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Welcome to Mr. Fields math class! Upon

entering my classroom, an observer will notice
first the order and balance of the classroom. The
desks will be arranged in groups of 3 to 5. This
will allow students to easily conduct group
activities and make it easier for them to see me
and allow me to walk around while lecturing.
The board will have the days target, planned
lessons for the day, any activities to be completed,



Understand the teachers expectations and acts

Maintain a positive attitude in difficult

accordingly (If students know what to expect they

situations (remain positive at all times in

should do what needs to be done without being

front of students and colleagues)

Exhibits self discipline and self control (Students

Continue to learn and share knowledge with

students (helps to understand that learning

and any homework to be issued that day. There

should behave and not act inappropriately when

is a lifelong process and will extend beyond

will also be a section on the board outlining the

something unexpected happens)


learning objectives for the week. On each side of

Pay attention to the teacher and one another (Students

the classroom and in the back will be an easel for

are attentive and not interrupt one another or the

and administration (this will ensure that

the students to write questions that come up


everyone is involved, and aware of what is

while I am instructing so that I can answer later.

The bulletin board and around the classroom will


be lined with phrases to help with mathematics

Manifest positive interpersonal relationships (having

concepts as well as common formulas used in

these skills will allow students to get along with

math. The students will be mostly quiet unless

each other and work together, possibly form good

they are working in groups to solve problems.


Then you will hear the low murmur of students

as I walk around checking their work and
answering questions.

Exhibit cooperation and sharing attitude (being able to

work cooperatively and share will promote
learning and decrease disruption)
Support and encourage one another (students should
help those that need help at all times.

Collaborate with the math department, parents,

going on to ensure the best possible

learning experience)

Maintains daily routine and procedures (this
ensures the students know what to do and
when to do it to foster more learning and
reduce disruptions)
State objectives incorporated with the lesson (if
students know what the end result is, they
will work harder at attempting to reach it)
Provide instruction bell to bell (this will keep
the students engaged during the entire class
and reduce disruptions)

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