Hots Knowledge: Part I Fundamentals

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HotS Knowledge

Part I Fundamentals
Map Actions (What to do if youre not team fighting or dead)
A. Collect XP.
B. Map Objectives.
C. Push Structures.
D. Roam and Ambush Heroes.
E. Mercenary Camps.
Note: whatever you do on map, the fundamental and final goal you want to achieve, is to create enough lane pressure to force
opponent send someone to clear those minion waves, so you can perform these actions to create lane pressure elsewhere on
the map until to a point opponent can no longer follow up your rotation, then you can just caught whoever was left out of
position, and kill that hero. And because of that, opponent can no longer fight you when down a hero, which gives you even
more space to perform these actions and create even more lane pressure to force opponent send heroes to clear those minion
waves even more often, so they will be caught even more frequent. And you just repeat these actions over and over again until
you win.

Team Fight
A. Understand your team has a Defensive or Offensive composition.
1. Defensive: the longer the fight lasts, the better it is for your team. Usually has a lot Sustain Damage/Heal.
2. Offensive: the shorter the fight lasts, the better it is for your team. Usually has high Mobility and a lot Burst Damage.
B. Where and When to start a Team Fight. (Offensive Only)
1. Location
a. Choke Points: prefer to fight there if your team has a lot AoE CC and Damage. Avoid if opponent does.
b. Open Terrain: prefer to fight there if your team wants to flank opponent. Avoid if opponent wants to.
2. Timing (When to start a Team Fight)
a. Opponent has someone out of position (an extreme type of B-2-b: more heroes vs less) (example: 5 vs 1/2)
Note 1: Fundamentally, out-of-positon means one team (5 heroes) can focus 1 opponent hero, and that opponent hero
cannot run away or get sufficient support from its allies before dying.
2; Be careful, sometimes an out-of-position situation could actually prove to be a bait set up by opponent.
3: Also, dont chase out of positioned hero if you cant secure the kill within a few seconds.
b. Your team has: more heroes vs less (example: 5 vs 4/3)
c. Your team has: more abilities vs less, especially when you have more heroic abilities off CD then opponent.
d. Your team has: (a lot) more Heath then opponent. (Mostly applies ONLY to Defensive team)
Note : Healing/Shield is a type of health unless your team can burst opponent down before heals off CD.
e. Your team has: talent advantage, especially level 10 (a type of B-2-c: more abilities vs less) and level 20 advantage.
C. Crowd Control.
1. For Defensive Team: CC should be used primarily to shut down or at least slow opponents aggression.
2. For Offensive Team: CC should be used primarily to create temporary more hero/ability vs less situation.
Note: CC can be used by both Defensive and Offensive Team to punish out of positioned opponent, especially late game.

D. Roles.
1. For Defensive Team
a. Tank: When Opponents Melee DPS dives in. CC it and bodyblock it from attacking ally.
Note: when opponent only has 1 Melee DPS dived in, its ok to zone the rest enemy team out.
b. Melee DPS: help teammates kill that Melee DPS when it dives in. CC it and bodyblock it from attacking ally.
c. Ranged DPS: (Core Typical, usually 2 in the team, there are also 1-core Defensive Compositions, but very rare)
poke enemies at safe distance
Note: safe distance various based on your mobility and the amount of CC opponent has.
d. Support: Do everything necessary to keep DPS (Especially Ranged DPS) alive and yourself (if youre squishy too).
Note: If youre Uther or Rehgar, you can provide additional bodyblock to keep opponents big threat away.
e. (Utility, commonly the 2nd support) so same as support, see above D-1-d.
2. For Offensive Team
a. Tank: make sure everyone is with you, dive in, fix on 1 of opponents DPS. Try to bait out CC and Burst from opponent.
And be ready to Use Survival CD. Or retreat if opponent doesnt take the bait. (Bad Tank Choice at Draft)
b. Melee DPS (Core Typical, usually only 1 in the team, commonly paired with 2 tanks or 2 supports)
pay attention to opponents CC and Burst ability usage. When theyre on CD, jump in, focus DPS or Morales.
c. Ranged DPS: use abilities, bring opponents overall health down.
d. Support: Stay with Ranged DPS, but be ready to Ancestral Healing/Divine Shield/Divine Palm/Cleanse Melee DPS.
Note: fundamentally, heal should be given to the hero who can deal most amount of damage during that
period of time bought by those heals. Same rule applies to Divine Shield.
e. (Utility, commonly the 2nd support) so same as support, see above D-2-d.
E. Know your team is winning or losing in the fight. (Actual scenarios are not limited to the following)
1. For Defensive Team
a. Winning is like: opponents initial assault didnt kill your non-tank heroes or bring their health down a lot.
And opponent didnt be able to chase your non-tank heroes without getting out of position.
b. Losing is like: opponents initial assault killed your non-tank heroes or brought their health down a lot.
Or opponent be able to chase your non-tank DPS without getting out of position.
2. For Offensive Team
a. Winning is like: your teams initial assault killed opponents non-tank heroes or brought their health down a lot.
Or your team be able to chase opponents non-tank heroes without getting out of position.
b. Losing is like: your teams initial assault didnt kill opponents non-tank heroes or bring their health down a lot.
And your team didnt be able to chase opponents non-tank heroes without getting out of position.

Part II Know your Heroes

[Hero Name]

[Build #] (#-#-#-#-#-#-#) (order by popularity)

[Melee/Ranged] [Burst DPS/Sustain DPS/Tank/Healer/Support]. [Strong Early/Mid/Late/Balanced].
Toughness: # (0 to 10, higher is better)
Regen: #
CC: #
Mobility: #
Waveclear: #
Endurance: #


Build 1 (1-2-1-1-2-3-4)
Melee Burst DPS. Strong Early.
Toughness: 5
Regen: 5
CC: 9
Mobility: 3
Waveclear: 7
Endurance: 1


Build 1 (1-X-4-2-3/4-3/4-4) (X represents talents of this tier are all situational for this build)
Melee Sustain DPS. Strong Late.
Toughness: 7
Regen: 7
CC: 2
Mobility: 2
Waveclear: 8
Endurance: 10


Build 1 (2-1-3-1-X-2-4)
Melee Burst DPS. Balanced.
Toughness: 7
Regen: 7.5
CC: 7
Mobility: 3
Waveclear: 5
Endurance: 9


Build 1 (3-5-1-2-3-2-4)
Melee Burst DPS. Strong Early and Late.
Toughness: 4.5
Regen: 1.5
CC: 9
Mobility: 9
Waveclear: 7.5
Endurance: 4

Part III Data

See Excel Document.

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