Signs and Symbols in The Sacrament of Matrimony

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1.) Bridal Procession symbolizes the transfer of the parents rights over their
daughter to the groom. The groom will now be the protector and defender of the
bride. (MT 25:1-13)
2.) White gown traditional vestments of the bride; symbolizes inner beauty and
3.) Joining of hands after expressing their marital consent, the bride and the
groom are asked to join their hands and say: Grant us oh Lord, to be one heart and
one soul from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in
sickness and in health, until death do us part. The joining of hands symbolizes their
mutual self-donation. As husband and wife they belong to each other and become
one body, heart and purpose.
4.) Arrhae signify the sufficiency of material possessions that a family should have
in order to take care of their temporal needs.
5.) Candles represent Christ, the light sent by the Father to show us the way to
6.) Veil emphasizes the union and mutual surrender of the couple to one another.
This vail is laid over the head of the bride and the shoulders of the groom.
7.) Rings symbolizes their pledge of mutual love and faithfulness. They have to
wear their rings all throughout their lives as a sign of mutual love and unbroken
8.) Cord the word comes from the Latin jugum which means yoke. Thats why
we hear the word conjugal, which means of marriage conjugal property,
conjugal rights, etc. A yoke means two things: something that has to be carried and
also something that unites those who carry it. Marriage is a yoke that binds together
a man and a woman and which has to be carried by both the husband and wife.
9.) Nuptial blessing the Church gives the newly wed the nuptial blessing so that
they may be reminded of their duties and prays for help from the Lord so that they
may keep them.
10.) Matrimony and Eucharist all sacraments are oriented towards the eucharist
because all sacraments come from and lead to Christ, and Christ is above all the
eucharist. It is the Eucharist as bread from heaven that provides the newly wed the
food to make their spiritual life grow and with the strength they need to keep their
duties imposed upon them by the sacrament of matrimony.
11.) Sharing a kiss the ceremonial kiss that concludes the wedding ceremony is
said to represent the couple sharing and joining their souls.
12.) Bridal Bouquet
Flowers symbolize sex and fecundity. Consequently, the bridal bouquet symbolizes
joyful lovemaking and fertility. The ribbons around the flowers are believed to bring
good luck. There should also be knots, known as lovers knots, at the end of each
ribbon. These symbolize unity and wholeness. Throwing the bouquet is a recent
innovation. Whoever catches it will be the next bride.
13.) Throwing of confetti is not a part of the matrimonial mass but it is always
observed as the newly weds emerge from the church. Confetti symbolizes the future

fertility and prosperity of the couple. During the early period they used rice, wheats
or birdseeds on this tradition.

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