BHEL Perks Manual

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Section A:1

and Conditions

Page No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

Sub Section A:1A

Company's Reservation Policy

Page No. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Annex. I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX

Sub Section A:1B Recruitment Policy

Annexure to Recruitment Policy


Executive Designations

Section A:2

Page No. 1, 2


Non-Executive Designations

Section A:3

Page No. 1,2,3,4




Section A:4

Section A:5
Policy and Benefits

Sub-section A:6

Rules of Perks and Allowances in Cafeteria

Sub-section A:6A Percentage of Perks and Allowance in Cafeteria




Section B:1


Section B:2

Page No. 1, 2


Section B:3A
Page No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7





Section B:3B
Rent Recovery



and Daily Allowance Rules

Fixation Rules


Section B:4

Section B:5

Section B:6

Section B:7

Section B:8
of Departmental Trainees &
Trainee Officers



for Acquiring Higher / Additional

Section C:1


Higher Studies

Section C:2A


Section C:2B







Planning Incentives

Performance Payments

Incentive & Bonus

in Inter-Unit Sports



Section C:3

Section C:4

Section C:5

Section C:6

Section C:7
Excellence Awards Scheme




Section D:1
Site Rules


Section D:2
Discipline and Appeal

Page No 1,2 ,3



Section D:3
Examination Rules
Section D:4
of Professional Bodies




Section D:5



Section E:1
and Holidays


Section E:2A
of Earned


Section E:2B
of Half Pay


Section E:3


Travel Concession Rules effective from

10th April 2003

Leave Travel Concession (LTC)


Leave Travel Assistance (LTA)

Ticket facility for children

Section E:4

studying at outstations



Section E:5


Section E:6

Reimbursement for Executives

Section E:7A

Contributory Health Scheme


Reimbursement for Non-Executive

Section E:7B Conveyance
Reimbursement for

Section E:7C

Employees in

Conveyance Maintenance


Section E:7D


Linked Insurance Scheme


Section E:8

Section E:9

Section E:10 Insurance
Scheme in Lieu of EDLI Scheme


Section E:11 BHEL

Employees Housing

Loan Group Insurance


Insurance Scheme

Section E:12
/ Medical

Employees not covered under

Section E:13

Compensation Act

those killed in terrorist

Section E:14
in cases of


Section E:15 BHEL
Gratuity Fund Rules


Section E:16
Relief fund


Section E:17
of cost of












Loan Interest Subsidy Scheme

Section F:1

Section F:2

Section F:3

Section F:3A


Building Advance

Employees Housing Loan Interest Subsidy


Section F:4

Section F:4A


Page no. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

Subsidy Scheme

Section F:5


Loan Interest

All employees on first appointment in the service of the company including employees appointed to a
higher grade consequent on promotion or on the basis of an open selection shall be placed on probation
for a period of one year during which period their performance will be watched carefully with a view to
determining their suitability for confirmation against the regular post. However, the following categories
of employees are exempted from the above rules:



Employees of the Government and other Public Sector Undertakings, initially taken on deputation and
subsequently absorbed in the Company's service except where the period of deputation is less than one
Officers appointed to posts in the grade of Rs.20500-26500 and above.
The period of probation may be extended at the discretion of the competent authority, but will not be
extended by more than one year save for exceptional reasons to be recorded in writing.
Every new employee appointed in the Company's service will be issued with a formal order of
confirmation on satisfactory completion of probationary period or the extended period of probation, as
the case may be. The employee will be considered to be continuing on probation until so confirmed in
An order relating to confirmation or extension of probation will normally be communicated within one
month from the date of completion of the probationary period or extended period of probation. If,
however, for administrative or other reasons it is not done so, the employee concerned will be informed
of the reasons thereof within the stipulated period of one month.
If during the probationary period or extended period of probation, the performance, progress and
general conduct of the employee are not found satisfactory or upto the standard required for the post,
his/her services are liable to be terminated at any time without notice and without assigning any reason
Permanent Government servants joining BHEL against open advertisement who retain lien on their
substantive posts in their parent departments:
The normal probation period of all such employees will be one year from the date of joining the
company. However, after satisfactory completion of a probationary period of at least three months from
the date of joining the Company, any such employee can be permanently absorbed in the company
provided his pay has been fixed under the relevant Government rules applicable to Government
servants getting absorbed in Public Sector Undertakings in public interest and provided the employee
himself pays the required contributions towards leave salary and pension to his parent department till
the date of his absorption in BHEL
An employee who on joining public sector undertaking retains lien in Government for some time is not
entitled to CPF, Leave, and Gratuity benefits under the Company Rules for the period of service during
which he retains lien in Government irrespective of the fact that leave salary and pension contributions
are paid by the employee himself.
Discharges and Termination of Service
Except as may be specifically provided in the contract of service or in the Standing Orders, the
Management may at any time discharge an employee from service by giving notice for the period
mentioned hereunder or by payment of wages in lieu of such notice. Similarly, the employee will be
required to give the same notice in the event of his intention to leave the service of the Company.
Notwithstanding the above provision, an employee who is in an executive/supervisory cadre and who
tenders resignation will be relieved of his duties only on his resignation being accepted. The
Management reserves the right not to accept his resignation if the circumstances so warrant i.e. if the
disciplinary proceedings are pending or a decision has been taken by the competent authority to issue a

charge sheet. Before accepting the resignation, the Competent Authority will obtain clearance from the
Unit and Corporate Vigilance Departments where necessary. Acceptance of payment of salary from the
employee in lieu of full or unexpired period of notice will be at the discretion of the Management.
The resignation will be effective only from the date from which it is accepted by the Company and the
employee is finally relieved in consequence thereof.
Notice Period
Category of employee
Notice period
Regular Employees
All Executives
Three months on either side
One month on either side
Temporary employees
On expiry of stipulated period of appointment
No notice on either side
Category of employee
Notice period
Temporary employees
If no period of appointment is stipulated or the appointment is required to be terminated before the
expiry of the stipulated period for which there should be a provision in the letter of appointment
One month on either side
Probationers i.e. those appointed on Probation
One month on either side in the case of Executives and 14 days notice on either side for other
As per the provisions of the Bond
Substitutes and Casual employees with less than 240 days service
No notice on either side
In order to ensure consistency, all cases of resignation of executives involving waival of the prescribed
notice period will require approval of the Corporate Office and as such may be referred to Corporate

Office for processing and obtaining orders of the competent authority. A maximum of one-month waival
can be considered subject to other conditions.
The cases of non-executive's resignations requiring waival of notice period may be dealt at unit level
subject to the conditions that the employee has not encashed his EL during the preceding one year and
no vigilance case is pending against him.
With a view to avoid any anomaly and ensure consistent policy in line with the above orders being
adopted in all cases, wherever the non-executives are promoted to executive cadre, they will be
governed by three months notice clause.
The above provisions relating to notice period should invariably be incorporated by the Units / Divisions
suitably in the appointment letters/offers of appointment made to the Executives / Supervisors
For instructions regarding enforcement of Bond, where applicable, refer to Rule 15 of this chapter.
In case of employees who resign from the services of the company on being selected by or through
UPSC or by another Public Sector Enterprise, the aforesaid notice period need not be insisted upon
and the employees may be relieved as soon as possible subject to exigencies of work.
(Amended vide Circular No.030/PPX/2005 dated 08/07/2005)

Where an employee in the senior executive level i.e., E5 and above not getting promoted to the next
higher grade, has attained the age of 50 years and wishes to resign from BHEL, he may be permitted to
do so giving one and half months notice instead of three months. Where, however, notice period is one
month as per the terms of appointment, it will remain unchanged. In addition, the benefit of encashment
of earned leave and half pay leave as admissible on superannuation may also be extended to the
employees resigning from the service of BHEL under the above circumstances.
The above rule is on hold and in abeyance. No application under this rule may be processed till further
(vide Corporate HR Circular No. 055/TMX/2006 dated 27-11-06)
3.2.13 The cases of employees, governed by the BHEL Conduct Discipline and Appeal Rules, for grant of
permission to contest election to any Legislative Body or any Local Authority, shall be regulated in the
following manner:
a) The request shall be received and processed by the concerned Unit HR and the same may be
considered by the Unit Head, depending on the circumstances of each case.
b) While granting such permission to the employee, it should be made clear to the employee by the Unit
HR that, in case he/she is elected, he/she will have to resign from the services of the Company and no
leave will be granted to him/her. A suitable undertaking to this effect may be obtained from the employee,
by the Unit HR, while granting permission.
(vide Corporate HR Circular No. 017/IRX/2009 dated 23-04-2009)
The services of an employee may also be terminated by the Company on the following grounds, among
a On abolition of the post. b On being declared unfit for further service on medical grounds. c Insolvency.
d Conviction by a court of law for criminal offence amounting to moral turpitude. e Employee engaging

himself in other employment without the written permission of the Management or if he is found to have
been working elsewhere during the period of leave or off duty. f Loss of confidence by the company in an
employee holding position of trust or confidence or by virtue of his nature of duties.

Absence by an employee on grounds of sickness for a continuous period of more than 18 months if
suffering from tuberculosis, leprosy, mental or malignant diseases or fracture of lower/upper extremity
and six months or more if suffering from any other ailment on the basis of the opinion of the Medical
Superannuation / Voluntary (Pre-mature) Retirement / Review on attaining 55/58 years of Age
Every employee shall be required to retire from service on attaining the age of 60 years.
The Management may, however, on review retire any employee after he attains the age of 55/58 years
on giving one and half months notice or payment of one and a half month's pay and allowances in lieu
thereof subject to necessary clearances including vigilance clearance. An employee may also, after
attaining the age of 55 years, opt to retire voluntarily from the service of the Company on giving one and
a half month's notice subject to necessary clearances including vigilance clearance. In both the cases,
the retirement after approval on obtaining the necessary clearances, including vigilance clearance, will
be effective only from the date of relieving of the employee by the Company. Employees retiring
between the age of 55 and 60 years will be eligible for all retirement benefits.
The Voluntary (Pre-mature) retirement will, however, be accepted by the Management subject to the
guidelines provided for under Voluntary (Pre-mature) Retirement in para 4.3 below.
Voluntary (Pre-mature) Retirement
The following guidelines will be adopted while processing the cases of employees seeking voluntary (premature) retirement
Requests for Voluntary (Pre-mature) Retirement should not be accepted in the following cases:-




In the case of employees in core areas of operations of the Company e.g. Marketing,
Erection, Commissioning, Servicing, Manufacturing and related activities, Engineering &
Designs, R&D, IT etc. ii) In the case of employees in the grade of General Manager & above
4.3.2(B) Exception to the general guideline as at (A) above may, however, be made in the
case of
i) Employees with known serious health problems and
ii) Employees who have stagnated in the current & previous two grades for a long time.
Requests for Voluntary (Pre-mature) Retirement may also be considered for the following
cases:i) Those working in / having experience in peripheral / non-core areas;
ii) Areas if any, where a decision has been taken by the Company to exit etc;
iii) Areas where the Company is not experiencing a shortage of manpower; and in all above








(Corp.H.R. Circular No. 039/TRX/2006 dated 10/07/2006.)
4.3.2(D) Requests of employees at all levels for voluntary( pre-mature) retirement within three
months of their superannuation may be considered subject to exigencies of service and at the
discretion of the management
( vide Corporate HR circular No. 040/TRX/2007 dated 11/9/2007) 4.3.3
All cases of employees opting for Voluntary (Pre-mature) Retirement should be scrutinized
based on above guidelines, by special Cross Functional Committees which should be formed
at Units / Regions, at the level of General Manager, before forwarding their cases to
(Corp.H.R. Circular No. 039/TRX/2006 dated 10/07/2006.)
In case a Functional Director resigns from his/her post in the interest of BHEL (e.g to take up
a Board level position in a Joint Venture formed by BHEL) or in public interest, and the
resignation is accepted by Government of India, he/she will be entitled to all benefits as
available on retirement to BHEL employees. To avoid double benefits, those benefits which
are being provided by the JV Company, as part of their Service rules, will not be extended by
BHEL. This will be effective from 01.02.2009 and will be subject to further approval of the
( Corporate HR Circular No. No.019/TRX/2009 dated 23.04.09)
4.4 Compulsory retirement 4.4.1 Compulsory retirement may be given as a penalty under
Rule 23(H) of BHEL CDA Rules,1975 4.4.2 Employees who are given compulsory retirement
will be eligible for RECHS Facilities, if otherwise eligible under the Scheme. 4.4.3 Pre
requisites of clause 4.2 will not be applicable for compulsory retirement cases. (Corporate HR
Circular No.024/PPX/2010 dated 25/06/2010
No BHEL employee shall be granted extension in service beyond the age of 60 years.
Retirement of employees shall take effect from the afternoon of the 24th day of the calendar
month, that is, the last day of BHEL wage month in which the employee concerned attains
the age of superannuation instead of the afternoon of the actual date of his superannuation.
If date of birth is 25th of the month like 25th October the employee will retire on the
preceding 24th i.e., on 24th October and not on 24th November.
4.7 Review of employees on attaining the age of 55/58 years 4.7.1 For further
continuation in service, the cases of employees are required to be reviewed twice, once at
the age of 55 years for retention upto 58 years of age and again at 58 years for retention upto
60 years of age, except as indicated at 4.6.4 below. 4.7.2
The cases of non-executives in various grades and Executives upto E6 shall be reviewed at
the Unit level by ED or GGM, (having the powers of ED) and the cases of Executives in E6A
and above grades will be sent to Corporate Office with specific recommendations of Unit
Head, for review by Director (HR) and CMD as applicable, in the prescribed proforma
(Annexure). Only those cases where Head of Unit recommends that the services of an
in E5 & E6 grades cannot be further continued beyond 55/58 years, will
be referred to Corporate Office. Cases upto E6, where Units are not headed by ED or GGM
(having powers of ED) will be reviewed by concerned Functional Directors.
While reviewing the cases of employees for further continuation in service, the ACR
ratings/PMS/MAP Score of last 5 years shall be taken into consideration.
4.7.4 In cases where a definite decision cannot be taken to retire the employees because of
marginal level ratings in performance, only one year extension in service beyond the age of
55/58 years, will be granted, at a time, subject to further improvement. This is applicable only
in such cases where the performance rating is "Good" or less in three or more years in the
preceding 5 years. Equivalent of "Good" will be as follows:
a) In ACR System
Rating of "Good" or less/


Third level or less in a 5 point scale

b) In PMS System
Score of less than 60
c) In e-MAP System Pre normalized score of less than 3 4.7.5
Such cases shall be reviewed again in the subsequent year and recommended for
continuance in service, only on evidence of improvement in performance. The same
approach of giving one year extension shall also be followed in cases where disciplinary
enquiry is pending while reviewing on attaining the age of 55/58 years. Their cases shall be
reviewed again in the subsequent year.


(Corporate HR Circular No.50/TRX/2005 dated 26/10/2005 &

Corporate HR Circular No.009/TRX/2007 dated 02/02/2007)
xxii. 5.
xxiii. Verification of Character and Antecedents.
xxiv. Appointment to any post in the Company shall be subject to the satisfactory verification of
character and antecedents.
xxvi. Liability for defence service
xxvii. All Engineering and Medical Graduates appointed to any post in the Company shall, if so
required by the appointing authority, be liable to serve in any Defence Service or post
connected with the Defence of India for a period of not less than four years, including the
period spent on training, if any.
xxviii. Provided that such persons shall not:
xxix. (a) be required to serve as aforesaid after the expiry of ten years from the date of their
appointment; and


ordinarily be required to serve as aforesaid after attaining the age of 40 years in case of
Engineering Graduates and after attaining the age of 45 years in the case of Medical

Seniority shall be determined by the merit order assigned by the Selection Board.
The seniority of person whose services are obtained on deputation and who is subsequently absorbed
in the service of the company without break shall be determined with reference to the date of his joining
the existing post initially on deputation.
Seniority of employees recruited as Trainees shall be determined with reference to the merit order in
which they are placed as a result of their performance in the pre-absorption test and interview.
In order to make the position clear and to evolve uniform procedure in the determination of the seniority
in any particular category of posts, the following principles shall apply:
The grant of an initial pay higher than the minimum of the scale, will not by itself confer on an employee
seniority above those who are drawing lower pay in the particular category of post, except in cases
where weightage of the past service has been allowed with the approval of the competent authority.

Candidates selected for appointment at an earlier selection shall be senior to those selected later,
irrespective of the dates of their joining, provided the candidate selected joins not later than three
months from the date of issue of the appointment letter.
Candidates duly selected for promotion at an earlier date shall be senior to those selected for promotion
at a subsequent selection.
Record of age/date of birth
Every employee shall declare, on his first appointment in the company or on being required to do so by
the Management at any time, his date of birth according to the Christian Era/Saka Era and produce
confirmatory documentary evidence thereof e.g. Matriculation or School Leaving Certificate or Birth
Certificate from Municipality and in the absence thereof such evidence as may be acceptable to the
Management. If any employee is unable to produce documentary evidence of his age he shall state his
age and make a written declaration that the age as stated by him is correct. Such an employee shall be
sent to the Medical Officer authorised by the Company for examination and his opinion as to the
employee's age shall be binding on the employee as well as the Management. The date of birth
recorded with the Company at the time of his first appointment shall not be altered except in case of
clerical errors.
If an employee is unable to state his exact date of birth but can state approximately the year and month
then 1st July in former case and 16th of a month in the latter case shall be treated as the date of birth for
the purpose of the Company's records.

Hours of work
Every employee of the company shall be required to work 48 hours a week.
Overtime (including work on weekly holiday)
The Management reserves the right to require any employee to work overtime including work on weekly
holidays in accordance with the instructions issued from time to time.
An employee is also liable to be recalled for duty at any time. For such overtime work done, adequate
compensation by way of compensatory off or overtime payment will be allowed at the discretion of the
Issue of Service Certificate
A service certificate shall be issued on request to an employee at the time of discharge or termination of
his service, resignation or retirement.
Change of Address
The employee must notify the Management immediately on any change in the residential address as
recorded at the time of initial appointment.
Employees shall be liable to be transferred at the discretion of the Management from one
work/Department/Section or station to another provided that in doing so the Management shall keep in
view the suitability of the employee for the particular work and also that the pay, grade and the seniority
of the employee concerned is protected. Similarly employees shall be liable to be transferred to any

office/Unit/Division/Project of the Company as also to any of the departments of Government of India or

any other Public Sector Undertaking.
Forwarding of applications for employment
For employment outside BHEL
All applications for employment outside BHEL should be forwarded through proper channel with the
recommendations of the controlling officer, to Personnel Department for consideration in the form as at
Applications of employees who have not executed any bond or those who were not selected through
lateral induction can be forwarded freely during their probation. Once they have completed their
probation and have been taken in the regular establishment of the Company, applications may be
forwarded subject to the exigencies of service.

14.1.2 (b)
In case of employees selected through lateral induction, applications for employment outside BHEL will
not be forwarded for the first three years of service in BHEL. On completion of three years' service in
BHEL, including probation period, applications of lateral inductees may also be forwarded subject to
exigencies of service.

Applications of employees of all categories (other than those under bond or those selected through
lateral induction) may be forwarded without the restriction of one application per calendar year subject to
the exigencies of service. This however, will not apply to employees under bond or those who were
selected through lateral induction.
(vide Corporate HR Circular No. 018/PPX/2010 dated 04-05-10)

Applications from the categories of employees listed in Annexure-B may generally be forwarded
without any restriction.
In case of SC/ST and OBC employees, applications may be forwarded liberally except in cases when
there may be compelling grounds of the interest of the organisation for withholding such applications.
Applications from executives up to E6A grade may be forwarded with the approval of Executive
Director/GGM concerned. If the Unit Head happens to be below Executive Director/GGM level, approval
of Functional Director concerned or Director (HR) will be obtained. Applications from executives of E7
(AGM) and above grades will continue to be forwarded only with the approval of Corporate Office.
While forwarding applications, it should be clearly indicated that on selection, their release from BHEL will
be subject to exigencies of service.
However, applications for Board level posts in PSUs against PESB notifications should continue to be
sent to Corporate Office for further processing, irrespective of the level of the executive.

The request for resignation of executives of E5 and above grades will also continue to be sent to
Corporate Office for acceptance.
( Vide Corporate Circular no 004/TMX/2005 dated 18/01/2005)
For employment in other BHEL Units
Applications from those who have executed bond to serve BHEL or any other Government Undertaking
for a specified period will be forwarded for higher posts within BHEL Units provided the posts applied for
are in their known trade/line.
Applications from persons who have not executed any bond may be forwarded freely for posts within
BHEL Unit/Divisions, if the applicant has not been trained for a specific trade/field. If he has been
trained for a specified trade/field, no application from him for post in a different trade may be forwarded.
Applications of departmental candidates against open advertisements/internal circulars from sister units
of BHEL will be forwarded only if the applicants have served a minimum of one year service in the grade
to which they have been recruited except for selections that are made centrally on BHEL basis.
All applications should be sent by the controlling officer to the Personnel Department with his
recommendations in the prescribed form.
No-objection certificate and Job experience certificate will not be issued for immigration purposes.
Whenever employees under any service bond or employee with outstanding HBA/interest subsidy apply
for NOC for issue of passport, consent letter from surety/ies may be obtained.
Instructions regarding enforcement of Bond
NOTE: Forwarding of applications for employment out- side BHEL (including PSUs) is not permissible
during bond period unless otherwise stated in the rules below.
( vide Corporate HR Circular no. 021/PPX/2007 dated 21/05/07
Engineer/Executive Trainees
Some of the Engineer/Executive Trainees before joining BHEL also appear for examinations/interviews
conducted by the Central/State Govt./Quasi Govt. organisations and/or other Public Sector
Undertakings, but the results of such examinations/interviews are known only after they have joined
BHEL. In some cases these Trainees may prefer to accept the offer made by the Government/Quasi
Govt. organisations or other Public Sector Undertakings. The recovery of training expenses etc. from
such Trainees will be regulated in terms of the guidelines given below: (i)
For joining Central /State Govt./Quasi-Govt. Organisations /other Public Sector Undertakings:
The employee may be allowed to accept the job offered to him and released by waiving recovery of the
training expenses otherwise required to be paid under the bond, provided the concerned Trainee
executes a fresh bond with the Central /State Govt. /Quasi-Govt. Organisation/the Public Sector
Undertaking where he joins for serving the said Organisation/Undertaking for the unexpired period of
bond. This could be done in consultation with the concerned Government Department /Organisation
/Undertaking. This is without prejudice to the obligations of the Engineer /Executive Trainees under the
contract executed under the provisions of the Apprentices Act, if the Trainee leaves the service during
the training period.

In all other cases full recovery of bond amount as per the existing orders will continue.
Waival of bond in respect of female employees who on getting married, want to leave the service of the
Company before the expiry of the bond period: All such cases where a female employee wants to resign
on getting married, the conditions of the waival of bond will be sympathetically considered.
In case an employee under bond is selected for appointment in Central / State Government service
based on success in the competitive examination(s) conducted by the UPSC or similar Governmental
agencies, the recovery of training expenses may not be enforced provided the employee concerned
executes a fresh bond with the Government for the unexpired period of the bond. However, the
employees wishing to apply and appear for such Examination(s) will be required to take prior approval
of the Competent Authority. Such permission will ordinarily not be withheld for identical and superior
level posts.
In the case of employees under bond wishing to join other Public Undertakings, the existing policy will
It is clarified that the recovery of the bond amount and notice period pay in the case of employees under
bond who resign should be regulated as follows:
Both the bond amount and the notice period pay need not be recovered and only the greater of the two
may be recovered, i.e., the amount payable as bond money or the pay for the notice period whichever is
greater, only may be recovered.
This will be applicable in cases of employees under bond for training within the country and those who
are under study leave bond. In the case of employees under study leave bond, this will be applicable
even if they submit their resignations without returning from study leave. This dispensation will however
not apply in case of employees who are under bond for training abroad at Company's expenses.
In such cases of study leave where the employees do not return and also have not availed any benefit
from the Company during the period of study leave their resignation may be treated as normal
resignation as on the date of going on study leave without insisting on bond. If the employees have not
availed any service benefit during the study leave period the resignation may be treated w.e.f. the date
of proceeding on study leave, subject to remitting the notice period pay under extant rules.
The question of allowing proportionate reduction in the amount of bond for Indian trained employees has
been considered and the following orders have been passed:
Engineers, Diploma Holders and others who are trained by BHEL in India either within
BHEL or with some outside organisation, and who have signed a bond of 5 years service on
completion of training, no reduction on bond amount is to be allowed if they leave BHEL within
and upto the third year of service after training. After the third year of service i.e. in the 4th or
5th year of service if the employee resigns and leaves the services of BHEL, proportionate
reduction in the bond amount may be allowed.
In the case of employees trained by BHEL either within BHEL or with some other
Organisation in India, and who have signed bonds of service for 3 years period on completion of
training, no reduction in bond amount is to be allowed for the first 2 years, but proportionate
reduction be allowed if the employees leave the service of the Company during the final year of
the bond period.
For the category of Indian trained Artisan and others whose periods of service bond are
of less than 3 years duration after training, no reduction is to be allowed in the bond amount on
their leaving the service of the Company within 2/3rd of the period stipulated in the bond.
Proportionate reduction may be allowed thereafter.

In the case of employees trained abroad, no proportionate reduction in their bond amount is to be
allowed even if their service falls short of the bond period by a day.
Return of Company's property, equipment, tools, etc.
Every employee leaving the service of the Company shall, before leaving the service of the Company,
return all property, equipment, tools belonging to the Company issued or lent to him in connection with
his employment in the Company. The cost of such property, equipment or tools not so returned shall be
liable to be deducted from his pay or the amount due to him or recovered otherwise.
The whole time of an employee will be at the disposal of the Company, and every employee may be
employed in any manner in the service of the company without any claim for additional remuneration.

General Terms & Conditions
Bharat Heavy Electricals Limited
(UNIT:_______________________ )
Form for forwarding applications for employment
To, Personnel Department (UNIT)
Name of the applicant
Designation & Staff No.
For the post of
In Pay Scale
In Organisation
Is he under bond to serve the BHEL for a specified period?
If so, indicate the period of bond.

Has he been trained in the Company for a specified Trade?
Has he completed his probation?

Has he previously applied for a post outside BHEL in this calendar year?
Has he previously applied for a post in any other unit of BHEL in his present Trade within a year?
Do you recommend that the application be forwarded?
Encl: Application
Controlling Officer
* Strike whichever is not applicable.

Categories of employees under Section 14.1.4 whose applications will be forwarded without any
Attendants, Duftries, Roneo operators, Record keepers, Clerks, Assistant Gr.II / Gr.I, Assistant Office
Superintendents, Office Superintendents, Sr. Office Superintendents, Accountants, Sr. Accountants,
Cashiers, Time keepers, Stenographers, Personal Assistant and Private Secretaries.
Store keepers, Store holders.
All Civil Engineering Staff.
Buyers and other staff in Purchase Department.
Labour Welfare Supervisors.
All Library Staff.
All Canteen and Guest House Staff.
Public Relations Assistants / Media Assistants.
Telex and Telephone operators.
Attendants (for lift operating).
All staff of Sanitary Department.

Technicians in Printing Section.

Unskilled Workers.


1. OBJECTIVE To adapt to and fulfill

the socio economic commitments of the Government to the

unfortunate/minority sections of the society as part of the companys social objectives and
thereby help realise the dream of the productive nation. 2 Reservation for persons belonging to
scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward classes 2.1 Direct recruitment 2.1.1 Percentage
of reservation in Direct Recruitment for persons belonging to SC, ST and OBC category is given as
below: Schedule Caste Schedule Tribe OBC Direct recruitment on an All-India basis by means of Open
Competitive Test i.e. by written examination 15% 7.5% 27% Direct recruitment on an All-India basis
otherwise than at (i) above, i.e. by not conducting written competitive examination 16.66% 7.5% 25.84%
Direct recruitment to Group C and D posts normally attracting candidates from a locality or a region.
As per percentages applicable in the Respective State
2.1.2 Creamy Layer in OBC The aforesaid reservation for OBCs shall not apply to persons mentioned in
Annexure I as they form part of creamy layer.


Rosters for Direct Recruitment To give proper effect to the reservation prescribed, every
appointing authority will treat posts as reserved or unreserved according to a model post based rosters as
per O.M. No. 36012/2/96-Estt.(Res) dated 2 July, 1997
(Annexure-II) each consisting of 100
points/120 points/200 points as the case may be as described below : i) Recruitment made on all India
basis by open written competitive examination in the 200 points roster. ii) Recruitment made on all India
basis otherwise than by open written competitive examination in the 120 point roster. iii) Recruitment
attracting candidates from a locality or region according to 100 points roster. (To be worked out by each
Unit on the basis of reservation applicable for SCs, STs & OBCs in the respective State.) 2.1.4
Verification of Caste Certificate of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes The Caste/Tribe

certificate issued by the following authorities in the prescribed form in Annexure-III will only be accepted
by the Appointing Authority as sufficient proof in support of a candidates claim as belonging to SC/ST.
Authorities for issuing Caste Certificate i) District Magistrate/Additional District
Magistrate/Collector/Dy. Commissioner/ Additional Dy. Commissioner/Dy. Collector/Ist Class Stipendary
Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate/Taluka Magistrate/Executive Magistrate/Extra Assistant
Commissioner. ii) Chief Presidency Magistrate/Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/Presidency
Magistrate ii) Revenue Officer not below the rank of Tehsildar. iv) Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where
the candidate and/or his family normally resides; and v) Administrator/Secretary to
Administrator/Development Officer (Lakshdweep Islands)

Matriculation or School Leaving Certificate or Birth Certificate giving the caste/community of the candidate
should not be accepted as proof of caste at the time of initial appointment in accordance with instructions
contained in DOPTs O.M. No. 36012/6/88-Estt(SCT) SRD-III dated 24/4/90. The appointing authorities
should, in the offer of appointment to the candidates claiming to be belonging to Scheduled
Castes/Scheduled Tribes, include a clause as follows : The appointment is provisional and is subject to
the caste/tribe certificate being verified through the proper channels and if the verification reveals that the
claim to belong to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, as the case may be, is false, the service will be
terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as
may be taken under the provisions of the Indian Penal Code for production of false certificate. An
Appointing Authority may, if it considers necessary for any reason, verify the claim of a candidate through
the District Magistrate of the place where the candidate and/or his family ordinarily resides. If in any
particular case, the verification reveals that the candidates claim was false, his services may be
terminated Migration Persons belonging to Scheduled Castes/Scheduled Tribes, who have migrated
from one State to another for the purpose of employment, education, etc., experience great difficulty in
obtaining caste/tribe certificate from the State from which they have migrated. In order to remove this
difficulty, it has been decided that the prescribed authority of a State Government/Union Territory
Administration may issue the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe Certificate to a person who has migrated
from another State, on the production of the genuine certificate issued to his father/mother by the
prescribed authority of the State of the fathers/mothers origin except where the prescribed authority feels
that detailed enquiry is necessary through the State of origin before issue of the certificate. The
certificate will be issued irrespective of whether the Caste/Tribe in question is a Scheduled or not in
relation to the State/Union Territory to which the person has migrated. This facility does not alter the
Scheduled Caste/Tribe status of the person in relation to the one or the other State.

2.1.5 Verification of Caste Certificate of OBCs For the purpose of verification of the caste and
communities, the Government of India has prescribed a certificate from the following authorities as in the
case of SC/ST. The format of the certificate that may be given by the concerned district authorities shall
be as in Annexure-IV i) Authorities for issuing caste certificate a) District Magistrate/Additional District
Magistrate/ Collector/ Deputy Commissioner/ Additional Deputy Commissioner/ Deputy Collector/ Ist
Class Stipendary Magistrate/ Sub-Divisional Magistrate/ Taluka Magistrate/ Executive Magistrate/ Extra
Assistant Commissioner (Not below the rank of Ist Class Stipendary Magistrate). b) Chief Presidency
Magistrate/ Additional Chief Presidency Magistrate/ Presidency Magistrate. c) Chief Revenue Officer not
below the rank of Tehsildar d) Sub-Divisional Officer of the area where the candidate and/or his family
normally resides ii) In the light of the Supreme Courts Judgement in the Indira Sawhney case, the
persons/section (Creamy Layer) to whom the benefit of reservation shall not apply vide column 3 of the
Schedule at Annexure-A, the same authorities who are notified as competent to certify OBCs status have
also been authorised to certify that a candidate does not belong to the Creamy Layer. Instructions have
been issued to the District Authorities to verify and issue the necessary certificate to the candidates
regarding his OBC status as well as exclusion from the Creamy Layer. iii) Migration : Persons
belonging to OBCs who have migrated from one State to another for the purpose of employment,
education, etc. experience great difficulty in obtaining caste certificates from the State from which they
have migrated. In order to remove this difficulty, it has been decided that the prescribed authorities of a

State/UT Administration in terms of Para 7.1, may issue the OBC certificate to a person who has migrated
from another State on the production of a genuine certificate issued to his father by the prescribed
authority of the State of his fathers origin except where the prescribed authority feels that a detailed
enquiry is necessary through the State of origin before the issue of the certificate. iv)
The certificate will be issued irrespective of whether the OBC candidate in question is included in the list
of OBC pertaining to the State/UT to which the person has migrated. The facility does not alter the OBC
status of the person in relation to one or the other State/UT. The OBC persons on migration from the
State/UT of his origin to another State/UT where his case is not in the OBC list is entitled to the
concessions/benefits admissible to the OBCs from the State of his origin and Union Government but not
from the State where he has migrated
2.1.6 Ban on de-reservation in Direct Recruitment Where sufficient number of candidates belonging to
SC/ST/OBC are not available to fill up the posts reserved for them in direct recruitment, the vacancies
shall not be filled by candidates not belonging to these communities. In other words, there will be a ban
on de-reservation in direct recruitment If posts reserved for SC/ST can not be filled up and are carried
forward as backlog vacancies and remain unfilled for three successive recruitment years, the post
earmarked for SC could be filled by ST candidate or vice versa in all subsequent attempts, if suitable
candidates belonging to the category for which the vacancy is reserved is not available. Notwithstanding
the aforesaid, in rare and exceptional cases of direct recruitment to Group A posts where the vacancy
cannot be allowed to remain unfilled in public interest, de-reservation of such reserved vacancies may be
permitted with the approval of the Cabinet Minister in-charge of the administrative Ministry, on the
recommendation of the Board of Directors. Further, if due to non-availability of suitable technically
qualified SC/ST candidates even with relaxed standards, a reserved post in Group B and C, technical
posts cannot be filled with SC/ST candidates and the post cannot be allowed to remain vacant due to the
resultant adverse impact on the operations of the public enterprises, de-reservation of such reserved
vacancies may be permitted with the prior approval of the Board of Directors. However, even in such
cases where de-reservation may be resorted to, the interests of SC/ST will be taken care of by carry
forward and exchange as here in before.

2.1.7 Backlog & 50% Rule The reserved posts for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in all cases
of direct recruitment, which have remained unfilled in the earlier year(s) i.e. backlog and/or carried
forward posts would be treated as a separate and distinct group and will not be considered together with
the reserved posts of the year in which they are being filled up for determining the ceiling of 50 per cent
reservation on total number of posts of that year. In other words, the ceiling of 50 per cent on filling up of
reserved posts would apply only on the reserved posts which arise in the current year and the
backlog/carried forward reserved posts for SCs/STs of earlier years would be treated as a separate and
distinct group and would not be subject to any ceiling. However, backlog and /or carried forward
reservation will automatically lapse in a cadre as soon as combined representation of a reserved category
in direct recruitment is either equal to or more than the prescribed number of reserved posts in the
relevant post-based rosters. (Annexure-V). 2.1.8 Concessions & relaxations available to SCs, STs
and OBCs in Direct Recruitment: a) The Upper age limit prescribed for Direct Recruitment has been
relaxed by five years in respect of candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. b)
Period of experience prescribed is relaxable at the discretion of Competent Authority in case of SC/ST
candidate. c) The Upper age limit prescribed for Direct Recruitment has been relaxed by three years in
respect of candidates belonging to Other Backward Classes d) All Scheduled Tribe candidates who
appear in the written test for the post of Engineer Trainees are called for interview irrespective of their
written test score e) All SC/ST candidates are exempted from application fee. f) There is no relaxation in
minimum qualification and / or minimum number of marks / grade / percentage in the prescribed level of
qualification for SC/ST candidates for eligibility for the post of Engineer Trainee / Executive Trainee. g)
The SC/ST candidates called for interview are paid Traveling Allowance as per rules.

2.2 PROMOTION i) In BHEL, all SC/ST employees up to E1

level, who fulfill minimum eligibility
period in terms of length of service in a grade are promoted to the next grade unless they are found unfit

for promotion on account of misconduct or poor work performance or habitual absenteeism etc.
Percentage reservation for persons belonging to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Promotion is
given as under: SC ST (i) For cadre change promotions from
(i) Attendant/SSW to Clerical/Artisan
(ii) Workers to Supervisor and
(iii) Supervisor to Executive cadre 15% 7.5% 2.2.2 Concession for SCs/STs in Promotion All SC/ST
employees upto to E1grade who are due for promotions and where reservation is applicable , will be
given 5 additional marks for being evaluated on relaxed standards as per DOPTs further O.M. No.
36012/23/96-Estt.(Res.)-Vol.II dated 3 Oct., 2000 (Annexure-VI). 2.2.3 Roster for Promotion 200 point
roster as per OM No. 36012/2/96-Estt.(Res) dated 2 July, 1997 (Annexure-II) is applicable for each of
the cadre change promotions. 3.0 Reservation for Persons with Disabilities in Direct Recruitment &
Promotion As per the Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full
Participation) Act, 1995 & Rules, 1996 every appropriate Government ( In case of BHEL every appointing
authority) shall appoint in every establishment such percentage of vacancies not less than three percent
for persons or class of persons with disability of which one percent, each shall be reserved for persons
suffering from i)
Blindness or low vision
Hearing impairment;
Locomotor disability or cerebral palsy, The DOPT O.M. No. 36035/4/99-Estt. (Res.) dated 29
March,2000 clarifying as to whether 3% reservation for persons with disabilities would be with reference
to identified posts only or to the total sanctioned strength in the cadre is at Annexure VII The DOPT O.M.
No. 36025/03/97-Estt.(Res.) dated 4 th July, 1997 clarifying the points to be reserved for the Physically
Handicapped employees in the promotion roster is at Annexure VIII 4.0 Reservation for Ex-Servicemen
For Direct Recruitment in Groups C and D posts there is a reservation of 14.5% and 24.5% respectively
for Ex-Servicemen. (Annexure-IX)
List of Annexures :
Annexure 1 : List for whom reservation doesnot apply.
Annexure 2 : GOI OM dated 2nd July 1997 on post based
reservation roaster
Annexure 3 : Form of certificate to be produced by SC/ST
candidate in support of his claim
Annexure 4 : Form of certificate to be produced by OBC
candidate in support of his claim
Annexure 5 : GOI OM dated 20th July 2000 on treatment of
backlog vacancies reserved for SCs/STs
Annexure 6 : GOI OM dated 3rd October 2000 on
reservation in promotion -prescription of
lower qualifying marks/lesser standard of
Annexure 7 : GOI OM dated 29th March 2000 on clarification
on reservation for persons with disability.
Annexure 8 : GOI OM dated 4th July 1997 on reservation on
physically handicapped in the post filled by
Annexure 9 : GOI DO letter dated 15th June 1991 on
reserved vacancies for ex-service men

The following scheme of standardized designations is applicable to the various levels of Executives of
the Company.
Chairman & Managing Director
Director (s)


S.G. No.
Executive Director
General Manager I/C /
Group General Manager
General Manager ( ) /
Chief ( )

S.G. No.
Addl. General Manager( )
Sr. Dy. General Manager( )
Dy. Gen. Manager/ Specialist
Sr. Manager ( ) / Specialist
Manager ( )
Dy. Manager ( )
Sr.( ) Officer / Sr.( ) Engineer/
Sr Executive ( )


( ) Officer / ( ) Engineer / Executive ( )
Executive Trainee

(Revision of Pay vide Corporate HR Circular No. 005/IRX/2010 dated 06-02-2010)

MEDICAL DEPARTMENT- Designations of Doctors

General Category
Specialist Category
Medical Officer
Medical Officer
Sr. Medical Officer
Sr. Medical Officer
Dy. Manager (Medical)
Dy. Manager (Specialisation)
Manager ( Medical)
Specialist (Specialisation)
Sr Manager ( Medical)
Sr Specialist (Specialisation)
DGM (Medical)
Consultant (Specialisation)
Sr DGM (Medical)
Sr Consultant (Specialisation)
AGM (Medical)
Head (Specialisation)
Chief Medical Services

------Note: Doctors heading the medical function in aunit in E4 grade and above but below E8 will be
designated as Medical Superintendent
( ) Parenthesis to indicate Functional Denominations.



The following are the standard designations applicable to the various levels of Non-Executives of the
Company: Category - Non Supervisors (Technical) AI
Rs. 260-350 (1.9.73)

Rs. 335-8-455 (1.9.78)

Rs. 550-11-715 (1.9.82)

Unskilled worker
Rs. 1086-20-1386 (1.9.86)
Sanitary Worker Gr.II Rs. 2130-40-2970 (1.1.92) Catering Attendant Gr.II
Rs.4200-100-4500 :
: EB-4550-11-6530
Rs.10500-21000 (1.1.07)

Rs. 275-395 (1.9.73)
Semi skilled worker
Rs. 350-9-404-10-524 (1.9.78)
Sanitary worker Gr.I
Rs. 565-13-613-15-823(1.9.82)
Catering Attendent Gr.I
Rs. 1101-23-1239-26-1551 (1.9.86)
Assistant Cook
Rs. 2185-45-2455-50-3205 (1.1.92)
Rs. 4400-110-4730:
:EB-4785-130-7125 ( 1.1.97)
Assistant Cook
Mistry Gr.III
Assistant Fireman
Rs. 11000-22000 (1.1.07)

Rs. 320-450 (1.9.73)
Artisan Gr.IV
Rs. 395-10-455-12-587(1.9.78)
Draughtsman Gr. IV
Rs. 610-16-706-18-904(1.9.82)
Lab. Assistant Gr. IV
Rs. 1146-27-1308-30-1638 (1.9.86)
Dark Room Asstt. Gr. IV
Rs. 2335-52-2647-57-3445 (1.1.92)
Rs. 4800-130-5190:
Store Keeper Gr. IV
Auxiliary Worker Gr. IV
Artisan Gr. IV (civil )
Mistry Gr.II
Mechanic Gr. IV
Telephone Operator Gr.IV
(Bhopal Only)
Operator Gr. IV
Fireman Gr. IV
Asstt. Inspector Gr. IV
Caterer Gr. IV
Driver Gr. IV
Rs. 11700-23000 (1.1.07)

Rs. 340-490 (1.9.73)

Artisan Gr.III
Rs. 415-12-451-13-620(1.9.78)
Draughtsman Gr.III
Rs. 630-20-690-22-976(1.9.82)
Lab. Asstt. Gr.III
Rs. 1166-32-1262-36-1730 1.9.86)
Dark Room Asstt. Gr. III
Rs. 2410-62-2596-67-3534 (1.1.92)
Store Keeper Gr.III
Artisan Gr.III (Civil)
Auxiliary Worker Gr. III
Mistry Gr.I
Mechanic Gr.III
Telephone Operator Gr.III
(Bhopal only)
Operator Gr.III
Fireman Gr.III
Asstt. Inspector Gr.III
Caterer Gr. III
Driver Gr.III

Fireman Gr.III
Asstt. Inspector Gr.III
Caterer Gr. III
Driver Gr.III
Rs. 12000-24000 (1.1.07)

Rs. 390-540 (1.9.73)
Artisan Gr. II
Rs. 460-15-685 (1.9.78)
Draughtsman Gr.II
Rs. 675-24-1083 (1.9.82)
Lab. Asstt. Gr. II
Rs. 1211-40-1891 (1.9.86)
Dark Room Asstt. Gr. II
Rs. 2560-75-3910 (1.1.92)
Asstt. Photographer Gr.II
Store Keeper Gr. II
Artisan Gr. II (Civil)
Auxiliary Worker Gr. II
Mechanic Gr.II
Telephone Operator Gr. II
(Bhopal Only)
Operator Gr. II
Fireman Gr. II
Asstt. Inspector Gr. II
Driver Gr. II

Rs.12200-25000 (1.1.07)

Rs. 470-644 (1.9.73)
Artisan Gr. I
Rs. 540-18-666-21-792(1.9.78)

Draughtsman Gr.I
Rs.755-28-951-30-1191 (1.9.82)
Lab. Asstt. Gr.I
Rs. 1291-45-1606-48-1990 (1.9.86)
Dark Room Asstt. Gr. I
Rs. 2800-84-3388-90-4288 (1.1.92)
:EB-6415-205-9285 ( 1.1.97)
Asstt. Photographer Gr. I
Store Keeper Gr. I
Artisan Gr. I (Civil)
Auxiliary Worker Gr. I
Mechanic Gr. I
Telephone Operator Gr. I
(Bhopal only)
Operator Gr. I
Fireman Gr. I
Asstt. Inspector Gr. I
Driver Gr. I
Rs. 12350-28000 (1.1.07)

Rs. 520-760 (1.9.73)
Rs. 580-21-622-25-947 (1.9.78)
Sr. Draughtsman Gr. III
Sr. Lab Asstt. Gr. III
Rs. 800-32-864-37-1345 (1.9.82)
Sr. Store Keeper Gr. III
Rs. 1875-60-1995-70-2905 (1.1.87)
Technician (Civil)
Rs. 3000-105-3735-110-5055 (1.1.92)
Rs. 6000-210-6630:
:EB-6780-230-10160 (1.1.97)
Sr. Mechanic Gr. III
Sr. Operator Gr. III
Sr. Fireman Gr. III
Driver Special Grade
Loco Driver Gr. III
Photographer Gr. III
Sr. Sanitation Asstt. Gr. III
Rs.12400-30500 (1.1.07)

Rs. 610-910 (1.9.73)
Sr. Technician
Rs. 665-27-719-30-1049 (1.9.78)
Sr. Draughtsman Gr. II
Rs. 880-42-964-48-1492 (1.9.82)
Sr. Lab Asstt. Gr. II
Rs. 2075-70-2215-80-3255 (1.1.87)
Sr. Store Keeper Gr. II
Rs. 3200-110-3970-120-5290 (1.1.92)
Sr. Technician (Civil)
Sr. Mechanic Gr. II
Sr. Operator Gr. II

Sr. Fireman Gr. II

Loco Driver Gr.II
Photographer Gr. II
Sr. Sanitation Asstt. Gr. II
Rs. 12600-32500 (1.1.07)

Rs. 700-1100 (1.9.73)
Master Technician
Rs. 750-35-1205 (1.9.78)
Sr. Draughtsman Gr.I
Rs. 965-52-1225-55-1665 (1.9.82)
Sr. Lab Asstt. Gr. I
Rs. 2300-80-2700-100-3700 (1.1.87)
Sr. Store Keeper Gr. I
Rs. 3375-120-4335-140-5735 (1.1.92)
:EB-7900-260-12000 (1.1.97)
Master Technician (Civil)
Sr. Mechanic Gr. I
Sr. Operator Gr. I
Sr. Fireman Gr. I
Rs.16400-40500 (1.1.07)
Rs.8600-350-14600 (1.1.2000)
Loco Driver Gr. I
Photographer Gr.I
Sr. Sanitation Asstt. Gr. I
Rs.16400-40500 (1.1.07)

Rs. 2400-105-2925-115-4075 (25.6.88)
Rs.3800-160-4600-170-6980 (1.1.92)
Rs.10335-415-17390 (1.1.97)
General Technician
General Draughtsman
Rs.24500-45000 (1.1.07)
General Lab Asstt.
General Store Keeper
General Technician (Civil)
General Mechanic
General Operator
General Fireman
General Loco Driver
General Photographer
General Sanitation Asstt.

Rs. 2525-130-4605 (25.6.88)
Rs. 4050-200-7650 (1.1.92)
Rs.27500-53000 (1.1.07)
Chief Technician
Chief Draughtsman
Chief Lab Asstt.
Chief Store Keeper
Chief Technician (Civil)
Chief Mechanic
Chief Operator
Chief Fireman
Chief Loco Driver
Chief Photographer
Chief Sanitation Asstt.

AXII Rs.30500-56000 (25.06.10)

Sr. Chief Technician
Sr. Chief Draughtsman
Sr. Chief Lab Asstt.
Sr. Chief Store Keeper

Sr. Chief Technician (Civil)

Sr. Chief Mechanic
Sr. Chief Operator
Sr. Chief Fireman
Sr. Chief Loco Driver
Sr. Chief Photographer
Sr. Chief Sanitation Asstt

Category - Non Supervisory (Non Technical)

Rs. 260-350 (1.9.73)
Attendant Gr.II
Rs. 335-8-455 (1.9.78)
Mali Gr.II
Rs. 550-11-715 (1.9.82)
Hospital Attendant Gr. II
Rs. 1086-20-1386 (1.9.86)
Rs. 2130-40-2970 (1.9.92)
:EB-4550-110-6530 (1.1.97)
Rs.10500-21000 (1.1.07)

Rs. 270-390 (1.9.73)
Attendant Gr. I
Rs. 345-9-498 (1.9.78)
Rs. 560-13-781 (1.9.82)
Mali Gr. I
Rs. 1096-23-1487 (1.9.86)
Hospital Attendant Gr. I
Rs. 2170-45-3115 (1.1.92)
Roneo Operator Gr. I
Security Guard
Attendant Gr. I (Estate)
Jr. Dresser
Rs.11000-22000 (1.1.07)

Rs. 320-477 (1.9.73)
Rs. 395-10-465-12-609 (1.9.78)
Telephone Operator
Rs. 610-16-722-18-938 (1.9.78)
EDP Operator Gr.III
Rs. 1146-27-1335-30-1695 (1.9.86)
Time Keeper Gr. III
Rs. 2335-52-2699-57-3440 (1.1.92)
Security Sub Inspector Gr. III
Asstt. Estate Inspector Gr. III
Jr. Medical Technician Gr. III
Pharmacist Gr. III
Mid Wife Gr. III
Vaccinator Gr. III
Sr. Dresser Gr. III
Sr. Security Guard Gr. III
Rs.11700-23000 (1.1.07)


Rs. 345-535 (1.9.73)

Asstt Gr. II
Rs. 420-12-456-14-680 (1.9.78)
Sr. Telephone Operator Gr. II
Rs. 635-20-695-23-1063 (1.9.82)
Receptionist Gr. II
Rs. 1171-32-1267-37-1859 (1.9.86)
Rs. 2420-62-2606-70-3796 (1.1.92)
:EB-5560-175-8535 (1.1.97)
EDP Operator Gr. II
Time Keeper Gr. II
Asstt. Supervisor Gr. II
(Canteen/ Guest House)
Sr. Security Guard Gr. II
Security Sub-Inspector Gr. II
Asstt. Estate Inspector Gr. II
Jr. Medical Technician Gr. II
Pharmacist Gr. II
Mid Wife Gr. II
Vaccinator Gr. II
Sr. Dresser Gr. II
Rs.12000-24000 (1.1.07)

Rs. 390-550 (1.9.73)
Nurse Gr. II
Rs. 460-15-685 (1.9.78)
Rs. 675-24-1083 (1.9.82)
Rs. 1211-40-1891 (1.9.86)
Rs. 2560-75-3910 (1.1.92)
:EB-5965-190-8815 (1.1.97)
Rs. 12200-25000 (1.1.07)

Rs. 475-751 (1.9.73)
Asstt. Gr. I
Rs. 545-18-635-23-865 (1.9.78)
Sr. Stenographer
Rs. 760-28-900-33-1230 (1.9.86)
EDP Operator Gr. I
Rs. 1296-45-1521-51-2031 (1.9.86)
Time Keeper Gr. I
Rs. 2815-84-3403-95-4353 (1.1.92)
Asstt. Supervisor Gr. I
(Canteen/ Guest House)
Asstt. Cashier
Security Sub Inspector Gr. I
Asstt. Estate Inspector Gr. I
Jr. Medical Technician Gr. I
Nurse Gr. I
Pharmacist Gr. I
Mid Wife Gr. I
Vaccinator Gr. I
Sr. Dresser Gr. I
Sr. Security Guard Gr. I
Sr. Telephone Operator Gr. I

Receptionist Gr. I
Rs.12350-28000 (1.1.07)

Rs. 540-868 (1.9.73)
Sr. Asstt. Gr. III
Rs. 580-21-622-25-947 (1.9.78)
Sr. Planning Asstt. Gr. III
(Bhopal Only)
Rs. 800-32-864-37-1345 (1.9.82)
Personal Asstt. Gr. III
Rs. 1875-60-1995-702905 (1.1.87)
Sr. EDP Operator Gr. III
Rs 3000-105-3735-110-5055 (1.1.92)
Sr. Time Keeper Gr. III
Sr. Asstt. (Canteen) Gr. III
Sr. Asstt.(Guest-House)Gr. III
Sr. Asstt. Cashier Gr. III
Sr. Security Sub Inspector Gr. III
Sr. Estate Asstt. Gr. III
Sr. Medical Asstt. Gr. III
Sr. Nurse Gr. III
Sr. Pharmacist Gr. III
Sr. Telecom Asstt. Gr. III
Sr. Receptionist Gr. III
Rs.12400-30500 (1.1.07)

Rs. 625-946(1.9.73)
Sr. Asstt. Gr. II
Rs. 665-27-719-30-1049 (1.9.78)
Sr. Planning Asstt. Gr. II
(Bhopal Only)

Rs. 880-42-964-48-1492 (1.9.82)
Personal Asstt. Gr. II
Rs. 2075-70-2215-80-3255 (1.1.87)
Sr. EDP Operator Gr. II
Rs. 3200-110-3970-120-5290 (1.1.92)
Sr. Time Keeper Gr.II
Sr. Asstt (Canteen) Gr. II
Sr. Asstt (Guest House) Gr. II
Sr. Asstt Cashier Gr.II
Sr. Security Sub Inspector Gr. II
Sr. Estate Asstt. Gr. II
Sr. Medical Asstt. Gr. II
Sr. Nurse Gr. II
Sr. Pharmacist Gr. II
Sr. Telecom Asstt. Gr. II
Sr. Receptionist Gr. II
Rs. 12600-32500 (1.1.07)

Rs. 700-1100 (1.9.73)

Sr. Asstt. Gr. I

Rs. 750-35-1205 (1.9.78)
Sr. Planning Asstt. Gr. I (Bhopal Only)
Rs. 965-52-1225-55-1665 (1.9.82)
Personal Asstt. Gr. I
Rs. 2300-80-2700-100-3700 (1.1.87)
Sr. EPD Operator Gr. I
Rs. 3375-120-4335-140-5735 (1.1.92)
Sr. Time Keeper Gr. I
Sr. Asstt. (Canteen) Gr. I
Sr. Asstt. (Guest-House) Gr.I
Sr. Asstt. Cashier Gr. I
Sr. Sec. Sub Inspector Gr. I
Rs.16400-40500 (1.1.07)
BIXA Rs.8600-350-14600 (1.1.2000)
Sr. Estate Asstt. Gr.I
Sr. Medical Asstt. Gr. I
Sr. Nurse Gr. I
Sr. Pharmacist Gr. I
Sr. Telecom Asstt. Gr. I
Sr. Receptionist Gr. I
Rs.16400-40500 (1.1.07)

Rs.2400-105-2925-115-4075 (25.6.88)
General Asstt.
Rs. 3800-160-4600-170-6980 (1.1.92)
General Planning Asstt. (Bhopal Only)
Rs.24500-45000 (1.1.07)
General Personal Asstt.
General EDP Operator
General Time Keeper
General Asstt. (Canteen)
General Asstt. (Guest-House)
General Cashier
General Estate Asstt.
General Medical Asstt.
General Nurse
General Pharmacist
General Telecom Asstt.
General Receptionist


Rs. 2525-130-4605 (25.6.88) Chief Asstt. Rs. 4050-200-7650 (1.1.92)

Rs.27500-53000 (1.1.07)
Chief Planning Asstt. (Bhopal Only)
Chief Personal Asstt.
Chief EDP Operator
Chief Time Keeper
Chief Asstt. (Canteen)
Chief Asstt. (Guest House)
Chief Cashier
Chief Medical Asstt.
Chief Nurse
Chief Pharmacist
Chief Telecom Asstt.
Chief Receptionist.

BXII Rs.30500-56000 (25.06.10) Sr. Chief Asstt.

Sr. Chief Planning Asstt. (Bhopal Only)
Sr. Chief Personal Asstt.
Sr. Chief EDP Operator
Sr. Chief Time Keeper
Sr. Chief Asstt. (Canteen)
Sr. Chief Asstt. (Guest House)
Sr. Chief Cashier
Sr. Chief Medical Asstt.
Sr. Chief Nurse
Sr. Chief Pharmacist
Sr. Chief Telecom Asstt.
Sr. Chief Receptionist
Category - Supervisory (Technical)
Change of Designations ( vide Corp HR Circular No.015/IRX/2008 dated 16/04/08 & Circular
NO.022/IRX/2008 dated 05/06/08 & No.004/IRX/2009 dated 11/02/2009) S-0 Rs 5600-150-8600 (20.8.05)
Rs.12300-26000 (1.1.07) Supervisor Trainee / Assistant Chargeman /
Assistant Engineer Gr.III
Assistant Officer (Translation) Gr.III

Rs. 520-760 (1.9.73)
Charge man /
Assistant Engineer Gr.II
Technical Asstt. Gr. III /
Assistant Engineer (Technical) Gr.II
Design Asstt. Gr. III /
Assistant Engineer (Design) Gr.II
Scientific Asstt. Gr. III /
Assistant Engineer ( Scientific) Gr.II
Store Holder Gr. III /
Assistant Engineer (Stores) Gr.II
Charge man (Civil) /
Assistant Engineer (Civil) Gr.II
Technician Gr.III
Fire Supervisor Gr. III
Assistant Engineer (Fire Services) Gr.II
Inspector Gr. III (Sanitation)
Assistant Engineer (Sanitation) Gr.II
Supervisor Horticulture Gr.III
Assistant Engineer (Horticulture) Gr.II
Stock Verifier Gr.III
Assistant Engineer (Stock Verification) Gr.II
Rs. 580-21-622-25-947 (1.9.78)
Rs. 800-32-864-37-1345 (1.9.82)
Rs. 1875-60-1995-70-2905 (1.1.87)
Rs.3000-105-378\35-110-5055 (1.1.92)
:EB-6780-230-10160 (1.1.97)
Rs. 12400-30500 (1.1.07)

Rs. 610-910 (1.9.73)
Asstt. Foreman/Assistant Engineer Gr.I
Technical Asstt. Gr. II /Assistant Engineer (Technical)Gr.I
Design Asstt. Gr. II /Assistant Engineer (Design) Gr.I
Scientific Asstt. Gr. II /Assistant Engineer ( Scientific) Gr.I
Store Holder Gr. II /Assistant Engineer (Stores) Gr.I
Asstt. Foreman (Purchase) /Assistant Engineer (Purchase) Gr.I
Asstt Foreman (Civil) /Assistant Engineer (Civil) Gr.I
Technician Gr. II
Lecturer Gr. II /Lecturer Gr. II

Fire Supervisor Gr. II

Assistant Engineer (Fire Services) Gr.I
Inspector Gr. II (Sanitation)
Assistant Engineer (Sanitation) Gr.I
Supervisor Horticulture Gr.II
Assistant Engineer (Horticulture) Gr.I
Stock Verifier Gr.II
Assistant Engineer (Stock Verification) Gr.I
Rs. 665-27-719-30-1049 (1.9.78)
Rs. 880-42-964-48-1492 (1.9.82)
Rs. 2075-70-2215-80-3255 (1.1.87)
Rs 3200-110-3970-120-5290 (1.1.92)
Rs. 12600-32500 (1.1.07)

JE Rs. 600-1100 (1.9.73)

Rs. 650-35-1105 (1.9.78)
Rs. 875-5f2-1135-55-1575 (1.9.82)
Rs. 2060-80-2460-100-3460 (1.1.87)
Rs. 3185-120-4145-140-5545 (1.1.92)
Rs.6470-245-11270 (1.1.97)
Rs. 12500-32200 (1.1.07)

Junior Engineer


Rs. 700-1100 (1.9.73)
Foreman / Dy Engineer
Technical Asstt. Gr. I/Dy Engineer (Technical)
Design Asstt. Gr. I / Dy Engineer
( Design)
Scientific Asstt. Gr. I / Dy Engineer
( Scientific)
Store Holder Gr. I / Dy Engineer (Stores)
Foreman (Purchase) / Dy Engineer (Purchase)
Lecturer Gr. I /Lecturer Gr. I
Foreman (Civil) / Dy Engineer (Civil)
Technician Gr. I
Fire Supervisor Gr. I/ Dy Engineer
Inspector Gr. I (Sanitation)
Dy Engineer (Sanitation)
Supervisor Horticulture Gr. I
Dy Engineer (Horticulture)
Stock Verifier Gr. I
Dy Engineer (Stock Verification)
Rs. 750-35-1205 (1.9.78)
Rs. 965-52-1225-55-1575 91.9.82)
Rs. 2300-80-2700-100-3700 (1.1.87)
Rs. 3375-120-4335-140-5735 (1.1.92)

( Fire Services)

:EB-7900-260-12000 (1.1.97)

Rs.8600-350-14600 (1.1.2000)
Rs. 16400-40500 (1.1.07)

Page No.9

Change of Designations ( vide Corp HR Circular

No.015/IRX/2008 dated 16/04/08& Circular NO.022/IRX/2008
dated 05/06/08)

Rs. 725-1325 (1.9.73)

Rs. 775-40-1375

General Foreman / Additional

Engineer Gr.II

Rs. 1100-60-1940
Rs. 2500-120-4300
Rs. 4000-175-7150
Rs. 10750-430-16750
Rs. 11225-450-17525
Rs. 24900-50500


Rs. 1050-1650 (1.9.73) Executive Foreman /

Rs. 1075-50 1675
Additional Engineer GR.I
Rs. 1450-60-1750-702240 (1.8.82)
Rs. 3450-140-4570-1505470 (1.1.87)
Rs. 4800-200-5800-2508300 (1.1.92)
Rs. 13750-550-18300 (
Rs. 29100-54500


Rs. 3700-140-4400-150- Sr. Executive Foreman / Sr.

5900 (25.6.91)
Additional Engineer GR.II
Rs. 5400-225-6300-2509050 (1.1.92)
Rs.13000-520-18250 (
Rs.14500-580-18700 (
Rs. 32900-58000


Rs. 6500-250-7500-275- General Executive Foreman /

Sr. Additional Engineer GR.I
Rs. 14500-580-18700
Rs. 16000-640-20800
Rs. 36600-62000



Rs. 36600-62000

Executive Additional Engineer


Category - Supervisory ( Non-Technical) Change of Designations ( vide Corp HR Circular

No.015/IRX/2008 dated 16/04/08 & Circular NO.022/IRX/2008 dated 05/06/08) SBI
Rs. 540-860(1.9.73)
Asstt. Office Superintendent /Asst. Officer Gr.II
Rs. 580-21-622-25-947(1.9.78)
Private Secretary Gr.III /Asst. Officer (PS) Gr.II
Rs. 800-32-864-37-1345(1.9.82)
Media Assistant Gr.III /Asst. Officer (Media) Gr.II
Rs. 1875-60-1995-70-2905(1.1.87)
Public Relations Asstt.Gr.III Asst. Officer (Public Relations) Gr.II
Rs. 3000-105-3735-110-5055 (1.1.92)
:EB-6780-230-10160 (1.1.97)
Rs. 12400-30500 (1.1.07)
Labour Welfare Supervisor Gr.III
Asst. Officer (Labour Welfare) Gr.II
Cashier Gr.III /Asst. Officer (Cash) Gr.II
Accountant /Asst. Officer (Accounts) Gr.II
Probationary Accountant / Probationary Accountant
Buyer Gr.III / Asst. Officer (Buyer) Gr.II
EDP Assistant Gr.III /Asst. Officer (EDP) Gr.II
Translator Gr.III /Asst. Officer (Translation) Gr.II
Librarian Gr.III /Asst. Officer (Library) Gr.II
Supervisor Gr.III (Canteen/Guest House) /
Asst. Officer (Canteen/Guest House) Gr.II
Hostel Warden Gr.III /Asst. Officer (Hostel Warden) Gr.II
Security Inspector Gr.III/ Security Inspector Gr.III
Estate Inspector Gr.III /Asst. Officer (Estate) Gr.II
Sister /Asst. Officer (Nursing) Gr.II
Physiotherapist Gr.III /Asst. Officer (Physiotherapy)Gr.II
Refractionist Gr.III /Asst. Officer (Refractionist) Gr.II
Orthoptist Gr.III /Asst. Officer (Orthoptist) Gr.II
Medical Technician Gr.III /Asst. Officer (Med.Tech) Gr.II
Supervisor Gr.III (Pharma) /Asst. Officer (Pharma) Gr.II
Orthopaedist Gr III / Asst. Officer(Orthopaedist ) Gr II
Medical Technician Audiology/Radiology
Asst. Officer ( Audiology / Radiology) Gr II
Biochemist Gr. III / Asst. Officer( Bio chemist )Gr II
Medico Social worker Gr.III / Asst. Officer( Medico Social) Gr II
Supervisor Gr.III Public Health / Asst. Officer (Public Health) Gr II
Protocol Incharge Gr III/ Asst. Officer ( Protocol) Gr II
Statistician Gr.III / Asst. Officer (Statistics) Gr II

Rs. 625-946(1.9.73)
Office Superintendent
Asst. Officer Gr.I
Rs. 665-27-719-30-1049 (1.9.78)
Private Secretary Gr.II
Asst. Officer (PS) Gr.I
Rs. 880-42-964-48-1492 (1.9.82)
Media Assistant Gr.II
Asst. Officer (Media) Gr.I
Rs. 2075-70-2215-80-3255 (1.1.87)
Public Relations Asstt.Gr.II
Asst. Officer (Public Relations) Gr.I
Rs. 3200-110-3970-120-5290 (1.1.92)

Rs. 12600-32500 (1.1.07)

Labour Welfare Supervisor Gr.II

Asst. Officer (Labour Welfare) Gr.I
Cashier Gr.II
Asst. Officer (Cash) Gr.I
Sr.Accountant Gr.II/ Accountant
Asst. Officer (Accounts) Gr.I
Buyer Gr.II /Asst. Officer (Buyer) Gr.I
EDP Assistant Gr.II
Asst. Officer (EDP) Gr.I
Translator Gr.II
Asst. Officer (Translation) Gr.I
Librarian Gr.II
Asst. Officer (Library) Gr.I
Supervisor Gr.II
(Canteen/Guest House)
Asst. Officer (Canteen/Guest House) Gr.I
Hostel Warden Gr.II /Asst. Officer (Hostel warden ) Gr.I
Security Inspector Gr.II /Security Inspector Gr.II
Estate Inspector Gr.II
Asst. Officer (Estate) Gr.I
Asstt. Matron /Asst. Officer (Nursing) Gr.I
Physiotherapist Gr.II
Asst. Officer (Physiotherapy) Gr.I
Refractionist Gr.II
Asst. Officer (Refractionist) Gr.I
Orthoptist Gr.II
Asst. Officer (Orthoptist) Gr.I
Orthopaedist Gr.II /Asst. Officer (Orthopaedist) Gr.I
Medical Technician Gr.II
Asst. Officer (Med.Tech.) Gr.I
Supervisor Gr.II(Pharma)
Asst. Officer (Pharma) Gr.I
Medical Technician Audiology/Radiology / Asst. Officer ( Audiology / Radiology) Gr I
Biochemist Gr. II / Asst. Officer( Bio Chemist )Gr I
Medico Social worker Gr.II / Asst. Officer ( Medico Social) Gr I
Supervisor Gr.II Public Health / Asst. Officer (Public Health) Gr I
Protocol Incharge Gr II/ Asst. Officer ( Protocol) Gr I
Statistician Gr.II/ Asst. Officer (Statistics) Gr I

Change of Designations ( vide Corp HR Circular No.015/IRX/2008 dated 16/04/08 & Circular
NO.022/IRX/2008 dated 05/06/08) JE
Rs.600-1100 (1.9.73)
Junior Executive
Rs.650-35-1105 (1.9.78)
Rs.875-52-1135-55-1575 (1.9.82)
Rs.2060-80-2460-100-3460 (1.1.87)
Rs.3185-120-4145-140-5545 (1.1.92)
Rs.6470-245-11270 (1.1.97)
Rs. 12500-32200 (1.1.07)
Rs.700-1100 (1.9.73)
Sr. Office Superintendent
Dy. Officer
Rs.750-35-1205 (1.9.78)
Private Secretary Gr.I
Dy. Officer (PS)
Rs.965-52-1225-55-1665 (1.9.82)
Media Assistant Gr.I
Dy. Officer (Media)
Rs 2300-80-2700-100-3700 (1.1.87)
Public Relations Asstt.Gr.I
Dy. Officer (Public Relations)

Rs.3375-120-4335-140-5735 (1.1.92)
Rs.7000-245-7735 :
: EB-7900-260-12000 (1.1.97)
Rs. 16400-40500 (1.1.07)
Labour Welfare Supervisor Gr.I /Dy. Officer (Labour Welfare)
Cashier Gr.I /Dy. Officer (Cash)
Sr. Accountant Gr.I /Dy. Officer (Accounts)
Sr. Accountant /Dy. Officer (Accounts)
Buyer Gr.I /Dy. Officer (Buyer)
Rs.8600-350-14600 ( 1.1.2000)
Rs. 16400-40500 (1.1.07)
EDP Assistant Gr.I /Dy. Officer (EDP)
Translator Gr.I /Dy. Officer (Translation)
Librarian Gr.I /Dy. Officer (Library)
Supervisor Gr.I (Canteen/Guest House) /
Dy. Officer (Canteen/Guest House)
Hostel Warden Gr.I /Dy. Officer (Hostel warden) Gr I
Security Inspector Gr.I /Security Inspector Gr.I
Estate Inspector Gr.I /Dy. Officer (Estate)
Matron /Dy. Officer (Nursing)
Physiotherapist Gr.I /Dy. Officer (Physiotherapy)
Refractionist Gr.I /Dy. Officer (Refractionist)
Orthoptist Gr.I /Dy. Officer (Orthoptist)
Medical Technician Gr.I /Dy. Officer (Med.Tech.)
Supervisor Gr.I (Pharma) /Dy. Officer (Pharma)
Orthopaedist Gr I / Dy. Officer (Orthopaedist)
Med Tech Audiology/ Radiology / Dy Officer (Audiology/Radiology)
Bio Chemist Gr I / Dy Officer(Bio Chemist)
Medico Social Worker Gr I / Dy. Officer (Medico Social)
Supervisor Gr I Public Health / Dy.Officer (Public Health)
Protocol In Charge Gr I / Dy. Officer (Protocol)
Statistician Gr I / Dy. Officer (Statistics)

Rs.725-1325 (1.9.73)
Rs.775-40-1375 (1.9.78)
Rs.1100-60-1940 (1.8.82)
Rs.2500-120-4300 (1.1.87)
Rs.4000-175-7150 (1.1.92)
Rs.10750-430-16750 (1.1.97)
Rs.11225-450-17525 (1.1.2000)
Rs. 24900-50500 (1.1.07)

Chief Supervisor
Additional Officer Gr.II

Rs.1050-1650 (1.9.73)
Rs.1075-50-1675 (1.9.78)
Rs.1450-60-1750-70-2240 (1.8.82)
Rs.3450-140-4570-150-5470 (1.1.87)
Rs.4800-200-5800-250-8300 (1.1.92)
Rs.12500-500-18100 (1.1.97)
Rs.13750-550-18300 (1.1.2000)
Rs. 29100-54500 (1.1.07)
Executive Supervisor
Additional Officer Gr.I SBVI
Rs.3700-140-4400-150-5900 (25.6.91)
Rs.5400-225-6300-250-9050 (1.1.92)
Rs.13000-520-18250 (1.1.97)
Rs.14500-580-18700 (1.1.2000)
Rs. 32900-58000 (1.1.07)

Sr. Executive Supervisor

Sr. Additional Officer Gr.II


Rs.6500-250-7500-275-9425 (25.6.95)

Rs.14500-580-18700 (1.1.97)
Rs.16000-640-20800 (1.1.2000)
Rs. 36600-62000 (1.1.07)
General Executive Supervisor
Sr. Additional Officer Gr.I


Rs. 36600-62000 (25.06.10) Executive Additional Officer Gr. II

To provide all employees with broad equality of opportunity in growth and career prospects.
To ensure fairness, equitability, consistency and uniformity in the matters of promotion of employees in
all the Units/Divisions of the Company.
To recognise and reward employees for their contribution to the growth of the Organisation.
To sustain the high morale of the employees by informing them of the promotion opportunities existing
in the Organisation.
Promotion Rules
Classification of Groups/Cadres
For purposes of promotion and career growth all employees are included in one of the following
Sr. Executive Cadre
Salary grades E5 and above
Executive Cadre
Salary grades E1 to E4
Supervisory Cadre
Salary grades S-0, SAI/SBI to SAVIII/SBVIII and JEs
Skilled/Ministerial group
Salary grades AIII/BIII to AXII/BXII
Semi-skilled group

Salary grades AII/BII

Unskilled group
Salary grades AI/BI
Promotion to and within the Sr. Executive Cadre will be regulated by the Corporate Office. However,
within this cadre, E6 and above is treated as All Company Cadre and promotions are carried out by
Corporate Office on the recommendations of the Committee of Directors/CMD. Promotion in other
cadres/groups will be regulated by the Unit Management as per the principles and guidelines laid down
from time to time.
4.Promotion Policy
Guidelines and Principles
Promotion from one Group/Cadre to another Group/Cadre
Promotion from one Group/Cadre to another Group/Cadre is on the basis of merit as assessed through
a selection process which may include an appraisal of performance and test/interview designed to
determine the employees' skill, aptitude and abilities for effective functioning in the higher group/cadre.
Employees are eligible for consideration for promotion to the higher group/cadre on completion of a
specified number of years of service (to be referred to hereinafter as eligibility period) in the lower
group/cadre, subject to organisational needs. This eligibility period will be notified by the Management
from time to time keeping in view the requirements of the organisation.
Promotion within a Group/Cadre
Employees are eligible for consideration for promotion from a lower grade to the next higher grade
within the same group/cadre on completion of the number of years of service prescribed in the lower
grade (to be referred to hereinafter as the 'qualifying period') and attainment of satisfactory standards in
conduct and performance. The 'qualifying period' for promotion within a group will be notified by the
Management from time to time keeping in view the requirements of the organisation.
Employees promoted to or within the Supervisory Cadre or to/within the Executive Cadre upto E5 grade
will be on probation for a period of one year. On satisfactory completion of probation such employees
will be confirmed in the new grade. The Competent Authority for declaring successful completion of
probation is ED/GM (in charge of the Division)/GM(P&A)/AGM (Head of Division)
'Fast Track' Promotions
With a view to rewarding employees for sustained outstanding performance, and in order to provide
motivation to them for further improvement, accelerated promotions are considered for eligible
employees on completion of a specified period of service as may be prescribed for this purpose for each
grade. The number of employees promoted under this clause, however, is generally limited to 10% of
the total number of employees eligible for such promotions as the basic idea is to spot the best
performers on work.
4.4 It may not be possible to ensure advancement/career prospects beyond a certain point for employees
who either do not possess the requisite qualifications/skill needed for the higher post or are held up for
want of requirements in the higher groups/cadre. Such cases are reviewed and employees are
considered for the higher grade on completion of 10 years good and effective service provided their
conduct and performance are otherwise satisfactory. This is normally not applicable to the position of E5
i.e. the Sr. Manager's grade and above.

There may be a certain percentage of employees who do not qualify for promotion under any of clauses
provided above. These are so due to their consistently 'poor' performance and/or other reasons. Such
employees treated under the category 'Drop-outs' are not eligible for promotion until there is recorded
improvement in their overall performance and conduct.
Channels of Promotion
Promotion of an employee means his movement from a post in a lower grade to a post in the next
higher grade along with respective promotion channels specified for the purpose. The channels of
promotion for the non-executive cadre are shown in the enclosed Annexure I & Annexure II.
Rules and Procedures
Promotions will be considered by Departmental Promotion Committees (DPCs) to be constituted at the
Unit level for various grades falling under the purview of the Unit Management. The criteria adopted by
the DPC for considering promotions will broadly include factors such as qualifications, experience,
performance, general suitability and potential for higher responsibility.
In case of promotion from Supervisory cadre to Executive cadre, the Selection Committee should
include a Central Selection Board Member on it.
Vigilance clearance should be obtained in respect of all employees, who are in the zone of
consideration, before considering them for promotion.
The promotion cases of eligible employees who are transferred after 31st March and before June, will
be considered by the previous unit, if due for promotion, during that year. The recommendations of the
DPC will be communicated to the latter unit for issue of orders.
Preference for SC/ST
The Government of India orders issued from time to time relating to reservations for SC/ST candidates
will be observed in so far as these are applicable in the context of BHEL Promotion Policy.
Seniority as between personnel promoted on the same date shall be determined in accordance with the
order of merit drawn up by the Departmental Promotion Committee and approved by the competent
Representations from employees regarding Non-Selection or Super-session
An attempt is always made by the Divisional/Departmental Head to explain to an employee the reasons
for his non-selection so that the employee has an opportunity to make up his deficiencies in the relevant
area. If the employee still has a grievance he may submit a representation to the competent authority
through proper channel.
The Head of Department will examine the case and submit to the General Manager/Executive Director
with his remarks/ recommendations for orders.
Representations must be submitted within one month of the date of release of promotion order/list and
unbecoming language will not only be rejected but will be taken up suitably with the employee
concerned. Also joint appeals or representations will not be entertained.
Employees undergoing punishment for specified period shall not be considered for promotion during
that period.

Promotion of Employees whose conduct is under investigation

Cases of Employees to whom sealed cover procedure will be applicable at the time of consideration of
the cases for promotion, details of employees in the consideration zone for promotion falling under the
following categories should be specifically brought to the notice of the Departmental Promotion
Committee: - i) Employees under suspension. ii) Employees in respect of whom a charge-sheet has
been issued and disciplinary proceedings are pending. iii) Employees in respect of whom prosecution
for a criminal charge is pending.
The Departmental Promotion Committee shall assess the suitability of the employees coming within the
purview of the circumstances mentioned above along with other eligible candidates without taking into
consideration the disciplinary case/criminal prosecution pending. The assessment of the DPC, including
'Unfit for Promotion', and the grading awarded by it will be kept in a sealed cover. The cover will be
super-scribed "Findings regarding suitability for promotion to the grade/post
respect of Shri............................. Staff No...........................(name of the employee and Staff No.). Not to
be opened till the termination of the disciplinary case/criminal prosecution against
Shri..................................." The proceedings of the DPC need only contain the note "The findings are
contained in the attached sealed cover."
The same procedure outlined in the above Para will be followed by the subsequent Departmental
Promotion Committees convened till the disciplinary case/criminal prosecution against the employee
concerned is concluded.
On the conclusion of the disciplinary case/criminal prosecution, which results in dropping of allegations
against the employee, the sealed cover or covers shall be opened. In case the employee is completely
exonerated, the due date of his promotion will be determined with reference to the position assigned to
him in the findings kept in the sealed cover/covers. However, whether the employee concerned will be
entitled to any arrears of pay for the period of notional promotion preceding the date of actual promotion,
and if so to what extent, will be decided by the Disciplinary Authority by taking into consideration all the
facts and circumstances of the disciplinary proceeding/criminal prosecution.
Where the Authority denies arrears of salary or part of it, it will record its reasons for doing so. It is not
possible to anticipate and enumerate exhaustively all the circumstances under which such denials of
arrears of salary or part of it may become necessary. However, there may be cases where the
proceedings, whether disciplinary or criminal, are, for example delayed at the instance of the employee
or the clearance in the disciplinary proceedings or acquittal in the criminal proceedings is with benefit of
doubt or on account of non-availability of evidence due to the acts attributable to the employee etc.
These are only some of the circumstances where such denial can be justified.
If any penalty is imposed on the employee as a result of the disciplinary proceedings or if he is found
guilty in the criminal prosecution against him, the findings of the sealed cover/covers shall not be acted
upon. His case for promotion may be considered by the next DPC in the normal course and having
regard to the penalty imposed on him.
It is also clarified that in a case where disciplinary proceedings have been held under the relevant
disciplinary rules, 'warning' should not be issued as a result of such proceedings. If it is found, as a
result of the proceedings, that some blame attached to the employee, at-least the penalty of Censure
should be imposed.
11.7 It is necessary to ensure that the disciplinary case/criminal prosecution instituted against an
employee is not unduly prolonged and all efforts to finalise expeditiously the proceedings should be taken
so that the need for keeping the case of employee in a sealed cover is limited to the barest minimum. It
has, therefore, been decided that the authorities concerned should review comprehensively the cases of

employees, whose suitability for promotion to a higher grade has been kept in a sealed cover on the
expiry of 6 months from the date of convening the first Departmental Promotion Committee, which had
adjudged his suitability and kept its findings in the sealed cover. Such a review should be done
subsequently also every six months. The review should, inter alia, cover the progress made in the
disciplinary proceedings/criminal prosecution and further measures to be taken to expedite their
In spite of the six monthly review referred to in Para 7 above, there may be some cases, where the
disciplinary case/criminal prosecution against the employee are not concluded even after the expiry of
two years from the date of the meeting of the first DPC, which kept its findings in respect of the
employee in a sealed cover. In such a situation the competent authority may review the case of the
employee, provided he is not under suspension, to consider the desirability of giving him ad hoc
promotion keeping in view the following aspects :
Whether the promotion of the employee will be against public interest.
Whether the charges are grave enough to warrant continued denial of promotion;
Whether there is not likelihood of the case coming to a conclusion in the near future;
Whether the delay in the finalisation of proceedings, departmental or in a court of law is not directly or
indirectly attributable to the employee concerned;
Whether there is any likelihood of misuse of official position, which the employee may occupy after ad
hoc promotion, which may adversely affect the conduct of the departmental case/criminal prosecution.
The competent authority should also consult the Central Bureau of Investigation and take their views
into account where the departmental proceedings or criminal prosecution have risen out of the
investigations conducted by the Bureau.
In case the competent authority comes to a conclusion that it would not be against the public interest to
allow ad-hoc promotion to the employee, his case should be placed before the next DPC held in the
normal course after the expiry of the two year period to decide whether the officer is suitable for
promotion on ad-hoc basis. Where the employee is considered for ad-hoc promotion, the Departmental
Promotion Committee should make its assessment on the basis of the suitability of the individual's
record of service without taking into account the pending disciplinary case/criminal prosecution against
After a decision is taken to promote an employee on an ad-hoc basis, an order of promotion may be
issued making it clear in the order itself that:i)
The promotion is being made on purely ad-hoc basis and the ad hoc promotion will not confer any right
for regular promotion; and
The promotion shall be 'until further orders'. It should also be indicated in the orders that the Company
reserves the right to cancel the ad-hoc promotion and revert at any time the employee to the post from
which he was promoted.

If the employee concerned is acquitted in the criminal prosecution on the merits of the case or is fully
exonerated in the departmental proceedings, the ad hoc promotion already made if any be confirmed
and the promotion treated as a regular one from the date of the ad-hoc promotion with all attendant
benefits. In case the employee could have normally got his regular promotion from a date prior to the
date of his ad-hoc promotion with reference to his placement in the DPC proceedings kept in the sealed
cover(s), he would also be allowed his due seniority and benefit of notional promotion as envisaged in
Para 4 above.
If the employee is not acquitted on merits in the criminal prosecution but purely on technical grounds
and the Company further proposes to take up the matter to a higher court or to proceed against him
departmentally or if the employee is not exonerated in the departmental proceedings, the ad-hoc
promotion granted to him should be brought to an end.
12. Keeping in view the changes in internal conditions and external environment, the Company may at
any time and at its discretion, make any changes in the promotion policy and the rules as stated herein if
it is satisfied that such changes are necessary in the overall interest of the organisation.

Page No.8

Channels of Promotion
'A' Group
SVIII Executive Additional Engineer Gr.II
SVII General Executive Foreman /
Sr. Additional Engineer Gr.I
SVI Sr. Executive Foreman /
Sr. Additional Engineer Gr.II
Executive Foreman
Additional Engineer Gr.I
SIV General Foreman /
Additional Engineer Gr.II





Chief Technician
General Technician
Master Technician /
Dy. Engineer

Sr. Technician
Assistant Engineer Gr. I
Technician /
Assistant Engineer Gr. II
I---------------------Artisan Grade I
Artisan Grade II
Artisan Grade III
Artisan Grade IV*

Foreman /
Dy. Engineer
Assistant Foreman /
Assistant Engineer Gr. I
Chargeman* /
Assistant Engineer Gr. II
Auxiliary Worker
Auxiliary Worker II
Auxiliary Worker III
Auxiliary Worker IV


*Open Market


Semi/Skilled Worker
Unskilled Worker*


Every employee of the Company is liable for transfer from one Department/Section/Job within the same
Unit/Division or from one Unit/Division of the Company to another or from the Company to any other
Government Department/Public Sector Undertaking as and when required by the Company at the
discretion of the Management. Such transferees are eligible, unless otherwise stated, for the following
benefits subject to the conditions stated hereunder:
While implementing the Transfer Policy the career based Promotion Policy has also to be reckoned with.
Though the promotions are required to be made subject to Organisational needs, the same is not fully corelated to the vacancies existing. For business considerations and for Administrative exigencies, grouping
and re-grouping of activities are undertaken. Stresses and emphasis are applied on a year to year basis
in consideration of the targeted performance levels. It has been experienced that the number of
employees promoted to a particular grade far exceeds the turnover of employees in that particular grade.
The career growth promotion policy entitling the employee for consideration for promotion to the next
higher grade after putting prescribed minimum period of service without regard to the vacancies arising or
immediately anticipated has resulted an addition to the strength of the employees in the levels promoted.
In order to suitably place all thus promoted in the higher grades in commensurate positions, it may
become necessary to create new departments/sections and also to upgrade certain posts. The horizontal
transfer does not involve alteration of status e.g. DGM would remain a DGM irrespective of the place of
posting and the power, privileges, scale of pay that the DGM post has, is carried to the new post along
with him. But it is not possible at all times to ensure that the executive powers and the amplitude of the
jobs at the two places remain same due to the nature of our activities and dynamism. Posting and
transfers are reviewed in the Company from time to time and it is a matter for the Company to decide in
meeting the organizational needs. Hence, it should be possible to upgrade/downgrade posts and to post
people suitably.
Horizontal Transfer
Unless selected for a higher position, the transfer of an employee is made in the same grade and pay as
held at the time of transfer (hereinafter referred to as 'horizontal transfer'). Such employees who are
horizontally transferred are entitled to the following benefits:
The employee is entitled to one month's basic pay as advance (recoverable in three installments) and
baggage allowance, transfer grant, disturbance allowance etc. as admissible under the TA Rules of the

The employee is entitled to carry forward the leave to his credit, if any, at the time of transfer.

Service already rendered by the employee in the Company at the time of transfer is counted for
purposes of gratuity, provident fund etc.
The employee is entitled to payment of bonus at the rate applicable to identical employees in the
Unit/Division to which he is transferred provided that the rate of bonus which an employee is eligible in
the unit from which he is transferred out will be protected on his transfer and he will be compensated to
the extent of difference between the bonus drawn by him in the latter unit and that admissible to the
employees of the identical categories in the parent unit. This dispensation is admissible only if the
employee has put in a minimum of two years of service on the date of transfer in the unit where higher
rate of bonus is payable and his transfer is not consequent on his having been selected for the higher
post in the new unit. The concession, will however, be discontinued when the rate of bonus admissible in
his existing unit becomes equal to or higher than that admissible to identical categories in the parent
unit. The protection will be only of the rate of bonus the employee was actually drawing at the time of
Subject to the provisions of Para 9 of this chapter, the employee is entitled to protection of his seniority
held at the time of his transfer.
(a) Employees who are occupying Company accommodation/ leased accommodation at the place of
their parent Unit are allowed to retain such accommodation for a maximum period of three months from
the date of relief, provided such accommodation is retained for the bonafide use of the family (wife and
children only) . The recovery of rent for this period of three months will be at the same rate as on the
date transfer. In addition for this period of three months House Rent allowance is admissible at the new
place of posting under the relevant rules subject to his not occupying company accommodation /guest

(b) Permission to retain the family at the earlier place of posting in company leased accommodation as
on the date of transfer for a period of up to one year beyond the initial period of three months, will be
given by Head of Unit to which the employee has been transferred. Permission beyond this period of
one year would be given in exceptional circumstances with the approval of Director (HR) only, after
being duly recommended by the Head of Unit to which the employee has been transferred. Once
approval has been so given, the payment of lease rent may continue to be done by the earlier Division
for the sake of ease and continuity and amount debited to the new Unit. In case the employee who has
been transferred wishes to retain accommodation in Company's township at the earlier location, then in
such cases also permission will be given by the Head of the Unit at the new location, but in consultation
with the Head of Unit / Competent Authority at the previous location where the employee was earlier
( vide Corporate HR circular No.027/WLX/2005 dated 17/06/2005)
(c ) In cases where no such permission is granted and the accommodation provided by the Company
has not been vacated by the maximum period of three months as provided herein, then market
rent/penal rent will be charged and/or admissibility of HRA in the new place will be reviewed.
(d) The Head of Unit at the new location may also allot suitable Company accommodation (other
than Guest House Accommodation) as Transitory Accommodation at the new location for the stay of
such employees beyond the initial period of 3 months after transfer. Such transitory accommodation
could also be shared accommodation. For such accommodation, double the applicable license fee
will be recovered in case the said accommodation is allotted on individual basis .In case of allotment
on shared basis single license fee as applicable will be recovered from each of the employees. In
addition, for the accommodation retained at the earlier location, applicable license fee will be
(e) The period of stay by an employee on transfer in the Company Guest House or Transit Flat at
that particular location shall not exceed 90 (ninety) days in any manner i.e. in continuation or with
breaks. In case of 'Unit Head' this condition can be relaxed with the specific approval of CMD. As far

as possible Head of unit/ ED should also shift to the house earmarked for him after the period of
three months. In case the Head of unit/ED opts to continue to stay in the Companys Guest House
after obtaining due approval of CMD, then for the period of stay, double the license fee as applicable
to his entitled quarter at that location will be charged.

( Corporate Circular No. 018/WLX/2004 dated 25/06/2004)

Permission to stay in Guest House to other executives can be given for an additional period upto 3
months with the following conditions:
1) Each case has to be approved by CMD.
2) No HRA will be payable for this extended period of stay.
3) Double the license fee applicable for the earmarked / notified type of quarter will be payable by the
4) In any case the stay beyond the initial period of 90 days will not exceed further period of 90 days.
(Corporate HR Circular No. 011/ WLX/ 2010 dated 15.02.10).

(f) Also an employee who prior to transfer was drawing HRA and who is permitted to retain his family (ie
spouse and dependant children) at the earlier place of posting, shall be eligible for grant of HRA at the
rate applicable for that station. Such permission to retain the family at the earlier place of posting on HRA
as was being drawn on the date of transfer for a period of up to one year will be given by Head of Unit
to which the employee has been transferred. Permission beyond this period of one year would be given in
exceptional circumstances with the approval of Director (HR) only, after being duly recommended by the
Head of Unit to which the employee has been transferred. Such employees are also eligible for the facility
of transitory accommodation.
The amendments are effective from 3rd June 2005.
(Corporate Office Circular No. 027/WLX/2005 dated 17-06-2005)
The provisions of Rule 2.6 above are not applicable to employees deputed to out stations on long
duration assignments in connection with erection and commissioning work etc. who are governed by the
TA Rules of the Company in this regard. These are also not applicable to deputationists from
Government Departments and other Organisations when they are repatriated to their parent
The family of an employee transferred to another station will continue to be entitled for medical
attendance and treatment at the previous station of posting of the employee in the following cases :

Note: 'Family' means an employee's spouse, legitimate children and step-children dependent on the
employee, adopted child/ children in the case of an employee who has no child and the adoption is legal
and the child/children are residing with and wholly dependent on the employee. In cases of transfers, the
family would also include parents, unmarried brothers and sisters whose income per month from all
sources is less than Rs.1500/- p.m. and fulfill other dependency criteria. The other dependency criteria
will be as specified under the LTC/Medical Attendance rules.
If the employee is unable to take his family to the new station for reasons such as want of suitable
accommodation, children's education etc. and for that reason he has been permitted to retain Company
accommodation at the old station.

Note: In cases covered under this clause LTC for the family members can be claimed from the previous
station of posting instead of the Headquarters of the employee.
Where the family is shifted permanently to the employees' home town and a declaration is given to this
effect by the employee concerned.
The family continues to stay in the place where the employee was posted prior to his transfer to another
Transfer on selection to Higher Post against open advertisement
The employees selected from one Unit/Division for appointment to higher posts in another Unit/Division
against open advertisement are entitled to all the benefits as on horizontal transfer except the grant of
disturbance allowance and payment of Bonus. Their pay in the higher post is fixed as on promotion.
Departmental employees, who are posted to other units on their selection as JEs in the internal
recruitment, may be treated as on transfer and transfer benefits allowed accordingly. However, in the
event of these employees taking transfer back to their original place of posting within five years, then
transfer benefits paid will be recovered.
Transfer on selection as Trainee/Apprentice
The employees selected as Trainees/Apprentices against open advertisement are governed by the rules
on "Entitlements of Departmental Trainees" as notified from time to time.
Incentives for employees transferred as a result of shifting of office from one place to another at
an outstation.
The following additional/extended incentives are admissible to employees who are transferred as a
result of the shifting of a Unit/Division from one place to another at an outstation over and above the
normal entitlements admissible on transfer under the relevant TA Rules of the Company.
50% of the transfer grant as admissible under the rules.
Special Disturbance Allowance of Rs.500, which will be admissible to employees in E5 grade and above
also subject to other conditions.
Payment of HRA or retention of Company accommodation (including leased accommodation) as the
case may be, at previous station upto the end of the academic session, current on the date of transfer
will be admissible if employee is actually keeping his family (spouse and children) there for the purpose
of education of children. In addition, suitable free bachelor accommodation at the new station of posting
may be provided subject to availability. In such cases (where the Company accommodation/ HRA is
admissible with reference to the previous station of posting and bachelor accommodation is also
provided at the new station), no daily allowance will be admissible for the duration of employee's visit to
the previous place of posting, nor HRA at the new place of posting will be admissible.
The employee's intention to avail of the facility of retention of the Company/Company leased
accommodation will be communicated by him in writing at the time of transfer.
Consequent upon shifting of the office from one station to another, if an employee is transferred to the
new place of posting before the expiry of a period of 3 years reckoned from his previous transfer from
an out-station, he may be granted the following additional lump sum amounts:
i) Rs. 250/- if he has a family with one child

ii) Rs. 450/- if he has a family with more than one child
The grant of the above incentives is subject to the furnishing of necessary proof by the employee, as
may be required by the Controlling Officer.
The employees transferred on promotion from one Unit/Division to the other involving change of station
in keeping with the requirements of the organisation are entitled to all the benefits as on horizontal
transfer except for the protection of the higher rate of Bonus as provided in Para 2.4 above. In other
words, they will also be entitled to special disturbance allowance if otherwise admissible under the rules.
Joining Time
Joining time, as under, is admissible to all regular employees of the company whether they are
transferred while on duty at their earlier place of posting or on leave.
Journey Time
Mode of Journey
Journey Time
1 day for each 800 Kms. or part thereof subject to a minimum of one day
Road (when travel by train is not customary)
1 day for each 300 Kms or part thereof subject to a minimum of one day
Actual time subject to a minimum of one day
Note: Travel by road not exceeding 30 Kms to or from railway station at the beginning or end of the
journey is not counted against joining time. Joining time is calculated by the shortest and direct route.
In exceptional cases, joining time as normally admissible may be extended by Head of the Division
depending upon the merit of each case.
Preparation Time
All transferees are entitled to 7 days preparation time including Sundays and other holidays.
No Joining time is admissible in the case of local transfers whether these are inter-unit or intra-unit.
Carry forward of Joining Time
In cases where joining time is not fully availed of at the time of transfer, the un-availed portion of the
joining time will be credited to the non-encashable portion of the earned leave account of the employee
which can be availed of at any time as earned leave. If an employee receives the transfer order while
availing leave at a place other than the Headquarters, he is entitled to joining time as admissible for
transfer from the station where he is spending his leave or his headquarters whichever is less.
Overstay of Joining Time
Where an employee overstays joining time, such period of overstay is treated as extraordinary leave.
Authority competent to sanction transfer may, however, grant leave of the kind due in such cases on the
merits of each case.

Admissibility of Pay during Joining Time
During joining time, an employee is entitled to draw such pay and allowances as he would have drawn if
he had continued in his old post or pay and allowances which he will draw on assuming charge of the
new post, whichever is less.
Posting Abroad
The above rules are applicable mutatis mutandis in case of posting abroad. In addition to the
preparation time of seven days, actual travelling time by the approved route is allowed. Any enforced
stay/halt, if certified by the Controlling Officer, is also admissible.
Seniority during Joining Time
During joining time, a transferred employee is deemed to be carried in the seniority list of the
Unit/Division from which he is transferred till the date he reports in the new Unit/Division to which he is
transferred, unless he belongs to All Company cadre.
The promotion cases of eligible employees who are transferred after 31st March and before June, will
be considered by the previous unit, if due for promotion, during that year. The recommendations of the
DPC will be communicated to the latter unit for issue of orders.
Grant of preparatory/rejoining time to the employees deputed abroad for training.
No preparatory/rejoining time will be granted in such cases, as all the pre-departure formalities for going
abroad for training are completed by the Administration in the Units.
Issue of Orders
Cases of Inter Unit transfers of all executives are required to be referred to the Corporate Office for
approval and orders will be issued by the Corporate Personnel Department in consultation with the Unit
Management. Inter-Unit transfer of Non-Executives are within the purview of the Unit Management.
The placement, work allocation, reporting relationship etc., within the same Division of executives upto
the rank of Additional General Manager in the manufacturing units may be done with the approval of
concerned Executive Director. Information on any changes made should be sent to CMD and other
concerned in the Corporate Office immediately. However, movements in or out of executives in the rank
of Deputy General Manager in Personnel, Finance and Engineering functions should be got cleared
from the respective Functional Directors.
In respect of Divisions other than the manufacturing Divisions, the placement, work allocation, reporting
relationship etc., of all Corporate Cadre Executives should be done with the approval of concerned
Functional Directors.
Any changes relating to executives in the cadre of Addl. General Manager and above in all Divisions will
be referred to CMD for his prior approval.
Transfer of any executive upto Sr. DGM level within ROD or within the same region of Power Sector
need not be referred to Corporate Personnel. If such a transfer involves posting at Delhi including
posting to contiguous areas of Delhi i.e. Gurgaon, NOIDA, then approval of Corporate Office should be
taken. In other cases, approval of the concerned Functional Director is to be taken.

Notwithstanding anything contained in this chapter, transfers which are at employees' own request will
be subject to the following terms and conditions:
Transfer T.A. including Transfer grant and disturbance allowance will not be allowed.
Joining time will not be admissible.
In case an employee makes a request for transfer and this request has been approved by the
Competent Authority, then all Transfer Benefits under the rules will be admissible if he/she has put in at
least 15 years of continuous service at the same Unit or Division or at the same place of posting at the
time of request for transfer (Unit or Division would include manufacturing Units, Divisions/Regions under
Business Sectors and Corporate Office).
An employee who at the time of cadre change promotion/ re-designation to Executive Cadre was
promoted/ re-designated and posted to a Power Sector / ISG /TBG sites and subsequently after
completion of five years' service at site/sites, requests for a transfer back to his parent Unit or elsewhere
and such request is approved by the Competent Authority, then the transfer of such employee may be
treated as "Transfer in Company interest" and all transfer Benefits may be allowed
( vide Corporate circular 017/TRX/2006 dated 17/03/2006)
Cases not fulfilling the criteria at (iii) above will continue to be governed by the existing rules mentioned
in (i) and (ii) above.
10 Guidelines for Transfer on Seconded basis
(Corporate HR Circular No. 022/TRX/2009 dated 25/05/09)

Executive Salary Grades with effect from 1.1.2007:
Executive Director
E-8 - General Manager
E-7 - Addl. General Manager
E-6A - Sr. Deputy Gen. Manager
E-6 - Deputy General. Manager
E-5 - Senior Manager
E-4 - Manager
E-3 - Deputy Manager
E-2 - Sr. Engineer/Officer /

Sr. Executive
E-1 -Engineer/Officer/Executive
ET - Executive Trainee
Non-Executive Salary Grades with effect from 1.1.2007:
A - Technical
SA VIII (wef 25.06.10)
AXII (wef 25.06.10)


Non-Executive Salary Grades with effect from 1.1.2007:

SB VIII (wef 25.06.10)
B XII (wef 25.06.10)



SB II / BVIII Rs. 12600-32500
Junior Executives (1.1.2007)

Trainees / Apprentices
Engineer Trainee - ET Scale
Executive Trainees - ET Scale
Supervisor Trainees - S0 Scale

Dearness Allowance
With effect from 1.1.2007, Dearness Allowance is granted to compensate the price increase above
AICPI 126.33, to which the revised salary grades relate. The payment of D.A. is based on 100%
neutralisation over quarterly average of AICPI 126.33.
The periodicity and effective dates of revision will be as under:Quarterly Average
Date of Effect
September - November

1 January
December - February

1 April
March - May

1 July
June - August

1 October
In determining the average consumer price index the actual up to two places of decimal will be
For computation of D.A. 50 paise and above to be rounded off to next Rupee and less than 50 paise to
be ignored.
D.A. on HPL
D.A. during Half Pay Leave is to be computed with reference to the basic pay actually drawn. In other
words, in such cases D.A. will be computed on the reduced pay only.

Payment of House Rent Allowance on revised basic pay w.e.f. 26.11.2008 to the employees not
provided with company accommodation will be at the following rates:

Cities with population

Rate of HRA

50 lakhs and above

5 to 50 lakhs
Less than 5 lakhs

30% of Basic Pay

20% of Basic Pay
10% of Basic Pay

The payment of HRA shall be as per classification of cities notified by the Government. Classification of
cities is enclosed at Annexure - I. HRA rates at BHEL locations is at Annexure II.
For the purposes of these rules, the term "Pay" in addition to basic pay includes personal allowance*,
deputation (duty) allowance, stagnation increment, family planning incentive and all other payments
declared by the Company from time to time to be included for HRA. * In case the actual amount of HRA
as per prescribed rate is less than the actual amount of HRA drawn as on 25.11.2008 in case of a
particular employee, the difference would be allowed to be drawn by the employee as "Personal
Allowance" until the difference is eliminated in course of time subject to the condition that the difference
will be subsumed within the overall limit prescribed for perquisites and allowances prescribed under the
DPE guidelines. (vide Corporate HR Circular Nos. 005, 006, 007/IRX/2010 dated 06.02.10)
House rent allowance as above is admissible to all employees, without reference to the quantum of rent
paid and without requiring them to produce any rent receipt.
Where both husband and wife are employees of the Company and posted at the same station, HRA is
admissible to both of them as per their individual entitlement subject to the prescribed limit. However,
HRA is not admissible to both, if even one of them has been allowed Company owned / leased
HRA will not be admissible in the following situations: If the employee is staying in an accommodation
including a leased accommodation allotted to his or her spouse or parent by the Company / Central/State
Government / PSU / Semi-Government Organisation / Autonomous Body / Nationalised Bank / LIC etc
If the employee is staying in the Company's Guest House or has been allotted Transitory
Accommodationat the place of posting either on single occupancy terms or on shared basis.
If the employee is occupying Company / Government accommodation unauthorisedly at the same station
or at another station.
If the employee who continues to occupy Company / Government accommodation unauthorisedly i.e.
after the allotment of accommodation has been cancelled in their names by the appropriate authority and
the employees concerned have been directed to vacate the accommodation allotted to them. 2.3
Payment of HRA shall be made subject to the employee furnishing a certificate as at Annexure III below:
2.4 The employees will be entitled to be paid house rent allowance during leave at the same rates at
which they were drawing these allowances before they proceeded on leave. For this purpose leave
means total leave of all kinds not exceeding 120 days or the first 120 days of the leave period where the
leave exceeds 120 days, but does not include leave preparatory to retirement, refused leave or terminal
leave, whether running concurrently with the notice period or not. When holidays are combined with
leave, the entire period of holidays and leave should be taken as one spell of leave. However, in the case
of Maternity leave which is on full pay for a period of 180 days from the date of its commencement in case
of female employees with less than two surviving children, the limit is 180 days, subject to production of
Medical Certificate from the Authorised Medical Attendant (AMA).
The limit of 120 days - excepting for female employees on Maternity Leave where the limit is 180 days shall be extended to eight months for the purpose of grant of these allowances in the case of employees
suffering from tuberculosis; Cancer or other ailments provided the leave is supported by a medical
certificate. It is immaterial whether the leave is on medical certificate from the very commencement or is
in continuation of other leave. The question whether HRA may be paid to an employee suffering from
tuberculosis, cancer or other ailments during leave on medical certificate beyond eight months will be

decided on merits by the Management. 2.5 Any clarification on payment of HRA, not covered in the above
Rules, will be referred to Corporate HR for final decision. Annexure I (Government notified list)
Annexure II (List of BHEL locations)
Annexure III (Certificate for claiming HRA)

Third Party Company Lease and Self Lease
Executives in the grade of E1A to E9 are eligible for accommodation to be leased by the company. This
facility will be admissible to the executive borne on the regular establishment of the Company including
the deputationists, who are entitled to the same and who are posted at places where leasing of
accommodation by the company has been approved. The list of cities where lease is permitted is at
Annexure - III (A).
3.1 This facility to executives from E1A to E4 grade is allowed strictly on case to case basis where the
company is unable to provide its own accommodation and regulated as approved by the Board of
Directors delegating the powers to CMD / Director(HR).
3.2 Where both the husband and wife are employees of the Company posted at the same station and
reside together in the same house/portion of the house, only one of them at their option will be eligible for
this facility and the other spouse shall not be paid any HRA even if he/she is otherwise eligible to draw
HRA at a flat rate.
3.3 The ceiling limit of rentals for the accommodation leased by the Company at the locations where
lease is permitted in respect of the executives who are entitled to it are placed at Annexure - III (B).
4 The Company may take on lease a house owned by an executive / spouse / father / mother / children
or by a Hindu undivided family in which he is a co-parcener for the residence of the executive himself on
payment of rent which will be termed as "Self Lease" and shall be assessed by a "Departmental Rental
Assessment Committee" constituted by the Management for this purpose. Leasing of accommodation
from any other individual/s will be a "Third Party Company Lease".
The house taken on self lease shall be allotted to the executive concerned who has offered it for lease to
the Company for his residence. In the event of his ceasing to be in the employment of the Company, the
house will normally be made over to him subject to such safeguards as may be necessary for recovery of
balance of House Building Advance, if any, outstanding against him.
Processing of applications for approval
Executives who intend to avail this facility shall make an application for the same and forward it to the
HR Department along with details given in the prescribed proforma. The HR Department will in the first
instance obtain approval of the competent authority in principle. Option to take a house on lease rests
with the Management and cannot be claimed as a matter of right.
4.3 Procedures for Self lease facility
After the proposal has been agreed to in principle, the HR Department will pass on the relevant papers to
the Departmental Rental Assessment Committee (DRAC) for its recommendations before finally fixing the

Constit Constitution of Departmental Rental Assessment Committee (DRAC) and scope of its functioning:
DRAC shall be constituted in each Division/Unit to assist the Management in determining the rental value
of the houses offered by the executives on lease to the Company. At places where more than one
Division/Unit are located, a common Committee may be constituted by the Divisions/Units concerned in
consultation with each other to ensure a uniform approach.
The CoTThe Committee shall consist of representatives from Civil, HR and Finance Departments. The Head of
the Division/Unit may at his discretion nominate representatives from other Departments as well if he
considers necessary to do so. The member from HR department will be designated as the Secretary who
will coordinate functioning of the Committee and be responsible for submitting its report to the
4.3.2 In determining rental value, the Committee will take into consideration the following :
The living area to be considered for rental assessment will include rooms, kitchen, bath, toilets,
lobby & passage. Exclusion or inclusion of area to be considered for this purpose will be on the
recommendation of DRAC member from Civil.
The area of the house/portion of the house occupied / proposed to be occupied by the executive
and his/her family. While considering the property owned by parents/children and where parents/children
(not dependent) are living in the same premises, the area for rental assessment for the self lease may be
restricted to 50% of total area for rental assessment.
Prevalent market rent for similar accommodation in the locality, including the type of construction
and common facilities.
Any other factor that may be relevant for determining the rental value.
Based on the above factors, DRAC may evolve rate per sq.ft. for the living area which will be submitted
to the Head of Division/ Unit for approval. The approving authority may require the Committee to review
its recommendations in the light of the facts that may have come to their notice subsequently or for any
other valid reasons.
The rent so fixed shall remain in force for a period of three years and shall not be reviewed during this
period. However, if there is a decrease in the area under occupation, the concerned executive shall
immediately notify the changes to the Company. In such an event the rental value of the area under
occupation shall be determined afresh. The rental value per sq. ft. as originally determined shall be the
basis for re-fixing the revised rental.
Terms and Conditions
The terms and conditions below or amended from time to time will be applicable for both third party
company lease and self lease, unless otherwise stated
The lease will, after having been approved by the competent authority, take effect from the date of
application if the house is already in occupation or from the date of occupation, whichever is later.
However, for executives in the grade E1A to E4, the lease will be effective from the date on which the
request has been made by the individual concerned or the date of occupation of the house or the date
of vacation of company quarter or the date of approval for this facility, whichever is later
While agreeing to rentals on third party company lease, the rate per sqft of carpet area approved and
used for determining rentals for self lease cases as reference point. Adequate care is to be taken that
the rentals agreed to for third party company lease is lesser of the following

(a) rent quoted by the land lord or

(b) the rent that would be fixed for similar self lease accommodation in the same location
In case this criterion is not met, units should satisfy themselves that adequate justification exists for the
In the event of premises being in the joint name with the spouse and the employee is HBA/HLIS
beneficiary, agreement for self lease will be entered into with the employee only. In case of joint
ownership other than spouse, the lease agreement will be signed by all individuals concerned
Third party company lease / self lease for another house in lieu of self lease for a dwelling unit acquired
in the same place by availing HBA/HLIS will be governed by the conditions under clause 14.5.4 of subsection F-4, Vol. II of Personnel Manual.
No brokerage will be payable in respect of the house leased under the provision "Self lease"
For third party company lease, brokerage is permitted restricting to 15 days of entitled lease rent or
actual rent of the premises, whichever is less, on submission of the original cash receipt for the same
from the authorised brokerage firm. The employee can avail this dispensation only once during the
entire service time.

Reimbursement of Lease Maintenance Expenditure
is withdrawn wef 10.7.2009. No payment on this account is allowed.
( vide Corportae HR Circular No. 026/WLX/2009 dated 10.7.2009)
The expenditure incurred by the executives on repairs/maintenance/minor alterations carried out in the
leased premises occupied by them may be reimbursed subject to the following conditions:
The repairs/maintenance/minor alterations carried out are essential and the landlord is not agreeable to
meet the expenses thereon subject to the conditions that no alterations in the premises will be
undertaken without the specific written consent of the landlord..
The total amount to be reimbursed in a year commencing from the date of operation of the lease shall
be least of the following:
1. the lease rent entitlement per month
2. the actual rent per month for the premises
3. the actual lease maintenance expenditure incurred during the relevant lease year.
The time of submission of the claim , should however, relate to the lease year to which the claim
Reimbursement of expenses on account of purely maintenance work like, white/colour
washing/distemper, painting/polishing of wooden fittings will be made once in a period of two years only
for the same premises.

Expenses incurred within 3 months of the date of occupation or in the three months preceding the
termination of the lease should not exceed Rs.100/-. If it exceeds this limit, the excess amount shall not
be reimbursed. Renewal/extensions of lease shall be deemed to be in continuation of the earlier lease
for this purpose. In cases of those who superannuate/resign wherein at the time of incurring
maintenance expenditure the period preceding the termination of lease exceeds three months but falls
short of one year, the actual expenses on repairs/ maintenance for the full year will be payable subject
to the ceiling as per actual lease rent/entitlement whichever is lower.
Reimbursement of expenses incurred by the executives will be made on the basis of a certificate in the
proforma supported by the details of the expenses along with the dates on which repairs/maintenance
etc. were carried out.
The cost of bulbs/tubes will not be reimbursed.
The reimbursement of expenses on these accounts will be made twice in a year i.e. in June and
December unless the expenses incurred amount to half of the full entitlement or more.
Retention of leased accommodation on transfer
Policy on retention of accommodation leased by the company (third party and self lease) on transfer will
be governed by provision under clause 2.6 of Sub-Section A-5, Vol. I of Personnel Manual.

Retention of accommodation after retirement/death
The Company owned accommodation/Company leased accommodation (excluding self lease) is
allowed to be retained on payment of normal rent for a period of four months after retirement/
superannuation of the employee. The recovery of rent in such cases will be at the same rate as on the
date of retirement/superannuation and shall be made in advance or alternatively from the leave salary or
any other amount payable to the employee after retirement/superannuation. Where the recovery or
payment is not made in advance, the employee concerned shall give an undertaking in writing that the
amount can be recovered from his settlement dues, before permission is granted to retain the
The maximum period of retention of Company owned / Company leased accommodation (excluding self
lease) in the event of death of an employee will be six months on the request made by the dependents
of the deceased employee. The recovery of rent in such cases will be at the same rate as on the date of
death of the employee and shall be made in advance or alternatively adjusted from the leave salary or
other amount payable to the employee after death.

Permission to retired employees and families of deceased employees to continue to occupy Company
accommodation beyond the period of four months and six months respectively may be given only with
the approval of ED/GGM of the units. In respect of Delhi, for the accommodation at NOIDA approval of
Exe.Director(HR) and in respect of accommodation at ASIAD, approval of Director (HR) would be
required. Such cases, if any, should be processed with full justification at least one month before the
expiry of the period normally allowed. In any case, even where such approvals are given beyond the
specified period, market rent should be charged. The market rent should be determined by a Committee
at the local level keeping in view the prevailing market rents and this in any case should not be
determined at less than twice the normal rent. It is emphasised that such cases should be minimal and
considered in exceptional circumstances. The Corporate Office should however be kept informed.
These will also be applicable to all Deputationists from Central/State Governments and other PSUs
serving in BHEL..
9 Any clarification on leasing of accommodation, not covered in the above rules, will be referred to
Corporate HR for final decision.
10 Interpretation of rules of HRA and Leasing accommodation will be with the approval of Director(HR)
and any amendments to these rules will be with the approval of CMD.

Cities where lease is permitted



Classification for Lease

(wef 26-11-2008)

Delhi & Contiguous areas





( vide Corporate HR circular No.53/WLX/2007 dated 06/11/07)

(vide Corporate IOM No.AA/HR/Lease(Policy)/09 dated 02/04/09)
(vide Corporate HR Circular No.008/WLX/2010 dated 06/02/10)

Annexure III(B)

Ceiling limit of rentals for accommodation leased by the company (wef

Rental Ceilings (Rs. per month)

'X' *Class cities

'Y' Class cities

'Z' Class cities









































Recovery of rent for accommodation leased by the Company will be at the flat rates of license fee linked
to living area as applicable to Company owned residences subject to the following conditions:
The living area of the residence taken on lease will be assessed by the Respective Departmental rent
assessment committees as per norms specified on page 9, of this sub-section based on layout plan of
residence taken on lease by the company indicating the dimensions to be certified by the employee.
In self lease cases, where rent is paid in the name of employee, it will be mandatory for the employee to
make a fair assessment of the income from house property during the financial year and intimate the
same to the office before the commencement of every financial year so that income tax is deducted at
source by the company itself. The above decision is effective from 1.4.99.
In respect of employees residing in company owned/arranged accommodation the rates of house rent
recovery will be as detailed below. Company arranged accommodations are those which are specifically
notified by the Corporate Office and does not include leased accommodation.

In case of employees who have constructed/purchased a house by utilising HBA/interest subsidy and
have been permitted to stay in the Company Owned Accommodation at the same place or place
contiguous thereto, the house rent recovery shall also be at the flat rates of license fee linked to the
living area.
Flat rate of License fee based on living area
In respect of employees who joined prior to 1.1.1991, flat rate of license fee prescribed by Government
will be the ceiling on house rent recovery for company owned/arranged accommodation allotted to
employees. The rent recovery in such cases will be made at the rate of 10% of pay or the rent or the flat
rate of license fee, whichever is the least. This is effective from 1-1-1991 with a proviso of no recovery
and no arrears for period before 1-1-1991. In respect of those employees who have joined the Company
on or after 1-1-1991, who are allotted Company owned/arranged accommodation, house rent recovery
will be made at the flat rates of license fee prescribed from time to time by Government of India or 10%
of pay whichever is the least.
The flat rates of license fee may be worked out in accordance with Government of India O.M.
No.12035(1)85-Pol.II (Vol.III (i) dated 7th August 87 issued by Government of India, Ministry of Urban
Development (Directorate of Estates) as revised from time to time (copy enclosed)).
It may be noticed from Annexure - III to the above referred letter of Govt. of India that ranges of living
areas corresponding to different types of accommodation are overlapping. With a view to ensure
uniformity in classification of accommodation and determining the flat rates of license fee, following
classifications may please be followed. Based on the Government of India order no.18011/1/92- POL.III,
the rates with effect from 1-7-96 and 1-7-99 are placed below. These rates of license fee are subject to
revision every three years.
Flat rate of license fee based on living area
Living Area (Sq. Mt.)
License Fee
(Rs. p.m.)


Servant Quarter
shared toilet for more than two quarters.
shared toilet for two quarters.
plinth area less than 300 sq.feet.
plinth area of 300 sq.feet and more.
This range is closed at the mid-point with reference to next higher range.
( vide Corporate HR circular No. 014/WLX/2011 dated 12/05/11)
No.12035(1)/85-ol.II (Vol.III(i)
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
(Directorate of Estates)
New Delhi, the 7th Aug.,1987
Fixation of flat rate of license fee for residential accommodation under Central Government all over the
country - Recommendations of the Fourth Pay commission.
In para 14.32 of the Report of the Fourth Pay commission (Part - I) , the Commission has made the
following recommendations relating to charging of license fee for Government accommodation allotted
to employees:Under the existing rules, the rent for Government accommodation other than hostel accommodation is
recovered at 10% of emoluments (basic pay plus dearness pay upto 320 points CPI) or standard rent of
the house, whichever is less. In the case of employees in receipt of pay below Rs.300/- the recovery is
made at 7.5% of emoluments or standard rent whichever is less. Thus, considerable accounting work is
required for calculating rent in each case. This also leads to disparities in recovery of rent among
comparable employees in occupation of the same type of accommodation in different stations, and in
different localities at the same station. We are of the view that rent for the Government accommodation
should be recovered at a flat rate with reference to the type of accommodation allotted to the employees
and the rate should be uniformly applicable throughout India. This will not only dispense with avoidable
accounting work but will also bring about uniformity in rent recovery from the employees for the same
type of accommodation in all places. We recommend that Government may examine the matter and
take a decision.
The matter relating to fixation of flat rate of license fee for Government accommodation has been
considered by Government and the recommendation of the Fourth Pay Commission for fixation of flat
rate of license fee for residential accommodation all over the country has been accepted. The relevant
provisions of the Fundamental Rules and the Supplementary Rules have also been amended for the

purpose of fixation/recovery of flat rate of license fee and for its revision every three years. Copies of the
notifications published in the Gazette of India amending FR-45A and SR-324 are enclosed (Annexure - I
& Annexure - II).
In terms of GFR-45-A-IV(C)(ii) , it has been decided by the Central Government to prescribe flat rates of
license fee for the residential accommodation available in general pool and also under various
Ministries/Departments of Government of India all over the country (except in respect of sub-standard/
unclassified accommodation of Ministry of Defence, accommodation for service personnel/Officer of
Ministry of Defence and accommodation under the control of the Ministry of Railways). The flat rate of
license fee for different types of accommodation fixed by Government is indicated in the statement
attached with this O.M. (Annexure -III). The formula for calculating the living area of the accommodation
is indicated in Annexure-IV. For common services/ conservancy and for fire tax and scavenging tax
payable for residences, no additional charges are to be recovered. The flat rate of licence fee is to be
recovered with effect from 1.7.87 i.e. from the salary for the month of July,1987. This is in partial
modification of the date of effect communicated in this Ministry's Confidential O.M. of even number
dated the Ist June,1987.
It has also been decided that no additions/alterations of structural character may be carried out in
residences at the request of the allottees. Such additions/alterations, if considered necessary, may be
carried out in all similar residences in a standardised manner and no additional licence fee or charges
may be recovered from the allottees for such additions/alterations.
Normally, water and electricity charges are payable by the allottees to the local bodies. Where, however,
such charges cannot be recovered from the allottees due to non-availability of separate motors etc., this
will continue to be recovered by the Government from the allottees. Similarly, charges on account of
issue of furniture, electrical appliances, air conditioning appliances etc., would also be recovered from
the allottees, if issued.
The living area of the quarters indicated in Annexure III has been assessed on the basis of the living
area of the bulk of general pool quarters as these quarters have been constructed over a long period of
time. However, there may be cases, where the living area of the quarters may be slightly less than the
minimum specified or the relevant type or slightly more than the maximum specified. In such cases,
license fee may be recovered on the basis of the classification of the types of accommodation and based
on the lowest or highest rates depending on the lower living area or higher living area of the quarter and
in such cases, the license fee may be fixed on a provisional basis and such anomalies brought to the
notice of the Directorate of Estates indicating the type of accommodation, plinth area, living area, year of
construction and number of rooms available etc., so that such cases can be considered and decision
It is requested that immediate action may please be taken to recover license fee in accordance with
these orders in respect of accommodation under the control of various Ministries/Departments all over
the country.
Joint Secretary to the Govt. of India.
Gazette of India, Extraordinary Part-II Sub-section (1) of Section 3 dated 1.7.87
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
(Finance Division)
New Delhi, the 30th June,1987

GSR NO.623(E) In exercise of powers conferred by the proviso to article 309 and clause (5) of article
148 of the constitution, the President, after consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India
in relation to persons serving in the India Audit and Accounts Department hereby makes the following
rules further to amend the Fundamental rules, namely:

These rules may be called the Fundamental (Amendment) Rules,1987.
They shall come into force on the Ist day of July, 1987.
In the Fundamental Rules, in clause IV of Rule 45, in sub-clause (c)
item (ii) shall be renumbered, the following item shall be inserted:
prescribe flat rate of monthly license fee applicable throughout the country based on the cost of
construction and plinth area living area of the type of accommodation alloted to the employees subject to
the condition that the amount taken from any officer shall not exceed 10 percent of his monthly
Sd/-(Arjan Dev)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Note: (Earlier amendments were made upon the following notifications).
1. No. 8(17)/61-Estates dated 4.6.61
2. No.5(9)/63 Estates dated 4.6.63
3. No.5(13)/62-Estates dated 5.7.63
4. No.11(51)/68-W&E dated 4.10.79 GSR 2453 dated 25.10.69
Gazette of India, Extraordinary, Part II, Sub-section (1) of Section 3 dated 1.7.87
Government of India
Ministry of Urban Development
(Finance Division)
New Delhi, the 30th June,1987
G.S.R NO.624(E) In exercise of the powers conferred by the provision to article 309 and clause (5) of
article 148 of the Constitution, read with FR.45 of the Fundamental Rules, the President, after
consultation with the Comptroller and Auditor General of India in relation to persons serving in the India
Audit and Accounts Department, hereby makes the following rules further to amend the Fundamental
Rules, namely:1.

These rules may be called the Supplementary (Amendment) Rules, 1987.

They shall come into force on the Ist day of July, 1987.

In the Supplementary rules, in SR 324 after sub-rule (3) the following sub-rules shall be inserted ,
namely:Notwithstanding anything contained in sub-rules (1) and (2) the flat rate of license fee prescribed under
FR. 45-A-IV(c) (ii) for residences shall be recalculated on the expiry of three years from the date of the
last calculation and the recalculation shall take effect from Ist July next following, or from such other date
as the President may direct.

Sd/-(Arjan Dev)
Under Secretary to Govt. of India
Statement indicating the formula for fixation of flat rate of license fee for different types of
Type of accom- odation
Range of living area (in Sq. Mt.)
Flat rate license fee uniformly applicable through out the country.
Upto 30
Quarters sharing toilet facility meant for more than two quarters.
Upto 30
Quarters sharing toilet facility meant for two quarters.
Upto 30
Old quarters with plinth area less than 300 Sq. Ft.
Upto 30
Quarters with plinth area of 300 Sq. Ft. and more.
Crash programme type-B quarters with plinth area of 350 Sq. Ft. reclassified as type-A
32 to 40
41 to 50
Crash programme type-C quarters with plinth area of 425 Sq. Ft. reclassified as type-B.
44 to 55

56 to 65
59 to 75
76 to 91.5
Upto 106
Beyond 106
Upto 159.5
Beyond 159.5
189.5 to 224.5
243 to 350
350.5 to 522
Hostel Accommodation
Category of suite
Living Area (Sq.Mt.)
Proposed flat rate of license fee uniformly applicable throughout
the country.
Single room
21.5 to 30.0
Single room
30.5 to 39.5

Double room
47.5 to 60.00
For servant quarters and garages, allotted independent of the regular accommodation / hostel, the
following flat rates may be recovered:
Servant Quarter
Rs.10 per month.
Rs.5 per month.
Rooms, Kitchen, Bath, Latrine, Stores and enclosed Verandah.
100% of the floor area
Verandah, Corridors and Barsati.
25% of the floor area
12.5% of the floor area
Court yard pucca.
5% of the floor area.
25% of the floor area.
12.5% of the floor area.
City Compensatory Allowance

The payment of City Compensatory Allowance stands dispensed w.e.f. 26.11.2008.

(Corporate HR Circular No. 005/IRX/2010 dated 06/02/2010)
(Corporate HR Circular No. 006/IRX/2010 dated 06/02/2010)
(Corporate HR Circular No. 007/IRX/2010 dated 06/02/2010)

DPE OM No. 2 (70)/08-DPE(WC) dated 26/11/2008.

Location Allowance
Non-executive employees upto AVI/BVI category working in Hardwar, Jhansi, Ranipet, Jagdishpur,
Rudrapur and Goindwal will be entitled to the payment of Location Allowance at the rate of 3.5% of
basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs. 20/- per month.

The payment of Location Allowance stands dispensed w.e.f. 26.11.2008.

(Corporate HR Circular No. 005/IRX/2010 dated 06/02/2010)
(Corporate HR Circular No. 006/IRX/2010 dated 06/02/2010)
(Corporate HR Circular No. 007/IRX/2010 dated 06/02/2010)
Non-Practising Allowance to Medical Officers.
The rate of Non-Practicing Allowance is 25% of revised Basic Pay with effect from 26/11/2008. The NPA
will not count for any purpose.
Late Night Snack Allowance
All employees who work in night shifts extending beyond mid-night are paid Late Night Snack Allowance
at the rate of Rs.100/- per night w.e.f. 1/1/2010 for a period of 5 years, i.e. up to 31/12/2014. This
allowance is payable to temporary employees also provided they are working against regular vacancies.
(Corporate HR Circular NO.005/IRX/2010 dated 06/02/2010)
(Corporate HR Circular NO.006/IRX/2010 dated 06/02/2010)
(Corporate HR Circular NO.007/IRX/2010 dated 06/02/2010)
Allowance etc. for Nursing Staff
Messing Allowance
All Nursing Staff in the Medical department irrespective of their salary grade are entitled for messing
allowance of Rs.500/- per month for a period of 5 years w.e.f.1/1/2010.
(Corporate HR Circular NO.007/IRX/2010 dated 06/02/2010)
Free Unfurnished Accommodation
All Nursing Staff in the Medical department irrespective of their salary grade are entitled for free
unfurnished accommodation.
(Corporate HR Circular No. 020/WLX/2007 dated 16/05/2007)
Free Electricity

The provision of providing free electricity to Matrons/Asst. Matrons/ Sisters/Nurses Gr.I/Gr.II and
Matrons / Superintendents in E1 grade stands dispensed with effect from 12.2.2010. However,
reimbursement of electricity charges shall constitute part of cafeteria and be reckoned within the ceiling
of 46% perks and allowances.
(vide Corporate HR IOM No. AA/HR/IR/523 dated 16-11-2010)
Kit Allowance to Employees Deputed Abroad
The employees of the Company in the scales of pay upto and including E2 grade and its equivalent and
who are deputed for training abroad for more than 3 months continuous duration are entitled to a kit
allowance of Rs.750/- provided they have not been paid such an allowance in the last seven years. The
amount will be paid in cash in India subject to the production of duly receipted vouchers in respect of
articles of outfit which have been or are to be purchased out of the drawal of the amount failing which
the entire amount will be refundable to the Company. If the amount drawn is more than the expenditure
incurred, the balance should be refunded to the Company.
In cases of employees who are sponsored by the Company for higher studies abroad, they may be
granted an advance for the purchase of kit of an amount not exceeding Rs. 750/- which can be
recovered in five equal monthly instalments from the salary payable in India. This amount may be
granted only at the request of the employee.
Cycle Allowance (Now covered under Perks and Allowances under Cafeteria)
Employees who own and maintain cycles and use the same for discharge of official duties and are not
availing subsidised transport facility and are not in receipt of transport subsidy allowance or conveyance
reimbursement as in Sub-Section E:7 will be entitled to cycle allowance of Rs.150/- p.m. w.e.f 1.1.2005
strictly on a functional basis.
Welding Allowance to High Pressure Welders
Rates of Welding Allowance
Categories of employees eligible for welding allowance
Rate per month (Rs.)
wef 15/03/2007
Welders in AV and AVI salary grades possessing the requisite IBR certificate issued by any State Boiler
Inspectorate In Boiler Quality, Steel Plate Welding (Submerged Arc/ Manual Arc/ Manual Electric Arc/
CO2/ Tig/ Stellite Gas/ Flash Butt and similar other processes of welding)
200 *
In exceptional cases of non-availability of welders in AV grade those in AIV grade may be considered for
the grant of this allowance.
The Stellite Gas welding is to be certified by Welding Engineering Department.
The existing trained welders engaged on carbon steel/ submerged arc/ Tig welding will be paid Rs.
250/- per month in Bhopal unit.
( vide Corporate HR circular No.037/IRX/2007 dated 24/08/07)
Categories of employees eligible for welding allowance

Rate per month (Rs.)

wef 15/03/07
Welders in AV and AVI salary grades possessing the requisite IBR certificate issued by any State Boiler
Inspectorate in Carbon Steel (Pipe Tube Welding) and Alloy Steel Plate (Submerged Arc/ Manual Arc/
Manual Electric Arc/ CO2/ and similar other processes of welding)
Welders in AVI and AVII salary grades possessing the requisite IBR certificate issued by any State
Boiler Inspectorate in Alloy Steel Pipe/ Tube Welding (Manual) Submerged Arc/ Manual Arc/ Manual
Electric Arc/ CO2/ Tig/ Stellite Gas/ Flash Butt and similar other processes of welding.
( vide Corporate HR circular No.037/IRX/2007 dated 24/08/07)
The grant of Welding Allowance under these Rules will be at the sole discretion of the Unit Management
and will be subject to the following terms and conditions:a.
A Welder shall undergo the necessary training as prescribed by the Unit Management,
to acquire the skill as certified by the competent authority.
A Welder should be actually engaged on the job requiring the corresponding requite
A Welder should complete his assigned jobs to the required standards both in quantity
and quality.
A Welder should retain his skills (to be determined through tests/examination prescribed
by Management/IBR Regulations) in his respective grade for which the Welding Allowance is
There will be periodical re-qualification tests and pre-production tests to assess the skill
from time to time.
The above (revised) rates are subject to improvements in quality standards at least by
The ways and means of achieving these improvements have to be discussed and settled at the Plant
Subject to the terms and conditions as above, units may frame detailed rules, procedures and other
technical norms as considered appropriate.
Pre-conditions for continued eligibility:
Where a welder drawing Welding Allowance is promoted to a post in a grade which does not carry such
allowance, his pay on promotion will be fixed in the higher grade after taking into account the welding
allowance drawn by him in the lower grade, provided that the allowance was drawn by him in the lower
grade for a minimum period of three years.
A welder in AVI grade in receipt of Welding Allowance will continue to be eligible for the payment of
Welding Allowance on his promotion as Sr Artisan Gr. III in the grade of AVII if he continues to be
engaged in the same or similar job and provided other terms and conditions are duly satisfied. The
same will apply in case of promotion from Technician to Sr Technician.

Stoppage and discontinuance of Welding Allowance

Subject to and in addition to the terms and conditions as above, Welding Allowance will cease to be

When a Welders certificate is invalidated according to the Indian Boiler Regulations.

When a Welders certificate is invalidated due to failure in re-qualification.

High Pressure Welders who have been given the higher grades of AVII and AVIII in lieu of Welding
Allowance under an agreement or otherwise will not be eligible for payment of Welding Allowance under
this scheme.
The scheme of Welding Allowance as above will be applicable to all categories of welders in all the
Units of the Company except Tiruchy, where High Pressure Welders who would normally be eligible for
the grades of AVII and AVIII in lieu of High Pressure Welding Allowance may be allowed to exercise
their option for the High Pressure Welding Allowance in the lower grade.
Welding Allowance will be counted as payfor purposes of computation of Provident Fund
Contribution, Gratuity, Bonus, Plant Performance Payment, House Rent Allowance, City Compensatory
Allowance, Overtime and Leave Encashment.
Transport Subsidy (Now covered under Perks and Allowances under Cafeteria)
All employees whether residing in Company accommodation / township or outside township where
Company subsidized transport facility is not provided for commuting to and from work-place, and who
are not in receipt of reimbursement of conveyance expenditure are entitled to payment of a transport
subsidy at a rate equal to 50% of the fare by public transport/suburban train (bus) from a predetermined
reference point to the normal place of duty and back. Provided that where such reference points are not
determined, the employees are entitled to a specified fixed amount as transport subsidy as notified by
the Management from time to time. The increase in the fare after 15.6.83 calculated in a similar manner
as above will, however, be reimbursed fully in consultation with the Corporate Office.
( vide Corporate HR Circular NO 007/PPX/2008 dated 24/03/08)
Grant of Conveyance Allowance to Blind and Orthopaedically Handicapped Employees
Such of the employees borne on regular establishment of the Company (including workcharged staff),
who are blind or are orthopaedically handicapped with disability of lower extremities and who generally
require physical assistance for going to and coming from the place of their duty are entitled to a special
conveyance allowance @ 5% of basic pay subject to a maximum of Rs.200/- p.m. over and above the
transport subsidy/ subsidised transport / conveyance reimbursement facility admissible under Company
rules w.e.f. 01-09-2006 (Vide Corporate HR Circular No. 047/CLG/2006 dated 01-09-2006) on fulfilment
of the following conditions:1.
An orthopaedically handicapped employee will be eligible for conveyance allowance
only if he has a minimum 40% permanent partial disability or both the upper and lower extremity
The conveyance allowance will be admissible to the orthopaedically handicapped
employees on the recommendation of the Head of Orthopaedics Department of a Government
Civil Hospital.

In the case of a blind employee, the allowance will be admissible on the
recommendation of the Head of Opthalmological Department of Government Civil Hospital. The
employees having vision less than 3/60 or field vision less than 10 in both the eyes, will also be
eligible for grant of allowance in terms of the above provisions; and
The allowance will not be admissible during leave (except Casual Leave), joining time or
Heads of Departments have full powers to sanction conveyance allowance to such employees who
submit their applications for grant of such allowance after obtaining recommendations from the
appropriate medical authorities for the purpose. The allowance is to be granted w.e.f. the date the
recommendation of the concerned medical authority has been received by the Head of the Department.
The following decisions taken in respect of the Govt. employees and communicated in Office
Memorandum BPE/C- 003/80/2(68)/76-BPE(GMI) of Ministry of Finance, dated 30.1.80 will also apply to
BHEL employees.
Conveyance allowance could be allowed to an orthopaedically handicapped employee if he/she has a
minimum 40% permanent partial disability of either upper or lower limbs or 50% permanent/partial
disability of both upper and lower limbs together. For purposes of estimation of disability, the standards
as contained in the Manual for Orthopaedic Surgeon in Evaluating Permanent Physical Impairment
brought out by the American Academic of Orthopaedic Surgeons, U.S.A. and published on their behalf
by Artificial Limbs Manufacturing Corporation of India, G.T. Road, Kanpur shall apply. Other conditions
for the grant of conveyance allowance shall, however, remain unchanged.
Wherever handicapped persons are referred by Heads of Departments concerned to Government Civil
Hospitals located at stations outside their headquarters for getting recommendations for grant of
conveyance allowance, actual travelling expenses could be reimbursed subject to a maximum of TA
admissible for a journey on tour without any daily allowance for the period of journey and for halts. The
period spent on journeys, as also at the hospitals, would be treated as duty.
No fee will be charged by Central Government/Union Territories hospitals from the handicapped
employees when they are referred to such hospitals by the Heads of Departments for making
recommendations regarding grant of conveyance allowance. However, the fee charged by the State
Government Hospitals, if any, would be reimbursed to the employee concerned.
Washing Allowance (Now covered under Perks and Allowances under Cafeteria)
Washing allowance at a uniform rate of Rs.115/- p.m. w.e.f 1/1/2005 is admissible to all categories of
employees who are provided with uniforms/protective clothing. The payment of washing allowance will
be subject to the condition that the uniform/protective clothing are worn regularly by the employees
while on duty during the period for which the allowance is claimed.
In the case of Nursing staff, Para-Medical staff, Fire Service staff, Drivers and BHEL Watch and Ward
employees, washing allowance will be paid at the rate of Rs.140/- p.m. w.e.f 1/1/2005 This payment will
be subject to usual certificate.
Retention of Honorarium and Fees received for Outside Assignments

For one time assignments taken with the prior approval of the competent authority, no part of the
honorarium, fees etc. received by the employee need be deposited with the Company and they may be
allowed to retain the same in full. As regards the honorarium, fees etc. received for recurring or
continuous assignments such as lectures for evening classes, part-time or other courses, amount of
Rs.6000/- per annum may be retained by the employee concerned beyond which 1/3rd of the amount in
excess of Rs.6000/- only may be deposited with the Company.
Contents of BPE letter No. 16(36)/84-GM dated 13.7.84, which are reproduced below, are applicable in
Central Government/State Governments have accorded general sanction to the acceptance of
honoraria by their/respective officers for the work done both in connection with examinations/
invigilation/selection-committees/interviews conducted by the Union Public Service Commission.
Wherever handicapped persons are referred by Heads of Departments concerned to Government Civil
Hospitals located at stations outside their headquarters for getting recommendations for grant of
conveyance allowance, actual travelling expenses could be reimbursed subject to a maximum of TA
admissible for a journey on tour without any daily allowance for the period of journey and for halts. The
period spent on journeys, as also at the hospitals, would be treated as duty.
No fee will be charged by Central Government/Union Territories hospitals from the handicapped
employees when they are referred to such hospitals by the Heads of Departments for making
recommendations regarding grant of conveyance allowance. However, the fee charged by the State
Government Hospitals, if any, would be reimbursed to the employee concerned.
Washing Allowance (Now covered under Perks and Allowances under Cafeteria)
Washing allowance at a uniform rate of Rs.115/- p.m. w.e.f 1/1/2005 is admissible to all categories of
employees who are provided with uniforms/protective clothing. The payment of washing allowance will
be subject to the condition that the uniform/protective clothing are worn regularly by the employees
while on duty during the period for which the allowance is claimed.
In the case of Nursing staff, Para-Medical staff, Fire Service staff, Drivers and BHEL Watch and Ward
employees, washing allowance will be paid at the rate of Rs.140/- p.m. w.e.f 1/1/2005 This payment will
be subject to usual certificate.
Retention of Honorarium and Fees received for Outside Assignments
For one time assignments taken with the prior approval of the competent authority, no part of the
honorarium, fees etc. received by the employee need be deposited with the Company and they may be
allowed to retain the same in full. As regards the honorarium, fees etc. received for recurring or
continuous assignments such as lectures for evening classes, part-time or other courses, amount of
Rs.6000/- per annum may be retained by the employee concerned beyond which 1/3rd of the amount in
excess of Rs.6000/- only may be deposited with the Company.
Contents of BPE letter No. 16(36)/84-GM dated 13.7.84, which are reproduced below, are applicable in

Central Government/State Governments have accorded general sanction to the acceptance of

honoraria by their/respective officers for the work done both in connection with examinations/
invigilation/selection-committees/interviews conducted by the Union Public Service Commission.
The matter has been examined and it is felt that employees of the Public Sector enterprises may receive
honoraria etc., from the UPSC as and when they are associated or their services requisitioned by the
UPSC. In all such cases the officials would be considered as on duty.
In the circumstances general sanction can be accorded to Officers/employees in the Public Sector
Undertakings to the acceptance of honoraria for assignments undertaken by them at the behest of the
Cases where the services of BHEL employees are requisitioned by other organisations for temporary
assignments of a short duration of a few days should be dealt with in the following manner
Before taking up the assignment, the employee concerned should invariably obtain the
prior permission of the Controlling Officer not lower in rank than a General Manager. In cases
where the Head of the Office/site is of a lower rank, he will also be competent to accord the
approval. The permission will, however, be given subject to the condition that the Companys
work does not suffer in any way.
The period of absence from duty, including the journey period, if any, will be treated as
duty where permission of the competent authority has been obtained.
The liability for TA/DA in all such cases will be of the borrowing institution/organisation.
Any deviation that may be considered necessary in view of the customer relationship or other
considerations, will require the specific approval of the Head of the Division viz., the concerned
ED. While submitting the TA claim to the Company, the employee concerned will indicate the
purpose of the journey specifically and also enclose a copy of the approval.
The acceptance of honorarium/fees by the employee concerned from the borrowing
organisation will be regulated under the rules of the Company.
The above provisions will be applicable where the services of BHEL employees are requisitioned by
Government/Public Undertakings / Autonomous bodies/Educational Institutions etc, in connection with
conducting examinations, delivering lectures or certain other purposes where the expertise of the BHEL
employees is required.
Fees /other Expenses for Arbitration Assignments.
BHEL employees who are appointed as Arbitrators in accordance with the Terms and Condition of
contracts to resolve disputes / differences between the Company (BHEL) and the Contractors, will be
eligible for the following payments towards Fees/other expenses.
Rs.200/- per hearing of more than one hour duration, subject to a maximum of Rs.300/per case.
Expenses /costs as per actuals subject to a maximum of Rs.1000/-per case.
Travelling allowances/daily allowance shall be regulated as per relevant rules of BHEL
subject to entitlement.
The instructions regarding retention of fees received from outside assignments as amended from time to
time (Ref para10 at page 6 of Sub-section B:5 of Personnel Manual Vol.I) shall be applicable in such
Before an employee is nominated as Arbitrator, prior approval of his Controlling Officer should invariably
be obtained.

Educational Assistance/Reimbursement of Tuition Fees (Now covered under Perks and

Allowances under Cafeteria)
Educational Assistance
Educational assistance of Rs.45/- p.m. per child will be paid to the employees in non-executive salary
grades subject to a maximum of three school going children inclusive of Higher Secondary from 1st
Standard onwards on production of the prescribed certificates. This will be paid only in those cases
where education of such children is not possible in the Company aided schools. Assistance as above
will be effective from the academic year 2005-2006.
Reimbursement of Tuition Fees
Reimbursement of expenditure incurred on Tuition Fees will be allowed to all the regular employees
subject to a maximum of two school going children studying in class I to XII on production of the
prescribed certificate. This will be applicable w.e.f. the academic year 1997-98 and will be allowed only
in those cases where education of such children is not possible in the Company aided schools
In cases where the tuition fees paid by the employee is more than Rs.30/- p.m., the tuition fees paid
over and above Rs.30/- p.m. will be reimbursed subject to a maximum of Rs.260/- p.m. per child subject
to a maximum of two school going children w.e.f the academic session 2005-2006 upto Class XII. The
employee should have actually incurred the expenditure before claiming it in the prescribed format.
However, the payment can be regulated quarterly.
It is clarified that the existing scheme of educational assistance as above continues. However,
employees opting for the new scheme will not be covered by the earlier scheme. In other words,
employee can be covered only under one scheme.
The assistance/reimbursement is admissible for the same children who fail in certain classes so long as
the children continue to study.
In respect of employees whose spouses get similar benefit from other Government/Public Sector
Undertaking, the assistance/ reimbursement is not admissible as it will amount to double payment to the
same children. These cases may be regulated based on the practice followed in Government.
Subsidy to Apprentices
Subsidy will be paid to the Act Apprentices in addition to the enhanced stipend rates at the rate of
Rs.20/- p.m. as announced by the Government of India vide Gazette Notification No. G.S.R. 24(E)
published in Part II Section 3 Sub-section (i) of Extra-ordinary Gazette of 25th January, 1982.
Special Allowance to personal staff attached to CMD/Functional Directors/EDs/GM-I/cs/GMs/AGMs
Special allowance to the personal staff in non-executive categories attached to AGMs and above is
payable depending on the officer to whom they are attached as per the details given below :
Personal Staff attached to
Amount of special allowance p.m. (Rs.) (wef salary month starting 25.04.08)
No. of Persons entitled
Functional Directors

Group General managers /General Manager I/c
Wherever a GGM or GM(I/c) is vested with the powers of ED, the above special allowance payable to
the staff will be at par with that of ED.

( 1Corporate Circular No 009/PPX/2006 dated 15/02/2006)


( Corporate Circular No 016/PPX/2008 dated 19/04/2008)

Payment of this allowance is further subject to the following conditions :
The allowance is not admissible and will be withdrawn if the employee is promoted/ redesignated as
executive .
(Corporate Circular No.009/PPX/2006 dated 15/02/2006)
The amount is not admissible for looking after the work during the absence of regular staff.
No overtime will be paid to such employees who are in receipt of this allowance.
The allowance is not admissible if the employee is on leave exceeding 30 days.
Service Weightage
The regular employees in the grades A1/B1 to A9/B9; S1 to S3 who were on the rolls of the Company as
on 31.12.2006 and continued to be on the rolls of the Company as on 30.12.2009 will be granted Service
Weightage w.e.f. 1.1.2007 at the following rates for every completed years of service as on 31.12.2006.
(e.g. for 15 years of completed service as on 31.12.2006, an amount of Rs.375/- per month will be
-------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Completed years of service as on 3112-2006 Rate (Rs./P.M.) per completed year of service ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Upto 10 years 20 11 years to 15 years 25 16 years to 20 years 30 21 years to 25
years 35 Above 26 years 40
For reckoning the completed years of service, only the service rendered in BHEL in regular salary grades
would be counted. The employees who have completed 6 months and more service as on 31.12.2006 will
be rounded off to one year and less than 6 months service will be ignored.
The amount of Service Weightage will be paid every month alongwith the monthly salary. The amount of
Service Weightage will not undergo any change once arrived at as on 31.12.2006 and as such, this

amount will remain fixed till the next wage revision. The amount Service Weightage shall count for
statutory payments such as Overtime Allowance, Gratuity, Provident Fund.
Service Weightage allowed to Supervisors in S1 to S3 grades and employees in A7/B7 to A9/B9 grades
will continue to be paid consequent upon their promotion to S4/E1 & A10/B10 grade till next wage
(Corporate HR Circular No. 007/IRX/2010 dated 06/02/2010)
Payment of this allowance is further subject to the following conditions :
The allowance is not admissible and will be withdrawn if the employee is promoted/ redesignated as
executive .
(Corporate Circular No.009/PPX/2006 dated 15/02/2006)
The amount is not admissible for looking after the work during the absence of regular staff.
No overtime will be paid to such employees who are in receipt of this allowance.
The allowance is not admissible if the employee is on leave exceeding 30 days.
Service Weightage
The regular employees in the grades A1/B1 to A9/B9; S1 to S3 who were on the rolls of the Company as
on 31.12.2006 and continued to be on the rolls of the Company as on 30.12.2009 will be granted Service
Weightage w.e.f. 1.1.2007 at the following rates for every completed years of service as on 31.12.2006.
(e.g. for 15 years of completed service as on 31.12.2006, an amount of Rs.375/- per month will be
-------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------- Completed years of service as on 3112-2006 Rate (Rs./P.M.) per completed year of service ------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Upto 10 years 20 11 years to 15 years 25 16 years to 20 years 30 21 years to 25
years 35 Above 26 years 40
For reckoning the completed years of service, only the service rendered in BHEL in regular salary grades
would be counted. The employees who have completed 6 months and more service as on 31.12.2006 will
be rounded off to one year and less than 6 months service will be ignored.
The amount of Service Weightage will be paid every month alongwith the monthly salary. The amount of
Service Weightage will not undergo any change once arrived at as on 31.12.2006 and as such, this
amount will remain fixed till the next wage revision. The amount Service Weightage shall count for
statutory payments such as Overtime Allowance, Gratuity, Provident Fund.
Service Weightage allowed to Supervisors in S1 to S3 grades and employees in A7/B7 to A9/B9 grades
will continue to be paid consequent upon their promotion to S4/E1 & A10/B10 grade till next wage
(Corporate HR Circular No. 007/IRX/2010 dated 06/02/2010)

The "BHEL Travelling and Daily Allowance Rules" will be applicable to all regular full time employees of
the Company including stipendiary Trainees (unless specified otherwise) other than Apprentices under
the Apprentices Act, 1961.
Definitions :
"Pay" in addition to basic pay includes special pay, personal pay, deputation (duty) allowance, dearness
pay, officiating pay and non-practicing allowance.
'Dearness Pay' mentioned in this Rule will be treated as pay for the purpose of entitlement under TA/DA
Rules provided it counts as pay for this purpose under the Company/Government Rules as may be
"Stipend" paid to an Apprentice shall have the attributes of pay.
"Day" means a calendar day beginning and ending at midnight. This is for general reckoning only. For
the purpose of calculating Daily Allowance, "Day" is to be taken as a period of 24 hours from the
scheduled/actual time of departure from the Headquarters in respect of any particular tour/transfer.
"Travelling Allowance" means an allowance the employee draws in connection with the company's work.
"Transfer" means the movement of the employee from the Headquarters at which he/she is posted to
another station to which his/her former Headquarters have been changed or where he/she is ordered to
take up the post.
"Family" means an employee's spouse, legitimate children and step children dependent on the
employee, adopted child/children in the case of an employee who has no child and the adoption is legal
and the child/children are residing with and wholly dependent on the employee.
In respect of transfers, the family would also include parents, unmarried brothers/ sisters who are entirely
dependent on and are residing with the employee. Further,the dependency criteria as laid down under
the LTC Rules will apply for determining dependency of members of family.
Travel Entitlements while on Tour, Transfer, LTC etc.
Travel entitlements while on tour/transfer:
Category of Employee
By Air
GM I/C and above
Executive/"J" Class
E4 to E8
Economy/"Y" Class
By Rail
E5 and above

AC Ist Class
E4 & below, excluding those in category 'C'
Ist Class / AC IInd Sleeper.
AI/BI & AII/BII with less than 7 years service as regular employee in the Company.
IInd Class / IInd Class Sleeper.
Direct inductees / those regularised in AIII/BII with less than 3 years service as regular employee in the
IInd Class / IInd Class Sleeper.
By Road
E5 & above
Actual Taxi fare limited to AC Ist. Class Rail fare.

AVII/BVII/SI & above upto & including E4
Actual Taxi fare limited to AC II-tier Rail fare.
AVI/BVI & below excluding those in in category "C" specified above under. 3.1.2
Rs.1.50 per Km. or cost of single seat in Shared Taxi, whichever is lower, further limited to AC II-tier
Rail fare.
Employees in Category "C" as specified above under 3.1.2
Actual Bus fare limited to IInd Class Rail fare.
Travel Entitlements while on LTC :
As per BHEL LTC Rules
Travel Entitlements for journeys in connection with Medical Treatment at outstations
Category of Employee
By Rail
E8 and above
AC Ist Class
E7 & below, excluding those in category "C" as specified under 3.1.2
Ist Class/AC II Tier Sleeper
Employees in Category "C" as specified under 3.1.2
IInd Class/IInd Class Sleeper.
By Road

E8 and above
Actual Taxi fare limited to AC Ist. Class Rail fare.
Actual Taxi fare limited to Ist.Class Rail fare.
AVI/BVI and below excluding those in category "D" below.
Rs.1.50 per km. or cost of single seat in shared taxi, whichever is lower limited to Ist. Class Rail fare.
Employees in category "C"as specified under 3.1.2
Actual Bus fare limited to IInd Class Rail fare.
Deputationists in AIII/BIII and below will be entitled to travel by IInd Class by Rail while on Tour/LTC etc.
However, deputationists with basic pay of Rs.5045/- p.m. and above in BHEL's 1997 pay structure will be
entitled to travel by Ist Class/ A.C. II Tier Sleeper. In cases, where they are entitled to travel by Ist Class
by Rail, the reimbursement for Road journeys will be regulated as per rules, subject to a maximum of Ist
Class fare by Rail.
However, when the patient is referred to approved hospital at outstation for hospitalization treatment and
in case of emergency the journey is performed one way by air/by train in a class higher than the
entitlement and the other way of journey by train in a class lower than the entitlement, the reimbursement
of expenditure upto a maximum of fare by entitled class for both outward and return journeys may be
allowed. Where the entitled class is first class by train, the reimbursement may be permitted upto a
maximum of twice the fare by AC II tier sleeper when journeys are performed by air-rail combination.
Wherever concessional fares in respect of the patients suffering from cancer are charged by the Indian
Airlines/Railways the same should be availed. In such cases only the concessional fares in respect of the
patient will be reckoned for reimbursement purpose.
Other Conditions :
Travelling Allowance will normally be admissible by the shortest route. However, the Controlling Officer
may relax this condition in exceptional circumstances.
The Apprentices, who are All India Gold Medal Winners in the National Skill Competition, may be
allowed to travel by first class during their visit to Delhi to receive the President's Award. The expenditure
towards the difference in the amount of fare between the first class and the second class rail fare (as the
Directorate of Employment and Training bears the expenses for the second class travel only) may be
met by the Company.
3.5 (a)
The employees may be permitted to travel by Rajdhani Express for tour journeys by the entitled/lower
class. In such journeys where the cost of ticket includes expenses for providing breakfast, meals etc., full
DA for the journey period will be paid. Also, in respect of Shatabdi Express Trains, which cover shorter
distances and wherein employees travel by A.C. Chair Cars, full DA will be admissible. .
3.5 (b) Employees not permitted to travel by air while on tour / transfer as per rule, if perform journey by
air on sector connected by Rajdhani / Shatabdi Express trains, then amount of reimbursement for
traveling expenses would be upto the fare by Rajdhani / Shatabdi Express, as applicable as per the
entitled class.
( Corporate HR circular No 018/PPX/2007 dated 27/04/07)
Charges for reservation and telegram charges for securing reservation, if charged by the railways, will be
reimbursed. Agency charges paid to travel agents will be reimbursed subject to a maximum of Rs.15/against a voucher for each journey, if the employee purchases tickets through travel agents. When travel
agent has been approved by the Company and tickets are booked by the Company through such travel

agents, then actual charges for booking may be allowed. Wherever bed roll charges are levied
additionally the same will be reimbursed on production of actual receipt.
3.6.1 If rail tickets are booked online by the employees directly through Indian Railway Catering and
Tourism Corporation (IRCTC), then the charges towards the same including the service charges levied by
the banks for using credit cards/direct debit facility will be reimbursed on submission of proof for having
paid the same. For claiming the service charges, levied by IRCTC, the copy of I-ticket or I-ticket printout
or Electronic Reservation Slip (ERS in case of E-ticket) will have to be enclosed. For claiming the charges
for not carrying the ERS, the receipt issued by the railway will have to be enclosed. For claiming the
charges for using credit card/direct debit facility, the copy of credit card statement/bank account
statement or copy of pass book, as the case may be, will have to be enclosed.
(Corporate HR Circular No. 008/PPX/2006 dated 15-02-2006)
Non-availability of reservation by train is not an acceptable reason for not performing the journey
connected with official work.
Employees who travel by rail should indicate the ticket number in their TA claims.
Executives of the rank of ED and above are entitled to travel by the Executive Class on the Airbus routes
operated by the Indian Airlines on tour.
Executives in the pay scale of E4 and above can travel by air while on duty. In other cases, sanction of
Competent Authority should be obtained.
Travel by Private Airlines may be allowed on official tours where Indian Airlines/Vayudoot flights are not
available with prior approval of an Officer of the rank not less than an Addl. General Manager.
Employees sent for training in India are permitted to travel as per entitlements under the TA rules of the
company as applicable to journeys on tour wherever the duration of the journey by Express train is more
than 18 hours.
In order to provide checks against unnecessary air travel, the following may be ensured by all

i Close scrutiny of the departmental travel expense budget during the annual revenue exercise. ii
Ensuring strict adherence to travel expenditure by way of periodic reports to the Unit Head by Unit
Finance iii Submission of half yearly report to Director Finance on actual expenses vis--vis budget on
this account and reasons for variance above 5%. iv Prior approval of Controlling Officer for all air travel
proposals for tours, except in emergency in which case the tour claim should be counter signed by the
Controlling Officer. However, in case of GM and above, prior intimation to Controlling Officer and a
mention of this intimation in the claim form, will suffice. v Tour report detailing the work accomplished be
submitted to the Controlling Officer immediately after the tour. vi The expenditure on account of air travel
for tours may be maintained under a separate head for any analysis that may be required at a later date.
Travel by Air on Foreign Tours on Official Business :
Entitled Class of Journey
First Class
G.M. & above
Business Class / Club Class / Intermediate Class.

Full fare Economy Class. However, excursion tickets also known as economy class should be availed,
wherever possible.
Employees in AVI/BVI and below excluding those in category "C" under 3.1.2 specified above while on
tour, may be reimbursed actual taxi charges for movements between residence and Railway station at
Headquarters and Railway Station and temporary residence at outstation.
Employees in category "C" as specified under 3.1.2 above, while on tour may be reimbursed actual
scooter/tonga/rickshaw charges for movements between residence and Railway Station/Bus Stand at
Headquarters and Railway Station/Bus Stand and temporary residence at outstations.
Journeys by road include journeys by steam launch or other sea bound vessels. Where journeys are
performed by road between places connected by rail, the road mileage as calculated in para 3.1.3 above
will be limited to rail fare as applicable. Where journeys are performed by road between places not
connected by Rail, the road mileage as calculated above will be limited to the notional fare by the entitled
class. However, Head of Division may relax these limits in special circumstances.
In case where journeys are undertaken while on tour/transfer by the employees in their own
cars/scooters/motor cycles, reimbursement will be made at the rate of Rs.6/- per km. for car and Rs.3
per km. for scooter/motor cycle limited to the rail fare for points connected by rail.
( Corporate Circular No. 059/PPX/2005 dated 15/12/2005)
However, local journeys at the place of tour will not be counted for limiting the entitlement as above.
( Corporate HR circular No 018/PPX/2008 dated 16/05/2008)
Sl. No.
Lodging charges subject to max. of
(Rs. per day)
Employee category
Delhi/ Mumbai/ Bangalore
Chennai/ Kolkata/ Hyderabad Others
GM I/c, GGM & above
14000 12000 9000
10500 8500 7000
E6,E6A & E7
7500 7000 5500
E2 to E5,
4800 4000 3000
3200 2500 2100

1700 1400 1100
AVI/BVI and below
1300 1100 900
NOTE : Procedural Aspects of Hotel Empanelment and other Conditions
( Vide Corporate HR Circular No. 56/PPX/2007 dated 23/11/2007)
( Corporate HR Circular No. 015/PPX/2011 dated 10/06/2011)
Actual lodging charges paid by the employees for stay in the hotel will be reimbursed subject to the
applicable ceilings as specified from time to time, on production of receipts.
In respect of CMD & Functional Directors, where it is not possible to accommodate in designated hotels,
they may be accommodated in other hotels and in such cases they will be entitled to the actual tariff
charged by the hotel.
The applicable hotel tariffs will be regulated as per the circulars issued on the subject from time to time
by Corp. office. A list of designated hotels along with the negotiated tariffs at various places will be
circulated by ROD/other BHEL offices to all BHEL divisions.
The above rates of accommodation charges indicated in col (3), (4) and (5) are exclusive of service and
other similar charges/taxes which are reimbursable.
Following provisions may also be kept in view while hiring hotel accommodation:
Reimbursement of hotel charges will normally be restricted to the tariff applicable for single room only.
In cases of short duration halts en route their destination for catching rail/air connection, reimbursement
of hotel charges will be admissible only when night halt is involved and is imperative.
Wherever Guest House Accommodation is available the same shall be availed and the hotel
accommodation will be hired only if the Guest House accommodation is not available.
Wherever ITDC Hotels are available, these should be preferred. The concession in the tariff available in
some hotels including ITDC must be availed of by the employees and reimbursement in such cases will
be made after taking into account the concessional rates only.
Accommodation charges are payable by the employees when they stay in the Company's Guest Houses
and they will be paid daily allowance as 'with lodging'. In case of stay at Govt. or other public sector
undertakings' guest houses with which BHEL has reciprocal arrangements at identical rates, daily
allowance will be paid as 'with lodging'. Daily allowance for the period of stay at the station where an
employee (not being an employee covered under Rule 17.1.3 of the TA Rules) has been allowed to
retain company/ company leased accommodation may be paid, if otherwise admissible under the rules at
'with lodging' rates applicable to the station.

Employees staying at Govt/Public sector undertaking's guest houses with whom BHEL does not have
any reciprocal arrangements, will be paid daily allowance as applicable for the station as per rules. In
addition, they may be reimbursed the actual lodging charges paid by them on production of bills.
Room rent for stay in Company's Guest Houses while on tour:
Grade Room rent per day
AC Room
Non AC Room
AIII/BIII & below
Rs.100/Rs.50/AIV/BIV to AIX/BIX/SI to SIII
Rs.200/Rs.150/AX/BX & AXI/BXI SIV to SVII/E1 to E5
Rs.300/Rs.250/E5 and above
The room rent for stay while on tour in Guest Houses maintained by the Company if settled by the
employee will be reimbursed on submission of T.A claims along with the receipts of room rents. In
addition D.A as applicable for the station will be paid.
The room rent for the period of stay may be debited to the unit to which the employee belongs.In such
cases, the following procedure will be followed:
The Guest House will prepare the bill towards the room rent in triplicate and obtain the signature of the
employee on the original and the copies.The bill will indicate the employee's Division, Staff No., period of
stay and it will be recorded that the amount is being debited to the specified unit. One copy will be
retained by the Guest House, second copy will be sent to the Unit Finance Department and the original
will be given to the employee concerned. The employee will indicate in his T.A.claim the room rent and
record that the same will be debited to his Unit. The Unit Finance will raise debit to the concerned Units
once every month along with the list of debits raised giving the requisite details.
Employees are not expected to stay in the Guest House of commercial concerns other than public sector
Daily Allowance :
Daily Allowance is a uniform allowance intended to cover incidental charges incurred on account of
travelling and staying at places other than at Headquarters.
Daily allowance is to be calculated for the period of absence from Headquarters. The scheduled
arrival/departure (and actual arrival if there is a delay of more than 15 minutes from the schedule) of the

mode of transport used, shall be reckoned for the calculation of daily allowance. In respect of journeys by
road, the actual time of arrival/departure as certified by the employee should be adopted.
Rates of Daily Allowance per day :
Pay Scale/ Level
D.A for food & incidentals with lodging facility at Hotels / Transit Flats / Other Guest Houses
D.A. for food and incidentals with lodging facility at
Composite D.A. for lodging food & incidentals

(Rs.) (Rs.)
'A' Class


Mfg.Div.& NOIDA
G.Houses *

'A' Class


GGM & above
E6,/E6A/ E7
E2 to E5, SV to SVIII &
(Supervisor Trainee)
AII/BII & Below & Art.
Temp. Employees
* Guest Houses located at Bhopal, Jhansi, Hardwar, R.C.Puram Hyderabad, Jagdishpur, Trichy, BAP
Ranipet & NOIDA Township.
Daily allowance for the period of journey time will be paid as per applicable rate as indicated under
column (4) of the above table.
In case boarding and lodging is provided free, 1/4th of the daily allowance given under columns (2) and
(3) as applicable may be paid.
When an employee ( other than the employees posted at site) goes on tour to a place where he has
retained his family in the accommodation arranged by the Company, the DA will be paid as per col. '3'
above only.
(vide Corporate HR Circular No. 038/PPX/2006 dated 06-07-06)
Daily Allowance may be drawn for the journey period, all halts on duty and holidays occurring during the
period of halt. As regards stay at intermediate stations, only stay exceeding three hours will be treated as
part of the halt at that particular station and daily allowance as applicable will be paid.

Daily Allowance may be drawn for broken periods of a "Day" on the following scale:
For absence of less than 6 hours
: 1/4
For absence of 6 hours and more but less than 12 hours.
: 1/2
For absence of 12 hours and above
: Full
For period spent on journeys, rate of daily allowance as given in Rule 6.3, column 4, will be applicable.
For calculating daily allowance admissible for the journey portion alone, the number of days spent on halt
at outstation (rounded off as per Rule 6.5 in respect of each halt) shall be subtracted from the total
number of days of absence from headquarters rounded off for the last broken period. If, however, the
number of days for such halt (calculated as per Rule 6.5), exceed the total number of days of absence,
then the time spent on journey shall be taken as nil and D.A. for halts will be restricted for the total period
of absence from headquarters. Any excess over that may be disallowed from the period of halt with
lesser rate of D.A.
Employees who are deputed as escorts with the wagons/trains carrying equipment/consignments from
the units to other places are eligible for Daily Allowance as per Rule 6.3 col. 4 for the entire journey
period. In cases of halts when the wagon/train is parked in the yards and at wayside stations, employees
may be paid honorarium limited to the D.A. difference between 'with lodging' rates and composite DA
rates admissible for places other than principal cities in addition to the daily allowance admissible for the
total journey period at 'with lodging rates'.
For prolonged halts full daily allowance may be drawn for a period of 30 days and for a longer period
upto 90 days half daily allowance may be drawn. The limit of 30 days and 90 days relates to stay at any
one station only. Heads of Divisions have powers to relax these conditions.
The period of stay away from the outstations for three consecutive nights or more will constitute a break
in continuity of stay at outstation for the purpose of these rules.
No Daily Allowance is admissible for journey performed upto 30 kms. from headquarters. However, in
case of these journeys, actual conveyance charges as per entitlement may be reimbursed.
Rates of Mileage Allowance for performing local journeys in own vehicles on official work at the place of
posting including local journey at the place of tour are as follows:
Type of Vehicle
Rate (in Rs per KM)
Scooter/ Motor cycle
Claims for such journeys will be approved by an officer of the rank of General Manager & above or Addl.
General Manager where there is no GM.
Since local journey at the place of tour is a part of tour, the same need not be separately approved by
GM unlike local journeys at the place of posting .
( Corporate HR circular No. 059/PPX/2005 dated 15/12/2005)
( Corporate HR circular No. 018/PPX/2008 dated 16/05/2008)
6.12 Employees using their own vehicle for performing local journeys for official work at the place of
posting, local journeys at the place of tour and journeys on transfer in Company's interest are entitled to
reimbursement of the following charges if tokens/receipts are enclosed:
i) Parking Charges at "paid parking lots"
ii) Toll charges for using toll roads
The above charges can be claimed along with local conveyance charges.

( Corporate HR circular No. 067/PPX/2005 dated 22/12/2005)

( Corporate HR circular No. 018/PPX/2008 dated 16/05/2008)
Lunch/ Tea Allowance & Conveyance Reimbursement Etc :
Lunch/Tea allowance for journeys beyond 8 Kms. to 30 Kms. from Head Quarters will be regulated as
Category of Employee
SV/E2 and above
Rs.60/AVI/BVI and below
Rs.50/The employees would be entitled to Lunch/Tea allowance if their absence from office is more than four
hours inclusive of Lunch Break
(Corporate HR Circular no. 014/PPX/2005 dated 25/05/2005)
In cases of journeys from headquarters to contiguous places like Ramachandrapuram to Hyderabad
/Secunderabad, Delhi to Faridabad / Ghaziabad/ NOIDA, etc., no daily allowance is admissible. In such
cases only lunch/tea allowance at the prescribed rate is admissible.
Wherever subsidised lunch is provided, lunch/tea allowance is not admissible.
If any employee attends duty at a place other than the normal place of work straight from his residence
and returns to residence without attending duty at normal place of work, conveyance expenditure will not
be reimbursable unless distance of the place of temporary duty from his residence is more than the
distance from the residence to the normal place of work. In such a case conveyance expenditure as per
his entitlement may be reimbursed only for the excess distance.
All employees who are in receipt of conveyance reimbursement for using their own conveyance will
normally use their conveyance for attending office on Sundays/Holidays. However, when their own
conveyance is not available for valid reasons, journeys by taxi/scooter can be undertaken with the
approval of the GMs. Further, all employees in the rank of Managers and below, as a measure of
economy, will irrespective of their entitlement as defined in these rules travel only by an Auto Rickshaw
while performing local duties or to attend office on Sundays/Holidays. Reimbursement of conveyance
expenses in such cases will be regulated as per rules applicable to local journeys.
An employee is not eligible for reimbursement of expenditure incurred on conveyance and cancellation of
ticket if he does not proceed on tour on the ground of not getting accommodation in train since nonavailability of reservation by train is not an acceptable reason for not performing the journey in
connection with the official work. However, in cases where the General Manager is satisfied that nonperformance of journey by train even after reaching the Railway station was for reasons beyond the
control of the employee, reimbursement of expenses incurred on cancellation of ticket and conveyance
hire may be permitted. Reimbursement of such expenses may also be permitted in case of cancellation
of journey by air due to non-availability of seat.
An employee will normally proceed on tour from his Headquarters only. Where due to exigencies of
work, the Controlling Officer requires an employee to proceed on tour from his leave station, it will be

treated as compulsory recall from leave and full Daily Allowance, Fare Etc. will be paid from the station
where the employee was spending his leave.
Leave (including casual leave) can be allowed to an employee on tour under exceptional circumstances
by the controlling officer. No daily allowance or other charges will be admissible for such periods of
leave. The entitlement for the fare where an employee makes a detour for his own convenience and
with the approval of the controlling officer may be determined in each case on merits by the controlling
officer subject to the condition that TA in no case will exceed the amount admissible by shortest route
from the point of detour to the headquarters.
Admissibility of TA for other journeys :
The rules regarding travelling and daily allowance will be applicable for all official journeys undertaken :
With the consent of the controlling officer.
To appear before a Departmental Selection Committee.
To undergo obligatory medical examination.
To give evidence in a Court of Law in cases in which BHEL is a party including those where the
Company is not actually a party but is interested in the case. If an employee has to attend a court to
depose about the facts coming to his knowledge during the discharge of his official duties, the Company
will be deemed to be interested in the case.
To give evidence in a criminal case, a case before a court martial, a civil case to which Government is a
party or a departmental enquiry held by a properly constituted authority provided that the facts as to
which he is to give evidence have come to his knowledge in the discharge of his public duties. The
period of absence in complying with the summons of the Court in such cases will be treated as duty.
The travelling allowance as admissible under the rules will be paid to the employee on the basis of a
certificate of attendance given by the Court or other authority which summoned him provided he has not
accepted any payment of expenses on this account from the said Court or authority. In cases where the
Court in which the employee gives evidence is situated within a distance for which no TA is admissible,
the employee, if he is not in receipt of Permanent Travelling Allowance, or any other compensation in
this regard, may accept such payment of actual travelling expenses as the Court or the summoning
authority may pay.
An employee summoned to give evidence while on leave is entitled to travelling allowance from and to
the place from which he is summoned as if he were on duty.
In cases, where the services of Company's employees are requisitioned by other organisations, for
temporary assignments of a short duration of a few days, the liability of TA/DA will be borne by the
borrowing organisation. Any deviation that may be considered necessary in view of the customer
relationship or other considerations, will require the specific approval of the Head of the Division. While
submitting the TA claim to the Company, the employee will indicate the purpose of the journey
specifically and also enclose a copy of the approval.
For appearing in departmental examination/Interview, Medical Treatment, Participation in Sports
Etc :

Employees, appearing in the written test/interview for the posts of Executive/Engineer Trainees/Junior
Executives and other posts against open advertisements of the Company, are entitled only for train fare
by the entitled class from headquarters to the nearest examination/interview centre.
Daily Allowance is not admissible.
The period of absence, limited to the journey time plus day of the test/interview in such cases will be
treated as 'on duty'.
To obtain medical treatment on the advice of Chief Medical Officer, train fare of the entitled class only
will be admissible. Additional fare for a person or dependent relative to accompany the employee for
medical treatment will also be admissible if the CMO certifies that the patient is to be escorted. In
addition, the actual expenses from residence to the rail head at the duty station and rail head to
consulting room/hospital at the outstation where the employee goes for treatment and back will be
admissible once only subject to the maximum of ordinary taxi charges.
Outside candidates called for interview for the posts in E-2 Grade and above will be paid First Class
railway fare while others will be paid Second Class fare. The charges for sleeper and reservation, if
paid, will also be reimbursable.
An employee compulsorily recalled from leave to duty before the expiry of leave will be paid travelling
allowance etc. for the journey from the place where the leave was being spent to the station of recall at
the discretion of the Controlling Officer.
Employees who participate in rallies etc. activities, which are sponsored/organized by the Company will
be entitled to the TA/DA as given below:

Employees, who are selected for participating in such activities at places other than headquarters, will
be paid traveling expenses as per their entitlement subject to the maximum of 1st class/AC two tier train
In case where boarding and lodging is arranged by the Company, the participants from outstations will be
paid daily allowance at 25% of the normal with lodging rates. This will be applicable whether or not the
participants avail of the boarding/lodging facilities made available by the Company.
Where arrangement for lodging only is made by the Company, the participants will be paid daily
allowance at the normal with lodging rates.
Where arrangement for boarding and lodging is not made by the Company and they are required to make
their own arrangement, the payment of daily allowance will be regulated under the normal T.A. Rules.
Conveyance Charges at outstations :
For journeys undertaken by road at outstations, conveyance charges will be reimbursed subject to the
ceilings as given below. The limits as prescribed can be increased proportionately when stay at
outstations is longer than 7 days.

Mumbai/Kolkata/Chennai/ Delhi/B'lore/Hyd

Other Places

Duration of tour upto

3 Days
5 Days
7 Days
3 Days
5 Days
7 Days

In Rupees
Normal Ceiling
Ceiling with relaxation of Head of Div. in exceptional cases

(Vide Corp. HR circular No. 059/PPX/05 dated 15/12/2005)

The limits prescribed are applicable to any one station at any one time for a continuous halt not
exceeding 3 days / 5 days/ 7 days, as the case may be.
NOTE : For the purpose of the ceilings under this rule, the conveyance charges spent at outstation for
journeys performed between airport/railway station to the temporary residence and vice-versa will be
Foreign Tours ( Rule 10 & 11 updated as on Feb 2005)
Consolidated Rates of Daily Allowance :
BHEL employees going on tours abroad are allowed foreign exchange at the rates prescribed in this
regard by the Company from time to time to cover the DA and other traveling entitlements abroad. The
rate of DA in such cases is 'all inclusive' rate in accordance with the rules laid down by the Reserve
Bank of India to regulate the release of foreign exchange for such trips and as such is meant to cover
expenses on all items including boarding, lodging, conveyance/taxi etc.

The allowances payable to employees visiting abroad for different nature of foreign visits is given in the
Table below:

Sl. No
Types of Abroad Visit
Allow. Payable when no facilities are provided
Allow. Payable when all facilities are provided
Allow. Payable when boarding & Lodging facilities are provided
Allow. Payable when lodging facility is provided

Business Visit/Export Promotion
/Study Tour/ Study Programme
/Visit to countries where
Site office is available but when the tour is not in connection with the
ongoing contract
Full Rate of CDA
25% of CDA as an out of Pocket allowance
45% of CDA
CDA - (45% of CDA - DA as per MEA rates) **

Visit abroad for inspection/
witnessing equipment's testing.
- do - do - do - do -

Conference/Seminar/ Workshop / Symposium (other than training)
- do - do - do - do -

Visit to countries where site office is available and the visit is in connection with the ongoing contract

DA payable as per MEA circular no. Q/FD/695/3/2000 dt. 01/12/2000 for different countries till further revision.

Visit to countries for Short term projects where no site office is established.
Will be decided on case to case basis for each of such projects by the Corporate office.

Visit as an expert sponsored by different bodies like CII, FICCI & Exim Banks etc. (Without any direct benefit to the company)
Nothing will be allowed by BHEL except the "special casual leave" on case to case basis. Such cases to be referred to corporate
office for approval of the competent authority.

Training Abroad
As per rule 10.3 at Page 17 of Sub Section B6, Volume-I of Personnel Manual


In other terms, allowance payable shall be arrived after deducting proportionate lodging

The cases not referred/defined in the above Table may be referred to Corporate Office. CMD's prior
approval will still be required for all foreign visits.
Day for this purpose is reckoned on 24 hourly basis from the time of arrival at an outstation abroad till
the time of departure. Full DA is admissible for the additional time if it exceeds three hours after
calculating DA on 24 hourly basis.

NOTE: Current per day rates at which the foreign exchange for visits abroad from RBI/Blanket permit is
released, are as follows:

Consolidated rates of DA , for visits in connection with Export Promotion and other business purposes
applicable to all countries for the period spent abroad excluding time spent on onward and return
journeys are as follows :

CMD & Functional Directors

Local Conveyance, Telephone, Contingent expenses and Food D.A
US$ 260/- per day + Food D.A for respective country as per MEA rate from time to time.

Hotel Expenses
Actual subject to limit of US$ 300

Note: DA advance will be drawn upto the entitled amount based on the above limits.
However, claim for settlement beyond US$ 500 will require approval of Director (Fin.) &

For employees below Director Grade

(i) ED, GGM & GM I/c US$ 350/- per day (ii) Executives in E8 & E7 Grade US$ 300/- per day
E6A & Below
US$ 250/- per day
(vide Corporate HR Circular No. 023/TRX& CLG/ 2010 dtd 11.06.10)

Out of the above consolidated amount, the employees are required to render account on return from
tour for all items, other than the Daily Allowance component allowed for food etc, as per MEA rates as
applicable to various countries as notified by Corporate Office from time to time. The following
procedure will be followed w.r.t. the claims.

BHEL employees going abroad on tour for export promotion, business purposes, study tour, seminar
etc., would continue to draw the admissible consolidated amount fixed from time to time.

The D.A. towards food etc. exempted for the purpose of rendering accounts is to be computed as per
rates prescribed and notified from time to time.

Expenses on hotel accommodation incurred by the employee abroad will have to be supported by

The account of other expenses like local conveyance, telephone and other contingent expenditure will
be rendered and settled on the basis of certification by the employee concerned subject to the following
limits:a) Local Conveyance:
Not to exceed 35% of the consolidated D.A. as per entitlement.
b) Telephone Expenditure:
Not to exceed 10% of the consolidated D.A. as per entitlement.
In case of usage of mobile phones provided to the employees, all outgoing mobile phone call charges
(including roaming/VAS/SMS etc.) while on international roaming on tour are to be recovered from the
concerned employee.
Such charges should neither be included in their normal entitlement nor approved by relaxing the rules.

c) Other contingent Expenses:

Not to exceed 10% of the consolidated D.A. as per entitlement.

In case the expenditure exceeds the prescribed percentage in respect of (iv) a,b,c above, the
officer will render account with supporting bill/receipt.

The present consolidated D.A. fixed in accordance with the guidelines of Reserve Bank of India
does not include expenditure on entertainment.
Approval of Competent Authority will be required for expenditure on entertainment (if any).
Account duly support by bill/receipt shall be rendered on return.
The employee concerned shall submit the consolidated bill on return accounting for various
expenses including Daily Allowance. Any surplus amount, after calculation, shall be refunded to
the Company.

For tour from India/Abroad to Libya in connection with site work and from Libya to other

The following rates of Consolidated DA will be applicable for employees proceeding on tour from India/
Abroad to Libya and from Libya to other Countries :-

in US$ per day
Hotel Component
(Voucher to be be Attached) US$ per

per day

DA in
Certification for
exp. on TF, Conveyance, contingencies,etc.
in US$ per day


upto 100
upto 100
upto 100
Sr. Mgr. & below
upto Supervisors
upto 90
upto 80

Further reductions for longer stays beyond 7 days will not be applicable in this particular case.
For officials proceeding to Libya , an advance of a minimum amount of US$ 500 per trip will be
given in accordance with Libyan regulations and shall be accounted for by individuals as per
above rates upon his return to India.

For Visits to Sites Abroad :
Employees deputed to the overseas sites abroad on tour basis in connection with the on-going
contract will be entitled to DA as prescribed by the Company from time to time comprising of
the following :
Lodging Charges :
At places where Company cannot make lodging arrangements, the employee will be entitled to
stay in Hotels as empanelled by the Ministry of External Affairs for the Central Government
employees of equivalent status touring in those countries and claim actual expenses incurred
subject to production of receipts. For cities where approved panel of hotels is not prescribed,
the lowest hotel rate for the particular grade of employees applicable in the capital city of that
country will be the ceiling for hiring accommodation in hotels in such cities. However, in case
of Bhutan and Nepal, if Company cannot make lodging arrangements, employees can claim
hotel charges as per their entitlement equivalent to the rates applicable at Delhi
In addition to the actual cost of hotel accommodation within the prescribed monetary ceiling,
an employee will be entitled to the reimbursement of actual expenditure incurred on taxis or
other conveyance hire for trips on official duty during a tour for the performance of official
duties within such limits as may be prescribed. For this, the employee will have to certify that
the expenditure has actually been incurred. The Controlling Officer will also certify that the
expenditure was necessary and reasonable.
Cash Allowance :
In addition to the lodging charges as mentioned above, the employees will also be entitled to
Cash Allowance as prescribed by the Company from time to time subject to any other rules
prescribed in this regard, as follows:

Category of Employee
SV/E2 and above
to time.






At 75% of (A) above.
AIII/BIII and below
At 33% of (A) above.
No reimbursement on account of tips in addition to Cash Allowance shall be admissible.
Where the hotel charges are inclusive of breakfast charges, Cash allowance shall be reduced
by 10%.
In case an employee is provided with free accommodation or chooses to make his own
arrangement for stay, his entitlement of DA will be restricted to Cash Allowance as applicable
with reference to that station. If both boarding and lodging are provided free or at company's
cost the DA will be at 25% of the Cash Allowance.
Incase the stay of an employee at an overseas site exceeds 7 days, the cash allowance will be
at the following rates :
8th to 21st Day
@ 63% of full rate
22nd to 90th Day
@ 37% of full rate
Rate of maintenance allowance for visits abroad in connection with training :*

Duration of Training
Where Hostel/ Guest House accommo- dation at concessional rates are not available
Where Hostel/ Guest House accommo- dation at concessional rates are available Where lodging is provided free by the host institution

Rate per Day US$

Rate per Day US$ Rate per Day US$

78.75 100.00






Where training period is for more than 15 days but upto 30 days.
112.50 per day for first 15 days and thereafter 93.75 per day from 16th day to 30th day.
78.75 per day for first 15 days and 63.75 per day for remaining period from 16th day to 30th day.
100 per day for first 15 days and thereafter 80 per day from 16th day to 30th day.

Duration of Training
Where Hostel/ Guest House accommo-dation at concess- ional rates are not available
Where Hostel/ Guest House accommo-dation at concess- ional rates are available Where
lodging is provided free by the host institution

Rate per Day US$

Rate per Day US$ Rate per Day US$
Where training exceeds 30 days but upto
6 months.
As above upto first 30 days and thereafter 75 per day.
As above upto first 30 days and thereafter 45 per day As above upto first 30 days and
thereafter 57 per day.
Where training exceeds 6 months.
As at iii) above upto 6 months and 37.5 per day for period beyond 6 months.
As at iii) above upto 6 months and 30 per day for period beyond 6 months. As at iii) above upto
6 months and 38 per day for period beyond 6 months.
If both boarding and lodging are provided free by the host institutions, foreign exchange at the
rate of US $37.5 per day for a maximum of 30 days is payable.

* The rates of Maintenance Allowance have been reduced by 25%

Payment of DA for tours abroad is to be regulated with reference to the periods spent abroad
excluding the time spent on onward and return journey.
No DA shall be admissible during any period of travel by air.
Foreign Exchange equivalent to Rs.200 which is normally released at airport at the time of
embarkation will not be treated as part of traveling expenses for reimbursement by the
Insurance Charges :
Reimbursement @ Rs.10/- per air journey is admissible towards insurance subject to the
certification of actual expenditure in respect of journeys by air only to those employees on tour
who are not covered under the Annual Insurance Policy, if any, taken by the Division.
Air insurance charge will also be admissible in respect of family in case of transfer.
The employees visiting foreign countries on tour can avail the facility of overseas medical
insurance provided by the nationalised insurance agencies on individual basis according to the
likely duration of their stay abroad. The insurance premium paid will be reimbursed through
their T.A. Bills in Indian currency on production of necessary vouchers in this regard. In cases
where the employees are deputed for training abroad and their medical care during their stay
abroad is not covered by the host company/Government, they will be allowed reimbursement
of expenses incurred on taking medical insurance.
On Transfer which is in Company's Interest
In case of inter-unit as well intra-unit transfers, TA will be paid with reference to the grade of pay of the
employee at the new station of posting. TA will normally be admissible from the old station of posting to
the new station of posting. The family can precede the employee by not more than one month and
follow him within 6 months from the date of transfer. This is relaxable by Heads of the Divisions in
special circumstances. However, if the family of an employee travels to a station other than the new
place of posting, TA for the journey by the family restricted to the distance between the new place of
posting and the old station of posting may be paid.
Journey by rail :
Employees and members of their families shall be entitled to travel by the same class of
accommodation as on tour and will be entitled to the following:
For employees
l rail fare
For husband/wife dependent parents each
l rail fare
For each dependent child, brother, sister of 12 years and above.
l rail fare

For each dependent child/brother/sister below 12 years but above 5 years.

One half rail fare
For journeys by Air :
An employee who is entitled to travel by air on tour can also undertake journeys by air on transfer in
which case he/she is entitled to draw the air fare actually paid for himself/herself and members of
his/her family. The used jacket of the air ticket along with counterfoils of boarding cards should be
submitted along with the claim. In case, the counterfoils of boarding cards are lost, the same should be
mentioned on the claim and the employee should certify that no free or concessional ticket under the
frequent flier or such other similar schemes has been availed.
For journeys by Road :
For journey by road between places connected by rail, actual expenses limited to rail fare will be
reimbursed. For places not connected by rail the employees may be reimbursed actual expenditure
limited to his entitlement of notional railway fare incurred against reasonable evidence of expenditure for
mode of conveyance appropriate to the category of employee.
DA and pay advances.
An employee will draw one DA for self, each adult member of family and l/2 DA for each child between
5-12 years, as incidentals in accordance with Rule 6.3 above.
Employee on transfer can draw one month's basic pay as advance recoverable in three equal monthly
Request Transfer :
Transfer TA and other entitlements like Transfer Grant, Disturbance Allowance and Baggage Allowance
are not admissible to the employees who seek transfer at their own request.
Transfer Grant & Disturbance Allowance.
Transfer Grant :
A lumpsum amount equivalent to one month's basic pay is payable subject to the conditions laid down.
Rates of Disturbance Allowance :
Disturbance Allowance is payable subject to the conditions as laid down, as per the following rates :
Category of Employees
Disturbance Allowance
AVI/BVI & Below
Rs.2000/AX/BX/AXI/BXI/SIV to SVII & E1A to E4
Rs.2500/E5 & Above

Conditions for payment of Transfer Grant and Disturbance allowance:




The transfer/posting involves the change of station of posting.
The employee has put in not less than six months service at the place from which
he/she is transferred/posted.
The employee has shifted to the new place of posting and the posting involves
dislocation of employee's residence.
The transfer is not a case of "Request Transfer".
Baggage Allowance :
Employees can draw actual cost of transportation of baggage by goods train upto the following
Category of Employees
By Goods Train
SV/E2 and above
8 wheeler wagon (120 quintals)
4 wheeler wagon (60 quintals).
3000 Kgs.
AIII/BIII and below
1500 Kgs.
By Passenger
As above
Actual freight charges Train limited to amount chargeable for loads given against "Goods Train".
By Road
As above
Actual freight charges limited to 1.5 times the amount admissible for transportation of maximum
baggage as per entitlement by "Goods Train".
By Container Service.
E5 and above
Double Container.
Single Container.
In view of the special difficulties in the North Eastern States and Assam, it has been decided to
increase the baggage allowance restricted to twice the amount normally admissible under the
T.A. Rules. However, the choice of the Transporter will be left to the individual but it should be
the one out of the approved Transporters. The Company will not take any responsibility of
providing/arranging the Transporter/Transportation or any consequence thereof.
In addition, the employee would also be entitled to the cost of transportation of his conveyance
(motor car, motor cycle or scooter) provided the same is necessary for the performance of
If an employee transports his conveyance on its own power and whether the employee and/or
family members travel by the same conveyance or not an allowance of Rs.6/- per km. for car &
Rs.3/- for scooter/motorcycle to cover the expenses of the transportation of conveyance, and/or
the members of the family, including the employee, will be paid limited to the amount of train
fare for the transportation of the conveyance.
(Vide Corp. HR Circular 059/PPX/2005 dated 15/12/05)

37. by passenger train and amount of fare by the entitled class for the employee and/or his/her
family members who have travelled by the same conveyance. Further the employee and/or
members of the family who have not travelled by the same conveyance are eligible to travel by
the entitled class to the new place of posting separately within the permissible period. The daily
allowance will be paid as per rail journey for the shortest route.
38. 14.2.2
39. The employee can transport his/her conveyance by road, goods train/passenger train at his/her
option but the reimbursement for transport by road will be claimed to the cost of transport by
passenger train.
40. 14.3
41. Charges for carriage of personal effects from Residence to Railway Station and from Railway
Station will be payable for loading/unloading and transport at each end on certification by the
employee that he/she has incurred subject to the ceilings as given below:
42. Category of Employees
43. Entitlement on certification
44. E5 and above
45. Rs.3000/46. SV/E2 to SVII/E4
47. Rs.2250/48. AVIII/BVIII to AXI/BXI
49. Rs1500/50. AIV/BIV to SI
51. Rs.1000/52. AIII/BIII and below
53. Rs.750/54. (Vide Corp. HR circular no. 059/PPX/2005 dated 15/12/05)
55. 14.4
56. Octroi duty on house-hold effect and conveyance etc, if any, paid by the employees on transfer
will be reimbursed subject to the production of receipts, vouchers etc. Octroi duty on
conveyance is payable if it is certified by the Controlling Officer that the same was necessary for
the performance of official duties.
57. 14.5
58. In cases where both the husband and wife are employees of the Company and are transferred
from the same old station to the same new station either at the same time or within six months
of his/her transfer, Transfer Grant, Disturbance Allowance and Baggage Allowance will be
admissible to only one of them as per the entitlement of the person who claims and not to both
as independent employees.
59. 15.
60. Transfer TA on Retirement/Death :
61. Air/rail fare, cost of transportation of baggage, transfer grant and incidental TA etc to a retiring
Company employee from place of duty to any other place may be paid on the same terms as for
serving employees on transfer. These concessions mutatis mutandis will also be admissible to
the family of any employee who dies while in service. However, no disturbance allowance is
62. The retiring employees will be allowed some charges towards carriage of personal effects even
when they settle down in the last station of duty/contiguous place. The payment (at one end only)
in such cases would be made on certificate basis at the same rate as at Rule no. 14.3.
(Vide Corp. HR Circular No. 60/PPX/05)
63. 15.1
64. The cost of transportation of conveyance viz. motor car, motor cycle, scooter etc. will not be
admissible for retirement, as the conveyance cannot be deemed to be required for the
performance of official duties after retirement. However, the expenditure on transportation of
conveyance will be allowed if the same is covered within the baggage allowance as stipulated in
Rule 14 and 14.1
65. 15.2

66. The concession under this rule can be availed of within one year of retirement/death of the
employee. The concession is also admissible in respect of retired employees who die within one
year from the date of retirement before availing this benefit.
67. 15.2.1
68. The term 'any other place' occurring in Rule 15 is to be construed as the home town of the
employee or any other place where he wants to settle after retirement. In case such a place
happens to be out of India, TA is to be paid upto the last port of embarkation in India.
69. 15.2.2
70. Where a retiring employee avails the facility of transfer TA under this Rule for going to home
town or to any other place where he wants to settle after retirement, the benefits admissible
under the BHEL Retired Employees' Contributory Health Scheme of the Personnel Manual will
be admissible to him only with reference to that place at least for a period of two years.
71. 15.2.3
72. Such of the retiring employees who avail above mentioned transfer TA facility will not be entitled
to Medical, LTC etc., facilities as dependents of their wards who may also be employees of
BHEL if the place chosen for settlement after retirement by the retiring employees happens to
be a place other than the one where their wards are serving. Even if they subsequently shift to
reside with their wards, they will not be entitled to these benefits as dependents of the wards at
least for two years from the date of retirement.
73. 16.
74. Entitlement of TA for joining duty on fresh Appointment.
75. 16.1
76. Central/State Government/Public Sector Undertaking employees :
77. Air/rail fare, daily allowance and baggage allowance as admissible under BHEL rules, according
to the grade and pay offered in BHEL will be paid.
78. 16.2
79. Other Employees :
80. They will be paid train fare for self and members of their family as per the entitled class
governing the grade and pay offered in BHEL. In addition, excess baggage allowance equal to
the free baggage given by the carrier will also be admissible. Provided that, where a fresh
appointee who has availed himself of the benefit of these provisions, resigns within one year of
his joining duty in BHEL, he will be liable to refund the amount paid to him by way of TA,
baggage allowance, fare etc.
81. NOTE: For entitlement of TA under the above rule the families of the fresh appointees should
join them at the place of posting within a maximum period of six months reckoned from the date
of joining duty in the Company. The family status of the employees and his entitlement to TA will
however be determined with reference to the date of the offer of appointment.
82. 17.
83. Entitlement for long duration assignment :
84. A) Package for employees posted at site in India
85. B) Entitlement for operational staff of SAS & Others
86. 17.1
87. Employees deputed to outstations in connection with erection, commissioning, and other work
assignments for a period of less than 180 days will be entitled to the normal DA at full rates as
admissible under Rule 6.3 of the TA Rules.
88. Entitlement in case of long duration assignments for similar purposes extending over a period of
180 days or more following terms and conditions and special provisions.
89. 17.1.1(A)
90. For the period of actual stay when assignment is of 180 days or more at the outstations
inclusive of leave and holidays daily allowance will be paid at the following rates effective from
91. Grade
Site Category / D.A.
Rs. per day
94. Category 'A' sites

95. Category 'B' sites

96. Category 'C' sites
97. E6 and above
98. 238
99. 293
101. E2 to E5
102. SV to SVII
106.E1A,E1(ET), SIV, AX / BX
107.AXI / BXI
111.SI to SIIIA, JE AVII/BVII to AIXA/BIXA, S0 ( including Sup./Acct Trainee /Dip Trainee)
119.AII/BII & below & Artisan Trainees / Temp employees recruited against regular vacancies
123. ( Vide Corporate HR Circular No 017/PPX/2008 dated 06/05/2008) Site Employees proceeding
on tour to another site will also be paid site DA for the period of such tour in addition to normal
site DA.
In case of tour to a location other than project site ie manufacturing unit, Head quarters or other
offices, site DA will be paid for upto FOUR days of such tour in a month. This is effective from
(Vide Corporate HR Circular No 012/PPX/2008 dated 1.4.08)
124.Addition and deletion of sites will be done by the Divisions concerned by constituting a
committee comprising of Executives in Construction Management/Projects, HR and Finance.
The Power Sector proposals, duly recommended by the Head of the Region/Unit, will be routed
through Head of HR - Power Sector (HQ) and Corporate HR for approval of Director (Power).
The proposals of Divisions falling under Industry Sector, duly recommended by the Head of the
Unit will be put up through Corporate HR for approval of Director (IS&P). In respect of sites of
other Divisions, the proposals will be put up to Director (HR) for approval. List of sites enclosed
as Annexure-A.
125.Entitlement of site employees with regard to Conveyance allowance/Maintenance, Home leave
passage, Tour DA on official tour to family station, Reimbursement of Residential telephone
charges, Reimbursement of Electricity Charges, Uniform, Site kit reimbursement, Meal
Expenses, Insurance Cover, Children education expenses reimbursement, Tatkal HLIS/VLIS,
others (B) i)
127.The rate of daily allowance for operational staff (as defined below) of SAS and other employees
directly engaged on operational duties for the purpose of repairs and renovation at the site,
where the halt is for less than 180 days will be as shown hereunder:128.Category
129.D.A. for food and incidentals with lodging facility at Hotel/Transit flats/other Guest
Houses at:-

130.Composite D.A. for lodging, food and incidentals

131.'A' class cities
133.'A' class cities
134. Other places
144.E6,E6A &E7
145.490 395 565 500
146.SV to SVII & E2 to E5
147.395 320 535 470
149.340 285 515 450 ET/E1 315 250 500 440
151.285 225 470 420 S0( Supervisory Trainee) 225 190 440 400
153.210 170 410 375
154.AII/BII & below & Artisan Trainees
155.170 145 375 350 Temp. Employees 135 115 315 290
156.Operational Staffrefers to BHEL employees upto and including the level of AGMs, (including
from manufacturing Divisions) who are deputed on tour basis (as distinct from site posting basis)
to sites (where Daily Allowance is payable in Indian Rupees) and who are directly engaged at site
on following types of work relating to equipment (Power/ Transmission/ Industry) :
(a) Inspecting with a view to diagnosing the problem
(b) Trouble shooting
(c) Carrying out repairs
(d) Carrying out modifications/ Renovations
(e) Maintenance/ Servicing/ Overhauling
158.The TA claims of such operational staff (i.e. where this higher DA is claimed) should be
countersigned :
(i) By at least a Manager level executive in the case of Non-executives
(ii) By at least an AGM level executive in the case of executives upto SDGM level.
By at least a GM in the case of AGMs
159. Vide Corporate HR circular No 048/PPX/2006 dated 15/09/06 (B) ii)
161.If the duration of assignment is of 180 days or more, the employees will be governed by Rule
163.On being posted to an outstation an employee will have the option either (a) to retain his
establishment at the Headquarters or (b) to transfer his establishment to outstation. Option
under (b) will be allowed only if the assignment is for a period of 180 days or more.
164.The facility of keeping their family at the place of their convenience may be allowed to the
operational employees of the SAS (Services) Division, irrespective of the duration of their work
assignment at the sites viz. even if the duration of their work assignment is less than 90 days.
166.Where an employee exercises his option under (a) of Rule 17.1.2 above, he will be entitled to
the following:

168.House rent allowance and city compensatory allowance, if any, as would be admissible to him at
headquarters. Where such an employee is provided leased accommodation or accommodation
at the Company's township as the case may be, such facilities will continue to be extended to
him so long as he remains posted at the outstation with recovery of license fee as applicable.
170.Free bachelor accommodation at site/outstation,
(Corporate HR Circular No. 020/WLX/2007 dated 16-05-07)
172.The above provisions are applicable to an employee who is posted to a project/erection site from
any Division of BHEL. Accordingly, in this case the term 'Head Quarters' will refer to 'previous
station where he has been posted' and 'outstation' will refer to a 'Project/erection site'.
174.Further even if an employee who is posted to the project/erection site has to be stationed at the
PS-Headquarters of the Project Division initially for a short period, he will be deemed to be
posted to the erection site for that period, but during that period he will be treated as on tour
176.The housing facility or HRA in lieu thereof and CCA as mentioned in clause (1) above is
admissible to an employee only if he opts to keep his wife and children away from the work site.
It is not admissible if only dependent parents have to stay back; nor even for children alone
when the wife stays with the employee at the work site.
178.In the case of an employee who retains his establishment with proper approval at a place other
than the previous headquarters, housing facility or HRA in lieu thereof and CCA as mentioned in
clause (1) above will be with reference to the actual place of residence of the family limited to his
entitlement with reference to the regional headquarters, on whose rolls the employee is borne.
180.The employees who are posted to the project sites including the service sites under SAS
(Services) Division are permitted to keep their families at the previous headquarters or any place
of their choice will be entitled to the Medical and LTC facilities for their families including
dependent parents with reference to the actual place of residence of the families. The dependent
parents of the bachelor employees will also be entitled to medical and LTC facilities even if they
are not staying with the employees at the sites. These facilities will be regulated with reference
to the actual place of residence of the dependent parents.
Where an employee exercises his option under clause (b) of Rule 17.1.2 above, he will be entitled to the
Travelling allowance etc. for self and members of the family as in the case of transfer.
Free family accommodation at site/outstation.
( Corporate HR circular No.020/WLX/07 dated 16-05-2007)
. Where it is not feasible to provide such accommodation, daily allowance will be paid at the rates
mentioned in the preceding paragraphs. However, where the outstation falls within or in the proximity of
an 'A' class city, the Company will either;
Pay house rent allowance rates applicable to the Company employees posted in 'A'
class cities, or
Provide free accommodation for which the ceiling limit of House Rent will be applicable
to Company employees posted in 'A' class cities.

The employees who are deputed/posted to the project sites in the North Eastern Regions comprising the
State of Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura, Arunachal Pradesh, Mizoram will be entitled to the
following additional facilities:i)
In case of employees who proceed on sanctioned leave from a place of duty in North Eastern Region to
any place outside that Region the period of travel in excess of 2 days will be treated as joining time.
While availing LTC from the place of duty in North Eastern regions all the executives will be permitted to
travel by air upto Calcutta from the airport nearest to the Site and back. From Calcutta to the place where
they have been permitted to keep their family/Home Town and back they will be required to travel as per
their normal entitlement under the rules. The other conditions will remain unchanged.
The special concessions at Rule 17.1.5 (i) are also, admissible to employees posted in Andaman &
Nicobar Islands. The facility under 17.1.5(ii) is allowed upto Calcutta or Chennai in respect of Executives
posted at the sites in Andaman & Nicobar islands.
The operational employees of SAS who are posted at Services Centres will be entitled to the facility of
two visits per year of stay at the site/service centre to meet their family subject to the following
The visit will be permitted (a) once in three to six months and (b) twice including (a) for the above six
months but upto 12 months stay away from the stations.
The entitlement cannot be carried forward to the next year of stay, if it is not availed in the permissible
The employee will be required to take his leave as due and admissible to visit his family with the prior
permission of his Controlling Officer.
The Company will reimburse the fare to and fro incurred on the journey, as per LTC Rules from the site
of posting or the Regional Service Centre as the case may be to the place where the employee has
opted to keep his family.
The definition of 'family' for the purpose of such visits to meet the family will be the same as stipulated in
LTC rules. In the case of bachelor employee the 'family' refers to 'dependent parents' provided they were
residing with the employee at the time of posting at site/Regional Service Centres.
In the case of SAS, the employee covered by the facility are those engaged on operational duties for the
purpose of repairs and renovation at sites. In case of doubt, the decision of GM (Services) shall be final.
The controlling officer may refuse to grant leave to avail of this facility in the exigencies of work.
Employees who are on the rolls of the Regional Headquarters of Power Sector and posted at sites will be
paid HRA/CCA at rates applicable to the station where the family is permitted to stay limited to the rates
at Regional Headquarters on whose rolls the employees are borne.
In cases where the family is not retained at the Regional Headquarters, the employee will be paid normal
TA/DA while on tour to Regional Headquarters.
Payment of TA/DA to persons deputed for training and long term assignment from one BHEL Division to
another should be regulated as below:(i)

Entitlement for training/long term assignments upto 90 days: The employees may be treated as on
tour and their cases regulated in accordance with para 6.8 of the TA rules i.e., for the first 30 days they
may be paid DA at full rates and for the next 60 days DA at half the rate.
Entitlement for training/work assignment for period above 90 days : The employees may be treated
as on transfer and paid TA accordingly . However, no DA will be admissible for any part of duration of
training or work assignment in such cases.
Entitlement for training/refresher courses at outstations (other than BHEL Divisions).
Classification of Courses:
Training/refresher courses are classified into the following categories depending upon whether :
Training fee includes cost of boarding and lodging.
Training fee does not include cost of boarding or lodging but accommodation is provided at nominal
Training fee included lodging charges or lodging is provided free of cost.
Employees make their own arrangements for lodging and boarding.
Entitlement for courses upto 90 days :
The entitlement for DA etc. will be as under:
In the cases falling under 18.1(a) above, the employees will be paid DA at 25% of rate specified under
Col.4 under Rule 6.3 of these rules.
In the cases of 18.1 (b) above, DA will be paid at the rate specified under Col.4 under rule 6.3 of these
rules. In addition, reimbursement for accommodation at actuals will be made.
In the cases of 18.1 (c) above, DA will be paid at the rate specified under Col.4 under Rule 6.3 of these
In the cases of 18.1(d) above, Composite DA as admissible under TA rules will be made.
NOTE: The employees participating in the local residential programmes where the boarding and lodging
is compulsory and is provided free will also be entitled to DA as per rates indicated in clause (a) above.
Entitlement for courses above 90 days duration:
In cases where the training/refresher course is for a period of more than 90 days, the entitlement will be
governed as per Rule 18.2 above for the first 90 days. As regards the period beyond 90 days except in
the cases covered by Rule 18.1(a) DA will be paid at half the rates referred to in Rule 18.2 above.
However, in respect of cases covered under 18.1 (a) and in cases of reimbursement for accommodation,
the provisions of Rule 18.2 will continue to be applicable even for the period beyond 90 days.
NOTE: The above provisions will not apply to employees sponsored for courses /training programmes
which lead to acquiring of additional qualifications.

19. Miscellaneous:
19.1 Rates of recovery for private use of Company's car will be at the rate of Rs 4.00 per Kilo meter
( Corporate Circular No. 059/PPX/2005 dated15/12/2005).
19.2 Where Company Rules are silent, Government rules may be followed, subject to review and

B: 7
These rules may be called BHEL Pay Fixation Rules.
Pay on initial Appointment
The initial (basic) pay of an employee appointed to a post will be fixed normally at the minimum of the
time scale of the post to which he is appointed. Exceptions to this rule are given in Annexure -I. Higher
initial pay may, however, be granted at the discretion of the Management in deserving cases.
Pay fixation on Promotion
On promotion to a higher post/grade, the initial pay of an employee
in the new time scale shall be fixed at the stage next above the pay notionally arrived at by increasing
his pay in respect of the lower post by one increment. In case this happens to be lower than the
minimum of the scale, the pay may be fixed at the minimum of the scale. The first increment will be
drawn after completion of 12 months service from the date of such fixation of pay and subsequent
increments will be preponed to one of the standard dates as per rules.
If an employee is drawing pay at the maximum of the scale and is promoted, his pay will be increased
notionally by adding one increment (last increment in the existing scale) and then fixed at the next above
stage in the higher scale.
However, where an employee has already been given stagnation increments, no notional increment is to
be added in such cases and pay may be fixed at the next higher stage to the pay drawn in the lower
post, including stagnation increments. If an employee had previously officiated in the same scale, or had
been promoted on the last occasion and the period for which it has been drawn should be taken into
account for the purpose of drawal of increment.
The rule may be applied irrespective of the period of service in the lower grade and the grades of the
Pay Fixation of internal candidates on selection as Trainees/ Apprentices against open advertisements,
internal circulars and also on absorption will be governed by the relevant Rules on the entitlements
allowed to internal candidates.
Note: See sub-section 6.2 of these rules.
Treatment of Special Pay/Personal Pay on Promotion
Where special pay has been given in lieu of higher grade, it should be taken into account for the purpose
of fixation of pay. Special pay which is granted as an incentive for specific purposes under the Company
Rules (other than Family Planning) and which forms part of basic pay under these rules is also similarly
taken into account for the purpose of fixation of pay on promotion subject to rules prescribed there for. In

other cases, pay including special pay and personal pay may be protected and personal pay, where
necessary, granted in the higher post to be absorbed in future increments.
Drawal of Increment
Annual increment will be drawn in a time scale on completion of one year's satisfactory service. It shall
ordinarily be drawn as a matter of course unless withheld by a specific order in writing to that effect.
No increment will be allowed during period of probation. The first increment will be drawn with effect from
the date of completion of probation or on the anniversary date of joining the post, whichever is later. All
subsequent increments will, however, be given on the standard date determined with reference to the
anniversary date of joining.
Where the period of probation is extended, no increment will be given till the probation is successfully
completed. The increment will, however, be given with retrospective effect from the date of completion of
12 months of service in the post although no arrears would be paid on that account. Subsequent
increments will be regulated from the standard date in accordance with the principles stated above.
On Promotion to higher grade or where no probation is stipulated in case of initial appointment
The first increment on promotion/appointment shall be allowed to be drawn on completion of one year in
the grade. All subsequent increments will, however, be given on the standard date determined with
reference to the anniversary date of promotion/appointment.

The date of increment will not be changed due to an employee being on authorised leave (full pay/half
pay) of any kind or on Company sponsorship for higher studies or availing joining time on transfer.
Monetary benefit of increment falling due during such period will also accrue from the due date.
(Vide Corporate HR circular No 066/PPX/2005 dated 22/12/2005)
Leave without pay exceeding 6 months if it is not on medical grounds, period of suspension where the
orders of disciplinary authority state so, period of overstayal of sanctioned leave, period of over- stayal of
joining time and period of study leave where the employee is allowed to rejoin duty without successfully
completing the course of study for which leave was granted will not count for increment.
The standard date of drawal of increment will be 25th June/25th December.
Removal of anomalies in Pay Fixation
Where an employee promoted to a post draws a lower rate of pay in that post than another employee
promoted subsequently to the same or identical higher post, the pay of the senior employee, in the
higher post, should be stepped up to a figure equal to the pay fixed for the junior employee in that higher
post. This should be done with effect from the date of promotion of the junior employee and will be
subject to the following conditions:
Both the junior and the senior employees should belong to the same cadre (line of promotion) and the
posts in which they have been promoted should be identical and in the same discipline/channel of
The scales of the lower and the higher posts in which they are entitled to draw pay should be same.

The anomaly should have arisen directly as a result of the application of normal pay fixation rules. If in
the lower post a junior employee drew a higher rate of pay than a senior by virtue of grant of advance
incentive increments, provisions contained in these rules will not be invoked to step up the pay of the
senior employee.
The employee whose pay is to be stepped up should be senior in the higher grade and should not be
junior in the lower grade.
Comparison of pay has to be made first in the lower post when an anomaly arises in the higher post. A
notional figure for the senior employee is to be arrived at in the lower post and then compared with the
junior in the lower grade just before the promotion. The benefit of stepping up can be allowed to the
senior employee only if he was not drawing or would not have drawn less pay in the lower post than the

1. For the purpose of rectification of pay anomaly the principle of seniority of the employee has to be first
satisfied which presupposes that the two employees should belong to the same unit and
function/discipline. It cannot be extended to cover inter-unit comparisons.
2. The pay anomaly, if any on "redesignation" of a DGM (E6) as a Sr. DGM (E6A) will be rectified in
accordance with the above Rule.
In respect of employee going into certain apprenticeship or training by positive selection with a view to
being considered for a higher post or otherwise, his notional progress in the original post and scale has
to be proforma protected vis--vis his juniors who have not been so selected. This will be done till the
senior selected for such apprenticeship or training is appointed in a different post pursuant to such
apprenticeship or training. In case he reverts to his original post he should then be restored to his original
In cases where the pay has been stepped up under the above rule, the first annual increment
subsequent to the date on which pay is so stepped up, be drawn only after the completion of one year's
service from the date of such stepping up and not from the original date of increment. Subsequent
increments will be governed by the normal rules of preponement.
Employees on Deputation.
Government servants on deputation to BHEL will have the option of either getting their pay fixed in the
Deputation Post or to draw pay in their parent department scale plus deputation (duty) allowance in
accordance with the Government Orders as amended from time to time.
Deputation to top posts in BHEL will be governed by the orders issued by Government from time to time.
Rules relating to the pay fixation of the deputationists absorbed in the Company or those who joined the
Company from the Central Government on immediate absorption basis, the treatment of their PDA etc.,
will be regulated as per the orders of Corporate Office.

Detailed rules governing deputations and normal standard deputation terms as prescribed by GOI will
form part of the Handbook of Deputation which will be brought out separately.
Employees joining BHEL from other Public Sector Undertakings/Central Govt./State Govt./Semi-Govt.
Institutions on lateral recruitment
8.1 In the case of persons who are already in employment with a Public Sector Undertaking, the Central
Government, any State Government, Semi-Government Institutions, the pay on appointment to a post
under the Company through lateral recruitment will be fixed in such a manner that the total emoluments
(comprising of Pay and DA) drawn in the parent organization is protected 8.2 Basic pay fixed as per the
above Clause shall not be below the minimum of the pay scale of the salary grade in which lateral
induction has been done 8.3 The fixation of basic pay can not exceed the maximum of the pay scale of
the salary grade in which the employee has been laterally recruited. 8.4 Pay protection initially granted,
shall not be granted any further, based on comparison drawn with the notional pay progression of the
employee in his parent organization.
(Vide Corporate HR IOM AA/HR/IR/521 dated 20.8.10)
Reversion to lower grade/post on disciplinary grounds
In case of reversion of an employee from higher grade/post to a lower grade/post, the fixation of pay will
be done in the manner decided by the authority ordering such reversion and based on Government rules
framed from time to time.
These rules inter-alia, provide that the disciplinary authority may allow the concerned employee to draw
any pay not exceeding the maximum of the lower grade or post which it may think proper; provided that
the pay so allowed to be drawn should not exceed the pay that would have been fixed by counting the
service rendered in higher grade or post as service in the lower grade or post.
In the case of employees who are given alternative appointment due to medical disqualification, the pay
last drawn by them should be protected subject to the condition that it should not exceed the maximum
of the scale applicable to the post to which they are appointed on medical advice.
No charge allowance will be paid for holding additional charge of higher or equivalent post.

Cases in which Pay above the Minimum of the scale can be allowed
Pay of departmental candidates selected against open advertisement for appointment to regular posts
will be fixed as on promotion. This is not applicable to the departmental candidates selected for
appointment as Jr. Executives, Trainees/Apprentices or in other posts for which separate set of rules
regulate fixation of pay.
The pay of the employees joining from other sources will be fixed as approved by the competent
authority in each case.
In the case of Emergency Commissioned/Short Service Commissioned Officers as also other categories
of employees for whom special orders are issued by Government, the same shall be kept in view while
fixing the pay of such employees in the Company's scale of pay.
"The pay (but not the seniority) of the Emergency Commissioned Officers/Short Service Commissioned
Officers who joined pre-commission training or were commissioned to the Army on or after 1-11-1962

and were appointed against unreserved vacancies, shall be fixed by granting advance increments equal
to the completed years of service (including the training) rendered by them in Armed Forces on a basic
pay (inclusive of deferred pay but excluding other emoluments) equal to or higher than the minimum of
the scale attached to the civil post. The pay arrived at should not, however, exceed the basic pay
(including the deferred pay but excluding other emoluments) last drawn by them in Armed Forces.
In respect of those Officers commissioned between 1-11-1962 and 10-1-1968, and who have joined the
Company before 7-4-1980, the notional benefit may be given from the date of joining the Company but
no arrears will be paid prior to 7-4-1980. Similarly, in case of those commissioned after 10-1-1968
though notional benefit is to be given from the date of joining the Company, actual monetary benefit is to
be allowed only from 1-11-1984.
The pay of departmental candidates selected as Junior Executives will be fixed at the minimum of the
grade where their pay is below the minimum or at the same or next higher stage where pay is above the
said minimum. In cases where the notional pay in previous post/grade becomes higher than the pay
fixed in the Junior Executive grade due to notional normal increment in the previous post, the pay in the
Junior Executive grade could be refixed from the date the notional increment would have fallen due in
the previous post, with the next increment to be drawn after one year from the date of such refixation.
In the case of Ex-servicemen re-employed in BHEL, their fixation of pay will be governed by the
Government Orders on the subject.
The pay of the departmental candidates on their appointment as Probationary Accountants (SI) after
passing the Centralised Accounts Examination of the Company will be fixed at the minimum of the grade
where their pay is below the
minimum or at the same or next higher stage where their pay is above the said minimum. In cases where
the notional pay in the previous post/grade becomes higher than the pay fixed in the SI grade due to
notional normal increment in the previous post, the pay in SI grade may be refixed from the date the
notional increment fell due in the previous post with the next increment to be drawn after one year from
the date of such fixation.

Leave rules
The 'BHEL Leave Rules' shall apply to all regular employees of the Company. The provisions of leave
rules as specifically provided also apply to Probationers and Trainees/Apprentices (other than
Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961.) and Casual / Temporary employees.
'Earned Leave' (EL) means leave earned in respect of periods of service with the Company and granted
on full pay.

'Half-Pay Leave' (HPL) means leave on half pay earned by the employee in respect of service with the
Company. This can be availed as half pay leave for personal reasons or as 'Commuted Leave' on
medical certificate.
'Commuted Leave' means leave granted on medical certificate on full pay. For every commuted leave,
two HPL will be debited from the employees leave account.
'Extra-ordinary Leave' (EOL) means leave sanctioned under special circumstances without any pay and
'Pay' means the amount drawn monthly by an employee as pay which has been sanctioned for the post
held by him/her. It will also include special pay, personal pay or such other emoluments specially
classified under the rules as 'Pay' e.g. non-practicing allowance to Medical Officer.
'Regular employee' is an employee who has satisfactorily completed the period of probation in one or
the other post.
The nature and quantum of leave admissible to the employees will be as under:
The casual leave entitlement for all regular employees is as under w.e.f. 1.1.1977.
Employees with service upto 10 years
10 days in a calendar year
Employees with service above 10 years
12 days in a calendar year
Note: All employees who complete 10 years of service on any day between the standard date of CL credit
in the relevant accounting year, i.e. between 1st July of the relevant year to 30th June of the succeeding
year, will be credited with additional two days of CL on the standard date of CL credit, i.e. 1st July of the
relevant accounting year, e.g. all such employees who would be completing 10 years of service between
1st July, 2009 to 30th June 2010 will be eligible for credit of 12 days of CL on 1st July 2009 itself.
(vide Corporate HR circular no. 023/PPX/2008 dated 28-05-2008)
Where, however, as on 28.6.77, an employee is already in enjoyment of a higher quantum of Casual
leave indicated above, such higher entitlement in such cases will be protected.
Casual leave will be granted in units of half-day or full days as may be applied for by an employee. If
taken in units of half-day, the lunch interval will be taken as the dividing line.
Casual leave except half day casual leave will not be permitted to be combined with any other kind of
3.1.4(a) Half day Casual leave taking the nature of optional holiday(OH) will be permitted to be suffixed
and/or prefixed in Combination with any kind of leave.
( vide Corporate HR circular No.057/PPX/2007 dated 23/11/07)

Sundays and holidays falling within a spell of Casual leave will not be debited to the Casual leave
Casual leave can be combined with Sundays and holidays but the total absence including intervening
Sundays and Holidays but excluding Sundays/Holidays preceding or succeeding such leave should not
exceed 10 days on any one occasion.
3.1.6 (a)
An employee who joins service on any day from 1st July to 31st December is entitled to the full credit of
10/12 days Casual leave, as the case may be, for that casual leave accounting year which is 1st July to
30th June of following year and those who join duty from 1st January to 30th June to 5/6 days Casual
leave, as the case may be
(vide Corporate HR Circular No. 063/PPX/2005 dated 21/12/05)
3.1.6(b) Retiring / resigning employees are entitled for full credit of CL & OH at the beginning of the
accounting year, irrespective of the date of retirement/ resignation and are entitled to avail full credit of
CL & OH for the relevant accounting year. 3.1.6(c) Accounting year for optional holidays (OH) will be
Calendar year , as it is linked to National holidays which are based on calendar year.
( (vide Corporate HR Circular No. 032/PPX/2007 dated 06/08/07)
Trainees and Apprentices will get a fresh credit of casual leave on their absorption as regular
employees irrespective of the stage of the year at which this occurs so as to make up the total Casual
leave available to them for the calendar year.
The entitlement of earned leave is related to the number of years of service put in by the employee as
Number of completed years of service
Entitlement of earned leave per annum (days)
Upto 5 years
Above 5, upto 10 years
Above 10, upto 15 years
Above 15, upto 20 years
Above 20 years
The leave entitlements as in 3.2.1 will cover all employees of the Company. Where, however, as on
June 28, 1977, if any employee was already in enjoyment of a higher quantum of earned leave than
indicated above, his/her entitlement to such higher quantum of leave, as given in Annexure -I, shall be

The advance crediting of leave in terms of encashable and non-encashable leave on the existing
standard dates will be made as given below:No. of completed years of service
Entitlement of EL per annum (days)
Credit No. of days
On 25th June On 25th Dec.
Upto 5 years
Above 5 upto 10 years.
Above 10 upto 15 years.
Above 15 upto 20 years.
Above 20 years.
(E: Encashable NE: Non-Encashable)

Where there is a change of slab in the number of completed years of service in between standard dates,
the leave for each of the relevant broken periods shall be worked out by rounding upward fraction of 0.5
and above. Encashable leave will be worked out at 75% of that leave.
In respect of a new employee joining the service of the Company in between the standard dates, leave
will be credited in advance at the rate of 1.8 days for every completed month of service till the close of
the half year in which he/she has been appointed. In calculating the total leave for this purpose, fraction
of 0.5 and above will be rounded off upward and the fraction below 0.5 will be ignored. The encashable
leave will be at 75% of the said total.
The accumulation limit of Earned leave is 300 days. The advance credit of encashable portion of Earned
leave will however not be taken into account for determining the accumulation limit.
In case of change over of status of an employee from 'Industrial' to 'Non-Industrial' category after
28.6.77 the employee will be governed by the rationalised leave entitlements only, unless he/she was
already in actual enjoyment of a higher quantum of earned leave prior to the change of status, in which
case his/her entitlements to such higher quantum of leave shall be protected.
Temporary employees recruited against regular Vacancies
BHEL Leave Rules are applicable to such employees appointed on or after 25.06.2008.
Leave remaining at the credit at the time of absorption in respect of these employees recruited on or
after 25.06.08 will be carried forward as per rules.
For those appointed prior to 25.06.08, unavailed leave accrued upto 24.06.08 as temporary employees
as per prevailing practice will be permitted to be carried forward as non encashable Earned leave.
( Vide Corporate HR Circular No. 023/PPX/2008 dated 10.6.08)
In respect of employees joining the Company from Government or Public Sector Undertakings, their
continuous service in the Government/Public Sector Undertaking immediately before joining the
Company will be counted as service for the purpose of reckoning the completed years of service to
determine their leave entitlements. This dispensation will not be allowed to employees who join from
Nationalised Banks and State Electricity Boards, Insurance Sector, etc.
The service rendered by ex-servicemen before joining BHEL will not be taken into account for
determining leave entitlements in BHEL.
(vide IOM No. AA:HR:LH1 dated 27-12-2010)
Employees who are given further extension of service beyond the age of superannuation can also carry
forward the encashable as well as non-encashable portion of their Earned Leave to the extended period
of service. They will be allowed further accumulation of leave (Encashable and Non-encashable) till final
retirement from the Company subject to the accumulation limits prescribed under these rules.
The un-availed portion of joining time, if any, on transfer, will be credited to the non-encashable portion
of the earned leave account of employee, to be availed at any time as Earned leave.

The nomenclature of 'Sick leave' in case of Industrial workers is changed to 'Half-pay leave', w.e.f.
All employees both Industrial and Non-Industrial, will be entitled to 20 days of 'Half pay leave' in a year
w.e.f. 25.06.1985.
Advance credit will be allowed on 25th June / 25th December each year at the rate of 10 days each
time. At the time of joining or separation from BHEL, 'Half pay leave' will be credited at the rate of l.67
days for each completed month as earlier, but on pro-rata basis, depending on the actual no. of days of
service in the respective block which shall be suitably rounded off to the nearest whole number.
(vide Corporate HR Circular no. 023/PPX/2008 dated 28-05-2008)
There is no limit for accumulation of Half pay leave. However, the encashment limit at the time of
superannuation is 480 days.

Half pay leave can be commuted into full pay leave on medical certificate. Commuted leave shall be
sanctioned on the following conditions:(a)
When commuted leave is granted, twice the number of such leave will be debited to the half pay leave
account of the employee.
No commuted leave shall be granted unless the sanctioning authority has reason to believe that the
employee will return to duty on its expiry and gives a certificate to that effect.
Commuted leave will be allowed to regular employees only.
Holidays, if any, succeeding the day of fitness can be allowed to be suffixed with commuted leave.
Holidays, if any, preceding the day of fitness shall be treated as part of leave.
Half pay leave/Commuted leave will not be admissible to the employees who are covered by the ESI
Scheme, wherever applicable.
Note: 240 days restriction removed vide Corporate HR circular No 57/PPX/2007 dated 23/11/07
Extraordinary leave without any pay and allowances may be granted to the following extent if no other
kind of leave is due, or when it is specially applied for:

Upto three months on any occasion other than on grounds of illness.

Upto six months on any occasion on medical certificate for diseases other than T.B. and Leprosy.
Upto Eighteen months on any one occasion in cases of treatment for T.B. and Leprosy.
The General Manager/Head of the Unit may sanction extraordinary leave in excess of the above periods
by 3 months in exceptional cases. Beyond this, the decision will rest with the Chairman and Managing
Where an employee fails to resume duty on the expiry of the maximum period of extraordinary leave
granted or where an employee who is granted a lesser amount of extraordinary leave than the
maximum amount admissible remains absent from duty for any period which together with the
extraordinary leave granted exceeds the limit upto which he/she could have been granted such leave by
the Unit Management under the above provisions, he/she shall unless the CMD in view if the
exceptional circumstances of the case otherwise determines, be deemed to have resigned his/her
appointment and shall accordingly cease to be in the service of the Company.
The period spent on extraordinary leave will not count for purposes of earning earned leave. It will
however be reckoned as service for calculating entitlement of half pay/sick leave.
HRA and CCA will be paid as per rules except when the period is treated as 'Dies-non'.
Except in the case of employees proceeding on leave preparatory to retirement, 'Leave Not Due' may
be granted to the regular employees who have completed at least one year's service in the Company
subject to the following conditions:3.5.1
'Leave Not Due' can be granted when no other kind of leave is due to the employee.
The Authority competent to grant leave is satisfied that there is reasonable prospect of the employee's
returning to duty on its expiry.
'Leave Not Due' may be granted to the employees on medical grounds subject to the production of a
certificate from the competent medical authority as is applicable for the grant of commuted leave.
'Leave Not Due' can also be granted in other special circumstances consequent to natural calamities or
while acting as escort to accompany patient for treatment abroad, etc. This will require special approval
from Corporate Personnel.
'Leave Not Due' that can be granted on full pay at any point of time will not exceed the earned leave that
can be earned in one year after joining duty. When it is considered necessary to grant 'Leave Not Due'
in excess of the above limit, it may be sanctioned on half pay for a further period of 20 days. 'Leave Not
Due' granted shall be debited to the leave account as usual to be adjusted against the subsequent
earning of leave.

'Leave Not Due' will not be granted for a second time until the debit on this account in the leave account
has been liquidated, or until the lapse of a period of three years, whichever is later.
In case an employee who has been granted 'Leave Not Due' ceases to be in the employment of the
Company for whatsoever reason before the debit balance in his/her leave account is liquidated, he/she
shall be liable to refund the leave salary for the debit balance of leave in the leave account. An
undertaking to this effect shall invariably be obtained from the employee concerned before the grant of
'Leave Not Due'.
However, no leave salary shall be recoverable if the retirement is for reason of ill health incapacitating
the employee for further service or in the event of death or if he/she is compulsorily retired prematurely
for reasons other than on disciplinary grounds.
All female employees, excluding Apprentices under the Apprentices Act 1961, are entitled to the grant of
maternity leave as under:
On full pay for a period of 180 days from the date of its commencement in case of female employees
with less than two surviving children, subject to production of Medical Certificate from the Authorised
Medical Attendant (AMA). Maternity leave to female employees with more than two surviving children
will be restricted to 12 weeks (84 days), as per the Maternity Benefit Act.
(vide Corporate HR circular no. 034/PPX/2010 dated 25-08-2010)
In cases where the female employee is governed by the Maternity Benefit Act, the leave shall be so
regulated that at least 6 weeks leave is availed off from the date of delivery.
In the case of employees to whom the Employees State Insurance Act, 1948 (Act 34 of 1948) applies,
the amount of leave salary payable under these rules shall be reduced by the amount of benefit under
the said Act for the corresponding period.
12 weeks(84 days) of Maternity leave is also permissible in the event of delivery of a still born child on
full term by a female employee, irrespective of the number of surviving children, as per the Maternity
Benefit Act.
Maternity leave may be combined with leave of any other kind, but only if the request for such leave is
supported by a medical certificate from the Authorised Medical Attendant.
Maternity leave will also be allowed in case of miscarriage/ abortions, subject to the condition that the
leave does not exceed 6 weeks from the date of miscarriage or abortion, as certified by the Authorised
Medical Attendant. The application for leave must be supported by a certificate from the Authorised
Medical Attendant.
With a view to curbing the misuse of maternity leave facility in cases of abortion, leave in such cases will
be granted to the female employees only on a certificate issued by the Company/ Government Hospital
or Company approved Hospital/Company panel Doctor (Gynecologist) wherever such a panel exists.

For the benefit of those female employees who are covered by the Maternity Benefit Act 1961 the
provisions of Section 5 of the Act as applicable to them are reproduced below:
Subject to the provisions of this Act, every woman shall be entitled to and her employer shall be liable
for, the payment of maternity benefit at the rate of the average daily wages for the period of her actual
absence immediately preceding and including the day of her delivery and for the period immediately
following that day.
For the purpose of calculating wages under sub-rule (i)(a), the average daily wage means the average
of the womans wages payable to her for the days on which she has worked during the period of three
calendar months immediately preceding the date from which she absents herself on account of
maternity or ten rupee a day whichever is higher.
No woman employee shall be entitled to maternity benefit unless she has actually worked in an
establishment of the employer from whom she claims maternity benefit for a period of not less than
eighty days in the twelve months immediately preceding the date of her expected delivery.
For the purpose of calculating number of days under sub-rule (ii)(a), the days on which a woman has
actually worked in the establishment, the days for which she has been laid off during the period of
twelve months immediately preceding the date of her expected delivery shall be taken into account.
In computing 80 days as envisaged in Section 5(2) of the Maternity Act 1961, paid holidays are required
to be included.
The maximum period for which any woman shall be entitled to maternity benefit shall be twelve weeks,
of which not more than six weeks shall precede the date of her expected delivery.
Provided that where a woman dies during this period, the maternity benefit shall be payable only for the
days upto and including the day of her death.
Provided further that where a woman having delivered a child, dies during her delivery or during the
period immediately following the date of her delivery for which she is entitled for the maternity benefit,
leaving behind in either case the child, the employer shall be liable for the maternity benefit for the entire
period, but if the child also dies during the said period, then for the days upto and including the date of
the death of child.
Abortion induced under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act 1971, for Family Planning purposes,
should be considered as a case of 'abortion' for the purpose of grant of Maternity Leave.
Male employees with less than two surviving children may be granted paternity leave for a period of 15
days (in one spell) during the period of confinement of his wife that is upto 15 days before or upto six
months from the date of delivery of the child and if such leave is not availed during this period, it shall be
treated as lapse. Paternity leave shall not be debited against leave account and may be combined with
any other kind of leave as in the case of maternity leave. Subject to above, the leave shall be granted
only twice in the entire period of service.

Special Casual leave not exceeding 30 days in a calendar year may be granted in the following cases:
Employees selected to represent the Company in tournaments recognised by the State Association(s)
for the game(s) concerned. Entry for such tournaments will normally be sponsored by the organisation
authorised by the General Manager for control of sports activities.
Employees selected to represent the District or the State or All India in recognised tournaments.
Employees selected to participate in coaching /administration of teams in sporting events of
National/International importance.
Employees attending coaching or training camps under Rajkumar Amrit Kaur Coaching Scheme or
similar All India Coaching or Training Scheme/Courses at National Institute of Patiala, etc.
Employees attending coaching camps in sports organised by the National Federations/Sports Boards
recognised by the All India Council of Sports, Ministry of Education and Youth Services.
Employees selected to participate in training/coaching camps organised by State Associations for the
games concerned.
For participation of the employees in cultural activities like dance, drama, music and poetic symposium,
etc. of All India or Inter-state character organised by the CSSCB or on its behalf and inter- ministerial or
inter-departmental tournaments etc.
Employees who are required to officiate as umpires in tournaments of National/ International
Employees who participate in the mountaineering/trekking expeditions, which have the approval of
Indian Mountaineering Foundation.
Special Casual Leave may also be granted in the following cases. There will be no payment by the
Company of any traveling or daily allowance during the period of Special Casual Leave :
To employees wishing to attend in their individual capacity, meetings of technical, scientific or
professional institutions of which they are members, full details should be given and the grant of special
casual leave will be decided according to the merits of the case. But, when the Company nominates any
of its employees as Company's representatives to attend such meetings or to attend training courses
conducted by such bodies, the absence will be treated as duty and not as special casual leave and
traveling allowance and daily allowance in such an event will be paid as on duty.
To teachers and pupils of Unit level classes under the Workers' Education Scheme for educational tours
undertaken as part of the scheme; and
To employees selected as part of team for Group Study Exchange Team abroad, sponsored by
international reputed organisation.

To employees who are members of the Home Guard organisation to cover Home Guard duty, including
Time Off For Practice Matches, Selection Trials, etc.
There will be no grant of special casual leave for practice matches, selection trials etc. But time off will
be given by the Controlling Officer not lower in rank than Managers, on the recommendation of the
sponsoring body. In the case of sports activities or cultural activities the sponsoring body will be the
community centre. In other cases, the sponsoring body may be the recognised permanent or ad hoc
bodies interested in the particular activity. There will be no loss of wages for the time off but the time
card, will in each case, indicate the reason for time off.
Special Casual Leave Under The Family Planning Scheme
Female employees in non-puerperal case - 20 days
Male employees for vasectomy operation - 8 days
Employee's husband in puerperal/non-puerperal cases - 7 days
For IUCD insertion (Female employees) - 1 day
Special Casual Leave For Donating Blood
In the case of employees who donate blood to the Company's Hospital, Special Casual leave limited to
one day, may be given, on the recommendation of the Company's Medical Officer (or payment of
Rs.30/- as the donor may opt).
In places where Company Hospitals do not exist and if any of the employees donate blood on a working
day to a Registered Blood Bank, he/she will be allowed special casual leave on that day. If any
monetary inducement is accepted by the donor, the leave cannot be availed of.
Temporary and Casual employees who donate blood in the Company Hospital may also be granted
Special Casual Leave for one day.
There will be no payment by the Company of any travelling or daily allowance in the above cases.
If the employees are called for donation of blood during their regular duty hours, the day of donation will
be treated as on duty and special casual leave will be granted for the subsequent day/shift.
In cases of employees donating blood outside their regular duty hours, Special Casual Leave will be
granted for the next day/shift.
The intention of granting special casual leave after blood donation is to give the employees rest for a
day. If the subsequent day happens to be a holiday the employees get the necessary rest. In such
cases, Special Casual Leave after the holiday i.e., the subsequent working day is not necessary.


The following incentives may be allowed for Blood Donation:
When in emergency cases, it becomes necessary to obtain donation of blood from outsiders, the donor
may be paid a sum of Rs.30/- in case he/she is willing to accept the same.
In the case of donors who are either paid cash or are allowed a day's rest, a minimum of 250 cc and
maximum of 300 cc of blood will be taken.
The donor will be allowed to donate blood once in three months only.
Sundays and closed holidays intervening in a period of Special Casual Leave are not to be ignored for
calculation of Special Casual Leave.

Combination of Special Casual Leave may be permitted with any other kind of leave i.e., casual leave,
earned leave or leave on half pay in all cases by the competent authority. If the leave in continuation of
special casual leave has been applied for on medical grounds, a medical certificate from Authorised
Medical Attendant should be produced.
Quarantine Leave is a leave of absence from duty on full pay necessitated in consequence of the
presence of certain infectious diseases in the family or household of the employee. Such leave may be
granted by the Heads of Departments on the certificate of the Authorised Medical Attendant for a period
not exceeding 21 days. Any leave necessary in excess of this period as certified by Authorised Medical
Attendant shall be treated as leave of the type that may be due. Quarantine leave can also be granted in
continuation of other leave.
Quarantine leave is not allowed when employee himself/herself is sick for which he/she is expected to
avail leave due to his/her credit.
Cholera, Small-pox, Plague, Diphtheria, Typhus fever, Cerebro-spinal meningitis may be treated as
infectious diseases for which quarantine leave can be granted.
Quarantine leave can be granted to an employee under similar circumstances even at a place other
than his/her Headquarters, provided that he/she had gone there on duty with the permission of the
competent authority.
Note : Applicable to all units approved
(vide Corporate HR Circular No 57/PPX/2007 dated 23/11/07)

3.9.1 Employees who are disabled and have become temporarily unfit to resume duties on account of
injuries arising out of accidents sustained out of and in the course of their employment, where the
disability manifests itself within three months of occurrence to which it is attributed, may be granted
Disability leave subject to a maximum of 90 days. The leave salary during such leave shall be equal to
the leave salary while on Earned leave.
In the case of employee to whom the Workmen's Compensation Act(1923) applies, the amount of leave
salary payable under this rule shall be reduced by the amount of compensation payable under clause
(d) of sub-section (1) of Section 4 of the said Act.
The amount equivalent to the half monthly compensation payable under the Act will be channelised
through the authority prescribed under the Act. Balance leave salary may be paid directly to the employee
(full leave salary minus the half monthly compensation).
3.9.3 Disability leave is not debitable to the leave account and may be combined with any other kind of
leave, except Casual leave. Further, the employee is not required to first exhaust the HPL at his credit.
3.9.4 Disability leave may be granted on the basis of medical certificate issued by the Medical
Board/Authorised Medical Attendant on the merits of each case.
Disability leave will not be granted in case of accidents, which are directly attributable to : a) the employee having been at the time therof under the influence of drink or drugs; or b) the willful
disobedience of the employee of an order expressly given or to a rule expressly framed for the purpose of
securing the safety of the employees; or c) the willful removal or disregard by the employee of any
safety guard or other device which he knew to have been provided for the purpose of securing the safety
of the employees.
As per provisions under the chapter pertaining to 'Facilities for Higher Studies'.
Casual Leave
10 Days in a calendar year. The un-availed period of Casual Leave in respect of trainees will be carried
forward on their absorption where the absorption takes place in the same calendar year.
Earned Leave
22 days (non-encashable) in a year or proportionately for the actual period of training. The trainees will
be allowed to carry forward the earned leave at their credit on their absorption as regular employees
after satisfactory completion of training, if there is no break in service.
The number of completed years of service for calculation of leave entitlements after absorption shall be
from the date of the trainees' absorption in the regular service. However, in the case of departmental
candidates who have been in regular service of the Company before the training, the period of training
will also be counted for the purposes of computing the number of completed years of service for
determining leave entitlements.
Extraordinary Leave Without Pay
Upto 20 days on any one occasion.

Trainee Officers (Engineer/Executive Trainees) will be entitled to Casual Leave, Earned Leave and HalfPay Leave at par with the regular employees. Encashment of Earned leave is also admissible as per
normal rules. However, Commuted leave will be admissible only after satisfactory completion of
probation after training.

For the purpose of determining the leave entitlements the period of training as Trainee Officer will also
be taken into account.
During the period of training, the departmental trainees will be entitled to Casual Leave/Earned
leave/Half-Pay leave as admissible. The Earned Leave (both encashable and non-encashable) and Half
Pay leave at their credit at the time of their joining the training will be allowed to be carried forward on
their absorption to the regular posts.
Normally the departmental trainees should not be permitted to avail any kind of leave that stood to their
credit before joining the training as long spells of leave are likely to affect their training schedules
adversely. However, in cases of hardships due to sickness and when no other kind of leave is due, they
may be permitted to avail of leave out of the balance of leave standing to their credit before joining
training, subject to the condition that the request for leave is supported by a Medical Certificate issued
by the Company's Medical Officer and that leave is sanctioned by an authority not lower than the
General Manager.
Earned leave to the extent due and admissible may be granted to the employee at the discretion of the
sanctioning authority on the termination of service on reaching the age of superannuation, termination of
service on medical grounds certified by the Authorised Medical Attendant or on account of retrenchment
or abolition of posts before attaining the age of superannuation. Such leave may be granted even when
it has not been applied for. Where an employee is required to be given notice by the Company before
termination of employment and the employee is relieved before the expiry of notice, such notice or the
unexpired portion thereof shall run concurrently with the leave granted.
Terminal leave will not be admissible to an employee who has been dismissed or removed from the
services of the Company but it can be granted to a person who resigns his/her post for reasons of ill
health, or for reasons beyond his/her control.
The benefits of terminal leave may also be allowed to re-employed pensioners who are treated as new
entrants for purposes of earning leave.
Where an employee resigns his/her post on his/her own volition and he/she is required to give notice
under the terms and conditions of his/her appointment or deposit the pay and allowances for the
specified period in lieu thereof, the employee may be permitted, at the discretion of the Company, to

set-off the earned leave admissible to him/her on the date of leaving the service towards the notice
period to the extent possible.

An employee on earned leave shall be entitled to leave salary on full pay.
The employees will be entitled to be paid house rent during leave at the same rate at which they were
drawing these allowances before they preceded on leave. For this purpose leave means total leave of
all kinds not exceeding 120 days or the first 120 days of the leave period where the period of leave
exceeds 120 days, but does not include leave preparatory to retirement, refused leave or terminal leave,
whether running concurrently with the notice period or not. When holidays are combined with leave, the
entire period of holidays and leave should be taken as one spell of leave. The limit of 120 days excepting for female employees on Maternity Leave where the limit is 180 days - shall be extended to
eight months for the purpose of grant of these allowances in the case of employees suffering from
tuberculosis; Cancer or other ailments provided the leave is supported by a medical certificate. It is
immaterial whether the leave is on medical certificate from the very commencement or is in continuation
of other leave. The question whether HRA may be paid to an employee suffering from tuberculosis,
cancer or other ailments during leave on medical certificate beyond eight months will be decided on
merits by the Management.
Central Government servants who join the Company on the basis of their applications and are absorbed
in the service of the Company on their own volition are also entitled to the benefit of carry forward of
earned leave standing to their credit on the date of resignation from Government service as is
admissible to the deputationists on their permanent absorption in the Company in public interest. This is
subject to the condition that the concerned Government Department/PSU pays to the Company a
lumpsum equal to the leave salary for the period of earned leave allowed to be carried forward.
However, carry forward of Sick leave / Half pay leave is not admissible.
In the matter of carry forward of leave in the case of employees moving from one public enterprise to the
other with the consent of both the managements, the guidelines issued by the DPE from time to time will
be followed. This is subject to the condition that:
Leave rules of both the Organisations should contain a specific provision permitting transfer and
acceptance on transfer of the liability for the balance of earned leave and half-pay leave/sick leave
standing to the credit of the employee on the date of resignation, transfer and
The transferor Organisation arranges with the transferee organisation to pay to the latter a lumpsum
amount equal to the leave salary for the period of such leave transferred.
The amount of earned leave allowed to be carried forward under provisions of para 8.1 and 8.2 above
will not be taken into account for applying the ceiling limit of 300 days under the normal rules.


Employees who resign from the service of the Company to take up appointment through Public
Enterprises Selection Board with the consent of the Management in terms of the GOI, MoF OM No.
BPE/GL/012/MAN/2(29)/75/BPE/(GM) dated 8th March, 1976 as amended from time to time, may be
allowed encashment of leave instead of transferring the leave to the other organisation if the employee
concerned so desires.
The facility of encashment of full earned leave standing at the credit of the employee may be extended
to such of the Company employees also, who are initially sent on deputation to other Public Sector
Undertaking and are subsequently permitted to get themselves absorbed in those undertakings in public
Leave in such cases may be granted subject to the following :
Vigilance Clearance.
Completion of documents relating to outstanding advances / service bond.
It is clarified that the outstanding advances apply only to loans and advances drawn by the employee
from the company. Procedure as applicable in such cases is not to be applied for employees who have
drawn loan from Company authorised lending agencies/Banks and given Authority letter for deduction
and direct remittance of EMI to the lending agency with or without payment of interest subsidy.
(vide Corporate HR Circular No. 052/WLX/2006 dated 02-11-2006)
Consent of sureties (serving employee only) OR Bank guarantee for the bond amount. Bank Guarantee
must cover the period of One year after the approved date of return from abroad or the unexpired bond
period, whichever is less.
(Approved vide Corporate note AA:HR:G/24 dated 14-02-12)
The approving authority for grant of leave in such cases will be as follows : Category of Employees
Approving Authority
Upto E7 level
Head of Unit
In the case of Unit Heads in E7 grade (AGM), the sanctioning authority would be their controlling officers.
(Corporate circular No.041/PPX/2005 dated 28/09/2005)
Employees in E8 grade & above
* In case the employee on sanctioned leave is forced to reschedule the leave programme originally
approved by CMD due to unforeseen reasons like non availability of visa, cancellation of flights etc.,, the
Head of Division/Unit would be the competent authority to approve the change in leave programme for
the same or less duration, subject to leave being availed within 30days of the dates originally approved by
CMD. Revised leave in respect of Head of Division/Unit will be got approved by the respective controlling
Officers. Intimation of such leave sanctioned by the Unit Head/Controlling Officer will be sent to Corporate
Office for records
( vide Corporate Circular N0.54/TMX/2005 dated 30/11/2005)
In cases where an employee proceeds abroad on private visit, it will be the responsibility of the
employee to arrange for the insurance policy for medical treatment/accident for the period of their visit

abroad. The Company will not bear the liability of payment of premium or medical expenses for
treatment abroad in such cases.
In case any extension beyond the originally sanctioned period is necessitated, the same should be
informed by the individual to the Controlling Officer and approval in principle of the Competent Authority
be obtained well before the expiry of the original leave sanctioned. This should be strictly ensured
unless the extension sought is due to sudden, unforeseen circumstances.

The Management shall at all times endeavour to grant all reasonable requests for leave, provided such
requests are made in time as given hereunder. But no leave can be claimed as a matter of right and can
only be granted at the convenience of the Management. The sanctioning authority has the discretion to
refuse, revise curtails or revokes leave at any time according to the exigencies of service.
An employee who desires to proceed on leave shall apply to the sanctioning authority giving reasons for
leave and shall not avail of the same before it is actually sanctioned except in case of emergency or in
case of illness supported by medical certificate.
An employee who desires to extend the leave shall make an application to that effect to the sanctioning
authority in sufficient time to reach the latter before the expiry of the leave already granted.
Except in emergency, application for leave for three days or less shall be made atleast 24 hours
previous to the day from which leave is required.
Application for leave for more than three days shall be made atleast 7 days before the date from which
the leave is required, except in emergency.
Application for leave under clause 10.4 above shall be disposed of immediately. Applications for leave
under clause 10.5 shall be disposed of within four days.
A copy of the orders passed on the application shall be given to the employee and if the leave is refused
or postponed, the reasons shall be recorded in writing by the authority making the order.
An employee before proceeding on leave shall furnish in the application his/her address, during the
period of leave.
If the application for extension of leave is on grounds of illness of the employee, it shall be accompanied
by a medical certificate from a Registered Medical Practitioner, if the employee is not residing in
Company's township.

The sanctioning or higher authority who receives an application for extension of leave may, at his/her
discretion, grant the extension asked for, or grant it for a lesser period, or refuse the extension. In any
case, he/she shall immediately inform the employee whether the extension of leave has been
sanctioned and if so for what period or whether it has been refused. If the application for the extension
of leave is on grounds of illness and is not accompanied by a certificate from Medical Officer of the

Company, it shall be open to the Sanctioning or higher authority to refer to the Company's Head of
Medical Services for advice and subject to the latter's advice, he/she may grant the extension asked for,
or grant it for a lesser period and require the employee to produce a certificate from an Assistant Civil
Surgeon or an equivalent Medical Authority to cover any absence beyond such lesser period or refuse
to grant the extension of leave, if so advised by the CMO/Head of Medical Services/AMA of the
Where a sanctioned period of leave has been extended for any reason, any second or subsequent
request for further extension on grounds of illness shall be accompanied by a certificate from an
Assistant Civil Surgeon or an equivalent Medical Authority. On receipt of such request accompanied by
such certificate, it shall be open to the sanctioning or higher authority to refer it to the Company's
CMO/Head of Medical Services/AMA for advice and subject to the latter's advice he/she may grant the
extension asked for, or grant it for a lesser period and require the employee to appear before the
Company's CMO/Head of Medical Services/AMA/Medical Officer within such period as may be
prescribed, or refuse to grant the extension of leave if so advised by the CMO/Head of Medical
Services/AMA of the Company.
An employee who has been sanctioned leave or an extension of leave on medical grounds shall not
resume duty unless he/she produces a fitness certificate from the Company's Medical Officer or
Registered Medical Practitioner or Assistant Civil Surgeon or an equivalent medical authority, as may be
required by the leave sanctioning or higher authority. Certificate issued by Registered Medical
Practitioners in Ayurvedic /Homeopathy are also acceptable for grant of leave if the treatment is being
taken from such practitioners.
If an employee who remains absent from duty without leave or permission, or in excess of the period of
leave originally sanctioned or subsequently extended and where such period of absence exceeds fifteen
(15) consecutive days, he/she shall be presumed to have left the services of the Company of his/her
own accord without notice and his/her name may be struck off the rolls of the Company as a
consequence thereof. Provided further that if the concerned employee proves to the satisfaction of the
Management that his/her absence was on account of sickness or other valid reasons. The Management
may at their discretion, convert his/her absence into leave without pay or with pay as may be admissible
under the rules.
Except when the leave is taken on medical grounds duly supported by medical certificate of the
Company's authorised medical officer, the number of times that leave other than casual leave may be
taken by an employee during a calendar year shall not exceed three.
The maximum number of employees who may be granted leave at one and the same time in each
Section/Division/Department shall be fixed by the Management from time to time.
Under the existing rules, all cases of deputation/training/ seminars/business tours abroad are approved
by the CMD. Accordingly any request for grant of leave in continuation of such assignments abroad will
also be submitted to the CMD for sanction subject to exigencies of Company's work. Based on the
Government practice, the maximum leave that can be granted in such cases will be for a period not
exceeding 50% of the actual period of duty abroad (excluding transit time from India to the country of
visit and back and enforced halt) or a fortnight, whichever is less.
It is, therefore, necessary that the concerned Division, should while sending any proposal to the
Corporate Office for visits abroad, also make a mention of the leave asked for by the employee
concerned in continuation of the assignment abroad along with the reasons for the same and the
specific recommendation of the Head of the Division so that the case may be submitted to the CMD for
approval of the assignment and leave simultaneously.

Subject to the exigencies of work, all employees may be granted holidays with wages on three national
holidays viz, Republic day, Independence day and Gandhi Jayanthi and other festivals of general and
local importance. The total number of holidays, including the three days indicated above, to be observed
during each calendar year shall be decided and notified by the Management. Employees who cannot be
spared on these holidays shall be granted a compensatory holiday with wages on an alternative day or
given an additional day's wages in lieu whichever the employee may prefer. The compensatory holiday
shall be decided by the Management at its convenience but it shall not be later than thirty days from the
holiday in respect of which compensatory holiday is granted or within two months immediately following
that month in which the holiday was due to him/her.
25th Jun
25th Dec
25th Jun
25th Dec

25th Jun
25th Jun
25th Dec
25th Dec
25th Jun
25th Dec
* Encashable EL

** Non-Encashable EL

Entitlements and advance credit of EL to employees who joined BHEL on or after 28-6-1977 will be as
per Para 3.2.1 and Para 3.2.3 of Sub-Section E:1

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