Job Interview

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Tell us about yourself.

one of my best strenths is my attention to detail when i set out to work or a ta

sk or a project i always make sure it gets
done on time. i am
What do you know about our company?
SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co. (branded as SGV & Co.) is the Philippines' largest mul
tidisciplinary professional services firm
We provide integrated solutions that draw on diverse and deep competencies in as
surance, tax, transaction and advisory services. We uphold the highest standards
of quality. In fact, SGV & Co. remains the only ISO 9001-certified professional
services firm in the Philippines
a distinction we have maintained since 1996.
Why have you applied for this job?
What do you look for in a job?
i want a job whre i can use my degree. i want a job that pays a lot. i want a jo
b where i am really good or passionate at.
What are your weaknesses?
my weaknes used to be public speaking, speaking to large groups of people. howev
er ive overcome that. but it is smoething that ive really struggled with
in the past, ive struggled with speaking to large groups of people. however im r
eally strong at speaking to smaller groups of people. im really goood at buildin
g rapport with
people one on one. what ive done to overcome that is, i spent time with colleag
ues that were really good at it, i practiced still working on it but ive c
ome a long way
Why should we hire you?
you should hire me because i have the mathematical skill, techniques and ability
to do my job as an accountant. i have a deep understanding of accounting princi
ples and record keeping .
My basic math skills, record keeping techniques and the ability to work with ver
y little direction all point towards my suitability for this position. My deep u
nderstanding of accounting principles, familiarity with federal and state laws/r
egulations and outstanding customer service skills would help your business.
Where do you see yourself in five years?
in the next 5 years, i see myself becoming the senior accountant to analyze acco
unt information, securing financial information.
i will always complete tasks assigned to me and establish my self in the team.
Do you have any questions for us?
What kinds of advancement opportunities are there for someone in this position?
What all other benefits I get other than salary?
How the company behaves in times of recession and how the company encourage its
employees for higher education.

35000 but im really open and flexible on salary. the opportunity to be valued an
d to add value to a company is my priority.
sir, i am a fresher and energetic. i have no problem to do work overtime and lat
e nights, weekends. but i will try my best to complete my work within the workin
g houes.
whenever there is an urgent work or pending work it is my responsibility to comp
lete the task assigned to me. in that case i dont mid for working overtime
What job in this company would you want if you had a choice?
CFO because it offers higher salary and i will be able to use my skills and know
ledge better.

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