Transport Negligible Electrical Resistivity Scattering Non-Relativistic Speeds Resistivity

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Ballistic Transport:

Ballistic transport is the transport of electrons in a medium with negligible

electrical resistivity due to scattering. Without scattering, electrons simply
obey Newton's second law of motion at non-relativistic speeds.
In general, the resistivity exists because an electron, while moving inside a
medium, is scattered by impurities, defects, or by the atoms/molecules
composing the medium that simply oscillate around their equilibrium position
(in a solid), or generically by any freely moving atom/molecule composing
the medium, in a gas or liquid.
For a given medium one can associate to a moving electron a mean free path
as the average length that the electron can travel freely, i.e. before hitting
against something and deviating from its original path, possibly losing some
kinetic energy. The mean free path can be increased by reducing the number
of impurities in a crystal or by lowering its temperature (except for some
material like semi-conductors).
Ballistic transport is observed when the mean free path of the electron is
(much) bigger than the size of the box that contains/delimits the medium
through which the electron travels, such that the electron alters its motion
only by hitting against the walls. In the case of a wire suspended in
air/vacuum the surface of the wire plays the role of the box reflecting the
electrons and preventing them from exiting toward the empty space/open
air. This is because there is energy to be paid to extract the electron from the
medium (work function).
E.g. ballistic transport can be observed in a metal nanowires: this is simply
because the wire is of the size of a nanometer (10
free path can be bigger than that in a metal.

meters) and the mean

For ballistic transport one can consider an ideal case where electrons are not
scattered on the wire of length L connected to two electrodes, 1 and 2. Since
two electrodes have a large electron capacity, the FERMI energy for
electrodes 1 and 2 are constants denoted by EF1and EF2, ( EF1>EF2),
respectively. If there are no reflections of electrons at the electrodes,
K>0states are occupied primarily by electrons coming from the left contact
while the K<0 states are occupied primarily by electrons coming from the
right contact. Consequently the occupation factors for the K>0 and K<0
states are given by the FERMI functions for the left and right contacts,

A ballistic conductor with length L is connected to two electrodes 1 and 2

with FERMI energies EF1 and EF2, respectively. M is the number of channels
for electrons to propagate from the electrode 1 to 2.
The resistance of the ballistic conductor is given by

where RC is called the contact resistance and h/2q2 is the quantized


In case of coherent transport, the wave-function is determined by the

SCHRDINGER equation. The phase and amplitude of the wave-function at
electrode 2 can be obtained from those at electrode 1 The resistance and the
conductance are thus given by

Where is the transmission probability for a channel extending from

electrode 1 to electrode

. Here it is assumed again that is constant near

the FERMI energy. Above Equation is known as the LANDAUER formula. It

can be applied only if the wave-function spreads over the whole sample.
The resistance RWfor a single channel of a mesoscopic wire is given in terms
of the transmission probability as

The reflected wave-function, which is proportional to R=1- , causes a

voltage drop in the wire

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