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Career Planning Assessment

Leta Nesmith
Wilmington University

When I began my undergraduate studies, I was a criminal justice major planning to become a
FBI profiler or an attorney. My sophomore year, my brother was diagnosed with CML
Leukemia. His diagnosis for life expectancy was beyond a year. The social workers at Childrens
Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP) were amazing! They assisted my mom since she stayed there
every day and also stayed with my brother when they transitioned to the Ronald McDonald
House into their temporary apartment. They stayed here a few months while my brother still
received treatment and prepared to go home after the bone marrow transplant. My brother defied
the odds and is still alive, married and has two sons!
The social workers helped my mom with paying bills, with moral support, and with
counseling. She would have never made it without the support and resources these amazing men
and women provided. I then changed my major and exceled in my human services classes. It
came natural to me. Helping others just seemed second nature.
I joined National Coalition of 100 Black Women while at Lincoln University of PA. We did
different projects in the community. I began to notice that I had a real connection to the children
in the area. This interaction led me to work directly with children for the next 10 years.
According to the Strengths Finders 2.0, I have 5 strengths and talents that can be used to excel
in the workforce. These strengths are: strategic, individualization, developer, deliberative, and
connectedness. The strategic theme is distinct way of thinking which cannot be taught. It allows
a person to sort through the clutter and find the best route (Rath, 2007). This type of strength
allows patterns and focuses on alternate scenarios. This type of person thinks of the what ifs.
The individualization theme leads people to be intrigued by the unique qualities of each
person (Rath, 2007). This type of person becomes impatient with generalizations because it

obscures what is special and unique about each person (Rath, 2007). This person is a keen
observer of others strengths which causes this person to be an encourager. I am always pushing
others to do their best. I always try to find the good in any person or the talent so that they can
believe they can do better.
The developer tries to the see the potential in others. The developer sees everyone as a work
in progress. Developers try to help others experience success. Many people seek this
personality type for encouragement. This is a direct correlation to the individualization theme
Deliberative theme people are careful, vigilant, and private people. This type of person is a
planner and tries to anticipate what could go wrong. These types of personalities do not care
what others think of them and do not see life as a popularity contest. Deliberative people see life
as a minefield. While others may run through it recklessly, deliberative thinkers identify the
dangers, weigh the impact, and then place their feet deliberatively (Rath, 2007). This way of
thinking is very similar to the strategic thinker.
The feeling of connectedness makes these individuals caring, considerate, and accepting.
These types of people try to connect those of other cultures together so that everyone will get
along. This type of person is sensitive to others and tries to provide comfort to others. This
personality type is very similar to the developer.
The results of the Strength Finder Assessment were very similar to those of the MAPP
Assessment. According to the MAPP, I am of existence, meaning, purpose, potential and destiny
of humankind, people, and self. I am motivated by a self-felt, self-accepted calling to the cause

of good, growth, and gain in the lives of others. It describes me as benevolent, giving myself to
others and assisting others who are struggling.
I learned that my personality type does not like deadlines and time constraints. I like to be
mentally stimulated, which I know is true. I am like that in my personal life. I choose to be
around those I can learn something from. I hate to be bored and that includes meaningless
conversation. I do try to find the hidden meaning of things, and am always reading, watching
videos or doing something to teach me something new.
I agree that I suffer from system claustrophobia and become bored with methodical routine
activities. I have to be in contact with others, and be able to help, assist or encourage others for
me to feel fulfilled. I like to troubleshoot problems, and think of solutions to help others.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, (BLS) a Community and Social Service Manager
would be a potential career path which is the intended goal. Social and community service
managers are often expected to show that their programs and services are effective. They collect
statistics and other information to evaluate the impact that programs have in their community or
on their target audience. They may also use evaluations to identify areas that need improvement
for programs to be more effective, such as providing mentorship and assessments for their staff
I possess many strengths which would make me successful to this position. I am an
encourager and supporter. I would support my staff which hopefully would motivate them to
work harder and do their best. Most people are willing to give more if they feel they are
supported and their supervisor genuinely cares about their well-being.

I am also strategic and deliberative. These traits would help in the areas of analyzing data,
suggest and implement data, and plan and execute outreach activities. I am very social and
empathetic, which helps to connect with others.
One weakness is that I am a procrastinator. I have waited to do certain activities,
underestimating the amount of time needed to complete the project. It causes me undue stress
and the annoying feeling that I could have done better if I had started earlier. I meet deadlines,
but sometimes not presenting my best work due to not having enough time to complete it.
I also have a fear of math and am not motivated to complete math based activities. This could
be a problem as a program manager since budgets are part of the job description. I have a
difficult time maintaining focus on math based activities.
These activities helped to see what areas I need to focus on, whether positive or negative. I
know now area in which I need to improve or to maintain more focus. I can also use my positives
to my advantage. The results of these activities should help me to become an effective leader.

MAPP Assessment. (2016, July 8). Retrieved from
Rath, T. (2007). Strengths finder 2.0. New York, NY: Gallup Press.
Social and Community Service Managers: Occupational Outlook Handbook: U.S. Bureau of
Labor Statistics. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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