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The Arts

Paige Wiers
I have chosen The Arts as my archeological dig topic because I find it to be
the most interesting when studying ancient civilizations. In the time period, it
is expected to find political, agricultural, and religious systems as a part of
daily living, but the arts tend to be a more subjective category that is present
for pleasure and entertainment. With the arts category being completely
based on pleasure and entertainment, there is much more variety among
cultures art which tells much more about a civilization than the other
categories. The arts define a civilization freely, individually, and by the
choice of the civilization, most times unaffected by nature or geography like
agriculture or war might.
Upper Zab River:

Cylinder Seal 2600-2350 BCE: This artifact is a clay tablet that was made
by using a cylinder seal. The sculptor would make an image on a cylindrical
object and then would roll it across clay to create a beautiful work of art. This
item was chosen for the exhibit for its uniqueness to the civilization it was
created in and for the image depict in the clay.

Relief of Servants 358-338 BCE: This artifact is a relief which is a term

used to describe an ancient molding carved to create an image. The relief in
this exhibit depicts a servant attending to what looks to be someone of
importance. This item was chosen for the exhibit as it shows the class
system of this particular time period and civilization.
Lower Zab River:

Vessel 2600-2350 BCE: This vessel depicts a young girl with a bowl on her
head, which, in this particular civilization tells us that she may have been
carrying a perfume, oil, or wine to a religious practice. This item was chosen
for the exhibit for its aesthetically pleasing symmetry and its depiction of art
mixed with this societies religion.
Diyala Plains Tell:

Chair Back 800 BCE: This beautiful chair back was made from ivory and
wood and contains a beautiful pattern of trees. This item was chosen for the
exhibit for its beautiful craftsmanship and to show us the types of furniture a
nobleman may have had in his home during this time period.

Banquet Scene 2600-2500 BCE: This beautiful piece of artwork is a clay

tablet that displays people at a banquet during this time period. This item
was chosen for its mixture of historical recordings and artwork both.

Relief of Soldiers 668-627 BCE: This artwork is a carving of historical

events during this time period, obviously done by a skilled craftsman. This
item was chosen for the exhibit for its combination of historical and artistic

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