Grief Encounter - FundraisingPacket-1

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School Fundraising Pack

Dear Fundraiser,
Thank you so much for your interest in supporting Grief Encounter. We are so grateful that you
have chosen us as your charity to raise money to support bereaved children.

In this pack you will find practical

information to help with your event,
alongside lots of hints and tips along
with an A - Z of fun fundraising ideas.
In the UK, 1 in 29 children under the age of 16 are
bereaved of a parent every 29 minutes and Grief
Encounter receives no government funding to
help run our vital charity. Every year, demand for
our services grow and we need to raise 800,000
in voluntary income to support families in need.
Any money you raise will make such a difference
and is greatly appreciated.

A Huge
Thank You!

Good Luck with your fundraising! Please don't

hesitate to get in touch for more information and
advice. Please do let us know your good news
and successes and what activities you are
Tweet us @griefencounter or post on our Facebook wall so we can
shout about your amazing efforts.
Thank you so much.

The Fundraising Team at Grief Encounter

About Grief Encounter

Established in 2003 by Dr Shelley Gilbert MBE, Grief Encounter is one of the UKs leading bereaved
child charities, providing free, pioneering services and support to bereaved children, young people and
their families.

1 in 29 children in the UK under the age of 16 will suffer the death of a parent.
Rebuilding a new life after the death of a loved one is hard for everyone, but especially for children
and young people. Once the shock and trauma of a life changing event such as bereavement has
been managed, finding a way to move forward must begin.
Children have an overwhelming sense of confusion, fear and anxiety, alongside their grief, which must
be cared for in order for them to continue into adulthood with a sense of confidence and long lasting

This is where Grief Encounter makes a difference.

We help families address a multitude of challenging issues following the death of a loved one,
alleviating the hurt and confusion caused, whilst promoting healing.
Our helpline currently supports over 3,000
people annually, and is staffed by trained
professionals to support bereaved children or
families with advice and guidance.
Grief Encounter offers a flexible and accessible
service, which aims to professionally care and
respond to bereaved children, young people
and their families via counselling, group
activities, family fun days, residential camps
and interactive online services.
We currently directly support over 400
bereaved children, young people and their
families every week with one-to-one
counselling, relying solely on donations, so we
can offer a way to identify and escape from the
encompassing feeling of grief. This does not
include the thousands of other bereaved
children and families who cannot access our
direct services, whom we support in other ways.

Our Value Statement


and kind


Listening, hearing
and empathic


Supportive and


and fun


Honest and


Working to best
interest of the

Fundraising is Fun!
Fundraising in your school for Grief Encounter plays a really important role
in helping bereaved children and families rebuild their shattered lives.
We want you to enjoy fundraising for Grief Encounter and have a great time whilst also making
a real difference to the future of thousands of bereaved children across the country.

Top Ideas for Fundraising

Organise a

Host a Quiz Night

Mufti Day

for the parents and donate

funds raised to Grief Encounter

at school

Organise a

Bake Off!

Host a

Have a



Catwalk Show

Choose Grief Encounter

as your school's

How about a

Charity of the Year

teachers vs pupils?

Charity Footy match

Don't forget to set up a fundraising page through JustGiving or VirginMoney, and send through
your pictures and news of your events to us at Grief Encounter!

Meet Talia
Talia was only 14 years old when her
Mummy died after a long, drawn out battle
with breast cancer.
Unfortunately, tragedy struck yet again later that same
year when her Grandpa died suddenly of a heart
condition. Talias Dad worked a full time job with very
long hours, so Talia as an only child was left very much
on her own to get on with it.
Grief Encounter has supported Talia for the last 2 years to
help her cope with her grief and help her adjust to her
new normal. She has attended 1-2-1 counselling sessions
and workshops. Since completing her 2 year bespoke
counseling programme, she has started volunteering on
our Grief Encounter Young Mentor Programme designed
to help other children who have experience the death of
someone special.

Talia Says
Grief Encounter was a lifesaver! I cannot imagine where I would have
been without their support and help through a very difficult time.
At first I didnt know how I would carry on. It gave me an opportunity to
meet other children and share experiences. I realized it was all right to
smile and have fun again, which as the time of Mums death, I thought
would be impossible.
I am so thankful to them for their support that I am now a Young
Mentor. I have volunteer at workshops and Grief Groups and feel that I
am a role model to show that with the right help you can come out the
other side.

The A-Z of Fundraising Ideas


Art Attack

Run an art competition for

pupils to create artwork
based around a fun theme.

Bake Off

Get creative with face paints at school fetes

and fairs.

Football Tournament
Schedule fixtures and charge
teams to enter.

Battle of the Bands

Hold an event and charge an entrance fee.
Attendees could donate to request songs.

Make your favourite cakes

and biscuits and hold a sale.

Car Wash


Get the sponges out and get the whole school

involved in washing parents and teachers
cars. Best as a summer term activity.

Warm up those vocal chords for a Glee style

sing off at school.

Ask pupils to bring in spare

change, lay the coins out
in a trail and see how far
around the school you can get.

Disney Day

Ice Cream Event

Host an ice cream event,
everyone loves ice cream!

Sell tickets to a dance off competition.

Organise on school grounds

or have a treasure hunt at
any time of year.

Put a bounce into your summer fete with a
bouncy castle, inflatable fly wall, boxing ring
or a gladiator court and hold competitions.


East Egg Hunt

Halloween Party
Another excuse to dress up
and party. Charge entrance
fees and raise money with
trick or treating.

A magical twist to mufti day.

Ask pupils to donate to
dress up as their favourite
Disney character.

Games Day
Let pupils bring in toys and
games to play with on the
last day of term and ask
for a donation in return.

Coin Trail

Face Painting

Jokes Day
Ask each pupil to bring in their favourite joke
and a 1 or 2 donation and hold a class or
assembly for joke telling.


Arrange your own X-Factor contest.

A sponsored reading event run in primary
and secondary schools across
the UK, encouraging children
to read for pleasure.

Mufti Day
Tried, tested, and loved by
pupils everywhere!
Ask pupils to pay a
set donation (1 or
2 each) to wear
their own clothes to school.

This works well run by teacher

for pupils, by older pupils for
younger classes, or even
pupils setting quizzes for a
parents evening.

Litter Picking
People will be very willing to
pay you if you clean up a local
park, beach or playground.
Help your local community
while raising money and
everyone's a winner!


Rugby Tournament
Charge teams to enter.

Sponge Throw
Ask pupils to donate in return for getting to
throw soapy sponges at teachers.

Nearly New Day


Bring all your unwanted

toys and clothes and
organise a sale.

A fun competition between teams or

individuals to spell words. Charge on entry or
get sponsorship.

Sponsored Silence

Olympic Themed Fun Day

Get excited about the
Olympics all over again and
hold your own version you
can split pupils into teams and
give them names of countries.

The best way to get pupils to

be quiet for charity!

Hold a talent show for pupils to showcase

their skills. You could make it TV show style
by nominating judges to pick the winners.

Onesie Day
Come to school wearing your favourite
onesie and charge 1 or 2.

Treasure Hunt
Put on a treasure hunt, split pupils into pairs
or teams and let the detective work begin.

Pyjama Day
Ideal for nurseries and
younger pupils but fun for
everyone, ask pupils to
come to school in their
favourite pyjamas with
a donation in hand.

Talent Show

Tennis Competition
Great during Wimbledon

Uniform Day for Teachers

With a twist!

Volleyball Tournament
Great exercise!

Get pupils to make and sell Xmas hampers.

Include food/drink, toys and gifts.

Video Competition
Make your own video whether it
is magic tricks, funniest joke or prank, singing.
Charge 1 for entry to the competition and
the best video nominated by the school wins!

Get pupils involved in
a fun keepfit class.

Yoyo Competition

Wellie Throwing Competition

Show off your skills!

Fun for all ages, the person who can throw

their welly the furthest is the winner.

World Cultures Day

Xmas Hampers

Hold a sponsored sleepover at school.

Get pupils to dress up for the

day, give each class a different
country to base their theme on.

A fun way to promote fitness.

Where Your Money Will Go




means a child
can attend a
drop-in session.

provides a child
with one-to-one

sponsors a family
to attend a
Fun Day.




provides a child
with 5 one-to-one

pays for 5 family


means a child
can be supported
for 6 months.

Sponsorship Form
Name: ________________________________________
School: ________________________________________
I am raising money for: __________________________
Full Name

Home Address

If you pay UK Tax and check the

gift aid box, the government will
give us 25% on top of your
donation at no extra cost to you.

Post Code


Stay Safe
Thank you for raising money for Grief
Encounter stay safe and have fun!



Please dont collect money in the

street or do house-to-house
collections without an adult present.

Ways to Pay
Bank Transfer
Please contact for the
details or call 020 8371 8455.

By Cheque

Make sure you have the owners

permission if your activity is on
private property and check whether
you need insurance.

Payable to Grief Encounter. Post cheques to

The Lodge, 17 East End Road, London N3 3QE
If you are paying on behalf of a school, please
include the school name too, as a reference.

If you are selling items, please pay in

all the money from the sales you


Please ensure you stick to the terms

and conditions of all social media

By Phone


Call our donation line on 020 8371 8455.

Thank You & Good Luck!

Thank you once again for choosing to support Grief Encounter.
If you would like any further information and support
please ask and we will be more than happy to help.
The Grief Encounter Fundraising Team

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