Gold Star Mine Planning Strategy

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Resource Class


Surface to 30 ft (9m)
30 to 350 ft (9 to 107m)
350 to 550 ft (107 to 168m)
TOTAL 1,277,000,000 1,158,500,000

It is suggested that planning be based on measured resource only with a life of

mine of 20 years

Therefore production will be planned at 250,000 (Two hundred and fifty

thousand) tonnes per month (tpm)

In order to provide for a build up in production and to reduce initial capital expenditure
but at the same time provide for a smooth expansion route to 250 000tpm planning will
proceed as follows:
Spec two sets of equipment capable of mining 125 000tpm each. This will ensure
that when at full capacity should an excavator fail in one of the sets of equipment
at least 50% of the production will be maintained.
Run the first set on single shift to produce 40 000tpm.
Once cash flow permits expand the process plant to process 80 000tpm and
work double shift on the mining operation.
Once cash flow further permits increase the process plant capacity to
120 000tpm and then work treble shift on the mining operation.
Again once cash flow permits double the capacity of the plant and introduce the
second set of equipment to reach the required 250 000tpm production level.
This does mean having over specked equipment in the beginning but if this can be
afforded will provide for the smooth and efficient transfer from a moderate start to
maximum production.
The other option would be to spec both the plant and the mining equipment to produce
40 000tpm which would in fact be equivalent to a large pilot plant scale operation and
the smaller equipment would not be suitable for the high production rates that this
resource lends itself to.


The process plant would likewise be planned to be built in such a fashion as to
correspond with the mining production and provide for a smooth expansion to full
Ore Dressing Circuit
Final Plant design 250 000 tonne per month (tpm)
Depending on particle size of the feed material, a single crushing circuit capable
of treating 250 000tpm would be designed. The crushed material (-8mm) would
feed into two parallel milling circuits designed for 125 000tpm each so as to have
at least 50% production should a unit fail in either of the milling circuits.
Commence with crusher circuit, if required, running on a single shift ( four hours
per day) feeding 40 000tpm into the one milling circuit which is capable of
treating 125 000tpm.
Therefore we run circuit on single shift operation to start, at 40 000tpm
As cash flow allows mining production to be increased to 80 000tpm run single
shift crushing and double shift milling operation at 80 000tpm
As cash flow further allows run the crushing section part time and the first milling
circuit on treble shift to bring production up to 120 000tpm.
Finally install the second milling circuit to bring treatment capability to full
capacity of 250 000tpm.
CIP Circuit
Also design on the two circuit in parallel principle with each circuit having
sufficient capacity to treat 125 000tpm on a treble shift basis.
As this circuit consists mainly of tanks and pipes, only construct one third of the
tanks so as to treat 40 000tpm on a batch process basis.
As cash flow permits and mining production to be increased, construct additional
tankage so as to increase feed capacity to 80 000tpm still operating on batch
processing princilpes.
As cash flow permits construct the remaining tanks and increase the CIP feed
capacity to 120 000tpm on a continuous treble shift operation with all equipment
operating at design specification levels.
Finally install the second circuit to bring treatment capacity to the full circuit
capacity of 250 000tpm.
Electro Winning Circuit
As the electro winning circuits consist of a carbon wash tank, solution tanks
(where the solution to wash the carbon is made up) with a pump, pumping the
pregnant solution to an open bath containing anodes and cathode to facilitate the
electro wining process.
This section of the plant will be constructed to the full capacity of 250 000tpm and
run on a batch process basis until full production.

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