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Chapter 10=Space exploration

Developments in Astronomy
=Astronomy is one of the oldest in sience.It involves the study of object in the Universe like planets,star and galaxies.
The Greeks were the first people to study astronomy.For example,they classified stars based on constellations.
Astronomers need instrument to help them observe object that are far away.In 1608, Hand Lippershey,a Dutch
optician,invented the telescope.This started a new era in astronomy.Galileo Galilei,an Italian astronomer was the first
man to observe object in space using a telescope.
Development in space exploration
=Major development in space exploration began after 1957.Since then,other development have helped scientists
discover more about space.For example,space telescope have been put into orbit by rocket.These telescope have
helped astronomer discover distant object in space that could not be seen before.Space probes,a type of
spacecraft,send valuable images and data back to earth.
In 1961,Yuri Gagarin,a Russian astronaut become the first humen to orbit the earth in a spacecraft.1969,the
American astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first humen to set foot on the moon.
In 1971,the first space station was launced by the Russians.Space stations are designed to stay in space for
along period of time.Since 1981,space shuttles have been used to carry astronaut.These astronaut have helped retrieve
and repair damaged satellities,as well as carry out research in space.
Satellites are used in areas such as communication,weather,monitoring, defence,navigation and environmental
a)Communication satellites allow us to have instant radio and telephone


b)Weather satellites monitar the worlds weather,enabling forecasters to predict weather hazards like typhoons
and flood more accurately.
c)Navigation satellites guide ships and aircraft.
d)Military satellites help nations improve their security and defence.
e)Global Positioning System(GPS), is very important for search and rescue.
f)Environmental satellites survey the worlds resources.
Remote sensing means studying conditions on earth from space.Data is captured by remote sensing satellites and image
are presented on a computer screen.There are two types of remote:a)Active remote sensing
=sends signals to earth
b)Passive remote sensing
=record the sun radiation
The Malaysian Centre for Remote Sensing(MACRES)is the body responsible for remote sensing projects in
Malaysia.MACRES compiles research data on remote sensing and other related technologies such as GPS.
Space research and technology have helped in the manufacture of certain pure and high quality materials.Some

The Space Shuttle was a partially reusable low Earth orbital spacecraft system operated by the U.S.
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA

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