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Women are the subject of mystery since the age of caveman to the new era …for

men the most daunting question is “what these women are searching in the men..?”
A survey says that women don’t like a man who drinks but on the other hand, many
pubs in various cities are flourishing on the sake of the women who drink. Vodka
and Rum are becoming famous among the working class women in the IT sectors
and also in the BPOs. Then tell me one thing, if these women are busy in drinking
then why they are asking for such men who does not drink. This apart from my
opinion is the result of a survey which says 49-76% women of age group 15-35 have
told that they would like a man who does not drink.

Like men, women are also seeking the equal participation in the household work
and they also want real support from their lover, boyfriend or husband in the
kitchen and also want their participation in financial decision making. Since we
belong to male dominating society where women can’t participation in financial
decision making. But how we can ignore the importance of half population. How we
can loss the memory that they are creators of our life and also responsible for the
nourishment of each and every child in the world.

If these women are so naïve in decision making. Then why are we reading Madam
Curie and why we men are following the Theory of her. Around the Globe these
women are governing the Fortune 50 companies and also imparting values to many
companies like PepsiCo, ICICI and many more. These women are proving
themselves but when matter comes to their Man then one and only though that run
in their mind that is “a man who can fix the fuse and discuss about any kind of topic at any time &
should be a good lover and an even better father. They want a man who has the wisdom like
Yudhisthir ,muscles like Bhim good and goofy attitude just like Arjun and Good follower as the Nakul and
Sahdev…but how this is possible to assemble such kinds of attributes in one man. This proves that the
desires of women are unbounded and if someone tries to fulfill all these then one will have to take many
births but their desires will not finish …this is the only drawback of the women, they don’t want a man who
is meant for the love but a machine who can act as per the requirement. They don’t run behind the money
or fair complexion or some heavenly attributes but they run behind a boy or a man who follows her not
every time but probably most of occasion.

But there are few things that these women care a lot .

Respect : Every woman on this earth wants to see his dreams take shape. She wants attention to her
work, also about her career from her man. Respecting her should not be taken as the matter of ego,
everything that is running between both is meant for the better life and also for the happiness.

Trust : Happiness of people depends upon how much they trust about each other.. Because in
relationship you can earn anything but u can’t get the same after sacking the trust of ur love .so many
mms scandal have also made this important for the girls to whom they trust …….

Security: Every girl on this earth sees the replica of her father in her boyfriend or husband.
They want a secure place and a man on whom she can trust and a shoulder over which she
can weep when she feels low and a mighty hand that save her from the odds of the society
and also from the bad time. It means they want a man who can help her while choosing
the career prospective or a better way towards the life. herShe wants a man who can help
in every moment of life without sacking the real trust and reality of a relation and with
whom she can move confidently without the fear.

Romance: Living together does not mean that life of romance has gone. We can have some charm of
romance also after the marriage because each wife wants to be pampered like girlfriend .each wife or
lady wants the outing and fresh kisses that she used to have before marriage. She wants to see her part
of love in the priority list of her man…So to spice up the life We should have some good time for the
romance in the life. Because romancing with life is the art of the happiness.

Communication: whole world is familiar with the fact that is the vocal creatures but she
never proceeds first due to this she wants to listen the “I Love You” word from her man .this
is not enough because she wants the word of appreciation for her cooked food ,for the nice
dress and some time without any reason . this is the main reason behind this proverb
“appreciation is the only way to win the heart of a women” .She wants to listen the word
hot and horny when she really looks like .it helps them to collect the happiness in small
packets .Every appreciation acts as the token of love for her .She also expects a 3-4 small
call from her man when he is out in the office . So this is the communication that plays a
very vital role in a peaceful and happy relation.

Healthy man: it is really hard to resist a string and active man who is in good shape and
size .They don’t want a flabby or a underweight man like me

Wanted to be noticed: A lot of stupid thing these girls perform to get noticed by the boys
and due to this they try so many sexy and skimpy dresses and so many stupid type hair-
style that don’t have any sense in real life .

Soul mate: Women can share everything but not willing to share her husband or
boyfriends to any girl .So she wants a soul mate on which she can trust in love.

Caring heart : 85% ladies in the world like their men who are good with pet and children.
They feel good to see their men who have a good compatibility with their family and also
with their friends

Smoking and drinking free man: these are two things that is known as the deal breaking
Attributes in the man .not a single woman wants a man who smokes &drinks …but this is
not applicable for the whole women population because exception are the supporter of
every concept .

Gifts: gifts are the second most pleasing thing after their intimate caring and fondling that
make them happy. So men‘s responsibility is to give them the gift at every small occasion to
shower the happiness in their relation to fix the patches of soreness in the relationship.

Women want to be the maintenance girls: every women dreams and sing for the Gucci
bags, Chanel glasses, solitaires, high heels, Armani clothes and a penthouse….more than
13% women in the world think that money can even buy a good guy too ….this is just the
test of women to buy the things that lure them most …
Want to marry a rich man: a survey has opened a new discussion topic that 59.4 %
women want to marry rich man who inherits a large amount of wealth from their parents
.this fact has been painted on the celluloid in the movie “page 3” where Chitrangada moves
with a rich man of her father’s age to fulfill her lust towards the lavish party and holiday on
the cruise. these women are usually obsessed with the fairy tell stories and they never want
to come out of their virtual cocoon. they feel it safe and secure to live in such illusion ………..

This is my effort but may be you have some more interesting fact in matter so plz
comment below if u have any ……………..

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