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Engineering Thermodynamics (ME6301)

Reference book: Engineering Thermodynamics P K Nag

Unit II: Second law of thermodynamics and entropy
1 or 2 mark questions
Chapter 6 Second law of thermodynamics

What is a heat engine cycle? What is a heat engine?

Write the expression for thermal efficiency of a heat engine cycle.
What is a thermal energy reservoir? Give examples.
What is a mechanical energy reservoir? Give examples.
Write Kelvin-Planck statement of second law of thermodynamics.
Write Clausius statement of second law of thermodynamics.
What is PMM-2? Why is it impossible?
Differentiate between a refrigerator and heat pump.
Define COP for a refrigerator and heat pump. How are they related?
Differentiate between reversible process and irreversible process.
What are the causes of irreversibility?
Draw Carnot cycle on p-v and T-S diagrams.
What is a reversed heat engine?
State Carnot's theorems (or) Carnot's principles.
What is absolute thermodynamic temperature scale (or) Kelvin scale?
State third law of thermodynamics.

Chapter 7 Entropy
17. What is Clausius' theorem?
17. What is entropy?
17. Write the equation for inequality of Clausius.
17. What is principle of increase of entropy?
17. What is entropy production or generation?
1 or 2 mark questions from previous university examination question papers

A reversible heat engine operates between a source at 800C and a sink at 30C. What
is the least rate of heat rejection per kW net work output of the engine?
Define irreversibility.
Express Clausius inequality for various processes.
What is a thermal energy reservoir? Explain the term 'source' and 'sink'.
An inventor claims to have developed an engine which absorbs 100 kW of heat from a
reservoir at 1000 K produces 60 kW of work and rejects heat to a reservoir at 500 K. Will you
advise investment in its development?
6. A reversible heat engine operates between a source at 800C and a sink at 30C. What
is the least rate of heat rejection per kW net work output of the engine?

7. Define irreversibility.
8. Express Clausius inequality for various processes.
9. What is a thermal energy reservoir? Explain the term 'source' and 'sink'.
10. An inventor claims to have developed an engine which absorbs 100 kW of heat from a
reservoir at 1000 K produces 60 kW of work and rejects heat to a reservoir at 500 K.
Will you advise investment in its development?

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