was for "energy clearing".

The white light started on my head, streaming gently downward such

that I could feel like my body was being erased by it, and as the
light proceeded further below, there was this incredible feeling of
some great divine eraser just getting rid of my physical boundaries.
The Light took its time focusing on the various parts of the body,
slowly, gently, and lovingly.

You know, for me, when I meditate alone based on the Workbook
Lessons, sometimes they turn out OK, other times, flat and dull. But
since I'm at the stage that I simply do the Lessons not because I
feel nice afterward but just because, I do my best to stick to the 15-
minute daily routine of quieting, once in the a.m. and in the p.m.

But this morning was quite different, as it has been a long time—a
year? – since I have felt, alone, such a palpable White Light coming
upon me, and really doing its "erasing" energy. It got so warm in the
sala I wanted to remove my duster and meditate nude.

So I asked J, whom I sensed was behind the "energy clearing" (He is

the Boss, after all!), what it was all about.

Anyway, basically, what with the "cosmic group" of J, Tita Helen et

al being so happy and excited that we at Soulsearch have finally
accepted their invitation to do the "work", they really want to get
everything started. They did clear my schedule so any obligations—

family, friends, whatever—who would keep me from the "work", will

simply disappear. In short, as I understand it, since Mama's
condition was quite an illusory concern, it was easy to handle it so
I can get to "real" concerns.

As Soulsearch now enters a new phase, with me upfront, my own body's

energies were apparently given a spiritual "tune-up" this morning.
The "energy clearing" was kinda like a "dental prophylaxis" for the
soul, that was the closest analogy I was given, and thankfully I
didn't have any cavities!

Frankly I'm shy about sharing such stuff because I don't want to seem
so self-important. In fact, I haven't shared much about my own
personal knowledge about myself, why I am in this dimension, etc. I
am slowly doing that, because J said earlier, some people in the
group need to know the stuff I keep to myself, for their learning.
It's about establishing my own credibility with them and, I guess,
for them to accept that yes, there is a divine plan and it's lovely!

But…the only difference between me at the head of the line and Con at
the end of the line, and everyone else in between, is temporary.
Later, the others are also going to become leaders of their own
groups, maybe not in this lifetime. As I understood it, I am blessed
to be given certain learners to help, as they will also be "master
teachers and healers" eventually. Good, that means, I can retire
after this lifetime and come back to Prof. Ken (he's got such a
strongly yearning energy when we connect. It's incredible!) He's
supposed to teach me tantric yoga, ahem!

So, I gladly serve these "cosmic trainees" as their guide, mentor and
friend. You all know who you are, deep down. I pray you continue to
set ego aside, and let Spirit abide as you journey home with me, and
everyone else. The path given us shows beautiful scenery but come
with some challenging trails. Not only do we have all the supplies we
need to get home, we have guidance and help from others. We are not

There is much to be done, and we are just beginning. We are not the
only ones doing the "work" in this dimension, but the tasks given
Soulsearch must start right away. The work of healing, teaching,
helping…forgiving, sharing, learning…and simply, loving.

More to come...

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