Bible 700christian Evidences

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Bible 700

Christian Evidences

Proof of Prophecies

The Method of the First Advent

The Messianic seed mentioned in Genesis tells us that through the woman
will come a Savior who will restore that which was lost through disobedience.
Numbers 24:17 predicts the following as related to the First Advent of Christ:
1. A star out of Jacob
2. A scepter out of Israelimplies he will be of noble birth
3. He shall come out of Jacobs seed
4. He shall have dominion
Isaiah 11:10 He shall come out of Jesse (King Davids father) & refers to the
natural parentage of Jesus, who was to born of a virgin.
Isaiah 7:13-14the prophet states that His origin will be the house of David &
that he would be born of a virgin & names Immanuel.
Prophecy of the First Advent Fulfilled in Matthew (Comparing Matthews account to
the prophesies)
Matthew seeks to establish the earthly bloodline of Christ through Mary
Isaiah 11:1a rod out of the stem of Jesse & a branch shall grow out of its roots
Fulfillment recorded in Matthew 1:5-6Jesus came from the seed of Jesse
Micah 5:2prophesied the place where Jesus would be born
Fulfillment recorded in Mathew 2:1Now, when Jesus was born in Bethlehem
of Judaea
Isiah 7:13-14the coming of Jesus from the house of David; Jesus will come from a
virgin & will be called Immanuel.
FulfillmentMatthew 1:23, 25 Behold a virgin shall be with childand they
shall call his name Emmanuel. ..She had brought forth her firstborn son, and called
His name Jesus.
The Purpose of the First Advent
The mission of the First AdventMelchizedek was a priest/king of righteousness &
peace. The mission of a priest is to bring the peoples sins before God & to offer a
sacrifice which would bring His forgiveness. Hebrews 7:15 states that another
priest will arise. Hebrews 7:25 states that Jesus is able to save His people to the
uttermost if they will come to Him, interceding on our behalf.
Numbers 21:6-9 says that Gods people were being bitten by serpents and some
were dying because they had sinned by speaking evil against God and Moses. Gods

mercy is seen as He tells Moses to make a serpent out of brass like the one which
had bitten the people. Moses was to put it high up on a pole (lifted up above them)
& whoever looked toward it in hope would be healed. John 3:14Just as Moses
lifted up the serpent, so the Son must be lifted up. (Both were looked toward for
Isaiah 4:4 sets forth the purpose for Christs death.

The Fulfillment of the First Advent Mission

Old Testament

New Testament

Prophecy About Jesus' Mission

Fulfillment of Jesus' Mission

Isaiah 9:7

Matthew 1:1

Heir to throne

Book of generation of Jesus as Son of David

Zechariah 11:12

Matthew 26:15

Sold for thirty pieces of silver

And said unto them, What will ye give me, and I will deliver
him unto you? And they covenanted with him for thirty
pieces of silver.

Psalm 27:12

Matthew 26:60 and 61

False witnesses accuse Him

But found none: yea, though many false witnesses came,

yet found they none. At the last came two false witnesses,
And said, This fellow said, I am able to destroy the temple of
God, and to build it in three days.

Isaiah 53:4 and 5

Matthew 8:16 and 17

Wounded for our transgressions

When the even was come, they brought unto him many that
were possessed with devils: and he cast out the spirits with
his word, and healed all that were sick: That it might be
fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying,
Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.

Isaiah 53:12

Matthew 27:38

Crucified with sinners

Two thieves crucified with Him

Psalm 16:10

Matthew 28:9

His resurrection


The Offices of the Messiah Foretold

Early prophets foretold/predicted that Jesus would serve as the Redeemer of

His Redemptive Office ForetoldPsalm 22 relates details of the humiliation &
suffering which Jesus was to endure; predicted that the Messiah would be mocked,
laughed at, etc. Also says that the Messiah is to be a deliverer & redeemer of His
His Servants Office ForetoldZechariah 3 (servant Branch), Isaiah 42:1-4 (As a
servant, Christ will be humble), Isaiah 32:1-2 (Christ will serve in the role of King)
Offices of the Messiah Fulfilled
Characteristics of Biblical Prophecy:
1. A declaration of future events, knowledge with belongs exclusively to the
omniscience of God
2. A manifestation (revelation) of the supernatural light of God.
3. Explained by God in Deuteronomy 18:18-22
a. God put the words in their mouths
b. The prophet spoke only what God commanded
c. People are to pay strict attention to words of Gods prophet
d. The test is that the prophecy will happen exactly as spoken
4. A vital part of the Bible. (Is deeply buried throughout the OT & was a means
of establishing the NT)
5. Pervades (spreads throughout) the entire Bible.
6. Is often very specific.
7. Often deals with events remote in time & with people or kingdoms that do not
exist yet.
8. Fulfillment is clear; constitutes a supernatural act.
Redemptive Office FulfilledPsalm 16:10 the triumph of Jesus over death
Fulfilled in Matthew 16:21 & 28:6
Isaiah 4:4 When the Lord shall have washed away&
shall have purged
the blood
Fulfilled in Matthew 26:28 Jesus tells the disciples For this is my
Servants Office FulfilledZechariah 3:8 I will bring forth my servant the BRANCH
Philippians 2:7 Jesus took upon himself the form of a

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