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NTIP Survey Tool for Boards Companion Guide

The Teaching Policy and Standards Branch (TPSB) has
developed streamlined survey templates for beginning
teachers, mentors, and principals linked to the core goals
of NTIP.
The intent of these survey templates is to provide
interested boards with a practical tool that they can use
and adapt to help measure the impact of the New
Teacher Induction Program (NTIP) in their district.
Boards are not required to use the survey templates, nor
are they required to share internal data they gather with
The templates reflect generic NTIP mentoring activities and learning designs and we encourage boards
to customize their surveys to suit local program designs.

Current NTIP Data Collection

The chart below illustrates how TPSB works in collaboration with external researchers and board NTIP
teams to gather both qualitative and quantitative data regarding NTIP using a variety of tools. The NTIP
Survey Tool is in grey as unlike the other data collection tools, board participation is optional.
NTIP Data Collection Tools and What they Measure
Board Visits
(15 Boards
per year)

NTIP Reflections
from the
Research (CFA)

Scope of NTIP

Models of


NTIP Learning

NTIP Financial
Outcomes of
NTIP (Logic
Model Goals)

NTIP Board
Plans /

University of
(2007 2012)


NTIP Survey
Tool for



We look forward to learning about how this streamlined tool will be customized by boards to assist with
their data collection and inform the design of the NTIP supports they offer. We encourage boards to
share how they are adapting these templates and/or utilizing data tools they have developed internally on
our Mentoring Moments NING at:
By triangulating data and research from a variety of sources, our shared goal is to measure the impact of
NTIP in order to directly inform program design and to best meet the learning needs of beginning
teachers and ultimately their students.

NTIP Survey Tool for Boards Companion Guide

Survey Template Notes

Prior to the first question on the surveys, boards may wish to include a brief introduction outlining the
purpose of the survey and emphasizing the data gathered will be confidential and used by the board NTIP
Steering Committee to inform future program planning and design.

(1) Models of Mentoring

Question (1) on all three surveys

A more detailed explanation of each mentoring model can be found in the January 2012 Mentoring
Moments Multiple Models of Mentorship at:

Boards may wish to include different mentoring models and/or locally used names for a specific

(2) Mentoring Activities

Question (2) on the Beginning Teacher and Mentor surveys

Not included on the Principal survey but boards may wish to add it there

A more detailed explanation of each mentoring activity can be found in the November 2012 Mentoring
Moments Powerful Designs for Mentoring at:

Boards are encouraged to add additional mentoring activities specific to their board and/or amend the
descriptors provided in the template

(3) Learning Designs

Question (3) on the Beginning Teacher and Mentor surveys / Question (2) on the Principal survey

November 2011 Mentoring Moments Differentiating Professional Learning at: and

March 2013 Mentoring Moments Classroom Observation and Debriefing for NTIP Teachers and
Mentors at: may
provide useful additional information

Mentor learning design question includes a choice about mentor learning Ongoing Workshops and
Seminars specifically targeted to mentors

Principal learning design question includes a choice about principal learning Ongoing professional
learning about the NTIP and TPA process specifically targeted to you as a Principal

Boards are encouraged to add learning designs specific to their board and/or amend the designs
provided in the template

(4) Outcomes of NTIP

Question (4) on the Beginning Teacher and Mentor surveys / Question (3) on the Principal survey

Beginning Teacher questions are each linked to one of the four goals of the NTIP Logic Model:
o I can do itI have the supports to be a successful teacher (Confidence)

My teaching makes a difference in the lives and learning of every single student

I utilize a variety of effective instructional strategies in order to ensure student success

(Instructional practice)

I want to keep learning and growing as a professional (Commitment to continuous


The New Teacher Induction Program has helped me to be a better teacher (overall

NTIP Survey Tool for Boards Companion Guide

Mentor questions are linked to the impact of NTIP on the mentor themselves

I have the supports to be a successful mentor (mentors confidence)

I want to keep learning and growing as a professional (mentors commitment to

continuous learning)

Being an NTIP mentor has helped me to be a better teacher (overall impact)

Principal question is linked to impact of NTIP on the beginning teacher


The New Teacher Induction Program has helped the beginning teachers in my school to
become better teachers (overall impact)

(5) Information for Board NTIP Steering Committee

Question (5) on the Beginning Teacher and Mentor surveys / Question (4) on the Principal survey

Intended as useful qualitative information for Board NTIP teams regarding communication and future
learning needs

Boards may have additional questions they wish to include

(6) Demographics (optional)

Question (6) on the Beginning Teacher and Mentor surveys / Question (5) on the Principal survey

In large boards this demographic information may provide useful trend data (e.g., differences in
accessing NTIP supports for 2nd year teachers)

In smaller boards, confidentiality concerns may arise (e.g., if there are only 5 beginning teachers
completing the survey they may feel easily identified)

Boards are encouraged to modify as per their local conditions and needs

We look forward to your feedback about this NTIP Survey Tool and again we encourage boards to share
how they are adapting these templates and/or utilizing data tools they have developed internally on our
Mentoring Moments NING at:

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