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Kha hc LTH KIT-3: Mn Ting Anh (C Nguyn Kiu Oanh)

Practice test 1

y l ti liu tm lc kin thc i km vi bi ging Practice test 1 thuc kha LTH KIT-3: Mn Ting
Anh (C Nguyn Kiu Oanh) ti website c th nm vng kin thc lin quan, Bn cn kt
hp xem ti liu cng vi bi ging ny.

[1-5] Choose the word that has the stress differently from that of the other words
1. A. superman
B. synthetic
C. conversion
D. professor
2. A. forests
B. singing
C. concerning
D. burning
3. A. promise
B. expensive
C. constructive
D. original
4. A. simultaneous
B. feedback
C. different
D. errors
5. A. appropriate
B. emotional
C. pronounce
D. situation
[6-35] Choose the best answer among A, B, C or D that best completes each sentence.
6. Unlike most Europeans, many Americans ________________ bacon and eggs for breakfast every day.
A. used to eating
B. are used to eat
C. are used to eating
D. used to eat
7. Fire safety in family houses, ___________ most fire deaths occur, is difficult to achieve.
A. where
B. why
C. how
D. when
8. ______________ have a powerful influence on the shape of the entire magazine industry.
A. That economic principles
B. Why economic principles
C. Economic principles
D. Economic principles that
9. _________________ young, Eugene ONeil traveled with his fathers theatrical company, and the stage
was an important part of his life.
A. When was he
B. He was
C. Was he
D. When he was
10. In the United States, ______________ is the most concentrated is New Orleans.
A. French influence the city
B. the city where French influence
C. where the city influences French
D. where the French influence the city
11. _______________ he was writing his plays and poems four centuries ago, Shakespeares ideas are still
relevant today.
A. As if
B. When
C. Although
D. While
12. Signey Lamier was most famous for his poetry, but _____________ a schoolteacher, a literally critic,
and a musician.
A. was including
B. he was also
C. moreover he
D. together with
13. California relies heavily on income from fruit crops and _________________.
A. Florida also
B. Florida too
C. Florida is as well
D. so does Florida
14. _________________________, he began to make friends more easily.
A. Having entered school in the new city, it was found that
B. After entering the new school
C. When he had been entering the new school
D. Upon entering into the new school
15. Warmth, moisture and oxygen are three necessary requirements _______________ most seedlings.
A. for cultivating
B. for cultivate
C. as cultivating
D. can cultivate Ngi trng chung ca hc tr Vit

Tng i t vn: 1900 58-58-12

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Kha hc LTH KIT-3: Mn Ting Anh (C Nguyn Kiu Oanh)

Practice test 1

16. It costs about thirty dollars to have a tooth _______________.

A. filling
B. to fill
C. filled
D. fill
17. _________________ jellies, jams are made by retaining the pulp with the fruit juice.
A. No likeness to
B. No alike
C. Unlike
D. Dislike
18. Water, _________________, is also one of the most abundant compounds on earth.
A. is one of the most critical elements for human survival
B. one of the most critical elements for human survival
C. of which one of the most elements for human survival which
D. one of the most critical elements for human survival which
19. Public television stations are different from commercial stations _______________.
A. because they receive money differently and different types of shows.
B. for money and program types
C. in the areas of funding and programming
D. because the former receives money and has program differently from the later
20. Because the first pair of pants did not fit properly, he asked for _______________.
A. another pants
B. others pants
C. the others one
D. another pair
21. Having been served lunch, ___________________________.
A. the problem was discussed by the members of the committee
B. the committee members discussed the problem.
C. it was discussed by the committee members the problem
D. a discussion of the problem was made by the members of the committee
22. _______________ to develop immunity to rheumatic fever.
A. It not being possible
B. It is not possible
C. Not possible
D. Is not possible
23. Although we often use speed and velocity interchangeably, in a technical sense, speed is not
always _______________ velocity
A. alike
B. the same as
C. similar
D. as
24. The committee members resented _________________.
A. the president that he did not tell them about the meeting
B. the president not to inform them of the meeting
C. the presidents not informing them of the meeting
D. that the president had failed informing themselves that there was going to be a meeting
25. Both liquids and gases flow freely from a container because they have ____________.
A. not definite shape
B. none definite shape
C. nothing definite shape
D. no definite shape
26. Declared an endangered species in the United States, ____________________.
A. people have gathered the ginseng root almost to the point of extinction
B. the ginseng root has been gathered almost to the point of extinction
C. the near extinction of the ginseng root is due to excessive gathering
D. gathering the ginseng root almost to the point of extinction
27. From 1898 to 1933, the U.S. Weather Bureau obtained information about the weather from
_______________ to box kites.
A. attached devices
B. attached to devices
C. devices attached
D. devices were attached
28. Research in the workplace reveals that people work for many reasons ______________. Ngi trng chung ca hc tr Vit

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Kha hc LTH KIT-3: Mn Ting Anh (C Nguyn Kiu Oanh)

Practice test 1

A. money beside
B. money besides
C. beside money
D. besides money
29. The new professor would have been easier to understand if he ______________ some examples on the
A. gave
B. gives
C. has given
D. had given
30. The professor said that _________________________.
A. the students can turn over their reports on the Monday
B. the report on the Monday could be received from the students by him
C. the students could hand in their reports on Monday
D. the students will on Monday the reports turn in
31. There has not been a great response to the sale, __________________?
A. does there
B. hasnt there
C. hasnt it
D. has there
32. _______________ to use pigeons for observation purposes on sea-rescue missions.
A. It is planned
B. There is planned
C. Has been planned
D. Is planned
33. People all over the world are starving _________________.
A. greater in numbers
B. in most numbers
C. more numerously
D. in greater numbers
34. _____________ fuel that is used today is a chemical form of solar energy.
A. Most of
B. The most
C. Most
D. Almost the
35. In practice, setting up a chain of command in a business can be a very complicated task,
_______________ it involves the interaction of real human beings.
A. because of
B. how
C. as
D. due to
[36-40] Choose the underlined part among A, B, C or D that needs correcting
36. My grandfather had been looking for his newspaper for almost half an hour until finally he found it
laying on his bed table.
A. for
B. until
C. found it
D. laying
37. The equipment in the office was badly in need of to be repaired.
A. equipment
B. in the office
C. was badly
D. to be repaired
38. During wedding ceremonies in the United States guests are usually silence.
A. During
B. ceremonies
C. guests
D. silence
39. When zippers are easy to use, it took almost half a century to perfect the zipper and find a way to
manufacture them economically.
A. When zippers
B. it took
C. them
D. economically
40. John lived in New York since 1960 to 1975 but he is now living in Detroit.
A. in
B. since
C. is now living
D. in
[41-50] Choose the correct sentence among A, B, C or D which has the same meaning as the given
41. Can I bring a friend to the party?, Nancy wanted to know.
A. Nancy asked if she could bring a friend to the party.
B. Nancy wanted to ask someone to bring her friend to the party.
C. Nancy knew that bring a friend to the party was good.
D. Nancy wanted to invite her friend out and to the party.
42. Shall we eat out today? said George to me.
A. George suggested we eat out that day.
B. George asked me out for the day.
C. George invited me eat out today. Ngi trng chung ca hc tr Vit

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Kha hc LTH KIT-3: Mn Ting Anh (C Nguyn Kiu Oanh)

Practice test 1

D. George advised me to eat out that day.

43. It is difficult to start looking for a job at my age.
A. Im young, so it is difficult to start looking for a job.
B. Getting unemployed at such ages is also difficult.
C. Getting employed at such ages is also difficult.
D. I dont think I can start looking for a job now.
44. The USA is a country of young people.
A. The USA is a country of high youth unemployment.
B. It is the USA that has a great number of young people.
C. High youth unemployment is found in the USA.
D. We find high youth unemployment is found in the USA.
45. Im sure it wasnt Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.
A. It couldnt be Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.
B. It cant have been Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.
C. It mustnt have been Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.
D. It mightnt be Mr. Pike you saw because he is in London.
46. The government had local people plant trees as a way of fighting back desert expansion.
A. In order to fight back desert expansion, the government asked trees to be planted by local people.
B. In order to fight back desert expansion, trees have been planted by the government.
C. In order to fight back desert expansion, local people are forced to plant trees by the government.
D. In order to fight back desert expansion, the government had trees planted by local people.
47. There was too much noise, so we couldnt hear the speech.
A. We couldnt hear the speech because there is too much noise.
B. There was so much noise that we couldnt hear the speech.
C. It was so noisy, however, we heard the speech.
D. Too much noise makes us unable to hear the speech.
48. Though he tried hard, he didnt succeed.
A. However hard he tried, he didnt succeed.
B. However he tried hard, he didnt succeed.
C. However hard he tried, but he didnt succeed.
D. However he didnt succeed, he tried hard.
49. It rained all day, but we enjoyed ourselves all the same.
A. It rained all day and we didnt enjoyed at all.
B. It rained all day and we enjoyed it less.
C. We enjoyed in the same way as others because it rained all day.
D. It rained all day; however, we enjoyed it.
50. Is it necessary for me to bring my passport?
A. Do I need to bring my passport?
B. Do you need me bring my passport?
C. Was my passport needed to bring?
D. Need I have to bring my passport?
[51-60] Choose the word or phrase that best fits the blank space in the following passage.
We are using up the world's petroleum. We use (51)____________ in our cars and to heat our buildings in
winter. Ngi trng chung ca hc tr Vit

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Kha hc LTH KIT-3: Mn Ting Anh (C Nguyn Kiu Oanh)

Practice test 1

Farmers are using petrochemicals to (52)____________ their soil rich. They use them to kill insects
(53)____________plants. These chemicals go (54)____________ the rivers and lakes and kill fish there.
Thousands of people also die from these chemicals every year. Chemicals also go into the air and pollute
it. Winds carry this (55)____________ air to other countries and other continents.
Poor farmers use the same land over and (56)____________. The land needs a rest so it will be better next
year. However, the farmers must have food this year. Poor people cut down trees (57)____________
firewood. In some areas when the trees are gone, the land (58)____________ desert. However, people
need wood to cook their food. Poor people cannot save environment for the (59)____________.
This is not a problem for one country or one area of the world. It is a problem for all humans. The people
and the nations of the world must work together to (60)____________ the worlds resources.
51. A. it
B. them
C. that
D. those
52. A. enrich
B. change
C. make
D. let
53. A. eat
B. eaten
C. eating
D. ate
54. A. to
B. toward
C. at
D. into
55. A. pollute
B. polluting
C. polluted
D. pollution
56. A. over
B. again
C. repeated
D. repeating
57. A. of
B. for
C. with
D. at
58. A. gets
B. changes
C. turns
D. comes
59. A. future
B. time
C. times
D. period
60. A. recycle
B. preserve
C. keep
[61-70] Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage.
Since the world has become industrialized, there has been an increase in the number of animal species that
have either become extinct or have neared extinction. Bengal tigers, for instance, which once roamed the
jungles in vast numbers, now number only about 2,300, and by 5 the year 2025 their population is
estimated to be down to zero. What is alarming about the case of the Bengal tiger is that this extinction
will have been caused almost entirely by poachers who, according to some sources, are not interested in
material gain but in personal gratification. This is an example of the callousness that is part 10 of what is
causing the problem of extinction. Animals like the Bengal tiger, as well as other endangered species, are
a valuable part of the worlds ecosystem. International laws protecting these animals must be enacted to
ensure their survival, and the survival of our planet.
15 countries around the world have begun to deal with the problem in various ways. Some countries, in
order to circumvent the problem, have allocated large amounts of land to animal reserves. They then
charge admission to help defray the costs of maintaining the parks, 20 and they often must also depend on
world organizations for support. With the money they get, they can invest in equipment and patrols to
protect the animals. Another solution that is an attempt to stem the tide of animal extinction is an
international boycott of products made from endangered species. This seems fairly effective, but it 25 will
not, by itself, prevent animals from being hunted and killed.
61. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. the Bengal tiger
B. international boycotts
C. endangered species
D. problems with industrialization
62. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word alarming in line 4?
A. dangerous
B. serious
C. gripping
D. distressing
63. The word poachers as used in line 5 could be best replaced by which of the following?
A. illegal hunters
B. enterprising researchers Ngi trng chung ca hc tr Vit

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Kha hc LTH KIT-3: Mn Ting Anh (C Nguyn Kiu Oanh)

Practice test 1

C. concerned scientists
D. trained hunters
64. The word callousness in line 7 could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. indirectness
B. independence
C. incompetence
D. insensitivity
65. The above passage is divided into two paragraphs in order to contrast
A. a problem and a solution
B. a statement and an illustration
C. a comparison and a contrast
D. specific and general information
66. Where in the passage does the author discuss a cause of extinction?
A. Since the world . . . down to zero.
B. What is alarming . . . personal gratification.
C. Country around . . . for support.
D. With the money . . . danger species.
67. Which of the following could best replace the word allocated in paragraph 2?
A. set aside
B. combined
C. organized
D. taken off
68. The word defray in paragraph 2 is closest in meaning to which of the following?
A. lower
B. raise
C. make a payment on
D. make an investment toward
69. The author uses the phrase stem the tide in paragraph 2 to mean
A. touch
B. stop
C. tax
D. save
70. Which of the following best describes the authors attitude?
A. forgiving
B. concerned
C. vindictive
D. surprised
[71-80] Choose the item among A, B, C or D that best answers the question about the passage.
Today's cars are smaller, safer, cleaner, and more economical than their predecessors, but the
car of the future will be far more pollution- free than those on the road today. Several new types of
automobile engines have already been developed that run on alternative sources of power, such as
electricity , compressed natural gas, methanol, steam, hydrogen, and propane. Electricity, however, is
the only zero- emission option presently available.
Although electric vehicles will not be truly practical until a powerful, compact battery or other
dependable source of current is available , transportation experts foresee a new assortment of electric
vehicles entering every life: shorter-range commuter electric cars , three-wheeled neighborhood cars,
electric delivery vans , bikes, and trolleys.
As automakers work to develop practical electrical vehicles, urban planners and utility
engineers are focusing on infrastructure system to support and make the best use of the new cars.
Public charging facilities will need to be as common as today's gas stations. Public parking spots on
the street or in commercial lots will need to be equipped with devices that allow drivers to charge their
batteries while they stop, dine or attend a concert. To encourage the use of electric vehicles, the most
convenient parking in transportation centers might be reserved for electric cars.
Planers foresee electric shuttle buses, trains, buses, and neighborhood vehicles all meeting at
transit centers that would have facilities for charging and renting. Commuters will be able to rent a
variety of electric cars to suit their needs light trucks, one-person three wheelers, small cars, or
electric/gasoline hybrid cars for longer trips , which will no doubt take place on automated freeways
capable of handling five times the number of vehicles that can be carried by a freeway today.
71. The author's purpose in the passage is to
A. narrate a story about alternative energy vehicles.
B. support the invention of electric cars. Ngi trng chung ca hc tr Vit

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Kha hc LTH KIT-3: Mn Ting Anh (C Nguyn Kiu Oanh)

Practice test 1

C. describe possibilities for transportation in the future.

D. criticize conventional vehicles.
72. The passage would most likely be followed by details about _____________.
A. the neighborhood of the future.
B. pollution restrictions in the future.
C. electric shuttle buses.
D. automated freeways.
73. The following electrical vehicles are all mentioned in the passage except
A. planes
B. trains
C. vans
D. trolleys
74. In the second paragraph the author implies that _________________.
A. a single electric vehicle will eventually replace several modes of transportation.
B. electric vehicles are not practical for the future.
C. everyday life will stay much the same in the future.
D. a dependable source of electric energy will eventually be developed.
75. According to the passage, public parking lots of the future will be __________________.
A. equipped with charging devices.
B. more convenient than they are today.
C. as common as today's gas stations.
D. much larger than they are today.
76. The word " compact" in the second paragraph is closest meaning to _______________.
A. long-range.
B. inexpensive.
C. concentrated.
77. The word "charging" in this passage refers to ______________.
A. aggression.
B. credit cards.
C. electricity.
D. lightning.
78. The word "foresee" in this passage could be best replaced with
A. invent.
B. imagine.
C. count on
D. rely on
79. The word "commuter" in paragraph 4 refers to _____________.
A. visitors.
B. daily travelers
C. cab drivers
D. shoppers
80. The word "hybrid" in paragraph 4 is closest meaning to _______________.
A. futuristic
B. automated
C. combination
D. hazardous
1. A
2. C
3. A
4. A
5. D
6. C
7. A
8. C
9. D
10. B






D lying
D being repaired
D silent
A Although
B from Ngi trng chung ca hc tr Vit





Tng i t vn: 1900 58-58-12





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Kha hc LTH KIT-3: Mn Ting Anh (C Nguyn Kiu Oanh)

Cu 13
Cu 16
Cu 26
Cu 35
Cu 37
Cu 49
Bi c cu 51-60
Bi c cu 51-60
Bi c cu 61-70
Bi c cu 61-70
Bi c cu 61-70
Bi c cu 71-80

Practice test 1

Rely (heavily) on = Count on = Depend on Ph thuc (nng n) vo ci g
Have a tooth filled
i hn rng
To the point/verge/edge of extinction
Gn n mc b tuyt chng
Set up = establish
Thnh lp/ thit lp
In need of + Ving/Noun
Cn ci g
Enjoy oneself
= Have a good time
Use up
S dng ht ci g
Cut down on sth
Ct gim ci g
Cut down forests
Cht ph rng
Invest (v) in sth
u t vo ci g
Make investment in sth
Stem the tide
= Stop
Prevent (v) sth from sth
Ngn ci g khi ci g
Make use of sth
Tn dng ci g
Make the best use of sth
Tn dng ti a ci g
Gio vin: Nguyn Kiu Oanh
Ngun Ngi trng chung ca hc tr Vit

Tng i t vn: 1900 58-58-12

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