Where Are We Now in Prophecy?

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Page 1: Originattext by Herbert W. Armstrong('!892'1986)
@ 1982 Woddwide Church of God

Page 3: Originaltext by Ronald D. Kelly

@ 1983 WorldwideChurch of God

Page 7: Originaltext by Herbert W. Armetrong(1892.1986)

@ 1957 WorldwideGhurchof God

Page 18: Originallext by HermanL. Hoeh

@ 1985 Worldwidc Church of God

Page '19:OriginaltExt by Leroy Neff

@ 1982 WorldwideChurch of God

Cover: Aseemblageby Matthew Faulkner.Photo by Hal Finch

Ail Rights Reserved

Printed in U.S.A.
Tl;1.*J5fii'Si F
properly handle, becausethis
world of ours has progressed
too rapidly in the wrong di-

"Oh, I wouldn't say that!"
many will exclaim.No, people
don't want to believe it! They
seem to prefer to deceive them-
selves with wishful thinking.
But therein lies the danger!
Most men are afraid to face the
facts! But these are facts nonethe-
less.The developmentof enginesof The dreaded nuclear war we We're so hopelesslyinvolved and
mass destruction has far outpaced have all feared for so long will entangled in the type of paganized,
the developmentof man's power to come-not because God wills it, competitive-governmentciviliza-
control them. but becausemen will chooseto un- tion built upon earth that we can-
Man has built the awesome leash this destructive power on one not extricate ourselves. Let's face
Frankenstein monster that threat- another. it. We're in the death grip of an
ens to destroy him. Man has The greatest prophet who ever evil system, and only God can save
reached that stage of development lived looked down into our time us from extinction.
and "progress" where he is utterly and the now-imminent future and But God will intervene.He will
unable to save himself! declared: "And there shall send Jesus Christ once again to
These relentlessforces now set in be . . . distress of nations, with per- earth, and this time not as a lamb-
motion would continue until the fear plexity... Men's hearts failing like, gentle teacher, but in all the
so frankly expressedby top scien- them for fear, and for looking after supreme, supernatural power and
tists of the blasting of human life those things which are coming on glory of God.
completely out of existence would the earth-And then shall they see "And he shall send JesusChrist.
becomea reality, if it wasnot for one the Son of man coming in a cloud which before was preached unto
thing-the intervention of almighty with power and great glory. And you: Whom the heaven must re-
God to saveus from ourselves! when these things begin to come to ceive until the times of restitution
Shocking? Maybe to some. But pass... know ye that the kingdom of all things" (Acts 3:20-21).Jesus
thank God! His intervention is of God is nigh at hand. Verily I say himself said, "If I go...I will
sure. It's time millions were be- unto you, This generation shall not come again" (John l4:3). And his
coming alarmed-yes, fright- pass away, till all be fulfilled" coming happens to be the world's
ened-aroused by what's happen- (Luke 2l:25-32). only hope.
ing today and a little more than
curious to learn what's prophesied World Government Needed World GovernmentThrough Christ
for the not-too-distant future. World government is needed, but Few seem to have understood the
through human leaders it is sim- purpose of either Christ's coming
Trouble Ahead ply impossible! What man lives to earth more than 1,900yearsago
For the immediate future-the today who has the qualifications- or his prophesiedSecond Coming,
next five, l0 or 25 years-the who could safely be entrusted now imminent.
sobering revelation of Bible with that much power! What man He came the first time as a di-
prophecy shows this world will go would not abuse such vast power, vine messenger,bearing a message
from bad to worse. World confu- exalt himself, wield it for his own from God. That messagewas the
sion, hatred, strife, warfare and ter- ambitious and selfish purposes? good news (gospel) of the kingdom
rible destructionwill increasewith What man has the wisdom to of God-a future world govern-
rapid acceleration. It's the natural execute such power, to save this ment.
course to expect. world from itself and to adminis- That message was Christ's
The United Nations won't be ter his great office for the good gospel. In other words, it was the
able to bring peace.The aggressor of the governed? true gospel of Jesus Christ-the
nations-and we are so gullible we Human civilization has "pro- very gospel he commissioned all
never recognize them until after gressed" adversely to the point New Testament ministers to
they plunge the world into another where now it is utterly helplessto preach to all the world throughout
war-will go right on with their save the world from itself. The this age. Yet almost universally
scheming and diabolical planning world's sole hope now lies in the that true gospel messageis rejected
for world rule. supernatural intervention of God! today, and men have, as prophe-
sied, turned to another gospel-a will put itself through during the
gospel about a different Jesus,cer- immediate fs1g1e-4nd catch a
tainly not the same Jesusdescribed Peopleridicule the idea of preview of the world tomorrow!
so vividly in the New Testament. a utopia today, as though First, the nature of Christ's
Yes, it was Jesus Christ who world rule:
first proclaimed to the world the it were impossible.But "With righteousness shall he
idea of world peace through a why shouldutopia be judge the poor, and reprove with
future world government. equity for the meek of the
Jesusproclaimed himself the fu-
thought of as impossible? earth. . . . They shall not hurt nor
ture King of that world govern- Why shouldn'twe haveit? destroy in all my holy mountain;
ment-and for this cause he was for the earth shall be full of the
crucified (John l8:37). knowledge of the Lord, as the
But what men did not under- waters cover the sea [none de-
stand about his messagewas that other question. Why is there so ceived, as most are today-true
his kingdom was for the future. He much unhappiness,strife, injustice, knowledge universally-true edu-
said plainly, "My kingdom is not of fear and suffering now? Simply be- cation shall be a basic part of the
this world" (verse 36). cause men are thinking, acting and programl. And in that day there
Now notice the descriptions of living contrary to all the laws by shall be a root of Jesse [Christ,
Christ's imminent return to this which such happiness, universal the Messiahl, which shall stand
earth: "And I saw heaven opened, prosperity and joy could come. for an ensign of the people, to it
and behold a white horse; and he That's the plain and simple answer. [Christ] shall the Gentiles seek"
that sat upon him was called Faith- Because of selfishness,greed and (Isa. I l:4-10).
ful and True, and in righteousness vanity. Now for the effect-a preview of
he doth judge and make war Supposeeveryoneon earth loved happinessand world peace:
[against evil].... And out of his all his neighbors equally with him- "But in the last days it shall
mouth goeth a sharp sword, that self. Supposeeveryone was honest, come to pass, that the mountain
with it he should smite the nations kind, just, considerate, gentle, [kingdom] of the houseof the Lord
["For the word of God is quick, pleasant and cheerful, industrious, [that is, the kingdom of God] shall
and powerful, and sharper than any in perfect health and of keen, alert be established in the top of the
two-edged swq1d"-Hs!. 4:12.mind, humble, trusting fully in mountains [that is, reigning over
This is not a sword of steel to do God and working happily with zeal the great nations of earth], and it
physical harm, but the Word of and enthusiasm to accomplish all shall be exalted abovethe hills [the
God to correct and do spiritual the good he could. Can you visual- smaller nations] . . . And many na-
goodll: and he shall rule them [all ize what a wonderful world would tions shall come, and say, Come,
nations] with a rod of iron; and he result? Well, it would be a real and and let us go up to the mountain of
treadeth the winepress of the practical utopia. the Lord. and to the house of the
fierceness and wrath of Almighty But, you say, that's contrary to God of Jacob; and he [Christ] will
God. And he hath . . . a name writ- human character. Yes, true. But teach us of his ways, and we will
ten, King of kings, and Lord of Jesus Christ is coming to change walk in his paths; for the law shall
lords" (Rev. l9:l l-16). that! The power of God in a person go forth of Zion, and the word of
Yes, Jesus will be a supernatu- through God's Holy Spirit, the Lord from Jerusalem. And he
ral, divine world Ruler, a King changes, converts, that person. It shall judge among many people,
over all kings of the earth. His gives him power, if he wills, to and rebuke strong nations afar off;
weapon will be the Word of God- master-to overcome-the nature and they shall beat their swords
the truth! And Jesus said it is the within. Through faith he can be into plowshares, and their spears
truth that shall make men free changed into the kind of person into pruninghooks; nation shall not
(John 8:32). described above. And the mission lift up a sword against nation, nei-
He will be a "world king" who of Jesus Christ of Nazareth at his ther shall they learn war any more"
shall judge all nations in righteous-Second Coming is to work exactly (Mic. 4:l-3).
ness. Surely that's the world's that change in humanity! It is when people are no longer
greatest need. Impossible! Oh, no! Nothing is deceivedby Satan, when God's law
impossible with God! And Jesus is goes forth, when people begin to
ls a Real Utopia lmpossible? coming in all the supernatural seek God's laws and live by his
People ridicule the idea of a utopia power and glory of God! ways and when, through Christ and
today, as though it were impossi- the indwelling of God's Holy
ble. But why should utopia be Preview of Coming Utopia Spirit, we are able to develop in
thought of as impossible? Why It's possible, now, for us to peer our lives the character of God that
shouldn't we have it? into the future----on over past and we shall have peace, prosperity,
The answer comes through an- beyond the hellishness this world happinessand joy! D
Over the past near 6,000 years of
human history, God has allowed
man to govern himself and to try
his own ways. When God has inter-
vened in the affairs of man, he has
not done so unless he had first
made it known through his
prophets. Those prophets, as we
have mentioned, often wrote not
only of events for their time, but
for the prophesied "time of the

If we are living in the end time, we needto know it.
end." That time is now nearer than
world leaders think.
Another important key in under-
standing prophecy is revealed in
the book of Daniel: Let's notice it
in Daniel l2:4: "But t hou, O
Daniel, shut up the words, and seal
the book, even to the time of the
end: many shall run to and fro, and
rou'vE HEARD them lon. The prophet said in Ezekiel knowledge shall be increased."
a l l : Ar ma g e d d o n . l:1, ". . . as I was among the cap- And again in verse 13 God said to
by the river of Chebar, that Daniel, "But go thou thy way till
The Second Coming. tives the heavenswere opened,and I saw the end be: for thou shalt rest, and
The beast. The num- visions of God." In chapter two, stand in thy lot at the end of the
ber 666. The Great Tribula- God gave Ezekiel his commission: days."
tion. The Day of the Lord. "And he said unto me, Son of man, Strange as it may seem, many of
What do these seemingly I send thee to the children of Is- the events God revealed to Daniel
strange biblical symbols mean? rael. to a rebellious nation that could not be understood by anyone
Is it possible to know? Is it re- hath rebelled against me. . . . And in Daniel's day-including Daniel
whether they will hear, or himself. Significant parts of the
ally possible to understand Bible they,
whether they will forbear, (for they book were indeed shut up, sealed
are a rebellious house,) yet shall till the time of the end. Now major
Unfortunately, when most peo- know that there hath been a parts of those prophecies can be
ple think of Bible prophecy they prophet among them."
understood. But we first need to
think of the ominous phrase "the Ezekiel had a message to the know which modern nations are
end of the world." But what the house of Israel. This was, however, affected.
Bible means by "end of the world" more than 125 years after the cap-
is not what most people think it is! tivity of the ten northern tribes of Modern Nations ldentlfled
One Third of the Bible le Prophecy the house of Israel. Think of it. Could the Bible focus
Ezekiel remained a captive and attention in prophecy on such com-
Have you ever stopped to think never took his messageto the house paratively small nations as Egypt,
that approximately one third of the of Israel. The prophecy was not Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan
Bible is prophecy? Page after page intended for Ezekiel's day-but for and the modern nation of Israel,
of God's revealed Word has to do a time far into the future. That and not even mention the populous
with the time immediately aheadof book has been carefully preserved nations of the world today?
us. In fact, almost 90 percent of through the centuries. Its message What about the great nations in
the events prophesiedto happen in to warn the modern descendantsof today's world such as the United
the Bible have not yet occurred. the so-called lost ten tribes of Is- States, Britain, Canada, Germany,
Whole books of the Bible are rael has been written and preserved France and the other democracies
devoted to prophecy. Ancient writ- for us. of northwestern Europe? What
ers such as lsaiah, Jeremiah or about the Soviet Union? What
Ezekiel wrote their messageshun- For the "Timo of the End" about the People's Republic of
dredsofyears beforeJesuswasborn. In Amos 3:7 God reveals a most China? Japan? What is prophesied
Their writings have been preserved important prophetic principle: for these large nations today?
in the Bible. Many of their prophe- "Surely the Lord God will do noth- There are Bible propheciesabout
cies, however,were not intended to ing, but he revealeth his secret ancient cities such as Tyre,
come to pass in their time-but in unto his servants the prophets." Ashkelon, Zidon, Babylon and
the "time of the end." God has promised he will not Jerusalem. Does the Bible ignore
For example, the prophet personally intervene in the affairs modern cities-New York. Los
Ezekiel was among the Jewish cap- of mankind to bring about Angeles, Montreal, Johannesburg,
tives carried into captivity by Neb- prophecy unlesshe has first had his Sydney, London, Moscow, Rome
uchadnezzar, king of ancient Baby- servants proclaim that message. and many others?
The Bible does not specifically you need to write for our free book end. In that same book of Daniel
mention these modern nations and The United States and Britain in we find the overview of prophecy.
cities by name, of course. But Prophecy. It wiil make plain the God chose to reveal the frame-
events affecting them are prophe- identity of the English-speaking work of prophecy to the Babylo-
sied for the future. world and help you understand the nian king Nebuchadnezzar. In the
One important principle is that prophetic times in which you live. second chapter of Daniel, we read
most Bible prophecy relates to the Since most Bible prophecy fo- that Nebuchadnezzar had a vi-
ancient nations of Judah and Is- cuses on the modern descendants sion-a strange dream. In the
rael. A common misconception to- of ancient lsrael and Judah, you dream he saw a large image with a
day is that many people think can't understand Bible prophecy head of gold, upper torso of silver,
prophecies concerning ancient Is- without an understanding of who waist of brass and legs of iron. He
rael relate only to the modern na- these people are today. could not understand the meaning
tion of Israel in the Middle East. Other nations, while not named of the vision.
But Israel and Judah were not in the Bible by their modern God gave Daniel the interpreta-
the same nations. Ancient Israel. names, are spoken of in the Bible tion, which is recorded in Daniel
after Moses and the 2:36-45. In these
judges,was a nation di- verses God revealed
vided until the reign of that Nebuchadnezzar
king David. It contin- and the Babylonian
ued as one nation un- empire were symbol-
der Solomon. After ized by the head of
Solomon's death, the gold. The vision, how-
kingdom was again di- ever, revealed the em-
vided. The northern pire would not con-
ten tribes united under tinue indefinitely. In
Jeroboam and, later, fact, there would be
establisheda capital at successiveempires that
Samaria. Judah and would exist until the
Levi, along with a por- government of God
tion of the tribe of would be established
Benjamin, retained on earth.
Jerusalemas their cap- In the early autumn
ital and became known of 539 B.c. the Persian
as the houseof Judah. king, Cyrus, conquered
Since that original Babylon and estab-
split, there never again lished the Medo-Per-
was a nationalunion of sian empire as the
Judah and Israel. God choseto revealthe frameworkof second imperial
Some 200 years af- power-the torso of
ter the split, the north- prophecyto the Babylonianking silver. It lasted more
ern tribes of Israel Nebuchadnezzar. . . . Nebuchadnezzar than 200 years.
were taken into captiv- Then, the Macedo-
ity by the Assyrians. h a d a v i s i o n ....h e sa w a la r g eim a g e nians and Greeks came
About 125 years with a head of gold, upper torso of to power. Under Alex-
later the Babylonian ander the Great, Greek
king Nebuchadnezzar
silver,waist of brassand legs of iron. culture and art were
took the house of Ju- infused throughout the
dah, the Jews. into Middle East. That em-
captivity. Later, under the Persian as they come into contact, in Bible pire, the brass waist of the image,
kings, the Jews were permitted to prophecy,with Israel.So, while na- lasted three centuries until Rome
return to their homeland. tions such as the Soviet Union and became the dominant force in the
By this time, part of the north- the People'sRepublic of China are world.
ern tribes of lsrael had begun to not specifically named in the Bible By 3l B.c. Rome had conquered
migrate from Persia toward Eu- by their current names, there are most of the territory of the previ-
rope. Over centuriesof time, they events revealed about them in ous three empires and much more.
finally settled in northwestern Eu- prophecy. Rome divided into east and west-
rope. Later some came to the But first, let's understand the the two legs of the image-and
Western Hemisphere,the southern overview. ruled longer than any of the pre-
portion of Africa, to Australia and ceding kingdoms-till e.o. 476,
other parts of the world. The Panoramaof Prophecy when the empire finally collapsed.
To understand who are some of We have already seen in the book But remember the vision given
the modern nations descended of Daniel how prophecy could not to king Nebuchadnezzar revealed
from the so-called lost ten tribes. be understoodtill the time of the successivekingdoms that would
rule until the government of God of those successivestages have al-
would be set up. Notice it in ready come and gone. UnderstandingBible
Daniel 2:44: "And in the days of The seventh and final stage or Symbolism
these kings shall the God of heaven resurrection of the Roman empire We've already seen several exam-
set up a kingdom, which shall is yet ahead. About it, John wrote: ples of Bible prophecy using sym-
never be destroyed: and the king- "And the ten horns which thou bols. Nebuchadnezzar, for exam-
dom shall not be left to other peo- sawest are ten kings, which have ple, had seen a great image
ple, but it shall break in piecesand received no kingdom as yet; but symbolizing human governmentsin
consumeall these kingdoms, and it receive power as kings one hour sequence. There are numerous
shall stand for ever." with the beast. These have one other Bible symbols which, when
The kingdom of God is not yet mind, and shall give their power understood,give important keys to
established over the earth. Man and strength unto the beast. These understand prophetic events.
continues to rule-still writing the shall make war with the Lamb. and Perhapsa most important aspect
lessons of human history. How, the Lamb shall overcomethem: for of Bible prophecy should be ex-
then, did the Roman empire con- he is Lord of lords, and King of plained here. That simply is: the
tinue after A.D. 4762 Bible interprets the
The answer is found Bible. In other words,
in the book of Revera- you do not have to rely
tion. on what someone
In the l3th chapter thinks a certain word
of Revelation. the or symbol means. If
apostle John saw a vi- you search the Bible,
sion depicting the same you will find the mean-
empires that God re- ing of each symbol re-
vealed to Daniel. In vealedwithin the pages
this chapter, John saw of the Bible. Some-
these nations symbol- times it will be in the
ized by a strange ani- same verse. Other
mal that he called a o
times it will be in the
"beast." In verse 3 we z
same chapter or in the
read: "And I saw one z
same book. But if not
of his heads as it were interpreted in proxim-
wounded to death; and ity to the symbol, it
his deadly wound was z
a will be inter preted
healed: and all the somewhereelse in the
world wondered after Bible. You might find
the beast." a symbol in the book of
When Rome was fi- In the l3th chapterof Revelation,the Revelation interpreted
nally defeated in n.o. by a prophecy in the
47 6, it was only a apostleJohn saw a vision depictingthe book of Matthew. Or
wound. The Roman sameempiresthat God revealedto something Zechariah
empire did not die to-
tally in 476. The Daniel.In this chapter,John saw these saw might be inter-
preted in the book of
deadly wound was nationssymbolizedby a strangeanimal Revelation.
healedin a.n. 554. The We've seensome ex-
Eastern Roman em-
that he calleda "beast." amples of this in the
peror Justinian re- vision of king Neb-
stored the empire in vchadnezzar. In the
the west. kings: and they that are with him second chapter of Daniel, God re-
God further revealed to John in are called, and chosen. and faith- vealed to Daniel the interpretation
Revelationl7:3: "So he carried me ful" (versesl2-14). of the dream. Each part of the
away in the spirit into the That final resurrection of the image representedan empire.
wilderness: and I saw a woman sit Roman empire is going to be made Another example of the Bible
upon a scarlet coloured beast, full up of ten nations or groups of na- interpreting the Bible is found in
of names of blasphemy, having tions united together in one final Revelation 12. In this vision John
seven heads and ten horns." This attempt of man to maintain human saw a great red dragon who had
pictures the revival of the Roman government. That union of nations drawn one third of the stars of
empire after a.o. 554. will be very short lived, as we read heaven. Who is the red dragon?
And that's exactly what hap- in verse 12. and in Daniel 2:44. And who or what are the stars?
pened. Coming out of the ashesof The government of God will be The dragon is plainly identified
the original Roman empire in the established in the days of this in the same chapter. Read verse 9:
west were to be seven successive final restoration of the Roman em- "And the great dragon was cast
revivals.At this time in history. six pire. out, that old serpent, called the
Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth duality is very important. Many of And in verse 9, "And the Lord
the whole world. . . ." The dragon the propheciesGod revealedto the shall be king over all the earth: in
is identified as Satan the devil. (Of prophets of old had partial fulfill- that day shall there be one Lord,
course, many do not believe he ex- ments in their day. Thus, when and his name one."
ists today----or they think he ap- Isaiah or Amos prophesied to the The coming of the Messiah and
pears as the custodian of hell.) In ancient house of Israel, some of the establishmentof God's govern-
the guise of a serpent he deceived those events occurred in the origi- ment is vividly depicted in Revela-
Eve and tempted Adam to sin in nal captivity. When Jeremiah tion l9:l l: ". . . heaven opened,
the garden of Eden. That same prophesied to the house of Judah, and behold a white horse; and he
devil has continued ever since as many of those events came to pass that sat upon him was called Faith-
the god of this world (II Cor. 4:4). in his day. Some of the events ful and True, and in righteousness
But what are the stars? Here is prophesied in the book of Daniel he doth judge and make war."
a good example of the Bible inter- began to happen in the days of These same prophecies all show
preting the Bible in the same book, Babylon, Persia and Greece, up to there will be one final battle. The
but severalchapters away. Turn to the time of Antiochus Epiphanesin world will not welcomeJesusChrist
Revelation l:20: "The seven stars 167-164 B.c. But those prophecies with open arms. Much of the world,
are the angels of the seven were only partially fulfilled or were in fact, may well be deceived into
churches." Here stars are used to antetypical fulfillments of yet fu- believing Jesus Christ's Second
symbolize angels. Obviously these ture times. Coming is an invasion from outer
sevenstars are not the sameangels, Time after time, the prophets spaceor even the appearanceof the
symbolized by stars, that Satan foretold events that would lead up antichrist. The nations will gather
took with him in his rebellion to the establishmentof the govern- forces at the valley of Megiddo in
against God-but we see the bibli- ment of God on the earth. The Palestine. Hence that last great
cal principle that stars can be used prophets delineated the sins of the battle is usually called the battle of
to symbolize angels.No doubt, the people of the ancient housesof Is- Armageddon-meaning armed
stars of Revelation l2:4 represent rael and Judah and told the people Megiddo (Rev. 16:16and l9:19).
one third of the angelic creation they would be punished. That short and final battle will at
that rebelled against God before And those punishments indeed last be the war to end war. Those
the time God created the first hu- did come on them and will come on rebellious armies will be swiftly
mans, Adam and Eve. That fasci- their modern descendants.But the put down and the world will enter
nating story has often been told in kingdom of God was not estab- into the glorious and long prophe-
The Plain Truth. You can read lished in their day-and has not sied kingdom of God.
further on it in Ezekiel 28:ll-17 been yet. These Bible prophecies The Bible has not specified the
and Isaiah 14:12-15. also tell the sins of people today exact day, month or year of these
and the resulting end-time events final events. But the events them-
Many PropheclesAre Dual that will lead up to the Second selveshave been recorded and hid-
Another important principle in un- Coming of Christ and the estab- den in the propheciesof the Bible
derstanding Bible prophecy is the lishment of the government of God until our day. We now live in a time
duality of prophecy. In on the earth. in which we need to watch world
I Corinthians l5:45, Christ is events as never before. Jesus said.
called the second Adam. The first The Focal Polnt of Prophecy "Watch ye therefore, and pray al-
Adam was the first mortal human Almost all propheciesrelate directly ways,that ye may be accountedwor-
being to converse with God. He or indirectly to the establishmentof thy to escapeall these things that
later sinned, and the death penalty the government of God on the shall come to pass,and to stand be-
passedon to mankind. The second earth-the coming of the Mes- fore the Son of man" (Luke 2I:36).
Adam, JesusChrist, came and paid siah-the SecondComing of Christ. We have only scratched the sur-
the penalty for sin. Thus, it was We read in Daniel 2:44, "And in face of understanding prophecy.
made possible for man to be for- the days of these kings shall the But these keys provide a beginning
given of his sins and to be born into God of heaven set up a kingdom, point-a frame of reference upon
the family of God. which shall never be destroyed." which to build a prophetic study of
In the same l5th chapter an- And in Zechariah l4:4. "His the Bible. As those days approach,
other principle of duality is re- feet shall stand in that day upon those dozens upon dozens of
vealed-mortal human beings can the mount of Olives, which is be- prophecieswill begin to be fulfilled
be born again, made into immortal fore Jerusalemon the east, and the one after the other. Be sure you are
spirit beings by a resurrection from mount of Olives shall cleave in the studying your Bible and watching
the dead. midst thereof toward the east and world news so you can understand
Prophetically, the principle of toward the west...." the times in which vou live. tr
our own future is laid
bare, now, in proph-
ecy! The curtain of
the future is drawn

Propheciesthat for centuries
,*'ere closed and sealed tight
now stand revealed. This mysti-
ff ing. neglected third of the

Bible has become plain. Myster-
ies of God, never before under-
stood, have become crystal-
clear. God's own time for this
revealing has come. The keys
that locked the future have been
But what is actually going to
happen is not what the world ex-
Today this world is changing-
fast! Unprecedented events are Take a peek,now, into the surprisingfuture, as it will
shaking the world already. Yet happen!Not what men plan-but what God says!
what we have seen is mild com-
pared to the catastrophic happen- Here, in understandable language,is a quick summary
ings that will rock this world in the of all prophecy-the neglectedone-thirdof your Bible
near future! madeplain. It's truly startling!
You may well have to live into
these tremendous times. This is
your life! You live here, in this
erupting world! It behoovesyou to
know what the Creator-ruler of the mankind has merely written these earth in all the supreme power and
universe now makes known! lessonsin human experience,while glory of the Ruler of the universe!
But first, before we begin the he has refused to learn them. And the misguided humans of
summary of all prophecy, hear the But God Almighty is working earth will be ushered into an unbe-
good news-how it all comes out! out his purposehere below! We are lievable Utopia of God's making-
In this instance, it won't spoil the entering the very crisis at the close and delivered. at last. from their
story to hear the ending first. of the allotted 6000-year period for own folly!
working out that purpose. Now, in
Good News Flrst short order, in constantly accelerat- Now Here's YOUR Future
In the end, we are really going to ing swiftness, events will speed up But where are we, now, in the
have world peace!We are going to and mankind is going to be forced, panorama of prophecy-fulfillment?
have actual Utopia-far beyond by the supernatural power of God, Are we being sucked into the
the dreams of today's world-plan- to learn the supreme lesson of the vortex of a hydrogen-bombwar be-
ners! ages-that God's laws and ways tween the United States and Rus-
It will not be a millennium of were set in motion for our good, sia? That's the inevitable first
man's devising, however. It will not and that the Eternal is Ruler over question.
be a world of idleness and ease- all! The answer is that no such war
but one of production, plenty, Yes, the supreme crisis of the is included in the many prophecies
health and happiness. agesis nearly upon us. Today we're that fill a third of your Bible. It
Man does not know the way to in the lull before the real storm hardly seemspossiblethat the hun-
peaceand happinessand joy. What breaks in imagination-defying fury. dreds of detailed prophecieswould
man is bringing on the world is the Then, suddenly, God will step in omit all mention of such a war, if
diametric opposi te-such and take over! He will speedily it were going to occur.
catastrophicand terrifying destruc- punish this world for its iniquity! Actually, in a different sense,
tion that human life will be erased The divine wrath will quickly sub- such a war beganimmediately after
from the earth in this generation due a defiant world that has World War II. But that war be-
unless God Almighty intervenes! reached the end of its rope! Super- tween the super powers is a psy-
But the Creator and Director of natural intervention will prevent chological warfare of propaganda,
all force and energy is going to humankind from committing cos- infiltration, subversion, demoral-
intervene! Mankind has some mon- moscide. God will send Jesus ization. It is a warfare that has
umental lessons to learn. So far. Christ once again, in person, to attacked minds, moral and spiritual
clay." The European nations will
unite economically and militarily-
but they are suspicious and envious
of each other.
God allotted 6,000 yearsfor humanshostile Germany and Italy are coming
to God and God's laws, to write the lessonof back from defeat, not as opponents,
but within the framework of a Eu-
the vain, self-centered,getting way of ropean economic community and
within an American-directed mili-
life-the way that appearsso alluring and , tary alliance.
attractiveto fallible human minds! When this United States of Eu-
rope emerges, Europe will have the
hydrogen bomb now in French and
English possession only, and the
guided missiles to defend them-
selves and to project their power
va l u es , as well a s b o d i e s a n d Europeans are going to unite and worldwide.
e a rthly pos s es s io n s i n n u m e ro u s compete against the English-speak- Today the stage is gradually be-
small wars in many areas of the ing -oeoples.The stage is being setl ing set! At a certain moment, the
world. What is lacking now is the strong new leader of this European com-
God Almighty says of the com- leader! Germany is the economic bi ne w i l l appear i n the public eye.
petitive atheistic system in this on- and military heart of Europe. Prob- He's already behind the scenes-in
going psychological and military ably Germany will dominate the acti on! B ut the w orl d do es not yet
stru ggle: " 1 am a g a i n s t th e e " ! coming United States of Europe, recogni ze hi m!
(Eze k . 38: 3) . E v e n tu a l l y , h e w i l l even if a neutral Austrian becomes P erhaps even thi s com ing m ili-
d e st r oy t his c omp e ti ti v e s y s te m the dominant political figure. tary-political leader does not yet
and its military power and bring its Bu t Bri tai n w i l l have no part i n know hi msel f w ho w i l l f inally be
peoples to spiritual conversion. it in its final stage. chosen to lead Europe and also
B ut of t he A m eri c a n a n d E n g l i s h T h i s astoundi ng resurrecti on i n does not yet know how many, or
peoples and the other nations of Europe of the Roman Empire is precisely which nations from West-
n o rthwes t er n E u ro p e , p ro p h e c y the next prophesied major political ern and Eastern Europe will join in
says that they allow themselves "to event. The world will be dumb- this United States of Europe, the
b e m ix ed up w i th fo re i g n - founded when this military colos- final restoration of the Roman Em-
e rs: . . . f or eigners e a t a w a y h i s sus actually emerges to solve eco- pire. But you and I can know the
strengt h, unk now n to h i m ." G o d nomic and political problems the number-for God Almighty wrote
says they fly like a silly, senseless United States has been unable to
dove to seek alliances with foreign solve in decades of leadership.
nations, forsaking God (Hos. 7:8- While the U.S. has been focus-
I 3 , M of f at t t r ans l a ti o n ). i n g i ts attenti on on the U .S .S .R .
But the prophecy reveals no mil- w i th a nti quated di pl omacy and
itary war between the Soviet Union mi l i ta ry mi ght, the w orl d' s thi rd
a n d t he Unit ed Sta te s . T h e superpower has been fitfully trying
prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and 39- to u n i te i n E urope.
e xp lained in deta i l i n o u r fre e
Ye s , T h i s l s P rophesi ed!
brochure Why Russia Will Not
Attack America, describes a later You think all this fantastic? All
event. th i s w a s know n to God A l mi ghty
M eanwhile, h o w e v e r, th e and recorded by him in his prophe-
U.S . S . R. is ex er t i n g a tre me n d o u s cies 2,500 years ago!
influence over trends in Europe. You'll find this prophesied in
All Europe is directly under its Daniel 2 and 7, and more specifi-
shadow. cally in the lTth chapter of Revela-
Many Europeans are becoming tion-a United States of Europe-
distrustful of the bungling capital- a flash in-the-pan final resurrection
i st s uper power , U n i te d Sta te s . of the ancient Roman Empire!
Also, many Europeans are thinking It will possess greater military
more and more about the coming might by far than the Rome of old,
United States of Europe! but it will also inherit fatal weak-
Am er ic ans , w i th th e B ri ti s h , nesses. Prophecy symbolizes this
gave Europe the idea. They tried to admixture of never-equalled mili-
organize the European nations to- tary and economic might and un-
g e ther agains t R u s s i a . B i b l e precedented weakness with the apt
prophecy, however, reveals that the p h ra s e , " i ron mi xed w i th mi ry
it down 2,500 years ago in Daniel climax before the democratic na- "and pestilences"-disease epi-
2 and 1,900 years ago in Revelation tions are brought low. by the resur- demics, "and earthquakesin differ-
l7l There will be ten European rected Roman Empire-is a ent places" (Matt. 24:7). Already
nations or groups of nations. These famine, caused by unprecedented there is an increasein frequency of
te n w ill giv e all th e i r mi l i ta ry drought andfor floods and affect- major earthquakes, all over the
p o \r'e r t o t he c en tra l o v e r-a l l ing Africa first, then other areasof world.
l e a d e r- pic t ur ed under th e the Third World and finally the "All these," Jesus continued,
prophetic s1'mbol, "the beast." United States. Britain. and north- verse 8, "are the beginningof sor-
The prophecy does not reveal western Europe. And immediately .o*r"-(marginal reading, ..tra-
exactl!' which ten nations will be in its wake will come the most vail").
i n cl u ded- but t his re s u rre c te d frightful epidemic of contagious This will be the very beginning,
Roman Empire will bind together and degenerativediseases!The dis- as Jesus said, of what the Bible
some 350 million people! That is easeAIDS is only the forerunner. calls the Great Tribulation!
more man-power than the U.S.S.R. Jesus Christ foretold it in his Jeremiah's prophecy is more
or the United States has. specific. God revealed to the
The strong indication of prophet that it is the be-
these prophecies,then, is ginning of the national
that some of the Balkan trouble to come on the
and other East European United States, the British
nations are going to be nations, and the democra-
torn away from behind the cies of northwestern Eu-
iron Curtain. rope! And, as both
Jeremiah and Jesus
Drastic Weather Changes Christ were inspired to
While this coming Eu- record-and also the
ropean Colossus is devel- prophet Daniel-it will be
oping, an alarming revo- the most catastrophictime
lution is beginni ng to of national religious trou-
occur in the weather.Hur- ble that has ever struck
ricanes, floods, sectional any nation, or ever will!
drought worldwide are in- Still more specificis the
creasing. prophecy of Ezekiel.
And now, the next Here is exactly how
prophesied event-to catastrophicit will be: one
strike in the full fury of its third of the American and
the British population will
die in this famine and dis-
Read it. in Ezekiel5:12:
"A third part of thee
shall die with the
pestilence, and with
the famine shall they
be consumed in the
midst of thee."
\\ -il; At the outset we
stated that the keys that
had kept prophetic
doors locked and closed
from human understand-
ing have now been
found-or, more prop-
erly, been given to us
by God. No denomina-
*;' tions possessthose keys, for to do
piophecy: "For," he so they would have to acknowledge
tion shall rise against na- error, and receive correction and
tion, and kingdom against king- new light from the Word of God.
dgrn"-1h21's yy31l-And we are What they did not possessand pro-
now in the recess between the 2nd claim 50 or 100 or more yearsago,
and 3rd rounds of it. "Then there they sadly do not acknowledgeto-
shall be famines,"-that's the next day. But if you do not yet under-
major world-event now prophesied, standthat the "thee" of whom God
through Ezekiel is here talking is round about thee; and I will scatter unity in a time of growing secu-
the English speaking nations and a third part into all the winds, and larism and atheism.
the other democratic nations of I will draw out a sword after Jesus Christ said. "Ye shall be
northwestern Europe, as set forth them." hated of all nations . . . Then shall
and plainly proved in our free book This is foretold in many prophe- they deliver you up to be afflicted,
(sent on request) The United cies, but here is one that shows the and shall kill you."
States and Britain in Prophecy, effect that only weapons like the Do you foolishly and carelessly
then just remember that these peo- hydrogen bomb can produce-the assume he meant somebody else?
ples are guilty of the very things very next chapter of Ezekiel: Our book The United States and
that the people it does refer to are "In all your dwelling places,the Britain in Prophecy proves he
guilty of-and God is no respecter cities shall be laid waste" (Ezek. meant us. We are the nations that
of persons;so these things are go- 6:6). A few cities were laid waste are to be hated by other nxlisns-
ing to happen to us. Unless we in World War II. But not until the or hadn't you realized that alarm-
heed and repent! production of the hydrogen bomb ing fact?
The details of the Great Drought has it ever been possible to totally Jesus Christ meant us-and his
coming upon us are described in destroy all major cities! words are as certain and sure as the
the first chapter of Joel. [t's a rising and setting of the sun!
'1OurGreat Natlonal Galamlty
frightful, desolatepicture of starva- Luke's inspired account of Jesus'
tion and disease! Yes, wake up! American and words makes it even more specific:
Britain! You have grown calloused "For thesebe the daysofvengeance,
Then, World War lll and indifferent to world revolution, that all things which are written may
But all these things, as Jesus ex- wars and the threat of hydrogen- be fulfilled"-1[41 is, when the
plained, are to be only the begin- bomb war. prophetic eventsof your Bible come
ning of national trouble. You Americans and British! You to their climax, and all prophecies
Once we are weakened by star- smug, proud, stiff-necked compla- are suddenly and rapidly fulfilled at
vation, disease, and the resulting cent people! Many of you enjoy a this end-time! "And they"-r0""L-
calamitous economic depression, prosperity God never lavished on ing of our nations, "shall fall by the
the ten-nation European Colossus any other people-you heedlessly edge of the sword, and shall be led
will suddenly meet the stubborn permit yourselves to become soft away captive into all nations" (Luke
and foolish United States in a con- and decadent, setting your foolish 2l:22, 24). This prophecy refers
frontation over the future of hearts on push-button prosperity only typically to the Jewishcaptivity
Jerusalem. Politics, religion and and leisure, while others among of n.o. 70. It refersprimarily to our
the life-blood of economics----oil- you are poor and go hungry. You future.
will be involved. The result will be ignore that entire prophetic third Jeremiah was inspired by the
the destruction of our cities and of God's Word, warning you of Almighty to picture this invasion,
our centers of industrial and mili- impending disaster and offering defeat and captivity and to explain
tary production! you divine protection from it! why it's coming!
The very next words of Jesus' Will any one of you who now
prophecy (Matt. 24:9, 2l-22) are read this warning awaken to the Why We Shall be Punlshed
"J[gn"-not five years or a gener- stern reality? In the 30th chapter, God revealsto
ation later, but "then" shall they God Almighty now reveals, in Jeremiah that the time of the
deliver you up to be afflicted, and time to prevent it, that one third prophecy is the time of world war,
shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all our people will die of star- the most terrible time of trouble
of all nations;. . . and then shall be vation and disease-that our day and war of all history (verses 3-4),
great tribulation such as was not of reckoning is upon us-that we the time of our national trouble
since the beginning of the world to are to be stripped of our wealth (verse 5) climaxing in the coming
this time, no, nor ever shall be. and prosperity on which we set exodus of both our peoples--de-
And except those days [of mass our hearts-that a second third of scendantsof the lost ten tribes of
death and destructionl should be our people-of your personal Israel-and the Jews-of the tribe
shortened.there should no flesh be friends, relatives, acquaintances- of Judah and Levi-back to the
savedalive, but for the elect's sake will be killed by awesomenuclear Holy Land at the Second Coming
those days shall be shortened." forces-that the proud United of Christ.
Yes, by the supernatural interven- States and Britain are now des- We are to get into it-the most
tion of God, before all human life tined to be suddenly crushed in terrible national trouble ever to be-
is blasted from the earth! defeat-that the remaining third fall any nation-but God will de-
Jesus was there speaking of our left alive are to be carried as liver us out of it, and will finally
peoplesnationally, as well as of real captives, scattered as abject break the yoke of slavery from off
Spirit-begotten Christians individ- slaves-and that even millions of our necks (verses 5-6).
ually. them shall then be tortured inhu- But why? Are we not Christian
But Ezekiel's prophecy adds this manly in organized religious per- countries?
specific and terrifying fact: "And a secution, until their breath expires So we vainly assure sglsslygs-
third part"-half our remaining in martyrdom as traditional Chris- but the propheciesof Jesus and of
population "shall fall by the sword tianity attempts to bring about Paul reveal that we are deceived
into a counterfeit Christianity- Can a God of love stand idly by,
our lands filled with many false and permit man not only to destroy
ministers, coming in the name of Can a God of love stand his health and happiness,but now
Christ, calling their religion idly byo and permit man also to destroy all earthly life?
"Christian." Jesus warned that God forbid! God is a God of
when we worship him by following not only to destroyhis love, and also a God of wisdom and
traditions inherited from the pa- health and happiness,but justice, who says he punishesevery
gans (such as Christmas, Easter, son he loves!(Heb. 12:6).
"faith without works," etc.) that now also to destroY all The punishment is to teach us
we worship him in vain! earthlv life? the lessonsof life. Man has written
Jeremiah gives the reason: "I the lessonthrough nearly 6,000 un-
have wounded thee," says God, happy yearsof emptiness,sickness,
"with the wound of an en- suffering and death-written it in
emy, . . . for the multitude of thine human blood and anguish!But hu-
iniquity: becausethy sins were in- mans have never yet learned the
creased." And, "I will correct thee invents pleasures, amusements to lesson.Man still clings desperately
in measure" (by this famine, dis- pass the time away! He organizes to the notion that somehow he can
ease, war, captivity and slavery) for wars of conquest. He invents yet solveall his problemsand reach
"and will not leave thee altogether engines of destruction that soon out and take happinesshis own
unpunished." would blast all life from off this way!
Why? BecauseGod revealed to planet, if God would not prevent it. Man refuses to learn the truth!
Adam that he had set laws in mo- Would God show love to this He will not listen to God's preach-
tion that produce happiness,joy, world by permitting this tragic ing! He would persist to the bitter
health and prosperity if we obey state of affairs to continue? God end to the annihilation of all hu-
them; but which bring on us curses allotted 6,000 years for humans man life, if God did not step in and
and separation from God and his hostile to God and God's laws, to intervene!
blessings,if we transgress. write the lesson of the vain. self- There is only one languagethat
God made man a free moral centered, getting way of life-the rebellious mankind will heed-
agent, and commanded him to way that appears so alluring and physical punishment, and being
choose.Adam chosea way of living attractive to fallible human minds! deprived of physical assets. Very
opposite to the way of God's inex- But God does love this suffering few individuals ever came to God
orable laws. God sent Jesus Christ world! God informed humans-he through Jesus Christ in uncondi-
to reveal the way of God, and to set sent his prophets to reveal his tional surrender until God had
us a living example in that way. ways-he sent his son-he has punished them by physical adver-
But men crucified him, then later been sending his true ministers. sity. Neither will our nations-
appropriated his name, began pro- God has pleadedwith humanity for and neither will the world as a
claiming his deity, exalting his per- nearly 6,000 long years-with whole come to God in anv other
son, while they deceived the world words! But man persists in reject- way.
and kept it in darkness estranged ing preachings and warnings.
from God by rejecting his gospel, Terrifylng-Yet Good News!
and instead, adopting the pagan Annihilatlonol All Life? And so now God is about to pun-
philosophies, beliefs, customs and And now, at last, man has arrived ish! First, he will punish our na-
ways that have characterized this at a period where he is learning the tions-professing Christians-his
(Satan's) world from the begin- secrets of the forces of the uni- own chosen people, chosen for a
ning. verse! Through science,technology service they have refused to per-
Today what is called organized and machine-industry, man is now form! Then, after we have learned
"Christianity" appropriates the harnessingthe very forces and en- our lessonand turned to our God.
name of Christ-exalts his per- ergies of nature! But he puts nu- he will punish the nations he shall
ssn-\a/61ships him-but continues clear energy also to the work of have used in punishing us.
to deny his message,and to rebel mass destruction. He now works God says,"The Lord hath a con-
against God's laws! feverishly, fanatically, concentrat- troversy with the nations, he will
Can't you see what this has ing the world's most scientific plead with all flesh . . ."-f161ry?
brought upon humanity? Sickness minds on developing hydrogen "He will give them that are wicked
and disease; fear and worry; in- bombs, guided missiles, cobalt to the sword . . . evil shall go forth
equality and injustice; war and fear bombs, and other means of mass from nation to nation, and a great
of war; heartache, anguish, empti- destruction. whirlwind [of war] shall be raised
ness! At last man approachesnot only a up from the coasts of the earth.
Man's inhumanity to man! luxury, push-button, leisure age- And the slain of the Lord shall be
It's all the result of the ways of but alsothe ageof push-button mass at that day from one end of the
vanity, pride, selfishness,greed! destruction. World renownedscien- earth even unto the other end of
Man's horizons have shrivelled and tists who know, warn us that it is now the earth" (Jer. 25:31-33).
shrunken and become centered on possible to annihilate human life Yes, paradoxical though it may
his self. Life becomesa bore. so he from this planet! seem, this terrifying news actually
is good newsr-for this impending profit-making vitamin industry from their establishedwaysand cus-
p u n i sh m ent is t he o n l y w a y a leads the people into believing they toms and return to Almighty God
mankind of free choice can ever be can obtain these precious elements and his laws and ways!
brought to learn the lesson-to ac- from pills and capsules. And, knowing that such an un-
knowledge that God's laws were set And all this state of affairs be- believable catastrophe is soon to
in motion for our good-to be cause man is in defiance of his strike, we have to warn you! You
brought voluntarily to choose the Maker! can read what God says to his mes-
ways of God which at last will Along with the coming famine sengersin Ezekiel 33:l-6.
bring undreamed of Utopia! and diseaseepidemic will come an Think of it! Unbelievable?Pre-
Yes, the kingdom of GOD is invasion of crop-destroying insects, posterous? No, it's real-very
now near at hand! And that is the plant-molds,and locusts(grasshop- soon,-of this very presentgenera-
best news since the first man drew pers) on a scale never before to tion-of all people you know
the first breath! devastatea land. You'll read of this now-only one third of them will
There is one reason, and one in the first chapter of Joel. be left alive!
only, for the never-equalled na-
ti o n a l c alam it y t ha t i s d e s ti n e d World War Resumed! Americans,Britons
soon to strike the United States All this is now only someyearsoff. Made Slaves
and Britain. In no other way will When we are stricken with the And that surviving third will be
mankind ever really learn the les- greatest national tragedy ever to uprooted from their h6mss-f1ans-
son he has so tragically written in befall a nation-people dying in ported abroad like cattle as slaves.
human blood and suffering. God nearly every home-your loved There they shall not only be
h a s d ec r eed t hat w e . o u rs e l v e s . ones-perhaps your children, or forced under lashes of cruel
must choose whether to accept his your parents, and scores of your taskmasters to do the work of
divine rule over us with his inex- close friends-perhaps even your- slaves-but they will be forced to
orable laws, or whether to reject self dying in this calamity, and the give up whatever belief they may
God's Way, and follow the ways nation's economic prosperity sud- have in real Bible Christianity!
and customs that human nature de- denly tail-spinning into its lowest They will be literally forced to ac-
vised and established in this Satan- ebb of depression,then the colossus cept the idolatrous Pagan beliefs
swayed world. And God will not that is the restoredRoman Empire and customs that masquerade as
force humanity to walk his way. will strike its blows-and another Christianity, or state police will ar-
Man must first learn his lesson and third of our populations will be rest them, and they will be tor-
then make his own right choice! killed-our major cities and indus- tured inhumanly until they either
Time is running out on us, fast, trial centers destroyed. give in, or die in martyrdom!
and we're too sound asleep in de- Only one in three of your Yes, millions of lukewarm inac-
ception to realize it! friends-of your loved ones-will tive professingChristians will suf-
Our peoples will continue some remain alive-unless they heed the fer martyrdom. You'll read of this
few more years in comparative eco- warning and come under God's martyrdom-the Great Tribula-
nomic prosperity. This very pros- divine protection according to his tion-in Matthew 24:9-lO, 2l-22:
perity is our fatal curse!-[sszuse conditions! Revelationl7:6; 6:9-ll; l2:l1, and
our people are setting their hearts And remember!Every individual in many other verses.
on it, seeking ease and leisure, be- will then stand on his own feet This coming Great Tribulation is
co mi n g s of t and d e c a d e n t a n d before God. You cannot secure the not the wrath of God upon the
weak! protection of your loved ones. Nor world's wicked-it is the wrath of
We're going the way of ancient can the prayers, the godlinessor Satanthe Devil upon Christiansand
Rome-to a greater fall, because righteousness of any friend or upon the democratic,consumer-ori-
we're bigger and more prosperous, loved one saveyou. Each individual ented nations that descendfrom the
and have farther to fall! must come to real repentance,total lost ten tribes of Israel (Rev. 12:12-
Then, suddenly, before we real- and unconditional surrender to I 3). Millions of repentingsaintswill
ize it, we'll find ourselves in the God's will, and his Word and its be in it, and the very objectsof it-
throes of famine, and uncontrol- authority, through Christ as per- becauseit is for their sakethat God
lable epidemics of disease. Already sonal Savior, in order to have the will intervene to cut short that
we're in a famine we don't know- proffered divine protection from hellish time of torture (Matt.
a famine of many important nutri- these impending catastrophies. 24:22). This is not the popular or-
ents in our foods. Our peoples have (See Ezek. 14:12-14 and Jer. thodox teachingof a "Christianity"
ignored God's health and agricul- 3l:29-30.) that is a part of this world and has
tural laws. Not all the land has This is not pleasant to contem- lost the purposeand the plan of God.
been permitted to rest every sev- plate! It won't be believedby more But this is God's truth straight and
enth year. The land has been over- than a few. Our proud and stiff- direct to you!
worked. Today, in certain areas, neckednationswill heedlesslyrefuse This is the impending time of
the soil is worn out. And food fac- to take warning! But these prophe- supremetrouble for Americans and
tories, in the interest of larger prof- cies are as certain as tomorrow's Britons, and for all true Christians
its, remove much of what minerals sun-ullsss our nations do heed who are not watching, praying con-
and vitamin5 lsrn2ln-while a new God's warnings, repent and turn stantly and so yielded to God's

De scribedin Rev elati o n9 :l -l l a s th e "first woe," the armies of the beast-the revivedRoman Empire, also known
as modern Babylon-will attack their enemiesto the east. Terrifying war machines(inset)and weaponsof awesome
power will deal death and destructionto millions. This attack will be one of the phasesof World War III.

wi l l that t hey s hall b c a c c o u n te d a n d d e l i v c rance. those days shal l be step i n, arnd supcrnarturally int cr -
w o rth y t o es c apeit a l l ( L u k e 2 l :3 6 : s u p e rn a tu ral l y cut short! venc.
R e v. l 2: 14) . D u ri n g thi s hel l i sh bri cf pcri od, H c w i l l do thi s i n tw tl st ir ges:
th c rc w i l l be no rel i gi ous freedom. l i rst. by tcrri l yi ng w rrrni ng signs;
3 % Ye ar s - and T he n T h e e n ti re W estern w orl d w i l l be fi nal l y, by actual pl agues i n physi-
Th i s f anat ic al, S a ta n -i n s p i re d u n d e r th e resurrccted R oman F,m- cal puni shment.
fi e n d i s h T r ibulat ion a n d m a rty r- p i re -C h u rch and S tate uni tcd Y et. evcn thcn. God will f ir st
d o m w ill c ont inue on l y a v e ry s h o rt th c rc l i g i o n and al l school s under a gi ve w arni ng! Oncc agai n, an all-
ti me . T hen it s hall b e s u d d e n l y c u t R e l i g i o u s H i erarchy, enforced by merci ful and l ovi ng God will givc
sh o rt by t he div ine , s u p e rn a tu ra l th e c i v i l pol i ce. The eastern w orl d humans opportuni ty to rep ent t o
i n tcrve nt ion of G od ! w i l l b e u nder athei sti c C ommu- turn l rom thi s w orl d' s w ays t hat
If G od did not ac t s w i ftl y to c u t n i s m. N e ither the E astern or the havc cursed manki nd, and t o r e-
sh o rt this diabolic al i n h u m a n i ty o f We s te rn worl d w i l l permi t any true cei ve di vi ne protecti on fro m G od-
ma n to m an, unde r th e s a ta n i c g o s p e l p re achi ng w hatsoever. sent pl agues.
swa y, no hum an f l e s h w o u l d b e T h i s i s thc ti me, fol l ow i ng the S uddenl y somethi ng ter r if ying
saved alive (Matt. 24:22). fa m i n e o f food, w hen there shal l be i n appearance w i l l happen in t he
If th er e wer e not s o m e o f Go d ' s a s p i ri tu a l fami ne-a fami ne of sky. Just how God w i l l br ing t his
e l e ct-thos e who c a n ' t b e d e c e i v e d h e a ri n g the true W ord of God about i s not reveal ed. B ut, t o hu-
(ve rse 24) t hos e w h o c ry o u t to (A m o s 8 :l l ). Mi l l i ons w ho now man eyes, the sun suddenl y will go
Go d (L uk e l8: 7) - in th i s fri g h tfu l hear the true gospel on the World dark; there w i l l be no l i g ht lr om
tri b u l at ion, G od wo u l d n o t i n te r- Tctmorrow program worldwide, but the moon: the onl y l i ght will com e
ve n e to s av e hum an i ty . w h o tre a t i t l i ghtl y or spurn i t, w i l l i n the form of thousandsof 51s1s-
But for the sake of those "elect" w i s h th e n that they had heeded! mctcors-fal l i ng to the ear t h in
a w a i ti n g m ar t y r dom , w h o h a d n o t such fri ghtful di spl ay that m en will
been accounted worthy to escape Su d d e n Di vi ne Interventi on fai nt or run screami ng i n st ar k t er -
th i s a wf ul t im e, bu t w h o n o w , a t B u t a t th a t j uncture the God w ho ror. A stronomers w i l l be caught
last, do cry out to God for mercy ru l e s th e uni verse w i l l suddenl v offguard, baffl ed. S ci ence will be
A Eurasian army of 200 million soldierswill counter-attack.
These vaste hordes will sweepacross Europe, utterly
obliterating the cities of the resurrectedRoman Empire and
defeatingall of the armies in its path. The photo shows
recently unearthedruins near the site of ancient Babllon,
whose fall long ago prefigured the end-time destructionto be
visited upon modern Babylon.


u n a b l c t o c x plain t h c s c h a p p c n i n g s . v c ry m u ch aw are that God i s pl agues sent i n di vi ne pu nishm ent

Bu t t lr is is only tl re b c g i n n i n g . rc a l i rw ure of hi s nti ghty pow er on those that shal l have yielded
Fa r r r or e lr ight en i n g . n l e n w i l l a n d c l o s enessl themsel ves as the chi ef polit ical-
l o o k up und s uddc n l y s e c th c s i g n rel i gi ous agenci es of S ata n in his
o [' C hr is t ' s ir nr nine n t p c rs o n a l rc - O u r Wo rk B ears Frui t! dcfi ant w ar agai nst God!
tu rn in t hc heuv en s (M a tt. 2 4 :2 9 - At th a t rrri ghty moment ol ' earth' s A t thi s preci se j uncture- again
3 0 ). T his is ex plai n c d (R e v .6 :1 2 - h i s to ry . h undrcds of thousands w i l l for the el ect' s sake God will hold
1 6 ) a s t he hc av c ns d c p a rti n g a s a rc mc m b e r the true message fron-t back the puni shi ng w i nd s of war
scro l l being r ollc d to g e th c r, a n d (i o d th a t they had heard goi ng out and of pl agues (R ev.7:l -3 ) .
th e a w c - ins pir ing b ri g h t-a s -th e -s u n fre e l y to thc w orl d art thi s ti nre. on The actual physi cal punishm ent
l 'a cc o f G od t hc F a th e r. a n d a l s o lhe Wrtrld 'l'ornorrow program. of thi s great and mi ghty Day of t he
th a t ol' Chr is t at h i s ri g h t h a n d , Yc s . h undrcds of thousands w ho Lord w i l l not fal l unti l G od has
b cco m ing v is ible. trrk c i t l ightl r today. or pul i t out seal ed. w i th hi s protecti on, t hose
Me n will bc t hr o w n i n to I' ra n ti c of rr-rindbecause it's dilferent fron-r w ho have now suffered through t he
tcrro r f br nc l m an c a n l o o k u p o n th c te a chi ngs of thei r w orl dl y' Great Tri bul ati on (R ev. 7 : 14) , and
Go d and liv c ! c h u rc h e s. w i l l then remember havc norv at l ast l earned t heir les-
Fright c ned out o f' th e i r w i ts , a n d c ry out to God for mercyl son. and turned repentant ly t o
rn cn s hall t r y t t l hi d e i n b u i l d i n g s , An d t hese hundreds ol - thou- God.
i n cav c s in t he m o u n ta i n s -th e y s a n d s s h a l l l earn that God' s mercy. There shal l be an i nnum er able
sh a l l c r y out in co n s te rn a ti o n fo r tru l y , i s g reater tow ard us than thc mul ti tude out of al l nations, who
th e roc k s ol- m oun ta i n s to fa l l o n h s a v c n s are hi gh above the earth! shal l i n total surrender cr y out t o
th e m, t o hide t hem f' ro m th e s u n - F o r G o d w i l l hear thei r repentant God. These al l shal l have r eceived
b ri g h t c ount enanc l : o f th e C rc - c ri e s , a nd pl ace them under hi s God' s H ol y S pi ri t-and be t hen
a to rl d i v i n c p rotecti on from the i nde- begotten as chi l dren of G od.
In t er r if ied pani c , a Go d -i g n o r- s c ri b a b l e terri bl e pl agues w hi ch are They shall then, at last-having
i n g , G od- r ejec t ing , p l e a s u re -s e e k - th e n y e t to comel For these are the endured the Great Tri bu lat ion-
i n g mank ind s udde n l y w i l l b c c o me p l a g u e s that God shal l send- havi ng seen God' s terri fying war n-
i n g .i s ns r c pc nt a n d f,u t th e i r p ro p h e c i e s rs " The da) ol ' thc resurrcctcd R ornan l :rrrpi rc . s; xr kcn
l r,,c. n ( i, r c l' . ir r in tl .. s h a l l c o n rc [-o rd " the ti rnc of' God' s w rathl ol propheti cal l r, tl s thc nt oder n
u n L i :r ( i, r c i ' r liv r nc fr(ttc c ti o n . N o " B ab-vl on" ti re cl aughtcl ol- t hc
T h e T e rri b l e D ay of the Lord
l .r.r!ri J t r ll t , lr it t h c n t (Ps 9 l :l - xncri cnt B abvl on o1' \e brrchadncz-
" V c n g e a n cc i s rri ne." sa)' s thc zar. It i s rL ' " B i rbr,l rtrr" l ed br , t he
l t. : r r i' - . . . lill t l rc ra s t ma .i o r- Al n ri g h tl ' (i od. N orv he sl .ral lpour r \ t ) t t - r ( }l i . 'l t l r t l , r l " \ \ ( ) n l : u t .t Sf( i tt
o u t th c v i :i l s of' hi s.,,engcancc on i l p ( ) s t a t c p i l g a n i / c d r c l i g i o n I'a l scl r
- , : - . : r : - r t t h i s ti rrre , a fte r th o s e rv h o have vol Lrnl ari l v choscn c a l l i n g h c r s c l f ' " '( - h r i s t i r r n . "
Sa tu n . M e a n r " h i l c . t h c i c r r c l c r o l 'th i s r - c-
, " . : ' \ ' r r ii- dc n c d th e i r h c a rts l )h g u c s. tcrri bl e bcvond dcscri p- storcd Ronlrn [ , . r r r p i r c ( 1 - r r ti p l r ccv
' -,\r' : : i: Lr inc : s a n d b i tte rn c s s ti o n . s h a lI l ' al l upon the rcsl orcci s 'n 't r t b o l i z c s h i r n L l n d c r t h c n l u n e
. : ". ( i, r d t hat t he y w i l l n o t re - R o n ra n l rrrrpi rc. (i od w i l l nou' ti rkc "llic b c u s t '" ) . t o g c t h c r r vi th th c
.':'... J\ c n dur ing t h e p l a rg u e sth :tt v c n g c i l n c c f' or ttrci r torturcs of hi s "llrlsc prophct" r e r l i g i o r r s l ca cl cr
' Iri bul i r-
-..rl t hc n ir . nr nc d i a tc l y I' o l l o w p c o p l c s d uri ng i l re (i rca1 ilssociiilc(l Vrith the l l li l i ta r \
, Rer . i ) : 10: l6: 9, I l ). tro n . l c , r t l c t ' r r i l l l r l r r r n l o \ ( '( l t l te i r .:r r .-
\()\\' af t er t hes e n ri g h t)' c v c n ts T h c s i xth ol thcsc puni shi ng i t : r l t o t h c c n v i r o r i s o l . l c r u sa l cn r .
,,"i l l co r le t l. r c t inr e o f (i o d ' s w rrrth p l rrg u e sw i l l be rt rrri l i trrrv i nvasi orr *'h i c h t h c r u 'i l l l l t r , c s u r r o u n cl cd
rrg a i n s t s inl- ul m en w l ro h a v c rc - ,rl - [:ttro p e hr i .. . r r i c l i i c c L r p i c c l r r t t h c ( ) u l scl o l '
l u scd l o depar t f ' r om th e w u v s tl -rn t frl rc c s l ' ro l l l ' -rrstcl n [' .i l l ope encl \ \ 'o r i d Wt r lll the bcginning ol'
i rrc cu r s ing t hc ir ow n s Ou l s . N o w th c C )ri c nt. []r thrrt ti nrc. thc R cd t h e I r i b r r l l r l i o n . T h c - r ' w i l l . b r th e
(j o d , a t las 1, af - t c r c v c ry p o s s i b l c Arn ri c s a nd thci r l l l i cs rvi l l nunrLrcr' t i r n e o l 't l t c i r r v l s i o n l 'r o l r r 1 h c l '- a st,
wa rn i ng and plead i n g s h o rt o l ' tw o h u n d r cd nri l l i on' h l t r , 'c l r t r {c r r r i l i t r r r l 'l i r r c c s i n ti r c
p h vsi cr t l punis hm en t, w i l l l c t th c T h i n k ol ' i t. .,\ \' i r.i t rl rri t\ ()l t$,() \ { i c l i l l c I l t s ( . r t s i , r , c l i r r s o n o th cr
d i vi n c punis hm c nt f i tl l l h u n c l re d rni l l i on s,rl cl i crs! Thcse l r o n t s o 1 ' t h c r . r 'o r l c l r r 'l L .r
No w c < inr es .in lu l l d i v i n c f' u rv . v a s t h o rd c s l r i l l t hcn sw cep l rcross l - i r c S o v i c t [ ] n i o n . i n c i c l cn ti r i l r ,.
th e p cr iod lir r c t old in rrro retl ra n 3 0 I' .u ro p c , u tl crl v rl cstrtrr i ng l l l tl ri s s h u l l n o t t l r k c o v c r l ) l i l c s t i r i c. n o r

The nations will gather their armies at Megiddo i n thc \ al l er of Jezreell i nsct). l ' hev w i l l conrergcon .ferusalemt r )
ch a l l e ngeJ es us( ' hr is t, who will have returned to th i s earth and w ho w i l l at thi s ti nre' bc i n,fcrusal emw i th his
slorified saints. In the c l i m a c ti c b a ttl e o f W o rl d W ar III (' hri st w i l l utterl v defcat l he opposi ngarnri es.

- .,.;.
ti -",.e' .
',,,'.1#!:t ' :.'

-"t' . .r-
other southwestern Asiatic terri- l4), will mobilize military forcesof
tory. These lands will fall, instead, "all nations"-certainly a symbol
into the hands of the forces of the The supremecrisis of the of the United Nations-in the val-
resurrected Roman Empire. (See agesis nearly upon us. ley of Megiddo, 70 miles northeast
the last few versesof Daniel I l.) of Jerusalem,to fight against the
Today we're in the lull returning beings from outer
Finally. . . The World Tomorrow!
before the real storm space-Christ and his angels.They
Now we come to the climax. will yet try to overthrow the divine
At this precise juncture, Jesus breaks in imagination- power and continue to rule the
Christ glorified, to whom has been defying fury. Theno world themselves.They will resist
given all power in heaven and in to the end! But these human lead-
earth, who upholds the energies
suddenlyGod will step in ers shall be fighting supernatural
and forces of the entire universe by and take over. power!
the Word of his Power-yes, the Their fate will be awful! Their
same Jesus Christ who trod this flesh will consume away off their
unhappy earth more than 1,900 taken through the air at the speed boneseven while they yet stand on
years ago-will return in clouds to of lightning (Matt. 24:27). their feet!
earth, visibly, personally,bodily! They shall all descendtogether Then the last of theseplaguesof
This time he is coming in all his to the Mount of Olives, one-half divine judgment shall fall. There
Power and Glory, to put down all mile eastof Jerusalem,from which will be a bedlam of thunder accom-
opposition,to rule all the nationsof Jesus ascendedover 1.950 vears panying unprecedented,frighten-
earth with supernatural force and ago! ing flashesof lightning. The most
justice. He is coming not only as tremendousseries of major earth-
King of kings, but also as Lord of And now... Armageddon! quakes of all human history will
lords. Simultaneously,at the very pres- climax. Then will fall out of heaven
This time he is coming to restore ence, or coming, of Christ and all a devastatinghailstorm, with huge
the laws and the rule of God! He the holy angels, the seven last hailstonesweighing as much as a
is coming to enforce those spiri- plagues of God's terrible day of hundred pounds! But again these
tual, inexorable laws-the very wrath shall be poured out on the hardenedmen will blasphemeGod
laws set in motion to bring human- remnants of this restored Roman becauseof this plague! They still
ity peace, happiness,joy, health, Empire centered in Europe. They will refuse to learn their lesson,
prosperity! will be covered with boils from and find the way to peaceand hap-
But thosewho shall have refused head to foot. The sea. the lakes. pinessfor all!
to repent and turn to God at the and the rivers will become as hu- As the battle of this great Day of
end of the Great Tribulation and man blood-all drinking-waterwill the Lord comes to its fateful end,
during the ensuingDay of the Lord be polluted. This "beast" power with the armies that assembledat
still will refuse to submit. shall have shed the blood of inno- Armageddondestroyedin the envi-
As the glorified omnipotent cent Christian martyrs-now God rons of Jerusalem.and as the final
Christ is descendingtoward earth will give them blood to drink! plague of the seven last plagues is
in a cloud-with all the holy angels Next, the sun's rays will become poured out, the military "beast"
of heavenescorting him, the dead so intense men will be scorched and the "false prophet" (who dur-
in Christ-all who truly had re- with the heat. But theseGod-defy- ing these closing days shall have
pented,been begottenby the Holy ing embitteredspiritual sonsof Sa- deceived the world by faked mira-
Spirit, and who had overcometheir tan will only screamout agonizing cles) will be taken together, and
own natures through God's power, curses,blasphemingthe very name cast alive into a "lake of fire burn-
who had grown in spiritual grace, of the God who is punishing them ing with brimstone."
knowledge and character, and had to save them from themselves,just
enduredpersecutionand opposition as they once tortured others in an Satan Himself Put Away
to the end-shall be resurrected attempt to convert them to their And now, his military and religious
from their graves, immortal, di- religion. They will still refuse to legions destroyed, his devil-con-
vine, now born of God at last. repent. Next, Christ will pour out trolled human leaders dead. Satan
The living in Christ shall at the the fifth plague on the very seat of himself shall be cast into the abyss
same instant be changedfrom mor- this "beast" and the "false or symbolic bottomlesspit-a con-
tal to immortal-from material prophet" at Jerusalem-the light dition of total restraint, inactivity
flesh to spiritual-from human to of the sun shall now be withdrawn, and negation-so that he cannot
divine. And they shall be caught and in the resulting darknessthey influence,sway or deceivehuman-
up, with the resurrectedsaints, to will gnaw their tongues in pain- ity any further for a duration of
meet the descending, glorified but they will not yet surrender to 1,000 years.
Christ in the air. Many have won- God. Instead, they will scream out Those overcoming saints of
dered why this meeting up in the cursesagainst the name of Christ. Christ, now born of God-now
air. These saints, born again at the It is at this very stage in these glorified, even as Christ has been
resurrection,will rise from all parts plagues that the demons, possess- glorified-form and constitute, un-
of a round earth. They shall be ing theserebel leaders(Rev. 16:13- der Christ, the kingdom of God. It
shall be at once the divine spirit- unhappiness;alert, comprehending God Almighty createdand set in
born family of God, and the gov- minds, instead of dullness, ineffi- motion the laws to produce just
ernment of God, which shall bear ciency, stupidity; prosperity, in- such a Utopia. When humanity
rule over all the earth! stead of poverty; joy, instead of yields to that divine rule, we shall
And now what of the remainder depression, fear and worry, have it!
of mankind? heartache and frustration. And now, finally, a last word to
With Satan removed,their polit- They will look back over the you who read this warning mes-
ical and religious leaders dead, 6,000-yearperiod of human experi- sage-this summary of the prophe-
their armies totally destroyed-no ence during which God allowed cles:
one to lead them any further into mankind to decide the wrong way, You have been warned!
human ways againstGod's rule, all and set up a man-built civilization Your immediate future is of
who remain alive after these contrary to the laws of God. They your own choosing.You can take
catastrophicwars and plagueswill will compare. this lightly, let it slip from mind,
at last. submit to the rule of Christ Do you think anybody will then allow yourself once again to be ab-
and the kingdom of God. want to go back to the ways of our sorbed in the mechanicsof today's
Onll' one religion will then be world today? complex society that you put this
taught-that of the truth of the No! In those days (Mic. 4:l-3), out of mind. If you do, you have
Creator God. Thosewho have been the kingdom of God shall be estab- now read your fate. On authority of
converteddown through the ages, lishedaboveall nations.The people God Almighty that it is absolutely
now made immortal in the king- finally will say: "Come, and let us sure!
dom of God. will rule over and go up to the kingdom of God; and Or, you may heed the warning,
teach those humans who remain Christ will teach us of his ways, realize the truth-that there al-
alive. A fraction of today's popula- and we will walk in his paths." For ready have occurred in the world
tion will still survive. Still human God's law, which even most sufficient happeningsto verify the
and mortal they will continue to preachersand churches hate today, reality of God's prophecies-and
live and reproduce, even as they shall then go forth from God's glo- repent now before it is too late. If
now do. But they will be ruled over rious kingdom, and the Word of you do turn to God by forsaking
by the immortal saints, under God from Jerusalem. The earth your way and this world's ways
Christ, with the rule of God. will at last be full of the knowledge through Jesus Christ as personal
For example, they will be re- of God-the truth! (Isa. I I :9). Savior-if you do then overcome,
quired to observe God's annual And Christ shall rule over and study the Bible continuallyto let it
holy days instead of the present judge all nations, until they beat correct and reprove and instruct
world's pagan holidays, such as their swords into plowshares,their you-living by every word of God,
Christmas, New Year's, Easter, weaponsof destructioninto imple- rather than by the ways and cus-
etc. Representative people of all ments of peaceful production. We toms of society-if you pray
nationswill be required to come up shall have world peace! earnestlyand continually, drawing
to Jerusalem,then the world capi- Yes, Utopia at last! closer and closer to God, and en-
tal, to keep the Feast of Taberna- There are reasonsfor today's ills! dure in this wonderful new life,
cles in the fall of the year. If What we sow, we reap! you shall be accountedworthy to
nearby nationsrefuse,there will be When, at last, God takes over- escape all these terrifying things
no rain on their land thereafter.If puts down Satan, and the ways of soon to befall the world (Luke
they still refuse, Christ will send Satan'sworld which havemade the 2r:36).
supernatural plagues to punish nationsso unhappy-when, at last, You may escape the Great
them into submission (Zech. mankind is ruled and taught reli- Tribulation. And no succeeding
l 4:16- 19). giously by God through Christ and plague will come near you.
Gradually, a stubborn, stiff- through his saints made immortal, And, finally, given the precious
necked, hostile and rebellious then the New World-the world gift of eternal life, you shall be
mankind will become obedient to tomorrow shall reap what it then used in God's kingdom teaching
the ways and the laws of God. Soon sows-peace, happiness, prosper- and ruling those human beings
they will begin to see that they ity, health, abundant, interesting made joyous in that peaceful world
have health insteadof sickness;in- living, overflowing joy! tomorrow!
teresting, abundant, happy lives, It will be a Utopia beyondman's The decision is now up to
insteadof emptiness,boredom and fondest or wildest dreams! YOU! D
this geometricrate of popu-

morerapidsuccession, cli-
maxingin threeand one-half lationgrowth,but over a
yearsof persecution and somewhatlongerperiodof
worldsuffering(verse14), time.We are, however,at a

NOwinBible at whichoointGod will

personally intervenein
humanaffairsto bringus
are escalating,
no new

Prophecy? peace.
So whereare we now in
in the Green
is at hand,the
thissecondand finalfulfill- poor nationsthat needfood
mentof Jesus'prophecy? most cannotaffordto buy it
We haveenteredthe period in sufficientquantitiesand
Faminesin Africa highlight ol "famines.. . in various the food-surolus nationsin
places"lThe situation is not Europeand in the English-
where we now are in the sequenceof reversible solelyby human speakingnationsworldwide
prophesiedevents. efforts. are facingeconomiccrises
Variouswritersof the in agricultureas a result.
Itesus highlighted the Whathas beenthe con- 1960sthoughtthe present Hunger, faminesand
I sequence of events sequence of falsereligious, situationwoulddeveloo bankruptfarmersin the in-
I endingthisage and in- socialand politicalideas? sooner.We didlSo did the duslrialworldare now
I troducingthe worldto- Civilwarsand revolution. na- authorsol the book world-news headlines. There
r-! morrow. tion fightingnationl Famine- 1975! is no turningbackthisse-
7'T"ke And what is the resultof In thisbook,published in ouenceof eventsunless
heedthat no man
deceiveyou," he warnedin civilwars.revolutionand ter- 1967.authorsWilliamand thereis completerepen-
Matthew24.4-6."For many rorism,now beginning on a PaulPaddock"forecasta tanceon an international
shallcomein my name,say- majorscale?A solutionto specificdate, 1975,when scaleand an end to selfish-
ing,I am Christ;and shall humanproblems? Thecre- the new crisiswillbe uoon nessand seltjustification
deceive many. And ye shall ation of a betterworld?Not us in all its awesomeimpor- amongnations.
hearof wars and rumoursof at all. tance."WilliamPaddock
wars:see that ye be not Instead,breakdownsof had specialtrainingin What Next?
troubled: for all thesethings agricultural productionhave agronomy, plantpathology Withthe spreadof hunger
mustcometo pass,but the occurredin nationstorn and tropicalagriculture. But and deaththerewillin-
end is not yet" (Authorized apartby civilstrife,particu- neitherhe nor we fullyfore- evitablybe increasesin dis-
Versionl. larlyin Africaand partsof saw the delayof a whole ease epidemics, both in
Not yet?Of course! Southeast Asia.Food often decadebecauseof twin landswherefamineand
cannotbe safelytransported events:the GreenFlevolution droughtoccurand in coun-
The World Just Nowl from whereit is producedto in agriculture and the impact triesto whichrefugeesflee.
Neverhaveso manydiffer- whereit is neededmost.Or of abortionworldwide. Greatstrideshavebeen
ent, confusingreligiousand food may be seizedfrom an Studentsof worldpopula- madein medicaleffortsto
politicalvoiceshad an im- alreadyhungrycountryside tion.evenUnitedNalionsex- preventthe spreadof dis-
pact on the worldas in this to feed urbanpopulations to perts,did not expectit eases.This,too, is a kindof
day of massmedia. preventyet morerevolution. wouldtake to aboutthe revolutionthat cqn postpone
And,beginning in 1917, Changingweatherpatterns year 1986for the world's the yearwhenepidemics
the worldalsohasfacedan and droughtsmakematters populationto riseto five bil- becomea woddwidedan-
ongoingperiodol civilwars evenworse. lion(fivethousand million). ger. But the costsof medi-
and revolutions one after But this sequenceof Butnotice,now,howquickly cal breakthroughs are not
another.not to mentiontwo eventsJesusdescribed,and the populationis multiplying, cheap.
worldwars. whichMatthew,Markand evenwithabortion. Who willpay for the grow-
"But the end is not yet," Lukerecord,has appeared In 1830worldpopulation ing medicalneedsof
said Jesus."For nationwill beforein history,beginning for the firsttime reached refugees?Are we goingto
rise againstnation,and in the firstcenturyA.D.As one billion.In 1930,the fig- face in medicinethe same
kingdomagainstkingdom." withmanyBibleprophecies, urewas two billion.In 1960, cost factorthat farmersin
That is, religious,political the firstfulfillmentoccurred only30 yearslater,the fig- the richernationsface?The
and economicconflictswill slowly,over a periodof ure was threebillion.Fifteen peoplewho needfood and
continue-forhumansare manycenturies,and cli- yearslater,in 1975,fourbil- healthcare most-who
not solvingtheirproblems, maxedin plaguesand '1,260 lion.In 1986,worldpopula- needsoecialeducational in-
whichare spiritual in origin. yearsof religiouspersecu- tion reachedfive billion,and structionin sanitationand
But Jesusdid not stop here. tionsin the MiddleAges it is predictedthat by 1995it nutrition-canleastaffordit!
"And therewillbe famines. (Revelation 12:6). willbe aboutsix billion. We are a criticalmoment
pestilences, and earthquakes But in this closingperiod The GreenRevolution in in the sequenceof events
in variousolaces.All these of moderncivilization. these agriculture and the explosion Jesusenumerated. Famines
are the beginning of sor- verysamepropheciesare in numbersof abortions are here.Pestilences
rows" (verse7-8). beingfulfilledagain,in much havecombinedto sustain next! n
man have ever seen!
This horrible period, the time
*'hen Satan's wrath reaches its
peak just before the end of this
age. \r'as described by Jesus
Christ in Matthew 24:21-22:
"For then shall be great tribula-
tion. such as w:rs not since the be-
ginning of the world to this time,
no, nor ever shall be. And except
those days should be shortened,
there should no flesh be saved;but
for the elect's sake those days shall
be shortened." Is the true Church going to flee to a placeof safety
God will be forced to supernatu- from the comingGreat Tribulation?Or will God just
rally intervene on this earth to pre-
vent man's total annihilation. This protecthis peoplewhereverwe are?
intervention will be brought about
by JesusChrist, who will return in
glory and power to re-establish
God's government on earth and set In order to better understand was in the end of winter in n.o. 69.
up the kingdom of God. this subject, we need to review fouf Pella is northeast of Jerusalem be-
different but related events. yond the Jordan River, south of the
But what will happen to God's
Sea of Galilee.
Church during the Great Tribula- Early Church Migrated
tion? "But the members of the church
The first event occurred as a result in Jerusalem were instructed by a
Will God protect his people
wherever they are during the Great of Christ's warning in Luke 2l:2O- prophecy, revealed to the leaders,
21 (compare Matt. 24:15-22): to abandon the city before the war
Tribulation. as some claim? Of
"And when ye shall see and to take up residencein one of
course God can, but will he?
Jerusalem compassedwith armies, the cities of Perea which was
God could have miraculously
then know that the desolation named Pella. From Jerusalem the
protected Noah and his family for
thereof is nigh. Then let them followers of Christ migrated to
the more than one year they were
which are in . . . the midst of it de- Pella" (Eusebius, Ecclesiastical
in the ark, but he didn't chooseto. part out; and let not them that are History, III, 5).
Noah and his family had to go into
in the countries enter thereinto." In fact, shortly before the au-
the ark, their "place of safety."
This prophecy was fulfilled after tumn of n.o. 66 a "sound" was
God could have supernaturally events in Judea in the fall of .t.p. heard in the Temple, of a great
protected Lot and his family in
66. Jerusalem was surrounded and multitude saying, "Let us remove
Sodom, but instead God sent an-
besieged by the Roman army un- hence." This incident was reported
gels to lead him out of that wicked
der Cestius Gallus. After a few by the Jewish historian Josephus,
city, so Lot and his family could go
days, for no apparent reason, the who said it occurred on a Pentecost
to their "place of safety."
siege was lifted and the Romans (see Josephus, Wars, book VI,
It is not what God could do, but departed from the area. chapter 5, section 3 for the report
what he will do, that counts!
Immediately after this, two and on this and other unusual events
a half years before Gen. Vespasian surrounding the fall of Jerusalem).
No "Place of Safety" and the Roman forces returned and That first move or migration of
Just what does the Bible say about besiegedJerusalem starting at the the Church was no emergency
all this? Does the Bible say, "The Passover in n.n. 69, the true "flight" as described by Luke and
Church is going to flee to a place Church did leave Jerusalem to the Matthew, but it made protection
of safety"? mountains of Judea for protection. possiblefor the Church during and
No, it certainly does not! The The Greek word in Luke 2l:21 after the fall of Jerusalem.
statement is scripturally inaccurate means "to escapeor run away, to
on two counts: I ) The Bible nowhere take flight" (not flying in the air). Those in Judea Flee
says that the Church will "flee" in The only ancient reference to The second event we need to un-
the end time and 2) the Bible this "escape" is found in the writ- derstand involves this same
nowhere uses the phrase "place of ing of Eusebius, who lived from prophecy. There will be an end-
safety." Try to find it in a concor- about A.D. 260 to 340. Eusebius time fulfillment of this text in an
dance if vou think otherwise. said the Church went to Pella-it urgent, emergency escape.
"Then let them The Church was
which be in Judeaflee severely persecuted
into the mountai ns: during the reigns of
Let him which is on both Emperor Diocle-
the housetop not come tian and Emperor Ga-
down to take any thing lerius from e.o. 303 to
out of his house: nei- 313, especiallyin the
ther let him which is in eastern provinces (see
the field return back to Revelation2:10).
take his clothes. And In e.o. 325 Constan-
woe unto them that are tine convened the
with child, and to them Council of Nicaea.
that give suck in those Catholicism became
days! But pray ye that the state religion. In
your flight be not in order for God's
the winter, neither on Church to fully obey
the sabbath day: for God and put into prac-
then shall be great tice their beliefs, they
tribulation, such as was had to "flee" from the
not sincethe beginning centers of influence
of the world to this z and into the less-popu-
time, no, nor ever shall lated areas.
be" (Matt. 24:16-21). z
In the early period
There are certain a of this "exile" the true
points we shouldnotice l
Christians were most
here.This refers to peo- numerous in what to-
ple of God in Judea. day is eastern Turkey,
Those people of God's Shortly beforethe autumn of then Armenia. In later
Church who happento centuries they were
be in this geographical
A.D.66 a "sound" was heardin the found in scattered ar-
areawhen the abomina- Temple,of a great multitudesaying, eas of the Alpine re-
tion of desolation,or "let us removehence."This gions of Europe, espe-
surrounding of cially in the mountains
Jerus alem, comes to incident was reportedby the and small valleys, still
passmust literally flee JewishhistorianJosephus, who said it away from major popu-
for their lives!They will lation centers.
not even be able to go occurredon a Pentecost. Around 1585,which
backinto their homesto was 1,260 years after
retrieve clothing, food, 325. the threat of for-
Bibles or family. Those left inside where she hath a place prepared of eign religious domination of the
the homes will have to flee in the God, that they should feed her throne in England ended. This
samemannerassoonasthey become there a thousandtwo hundred and brought to a closethe period when
awareof theseevents. threescoredays." the Church had to carry on in the
People in this circumstancewill This scripture describes the wilderness, or less populated,
be in such danger that they must Church after Christ's ascensionto lonely areas of Europe and Asia
not call attention to the fact that God's throne (verse 5) and before Minor, insteadof the greaterpopu-
they are fleeing, or they will be the end-time "war in heaven" lation centers where Catholic and
captured and unable to escape. (verse7). later even Protestant churches
They must flee, run away, escape In this case the woman also flourished.
(not fly in the sky by plane) to the "fled" ("fled" here comes from a The fourth relatedeventwe need
mountains. Jerusalem is sur- Greek word related to the word to understand concerns the very
rounded by hills or mountains; translated "flight" in Matthew end time, just three and a half
these mountains may not be the 24:20). The period mentioned is years before Christ's return.
ultimate destination, but would 1,260 days, which in this place
have to be passedthrough to ulti- propheticallyrefers to 1,260 years The Church that Flies to Her Place
mate protection. according to the "day for a year" After the war in heaven pitting
principle found in Numbers l4:34 Michael and his angelsagainstthe
Church Fled to the Wilderness and Ezekiel 4:5. devil and his angels (Rev. l2:7),
The third prophecy we must un- The Church in this text flees Satan is cast to the earth and starts
derstand concerns God's Church into the "wilderness," a solitary, a new, vigorous persecutionagainst
from about A.D.325 to about 1585. lonely, desert place. the Church (verse l3).
Notice Revelation 12:6: "And the Here is what happened histori- After this we read: "And to the
woman fled into the wilderness, callv: woman were given two wings of a
great eagle, that she might fly into various times over past millennia "Watch ye therefore, and pray
th e w ilder nes s , into h e r p l a c e , and is noted for the many man- always, that ye may be accounted
where she is nourished for a time. made caves cut out of its reddish worthy to escape all these things
and times, and half a time, from rock. that shall come to pass, and to
the face of the serpent" (verse 14). If this is the place where God stand before the Son of man"
No te t hat t he w o m a n (th e takes his peoplein the end time, it (Luke 2l:36).
Church) is given two wings of a will be found to be very inhos- Who are these people "ac-
great eagle, that she might "fly." pitable. The temperatures in this counted worthy" to escape?
H e re t he G r eek w o rd l i te ra l l y desert area are extreme in both Those worthy will be watching.
means "fly" (as a bird or plane summer and winter, and even from In plain language,they will be ob-
does), not flee or escape by other night to day. serving world, national and local
means. She flies to "her place," events,especiallyas they relate to
wh i ch c ould im ply o w n e rs h i p . Truly a "Place of Safety"? prophecy,so that they will not be
Here she is nourished (fed physi- Wherever the place, will it be a caught unawaresby the snare that
calll' and spiritually) for three and place of safety? It will apparently will trap the rest of the world.
a half 1'ears("time, and times, and be safe from Satan. But it will not Those worthy will be praying al-
h a l f a t im e" ) . yet be God's kingdom. Those who ways-each day-not neglecting
Verse 17 shows that there are go will not yet have "endured to this essentialpart of Christian life.
certain others in the Church who the end." They will not yet have it Their prayers of intercession,
do not make this flight. They face made. They will still be able to sin prayers for help, prayers for for-
not just persecution from Satan but and fall away. To some the "place giveness and prayers for God's
war with him, and there is no indi- of safety" could prove to be a place kingdom to come will be continu-
ca ti o n of div ine p ro te c ti o n fo r of danger and the place where they ally going up to God.
th e m. finally lose put on salvation. These people will become wor-
In this place it will be necessary thy through Christ's sacrifice and
Are There Many Places? to live together in peace and har- forgivenessof sin, and not as a
The scripture says the Church will mony 24 hours a day for about result of their own "worthiness."
go to "her place" (verse l4). The three and a half years. Matthew adds other points that
word place is singular, not plural, How will the Church go to "her we should notice (Matt. 24:42-51).
so it must be just one place. place"? Even though the scripture Those who are ready will be doing
Where is that one place? It is seems to indicate air transporta- God's Work, giving "meat in due
said to be in "the wilderness." That tion, that is not the only possible season."They will, in other words,
indicates a solitary, sparsely popu- explanation.A similar statementis be doing their part in preachingthe
lated area. found in Exodus 19:4: "Ye have gospel to the world as a witness.
This place of God's protection seenwhat I did unto the Egyptians, They will be giving of them-
may quite possibly be in the area and how I bare you on eagles' selves,not trying to get from oth-
anciently occupied by Edom, Moab wings, and brought you unto my- ers. Such people who are giving
and Ammon, since that area will self." The ancient Israelites never their lives in God's servicewill save
escape the final invasion of the heard of modern air transportation. their lives:
ki n g of t he nor t h (D a n . l l :4 1 ). They walked out of Egypt! "For whosoeverwill savehis life
Other prophecies show that this Just who will go to this place, shall loseit: but whosoeverwill lose
same area will later be taken over away "from the face of the serpent his life for my sake,the sameshall
by people from the east (Ezek. 25). ISatan]"? save it" (Luke 9:24).
Several texts, including Isaiah Those, who are trying desper-
1 6 :l -4 , 33: 13- 17 an d 4 2 :l l -1 2 , i n - Who Will Be Taken? ately to save their own lives by
dicate this wilderness area might Luke's gospel gives further infor- going to a "place of safety" may
be the place. mation about who will escape"all find that such safety will not be
The area has been inhabited at these things": provided for them. !

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