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DROOP (Goblin)

Small Humanoid (Goblinoid), Neutral

Armor Class - 12 (Leather Armor)
Hit Points - 17
Speed - 30 ft
6 (-2)

14 (+2)

10 (+0)

6 (-2)

8 (-1)

8 (-1)

Skills - Stealth +6
Senses - Darkvision 60 ft, Passive Perception 9
Languages - Common, Goblin
Nimble Escape - Droop can take the Disengage or Hide action as a bonus action on each of
its turns.
Meat Shield - If being attacked can use another NPC or Player as a meat shield so that he
cannot be attacked (Has 2 uses every long rest).
Orcish Charm - Any Charisma saving throws or ability checks against Orcs or any creature
with a strong relation to Orcs, Droop will have advantage against, as well as a +4 modifier.

Dagger - Melee Weapon Attack: +3 to Hit, Reach 5 ft, One Target.
Hit: 1d4 + 2 Slashing Damage

Droop the Goblin is unusually short for a Goblin, and has stuck to the strongest
creature as a companion to this creature in the past, however these
creatures usually use him as a punching bag/personal slave.
Droop will also follow/repeat the command of his Master (In some cases
Droop is cowardly and upon entering a scary place will look to his Master for
comfort and protection.

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