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EIT T129954 Employee Incident Tracking Access Database Setup Notes

APEX new code from eitTEST:

\\AllCity\ITCommon\EIT Employee Incident Tracking\Scripts\Test\f126_EIT_20150320.sql
APEX pre move Production backup:
\\AllCity\ITCommon\EIT Employee Incident Tracking\Scripts\Production\f126_EIT_20150320.sql

>>Note of changes to EIT APEX

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Copied to eitPROD (eprod1)
APEX EIT added:
--access from page 6
Page 6 Source of Injury
Select an Attachment
Add Attachement
Changed- Incident End Date title to Date Reported
Page 30 Add Attachment
Page 40 View\Maintain Attachment
--access from Admin Tab-Page 750 Source of Injury list (calls)
Page 751 Source of Injury Maintenance
APEX modifed reports added Source of Injury column Changed Incident End Date title to Date
Page 621 Incidets Manager Report
Page 611 Incidents Spreadsheet

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