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May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic

the Devon Week issue 1: wk 21: 2010

museums, providing appealing tourist
The Devon Week is published by Why we need to attractions.
not-for-profit social entreprise
News and Media Republic Ltd.
protect the arts at Since the 1980s, a number of local

We believe communication helps all costs authorities have adopted some form
of ‘percent for art’ scheme, whereby
build confident communities. all new buildings incorporate a quota
These stories are taken from of artwork. Major new public artworks
the Devon Week, the People's have attracted visitors and have
Republic of South Devon, become part of the tourist and heritage
D+CFilm, ArtsCulture and industry.
SouthWestShows. This has been demonstrated in Torbay
If you'd like to get in touch, email with Anthony Gormley’s Field for the At the Liberal Democrat Arts British Isles installation that last year
If you'd like to advertise email Launch in March, which countless attracted thousands to the Bay. The actors, directors, writers, producers, exhibition helped generate hundreds of
drama teachers, musicians and artists thousands of pounds of visitor spend
attended, Nick Clegg pledged not to cut and valuable press coverage for the
arts funding. This naturally pleased his area.
audience including the likes of Sally
An exhibition by the very well known
Philips and Richard Dawkins.
Damien Hirst will be displayed in Torre
However, it is not only those in Abbey later this year, having already
the arts industry who benefit from been displayed in Venice, London,
state support of the arts, it is Tokyo and Oslo.
local people, children and businesses,
The new Damien Hirst exhibition will
who are able to watch subsidised
not only raise the Bay’s cultural profile
theatre and visit free art galleries and
further, but will provide a source

May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
of interesting discussion because of overall Teignbridge Sports Personality
the controversial nature of the piece Teignbridge sports of the Year accolade.
entitled Mother and Child, Divided, personality award David is part of the Great Britain Bob
which won the Turner Prize in 1995.
These exhibitions put Torbay on the
nominations open Skeleton team, a winter Olympic sport
which is the fastest growing of the
cultural map and provide Torbay four Bob events. The sport involves
with an exciting space for innovative the athlete racing down the same ice
contemporary art. tracks that are used for Bobsleigh;
however for Bob Skeleton the athlete
It is clear that cuts to arts funding
adopts a face down, headfirst riding
would be a bad idea. If anything, the
position on the sled. Speeds reached
money allocated to arts should be used
are in excess of 80 mph and the athlete
even more to engage the community in
experiences G forces of +5, similar to
new and innovative ways as a source of
those experienced by jet pilots.
education, creativity, tourism and new
business. Nomination forms for the 2010
Nominations are now being accepted
awards are now available from any
But if the Lib-Con coalition is planning for the Teignbridge Sports Personality
Teignbridge Leisure Centre, Tourist
to cut arts funding, they have certainly Awards 2010, the district’s annual
Information Centres, schools, sports
hidden it well in their newly published celebration of local sporting
clubs, and online.
Programme for Government. This achievement.
promises to increase arts funding by More information on the nomination
The gala awards event pays homage
reforming the National Lottery so more process and the awards are
to local athletes, teams, officials and
money goes into sport, the arts and available from the Teignbridge
teachers. Nominations will need to
heritage. The agreement also promises sports development team on
be in by Friday, August 20, with the
to maintain free entry to national 01626 215611 or by emailing
awards taking place at the Langstone
museums and galleries, and give
Cliff Hotel, Dawlish Warren, on Friday,
national museums greater freedoms,
November 26. (image: overall Teignbridge Sports
which sounds promising. Personality of the Year Award –
The awards celebrate sporting
It also seems to promote local media, Collected on behalf of David Swift)
and health-related achievements of
which has sadly diminished in recent
individuals, groups and teams across
years because of the popularity of
Teignbridge, with awards given across
online media. The coalition says
13 categories taking in a range of
it will enable partnerships between
ages, abilities and levels of experience.
local newspapers, radio and television
Anybody who has made a difference
stations to promote a strong and
in sport or health within the district
diverse local media industry.
over the last 12 months can be
There is good news for pubs nominated for an award, provided they
and charities affected by Labour’s reside or are in full-time education
ridiculous live music restrictions, as within Teignbridge. The judging panel
the Coalition Agreement promises shortlists up to three nominees as
to cut red tape to encourage the finalists for each category, and these
performance of more live music. nominees are invited to November’s
If the coalition government live up gala awards evening.
to their promises we can continue to Last year David Swift took home the
enhance our cultural life and improve overall Teignbridge Sports Personality
everyone’s quality of life as well as of the Year Award for his achievements
assist our way out of recession. in Bob Skeleton. The 2009 awards
saw David scoop both the Senior
Sportsman of the Year award and the

May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
What came out was a remediation
Preston Primary strategy which said that ‘extensive Region prepares
School parents areas of the site have not been for impact of
investigated’. And ‘it is possible during
urged to consider site clearance works that additional government cuts
health risk if contamination may be identified or
Hollicombe Dr Andrew Robinson, a former
development Environmental Health Officer,
speaking on behalf of the Preston
begins Residents and Parents Against Toxic
Dust Group, told the PRSD that
the amount of contaminated soil
is unknown and that the clean-up
strategy has no details on how they With 730,00 jobs in the South
will control dust emissions during the West relying on public money, cuts
works. in government spending could have
“Survey work carried out so far shows a dramatic effect to the economic
that contaminated soil containing landscape of the region.
cyanide will need to be excavated right Commenting on Government plans to
next to the school’s boundaries,” he announce £6 billion worth of early
said. spending cuts today, Nigel Costley,
Now, in the run up to a public regional secretary of the South West
Parents and guardians of pupils at meeting at Preston Primary School on TUC, said: “The South West’s economy
Preston Primary school are being Thursday, June 10 at 7pm, parents is still extremely fragile and global
urged to consider the health risk and guardians are being asked to of uncertainty makes early recovery even
to their children if development at children attending the school to sign harder. Taking any money out of the
contaminated land at Hollicombe up to or ‘commit’ to the following economy at the moment is dangerous
begins – and even keep the children statement: “If redevelopment work as there is a real risk of a double dip
away from school. commences on the contaminated land recession, which will only damage the
The proposed development at a former at Hollicombe then, unless I am certain state of the public finances further.
gas works adjacent to the school that the health, safety and well being “Politicians always claim spending cuts
could release potentially severely of my child will not be threatened by will fall on backroom administration,
health damaging chemicals such as dust and emissions from the site, I but the frontline cannot function
cyanide, arsenic, naphthalene, zinc and will be forced to withdraw my child without proper support. Making
mercury. And the extent of the health from Preston Primary School in order doctors, nurses and teachers do the
risk is unknown. to fulfill my duties and responsibilities necessary paperwork once done by
as a parent.” support staff is bound to hit services.
Despite 450 written objects and
a public protest in 2008, Find out more about the Hollicombe “It’s all very well saying there will
Torbay’s Special Development Control Action Group and join their Facebook be a freeze on recruitment, but the
Committee of Torbay Council granted Group. remaining staff will have to cover for
conditional approval to Midas Homes their former colleagues and as well
for a plan to build 185 flats as their workload and stress levels
at the former gas works site in increasing, the service they can provide
Hollicombe. The conditions included to the public is bound to suffer.
the developers to provide information
“Then there’s the human cost of the
on the extent of the contamination of
cuts: 730,000 jobs in the South West
the land and on processes to safely
rely on public money, so any cuts
decontaminate the site.
will have a huge impact on these
individuals and their families.

May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
“Finally, there’s talk today of funding their work productivity and a quarter
being withdrawn from the South West thought there would be no impact Promoted Exeter
Regional Development Agency. This is on the speed of applications if all Chiefs get victory
a body created to sustain economic employees watched games online at
growth, with every £1 spent achieving a work via online streaming sites. parade in Exeter
return of at least £4.50 for the region’s Exeter City Council has today revealed
“If you multiply every pound cut by the
Ashburton and plans for a victory parade on Saturday,
May 29 to mark the city’s all
government by four a half you get to Buckfastleigh conquering rugby team’s promotion to
see the real damage this will have in the the Country’s elite rugby league, the
region.” outdoor pools open Guinness Premiership.
(image: the South West Regional their doors this Plans have been made for an open
Development Agency – to be hit by
government cuts)
weekend topped bus carrying the playing squad
from The Exeter Chiefs to parade
Ashburton and Buckfastleigh outdoor through the city centre on Saturday,
pools open on Saturday, May 29 for May 29, on way to a civic reception
Planning on general swimming from 10am to 6pm at The Guildhall, hosted by the city’s
working and each day until Sunday, June 6. Lord Mayor, Cllr Marcel Choules. The
Stagecoach bus will leave Exeter City
Opening times will then revert to the
watching the school term-time schedule.
Football Club’s St James’s Park at
11.30am on Saturday before travelling
World Cup? This year regular visitors will be able along Sidwell Street and the High
Companies warned to take out a season pass which can be
used at all Teignbridge’s outdoor pools
Street arriving at The Guildhall at
noon. The playing staff, coaches
over employee throughout the May to September and directors from the cub will be
season, giving them the opportunity
behaviour to save money on regular pool use.
welcomed by the Lord Mayor who will
present each of them with a specially
The Exeter internet service provider Adult passes cost £42 and junior passes engraved glass to commemorate their
Eclipse Internet warned businesses (5-15yrs) cost £25, with under-5s going promotion following the win against
about the impact of workers watching free. They’re available to buy at all West Country rivals Bristol in last
the World Cup on their work outdoor pool kiosks during the season. night’s game.
computers. All Teignbridge’s outdoor pools are The Lord Mayor said: “This is a truly
Clodagh Murphy, director of Eclipse, heated and supervised by qualified remarkable achievement for the Exeter
said: “We advise all businesses to be lifeguards. Pool sessions range from Chiefs and can only be of good to
mindful about the impact this could general swimming and club use to the city and the surrounding areas. I
have on their day-to-day business the ultra-popular junior Inflatable Fun was on the edge of my seat last night
operations. Streamed content uses sessions, when giant inflatable play listening to the game and urging the
a lot of bandwidth and this could areas are used in the pools. New team on to what was a famous victory.
seriously impact the performance of for 2010 at Teignmouth Lido is the Congratulations to all of the team and
their business internet connection. addition of hot refreshments available everyone involved with the club.”
to buy on site.
“It could take much longer to download
important files or use business-critical
applications such as e-commerce sites,
email or online backup. It might
even lead to office computer systems
The company carried out a survey
with found that more than one-
third of those polled thought watching
World Cup matches would not affect

May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
This training is extremely valuable to the concerns of local people and urging
Teignmouth RNLI ensure we can work effectively in a real her to take account of the Independent
crews prepare for life situation and provide a joined-up Scientific Group review, which clearly
service. It’s also a great opportunity to found that badger culling was actually
the start of season do some team building at the start of counter productive in tackling Bovine
the season.” Tuberculosis.
Charlie Woolnough, who is the Adrian told the PRSD: “So many
volunteer senior helm of the inshore Torbay constituents are appalled by
lifeboat, was equally as pleased with the idea of a badger cull. There is
how the training went. He said: “The not enough scientific evidence that it
RNLI lifeboat volunteers get together would make any difference and any cull
to do regular training throughout the would simply be a massive waste of
Ahead of the start of the season year, and it’s great to be able to public money.”
on Saturday, May 29, Teignmouth’s welcome back the charity’s lifeguards “Culling badgers simply is not the right
RNLI lifeguard team and the as part of the team. way forward and it is good that the
town’s volunteer RNLI lifeboat crew “As the summer season begins, the Government is now looking at this
completed a series of training scenarios town’s beaches start to get busier so again.”
designed to help them work together it’s really important to have a lifeguard (from a press release)
over the summer. service on the beach, which is aimed
Since taking over the lifeguard service at preventing incidents before they
on Teignmouth and Dawlish Warren occur, but who can also react to
incidents when needed. A couple of the
Devon news in
beaches in 2009, and in response
to an increase in beach users, the volunteer crew members are also RNLI brief
RNLI has extended its patrol dates at lifeguards and the connection really South West Water, which is constantly
Teignmouth to start even earlier this helps to establish the RNLI team in the under fire for the high charges to its
year. area.” customers, has seen pre-tax profits
The charity’s lifeguards will patrol Members of the public in Teignmouth rise by 8.7 per cent to £132.5
the northern side of Teignmouth will have a chance to see the RNLI million. Pennon, which owns South
Pier and Dawlish Warren beaches lifeguards and volunteer lifeboat crew West Water and waste management
from 10am until 6pm from Saturday, take part in another rescue exercise company Viridor, had a 14.2 per cent
May 29 until Sunday, September 5. during the Back Beach Festival at 6pm rise to profits, to £189.1 million.
There will be additional patrols on on Sunday, May 30. A new Teignmouth seaside hut for
southern side of Teignmouth Pier (Image: RNLI lifeguards and volunteer children was vandalised a day after it
throughout the busy peak summer RNLI lifeboat crew taking part in a was put up. The hut is for the Estuary
holiday period (Saturday, July 3 until training exercise on Thursday, May 20 and Coastal Childminders group,
Sunday, September 5.) courtesy of RNLI/Tony Watson.) which is made up of independent
Julian Smart, RNLI lifeguard childminder based in Teignmouth,
Dawlish, Exminster, Starcross and
supervisor for East Devon, says that
regular training together throughout Bay MP welcomes Shaldon, who aim to offer parents
the season means the charity’s badger cull re- and children access to affordable and
flexible childcare. The felt roof was torn
volunteer lifeboat crew and lifeguards
are familiar with each other’s think off and burnt.
procedures and capabilities on the Torbay MP Adrian Sanders has A community restoration project of
water. welcomed the decision by the new the Italian garden at Lupton House
He said: “During the training exercise Environment Secretary to reconsider has received a £200,000 grant from
we went through some of the likely the pledge to instigate a cull of badgers English Heritage.
scenarios in which the volunteer crew in the South West. HMS Triumph, a Royal Navy
and lifeguards might need to work DEFRA Minister Caroline Spelman Trafalgar-class submarine, has been
together, as well as essential radio announced a review of the policy and rededicated after a £300 million
communications and patient transfer. Adrian has written to her expressing overhaul at Devonport, Plymouth.

May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
The smallest commercially operated The National Trust and the English
paddle steamer in the world is visiting Riviera are gearing up to push the Penguin chick
Plymouth until Tuesday, June 1. pull of Agatha Christie to the area. hatches on English
Skipper of the vessel, called Monarch, The first year of the re-opening of the
Matt O’Crolwey, said: “We are visiting £5.4 million restoration project at the Riviera
to take part in a documentary and crime writer’s former home Greenway
would appreciate it if any members of attracted around 100,000 visitors, and
the public that want to see the boat numbers to the house had to be limited
could keep back a little while filming to 740 a day.
takes place.” • The use green transport push to
Greenway looks like a success with
A helicopter crashed outside Newton
60,000 arriving to the house by green
Abbot at Poundsgate on Monday, May
transport, principally the ferry
24. The pilot, who is thought to
be from Exeter and was the only Farmer co-operative Milk Link will
person in the helicopter, survived pay members around £2,000 each,
with minor injuries and was taken to which relates to an 8.1 per cent The first macaroni penguin chick of the
Derriford Hospital by air ambulance. return on members’ qualifying loan season has hatched at Living Coasts.
The helicopter collided with power balances. Milk Link chief executive
The chick hatched on Tuesday, May 18.
lines and hit the ground in a field. Neil Kennedy, said: “This is the fourth
This photo of it with mother Corinne
year in a row that we have been able to
Ilfracombe inshore lifeboat rescued a was taken by Living Coasts volunteer
make a processing interest payment to
father and two children who were cut photographer Jennie Rattlidge.
our members, and to date we have in
off by the tide near Combe Martin on
total paid out in excess of £13m.” The parents are Corinne and Blue,
Monday, May 24. Leigh Hanks of the
Living Coasts’ most regular and most
Ilfracombe inshore lifeboat, said; “The
successful pair of macaroni penguins.
man and his children were very grateful
They have reared five chicks in their
for our help. Anyone visiting the coast
time at the coastal zoo.
should get tidal information. You can
always ask in the beach shops or cafes, There are nearly one hundred
someone locally should be able to give free-ranging African and macaroni
you information about the tides. penguins at Living Coasts. Visitors

May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
can walk among them and see them the importance of the science we were In a bid to curb ‘wired, wide-
being fed at close quarters. Macaroni doing. awake drunks‘, Scottish politicians are
penguins build their nests out of looking to limit the caffeine content
“It was the first time the acidic levels
pebbles. of alcoholic drinks – a move which
had been checked there and this sets a
would ban Buckfast tonic wine. A new
bench mark and also gives us warnings,
bill from Scottish Labour wants a limit
West Country cider for it is really an extreme environment
and will give us the first indications to 150 milligrammes of caffeine per
developments to of change. That’s vital not just for the litre of alcohol. According to the BBC,
Buckfast tonic wine has two-and-a-half
Arctic but for the effects and impact it
be discussed will have on the rest of the world.” times that.
A cat was rescued from a roof in
And it’s good to be back home: “I
Ilfracombe. Free health checks for dogs
particularly like going to bed without
are available for Torridge residents
wearing hat, gloves, clothes and with
over the weekend June 4-6. For more
all my cameras and other gear that I
information or to speak to a PDSA
have to keep warm,” she said.
advisor, call 0800 731 2502 or see their
To find out more about Ann Daniels website
visit her website.
Remember the hoopla about the cider The Met Office in Exeter has warned of
producers? Well South West MEP Giles a summer of 1976-style droughts.
Chichester does, and he’ll meet up with Devon news Trade union membership in the South
West Country cider producers at the
Royal Bath and West Show at Shepton roundup: think West had grown by more than 17,000
in the past year, rising to 544,000 from
Mallet in Somerset on Wednesday, Positively about 527,000 in 2008 – that’s 26 per cent
June. of the workforce, with 46.6 per cent of
Giles will hear their views on
Plymouth, and the workforce covered by trade union
Government taxation plans for cider. other stories agreements.

He’ll also hold talks with Julian The £46.5 million Life Centre will
Temperley of the Somerset Cider get £200,000 from England Netball
Brandy Company, who is leading a to develop netball facilities for
campaign to have Somerset cider international netball matches in the
brandy designated a regional protected city.
product under the EU Protected Positively Plymouth is the new identity
Designation of Origin legislation. To for the city from London-based brand
date, the campaign has stalled due to consultant Lloyd Northover.
France and Spain’s objections,
The pitch at Exeter City FC’s ground at
St James’s Park is being ripped up and
Ann Daniels back replaced before the start of next season.
As part of the fundraising for the new
in Devon after pitch fans were able to include items
another Arctic in a time capsule buried under the new
adventure Engineering firm Alcoa Howmet is to
Ann Daniels has returned to her Devon cut 195 staff from its Sowton Indsutrial
home after taking part in the Artic Estate Exeter factory. This adds to the
Catlin Survey where she collected 350 posts which have already been lost.
water and marine life samples from
A new private company is set to
beneath the floating sea ice, along
take over services in Torbay. The
with colleagues Martin Harley and
TOR2 company will be in charge
Charlie Paton. The research was part
of Torbay’s bins, gardens and roads.
of the expedition’s science programme,
Torbay Council holds 20 per cent of the
which assesses the impact of CO2
company, with the rest in the hands of
absorption on the ocean and its marine
engineering firm May Gurney.
life — a process known as ‘ocean
acidification’. Figures released from the Department
for Education shows that pupils in
She said: “It can be horrendous out
Torbay have some of the highest
there and I know there are times when
absence and truancy rates in the West
I wonder why I am there and that I will
Country. The Bay had the highest
never go back, but I just love the place
truancy in primary schools and were
and I know I will go back.”
second to Plymouth in the highest for
“This time science was the key. I would truancy in secondary schools.
not have gone if I had not believed in
May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
Sarah Boothby, of Powderham
Mount Everest A 123-year-old Residents Association, said: “We’re
swim highlights Devon business absolutely delighted that we won the
money. It will be put to a good cause
climate change sold by informing people about what is
Victoria Sawmills, a timber merchant, going on in the area via the community
which has traded in the South West for noticeboard.
123 years, has been sold to The Fence “Luckily we had some musical talent
Stores Group and will now trade as The within the association and thought this
Sidmouth Fencing Centre. might be a quirky way of getting our
Victoria Sawmills, owned by Clinton message over.”
Devon Estates, was a family business The group sung their own version
established in 1887 with outlets in of Summertime Blues, entitled
Plymouth-born environmental Merton near Okehampton as well as Powderham Crescent News, at Exeter
campaigner Lewis Gordon Pugh Colaton Raleigh. The original sawmills Guildhall.
became the first person to complete a function of the business in East Devon,
Cllr Lauara Newton, lead councillor for
long-distance swim on Mount Everest from which Victoria Sawmills took its
Housing and Community Involvement,
when he complete a 1km swim on the name, closed in the mid 1980s but
said: “This is exactly why we decided
glacial lake next to the Khumbu Glacier the store continued to provide timber
to run this event, to allow members
on Mount Everest. products to customers and trade.
of public to decide who should receive
It took him 22 minutes and 51 seconds In 2008 the retail outlet in North community grants.
in water that was 2 degrees centrigade Devon was closed due to changes in the
“It has been a struggle to hang onto
at an altitude of 5,300 metres above sea local market place and the downturn in
our community grants pot in these
level. the wider economy.
tougher financial times and I only
And the reason, Lewis says on his Investments have since been made wish we could support them all. These
site: ‘These glaciers are not just ice. in equipment and technology at the funds are about helping people get
They are a lifeline. They provide water Merton site where the focus has projects off the ground and will make
to some 2 billion people – nearly been on producing high-quality, locally a real difference in the lives of others.
a third of the world’s population. crafted and sustainably produced gates It was a really great night with a
The peoples of India, China, Pakistan, under the Clinton Gates brand. feeling of celebration and so inspiring
Myanmar, Bangladesh, Afghanistan, The new branch of Fence Stores is now to meet some of the many dedicated
Nepal, Laos, Thailand, Cambodia and operating from the Colaton Raleigh site community activists we have in the
Bhutan depend on the melt water in Hawkerland Road. All four Victoria city.
from the Himalayan and Hindu Kush Sawmills staff have transferred to the “Exeter Decides is part of the
glaciers.But they are melting due to new employer. My Neighbourhood project enabling
climate change. And without a regular people to make a difference in the
supply of water, there is a real risk of communities. We will be repeating this
instability in the region. Community group event in July and October.”
“This is a Swim for Peace. It is a plea
to every nation, to do everything it can,
serenades council People in Exeter were asked to come

to put a stop to climate change. We and bags £500 up with ideas for the spending of
small community grants. A panel of
are now living in a global environment.
What happens in one part of the world
cash! judges sifted through 21 applications
and a final 15 were presented on
will directly impact every other part. the night. All applicants had three
And when it comes to cutting carbon minutes to present their projects,
emissions, we must stop arguing about followed by questions and comments
whether China, the USA or the EU by a panel made up of councillors
should act first. Given the urgency of and representatives of the voluntary
the situation every country needs to put sector. Members of the public voted for
in place every solution at its disposal.” their favourites and ten projects were
Powderham Crescent Residents
Read more on Lewis’ site. Association ’sang for their supper’ awarded grants ranging up to £500.
(image: Lewis Pugh starting his swim when they attended an Exeter City The other successful groups were:
across the North Pole in 2007, by Jason Council-run event giving community
Clyst Heath Coffee Group - to set up
Roberts) groups a chance to win cash to spend in
community coffee mornings
their neighbourhoods.
Countess Wear Village Hall – to
The four representatives struck up a arrange activities for young people over
harmonious ballad that proved sweet the summer
music to the ears of the public audience Devon United Women - to set up a
voting at the Exeter Decides event. friendship group
Bowled over by the ballad, the audience Exeter Parks Watch - to support
decided to give the group £500 towards community groups across the city
a community notice board.
May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
Pinhoe Fun Day – to support a family You can get further information about
fun day the meeting, My Neighbourhood PACT Dartington hosts
St Thomas Allotment Association – to or ‘Cook4life’ by contacting Exwick innovative and
organise a family food and allotment Area Liaison Officer, Joanne Hare on
day telephone number 01392 265745 or interactive arts for
Sylvania Play and Community
Association - for a garden and plants
young children and
My Neighbourhood PACT is a
Wonford Community Centre – for a joint project between Exeter City
newsletter and what’s on? board Council and Devon and Cornwall
(from a press release) Police The scheme brings together
city councillors, residents and the
Neighbourhood Policing teams (as part
Free healthy of the Partners and Communities
cooking lessons in Together (PACT) work) to make a
difference in local neighbourhoods. To
Exwick find out more about the scheme in
general, visit the website
(from a press release)
Innovative and interactive arts for
young children and their families are
Devon news round on offer at Dartington Hall on two
up: Air Southwest consecutive Saturdays, May 29 and
June 5
to be sold, plus The entertainment kicks off in Studio

Exeter City Council is working with

more 31 with Funny Bones, a two-act
dance show for the whole family,
NHS Devon and Exwick Community Plymouth’s Air Southwest airline to as Dartington invites children over
Association to offer the residents be sold as owner Sutton Harbour five to enter a magical world
of Exwick a free Cook4Life cooking Holdings are to focus on core property of fun, contemporary dance and
lesson, which will take place at the and marine activities. The airline, choreography.
My Neighbourhood PACT meeting which employes 150 started up in 2003
Billed as ‘an interactive dance
on Thursday, May 27 at 6pm until to fill the gap when British Airways
experience to tantalise the senses’,
7.30pm at Exwick Community Centre withdrew its services to the South
the in-the-round show features music,
on Kinnerton Way. West. The first route was Plymouth–
spoons, sports and more than a squirt
Newquay–Gatwick, with routes to
A Community Dietician from NHS of water!
Plymouth-Bristol-Manchester, Dublin,
Devon will be demonstrating how to
Leeds, Cardiff, Norwich, Gronoble, A week later on Saturday, June 5, the
make some simple, healthy dishes on a
Cork, Glasgow, Newcastle Guernsey Totnes-based PuppetCraft will be at
budget and people will get the chance
and London City Airport, following. the Barn Theatre with their fresh take
to make some of the dishes and of
of Oscar Wilde’s classic fairy tale, The
course, taste them. A book of speeches by Winston
Selfish Giant.
Churchill, signed by him to Devon-
Information will also be available
born spy Guy Burgess is expected The local company enjoy an
regarding the free two-day Cook4Life
to fetch £18,000 at an auction in international reputation for their
courses taking place in the city in
Christies, London, on Wednesday, family theatre and work with
June. These courses are for anybody
June 2. Guy Burgess was born organisations including the Royal
interested in becoming a community
in Devonport and educated in Shakespeare Company. They are also
cooking tutor themselves. Cook4life is
Dartmouth. The book, Arms and The well known for supplying puppets
part of the Department of Health’s
Covenant, speeches by Churchill, is for the popular television adverts
campaign, Change4life which is a
signed ‘To Guy Burgess, from Winston and Drench
society-wide movement that aims to
S Churchill, To confirm his admirable water, for which they recreated
encourage people to eat better and
sentiments, October 1938.’ Thunderbirds’ character Brains.
have a healthier lifestyle.
Exmouth is hoping to be included in Funny Bones takes place on Saturday,
Councillor Laura Newton, who will be
a guide to the Marine Conservation May 29 at Studio 31, Dartington at
attending the event, told the PRSD:
Society’s Good Beach Guide, which 11.30am and 2pm. The Selfish Giant is
“This is an exciting opportunity to
is published on Friday, May 28. The at the Barn Theatre on Saturday 5th
learn about cooking healthy meals on
town’s beaches were left out last year June at 11.30am and 2pm.
a budget and how we can help pass
despite Sidmouth and Shaldon getting Tickets start at £5 and can be
this message across our community.
in. purchased from the Dartington Box
As with all My Neighbourhood PACT
meetings residents of all ages are Office on 01803 847070 or the
welcome and time will be allocated on Dartington Arts site.
the evening to let residents have their (Image: DanSense by Edward Moss)
say about Exwick and any issues they
may want to raise.”
May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
and concentrates on the malevolent Produced by Radiohead’s Ed O’Brien,
Brit-flick bonanza! soul-trading plot-line. Uneven, but 1234 (Soda) is a wry, entertaining
Tom Leins looks at undeniably intriguing. drama about the musical fortunes of
geeky Stevie, a reluctant call-centre
the lastest DVDs employee and would-be rock star.
from these shores Together with dopey colleague Neil (a
stereotypically dumb drummer) Stevie
Sex, Leins & Videotape #42. Paignton attempts to follow his musical dreams
film critic Tom Leins returns with a in a London music scene already
Brit-flick bonanza! swamped with identikit indie bands.
Their first move is to recruit Billy
Nixon a former indie label contender
with a ruthlessly ambitious streak.
Initially unenthusiastic to team up
with the uninspiring double-act (they
seem to be fuelled exclusively by weak
lager and predictable influences!) Billy
A decade after surging to prominence eventually gives in, and boosts their
with the memorable clubbing drama recruitment drive by luring female bass
After a 15-year absence, cult Human Traffic, director Justin player Emily into the fold.
British filmmaker Philip Ridley (The Kerrigan returns to our screens with I
Know You Know (Network), a quirky With a demo cut and packaged off to
Reflecting Skin, The Passion of the usual record labels, the band set out
Darkly Noon) returns to the fray drama about a young boy’s unusual
relationship with his volatile father. on the well-trodden toilet circuit, but
with Heartless (Lionsgate) , a their enthusiastic efforts struggle to
menacing urban horror movie about Robert Carlyle stars as Charlie, a
charismatic secret agent who is fiercely match up to Billy’s exacting standards
a mild-mannered young man haunted and tensions begin to mount. Factor
(literally and figuratively) by his protective of his lonely son Jamie.
Although Jamie has a tough time Stevie’s growing attraction to the
demons. quirky Emily into the mix, and you
settling into his new school, he seeks
Jamie (Jim Sturgess) lives his life in the solace in his Dad’s bizarre world of tall- are left with a volatile musical cocktail
shadows – edgy and fearful because of tales, fast cars and cool clothes – even that could explode at any moment.
the huge birthmark on his face. From if it is never entirely clear what the 1234 is enjoyable without ever feeling
his shadowy vantage point he sees his enigmatic Charlie does for a living. truly essential, but the well-observed
East London estate being run ragged music scene details elevate it above
by violent delinquents. But are these Tormented by bullies at school, Jamie mere whimsy. In musical terms, 1234
terrifying youngsters simply wearing relies on his Dad for support, but is like an old, scratched CD from your
demon masks, or are they actually Charlie’s behaviour grows increasingly youth. It may not be the first album you
demons themselves? Despite some erratic, and Jamie becomes worried. reach for, but it will always put a smile
convincing scenes of urban terror, the As Charlie’s stories become even more on your face.
first half of the movie feels sloppy and improbable, his bizarre double-life
badly written – which is a surprise starts to unravel before Jamie’s very
considering director Ridley’s previous eyes, and their fragile relationship
experience as both a screenwriter and approaches breaking point. Buoyed by
a novelist. However, Heartless is worth an excellent central performance from
persevering with, and the second half is Robert Carlyle – arguably his best
far more rewarding. role in years – I Know You Know is
a pitch-perfect coming-of-age movie
In a bid to remove his disfigurement, given a quirky, paranoid twist. Both a
Jamie strikes a deal with a vengeful heartfelt tribute to his own father, and
spirit known as Papa B, which sees a compelling drama in its own right,
him prowl the city, doing Papa I Know You Know belatedly reaffirms
B’s murderous bidding. Much to Kerrigan’s promising reputation, and
Jamie’s horror the deal isn’t a one- is well worth checking out.
off, and the situation quickly spirals After attracting widespread
out of control. Boosted by arresting condemnation for urging a
performances from Joseph Rawle heartbroken man to ‘cut’ his ex-
(who plays demonic Papa B) and girlfriend – so that no one else would
Eddie Marsan (who plays Papa B’s want her – Danny Dyer abandons life
brutal henchman The Weapons Man) as an Agony Uncle and returns to
Heartless raises its game during the his day job with British underworld
later stages, and protagonist Jamie caper Pimp (Revolver) . At a
is plunged into a nightmarish game time when his enlightened credentials
of one-upmanship with the devil-like are under scrutiny, Dyer will win
Papa B. Ultimately, Heartless is a himself few female fans for his role
lot more menacing when it sidelines as Stanley, a foul-mouthed pimp who
the slapdash ‘hoody horror’ angle rules his sleazy Soho kingdom with

May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
a withering contempt for all of the The Thelma Hulbert Gallery’s opening effects of geological time on the
women who drift through his shifty exhibition, Earthscapes, marks on the landscape of the Jurassic Coast.
milieu! However, despite his dapper resurgence of interest in landscape- On Monday, June 7 there will be a
presence dominating the DVD cover, based work arising out of current special evening opening of the Gallery
Dyer actually plays second fiddle to concerns for the environment, global with talks by exhibiting artists, which is
Robert Cavanah, who stars as Woody warming and the erosion of the free to all visitors.
– a sex-industry fixer who becomes coastline around the UK. In an
embroiled in a queasy plot concerning exhibition that includes painting, Other exhibitions in the Project Space
an alleged snuff movie. photography, land art, environmental at the gallery:
and site specific work, six artists of May 29 – June 19
Determined to protect his girls and
international standing have revised Selling exhibition of postcard-
appease his paymaster Stanley (Dyer),
traditional ideas of landscape and sized work by local artists and
Woody sets out to investigate – under
re-presented it for a 21st century school children to raise funds for
the media glare of a documentary
audience. Their diverse interpretations Masterpieces (the THG youth group)
camera crew… (After beginning life
make for a lively and sometimes and Tiverton Youth Centre (in
as a regular movie entitled ‘Scratched
startling show which fascinates, partnership with Blundell’s School).
Inside’ Pimp’s producers changed
provokes and feeds the imagination. June 23 – July 17
tack and added a flimsy mock-
umentary angle into the mix.) In Exhibiting artists include sculptors Honiton Community College: Inner
truth, this strange lapse in judgement Mariele Neudeker, Tania Kovats and Landscapes, Year 10 GCSE
provides the least convincing element Richard Harris, photographer Stephen photography exhibition.
of the movie, and seems distracting Vaughan, painter Jeremy Gardiner and
more than anything. Undecided as Land Artist Kate Raggett.
to whether it wants to be a violent Mariele Neudeker’s work challenges
Exeter University
gangster thriller, a dark comedy or a
quirky mock-umentary drama, Pimp
the Romantic idea of landscape. She steps into operate
lurches between scenes with strange
is probably best known in the UK for
her atmospherically condensed forest
Exeter Northcott
disregard for the final product. Dyer The Exeter University has agreed to
landscapes in glass display cases which
fans will lap it up, but despite a set up a new company to run the
were exhibited at Tate, St Ives and
charismatic lead performance from Exeter Northcott. The theatre will go
which will be seen here in photographic
Cavanah, and some darkly amusing ahead with both the Exeter Summer
dialogue Pimp never quite convinces. Festival events and is planning a winter
Tania Kovats is interested in landscape
where the geology is clearly evident programme, including a Christmas
Thelma Hulbert allowing you to read the story of
the formation or erosion of the
The Exeter Northcott is currently in
Gallery reopens land. She will be showing work administration and the intention is to
which relates to Tree which was part
with Earthscapes of her winning commission for the
transfer control to the university on
Saturday, May 29. The administrator
exhibition Natural History Museum, celebrating will retain various assets, including
the 200th anniversary of the birth of Emmanuel Hall, which will be sold to
Darwin. contribute to creditors. The university
Richard Harris, who makes large- will buy the theatre’s fixtures and
scale environmental sculpture, will fittings from the administrator and
provide visitors with an opportunity already owns the building. The
to view his models for the Weymouth theatre’s current staff of 15 will
Relief Road commission. His subtle become employees of a new university
interventions in the landscape, using company under statutory TUPE staff
a combination of natural local transfer rules.
and industrial materials, reveal his The new university company will
The Thelma Hulbert Gallery opens sensitivity to location.
its doors again after five months operate until March 31 next year.
on Saturday, May 29, with an Stephen Vaughan’s stunning large- By then the Northcott’s stakeholders
exhibition that explores different scale photographs of remote places, – Arts Council England, Exeter City
artists’ approaches to the landscape. topically, include a series taken in Council and the university – will
volcanic regions of Iceland. They know what funds they have at their
The whole of Elmfield House has explore connections between geology, future disposal following expected
now been turned over to the gallery, archaeology and history. cutbacks in public funding by the new
which is the former home of the government. The three organisations
artist Thelma Hulbert. There is the In contrast Kate Raggett’s photographs
have agreed to keep their funding at
Exhibitions Gallery (formerly Thelma’s of site-specific earthwork drawings,
current levels until March 31, 2011
studio), a new shop and refreshment made from found materials ranging
provided they don’t suffer budget
area, a Project Space and dedicated from apples to stones, respond directly
cuts this year and that an acceptable
Learning Room, with extended visiting to the land of which they are a part.
programme of activity can be set out
hours to enable visitors to enjoy the Finally Jeremy Gardiner’s complex, for the remainder of the financial year.
new facilities throughout most of the multi layered paintings explore the The eventual aim will be, subject to
May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
funding, to set up an independent
company to run the Northcott. Robin Ince Toys of yesterday
Jeremy Lindley, the university’s presents comedy on display at
director of corporate services, said the
university had stepped in with the
showcase at Hall Mount Edgcumbe
agreement of the other stakeholders For Cornwall
to keep the theatre operational. He
added: ‘The move to a university-
owned company gives the Northcott
the best chance of achieving a
sustainable future. However, we have
to be realistic about the funding Families looking for something to do
environment we are now entering. All over the half term should head to
three of the Northcott’’s stakeholders Mount Edgcumbe to look at the toys of
are publicly funded organisations and yesteryear.
there is a very strong likelihood we will Mount Edgecumbe, which is owned by
have less public funds at our disposal Robin Ince is set to lead a night of
unforgettable stand up at Truro’s Hall Plymouth City Council and Cornwall
in the future. Nevertheless, we are all Council is hosting the Childhood Toy
committed to keeping the theatre going For Cornwall this autumn.
Collection from Bank Holiday Monday,
if we possibly can.’ He’ll be joined by comedians Holly which has a vast array of Victorian
Arts Council England, South West Walsh, Patrick Monahan, and Tony and Edwardian toys, from the weird
director Phil Gibby said: ‘The Vino. and wonderful as well as some of old
arrangements we have agreed Chortle Award winner 2009, Ince has favourites. The collection includes a
regarding the short term future worked with Ricky Gervais and Alistair bull-nose MG pedal car from the 1920s
of the Northcott represent a McGowan to name a few. as well as child pedal motorbike from
positive step forward and, although the 30s and a model French sand yacht.
all the stakeholders face financial As a close friend of Gervais, Robin
also oftens appears in Ricky’s video A large collection of dolls and dolls
uncertainties in the future, we are prams will also be on display.
hopeful that we have now achieved a podcasts. He usually is being tortured
platform from which the Northcott can by Ricky for the purpose of Ricky’s own (from a press release)
move forward with confidence.’ amusement.
The quirky collection is not the only
Richard Ball, head of Economy He’s written extensively for television thing people can have a look at and
and Tourism, Exeter City Council and radio, clocking up credits enjoy in the house as there is a chance
confirmed that the city council is including the BAFTA winning Have I to revisit the Tudor era by donning
pleased to be working with the Arts Got News for You, Alastair McGowan’s ruffled costumes. The house has a great
Council and the university to try and Big Impression and the The Graham selection of clothes which people can
find a long- term solution to keeping Norton Show. try on for fun and walk down the stairs
the theatre open. Holly Walsh is a regular panelist on of the Great Hall.
(from a press release) Mock The Week, 8 Out Of 10 Cats, There are also lots of games to play with
and Never Mind the Buzzcocks; Patrick the ‘Mount Edgcumbe Files’ quiz sheet
Monahan is an original writer and and a ‘Spot the Detail?’ trail.
clever improviser; and Preston’s Tony
Vino is a quick-witted compere who People can also stroll up to the Cedar
has been touring since 2005. Lawn, a beautiful lawn overlooking
the sound, shaded by enormous cedars
Robin Ince and chums hit the Hall For with a fascinating Victorian shell seat.
Cornwall on September 4. Tickets go There is also a shop and café and
on sale from June 2 and cost £16.50/ a chance to buy plants at the Plant
£15.50 on 01872 262466. Centre.

May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
Matt Dawson added: “I think what
BBC Concert Question Of Sport makes this live tour special is that for
Orchestra and live show coming the first time ever families will be able
to watch A Question of Sport in a live
Brian Blessed to Plymouth setting.
bring Best of Pavilions “When I was a child, we used to all sit

British to Plymouth
at home and play the game as a family
and we’d have loved the opportunity to
Pavilions all go and shout out the answers to the
Sue Barker is equally enthusiastic
about the live tour: “I can’t wait to get
on the road. We’re looking forward to
welcoming some of the biggest names
in sport to the tour.”
Some of the region’s best-known A Question Of Sport is at Plymouth
sporting stars are being lined up to Pavilions on November 10. Tickets
feature in a special live edition of TV cost £35 on 08451 461460 and
Britain’s best-loved orchestra, the BBC quiz show, A Question of Sport.
Concert Orchestra, will join Brian The popular BBC quiz is due to be held
Blessed to bring the very Best of British
to Plymouth Pavilions this spring.
in front of a live audience in Plymouth,
as part of a UK tour to commemorate Exeter RAMM
Under the baton of John Wilson, its 40th anniversary. receives rare Maori
who led last year’s blockbuster MGM
Prom, masters of Light Music will
Presenter Sue Barker will appear as
the quiz master, along with resident
rub shoulders with concert hall crowd team captains Matt Dawson and Phil
pleasers. Tufnell, and two sporting panellists
Together with the legendary Brian with a strong regional connection.
Blessed, pictured, and a little help Further details about the identity of the
from you, the BBC guarantees to blow panellists are expected to be released in
the house down with Paul Patterson’s the near future.
musical retelling of Roald Dahl’s
magnificent Three Little Pigs. Fans will be able to see their favourite
rounds up-close for the first time
The programme also includes Eric – from the Picture Board to What
Coates‘ The Merrymakers, Peter Happened Next, and Home Or Away to
Hope’s Kaleidoscope, Robert Farnon’s the Observation Round. A Maori nephrite club, called a mere
Lady Barbara, Malcom Arnold’s Four
Translating the TV show into theatre pounamu, and three stone adze blades
Cornish Dances and Frederick Delius‘
setting will also allow producers to add have joined Exeter’s collections at the
A Song of Summer.
some new twists and surprises to the Royal Albert Memorial Museum.
The concert will be broadcast Live on production. The beautifully crafted items were
BBC Radio 3 at 6.30pm and there will
For the first time audience members accepted by HM Government in lieu
be no interval.
will be able to participate in the show, of Inheritance Tax and allocated to
Plymouth Pavilions marketing officer directly posing questions to the teams RAMM at the suggestion of the former
Robert Maltby told SouthWestShows: and getting involved in each Captain’s owners, who had enjoyed visiting
“This concert once again reaffirms Challenge. RAMM’s World Cultures galleries.
the Pavilions’ commitment to bringing
There’ll also more physical challenges, The nephrite mere is a ceremonial
quality classical concerts to the city.
including live mystery guests and object that would have been owned by
“Not only does this concert offer a sporting contests between teams. someone with high status. Nephrite is
fantastic programme under the baton the lesser known of the two forms of
of John Wilson, but the booming voice This is the first time that fans of the
Jade. This mere pounamu is in much
of narrator Brian Blessed will really can experience the hit show outside
better condition than a similar but
add something special. of their living rooms and will also be
fragmented one in RAMM’s collection
a unique experience for the presenter
“Broadcast live on Radio 3, this concert which can never be displayed.
and captains.
is sure to put Plymouth on the map.” When RAMM reopens next year, the
Phil Tuffnel told SouthWestShows:
The BBC Concert Orchestra presents new club will be displayed next to a
“It’s really thrilling to be able to take
the Best of British at Plymouth similarly shaped warrior’s club made of
the show on tour.
Pavilions on June 13. Tickets more common greywacke, a variety of
cost £5 on 0845 146 1460 and “Doing it live means we can interact sandstone, in the Polynesian case in the more directly with the audience which World Cultures gallery.
will make the show a lot more exciting.”

May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
busy developing the show into a TV
Rhod Gilbert sitcom with Babycow. A-Team star Dirk
coming to Hall He continues to present his own weekly Benedict to play
for Cornwall and live show on BBC Radio Wales every
Saturday from 11am-1pm and has
Columbo in Truro
Plymouth Pavilions also appeared on Loose Ends, Just A and Plymouth
Minute, and 4 At The Fringe.
Rhod has been a total sell-out at the
Edinburgh festival consecutively over
the past five years and is one of the
hottest names in stand-up today.
Rhod Gilbert hits Hall for Cornwall
on October 10. Call 01872 262466
for booking details. Rhod is also at
Plymouth Pavilions on October 13.
Welsh comedian Rhod Gilbert is Tickets on 0845 146 1460. Battlestar Galactica and A-Team star
bringing his new show, Rhod Gilbert Dirk Benedict will play Columbo at
& The Cat That Looked Like Nicholas Truro’s Hall for Cornwall and the
Lyndhurst, to the West Country this Biffy Clyro coming Theatre Royal Plymouth this summer.
to Plymouth The man recognised the world over as
The show follows the sell-out success Face from The A-Team and Lieutenant
of last year’s UK tour and sensational Pavilions Starbuck in the original Battlestar
performances on The Royal Variety Galactica TV series will be donning the
Performance, Live At The Apollo, scruffy cop’s trenchcoat to take over
and Michael Mcintyre’s Comedy the role made famous by the late Peter
Roadshow. Falk.
In his last show, he punched a shop- Prescription Murder revolves around
assistant over the duvet tog-rating psychiatrist Roy Fleming, who is
system and went berserk over a mince celebrating his wedding anniversary
pie. Stung by accusations that he over- when he is called away to deal with a
reacts, this year Rhod sets out on an female patient.
emotional rollercoaster of a journey to Scots rockers Biffy Clyro are set to visit On returning he has to soothe his angry
discover the truth. Plymouth Pavilions this winter. wife with the promise of a trip to
Is he, as he believes, a visionary in a sea Formed in Kilmarnock in 1995, the Acapulco.
of closed minds, or has he, as everyone band consists of Simon Neil (vocals, Fleming’s wife is soon found dead, and
else believes, got anger-management guitar), James Johnston (bass, vocals) Columbo is brought in to investigate. It
problems? and his twin brother Ben (drums, isn’t long before the seeds of doubt are
Rhod’s rant about lost luggage is one of vocals). planted in his mind…
the hottest stand-up clips on YouTube The combo spent most of their career The story was originally a stage play
– attracting almost 4.5million viewers. in obscurity (although supported by before becoming the pilot episode for
Rhod also appears at number six on a loyal cult following) until the the television series.
leading comedy website Chortle’s top release of 2007’s critically acclaimed
album, Puzzle, and its singles Saturday This is the first major UK tour for
ten comedy clips list – the only British
Superhouse and Living Is A Problem Columbo and an absolute must for fans
comedian featured.
Because Everything Dies. of all ages.
On TV screens Rhod recently hosted
The guys’ current album, Only Just one more thing. Prescription
Never Mind The Buzzcocks, Live At
Revolutions, debuted in the Top 10 and Murder is at Hall for Cornwall (01872
The Apollo, and has also made multiple
has since sold 250,000 copies in the 262466) from July 6 to 10 and
appearances on 8 Out Of 10 Cats and
UK alone. the Theatre Royal Plymouth (01752
Mock The Week. 267222) from July 12 to 16.
He recently finished a new series This year has also seen them collect
titled Rhod Gilbert’s Work Experience, their first ever NME Award for Best
which sees him trying his hand at Video for the single The Captain.
‘everyday jobs’, ranging from a bin man The autumn/winter tour will see the
to a hairdresser, to mum-for a day and trio stepping into the role of arena
a soldier in an overnight exercise in the headliners for the first time.
Brecon Beacons.
Catch Biffy Clyro at Plymouth
His recent sitcom for Radio Two, titled Pavilions on December 1. Tickets
Rhod Gilbert’s Leaving Llanbobl, was cost £20 on 0845 146 1460 and
broadcast in 2008 and Rhod is now

May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
Time Out calling him a ‘true master To date the Orchestra has performed in
Sean Lock brings comedian’. 73 countries worldwide. Recent tours
Lockipedia show to See for yourself at Plymouth Pavilions have taken them to Holland, Germany,
Spain, Italy, Turkey and Sweden,
Plymouth Pavilions on November 9, 2010. Call 01271
324242 for booking details. Tickets performing with many legendary
artists including Yehudi Menuhin,
cost £17.50 on 0845 146 1460 and
James Galway, Lazar Berman, Mischa
Maisky, John Lill and Igor Oistrakh.
Nicola Benedetti and the European
Nicola Benedetti Union Chamber Orchestra will
to join European perform Vivaldi’s virtuoso masterpiece
the Four Seasons followed by
Union Chamber Tchaikovsky’s romantic Souvenir de
Florence at Plymouth Guildhall on July
Comedian and 8 out of 10 Cats star
Orchestra at 2, 2010.
Sean Lock is bringing his new tour to Plymouth Guildhall Tickets cost £18 (Over 60s, under 16s &
Plymouth this winter. students – £16) on 0845 146 1460 and
Lockipedia is described as ’sloppy
knowledge’ from ‘a very unreliable,
misleading but highly entertaining
information resource – basically, ‘what James Morrison
Sean knows about stuff’! coming to Hall For
Lock first began a career as a builder.
Eventually he took to a new path as a
stand up comedian, beginning with a
five-minute open spot in a small pub in Brit winner and BBC Young Musician
Hackney in 1988. of the Year Nicola Benedetti is set
In 2000, his show No Flatley, I Am The to join the European Union Chamber
Lord Of The Dance was nominated for Orchestra at the Plymouth Guildhall
the prestigious Perrier Award. this spring.

That same year he was nominated for a The concert will be a chance for local
Perrier Award and in 1995 he won the fans to catch Nicola before she makes
Time Out Award for comedy. her BBC Proms debut on August 3 at
the world famous Albert Hall. James Morrison is set to visit Truro’s
He made his name in radio with the Hall For Cornwall this summer.
show 15 Minutes of Misery on Radio Recognised as one of the UK’s
most innovative and creative young The award-winning star, who started
4, written by and starring Lock as the his musical career busking in the South
inhabitant of a South London tower violinists, Nicola’s most recent album,
Fantasie, went straight to the top of the West, will be at the venue on July 19 —
block. a couple of days after his massive show
Classical Charts.
This series grew into 15 Storeys High, at Escot Park.
where he played the same character, She won the BBC Young Musician of
the Year title in 2004 and released her The Truro gig is to raise money for
renamed as Vince and now a swimming the Tanya’s Courage Trust which helps
pool lifeguard. It ran for two series on debut album in 2005.
young people with cancer.
radio and two series on television in Since then she has been crowned
2004. Best Young British Classical Performer It’s all a long way from Morrison’s days
at the Classical Brits and named as as a busker in Cornwall, where he used
As well as 15 Storeys High, Sean has to wash cars for a living as he struggled
gradually moved his comedy towards one of the most influential women in
Scotland. Not bad for a lady who is still to break into the music scene.
television, contributing to such shows
as 8 Out Of 10 Cats, Never Mind The in her early twenties! His efforts eventually paid off and he
Buzzcocks, It’s Only TV But I like It, Accompanying Nicola and returning to was signed to Polydor and made his
QI, TV Heaven Telly Hell, and Is It Bill Plymouth by popular demand is the first album.
Bailey. European Union Chamber Orchestra. Debut record, Undiscovered, went
On QI, Sean has proved remarkably Premiering in 1981, this orchestra has straight to number one in the UK
popular with such stories about how since gained a worldwide reputation as album chart in July 2006, selling more
he got a little too close to a koala, musical ambassadors for the European than two million copies worldwide.
how he went to a fish’n'chip shop in Union. You Give Me Something became the
Eastbourne (which wasn’t open), and romantic anthem of the summer and
Regular tours take the orchestra
most memorably, his discovery of a he was that year’s biggest selling
worldwide and performances have
portal to the underworld while Rory British male solo artist.
included those in the presence of
McGrath discussed Latin bird names.
Queen Noor of Jordan, the King and His second album, Songs For You,
Sean’s latest DVD, Sean Lock Live, Queen of Belgium and its own Patron, Truths For Me, includes the hit singles
has received glowing reviews, with Queen Sofia of Spain.
May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
You Make It Real, Please Don’t Stop and graffiti, man has left his mark
The Rain, and Broken Strings. both by design and by chance on walls, Art House DVDs
Morrison, who went to school pavements and interiors. are on the agenda
at Newquay Treviglas Community
College near Indian Queens, last
Other works in the collection feature
George’s typically limited palette, and
for Tom Leins
visited the West Country for a show at reflect upon the lives, beliefs, interests in this week’s
Sex, Leins and
Exeter Uni’s Great Hall in March 2009. and belongings of people encountered
during the same period, while others
James said: “I’m really excited about
the Hall For Cornwall show, as I are inspired by words, poetry, music Videotape
and reminiscences.
haven’t played a gig at home in ages. It Sex, Leins & Videotape #41. Paignton
will be really nice to see some friendly More generally, George’s work film critic Tom Leins investigates this
faces. relies upon poignant observation week’s most interesting Art House
of the human condition and its DVD releases.
“Also I am proud to be able to do a
consequences, and is concerned with a
charity gig in Cornwall. I had a close
personal view of life in all its forms and
friend who died young from cancer
which makes Tanya’s Courage Trust so
important to me. So please, if you George told Arts+Culture: “Observing
haven’t already, put your hand in your the minutiae of the world around us is
pocket and buy a ticket.” something that all too few of us have
time to do. In my work, some pieces
James Morrison hits Hall For Cornwall
contain elements of humour, others
on July 19. Tickets go on sale from June
pathos, tragedy and celebration. My
2 and cost £35 (maximum of six per
ideas are born of personal experiences
person) from 01872 262466.
and reflect my interest in people Although the name Pablo Trapero
and places I know and enjoy. In may not be particularly familiar to
The Writing on some respects much of my work is
autobiographical, and in every respect
mainstream film fans, the Argentine
director has earned widespread
the Wall: George it is narrative.” plaudits in world cinema circles for
Fox exhibition at George has had an active career in art his taboo-busting dramas. His latest
movie Lion’s Den (Axiom) focuses on
education and, having spent a number
Harbour House, of years as an A-Level Art Examiner, the trials and tribulations of a pregnant
Kingsbridge is currently Drawing Master at the
Oratory School, Woodcote, Reading.
woman imprisoned for a murder that
she may or may not have committed.
He has taken numerous groups of Despite waking up covered in
students and adults around the art blood, Julia Zarate (Martina Gusman)
galleries of Europe, led master classes has no recollection of murdering
in Renaissance paintings on location her boyfriend in a jealous rage.
in Florence, and pursued his own Unfortunately for her, his sleazy gay
Art & Design Consultancy. He has lover Ramiro (Rodrigo Santoro – Paulo
held a number of solo exhibitions in from Lost) does everything he can
Berkshire and Oxfordshire in recent to discredit the unfortunate Julia and
years. protect his own back. Housed on the
The Writing on the Wall opens at mother’s wing of a tough Argentine
Harbour House in Kingsbridge on prison, Julia quickly realises that she
George Fox’s third solo show at is out of her depth, and relies on the
Tuesday, June 15. Opening times are
Harbour House features 60 new help of haggard motherly figure Marta
10am-5pm, until the close of the show
pictures including oils, acrylics, mixed to cope with her new arrival – baby
on Sunday, June 20. There will be an
media, collage and objet trouvé, and Tomas. The law dictates that young
informal gallery talk with the artist at
opens at the Kingsbridge art gallery on children are allowed to stay in jail with
noon on Thursday, June 17. Admission
Tuesday, June 15. their mothers until they reach the age
is free.
Much of George’s current work is of four, but Julia’s own mother is quick
based on observations made during to intervene when she decides that the
visits over the last three years to child’s best interests would be better
several European cities, including served outside of the prison gates.
Florence, Venice, Brussels, Rome, Inevitably, young Tomas is the only
Lille, Barcelona, Amsterdam and Paris. thread connecting Julia to her sanity,
Keen to look beyond the veneer and when he is snatched away from
of the tourist trail, he has been her all hell breaks loose. But will Julia
particularly interested and inspired by keep her head down and serve her
the symbolic, prophetic and aesthetic time, or will she hatch a desperate
nature of man’s interaction with plan to reunite herself with her son?
his own built environment. From Martina Gusman gives a startlingly
advertising hoardings to public signage raw performance as Julia, and the fact
May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
that she is married to director Pablo
Trapero seemingly allows Gusman to Devon’s top film
immerse herself in this tough role critic Tom Leins
far beyond the call of duty. Peculiar
and compelling, Lion’s Den is unlike on the week’s
any prison movie I’ve ever seen, and
will enthral fans of grubby, intimate
DVD releases in
dramas. Impressive stuff. Sex, Leins and
Sex, Leins & Videotape #40. Paignton
film critic Tom Leins casts a critical
eye over this week’s most exciting DVD
After directing arguably the most releases.
mainstream movie of his career with
Where The Truth Lies in 2005,
Atom Egoyan returns with Adoration
(New Wave Films) , a typically
strange tale about identity, history and
human interaction. When his French
teacher gives her class a translation
exercise about a terrorist who plants a
Ramin Bahrani is one of the most bomb in the luggage of his pregnant
intriguing directors currently plying girlfriend, precocious student Simon
his trade on the fringes of Hollywood, (Devon Bostick) feels compelled to Inspired by Cormac McCarthy’s
and after the success of his most recent draw parallels between the story and blistering Pulitzer Prize-winning novel,
movie Goodbye Solo, its predecessor the mysterious lives of his own dead The Road (Icon) is a haunting
Chop Shop (Axiom) gets a well-earned parents. Sabine, the French teacher post-apocalyptic fable about a father’s
DVD release. The movie focuses on encourages Simon to immerse himself love for his son in a devastated world
the exploits of Alejandro, a tough in this unusual project, and the story that has been pushed to the brink.
Latino street orphan who works soon takes on a life of its own, going
in a sprawling, unruly auto-body viral and causing a stir online. Cormac McCarthy’s literary reputation
repair shop in Queens, New York. precedes him, and turning a book
By convincing himself that the as astonishing as The Road into a
Despite being dealt a tough hand in story is true, Simon builds up an
life, Alejandro’s ambition knows no movie is a tough task by anyone’s
increasingly complex false identity, standards. The man charged with
bounds, and he is determined to make which allows him to delve deeper
a better life for himself and his 16- bringing McCarthy’s harrowing vision
into his own past, and come to of a ravaged future to the screen is
year-old sister Isamar. The two dream some startling conclusions. The first
of saving up for a fast food van, but, John Hillcoat, a director best known
half of Egoyan’s fascinating movie for the brutal Australian revisionist
little does Alejandro realise, whilst he is undeniably compelling, but the
is out hawking candy bars and bootleg western The Proposition. No stranger
veritable house of cards collapses to bleak subject matter, Hillcoat has
DVDs, his sister is busy turning tricks during the later stages, and the
for truckers in order to contribute her assembled a pitch-perfect cast to help
unusually simplistic resolution isn’t bring the all-too-plausible horrors to
own share. half as satisfying as the intriguing life. A haggard Viggo Mortensen stars
Gritty and charming in equal measure, premise. Fans of Egoyan’s slow- as The Man, and young Kodi Smit-
Chop Shop is easily as impressive as moving, at-times hypnotic filmmaking McPhee stars as The Boy, and the
the better-known Goodbye Solo. Pitch- style will find much to sink their teeth unusual chemistry between the pair
perfect scenes melt into one another into, but Adoration is likely to be too brings the central relationship to life.
and Bahrani’s perfectionist stance strange for fans of the sleazy cross-over
ensures that he draws compelling hit Where The Truth Lies. (If nothing The post-apocalypse has offered a
performances out of his untried lead else, comedy fans can get reacquainted fascinating movie premise for decades,
actors. No one else is producing with Rachel Blanchard, who played but Hillcoat’s trump card is his
naturalistic, character-driven movies Nancy – Jez’s American wife in Peep mesmerising use of location. By
as interesting as this at the moment, Show!) ignoring ruined urban landscapes
and Bahrani deserves all of the neo- and sand-blasted deserts, and
realist platitudes being heaped on him. concentrating on ash piles and
After carving himself a formidable slag-heaps from abandoned mining
reputation by chronicling outsider towns, Hillcoat has reinvented the
culture in all its grubby, colourful glory iconography of the post-apocalypse
it will be fascinating to see what he in emphatic style. These ravaged
comes up with next. All in all: a small backdrops provide a fitting tableaux for
movie with a big heart. the minimalist narrative and Hillcoat’s
movie offers a gut-wrenching, heart-
stopping mixture of terror and beauty.
In truth, the movie can’t compete
May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
with the raw power of the book, Sherlock Holmes is undeniably an odd
but Hillcoat deserves plaudits for one, but by stepping out of his comfort
creating such an astonishing visual zone Ritchie has arguably produced his
spectacle nevertheless. Best viewed as best movie since Lock, Stock and Two
an impressive companion piece to an Smoking Barrels. Enjoyable stuff.
absolutely colossal work of fiction, The
Road is well worth your time and

British director David Mackenzie has

carved himself an impressive niche
with quirky home-grown movies such
as The Last Great Wilderness and
Young Adam. Spread (Optimum)
sees him head across the
Atlantic for his first American feature.
Over the last five years France has Ashton Kutcher stars as Nikki, a
proven itself to be something of a shallow womaniser who seduces rich,
hot-bed for horror movies, and a older women in order to reap the
After languishing in the cinematic vicious new strain of slasher films have financial benefits and live in the lap of
doldrums for far too long, Guy Ritchie subsequently washed up on this side of luxury. His latest sucker is Samantha
has hit pay-dirt once more with his the English Channel. The latest movie (Anne Heche), a wealthy attorney with
quirkily enjoyable re-imagining of the to wash up on our shores is High a plush home in the Hollywood Hills.
Sherlock Holmes franchise. With the Lane (Optimum) , the debut When she catches Nikki pleasuring
reliably entertaining Robert Downey, feature film from acclaimed shorts another woman in her home she kicks
Jr. installed in the eccentric title director Abel Ferry. The plot follows him out and he is forced to live on his
role, Sherlock Holmes (Warner Home the exploits of a group of adventurous wits and try to secure another meal
Video) is a boisterous treat friends embarking on an ill-advised ticket. However, his resources of charm
that sees Ritchie flex his muscles climbing trip in Croatia. Unperturbed are wearing increasingly thin, and he
and channel his robust energies into by the fact that the climbing trail has becomes co-dependant on sexy fellow
a story far removed from his usual been closed for repairs, overconfident hustler Heather (Margarita Levieva)
Cockney gangster fare. Rather than leader Fred urges them on regardless, for bed and board.
rehash a tried and trusted Holmes and it soon becomes painfully obvious
story, Ritchie and his screenwriters Kutcher is well cast as the fading
why the decrepit trail has been
have conjured up a new villain – pretty-boy, and the movie makes
boarded up. Foot-holds come loose,
the Aleister Crowley-style occultist you hope that his real-life courtship
wires snap, and all manner of
Lord Blackwood (Mark Strong) – who with Demi Moore didn’t resemble
high altitude mayhem ensues. Despite
proves to be more than a match for Nikki’s brutally cynical relationship
some less-than-subtle acting from
our intrepid hero. Against a sinister, with Samantha. Interestingly, despite
weak-willed, vertigo-afflicted Loic, the
fog-shrouded Victorian background scathing reviews from critics, Spread is
inventive camera-work provides some
Holmes finds himself plunged into nowhere near as bad as some people
impressively nerve-wracking scenes.
a bizarre case involving a series of have made out. It starts well, and ends
Suffice to say, after an unusual, eye- well – the only problem is the chunk
grisly murders – improbably enough
opening start, the movie degenerates in the middle which is terminally
committed by a dead man…
into a standard backwoods ‘survival average. Despite some neat scenes,
Ritchie has clearly studied the Casino horror’ movie as it reaches its mid- Spread offers little insight into the
Royale/Batman Begins playbook, and way point. The enemy is no longer the human condition, and ultimately feels
this brutally efficient reinvention awkward terrain, but a feral Croatian as vacuous as the playboy lifestyle that
blends bruising bare-knuckle fight poacher with a penchant for hunting it seeks to skewer. Overall: not bad,
scenes with effortless pulp-style down human trophies and hacking but not as impressively transgressive as
storytelling. The combination is them up in his log cabin! Although the Mackenzie’s earlier movies.
instantly engaging – as is the whip- shift in tone feels slightly lazy, Ferry
smart interplay between Holmes and displays a knack for both stomach-
Dr Watson (Jude Law). Sherlock churning tension and visceral terror,
Holmes purists may well object to and he evidently has the chops to
Ritchie’s playful technique (indeed, infiltrate the French horror scene and
the sly, insistent suggestions of a make a name for himself. Vertigo
relationship between Holmes and sufferers should probably give High
Watson have already rubbed many Lane a wide berth, but anyone with a
fans up the wrong way), but Sherlock penchant for survival horror is advised
Holmes offers a smart, charming to take a closer look.
take on a dusty, fusty old character.
The combination of Guy Ritchie and

May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
animated horror film that could (and
Devon horror has) been described as “A tense, playful South Devon
The Hairy Hands and ultra-stylized slice of modern filmmaker Jerri
gothic macabre…” by such luminaries
selected for of the genre as Chris Alexander of Hart’s Plan B goes
Cannes Film Fangoria magazine. This is, however,
unlikely but where there is hope there
Festival is… well, me.
This hope was boosted the other
day as I sat through a screening of
the tawdry and pointless yet much
vaunted Robin Hood. This film is the
final nail in the coffin of my already
tattered faith in Sir Ridley Scott. It is
awful, and my sense of the ridiculous There’s something of the Ealing
actually burst off the scale when it was Comedy to South Devon filmmaker
reported to be a more sensible and Jerri Hart’s Plan B, which you can now
Exeter filmmaker Ashley Thorpe has historically accurate version of the – watch online, along with the trailer
had his work accepted at the Cannes by comparison – academically precise, and a behind-the-scenes documentary,
Film Festival for the second year Kevin Costner film from the 90s. The which was shot and edited by Exeter
running, with his film The Hairy Hands narrative is choppy and unbalanced, photographer Simon Rakestrow.
being selected as part of the Short Film the cinematography is woeful, the With a tagline of ‘Wool, cakes heels…
Corner. Ashley’s busy scribbling away accents are questionable in the extreme and attitude!’ this isn’t a run-of-the-
at another couple of projects, so The and the only thing remotely convincing mill crime caper. The story follows
Hairy Hands producer Tom Atkinson was the filth and the sweat on the habitual criminal Tony’s reconnect
sent this report from the world famous actors’ faces. It was an uninspiring and with his dysfunctional gang on his
festival. Take it away, Tom… unworthy of opening the festival. release from a six-month jail stint.
Well, here we are again! Cannes 2010 By comparison, The Hairy Hands looks Plan B from CWA Film on Vimeo.
trembles in its Jimmy Choos as Carrion glorious up on the big screen and
Film screens its latest frightful flick at audiences so far have cried out in And the Plan B DVD will be available
the world’s greatest film festival. My fear, ooohed and aaahed in the right soon.
hotel room is small, the en suite even places and the bubble of chatter during Jerri’s film career kicked off with a bit
smaller and the carpet is certainly not the credits is a very positive sign. part in Chariots of Fire, and continued
red! However, with the 2010 Cannes Silence as the credits roll is akin to the a few year’s later with a film about
Film Festival in full swing and The silence among the crowd after the trap him, The Nightless Night of Jerri Hart,
Hairy Hands screening to critics and hs dropped and the hooded offender picking up the Best Film Award at
buyers left right and centre, I have twitches and gurgles in the noose. I am Exeter Phoenix’s Two Short Nights in
little time to dwell on my room or the here for the duration and will report 2005. His directorial debut, Revenge
ridiculous rate I am paying for it. back upon my return to the UK or of the Jazz Hoodies won the same
as soon as that champagne addled award in 2007. He also wrote and
It truly is a glorious place to be when
Hollywood exec puts his arms around performed in Ben Sherriff’s Purveyor of
the sun shines, the salty sea ruffles your
my shoulder and says: “Hey kid, this is Pandemonium in 2006, which got the
hair and the smell of money makes
the film I have been looking for!” Two Short Nights audience award.
your head spin.
• This was first published on the Jerri will be starting on his new film
I have spent the first days of the festival
Carrion Film site this summer.
exploring the labyrinthine layout of
the festival and bumping into old
friends and colleagues, all of whom are
twitching with glee at the possibilities
this festival can hold for the boldest
and luckiest filmmakers who meet
the right person who just happens to
be looking for exactly what they are
Moments like this are the stuff of
dreams and yes I am on the lookout for
just such an opportunity. Personally,
I would like to meet a horror-mad
Hollywood producer whose pockets
are weighed down with money, whose
brain is addled with champagne and
possibly cocaine, whose only aim
at the festival is to meet a young
British Producer with a stunning, short
May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic

The Cullompton Cameron Crowe Lincoln Kirby-

portal for all things signs up to Bell studio potter,
cinema Dartmoor story We Newlyn Cornwall
Bought a Zoo at 45 Southside

Cinema viewers in Cullompton, After much rumour and consideration,

Devon, can pop along to the it seems Cameron Crow will be making
Cullompton Cinema to catch top a comeback with We Bought A Zoo,
general releases for free from the based on the Ben Mee experiences at
voluntary organisation which provides the Dartmoor Zoo. Newlyn is Lincoln Kirby-Bell’s most
films for the community, and is also on recent adopted home after studying
The Coming Soon site pieced together and working around the world,
the look out for ‘local’ talent to screen.
snippets of information: 20th Century including Germany as well as Central
The Cullompton Cinema was Fox has set the release date for and South America.
established to fill the void left when the December 23, 2011 (sniffing a Marley
Tivoli Cinema in Tiverton closed down. and Me type hit); and Variety carried His love for ceramics began on his
the information that production parents’ farm in his native Australia.
The idea for a cinema club was His father would bring clay from the
soon established, and the Cullompton designer Clay Griffith had been booked
on Cameron Crowe’s We Bought a Zoo farm dam home, from which a four year
Cinema became a portal for all things old Lincoln would form farm animals.
cinema: view, showing and running, (Clay was set decorator on Cameron’s
Jerry Maguire). This combined with an interest in
says chairman Graham Hollister. historical ceramics and archaeology
Currently, the cinema is run by two What clinched it was that IMDb Pro has led Lincoln Kirby-Bell to a very
people, chairman Graham and Ray had Crowe and Griffith linked to the successful career as a ceramic artist.
Weinstein who first instigated the project, too. He is internationally well established,
project, and they are on the look out for The story is a poignant tale of Guardian collected and exhibited, particularly in
volunteers. columnist Ben’s purchase of a 12- Australia.
What’s more, the screenings are free! bedroom mansion on Dartmoor for The basic elements of the decoration,
his wife, two children, brother and he employs, can be found in all
Graham told D+CFilm: “It initially was 76-year-old mother. The new home ancient civilizations: spots, spirals,
a charge of £2.50 but to increase also included the run down 30- circles, linear patterns and stripes. He
attendance to get the project moving, acre Dartmoor Wildlife Park. As the combines these with his distinctive
we decided that a contribution box and animals in the zoo improve, Mee’s wife choice of colour and raised decoration
a good request with a smile would is diagnosed with terminal cancer and technique to create colourful and
pull in a similar amount. In addition becomes increasingly ill. tactile pieces. His work is witty and fun,
we have our own commercial popcorn yet designed with attention to detail
machine and we sell drinks as well, so As yet there are no stars signed
up to the project. Ben Stiller has and functionality.
we help fund it that way as well.”
been rumoured to be involved, and His exhibition at 45 Southside shows
The next screening will be Guy Ritches’ the Dartmoor Zoo people would like both his tableware range consisting
Holmes starring Robert Downey Jr (“a Johnny Depp in the role – he is of individually thrown and decorated
boisterous treat that sees Ritchie flex familiar with this neck of the woods, vessels as well as his larger unique
his muscles and channel his robust what with rumours of him having a vases, wall plates and sculptural works.
energies into a story far removed home in Devon, and with the filming
from his usual Cockney gangster fare” of Alice in Wonderland at Anthony Special pebbles painted in Lincoln’s
according to Devon’s top reviewer House, Torpoint. signature style (image attached) will
Tom Leins),a and will take place at be hidden in Plymouth and the
Cullompton Town Hall, High Street, The script has been written by Aline surrounding area. Anyone who finds
Cullompton on Thursday, June 10. Brosh McKenna (of The Devil Wears a pebble can bring it along to 45
Prada fame), but according to Ain’t it Southside for 10 per cent discount on
Filmmakers who want to get their Cool, Cameron is having a tinker with Lincoln’s work. Here’s a tip – look out
film shown should contact Graham it himself. for them at scenic spots!
Hollister on or call his mobile 075979
77766 This will be Cameron Crowe’s first film • The exhibition runs from Sunday,
since Elizabethtown in 2005 May 23 to Monday, June 14

May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
The South West’s emerging creative Lynne Staley-Brookes, principal at
Edge 2010 pass entrepreneurs are putting the finishing Plymouth College of Art, said:
on their skills to touches to an exclusive preview of their “As the first cohort of Masters
postgraduate work at the Devonport students celebrate their work at this
new generation of Guildhall in Plymouth this month. show, we are delighted the College
Devon dancers continues to offer such transition and
positive encouragement for individuals
working in the Creative Industries in
the South West.”
There will also be a chance to see
work exhibited at the Devonport
Guildhall show and find out more
about the Masters Programme during
the College’s Degree Show at two
special Open Evenings. These will
Between Friday, May 28 and take place on Tuesday, June 29
Dance students from Devon schools Wednesday, June 2, participants of and Thursday, July 1, 6.30-8pm.
had a fantastic opportunity to learn the Masters in Entrepreneurship for Email Alastair Fuad-Luke to register
from one of the country’s top Creative Practice at Plymouth College
contemporary dance companies in the of Art will showcase work for the first For more information about the
country. time in their Interim Show Off the Masters Programme visit the Plymouth
Beaten Track. College of Art site or telephone 01752
Students from St Peters High School
and Ivybridge Community College The MA’s programme leader, Alastair 203434.
participated in the workshop which Fuad-Luke told Arts+Culture: “This (from a press release)
was held by Edge, the postgraduate exhibition will be a chance for the (Images, from the top: Make, Unmake,
performance company of London public to see the first cohort of Remake by Claire Crompton; Message
Contemporary Dance School. this exciting new postgraduate course in a Bauble by Gabby Nevis; and
and their embryonic works which are Potentiality by Richard Wood)
The workshop, led by company
probing new directions in their creative
members Pia Fodinger, Jamila
Johnson-Small and Martha Maria
Pasakopoulou, was designed to show A Sense of Soul
the students how to create their own and Self: Jane
contemporary dance pieces and learn
about specific movement styles. Macartney solo
Edge is currently celebrating it’s show at Red
10th birthday with a touring dance
showcase from 10 exceptional dancers
Propeller Gallery
on the cusp of their professional
careers. They performed at Exeter
Phoenix on Monday 10 & Tuesday, May
“We hope everyone will enjoy coming
along to this great venue to enjoy
South West a relaxed and buzzy atmosphere
while being inspired by the playful,
creative thoughtful works that gently ‘re-tune’
entrepreneurs our awareness.”
Students on the Masters Programme
Showcase Off the have taken off by sharing ideas and Jane Macartney is the artist in
Beaten Track collaborating throughout the course.
One particular highlight for student
residence at the Red Propeller Gallery,
and she’s got a solo show at the venue
Dominique Mitchell was successfully which manages to bring a bit of urban
selling her Up-cycled shoes to the savvy into the middle of the Devon
regional SW market. countryside.
Students from Plymouth and the Jane’s show, which features new work,
wider South West region include is called A Sense of Soul and Self,
creative practitioners from diverse and runs from Thursday, May 29 to
backgrounds such as Fine Art, Applied Saturday, June 24
Art, Knitwear design, Ceramics,
Jewellery, Metalwork and Landscape Jane says on the Red Propeller site:
Architecture, amongst others. “These images start from a premis
of a straightforward juxtaposition
of visual elements, of randomness
May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
coming together to tell a story. After
this instinctive creative process, what I Job at Animated
hope to give the viewer is the space for Exeter
their imagination to conjure up its own
version of the story.”
The gallery itself says it has a simple
formula, they ‘hunt down skilled,
dedicated, unconventional artists who
show a strong political, social or
psychological content in their work and
nail them’.

Dave Green
constructed Animated Exeter is seeking a freelance
administrator for a seven-month
images exhibition fixed term contract, due to start in
September, to provide comprehensive
as part of administrative and organisational
Appledore arts fest support for this annual festival and to
manage festival office procedures and
The successful candidate will
possess experience of arts
festival administration; proven IT,
social media, organisational and
communication skills; the ability to
take the initiative; some experience of
managing volunteers; high standards
of attention to detail; ability to
work under pressure; excellent
North Devon photographer Dave communication skills, and a flexible
Green is holding an exhibition as part and positive attitude.
of the Appledore Visual Arts Festival
at the tea and coffee shop Schooners, Contract is fixed term £10,500.There
Market Stree, Appledore, on Thursday, will be a familiarisation period before
June 3 and Sunday, June 6. September tbc. Send applications with
a short letter and CV in by Monday,
The special exhibition will be of June 14 to Susannah Shaw, Animated
constructed photographs from the Exeter, c/o Exeter City Council, Civic
interior of North Devon coast’s caves. Centre, Paris St. Exeter EX1 1JJ. or
Dave talks about the development of email
his constructed images on his site.
He says: “I see the world in wide-
angle, I notice what is going on in the
periphery. You can’t put truth in a box,
or put a neat fence around it, or confine
it to a fraction of a second.
“I explore the whole and if there is too
much to submit to memory, too much
to contemplate or explain I’ll explore
the hole; just a part of it in great detail;
a beach, a clearing in the forest, a City
street corner, a cave.”
Dave will also be running a workshop
on camera-less photography during
the festival on Saturday, June 5.

May 27th, 2010 Published by: News and Media Republic
• Animate and humanise public
Big Blueprint in space – with excellence
Plymouth call for and innovative creativity which
enhances the physical and
submissions aesthetic qualities of the site and
its environment.
• To ignite collaborations with the
Live Site and the Big Screen,
increasing the cultural offer and
participation of the location as
a focal point for exciting and
innovative ideas, events and
The Big Blueprint, a big new By achieving these core aims, this
opportunity for artists to showcase three-year programme shall:
new works within Plymouth, is after
innovative and exciting images for a • inspire excellence and innovation
creative site in central Plymouth. in the arts
Plymouth is host to the only Big Screen • create an open arena for
south of Bristol, and to expand on engagement, participation and
the cultural offer of the site, a series friendship
of new works are wanted for the
• promote respect for diverse
south facing view. The Big Blueprint
cultures, opinions and for oneself
is funded by the Arts Unit, The City
Centre Company and supported by the Now you know, you can get on down to
BBC and The Plymouth City Museum the brief, which is to produce/submit
and Art Gallery. an image which can be transferred to
In addition to the display of the a banner for installation on the south
works at the site, each selected artist side of the Big Screen which responds
will be represented at the Plymouth to the aims of the project; and to
City Museum and Art Gallery in describe in no more than 250 words
2012. In addition three images will how your chosen work represents and
be selected from the museum and responds to the aims of the project.
archives Collection, which celebrates The specific of the screen is 8091mm
the principles of the project, and width x 4251mm high, and payment for
highlights the collections which are not selected work is £750
on public display.
The deadline for submissions is 5pm
The aims and ambitions of the project Monday, June 7.
should be reflected in the works
and the ongoing development of the To submit your work, send a JPEG and
project. your 250 words on a CD to: The Arts
Unit, Windsor House, Tavistock Road,
And the aims are: Plymouth, PL6 5UF (include SAE for
the return of images).
• Welcoming the world – drawing
on the unique international
history and heritage of Plymouth,
working closely with the existing
cultural offer of the museum,
archives and Record Office.


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